Treyes Proposal Defense

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A Research Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of the Graduate School
University of St. La Salle
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Education
Major in Natural Science

Charmaine Grace Nayon Treyes

November 2021

Background of the Study

Laboratory experiments are important component in science education where it emphasizes

learning science while doing science (Boesdorfer & Livermore, 2018). It allows students to have

hands-on experience while developing scientific skills and learning the necessary science

concepts. It provides students with an environment that stimulates learning motivation and

understanding of theoretical knowledge (Guo, 2018).

Experiential learning through laboratory experiments is far from reach because of the new

normal in education. The pandemic made a major shift in the global educative process. In the

Philippines, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan was developed to enable learners to

keep on learning and teachers to continue to deliver lessons in a safe manner through DepEd Order

No. 012, s. 2020 (Department of Education, 2020). Face-to-face learning is replaced by different

learning modalities such as distance learning and blended learning. Students below 18 years old

are not even allowed to go inside school premises for their safety.

The question now is how then can students have immersive learning through experiments

be done? Now that there is no access to physical laboratories, virtual laboratories may be used to

supplement learning. Virtual laboratories can provide students with a learning environment that is

convenient and intuitive. In the study of Ab & Aljanazrah (2020), virtual experiments can replace

theoretical presentations done by the instructor as they provide similar results to students.

Introduction to the virtual laboratory is essential so that students can easily navigate and learn

through using guided questions in asynchronous activities. Interactive virtual learning

environments have the potential to provide students with a deeper conceptual understanding of

learning physics (Ab & Aljanazrah, 2020).

Virtual laboratories may now address the gap of the new normal, especially in science

education. As shown in the study of Gunawan et al. (2019), Science process skills significantly

improved through guided inquiry models by way of virtual laboratories (Gunawan et al., 2019).

Through the scaffolding given by teachers and the use of interactive virtual laboratories, students’

scientific skills can be enhanced. The scientific literacy of students improved significantly in a

virtual lab (Ismail et al., 2016). Concepts learned will be applied and students will be able to have

a concrete experience other than online and printed modules. Virtual laboratories ought to be better

than classes without visualization in chemistry classes (Herga et al., 2016). This enables students

to visualize abstract information. Virtual experiments in these laboratories could create close to

real-life practice.

Learning in the new normal shouldn’t be limited to the accustomed learning delivery

modalities. Supplements should be made through experiments either through virtual laboratories

or home-based experiments. This study will seek to determine the effect of virtual experiments in

improving the academic performance of students in selected topics in Biology. STEM students

who need to acquire valuable scientific skills need more than synchronous classes and usual online

collaborative activities. Simulations and the interactive interphase of virtual laboratories may

address the gap which is created by pandemic. The information obtained will be useful in

advancing the support for online learning specifically in virtual laboratories. Data gathered may

be used as the basis for curriculum planners, program developers, local and national government

to focus on the development of offline virtual laboratories that may be used by students all over

the country.
Statement of the Problem

This study will seek to determine the use of virtual laboratories in improving the academic

performance of students in selected topics in Biology.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the mean scores in Biology of students of the control group (not exposed to

virtual laboratory) and experimental group (exposed to virtual laboratory) in their pretest

and posttest?

2. Is there a significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the control

group and experimental group in their pretest?

3. Is there a significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the control

group and experimental group in their posttest?

4. Is there a significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the control

group in their pretest and posttest?

5. Is there a significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the

experimental group in their pretest and posttest?

Statement of the Hypotheses

This study will seek to hypothesize the following:

1. There is no significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the control

group and experimental group in their pretest.

2. There is no significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the control

group and experimental group in their posttest.

3. There is no significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the control

group in their pretest and posttest.

4. There is no significant difference in the mean scores in Biology of students of the

experimental group in their pretest and posttest.

Theoretical Framework

This study is based upon Richard Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning.

According to Mayer (2005), the combination of the visual and verbal presentation allows learners

to use both information processing channels at the same time, thus allowing them to build their

own mental representations and schemas. Simply, students learn best when presented with words

and pictures together instead of using them alone (Kapici & Akcay, 2019). The visualization of

abstract concepts allows students to understand the lesson better. According to Aravind (2021),

the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning has positive evidence that incorporating visual

forms of presentation can increase student comprehension.

Multimedia Sensory Working Memory Long-Term

Presentation Memory Memory

Selecting organizing Verbal

Words Ears words Sounds words Mode

integrating Prior

Selecting organizing Pictorial

Pictures Eyes images
Images images Mode

Figure 1. Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning

virtual lab——academic performance

Figure 1 shows the cognitive structure of the theory. It shows that there are three human

cognitive channels which are sensory memory, working memory, and long-term memory. Verbal

and Non-verbal stimuli are received by the sensory memory through the eyes and ears. The visual

stimulus includes pictures, videos, charts, or printed words and all that information goes to the

visual channel and everything is processed there. The auditory stimulus includes spoken words in

other non-verbal sounds, and these are processed separately from the visual (Mc Graw Hill, 2019).

The arrow from the word to ears means that spoken text is registered in the ears and the arrows

from the eyes mean that written text is registered in the eyes. The arrow from the pictures to the

eyes means the registered picture in the eyes. Auditory information and visual information are

processed by the brain separately. The information from the stimulus is first logged in the sensory

memory. The information is then being processed in the working memory. The working memory

has two sides where on the left side, raw materials such as visual images of pictures and sound

images of words come to work. On the right side of the working memory, verbal and pictorial

models are processed for knowledge construction. The long-term memory on the right side of the

figure where related and prior knowledge from long-term memory is integrated into the newly

processed material (Mayer, 2005).

The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning provides support in the conduct of this

study. Visual and auditory stimulation from virtual laboratories allow students to relate scientific

theories to evidence presented. To supplement distance modalities in the new normal, virtual

laboratories pose a great potential to address the gap of visual and auditory simulation that would

help students not just with content and theoretical learning but intrinsic motivation to which they

can also enjoy learning.

Conceptual Framework

Synchronous Class
with Virtual
GRADE 12 Academic
STEM Performance in
Synchronous Class
without Virtual

Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of the Study

The identified independent variable is exposure to virtual laboratories. The mean scores

which is an identifier of academic performance in biology will be data for analysis in this research

which is the dependent variable.

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the conceptual framework of the study. The Grade

12 STEM students will be classified as the experimental group and control group through pair

matching. A pretest will be conducted on both groups prior to the intervention. The experimental

group will be exposed to the virtual laboratories while the control group will not be exposed to

virtual laboratories, following the regular lecture-discussion during online synchronous class.

Then, a posttest will be administered after four weeks. The data collected from the pretest and

posttest as an identifier of academic performance in biology will be computed and analyzed to

answer the questions posted in the statement of the problem.

Scope and Limitation

The purpose of this study is to determine the use of virtual laboratories in improving the

academic performance of students in selected topics in Biology. Based on the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (Department of Education - Commons), this study will cover the topics in

Photosynthesis and Respiration which is under the second quarter of Biology 1.

This study will only be carried out to the Grade 12 STEM students of Rafael B. Lacson
HOw many?
Memorial High School who are enrolled for S.Y. 2021 - 2022. The STEM students are the only

class with Biology as one of their specialized subjects. The class will be divided into the

experimental group and the control group. There will be 23 students in each grouping which will
Process -discuss thoroughly in
be determined through pair-matching.
participants of the study
The researcher will be conducting this study from November 2021 to February 2022, which

will cover the time spent in planning, preparing, and conducting the study. A total of four weeks

will be used for the implementation of the study. Thus, time constraints, internet connection, and
students’ honesty and participation in the study will be subjected to the limitations of the study.

In an ideal setting, all conditions between the control and experimental group should be

identical, besides for the use of virtual laboratories. Such setup is impossible in an online setting

where students have varied gadgets, internet connections, settings, etc. Even so, certain conditions

could be controlled such as the manner of lecture discussion during online synchronous class, time

of class, activity sheets given, and frequency of classes.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of great value to the following:

DepEd Officials. The findings of the study may help in the improvement of the curriculum

and the formulation of policies that would improve the quality of education in our country. This

study may provide information to the officials to develop linkages with software developers to

create necessary online and offline programs that would help in supplementing students’
education. The information that will be obtained may be used for constructing training, seminars,

and conferences that will give necessary support to administrators, teachers, curriculum planners,

and developers in integrating virtual laboratories in actual instruction.

School Administrators. Administrators may gain empirical information that will give them

a clearer understanding of the importance of the virtual laboratories at this time. They may include

the information obtained in designing school-based programs that would help improve students’

academic performance especially at this time of the pandemic. This may serve as part of continuing

instruction programs that would ensure quality teaching and instruction of teachers.

Teachers. The teachers may benefit from the information garnered from this study because

they can use it as a basis for adopting new ways to supplement their lessons. In this time, in online

synchronous classes, where students seem to be bored and unmotivated, virtual laboratories might

pique their interest and inspire them. They can use the information to help them integrate virtual

laboratories in their classes and explore other sites to be used. Moreover, this study may serve as

a motivating factor in which they will explore beyond traditional instruction. This may encourage

teachers to find ways to make online synchronous classes fun.

Parents and Guardians. The information may be used by parents and guardians to help

them realize the need to support their children in their online classes. This may help them view

virtual laboratories in a positive light that would help their children in understanding lessons better.

Students. As recipients of the findings of this study, students may explore the world of

virtual laboratories to be used as supplements in their education. It is with great hopes that the use

of virtual laboratories may help them improve their academic performance not just in biology but

also in other subjects as well.

Local Government Unit. The findings of this study may inspire and encourage the officials

to support schools in actualizing the use of virtual laboratories. They may provide gadgets, internet

connections, and space to which students may freely use and explore virtual laboratories that may

help them in improving their academic performance.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a basis for future researchers who will

undergo similar studies that would help create interventions and programs that would help the

quality of education.

Definition of Terms intervention-define

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms were defined conceptually

and operationally:

Academic Performance. It refers to the ability to master a diverse set of skills that illustrate

intelligence, curiosity, and persistence; a pattern of achievement by consistently learning new

skills (Williams, 2018).

In this study, academic performance refers to how well students understand biology

concepts and is reflected on their test scores. Specifically, the scores obtained in the pretest and

posttest will be used to measure academic performance that will cover the topics Photosynthesis

and Respiration in Biology.

Biology Concepts. It refers to concepts in biology that is used in several scientific theories

(Brigandt, 2020).

In this study, biology concepts refer to the specific topics in Biology that are aligned in

DepEd’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). Specifically, biology concepts will

cover the topics of photosynthesis and respiration which covers MELC numbers 2 to 7.
New Normal. It refers to the Learning Continuity Plan set forth by the Department of

Education to address the threats of the Covid-19 pandemic in which different learning modalities

were set forth to continue quality education amongst Filipino learners (DepEd, 2020).

In this study, the new normal refers to the different learning modalities that are used by

students. Specifically, this refers to the online synchronous class in which students can use virtual

laboratories in supplementing their lessons in biology.

Science Teaching Strategy. It refers to strategies teachers can incorporate into their

instruction to enhance student learning in science (Hindman, 2003).

In this study, science teaching strategy refers to the use of virtual laboratories in helping

improve their academic performance of students in biology.

Virtual Laboratories. It refers to digital environments such as software, programs, and

applications that are designed to enable actual stimulation of the processes and activities that could

take place in real laboratories. It allows on-hand experience of experiments to the real laboratories

that will help people be acquainted with the necessary skills in professional settings (Muradova,


In this study, virtual laboratories refer to the intervention that will be used in this study.

Specifically, free and online virtual laboratories that cover Photosynthesis and Respiration in

biology will be used.

Review of Related Literature Should be subgrouped according to the topic

This section presents the review of related literature and studies conducted by various

recognized experts in the field, both of which have a significant relation to this study. This research
study is presented to enrich the present research work in terms of content and methodology that

are quite broadly similar across local and foreign countries.

Foreign Studies

In the study of El-Sabagh (2011), virtual labs provide students with the opportunity for

near-real experience and the possibility for interaction. They can simulate hands-on laboratories

and exclude the use of equipment to have an experience on the application of theories and concepts

learned in the class. Through animated videos in virtual laboratories, students can perform

experiments at anytime and anywhere in the computer or mobile (Ramesh, 2019). The compact

and portable devices that students use makes it easier for them to do laboratory activities. The

findings of Ay & Yilmaz (2015) showed that if physical materials for actual laboratories are

limited, using virtual experiments may help students understand the lesson. Onyesolu (2009)

claimed that learning science has been limited by the lack of or inadequacy of laboratory

equipment in schools. This could be helpful in areas where equipment and materials are not

available. In distressed circumstances, especially that some laboratory materials are out of reach,

teachers and students can make use of virtual laboratories to augment distance learning modalities

to enrich the learning of students. This may also be useful for schools where there is no science

laboratory available.

In virtual laboratories, students can easily construct knowledge and observe simulated

scientific phenomena because they can actively control their learning pace, repetition of selected

lab experiences, and interaction with simulated lab equipment, experiments, and the instructor (Mc

Queen, 2017). This gives students the freedom to not have a constrained learning environment.

The opportunity of allowing learners to control in virtual laboratories gives a distinctly different

experience as compared to the traditional hands-on laboratories.

Hamed & Aljanazrah (2020) concluded that online and virtual laboratory experiments can

substitute the theoretical presentation of the teacher for it provides similar students’ performance

and level of achievement. Through guided instruction, students may navigate through virtual labs

and learn requisite competencies. Tsihouridis et al. (2015) investigated the effect of the use of real

and virtual labs and it revealed that there is a significant difference and affected the understanding

of the scientific concepts related to electric circuits. Research done by Sypas et al. (2019) revealed

virtual labs when combined with a real hands-on laboratory in inquiry learning, support learners

and help them acquire a deeper understanding of science. Moreover, using virtual laboratories

made a positive impact on increasing students’ scientific knowledge, scientific process and skills,

intellectual abilities, attitudes, and innovation Alneyadi (2019). Students learn essential scientific

skills that are needed especially that face to face classes are far from reach. In the study of Nolen

& Koretsky (2018), there was a greater gain in students’ conceptual understanding in a virtual

laboratory than a corresponding physical laboratory. If coupled with guided instruction and inquiry

based activities, virtual laboratories are promising and could benefit the students in this time of

distance learning. On the contrary, in the study of Tuysuz (2010), they did not claim that simulation

based laboratories are more effective than real lab activities but instead could be an alternative

when there is danger of chemical reactions, time concerns, lack of laboratory equipment, or

insufficient lab conditions.

According to Nolen & Koretsky (2018), students’ engagement, perceptions of contribution

to their group’s learning, opportunities to transfer prior learning from coursework, and interest

after a course in problem solving is greater than the physical laboratory. Virtual laboratories gave

relatively higher positive attitudes towards physics than traditionally based instruction (Sari et al.,

2017). Students can easily navigate through the laboratories, comfortable in reporting to group
activities and confident with what they do, hence having a positive attitude towards learning. In

the study of Tuysuz (2010), students' active participation is essential and plays an important role

in learning through virtual laboratories. The combination of appropriate instructional methods,

lesson plan and students’ participation and attitude will be the key in achieving long life learning

in science education. The integration of other methods can improve students’ academic

achievement and attitude towards learning.

Local Studies MOre RRL !

The findings of Samosa (2021) revealed that the use of the innovative strategy mobile

virtual laboratory in teaching chemistry showed a strong positive attitude and had a positive impact

on the achievement of students. Larida et al. (2019) found that virtual laboratories is as effective

as the traditional laboratory in teaching Chemistry. It can be an alternative in performing actual

traditional laboratories. In contrast, according to Chua (2019), non-practical learning activities

could not replace laboratory work to develop students' scientific knowledge. Actual events contain

more information than virtual laboratories. Indeed, virtual laboratories are limited to what it was

programmed to but it could supplement the needed interactive simulation that is needed right now.


Visual and auditory stimulation is important in this new normal of education. Aside from

relying to printed and digital modules, virtual laboratories offer interactive way of learning.

Students may have a hands-on experience that would allow them to apply the theories and concepts

learned. It’s accessibility and mobility makes learning easier and fun for students. It addresses

RRL! concerns with issues with risks in real laboratory experiments that could always be of concern of

every teacher. It also allows a room for error for students without the fear of actually failing. If in
case the availability of equipment is of concern, virtual laboratory offers assurance that one can

still perform in the comforts of their home.

With its interactive interphase, extensive understanding of lesson may be achieved with

virtual laboratories. Students can easily manipulate, control and adjust settings and create

assumptions out of the data provided by the virtual laboratory. Students can easily repeat lab

experiences to maximize exposure to actual learning. This gives students’ freedom when using

virtual laboratories. With such, students gain confidence in learning science without the fear of

accidents, exposure or risks.

Virtual laboratory gives a hope in education in this new normal. It offers a wide range of

experiences to the students thus expanding their possibilities in learning. They The simulation that

virtual laboratories provide motivates students in actively participating in the learning process. It

also has shown in studies that exposure to virtual laboratories improves the academic performance

of students.

Research Design

This study will use a quasi-experimental research design specifically the nonequivalent

(Pretest and Posttest) Control-Group Design. According to Gopalan, (2020), quasi-

experiment is a form of experimental research widely used in education in which subjects are

exposed to treatment and others are not without any random pre-selection process. Non-equivalent

(Pretest and Posttest) Control-Group design is a type of quasi-experiment where the control group

and the experimental group are chosen in a nonrandom assignment. While the experimental group

only receives the treatment, both groups take a pretest and posttest (Creswell, 2018).

In this study, the researcher will seek to determine the use of virtual laboratories in

improving the academic performance of students in selected topics in Biology which will be

introduced to the experimental group. The mean scores from the pretest and posttest will be

computed and analyzed to answer the questions presented in the statement of the problem.

Participants of the Study

The Grade 12 STEM students will be participants of the study. There are 46 students

currently enrolled in Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School, Talisay City in the first semester

of S.Y. 2021 - 2022.

Purposive sampling is used in identifying the participants of the study. Purposive sampling

is a sampling of choice in which sample is connected to the objectives (Palys, 2008). STEM

students of the senior high school are employing the online modality and Biology class is only

offered to Grade 12 students. There is only 1 section for Grade 12 STEM, and all students in the

said section will participate in the study.

In selecting students that will belong in the control group and experimental group, pair-

matching will be done. Matching the participants will systematically control the variables that

might influence the outcome (Creswell, 2018). Their Grade 10 biology grade will be used for pair-

matching. This is to ensure that the homogeneity of the two groups is established.


The instrument in this study is a 35-item researcher-made test that will be subjected to for

validity and reliability. The items covered are Photosynthesis and Respiration. The Table of

Specification is also prepared to make certain that all competencies are covered, level of difficulty

is well distributed, and it will have a broad range of cognitive processes.

To categorize the results of the participants both in their pretest and posttest, Table 1 shows

a scale of interpretation is designed both for the experimental and control group following DepEd’s

grading scale and descriptor.RRL for this table ? Where did you get the description, etc?

Mean Scores Verbal Interpretation Description

29 - 35 Outstanding The student made advance progress in

the mastery of concepts and skills.
22 - 28 Very Satisfactory The student made recognition in the
mastery of most concepts and skills.
15 - 21 Satisfactory The student made recognition in the
mastery of more concepts and skills.
8 - 14 Fairly Satisfactory The student made recognition in some
of the concepts and skills.
0-7 Did Not Meet Expectation The student did not demonstrate
understanding in concepts and skills.
Table 1. Interpretation of the Mean Scores

The 35-item test which will be used as the pretest and posttest will be content-validated by

three subject specialists. Professional judgement about the significance of the contents of the tests
to the objectives makes content validity achievable (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison 2007). The

experts will use a matrix with retain (3), revise (2), remove (1) that will help them validate each

item in the questionnaire. Comments and suggestions will also be incorporated to the final draft of

the test questionnaire which will further establish the validity of the instrument.

In order to ensure the internal consistency of the items in the questionnaire, the instrument

will undergo reliability testing. Reliability is equivalent precision and accuracy of instruments over

groups of respondents (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison 2007). The same test will be given to 30

students from Negros Occidental National Science High School with the same strand. Kuder-

Richardson 21 (KR-21) will be used to determine homogeneity of items. According to Oluwatayo

(2012) KR-21 is used is used to determine the proportionality of correct and incorrect answers to

each items on a test. This type of reliability testing is used for multiple choice items.

The administration of the test will be done through Microsoft forms and students will be
This should also be supported by your RRL!
given 45 minutes. The participants will be answering it simultaneously in the pretest and posttest.

After four weeks, questions will be shuffled in the posttest.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study will be conducted to determine the use of virtual laboratories in improving the

academic performance of students in selected topics in Biology. Extensive research of different

related studies and literature was done to facilitate the pursuance of this study. This study will use

a 35-item researcher-made questionnaire in Biology covering topics on Photosynthesis and

Respiration as patterned in the Most Essential Learning Competency provided by DepEd.

The gathering of data will involve three phases namely: Pre- Implementation,

Implementation, and Post- Implementation.

Pre-Implementation show two groups if equal or not.

During this stage, the researcher made and constructed the 35-item test and the

corresponding table of specifications. The researcher-made test will be validated by experts

in the field of science and will be tested for its reliability as well.

The researcher will request permission from the principal to conduct a study

through a formal letter. After the approval of the request, participants will be contacted.

Letter and Informed Consent forms will be sent to the parents of students involved in the

study. Full cooperation will be asked from the participants and the results of the pretest and

posttest will not affect their actual grades.

Basis? RRL!
Pair-matching will be done to ensure homogeneity of groupings. The students’

Grade 10 biology grades will be used as a basis in ranking and pair-matching. The tossing

of coin will be done to identify who will be part of the control group and experimental


A pretest will be given to the participants through Microsoft forms and they will be

given 45 minutes to answer. The results of the pretest will be encoded and analyzed using

the mean and standard deviation.


The implementation will run through four weeks in which the researcher will have

online synchronous classes with both the control and experimental group. The conduct of

this study will start on the third week of November.

After the lecture-discussion, the control group will be asked to leave the room and

the experimental group will stay. Presentation of virtual laboratories to the experimental
group and exploration of the participants will be done. The same learning materials and

activity sheets will be given to both groups.

Table 1 shows the virtual laboratories that the experimental group will be exposed

to after the online synchronous class with the corresponding competencies in the Most

Essential Learning Competencies by the Department of Education.

Competencies Virtual Laboratories to be used

Explain the importance of chlorophyll and

other pigments.

Describe the patterns of electron flow

through light reaction events.

Describe the significant events of the

Calvin Cycle.

Differentiate aerobic from anaerobic

Explain the major features and sequence
the chemical events of cellular respiration.

Distinguish major features of glycolysis,

Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, and
Table 1. Virtual Laboratories to be used


After the implementation phase, the posttest will be conducted on the same set of

participants. Shuffling of questions will be done. The scores from the test will be used to

analyze if indeed the use of virtual laboratories will help in improving the academic

performance of students in biology.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered was processed statistically using the Statistical Package for Social

Science (SPSS). These were statistically analyzed to answer the specific objectives of the study

and to test the hypotheses presented in the Introduction.

To answer problem number 1, which is to determine the mean scores in Biology of

students of the control group and experimental group in their pretest and posttest, mean and

standard deviation will be computed and analyzed.

Mean will be used to summarize the quantitative data of the study. This is to easily identify

the mean scores in Biology of students of the control group and experimental group in their pretest

and posttest. Computing for mean will give a summary of the scores to which would help describe

the control group and experimental group. Since the researcher will be computing the mean scores

which are interval data, the mean can be applied.

Standard deviation will be used to analyze the mean scores. This will help measure how

spread out the different scores are from the mean score. Small variability of the mean scores will

tell us that there are a few differences among the scores. Larger variability will tell you that the

scores are inconsistent and spread at a great distance from the mean.

To answer problem numbers 2 and 3, which is to determine the mean scores in Biology

of students in the control group and experimental group in their pretest and posttest, the t-test for

independent samples will be computed and analyzed.

T-test for independent samples will be used to determine if there is a significant difference

that exists between the control group and the experimental group in their pretest and posttest. This

is to compare the mean scores of the two independent groups to see if they are statistically different

(Mills & Gay, 2019).

To answer problem numbers 4 and 5, which is to determine the mean scores in Biology

of students of the control group in their pretest and posttest as well as that of the experimental

group, t-test for correlated samples will be computed and analyzed. T-test for correlated samples

is used to compare the mean scores of the same group (control group or experimental group) in

their pretest or posttest.

Ethical Considerations

This research was conducted in full compliance with the research ethics. To establish that

this study follows ethical considerations, the following are to be observed.

Permission and approval for the conduction of the study will be obtained to ensure that

relevant people are informed. A permission letter to conduct the study will be sent out to the

principal of Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School with the endorsement of the Assistant

Principal of the Senior High School.

Since the participants are students, the researcher will gain fully informed consent from

them where they freely choose to take part in the research. Information such as the purpose of the

study, contents, and procedures will be explained. Scores garnered will not be taken against the

participants but solely for research purposes only.

The researcher will accept the responsibility of maintaining the privacy, confidentiality,

and safety of the participants. The names of the participants will not be included in the report of

the study. Classes and group activities will be done online to ensure the following of the health

protocol and standards.

The information gained from the research will be reported accurately and truthfully by

maintaining integrity. Reported procedures will be followed in the conduct of research. Data

obtained will be computed, analyzed, and interpreted accordingly without any bias. Any

information, related literature, and studies used in this research will be cited and acknowledged


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Lesson Learning Of Of Easy
30% 10%
Competency Days Test 60%
taught Items




MELC 2 Explain the importance 2 16.67 6 1 2, 4 5 6

of chlorophyll and other % 3
(STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-
MELC 3 Describe the patterns of 2 16.67 6 7, 8 9, 1 12
Photosynthes electron flow through % 10 1
is light reaction events.
(STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-

MELC 4 Describe the important 2 16.67 6 13, 15, 17,

events of the Calvin % 14 16 18
MELC 5 Differentiate aerobic 2 16.67 6 19, 22, 32
Respiration from anaerobic % 20, 23
respiration. 21
(STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-

MELC 6 Explain the major 2 16.67 5 24, 26,

features and sequence % 25, 34
the chemical events of 33
cellular respiration.
MELC 7 Distinguish the major 2 16.66 6 27
features of glycolysis, % -
Krebs cycle, electron 31
transport system, and
(STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-
12 100 % 35
(Will be used during the Pretest and Posttest)

1. Red pigment among plants

a. carotenoids b. anthocyanins c. betacyanins d. all of the above

2. Which of the following does not correctly explain the function of pigments in a plant
a. They protect plants from UV c. They help control photosynthesis
b. They attract pollinators d. They can capture 105 wavelength

3. Which best states the primary function of pigments?

a. Absorb different wavelengths other than the visible light
b. Provide different colors
c. Transfer energy to separate photosystems
d. Block damaging wavelengths of light

4. Chlorophyll plays a very important role in the health of the planet. While there may be
various plant pigments, there is one unique characteristic of chlorophyll. Which one is
a. Chlorophyll can absorb all visible light wavelengths
b. Chlorophyll can reflect all visible light wavelengths
c. Chlorophyll enables plants to absorb energy to build tissues
d. Chlorophyll enables plants to release energy to build tissues

5. Why do water with high phytoplankton concentrations appear green?

a. Because chlorophyll reflects the green wavelength
b. Because phytoplanktons have chlorophyll
c. Because phytoplanktons absorb the green wavelength
d. Both a and b are correct

6. Chlorophyll enables plants to produce their own food, such as other heterotrophs.
a. True b. False

7. The absorption of light energy by the chlorophyll causes the release of energized
electrons. A term best referred to as ___.
a. Excitation b. Photoactivation c. Electrochemical reaction d. Charging

8. Where do the light-dependent reactions take place?

a. Chloroplast b. Thylakoid membrane c. Stroma d. Thylakoid space
9. The final acceptor of electrons during the non-cyclic electron pathway
a. PS I b. PS 2 c. ATP d. NADP+

10. The NADPH and ATP from the light – dependent reactions are used to ___.
a. Convert PGA to PGAL c. cause electrons to move along their pathways
b. Split water d. cause RuBP carboxylase to fix CO2

11. Which statement best describes the purpose of the light – dependent reaction in
a. To produce carbon dioxide used in the Calvin cycle
b. To trap photons and solar energy
c. To continuously supply NADPH and ATP to Calvin cycle
d. To continuously produce glucose

12. Which of the following does not affect the flow of electrons during the light –
dependent reaction?
a. Photochemical activities c. Light saturation
b. Concentration of election carriers d. Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere

13. A light- independent series of reactions of photosynthesis that synthesize glucose.

a. Electron transport chain c. Phosphorylation
b. Carboxylation d. Calvin Cycle

14. Where does the light – independent reaction take place?

a. Chloroplast b. Thylakoid membrane c. Stroma d. Thylakoid space

15. The process where carbon dioxide combines with the 5-carbon molecule, RuBP.
a. Electron transport chain c. Carbon dioxide reduction
b. Carbon dioxide fixation d. Regeneration of RuBP

16. When carbon dioxide is reduced during the Calvin cycle, it means:
a. Electron is donated c. Carbon dioxide is diminished
b. Electron is gained d. Carbon dioxide is replenished
17. The diagram below shows the two processes which occur during carbon dioxide
reduction. Study the diagram and answer this question: Which molecule is reduced in
the process?

a. 3 – PGA b. 1,3 – biphosphoglycerate c. G3P d. Phosphate group

18. Calvin cycle is a series of light – independent reactions. Which statement best explains
why Calvin cycle in most of the plant species occurs during the day?
a. Because the process occurs in the inner portion of the chloroplast anyway
b. Because H2O molecules are abundantly supplied during the day.
c. Because ATP and NADPH are abundantly supplied during the day
d. All of the above

19. The complete breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and water is aerobic. What
does aerobic mean?
a. The process requires energy. c. The process requires oxygen.
b. The process does not require energy. d. The process does not require oxygen.

20. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose is ______.

a. Fermentation
b. Glycolysis
c. Krebs Cycle
d. Oxidative Phosphorylation

21. Which of the following is not true about fermentation?

a. Net gain of 2 ATPs
b. NADH donates electrons to the electron transport chain
c. Carried on by yeast
d. Begins with glucose

22. Anaerobic respiration results to ___.

a. Ethanol and water production c. Ethanol and ATP
b. Ethanol and carbon dioxide production d. Carbon dioxide and water

23. Which of the following correctly differentiates aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
a. Aerobic respiration breaks down glucose in the presence of oxygen while
anaerobic breaks down glucose in the absence of oxygen.
b. Aerobic respiration breaks down glucose in the absence of oxygen while
anaerobic breaks down glucose in the presence of oxygen.
c. Aerobic respiration generates glucose in the presence of oxygen while
anaerobic generates glucose in the absence of oxygen.
d. Aerobic respiration breaks down ATP in the presence of oxygen while
anaerobic breaks down ATP in the absence of oxygen.

24. Which is not a product of the Krebs cycle?

a. NADP c. ATP
b. FADH2 d. CO2

25. Which stage during cellular respiration generates the most ATP molecules?
a. Glycolysis c. Krebs Cycle
b. Pyruvate Oxidation d. Electron Transport Chain

26. Pyruvate oxidation, also called transition reaction ___.

a. Connects glycolysis to the Krebs cycle c. generates NADH
b. Gives off CO2 d. All of the above

27. What path is involved when CO2 is given off?

a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs Cycle
c. Electron Transport System

28. What path is involved when FAD becomes FADH2 ?

a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs Cycle
c. Electron Transport System

29. What path is involved during Oxidative phosphorylation?

a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs Cycle
c. Electron Transport System

30. What is involved when Pyruvate is used?

a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs Cycle
c. Electron Transport System

31. Cytochrome carriers is involved in what pathway?

a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs Cycle
c. Electron Transport System

32. Which among the following is the correct equation in human aerobic respiration?
a. Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
b. Glucose + oxygen → lactic acid
c. Glucose → lactic acid

33. During glycolysis, Glucose is split into two molecules of what?

a. Citrate
b. Pyruvate
c. Acetyl coenzyme
d. ATP

34. In what part of the cell does electron transport chain occur?
a. Cytoplasm
b. Inner membrane of the mitochondria
c. Matrix of the mitochondria
d. Thylakoid

35. How many ATP molecules may be produced when there is complete oxidation of
glucose into carbon dioxide?
a. 10 - 15
b. 25 - 30
c. 20 – 25
d. 36 - 38


1. D 13. A 25. D
2. D 14. C 26. A
3. D 15. B 27. B
4. C 16. B 28. B
5. D 17. B 29. C
6. B 18. C 30. A
7. B 19. C 31. C
8. B 20. A 32. A
9. D 21. B 33. B
10. A 22. B 34. B
11. C 23. A 35. D
12. D 24. D

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