F.U. Kuqe (2021) - The U.S Capitol Insurrection

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The events of January 5 and 6 in the Fake States of America will

make history. Not the days themselves, no. In these days, not
much happened. But the political implications that these events
signal, will be the ones making history.
The revolutionary is proven by his ability to have a correct
stance during non-peaceful days. Not when everything is
peaceful and quiet. The Anti-Imperialist revolutionary should
base his stance according to what helps and what weakens the
Anti-Imperialist struggle. Any talk about a 'fascist mob', 'unity of
the working class' e.t.c are void words without any meaning.
Mentioning the word 'Fascist' or 'United front' or 'Proletariat'
without actually articulating what these imply for our struggle,
is the worst kind of opportunism, the worst kind of
reactionism, it is blurring the waters for the lesser
knowledgable proto-revolutionaries and semi-anomalies and the
stance they should have. We speak here about 'American'
communist phraseology whom we will go analyse later.
Nedless to say, we could not expect anything less.
In this small article we will try to give a revolutionary and
Marxist perspective to these events, how political forces reacted
and what these events will mean in the future.
The reader should note that we will not draw our conclusions
here on what is good for the American working class. We will draw
our conclusions here from the angle of the global fight, of the
global working class and the global anti-imperialist struggle, as
every committed anti-imperialist who's not an opportunist ,
and is instead coherent to his beliefs should do.


In January 5, the Trump clique released a statement telling to

their supporters to gather in US capitol to fight the 'election
fraud' and overturn the victory of the democrats. Trump here
actually plays his part, ordered by the US cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie in rule in a bit to pacify the white nation. After all,
better having a controlled opposition like the Trump clique
who has tendencies of doing independent acts, but after all
wants to salvage imperialism, to try to pacify and lead the
white nation, than having them form new or flock the
independent organizations out there.
In the morning of January 6, Trump gives a speach clearly
aimed at the white nationalists. We quote:

We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're
not going to have a country anymore.

It is clear what Trump is saying; if you allow the Democrats to

win, the process of the nationalization of the various nations
living in the United States will be completed. The white nation
will have its fate sealed and will be put on a slow but sure
Of course, Trump, since after all, he is a bourgeoisie, cannot say
so explicitly. If he says so, what will become evident is that he
is too, a sellout to the nation like all the bourgeoisie are. There
wont be a need for the majority of the white nationalists
figuring out themselves that the Grand Old Party is a sellout

party, Trump will tell them so in front of their face.
Since this simple truth is what precisely the American
bourgeoisie want to avoid having the white nation understand,
they use Trump as a last ditch effort to keep the white nation
subjected to their interest, even if it requires them to have
Trump speak a little for their nation and tell them to fight.
What is a small protest in front of the death of the United States
of America?

At this point, at the point Trump is making this speech, is not

clear what Trump will do. Will he abandon his class and become
the 'hero' of the white nation, or follow the plan set with his
fellow brothers and sisters from the bourgeoisie class of
Before everything, we must remember that Trump is not a
white nationalist. He is a liberal from Queens after all, who
completely understood than now that American imperialism is
slowly dying, and the pie shortens, someone must be put to
handle the white nation before the white nation starts flocking
its own organizations and starts wrecking havoc to America.

Later on, the mass of protesters, composed by Trumpists and

other white nationalist organizations, stormed and took over
the Capitol. About 4 people died in the fighting, and a dozen
more were injured. About 50 were arrested too.
The fact that the police did not shoot them en masse, is because
the police itself has white nationalists within it. This is the sole
reason that there was a lot of violence in the protests of BLM, it
was because the ruling class could not successfully lead and
control the whole of the police.
This is acknowledged by the bourgeoisie themselves in multiple
occasions. We quote parts from the United States 116th
Congress, 1st Session in 2019:
(a) Required training and resources.—The Secretary, the Attorney
General, and the Director shall review the anti-terrorism training
and resource programs of their respective agencies that are
provided to Federal, State, local, and Tribal law enforcement
agencies, including the State and Local Anti-Terrorism Program
that is funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the
Department of Justice, and ensure that such programs include
training and resources to assist State, local, and Tribal law
enforcement agencies in understanding, detecting, deterring, and
investigating acts of domestic terrorism and White supremacist
and neo-Nazi infiltration of law enforcement agencies. The
domestic-terrorism training shall focus on the most significant
domestic terrorism threats, as determined by the quantitative
analysis in the joint report required under section 4(b). [1]

And more bellow

Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the
Attorney General, the Director, the Secretary, and the Secretary of
Defense shall establish an interagency task force to combat White
supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of the uniformed services.

This is the sole reason there would be more violence if the BLM
tried to do the same thing.

A little previously we spoke about how Trump is, after all, a

Rich Liberal from Queens who is not a White nationalist but a
phrasemonger installed by the bourgeoisie as a last effort to
control the white nation.
This is shown in this same congress report:

Congress finds the following:

(1) White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists are the

most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States.

(2) On February 22, 2019, a Trump Administration United States
Department of Justice official wrote in a New York Times op-ed
that “white supremacy and far-right extremism are among the
greatest domestic-security threats facing the United States.
Regrettably, over the past 25 years, law enforcement, at both the
Federal and State levels, has been slow to respond. … Killings
committed by individuals and groups associated with far-right
extremist groups have risen significantly.”

They could not put up a professional political, since the white

nation had abandoned faith in them already and had started
organizing its own anti-government white nationalist
organizations, and thus they installed this Joker who is good
with words to lead the 'American patriots', a.k.a the stupid
whites. So, did Trump chose to be the new hero of the white
nation, or stay committed to his imperialist bourgeoisie

Well, as expected, it was the second. Trump went live on

television and told to the masses, 'be peaceful, be quiet and go

He admitted defeat.

The protesters went home indeed. And precisely why Trump

admitting defeat is the reason why America will be in a more
open form of insurgency (it is already from long ago) by the
White nation soon.
The first protester who died, Ashli Babbitt, the day before she
was killed, wrote on her twitter that Mike Pence was a traitor
for admitting defeat.
Most of the stupid whites who protested and rallied behind
Trump have this kind of mentality. What happens now that the

most explicit 'white nationalist' the GOP could put for election,
Trump, admitted defeat too?
The 'Traitor' mentality will be the main mentality of the white
nation for the next years, similar to how the the 'Jew banker'
mentality was for the Germans in the pre-war years.
The only difference is that this time their mentality is based on
truth and not on lies. The only correction could be put that
Trump and the Republicans arent traitors.
For one to be a traitor, he must have had allegiance to the cause
or the people he betrayed at some point. Trump and the Grand
Old Liars never had such an allegiance to begin with.
Non the less, the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie owned twitter saw
the situation as bad. 'What if Trump choses to abandon our
plan and set for the leader of the white nation?'
This is for sure what the ideas running in their heads looked
like. Thus, twitter suspended Trump's account for 12 hours
(later made permanent), enough for the cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie to access the situation and see if Trump is
completely loyal to them like Pence.
On the other hand, what the Democrats did is also verifying
what we were saying multiple times before about what the
biggest fear of the American ruling class is.
Biden spoke again about the 'American nation' and how a
'beacon of light' America is in response to the insurrection. The
circus show ended, the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie had a mutual
understanding with Trump, and Trump like every imperialist
bourgeoisie chosed his class.
January 7, and the US lawmakers certified Biden's win in the
congress. Trump, as the clown he is and was from the start,
admitted defeat and said that the inauguration will be done
normally in 13 days from now. He continued to say that the
'battle' is not over, and that he and his team will take it to the
next elections.
But what he is really saying is the following: White nation,
don't lose faith to the Grand Old Liars party, we will try in the
next four years to 'win'. In the meantime, if we stand lucky and
manage to get things in order internally and manage to make
our imperialism 'great again', we will surely deliver more part
of the pie to you so you forget the white nation and become
'unified Americans' again. After all, pigs dont raise their heads
as long as you feed them.

Time will show if the stupid whites will put their faith to GOL
(grand old liars) and to Trump once again.
The limit on how explicit 'white nationalist' a president could be
without killing the American project completely is already
passed, Trump represented this limit. There are no more ways
out for the imperialist bourgeoisie, and the farce on how the
insurrection was played out, from Trump saying 'fight' and the
protesters running amok without his orders, to later saying
'dont fight, go home', says all we need to know about how
bankrupt the imperialist bourgeoisie of US are. There are no
more ways to keep the white nation subjugated.
It is not Trump that made the White nation rise like the liberals
claim, no.
It is the opposite, the white nation rising made the cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie rely their hopes to someone like Trump. Trump
was a painkiller for the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie, to try to stop
the pain from the hemicrania which the white nation is.
One will ask, how and why the white nation rose up so
It is because of the falling American imperialism. The lesser
strong imperialism is, the less the imperialist plunder pie they
receive and thus, the less are able to buy off the population.
And this is what we witness right now.
What followed next was the second impeachment of Trump,
and a circus of 20,000 soldiers in Washington protecting the
skins of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie from the 'angry mobs'.
Thus, these were the events.


After the circus of the insurrection, how did the rest of the
cosmopolitan bourgeoisie react? How did the white (fake or
not) nationalist organizations reacted, and how did the
communists react?

For starters, Europe reacted with an 'i am ashamed' attitude.

They viewed this as a 'barbarous act of the masses', and they
criticized America for it. 'Return to your democratic ways' is
what the rest of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie governments are
telling to the Americans. This was, of course, expected from the
other members of the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie camp. Such
things make obvious how ludicrous bourgeoisie democracy
is(one could ask if the time perhaps is right for the west to
invade USA because it kills its protesters).
The anti-imperialist camp reacted with an ironic tone. The
Russians wrote that they smelled a 'maidan'. The Venezuelans
too, were ironic towards the insurrection. 'This is your
The white nationalists (fake or real) mostly kept up their
'American' nationalism high, and kept being reactionaries,
bought off lackeys of imperialism.
What can one expect from the American white nation, a labour
aristocratic nation?
Some 'white nationalist' parties who were backing trump
declared that GOP and Trump dont represent them anymore, a
notable example the American Freedom Party, which some
days before the insurrection published an article called 'The
Republican Party is a dead end'. In this article, they concluded

Truthfully, the Republican Party no longer serves our interest,

much less promotes our traditional values. It is time to stop
supporting them in the hopes that they will ever attempt to serve
the true American people. They will continue to make hollow
promises to the American working class each election cycle, only to
forget about us as soon as it is over, just as they have been doing all
along. This will not change once Trump leaves office, and White
Americans should start to view the GOP as another tool of the
enemies of our people. It is high time we start looking at other
options and stop giving these people our support.

Of course, this party wants to make 'America great again', and

their goal is to preserve the imperialist plunder pie instead of
giving a part to the other nations in America.
This party is no different, in essence, than the other social-
fascist parties, willingly or unwillingly it serves as the right-flank
of American imperialism.
Another group, the Three percenters which said that 'it will
fight to keep Trump in power' some months ago, now backs off
and completely aligns with American nationalism and
imperialism, even going to the ridiculous length of calling the
insurrection an ANTIFA plot!
In an article they published titled 'Electoral Certification in DC',
they even claim that they are 'fighting communism' as if the
Bidenists are communists!

We quote some excerpts from their article:

It has come to light that yesterday’s protest that turned into a riot
by storming the Capitol Building by a select few was led by agent
provocateurs from ANTIFA.


Regarding the results of the elector certification: the National

Council hears your concerns and understands your frustrations,
and they are also our own. It is quite clear now that Joe Biden will
almost certainly become the next President. Our last Hail Mary was
Mike Pence sending the electors back to the states and he did not
come through. However, this does not mean that we’re defeated
and we go home and give up. The time to act is now. The future of
our country needs us now more than ever. Our children and
grandchildren will grow up in the America that we cultivate for
them today. If we do nothing and accept defeat they will most
certainly grow up in a Communist country.

The three percenters are basically completelly reformists from

the right:

The fact is, our government is a two party system and our
Constitution’s structure leaves no room for a third party. Right now
we have an amazing opportunity to take control of the Republican
Party. Trump’s base was, and still is, the pulse of the Republican
Party, the future of the GOP. Our plan is to start on a local level
with grassroots and elect our own die-hard patriots to fill crucial
seats and work our way up. We challenge our members to run for
any office they are able to.

And their conclusion:

Now that the Democrats hold the House, Senate, and Presidency
they have complete control. However, the good news is that we do
have some right-leaning Democrats who have said they will not
pack the court, along with other Democrats who are gun
enthusiasts. They will quite literally be our saving grace over the
next two year as we strive to take back the House and Senate.

Well, their conclusion is that their better hope is the 'right wing'
of the Democratic party. Thus, they have now abandoned any
restraints and have become 100% another component of the
right-flank of imperialism, and in contrast to the American
Freedom Party, they are consciously and directly a component of
this flank.
This compete admission to the government the Three
percenters did, makes them a lot more dangerous for the Anti-
Imperialist struggle than the other separatist (complete
separatist or swinging) white nationalist (swinging or not)
movements who have worse lines and are obviously Fascistic
(or not) in the manner that want to destroy America and make
the new white nation-state an independent but imperialist nation
(For example the National Alliance, which is not even a real
white nationalist organization, they hold the race-nation line
similar to Hitler to an extend, just this time extended to the
whole of Europe. In their theory, the entirety of the races which
are caucasian are one nation. Of course, this is not real
nationalism at all), since they at least do pose an internal danger to
America and thus unwillingly help the anti-imperialist struggle
instead of crushing it.
The Three percenters is the equivalent of the Communist Party
of United States of America (CPUSA); what is the Three
percenters for the Right Flank of Imperialism, is the CPUSA for
the left flank of it.

So far, the only two big groups who hold a somewhat

theoretically correct line on the national question are the
southern Alliance, and the National Socialist Movement.
Only the second from this two is a party which has overall the
best lines out of all 'Far-Right' organizations, and it the only
organization which has a correct line on Imperialism, at least in
Of course, their anti-imperialist line contradicts itself with their
sympathy for Hitler and Mussolini, in both anti imperialism
and in the national question itself.
A serious study and a separate article will be made in the
future for this group, and we will limit ourselves in this article
to just mentioning that, so far, the National Socialist Movement
could be the biggest danger to America coming from the 'Right'
and if they really follow their line on imperialism in the future,
they have the potential of being one of the greatest allies
against imperialism in the planet.
The writer of this article understands that this is a controversial
statement. If time allows us, in the future, the writer of this
lines will write an article for them specifically in which the
argumentation will be sufficient.
The last thing to add for this organization without going too
deep, is that they don't seem to be Fascists, even if they claim to
In this world, there exists people who call themselves
communists, even if in reality they are anti-communists.
Such a group could be the same. Calling themselves fascists,
while having actually an anti-fascistic program.

This was what we had to write on the White Nationalist

organizations reaction to the insurrection for now.

Before we move to the 'Communists' we want to recite here

what Biden said on the subject.
Biden made two statements, one in January 7 and one in 8 of
which it is worth to quote. In the first statement, we quote:

No one can tell me that if it had been a group of Black Lives Matter
protesting yesterday, they would have been treated very, very
differently than a mob of thugs that stormed the Capitol. We all
know that’s true. And it is unacceptable.
Biden here makes an appeal to the black nation, that, as
acknowledged to the 116th Congress session about the white
nationalist infiltrators, this time they will try to purge them for
real from the Police. More Black policemen it seems! Freedom,
equality, and justice!
In the next statement, Biden makes the same fascistic remarks
about 'unity' that we spoke about on previous articles.

We quote from his interview with the CNN in January 8th:

Journalist: You have been called for Unity and healing in this
country. After the events of Wednesday, does that make your job
easier or harder.

To which Biden responds and gives off for a hundredth time

what the American Cosmopolitan bourgeoisie worry about in
reality. It is good for us who seriously study imperialism, and
thus, the figure-heads of it, that this senile old fool which is
Biden is honest enough to tell everything we would speculate
in front of our faces, making "our job" easier.

Biden: I think it makes my job easier quite frankly. I had a number

of my Republican colleagues, (former colleagues, i used to serve in
the senate for long time) call me, and many of them are outraged
and disappointed and embarrassed and mortified, by the
president's conduct as i am and the Democrats are, and i have said
from the beginning and i havent changed my view. My
overarching objective is to unify this country. We must unify the
country. And i think that, you heard me said this before, and i
apologize repeating myself. (But understandably, the questions are
repetitive and good. I am not critical of questions) And that is that
there are two ways that people are inspired. By great strong
leaders, and by terrible leaders. By terrible leaders. What this
president has done is reap the band aid all the way off. Let the

country know who he is, and what is he about. And how outfit of
office he is, and you see already a number of Republicans... i was so
proud, i know we are on opposite sites, and i will be criticized from
some of the people in my party for saying this, but i worked very
hard with and against, the former soon to be former majority leader
which is McConnell. I thought that what he said on the floor in the
United States senate, was in fact the right thing to do. He stood up,
he is ashamed. I spoke with a guy that i have enormous respect for.
Enormous respect for. And i run against him. Mitt Rumney. I spoke
to Mitt this morning again, this is a man of enormous integrity.
Enormous integrity, who lives his faith. There are so many more,
but there are others, who should be ashamed of themselves.
But they make up a minority of the republican party. This is not
about republicans and democrats anymore. This is about people
who understand what this country is about, and things we have to
agree and move together on. I just think that if you look at it,
speaking at some of my Republican colleagues, and i have spoken
to a number since last month since i have been elected, and i take
they understand that we need a republican party, we need an
opposition which is principled and strong. I think we will gonna
see them go through this idea, on what constitutes the republican

One needs to notice how the truth slips from Biden's mouth.
'We need unity'. By this, he means national unity, since in US,
class unity has already been achieved since long ago.
Trump is a shame because he was not a professional imperialist
like the rest of the presidents. Trump is a shame because he
played with fire and gave hopes for the white nation in a bid to
prevent a civil war.
The GOP should become again this reliable opposition that the
American society needs.
What Biden wants to say is that the US cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie needs a reliable "Party" (GOP is not real party) dog
whistling to the white nation and try to keep them from
splitting US in pieces. They need a party to keep dragging the

white nation to its complete Americanization like the Democrats
do with the rest of the nations. They need a reliable party to be
the mass component of the Right flank of Imperialism.

What constitutes the Republican party? The Republican party is

in essence, a fifth column. It is an organization created to
infiltrate the white nation, and try to prevent them from having
real nationalistic urges taking control of their thoughts.
'It is not about Democrats and Republicans anymore, it is about
A multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-everything America
stumbling in the throats of the imperialized nations and
bringing home the spoils.
This is what Biden meant in this otherwise easily
understandable speech.

We spoke about the 'far-right', we spoke about the 'white

nationalists', we spoke about the mainstream 'parties', and now
we need to move to the 'Communists'. We will analyze three
organizations we consider worthy of analyzing in this short
work. The Communist Party of USA (CPUSA), Party of
Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and Party of Communists USA

First, we will start with the obviously social-fascistic CPUSA. The

reaction of this party is not something we did not anticipate,
after all this party became a component of the left flank of
imperialism long ago. Its reputation for backing every time the
Democratic party has reached the far away corners of the poor
Balkan peninsula where the writer of this article resides.

We wont mention the cancer that are the previous CPUSA

publications in previous elections. We warn the principled anti-
imperialist reader (the reader we want to read this article and
our publications, we arent writing for the liberals or the social
fascists or the labour aristocratic minded, we write for the anti-
imperialist fighters) that if they arent acquainted with the
previous publications of this party, they may need burning
their eyes after reading. Non the less, we wont quote here their
previous stances. We let this to the ones with morbid curiosity.
But, since we need to quote something, we will quote their two
latest articles.
The first one was published in January six, a some hours before
the insurrection. The article is titled 'In Georgia, a big win for
the people'. One would guess that perhaps a communist got
voted for them to call it a great win for the people, but no, it
was the usual social-fascist Democrat that got elected. A
comprador, traitor to the Black Nation, Raphael Warnock.
We will quote some parts of the article and comment as we go:

Wow! The people’s electoral uprising that defeated Donald Trump

in November achieved another huge victory in yesterday’s runoff
election in Georgia. In fact, led by the massive turnout of the
African American people, it surpassed the November vote in both
momentum and in raw numbers. It’s historic, a turning point, a
sign of progress. It’s all these things, but more — the vote marks a
final nail in the coffin of Trump’s fascist-like attempt to overturn
the November election. The balance of power has shifted in favor of
democratic forces.

First, this should be a huge warning for the miniscule percentage

of honest Maoists and the other 'R-R-R-Radicals' who have the
'Mass line' as a principle in imperialist nations.
The Mass line in imperialist nations means always social-fascism.
The majority labour aristocratic population, which literally lives
from imperialism, will simple demand more of it. Mass line in
these nations means working for the interests of the parasites and

the fascists of every color, Social fascists, regular conservative
fascists, and in general working for the interests of imperialism.
Second, two things become evident in this small passage.
According to the CPUSA, the Black nation sold out even more for
the American Nation. Per CPUSA, Democrats winning is a huge
victory for the people.
In a way, they are 100% right. It is a great victory for the
American nation and its people to be. And the more unified the
imperialist nations are, the better their people's lives will be.
And, since imperialism is a zero sum game, the better the lives of
the parasites in imperialist nations, the worse the lives of the
actually exploited proletariat of the imperialized nations.
Thus, CPUSA makes evident two things.
That they are American Nationalists, and that they are fully sided
with the imperialists. They make evident that they are social-
fascists, a component of the left flank of imperialism.
They also make evident another view of theirs (which is a view
held by PSL and PCUSA too), about Trump being 'Fascist' and
that Trump losing power is a win for 'democratic forces'. But
speak about it a little later in more detail. Lets move on:

The election represents what working-class masses in motion from

various backgrounds can accomplish when they unite around a
goal and agenda. It’s an object lesson in grassroots movement
politics. Think about it! Georgia just elected its first African
American senator, the Rev. Raphael Warnock. Given that the
population is 30.5% African American, it’s sad to say that as late as
2021, this is a first. But here we are. And there’s more: Jon Ossoff is
the first Jewish senator elected in Georgia and in the entire Deep

The CPUSA keeps telling us how much American nationalist

imperialist social-fascists they are. Indeed, 'de werkers' of
America see their interest in imperialism, and see Trumpism as a

potential danger towards the efficiency of this imperialism.
Down with Trump, long live the experienced imperialists, long
live the Democrats!
They also tell us how Zionist they are. I bet that the leaders of
the CPUSA hold the Jewish identity too! I bet they consider the
Jews a nation.
The CPUSA openly supports Jon Ossoff, an outspoken Zionist
who onenly supports the Zionist project.
The CPUSA speaks about an Agenta too! What is this Agenda
of theirs?

So what’s the significance for a progressive agenda: racial justice,

good-paying jobs and the ability to organize unions, mitigate
climate change, redirect Pentagon spending for peaceful purposes,
universal health care, free college tuition, and more?

What they speak about is no Communism. They speak about

And reforms without communism in an imperialist country, always
means fourther imperialism and fourther oprresion for the
imperialized of the world.
It means welfare in the backs of the imperialized.
This is the Agenta of the Social-fascists of CPUSA, the left flank
of imperialism. Their agenta is Americanization on the Basis of
Imperialism and Fascism!
The biggest threat in the eyes of CPUSA?

Most important will be continuing to fight the right-wing danger

and keeping the pressure on with respect to issues.

Let’s not forget that, although Trump is leaving the White House
(hopefully, on his way to a prison), Trumpism will be around for
some time. Trump led a well-financed, well-organized, and well-

armed mass movement. The fascist danger has been set back, but
it’s not over. Not by a long shot.

Per CPUSA, fascism is not in power in US. Per CPUSA, fascism

is a 'threat' to be opposed, fund not in the Democratic party too,
but only on the GOP.
Lets move on to their official statement on the US Capitol
insurrection, titled 'Remove Trump Now!'

Now is the time to reach out to those Trump voters who are having
second thoughts, who may be asking themselves, “Do we really
want to be associated with this lynch mob activity?” We need to
expose the fascist-tinged networks, which include not only Q-
Anon, the Proud Boys, and the alt-right “warriors” in the dark
reaches of the web, but also those in corporate boardrooms, police
departments, public office holders, and the National Committee of
the Republican Party. These too need to be isolated, undone, and
exposed for all the world to see.

The CPUSA makes it evident that its mission is to play political

police on the part of the imperialists. 'If GOP cannot pacify the
white nation, we communists can!' But lets move to PSL, which
since February of 2020 (if not before) had showed tendencies of
being a component of the Left flank, willingly or unwillingly
when they essentially threw support behind the Social-fascist
Bernie Sanders. In this article we wont speak about their
writings on the subject back then, we will speak about their
writings on the Capitol insurrection. PSL wrote many articles
on the topic, one worst than the other!
We will quote from their first statement on the issue, titled
'Trump incites fascist insurrection against Congress — what
comes next?'.
Before we start quoting, a view held by PSL becomes evident
( a view held by CPUSA too as explained), and this view is that
PSL does not see fascism already in government in US, they
dont see fascism represented by the Democratic Party, they see
fascism in the face of Trump's 'extra-parliamentary' supporters,
not in the US government itself (if the US government is fascist
there is no threat for a fascist insurrection). Before, US was not
ruled by fascists, the current government is not fascist, the new
Bidenist government is not fascist.
This follows solely by the title of their statement, we havent
even quoted anything of their writings. But, since we will
quote, what becomes evident is that PSL did not just put a
quick title using the word fascist to stand out and draw
attention and we misunderstood them, no, they hold this view
for real.

Quoting from their article:

Today, a fascist mob — called to action by Donald Trump and

acting in obvious collusion with elements of the Capitol Police, the
Department of Defense, and possibly other armed forces —
stormed the U.S. Capitol building and dispersed Congress.

Per PSL, the 'mob' was a fascistic one. But the 'fascist mob'
committed an insurrection against what exactly? Not a 'fascist'
state and government per the logic of PSL.

If an action remotely like the pro-Trump mob’s dispersal of

Congress had been attempted by anti-racist protesters this summer,
for instance, they would have undoubtedly been met with deadly
and overwhelming force.

Before we move to their conclusion for this article, we just want

to mention that this is almost identical with Biden's statement
we quoted from above.
Their conclusion for this article? How the 'Fascist menace'
should be combated?

The menace of the far right can only be decisively defeated by a
militant, united front of the multinational working class.

PSL does not consider the possibility of fighting to break

America in pieces. For them, the only solution is uniting the
various nations and fight against some vauge non defined
'fascism' on behalf of the non-fascist government and state.
We will add more on the last chapter on this, so we ask the
reader to remember the highlights.

Before we move to the PCUSA, we will quote from the latest

article of PSL on the issue, published in January 13 and titled
'The paralysis ends: Trump, fascism and the capitalist state'.

We quote:

In the period before Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933,

Germany was considered the most progressive country in Europe.
It had a huge socialist party, communist party and trade union
movement, as well as the most advanced women’s rights
movement for its time and the first pioneering movement in history
for what decades later became a global gay rights struggle. Yet,
Germany succumbed to Nazism and all those movements were
destroyed. Fascism must be actively fought by a united front of
those forces in society who will be destroyed if it is victorious.
The origins of fascism are capitalism and the final dissolution of
fascism lies in the victory of socialism.

As explained before, it now becomes pretty obvious how PSL

sees the situation: The US state and the mainstream parties are
not fascistic, and are in fact progressive. The goal of the
communists is working with these 'progressive' elements to
salvage LGTB rights (PSL mentions social-fascist Weimar
Republic, one should guess why they dont speak about USSR

as the most progressive country in the world. Perhaps it relates
to their view, held by most 'communists' in imperialist
countries in general, that LGTB rights equals progress) and
whatever else they consider progressive or what not.

As per the origins of Fascism, they don't mention imperialism at

all, but they mention capitalism is general. This alone should
put conscious anti-imperialist revolutionaries on alert. Fascism
has nothing to do with capitalism per se, fascism is not an
ideology of capitalism in general, it is a specific non-coherent
set of ideas and multiple specific 'ideologies' of the imperialist
era of capitalism, and which 'ideologies' and dogmas are not
united in nothing between them besides the view that they
should become (if they are in the periphery or in the weak
imperialist countries) imperialists, that they should unite the
country (one nation or multiple nations 'made' into one), its
classes, its nations, on the basis of imperialism, and the way to
salvage this alliance is making the workers a labour aristocracy
after the spoils are taken, or in case of already existing
imperialist (and thus fascist by default) nations, keep this
position as it is, or fourther elevate it to higher levels.
For the imperialist countries (such as America), there is no need
for this turn (as CPUSA, PSL and as we will see a little down
bellow, PCUSA too) towards 'fascism' to happen, since these
countries are fascistic by default. The changes on the field of
fascism here are not essential, but phenomenal, with the core of
fascism being there as long as the country is imperialist.

Fascism cannot be separated from imperialism.

And this wrong view of fascism held by PSL and CPUSA (and
PCUSA as we will see later) is echoed multiple times in this
same article openly.
Fascist politics has always required a charismatic leader. While
Trump is not exactly an ideological fascist, he has been engaged in
a mutually beneficial relationship of convenience with far-right and
fascist forces since he launched his political career.

Someone must tell PSL that fascism is not a coherent ideology. It

is a set of 'ideas' and practices of imperialists, as we discussed
above. The implications of their view mean that that since they
don't consider Trump fascist, they obviously don't consider
Biden or the Democratic Party fascistic too.
We will speak about this later in the conclusion, for now lets
quote one first and last article from PCUSA titled 'The January
6th events in Washington DC'. We quote:

On January 6th, 2021, the day that congress was set to ratify the
results of the 2020 election, a far-right mob descended upon the
Capitol, with the explicit goal to conduct a coup in support of
Donald Trump. This mob, consisting of supporters of failed
movements, such as the Confederacy, South Vietnam, and other
anti-communist reactionaries, came together to support this un-
democratic, fascistic goal to install a reactionary dictactorship.

PCUSA stays in line with the views of PSL and CPUSA. The US
government and state has not been fascistic all along, it was
this fascist mob trying to make this country fascistic and
overthrow the democracy.

Why this happened according to PCUSA?

What has transpired is a result if capitalist decay; our economic and

political system has failed to adequately address the global
pandemic that has accelerated our economic declice. The ruling
class has run ot of ways to continiue to extract profit from working
people, with neoliberal reforms resulting in a decades long decline
in the working class' quality of life and ever-rising unemployment.
The falling of imperialism is not mentioned as the real reason.
Instead vagueness about 'extraction' of profit, neoliberal
reforms e.t.c.
The phenomenon of labour aristocracy is not mentioned,
imperialism is not mentioned as the real reason of the quality of
life dropping in US now that US imperialism is fading.

As we have shown, the three largest 'communist parties' of

America, PSL, CPUSA, PCUSA hold basically the same
opinion, not only in regards to the insurrection, but on fascism
and thus on imperialism in general.

From all these, our observations on the white nationalists, on

the communist parties e.t.c, what logical conclusions should we


This chapter will be split in two parts. First, the implications of

the US insurrection in regards to the white nation, and then the
implications of the line of CPUSA/PSL/PCUSA on the question
and thus on imperialism and fascism in general.

Starting with the implications in regards to the white nation,

we already mentioned about how the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie
will try to take more actions to purge the military and the
police from the white nationalist or white supremacist
infiltrators, something which was put in plan by the Trump
administration itself.
We already mentioned the 'treason' mentality that will be
developed from now on, about the fact that the cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie pushed a limit with Trump, and that they can't put
a more explicit 'white nationalist' leader to pacify the white

We wish to expand a little more on these, to properly explain

the implications in a deeper sense.

Since the day of the insurrection, there are two paths opened for
the white masses.
The first path is the one of integration.
The white nation will see its national death, and will fully
integrate in the new 'American' nation.
The second path is that of nationalism and seperatism.
Real nationalism and not the false ones of the 'alt-right'. The
people who see that US is not a nation, should understand that
America is fundamentally a capitalist and imperialist project, and
thus an anti-nationalist one.
The path towards integration can take two forms.
The first is the internally peaceful way. The way of furthering
imperialism, of making America 'Great again', or as Biden says,
to 'Unite the nation and lead by the power of our example', to
bring back the spoils of imperialism in the previous levels or
bigger, so the white nation goes along with integration out of
material interest. After all, the pigs dont rise their head as long
as you feed them.

The second form of integration is the way of civil war, and this
will happen in case that the Cosmopolitan bourgeoisie who rule
the United States, and in general the nations in the US, will not
be able to solidify or further imperialism from now, and this
insurgency will be either on hot or cool levels (One could say
that it is already in a very moderate level active) depending on
the situation. The white nationalists (and the vaguely
nationalist-minded), and hopefully the black and Chicano or
varius natives will take up arms seriously, and there will be a
long insurgency. The white nation (and the other nations in
case they take part in the war too) will be divided in the people
taking up arms and their supporters, and the people who will
go along with integration (as they already do) for whatever
reasons. The white nation will be integrated, but this process
will be violent, costing many lives and making the cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie lose much power in the international scene further,
as it would destabilize the country. Thus, in the first path the
American nationalization is completed, but the two forms it
may take will create two different global scenes. The first form
presupposes that the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie will be successful
on its counter-offensive against the anti imperialist forces.
The second form of this integration presupposes that at least
the cosmopolitan bourgeoisie, if not further losing, they will be
in a similar position as of today.
Integration in general should be opposed by the anti-imperialists
and communists, as the integration - the creation of the
American nation - will be based on fascism-imperialism. If the
integration is going to happen anyway, the second form is at
least better for the world. The Cosmopolitan bourgeoisie will
be seriously undermined, while in the first form, they will be
very strong and will push our struggle further backwards.

This in regards to Integration.

Now in regards to the second path, this path too, will take two
forms. In the first form, American imperialism and the US
cosmopolitan bourgeoisie will be in constant retreat, and since
Imperialism will keep falling, the labour aristocracy will keep
falling too. The 'proletarization' of America will create
conditions ripe for communism. The nationalist minded may
see a form of communism as optimal to rid themselves from
imperialism all together and chose a separate form of society
than capitalism, socialism. In this case, US will die, and
imperialism will probably die too forever.
For there to be a communist movement, American imperialism
must keep falling, bringing the white labour aristocratic nation
to free fall too. Only then the white nation (and the other
nations, Black for example) may see communism seriously. Till
then, any talk about a 'united front' as the PSL or CPUSA speak
of, is air talk and is consciously or unconsciously working for
The second form is that of a fascist, white nationalist
organization. In this regard no different than the US state of
today, but progressive in its demand to kill the American project
by proclaiming that the white nation will kill America and
build its own nation-state with the aim of becoming
imperialists on their own right. But this wont work for them as
they want, since the anti-imperialist forces wont let such a
chance go to waste. Even if they dont touch the country, the aim
of the white nationalists will be different than the outcome. They
may aim for fascism-imperialism, but the outcome will be to
kill US imperialism forever, and then becoming at best case, a
peripheral nation like Italy or Spain, or an imperialized nation
like Russia! This will be the end of imperialism, or it will signal
its end, and the seed will be fully planted for the population
living there towards communism. Imperialism will be out of
the options practically, and the only solution to this destruction
will be a proletarian revolution.
Thus, the second path is the correct stance of the anti-
imperialist revolutionaries. The first form is optimal, but the
second will do the work just fine too!

We spoke about the future of the United States. Now to expand

a little more on the direct implications we mentioned already in
the first chapter.
The cosmopolitan bourgeoisie in the helm of the state simple
can't offer anyone more 'nationalist' than Trump. Trump was
their last healing potion. As we spoke, the 'Treason mentality'
will be expected to only grow, especially if the cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie dont secure a bigger part of the imperialist plunder
pie quickly.
Most of the people who voted for Trump aren't real white
nationalists. Most are American nationalists, with the only
difference being that they want to not share part of the spoils
with the blacks and keep it to themselves.
But now, now that imperialism is falling, and thus nationalism
and radical politics become more and more mainstream, there
will be nowhere for the American nationalists who currently
swing to white nationalism to go. The GOP had betrayed them
since long ago in their eyes, and it seems that Trump was
nothing different either, just another phrasemonger like the rest
of the establishment politicians.
The only solutions for this white nationalist, given that the
Communists have essentially joined the project of integration, are
the non-explicitly communist white nationalist organizations,
real fascist or fake fascists (for example NSM), or join the anti-
government militant groups.
In short, this person will need to join radical organizations who
are against the government. Organizations with weapons.
This path will be followed by millions of Americans in the
years to come, and it may be followed even if the US
bourgeoisie manage to succeed in their peaceful integration, the
white nationalists may be a general nuisance (like IRA is today
in Ulster) for years to come.
The principled communist and anti-imperialist should start
telling the white (and black, and other nations) the truth about
Imperialism, the labour aristocracy, and about what is a nation
and how this relates to capitalism. The principled communist
should aim to break Imperialism - of which imperialism, the
United States is an integral piece - by any means possible, even if
the people who break it are not 'communists' but self
proclaimed 'fascists'.

It is obvious that the American 'Communists' are more

American than they are communists.

But this is materialism and Marxism for us! Could it be

otherwise in imperialist nations?

Since we mentioned the Communists, lets speak a little about

how CPUSA/PSL/PCUSA view fascism.
Their view means that, as we explained, fascism has nothing to
do with imperialism, and thus the Democratic or the
Republican parties aren't fascistic.
This erroneous view plays right at the game se up by the
fascists. These parties with this line, essentially support a more
'moderate' fascism against the others, willingly or unwillingly.
Because this is the logical conclusion of their writings.
If would be otherwise to state that the government is fascist,
the Democrats are fascists, and the insurrectionists were
fascists too. It would be true, and even if they did not support
the idea of the death of US, it would at least be a correct
position theoretically.
But no, these parties have ridiculed and made useless the word
'fascism' by distinguishing it from imperialism. By doing this,
they make fascism (and thus imperialism and its implications)
a useless word, and thus they become the left flank of
imperialism immediately. The first aim of the communists in
imperialist nations should be to desire the death of their
countries' imperialism. Do to that, one needs to correctly
understand what he is fighting against.
Fascism is the primal enemy, especially the fascism which seeks to

The 'white nationalist fascists' who seek to 'divide', may be

fascists ideologically (if they are pro-imperialist for their future
white state) but should be viewed as a useful tool by us.
If they want to burn the house let them burn it, in fact light
their molotov, or at least oppose them and oppose every fascist
the same, social-fascists included. Taking a petty bourgeoisie
idealist position of fascism (where fascism is defined on
ideological terms and not on practical, for example being an
Imperialist state and government and pro-imperialist political
parties and population) is what makes one the tool of the 'less'
radical fascism.

Thus, are the 'Communist' parties allies or even worth working
The CPUSA are obviously complete, conscious sellouts to
imperialism and fascism.

The CPUSA is not worth our solidarity, they are our enemy.

The PSL and PCUSA swing between joining completely the left
flank of imperialism as a controlled opposition which basically
serves at the end of the day, Democratic party politics, and
between staying out of the flank but in its borders.
There is thus, still room to work with PSL and PCUSA, but the

room is already limited, and if they dont change their lines
soon, one can be sure that they will become the next PCUSA or
keep being one day out of the left flank and one day or in its
To be clear, they arent allies to the anti-imperialist movement, at
least they arent complete and direct allies.
What we want to say is that there is a possibility (a small one
but still) than can be used to pass a more radical line before
they completely sell out themselves consciously.
Right now, they are sold out, but unconsciously, they are sold
out by the default set to them by imperialism and the parasitic
status, they simple havent broken with this default typical in
imperialist nations yet.
It does not seem that PSL and PCUSA are fully conscious about
their parasitism and the labour aristocratic status of their
'working class', (some members may be) and thus perhaps
there will be a change which will bring them in a more anti-
imperialist, and thus real revolutionary stance. Time will tell,
but right now, they side against anti-imperialism theoretically
whatever they may write about USSR, Stalin or anti-imperialism.
It is easy speaking about other countries and stories from 100
years ago, but what about today and contemporary events?

If you cant do it in practice -breaking US in pieces-, at least

propagandise it.

On the other hand, are the white nationalists (and the various
nationalist forces in US, Black, white, Chicano or native
american), fascistic in ideology or not, useful?
Yes, they are, as long as their fight helps undermine imperialism,
they are objectively a progressive force. They can believe
whatever they want about the 'future'. What matters is that if
they are willing to raise their weapons against the US fascists in
government who stumble in the throats of the imperialized in
everyday basis with their 'American' multi-national army, and
thus it becomes a fight of one fascist against the other, then yes,
let them kill one another and weaken imperialism internally to
whatever degree is possible.
The fight against capitalism starts first with the fight against
imperialism, and the main representative of imperialism in the
world - and the strongest force within the Cosmopolitan
bourgeoisie camp - are the United States of America.
The USA dying as an entity, would be a gift for the anti-
imperialist movement and the imperialized in general.

Thus, let it die by any means possible.

Francesko U. Kuqe 16/1/2021


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