Evangelista, Veanca B. 2018-500482 Beed 3A June 03, 2021 Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4
Evangelista, Veanca B. 2018-500482 Beed 3A June 03, 2021 Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4
Evangelista, Veanca B. 2018-500482 Beed 3A June 03, 2021 Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4
I. Objectives
Reference : www.english-for-students.com
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Marga, can you please lead the prayer in
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
Please bring out your
assignments and pass it to the (the pupils will do)
center aisle then forward.
1-2-3, 1-2-3 Pak na Pak, Bet na Bet, 1-2-3, 1-2-3 Pak na Pak, Bet na Bet,
PakBet. PakBet.
1. Motivation
C. Reading Activity
E. Generalization
How about the action words in the short Pupil’s response may vary)
story, how are they used?
F. Application Biking,
We are going to play word hunting. I
will group you into five (5). All you
have to do is to search for the words
inside the word hunt as I give you an
example for every word that you are
going to look for.
Is that clear?
Let’s start!
Yes, Teacher!
1. What did you do when you are very
2. What did you do when you see
something funny?
V. Assignment
Construct five (10) sentences using common verbs.