PTE Academic (Pearson Test) Mastering Listening - Score79+: By: Sabrina Elai

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PTE Academic (Pearson Test)

Mastering Listening - Score79+

By: Sabrina Elai

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Examples

Sabrina Elai - PTE Listening

Transitive Verb Examples

 Verbs that must be followed by an object.

Transitive Verbs
Become Look Like See
Bring Make Show
Desire Need Sound
Feel Offer Suppose
Forget Pass Take
Get Pay Taste
Hear Read Tell
Imagine Recognize Think
Know Remember Understand
Lend Resemble Want

 Used in a sentence:

• Scientists are trying to bring back variety of species in Africa.

• These researches cost the company a lot of money.
• Do not buy non-standard practice tests.
• Tesla was offered a great consolidation deal.
• Banks lend consumers more and more money without seeming to
consider the negative effects on their lives.
• Think about a day when you find out you’ve passed the test. Sabrina Elai - PTE Listening

Intransitive Verb Examples

 Verbs that can be used without objects.

Intransitive Verbs
Agree Fall Respond
Appear Feel Result
Arrive Forget Rise
Be (Am, Is, Are Were, Was) Get See
Become Happen Seem
Believe Hear Sound
Belong Imagine Stand
Collapse Inquire Stay
Consist Know Suppose
Cost Last (Endure) Think
Depend Listen Understand
Disappear Look Vanish
Dwell Occur Wait
Emerge Remain Wake
Evolve Remember Respond

 Used in a sentence:

• The best educations shouldn’t cost more.

• Groups of gypsies still dwell in these caves.

• Job losses resulting from changes in production.

• The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.

* Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive. Sabrina Elai - PTE Listening

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