Gender Classification Based On Fingerprint Analysis: G. Jayakala, and Dr. L.R. Sudha
Gender Classification Based On Fingerprint Analysis: G. Jayakala, and Dr. L.R. Sudha
Gender Classification Based On Fingerprint Analysis: G. Jayakala, and Dr. L.R. Sudha
Article History: Received: 10 January 2021; Revised: 12 February 2021; Accepted: 27 March 2021; Published
online: 28 April 2021
Abstract: Gender classification plays an active role in several applications such as biometrics, criminology,surveillance, human
computer interaction, commercial profiling. Though bbiometric traits such as face, gait, iris and hand shape are used for gender
classification in the past, majority of the work is based on face as it contains more prominent features than others. In this paper
we have analyzed fingerprints for gender classification with a hope that it has great potential for future research. We have
employed a three convolutional layer CNN with rectified linear (ReLu) and tanh activation functions on NIST database which
contains a set of 4000 images and achieved 99% accuracy. Performance of the proposed system demonstrated that fingerprints
contains vital features to discriminate gender of a person.
Keywords: Biometric, convolutional neural network (CNN), fingerprint, gender classification
1. Introduction
A fingerprint image is a pattern of ridges and valleys, with ridges are dark lines while valleys are light areas
between the ridges. Its uniqueness is suitable for biometric authentication systems than others because fingerprints
have advantages such as: feasible, differ from each other (distinct), permanent, accurate, reliable and acceptable.
This can be used by anthropologists to classify gender from the fingerprints obtained from articles and by crime
investigators to minimize the range of the suspects. Although fingerprints are one of the most mature biometric
technologies and are considered as legitimate proofs of evidence in courts of law all over the world, relatively
little machine vision method has been proposed for gender identification. Studies carried out so for in gender
determination have used generally ridge related parameters such as fingerprint ridge count, ridge density, ridge
thickness to valley thickness ratio, ridge width and fingerprint patterns and pattern types. Presently several
application areas have embraced the fusion of features and synthesis to classifier, such as image recognition. Most
of the available research on gender classification using fingerprints are based on the fingerprint patterns such as
whorl, left loop, right loop, arch and tented arch shown in figure 1. These approaches have given insight about
the ridge parameters but fails to give accurate measuring of the parameter.
1.1. Arch
It is a wave-like pattern. An arch has friction ridges that enter on one side and cross to the other side while
rising upward in the middle. There are two types of arches. They are plain which has no delta or core, and tented
which has a delta in the center. Tented arches rise to a sharper point than plain arches.
1.2. Loop
This fingerprint pattern enters and leave the same way. Two types of loops are available. Radial, which opens
toward the thumb and Ulnar, which opens toward “pinky” (little finger).
1.3. Whorl
A plain whorl has two deltas and at least one ridge making a complete circuit. It may be spiral, oval or any
variant of the circle.
Figure 1. Fingerprint classes (a) Whorl (b) right loop (c) left loop (d) arch (e) tented arch
2. Related Works
S.F. Abdullah, and Z.A. Abas[1], proposed a multilayer perceptron neural network in classifying gender using
fingerprint. The classification is achieved by extracting the fingerprint features from ridge thickness, ridge density
to valley thickness ratio and white line count. This study found that women has a higher value in ridge thickness
and ridge valley ratio. Emanuelamar as go [2] used quality and texture features to estimate age and gender from
fingerprints. In this work they proposed a methodology to automatically infer age and gender from fingerprint
images. In this classification model, texture of an image was captured using Local Binary Pattern(LBP) and Local
Phase Quantization(LPQ) operators and achieved 89.1%. accuracy.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
Hazım Kemal Ekenel [3], have shown that generic and domain specific deep CNN models can be transferred
successfully for age and gender classification problems. By using appropriate transfer learning approaches a pre-
trained CNN model can perform even better than training a new task specific. Gil Levi and Tal Hassner [4],
classified age and gender using CNN. They used a modern deep CNN. Their network was relatively modest due
to the limited computational resources of the time and the algorithmic challenges of training bigger networks.
They have resolved overfitting problem by deep convolutional neural network. Suman Sahu and prabakarrao[5],
compared the result of neural network and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system(ANFIS) result in determination
gender using fingerprint. In this approach they used Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to decompose the
fingerprint image into a multi-resolution representation in order to keep the least coefficients possible without
losing useful image information. They found that the resultant 2-D wavelet decomposition of an image such as
low–low (LL), low–high (LH), high–low (HL), and high–high (HH) sub-bands represent different image
properties. Mangesh K. and Shinde[6] analyzed fingerprint image for gender classification or identificationusing
Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition. They verified, the performance of the proposed gender
classification algorithm by using the internal database and summarized the success rate (in percentage) of gender
classification using DWT, SVD and combination of both by a KNN classifier. S.S.Gornale, and Basavanna M [7]
proposed a model for gender classification of fingerprints based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) with 10-
cross validation technique. They divided the work into three sections, first is pre-processing of all fingerprint’s
images, second is computation of statistical features of Discrete wavelet transform and third is classification of
testing fingerprints as male and female finger-prints using SVM classifiers with RBFsigma and Quadratic kernel
function. All the above-mentioned models are not efficient as they require more computational time to train and
validate the data. We have proposed a convolutional model for fingerprint gender classification.
3.Proposed work
In this paper, we have utilized Convolutional neural network (CNN) model for gender classification based on
fingerprint images. It is a well-known model applied in numerous computer vision applications. In this work we
exploit the unique ability of CNN to train a model to determine gender of the images from the fingerprint dataset.
The CNN used in this work uses the construction shown in figure 2.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
and min pooling is shown in figure 3. By reducing the dimensionality, the network has lower weights to compute,
so it prevents overfitting.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
flow in core i7 CPU 2.6 GHz, 1-TB hard disk, and 8-GB RAM. Sample training male and female fingerprint
images are shown in figure 6.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
By using the four combinations of predicted and actual values such as TP, FP, TN, FN we have evaluated the
performance of proposed framework. TP stands for true positive, which represents system has recognized positive
as positive, TN means true negative which means system identifies negative as negative, FP is false positive
which predicts negative as positive and FN is false negative which predicts positive as negative. Accuracy is
defined as the ratio of the number of genders correctly classified to the total number of genders as given in
equation 1. To illustrate the results more extensively we adopt Precision, Recall and F-measure which are defined
by equations 2,3,4 respectively. F-measure is used as an evaluation metric for measuring regression performance
of our proposed approach. The large value of F-measure indicates higher classification rate.
Accuracy = (1)
PREi = TP +FP (2)
i i
i TP
RECi = TP +FN (3)
i i
F1i = PREi+RECi (4)
i i
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
In this work we have fine-tuned the hyperparameters of activation functions namely ReLu and Tanh. Figure
7 shows one predicted output of the proposed model. Accuracy and loss curve of the proposed model is given in
figure 8.
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 1249 - 1256
Research Article
18. SoweonYoon, “Altered fingerprints: Analysis and detection” , IEEE Transaction ON Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 34, issue no. 3,pp.451-464, March 2012.