MSD Merged

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1) An inclined belt conveyor is used for loading goods.

If speed of the belt

having 1500 mm width is 3 m/s then what is the volumetric capacity of the
(For 21o, k= 2.35 x 10–4)

a. 1.19 x 10-3 m3/s

b. 1.75 x 10-3 m3/s
c. 1.5 x 10-3 m3/s
d. 2.5 x 10-3 m3/s

2) What is the mass capacity of flat belt conveyor if volumetric capacity 0.55
m3/hr? (ρ = 1500 kg/m3)

a. 825 tons/hr
b. 825 kg/hr
c. 2.727 tons/hr
d. 2722 kg/hr

3) Which of the following is not a hoisting equipment with lifting gear?

a. Cage elevators
b. Jib cranes
c. Pulleys
d. Troughed belts

4) Which belt conveyor prevents sliding down of material at an inclination of

55o with horizontal?

a. Flat belt conveyor

b. Troughed belt conveyor
c. Blanket belt conveyor
d. Woven wire belt conveyors

5) Which of the following statements is false for troughed belt conveyors?

1. Troughed belt conveyors use flexible belts

2. They contain five idlers
3. Depth of trough decreases with increasing number of idlers
4. Flexibility of belt increases as depth of trough decreases

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. None of the above
6) Which of the following belt conveyors have low volume carrying capacity?

a. Flat belts
b. Troughed belts
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

7) Which discharge method provides only intermediate discharge for low

speed flat belt conveyor?

a. Plow discharge
b. Tripper discharge
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

8) Mass capacity of a conveyor is 200 ton/hr, if speed of the belt is 4 m/s then
what is the width of horizontal flat belt conveyor carrying the load? (Surcharge
factor = 0.075 & ρ = 1000 kg/m3)

a. 499.23 mm
b. 500.0 mm
c. 533.7 mm
d. Insufficient data

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

1. Material handling consists of movement of material from
a. one machine to another
b. one shop to another shop
c. stores to shop
d. all of the above
2. Economy in material handling can be achieved by
a. employing gravity feed movements
b. minimizing distance of travel
c. by carrying material to destination without using manual labour
d. all of the above
3. Principle of ‘Unit load’ states that
a. materials should be moved in lots
b. one unit should be moved at a time
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
4. Fork lift truck is used for
a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
5. Wheel barrows is used for
a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
6. Cranes are used for
a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
7. Match the following

Device Purpose

A. Overhead 1. horizontal
crane transportation

B. Pumps 2. lifting and lowering

3. lifting and
C. chutes

The correct order is

a. A-2, B-1, C-3
b. A-1, B-2, C-3
c. A-3, B-2, C-1
d. A-2, B-3, C-1
8. Overbridge crane has
a. transverse movement
b. longitudinal movement
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of the above
9. The following is used to transport materials having flat bottoms
a. Belt conveyor
b. Roller conveyor
c. Chain conveyor
d. None of the above
10. The following is supported from the ceilings
a. Roller conveyor
b. Belt conveyor
c. Chain conveyor
d. All of the above
11. Special purpose material handling equipments are used in
a. Process layout
b. Line layout
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of the above
12. Which of the following is a property of bulk load?

a. Hardness
b. Cake forming tendency
c. Suspension part
d. Weight
13. Which of the following is not a hoisting equipment with lifting gear?

a. Cage elevators
b. Jib cranes
c. Pulleys
d. Troughed belts
14. What are bulk loads?

a. Lump of material
b. Single rigid mass
c. Homogeneous particles
d. Heterogeneous particles
15. Which belt conveyor prevents sliding down of material at an inclination of 55o with

a. Flat belt conveyor

b. Troughed belt conveyor
c. Blanket belt conveyor
d. Woven wire belt conveyors
16. Which of the following statements is false for troughed belt conveyors?

1. Troughed belt conveyors use flexible belts

2. They contain five idlers
3. Depth of trough decreases with increasing number of idlers
4. Flexibility of belt increases as depth of trough decreases

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4
d. None of the above
17. Which of the following belt conveyors have low volume carrying capacity?

a. Flat belts
b. Troughed belts
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
18. Which discharge method provides only intermediate discharge for low speed flat belt

a. Plow discharge
b. Tripper discharge
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
19. Mass capacity of a conveyor is 200 ton/hr, if speed of the belt is 4 m/s then what is the
width of horizontal flat belt conveyor carrying the load? (Surcharge factor = 0.075 & ρ =
1000 kg/m3)

a. 499.23 mm
b. 500.0 mm
c. 533.7 mm
d. Insufficient data
20. What is the mass capacity of flat belt conveyor if volumetric capacity 0.55 m3/hr? (ρ =
1500 kg/m3)

a. 825 tons/hr
b. 825 kg/hr
c. 2.727 tons/hr
d. 2722 kg/hr
30. An inclined belt conveyor is used for loading goods. If speed of the belt having 1500 mm
width is 3 m/s then what is the volumetric capacity of the conveyor?
(For 21o, k= 2.35 x 10–4)

a. 1.19 x 10-3 m3/s

b. 1.75 x 10-3 m3/s
c. 1.5 x 10-3 m3/s
d. 2.5 x 10-3 m3/s

31. Loads are usually classified into

a) pay load and dead load
b) unit load and bulk load
c) pallet load and hoisting load
d) none of these.
32. Hoisting drum of a crane shall be made of
a) Gray cast iron : grade 25 of IS : 210-1962
b) Cast steel : grade 2 of IS : 1030-1963
c) Mild steel IS : 226-1962
d) all of these.
33. The characteristic of flowability of a bulk material is expressed in code as
a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) A, B, C, D
c) LSUZN d) None of these.
34. Rope reeving is used to indicate
a) the relative direction of twist in the steel wire
b) the minimum breaking load of a rope
c) the payload is lifted on two, four or six or eight
parts of rope
d) none of these.
35. Impact idlers are used in a belt conveyor
a) At the loading points
b) At the return point
c) At an interval of 15 m on a conveyor run
d) None of these.
36. A conveyor belt consists of which of the following
elements ?
a) Plies and rubber
b) Top cover, carcass and bottom cover
c) Belt splicing and idlers
d) None of these.
37. Based on air pressures, pneumatic conveying systems
may be classified as
a) Dilute phase and dense phase
b) Blow vessels and air slides
c) Positive pressure, negative pressure, combined
positive negative system
d) None of these.
38. The choice of appropriate type of pneumatic conveying
system depends upon
a) Bulk density and particle size
b) Flowability
c) Abrasiveness
d) All of these.
39. Lay of steel wire ropes classifies them into
a) Regular Lay, Long Lay, Reverse Lay
b) Warrington compound and non-spinning
c) Locked coil and flattened
d) None of these.
40. Steel wire ropes are specified by
a) Weight of the wire per meter length
b) Nominal rope diameter in millimetres followed by number of strands and the number of
wires in a strand
c) Breaking load in kN followed by diameter of strand in millimetre and number of wires in a
d) None of these.
41. An essential requirement of a good MH system is :
a) Capital cost expenditure
b) Flexibility reduction
c) Sale ability of Plant & equipment
d) Storing Materials utilizing minimum space.
42. The simplification principle in M.H method deals with
a) Make optimum use of equipment
b) Eliminate obstacles from materials flow
c) Integrate operations into Handling systems
d) Reduce combine or eliminate unnecessary movement.
43. Unit Size principle deals with
a) Select Light weight Material
b) provide Good Housekeeping
c) select a versatile equipment
d) Increase quantity size weight of loads.
xiv) Idle time principle is similar to
a) Dead weight principle
b) Standardisation principle
c) Safety principle
d) Motion principle.

Short Answer Type Questions.

1. Explain the significance of Material Handling in Industry

2. How are materials categorised?
3. What are the principles involved in Unitization of Load?
4. What are the Principles of Material Handling?
5. Name the categorization of Bulk Materials
6. What is high angle belt conveyor? Explain it with neat sketch.
7. Explain the hoisting systems and their applications in Mines.
8. Write short notes on
a. Factor of safety and winding ropes
b. Koepe winder
c. Shuttle cars
d. AGV
9. Write short notes on the following
a. Sequence control of conveyors.
b. Armoured chain conveyors.
c. Direct haulage.
d. Conveyor safety devices.
10. Compare the truck, rail, and conveyor transport system? Explain the limitations of
belt conveyor system?
11. Write short notes
(a) Vibrating or Oscillating conveyors
(b) Skip hoists with sketch
(c) Continuous – Flow conveyors
(d) Accelerating Belt conveyors
(e) Hold back or Anti Run Device.
12. Write at least four points on advantage & disadvantage associated with Unitization of
13. Discuss dynamic phenomenon in Chain conveyors.
14. What are the major advantages of using steel wire rope compared to chains ? What is
Parallel (lang) lay rope?
15. What are the major advantages of overhead travelling crane ?
16. Boxes of size 220mm × 180mm × 100mm have to be conveyed by a belt conveyor of
sufficient belt strength, at the rate of 2500 boxes per hour. What is the belt size and
speed of the conveyor? Place the boxes with a gap of 250 mm between boxes and
calculate the side clearance.
a)The power required at the driving pulley just for driving the belt is 120kW. The
tension in the slack side is 50 N and µ = 0.4, α = 150 degrees. Calculate the belt speed
in mm/sec.
b) Calculate the conveying capacity of a troughed belt conveyor if B = belt width =
500m, V = 1200mm/sec, γ = bulk density is 2000 tonnes/m3. ∅ = static angle of
repose is 45 degrees. λ = 60 degrees
Long Answer Type Questions
1. What are the different types of material handling equipments?
2. Explain the classification of material handling equipments.
3. Briefly explain types of Bucket Elevators.
4. Elaborate with examples Principles of Material Handling.
5. Explain the various types of Hoisting equipments with examples.
6. Explain the working principle of a robot with the help of a neat sketch. Also describe
the components.
7. a) What are the principal groups of material handling equipment ? State and briefly
discuss the essential characteristics of each group. b) What are the important technical
factors that should be considered in the choice of material handling equipment ?
Briefly discuss any one factor.
8. a) Show by schematic diagram, the essential parts of an E.O.T. crane and label the
important parts. b) In an E.O.T. crane, number of falls of the rope is 8. The pay load is
80 ton, weight of the bottom block is 3% of the pay load. Frictional loss per fall is
2.5%. Taking a factor of safety of 6, calculate the design load per fall of the rope.
9. a) In a neat sketch, show the general arrangement of a belt conveyor system and label
the different important parts. b) What are the different types of idlers used in a belt
conveyor system and where ? Discuss the constructional feature and application of
impact idler.
10. a) Discuss the classification of pneumatic conveying system based on particle
concentration modes. b) Briefly describe the basic principles of operation of positive
pressure system of low pressure pneumatic conveying. If necessary give figures to
enumerate this.
11. a) Name the major components of the robots with their function. b) Classify the robot
manipulators. c) What are the major applications of Robotic handling ?
12. 13. Write short notes on the following :
a) Material code as per IS : 8730:1997
b) Load utilization process
c) Simple vs. multiple pulley system
d) Level buffing system
e) Shrink wrapping vs. Stretch wrapping.
13. Write short notes on :
a) Fork lift
b) Belt tension
c) Dope factor
d) Inter locuing
14. Elaborate power requirement calculation of belt.
15. Write short notes on
a) Cranes.
b) Fork lifts.
c) Dope factor.
d) Inter locking.
Numerical Problems
1. The rated capacity of a FLT is 2000 kg and load centre is 450 mm. The distance
between front wheels to heel of the fork is 350 mm. If a load is to be carried whose
c.g. is at a distance of 550 mm from the heel of the forks, then calculate the maximum
safe weight ‘‘W’’ that can be carried.
2. A battery operated FLT weighs 4000 pounds including weight of battery and
operator.It is carrying a weight of 2000 pounds. The truck lifts the load to 2 ft and
carries the load to a distance of 200 ft of which 170 is along level road and balance 30
ft on an upgrade of 6%. After discharging the load it returns over same route.
Calculate total watt-hours of energy spent by the truck. Select suitable battery if the
truck has to make 200 such trips daily. The total energy can be calculated by summing
up energy spent for the following elements of activity:
(i) Total run with load. ( 24 watt-hours)
(ii) Extra power for 30 ft of inclined travel at 6% grade.
(iii) Return empty run deducting the downgrade run.
(iv) Lifting of load.
(v) Tilting of mast.
3. Calculate the conveying capacity of a troughed belt conveyor if belt width= 500mm,
belt velocity=1200mm/sec, bulk density is 2000t/m3, static angle of repose is 45° and
idlers angle is 60°
4. A horizontal belt conveyor with 3-roller troughing arrangement handles coal at the
rate of 150 t/hr. at a speed of 2.5 m/sec. The side troughing idlers are set at an angle of
15° with respect to the axis of the central idler. If the bulk weight of the material is
0.8 t/m3 and static angle of repose of the load is 45°, then find out the width of the
belt. Deduce the expression that you use in solving the problem with necessary
5. The power required at the driving pulley just for driving the belt is 120 kW. The
tension in the slack side is 50 N and µ= 0.4, α= 150°. Calculate the belt speed in
6. Boxes of size 220 mm × 180 mm × 100 mm have to be conveyed by a belt conveyor
of sufficient belt strength, at the rate of 2000 boxes per hour. What will be the size
and speed of the conveyor?
7. : A screw conveyor system is used for transporting molding sand at an inclination of
10° with the horizontal. The required capacity is 50 T/hr and length of conveyor is 30
m, bulk density is around 1.5 T/m3 assume loading efficiency 0.2 and the speed of the
screw shaft is 50 r.p.m. Find the (a) Diameter of the screw (b) Power required at the
screw shaft and assume resistance factor is 4.0.
8. A vertical elevator with centrifugal discharge for lifting foundry sand to a height of 50
meter. Following data given: Speed of the bucket=2m/sec, bulk density=1.5t/m3,
loading efficiency=80%, capacity of the each bucket=2 litre, space between the
buckets=400mm. Find the capacity of the bucket elevator.
1-Material handling consists of movement of material from
a. one machine to another
b. one shop to another shop
c. stores to shop
d. all of the above
(Ans: d)

2-Economy in material handling can be achieved by

a. employing gravity feed movements
b. minimizing distance of travel
c. by carrying material to destination without using manual labour
d. all of the above
(Ans: d)

3-Principle of ‘Unit load’ states that

a. materials should be moved in lots
b. one unit should be moved at a time
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
(Ans: a)

4-Fork lift truck is used for

a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
(Ans: c)

5-Wheel barrows is used for

a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
(Ans: a)

6- Cranes are used for

a. lifting and lowering
b. vertical transportation
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. none of the above
(Ans: c)
7-Match the following
Device Purpose
A. Overhead crane 1. horizontal transportation
B. Pumps 2. lifting and lowering
C. chutes 3. lifting and transportation
The correct order is
a. A-2, B-1, C-3
b. A-1, B-2, C-3
c. A-3, B-2, C-1
d. A-2, B-3, C-1
(Ans: a)

8-Overbridge crane has

a. transverse movement
b. longitudinal movement
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of the above
(Ans: c)

9-The following is used to transport materials having flat bottoms

a. Belt conveyor
b. Roller conveyor
c. Chain conveyor
d. None of the above
(Ans: b)

10-The following is supported from the ceilings

a. Roller conveyor
b. Belt conveyor
c. Chain conveyor
d. All of the above
(Ans: c)

11-Special purpose material handling equipments are used in

a. Process layout
b. Line layout
c. both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. None of the above
(Ans: b)

Q1 – The characteristics of the drive for crane hoisting and lowering is

1. Smooth Movement
2. Precise control
3. Fast speed control
4. All of the above
Q2 – The capacity of a crane is expressed in terms of

1. Span
2. Type of drives
3. Tonnes
4. None of the above
Q3 – The traveling speed of the crane varies from

1. 1 to 2.5 m/s
2. 5 to 10 m/s
3. 10 to 20 m/s
4. 25 to 40 m/s
Q4 – In overhead traveling cranes

1. Continous duty Motor is used

2. Slow speed motor is preferred
3. Short time rated motor is preferred
4. Intermittent periodic Motor is preferred
Q5 – 15 minutes rated Motor is suitable for

1. Light duty cranes

2. Medium duty cranes
3. Heavy duty cranes
4. All of the above
Q6 – Heavy Duty cranes are used in

1. Heavy engineering workshop

2. Steel plants
3. Ore handling plants
4. All of the above
Q7 – 1/2 hour rated motors are used for

1. Light duty cranes

2. Medium duty cranes
3. Heavy duty cranes
4. Continous Duty
Q8 -A pole changing type squirrel cage motor used in derricks has four, eight and
twenty-four poles. In this, the medium speed is used for

1. Lifting
2. Hoisting
3. Lowering
4. Landing the load
Q9 – A synchronous Motor is found more economical when the load is above

1. 1 Kw
2. 10 kW
3. 20 kW
4. 100 kW
Q10 – In motor, the static frequency changers are used for

1. Power factor management

2. Improved cooling
3. Reversal of direction
4. Speed Regulation
Q11 – In case of traveling cranes, the motor preferred for boom hoist

1. AC Slip Ring Motor

2. Ward Leonard Controlled DC Shunt Motor
3. Synchronous Motor
4. Single Phase Motor
Q12 – Find width of cross piece if the outer diameter of hook bearing is 150mm

1. 200mm
2. 180mm
3. 250mm
4. 225mm
Q13 – Find number of turn on drum for one rope from given data : Maximum lift =
10m, Ratio of pulley system = 2, Drum diameter = 726mm

1. 7
2. 11
3. 9
4. 6
Q14 – Identify the transmission stage if overall reduction ratio is 305.

1. Stage 4
2. Stage 2
3. Stage 1
4. Stage 3
Solution : If overall reduction ratio is between 5 -125 = stage 1

25 – 125 stage 2

>125 = stage 3

Q15 – Find ratio per stage if overall reduction ratio is 250

1. 6.92
2. 6.29
3. 5.92
4. 7

Q16 – Find the area of cross section of rope for a design of hoisting mechanism
considering from following data : Stress factor is 6, Maximum tension is 26.315 kN
,Ratio of , ultimate tensile is 180kgf/m

1. 190.84
2. 180.95
3. 189.64
4. 178.94
Q17 – Find height of nut for a design of hoisting mechanism if pitch is 8mm & number
of thread is 2

1. 18mm
2. 16mm
3. 14mm
4. 12mm

Q18 – Find breaking strength of rope for 6 x 37 group of rope for design of hoisting
mechanism with given data : load on tension per fall is 2025kgf, tensile strength of wire
is 180kgf/m, stress factor or design factor is 6, assume d/Dmin = 1/23

1. 26.3714 ton
2. 25.4045 ton
3. 25.1278 ton
4. 23.4823 ton
Q20 – Find dynamic capacity of bearing for a design of hoisting mechanism considering
from given below data : Equivalent load is 31584N, life in million revolution is 3.666mr,
assume constant factor ‘k’ is 3 for ball bearing

1. 48700.260N
2. 38765.856N
3. 28569.486
4. 35684.481N
Solution : To find Dynamic capacity ( C) = ?

Given : Equivalent load (Pe) = 31584N

Life in million revolution


= 48700.260N

Q1 – An inclined belt conveyor is used for loading goods. If speed of the belt having
1500 mm width is 3 m/s then what is the volumetric capacity of the conveyor?

(For 21°, k= 2.35 x 10-4)

1. 1.19 x10-3 m3/s

2. 1.75x10-3 m3/s
3. 1.5x10-3 m3/s
4. 2.5 x10-3 m3/s
Q2 – What is the mass capacity of flat belt conveyor if volumetric capacity 0.55 /hr? (ρ =
1500 kg/)

1. 825 tons/hr
2. 825 kg/hr
3. 727 tons/hr
4. 2722 kg/hr

Q3 – Maximum permissible gradient for high angle belt conveyor transportation


1. 50°
2. 60°
3. 70°
4. 80°
Q4 – Which discharge method provides only intermediate discharge for low speed flat
belt conveyor?

1. Plow discharge
2. Tripper discharge
3. Both a. and b.
4. None of the above
Q5 – Which of the following belt conveyors have low volume carrying capacity?

1. Flat belts
2. Troughed belts
3. Both a. and b.
4. None of the above
Q6 – Which of the following statements is false for troughed belt conveyors?

1. Troughed belt conveyors use flexible belts

2. They contain five idlers
3. Depth of trough decreases with increasing number of idlers
4. Flexibility of belt increases as depth of trough decreases
Select a proper code

1. 1 and 2
2. 2 and 3
3. 3 and 4
4. None of the above
Q7- Which belt conveyor prevents sliding down of material at an inclination of 55 with

1. Flat belt conveyor

2. Troughed belt conveyor
3. Blanket belt conveyor
4. Woven wire belt conveyors
Q8 – What are bulk loads?

1. Lump of material
2. Single rigid mass
3. Homogeneous particles
4. Heterogeneous particles
Q9 -Which of the following is not a hoisting equipment with lifting gear?

1. Cage elevators
2. Jib cranes
3. Pulleys
4. Troughed belts
Q10 – Which of the following is a property of bulk load?

1. Hardness
2. Cake forming tendency
3. Suspension part
4. Weight
Q11 – Which of the following application is a belt conveyor used for?

1. Material transportation over long distances

2. Material transportation within premises
3. Material transportation for processing
4. All of the mentioned
Q12 – Slat belts are made up of_____

1. Wood
2. Plastic
3. Metal
4. Any of the mentioned
Q13 – Find the length of span if pulley width is 800mm

1. 860mm
2. 950mm
3. 900mm
4. 960mm

Q14 – Find the length of hub if dia of shaft is 80mm

1. 266mm
2. 240mm
3. 300mm
4. 340mm

Q15 -Find shaft speed if belt speed is 1.56, diameter of pulley is 750mm

1. 36.72rpm
2. 39.72rpm
3. 40rpm
4. 39.27rpm

Q16 – Find load on central idler if the net load is 140.887kgf

1. 98.620kgf
2. 98.440kgf
3. 96.781kgf
4. 88.723kgf
Q17 – Find number of troughing idler if length of conveyor is 90mm & maximum
spacing for idler is 1.5

1. 60
2. 180
3. 40
4. 160

Q18 – Find number of return idler if length of conveyor is 60mm & maximum spacing
is 3

1. 300
2. 180
3. 200
4. 20

Q19 – Determine length of troughing idler in the idler design for belt conveyor system if
belt width is 800mm, material for idler is C-25

1. 250mm
2. 300mm
3. 350mm
4. 320mm

Q20 – Determine effective tension for belt conveyor system if resistance of belt on top
run is 1582.17kgf and resistance of belt on bottom run is -282.21kgf

1. 1247.65kgf
2. 1356.65kgf
3. 1152.89kgf
4. 1299.96kgf

Q21 – Determine rolling resistance of to the bottom run for belt conveyor system with
following data : friction between idler & belt is 0.02, secondary resistance factor is 2.2,
inclination conveyor is 18,weight of belt/meter length is 12kgf, weight of straight idler
on bottom run/meter is 6.06kgf, conveyor length is 50m, height through material is
conveyed is 15.45m.

1. -110.45kgf
2. -210.48kgf
3. -251.85kgf
4. – 146.96kgf

Q22 – Calculate resistance of belt on top run for belt conveyor system considering the
following data: weight of troughing idler on top run per meter length is 18.26kgf/m,
weight of conveyed material per meter length is 40.21kgf/m, weight of belt per meter
length is 12kgf, friction between idler & belt is 0.02, secondary resistance factor is
1.8,height through which material o be lifted is 23.29m, conveyed length is 90m,
inclination of conveyor is 15

1. 1018.89kgf
2. 2023.45kgf
3. 1438.53kgf
4. 1120.67kgf
Q23 – Find belt speed of belt conveyor system from given data: Design capacity is
220TPH, material density is 0.7T/, minimum belt width is 800mm, assume factor ‘c’ for
idler is 460 for troughing angle 20

1. 1.52m/s
2. 4.16m/s
3. 2.25m/s
4. 3.21m/s

Q24 – Maximum permissible gradient for PVC belt conveyor transportation is


1. 1 in 14
2. 1 in 15
3. 1 in 16
4. 1 in 17
Q25 – Function of snub pulley in belt conveyor system is

1. Increasing angle of wrap

2. safety device
3. cleaning device
4. breaking device
Q26 – Function of rotary brush in the belt conveyor system is

1. Increasing angle of wrap

2. safety device
3. cleaning device
4. breaking device
Q27 – To make the conveyor belt fire resistant, which coating is applied
1. Nylon
2. PVC
3. Rubber
4. Bentonite
Q28 – In a belt conveyor, how do you achieve “through shape”

1. steel cable layering

2. loop take up
3. nylon fabric
4. idler set
Q29 – The approximate length of conveyor of loop take up portion of a belt conveyor is
_________% of total conveyor length.

1. 5%
2. 1%
3. 2%
4. 3%
Q30 – Which of the following has little or no baring on the carrying capacity (TPH) of
belt conveyor

1. Mineral size
2. belt speed
3. trough angle
4. belt width
9/14/2020 1

1. what is the structural formula for this diagram? 2 points 1/7
9/14/2020 1

2. what is the transmission range of last group? 2 points 2/7
9/14/2020 1

3. Which gears will be in mesh to get approximately 350 rpm (types answers like 3 points
ABCD) 3/7
9/14/2020 1

4. Which gears will be in mesh to get near to 500 rpm (types answers like ABCD) 3 points

5. What is the maximum percentage loss of economic cutting speed if 2 points

geometric progression ratio = 1.25 ?

Mark only one oval.

5.0 %

2.9 %


11.11 % 4/7
9/14/2020 1

6. What is harmonic progression? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Difference between reciprocal of two successive spindle speeds is constant

Difference between two successive spindle speeds is constant

Ratio of two successive spindle speeds is constant.

Ratio of two successive spindle speeds is variable.

7. Ratio of two spindle speeds is constant in _________ progression. 1 point

Mark only one oval.




None of the above

8. What is the purpose of using a gear box? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

To increase torque

To increase speed

Converts single input speed into multiple output speeds

All of the above

9. A machine tool has minimum speed of 100 r.p.m. How many speed steps are 1 point
required by it to achieve speed of 200 rpm? (Geometric progression ratio =
1.06) 5/7
9/14/2020 1

10. Maximum and minimum diameter of a shaft to be machined is 100 mm and 1 point
80 mm respectively. What is the maximum spindle speed if cutting velocity is
40 m/min?

Mark only one oval.

120 rpm

127 rpm

160 rpm

636 rpm

11. What is the geometric progression ratio if maximum and minimum spindle 1 point
speeds are 500 r.p.m and 300 r.p.m respectively? (Number of speed steps =

Mark only one oval.





12. Economic cutting speed is minimum if geometric ratio is_________________ 1 point

Mark only one oval.



none of the above 6/7
9/14/2020 1

13. Following information can not be obtained from the structure diagrams 1 point

Mark only one oval.

spindle speeds

range ratio

motor speed

all of the above

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 Forms 7/7
9/14/2020 2

1. Which of the following is the need of the gearbox? 1 point

Mark only one oval.

To vary the torque of the vehicle

To vary the power of the vehicle

To vary the acceleration of the vehicle

all of the above

2. Standard spindle speeds follow R10 series. This means the ratio of 'next to 1 point
previous' speed is____ 9write answer upto 2 decimal)

3. Standard spindle speeds follow R40 series. This means the ratio of 'next to 1 point
previous' speed is____ 9write answer upto 2 decimal) 1/8
9/14/2020 2

4. How many speeds are available at shaft 2? (write only number) 2 points 2/8
9/14/2020 2

5. Fill in the blank. Structural formula for this diagram is _______ (Give answer 3 points
like.....e,g answer is 2(2) 3(3).....then give answer as 2233 so that answer can
be auto-graded) 3/8
9/14/2020 2

6. Fill in the blank. Structural formula for this diagram is _______ (Give answer 2 points
like.....e,g answer is 2(2) 3(3).....then give answer as 2233 so that answer can be

7. Speeds of 12-speed gear box range from 160 to 2000 rpm. Find the GP ratio. 2 points
(answer upto 3 decimal) 4/8
9/14/2020 2

8. following equation is relevant in case of- 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Arithmatic Progression

Geometric Progression

Harmonic Progression

9. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Arithmatic Progression

Geometric Progression

Harmonic Progression

10. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Arithmatic Progression

Geometric Progression

Harmonic Progression 5/8
9/14/2020 2

11. Range ration for the gear box is-- 2 points

12. match the pairs 2 points

Mark only one oval per row.

low spindle speed range high spindle speed range

Arithmatic progression is poor in

Harmonic progression is poor in 6/8
9/14/2020 2

13. What is the minimum speed at output shaft? (convert your answer to nearest 3 points
multiple of 10) (write only number) 7/8
9/14/2020 2

14. What is the maximum speed at output shaft? (convert your answer to nearest 3 points
and multiple of 10 on lower side) (write only number)

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 Forms 8/8
9/14/2020 4

1. Histogram is 1 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a set of rectangles

a line graph of class frequency plotted against class marks

a bell shaped smooth curve

none of the above

2. Frequency polygon is2 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a set of rectangles

a line graph of class frequency plotted against class marks

a bell shaped smooth curve

none of the above

3. Central tendency of population is3 1 point

Mark only one oval.

spread of data or extend to which the observations are scattered

mid point of distribution where most of the data cluster

concentration of data at either low or high end

distribution with sharp peak 1/9
9/14/2020 4

4. Dispersion of population is4 1 point

Mark only one oval.

spread of data or extend to which the observations are scattered

mid point of distribution where most of the data cluster

concentration of data at either low or high end

distribution with sharp peak

5. Skewness of population is5 1 point

Mark only one oval.

spread of data or extend to which the observations are scattered

mid point of distribution where most of the data cluster

concentration of data at either low or high end

measure of sharp peak

6. Kurtosis of population 6 1 point

Mark only one oval.

spread of data or extend to which the observations are scattered

mid point of distribution where most of the data cluster

concentration of data at either low or high end

measure of sharp peak 2/9
9/14/2020 4

7. Central tendency of population is measured in units of 7 1 point

Mark only one oval.

standard deviation

arithmetic mean

standard variable

square of standard deviation

8. Dispersion of population is measured in units of 8 1 point

Mark only one oval.

standard deviation

arithmetic mean

geometric mean

square of standard deviation

9. Standard variable is 9 1 point

Mark only one oval.

square of standard variable

arithmetic mean

root mean square deviation from the mean

deviation from mean in units of standard deviation 3/9
9/14/2020 4

10. Standard deviation is 10 1 point

Mark only one oval.

square of standard variable

arithmetic mean

root mean square deviation from the mean

deviation from mean in units of standard deviation

11. The area below normal curve from (Z = - ∞) to (Z = + ∞) is 11 1 point

Mark only one oval.




12. The area below normal curve from (Z = - 1) to (Z = + 1) is 12 1 point

Mark only one oval.



0.9973 4/9
9/14/2020 4

13. The area below normal curve from (Z = - 2) to (Z = + 2) is 13 1 point

Mark only one oval.




14. The area below normal curve from (Z = - 3) to (Z = + 3) is 14 1 point

Mark only one oval.




15. 1 point

Mark only one oval. 5/9
9/14/2020 4

16. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

17. 1 point

Mark only one oval. 6/9
9/14/2020 4

18. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

19. 1 point

Mark only one oval. 7/9
9/14/2020 4

20. 1 point

Mark only one oval.

21. The resultant population is normally distributed, 1 point

Mark only one oval.

when populations of two normally distributed random variables are added

when populations of two normally distributed random variables are subtracted

when populations of two normally distributed random variables are multiplied

any one of above

22. In statistically controlled system, 1 point

Mark only one oval.

variations due to assignable causes are corrected

variations due to chance causes are corrected

variations due to assignable and chance causes are corrected

none of these 8/9
9/14/2020 4

23. There is no rejection of components when 1 point

Mark only one oval.

design tolerance is equal to (± 3σˆ ) and the process is centered

design tolerance is slightly more than (± 3σˆ )

design tolerance is (± 4σˆ )

any one of above

24. The reliability of ball bearing selected from manufacture’s catalogue is 1 point

Mark only one oval.




more than 90%

25. If a person takes little more time to complete a specific task than usual time. 1 point
His completion time is very much deviated from the mean.Then the cause
behind this deviation will be a assignable cause or chance cause?

Mark only one oval.

assignable cause

chance cause

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 Forms 9/9
9/14/2020 5

1. A batch of 120 bearings have a normally distributed failure time with a mean 4 points
of 9000 hours and std deviation of 800 hours. How many bearings are likely
to fail within first 10000 hours? [Note: Write only number , don't put any unit.]

2. A batch of 120 bearings have a normally distributed failure time with a mean 4 points
of 9000 hours and std deviation of 800 hours. How many bearings are likely
to fail between 9000 hrs to 10000 hrs? [Note: Write only number , don't put
any unit.]

3. A batch of 120 bearings have a normally distributed failure time with a mean 4 points
of 9000 hours and std deviation of 800 hours. How many bearings are likely
to fail between 9000 hrs to 9800 hrs? [Note: Write only number , don't put
any unit.] 1/3
9/14/2020 5

4. Find mean for the given data. [convert answer into whole number but on 3 points
lower side]

5. Find varience for the given data. [convert answer into whole number but on 3 points
lower side]

6. Mean tensile strength and the std. deviation of 300 nuts are 360 n/mm^2 and 4 points
50 N/mm^2 respectively. Determine number of nuts expected to have a
strength more than 250 N/mm^2 2/3
9/14/2020 5

7. Mean tensile strength and the std. deviation of 300 nuts are 360 n/mm^2 and 3 points
50 N/mm^2 respectively. Determine number of nuts expected to have a
strength between 250 N/mm^2 and 360 N/mm^2

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 Forms 3/3
9/14/2020 7

1. Indian standard IS______ is used for belt conveyor design 1 point

2. Economy in material handling can be achieved by 1 point

Mark only one oval.

employing gravity feed movements

minimizing distance of travel

by carrying material to destination without using manual labour

all of the above

3. Which of the following is a property of bulk load? 1 point

Mark only one oval.


Cake forming tendency


4. Which belt conveyor prevents sliding down of material at an inclination of 55 1 point

degree with horizontal?

Mark only one oval.

Flat belt conveyor

Troughed belt conveyor

Blanket belt conveyor

Woven wire belt conveyors 1/4
9/14/2020 7

5. Impact idlers are used in a belt conveyor at- 1 point

Mark only one oval.

the return point

the loading point

an interval of 15 mm on a conveyor run

none of these

6. angle of repose of bulk material is used for determination of its- 1 point

Mark only one oval.




none if these

7. with increase in number of idlers, the depth of the trough _______ 1 point

Mark only one oval.



no. of idlers has nothing to do with the depth of trough 2/4
9/14/2020 7

8. match the most suitable pairs 7 points

Mark only one oval per row.

A raising,
mechanism shifting
that moves and A
material lowering platform
An adapted
along a heavy or caged
inclined the vert
Transportation fixed path. weights hoist that
surface transport
of freight in A by means moves
with sides of people
sealed mechanical of material
for an inclin
portable device for projecting or
material path. It is
containers carrying swinging personnel
movement incline
packages arm or from one
by gravity. conveyor
or bulk with the level to
the driv
material hoisting another.
traction in
from place apparatus
form of s
to place supported
on an







9/14/2020 7

9. _______________is used for changing the direction of conveyor belt and to 1 point

increase angle of lap

10. belt ____________up device is used to maintain adequate tension in conveyor 1 point


11. The conveyor which consists of overlapping metal plates attached to the 1 point

chain to form a continuous moving bed is called as ________conveyor

12. match the most suitable pairs 3 points

Mark only one oval per row.

Belt screw Chain

conveyor conveyor conveyor

Can transport wet material including slury

Can not take impact load

Most suitable for transporting material

over long distance

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 Forms 4/4
9/14/2020 8

1. If a free flowing material is poured on stationary conveyor belt, the angle made by the inclined 1 point

surface of the bulk with horizontal is known as________

Mark only one oval.

angle of repose

angle of surcharge

2. Match the spacing between idlers Vs location 3 points

Mark only one oval per row.

return run loading point carrying run

0.5 m to 0.75 m

1 m to 1.5 m

2 m to 3 m

3. A flat horizontal belt conveyor is used to transport material with mass density 2500 kg/m^3. 4 points

Belt is 800 mm wide and has speed of 1.5 m/s. Determine the mass capacity of conveyor if
surcharge factor is 0.07

4. 3-idler troughed belt, horizontal conveyor is used to transport 400 ton/hr of coal having 5 points

density of 800 kg/m^3. Surcharge factor is 0.1 . If the belt speed is 1.5 m/s find the belt width.
(round off answer to next whole number) 1/2
9/14/2020 8

5. A triple ply belt conveyor is required to transport 2 ton of iron ore through horizontal distance 4 points

of 1 km and the height 350 m. The belt speed is 1.25 m/sec. If the mass density of iron ore is
2.4 ton per cubic meter, determine: 1) belt width in mm (round of answer to nearest multiple of
10 on higher side; Note: Do not put unit)

6. A triple ply belt conveyor is required to transport 2 ton of iron ore through horizontal distance 3 points

of 1 km and the height 350 m. The belt speed is 1.25 m/sec. If the mass density of iron ore is
2.4 ton per cubic meter, determine: 1) diameter of drive pulley assuming material factor as 2
and arc of contact factor as 80 (round of answer to nearest multiple of 50 on higher side)

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 Forms 2/2

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