Benefits of Video

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Benefits of video-based

5 benefits of video-based learning. 1. Adds life to the e-learning course by

CrowdWisdom by Community Brands. making it effective and engaging.
(2021, March 18). Retrieved December 6, 2. Increases learner engagement and
2021, from participation. 3. Reduces cognitive overload and
-benefits-of-video-based-learning/. maximizes retention.
4. Provides a simpler and practical
learning experience.
5. Is a cost-effective training approach
Hanzic, L. V. (2021, November 4). 3 top benefits MEMORABLE AND
of using video in Education. Covideo. COMPREHENSIVE
Retrieved December 6, 2021, from Video-based learning easily attracts any
education-benefits/. student. A combination of speech, text,
and images makes it easier to get to the
point much faster. This makes room for
more content and extra conversation, all in
less time.

These videos don’t need to be anything

complex. Actually, the simpler, the better!
An educational video in its simplest form
could pair audio with text-on-screen,
similar to lyric videos. This type of video
content offers a higher degree of
visualization. When pairing audio with
text, it’s easier for our brains to
comprehend and remember a message.
Additionally, this type of video is
accessible for students who may be hard of
hearing or visually impaired.

Nowadays, you don’t need any expensive
or fancy equipment to create a video.
Chances are, you already have access to
most of the tools you need. Furthermore,
there are plenty of free resources available
online that offer educational videos to
show during class that you can use if you
don’t want to record your own videos.

You may also want to send personalized

videos to students for homework
assignments, sharing updates, and
providing feedback. Using a video email
platform like Covideo works best for these
applications. You can easily record
yourself, your screen, or both, which is
great when walking students through
assignments, answering questions, or
providing detailed feedback. Better yet,
you can include custom buttons with your
videos so that you can attach any
additional resources necessary right next to
your video. Covideo lets you attach files to
videos, so you can send written feedback
to the student alongside the video.

Youtube, the most popular video platform
as well as one of the top social media
websites, has become more than a form of
entertainment. Studies show that more than
50% of viewers go to Youtube to learn
how to do something they’ve never done
before. If you want to learn a new skill,
resources are easily accessible, and
chances are you can find thousands of
walkthroughs and tutorials within
minutes. The beauty of video-based
education is its accessibility – you can do
it in your room, at your own pace.

Videos are also portable, which offers an

incredible level of flexibility for both
instructors/teachers and learners. As we
see a shift to virtual learning due to social
distancing and the pandemic, schools have
to adjust their strategies for a virtual
setting. As such, video is a great way to
add a personal touch to lessons and
assignments when teaching outside of the

Using video in education creates a
personalized learning experience, allowing
the individual to learn at their own pace.
With video, you can watch and rewatch a
video as many times as needed to grasp a
topic. Moreover, you can pause whenever
you need to. Just a slight press of that
space bar gives you all the time you need
to take notes, rehearse it in your brain, or
stop and think through the concept. If this
same scenario occurred in the classroom,
you would have to raise your hand and
stop the teacher and class in order to ask
questions. Oftentimes, students avoid
interrupting the class, even if they don’t
understand a topic.

Using video, you don’t have to show your

confusion or lack of understanding in front
of the entire class. Likewise, if you don’t
understand or misheard something the first
time, you can rewatch and listen to that
part over and over until you feel
comfortable with the content.

Video content makes people connect
faster. Effective educational videos
significantly improve the memory process
by facilitating thinking in the manner of
asking questions.
Watching visually-captivating material at
home prepares students better for the next
class. They will engage more, debate more,
draw better conclusions, and most
importantly – learn more. When videos are
short, there is a substantial possibility the
students will watch 100% of them.
Using video is not just for learning at
home. Watch educational videos as a class,
and then ask questions to start a discussion
amongst students. If students react
positively, resolve all potential dilemmas,
and memorize the focal points, then you,
as a teacher, did a great job!

Joshi, B. N. (1970, December 29). Benefits of Learner Engagement

video based learning. Evelyn Learning Videos are an interactive way of learning.
Systems. Retrieved December 6, 2021, Learners are likely to engage more with
from videos in contrast to text-only content.
of-video-based-learning/. This is because videos include visuals that
paint a clear picture of concepts. Also,
educators can use non-verbal cues to their
benefit in such type of courses. Non-verbal
communication such as intonation when
combined with questioning skills promotes
engagement. This strategy is not only
effective for in-class teaching, but it also
works for video-based learning.
Moreover, videos grasp learner attention
with the help of colorful and interactive
visuals. As a result, learners remain
constantly engaged with the visuals while

Experiential Learning

Learning by doing is the key to achieve the

best learning outcomes. The practical
knowledge of a concept is necessary along
with theoretical knowledge. But this
practical knowledge is limited to certain
subjects, for instance, learners cannot
dissect a human body by themselves to
study human anatomy. However, videos
provide a solution for such situations that
limit learning. Learners can learn about
anatomy through videos that show the
human body through virtual reality. In this
way, the actual practical learning takes
place with the help of videos.

Longer Retention
Videos are an amalgamation of text,
visuals, and sounds. All these form the
basis of learning. Studies suggest that the
average adults retain 10% of what they
hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of
what they see. This is because the human
brain processes visual information better
than verbal or written information.
Consequently, when the brain receives
information in a combination of text,
visuals, and sounds, it becomes easier to
Furthermore, videos are much more
engaging than mundane classroom
lectures. Learners interact with the content
on the screen and are free to revisit the
lessons/courses at their will. This means
that they are free to practice the concepts
based on their convenience. This
eventually leads to better learning and
Economical Learning
Video-based learning is an economical
learning solution. Learners have access to
various educational videos available on the
Internet. Most of these videos are available
for free or at minimum charges. Also,
video-based learning does not require
traveling or attending classes physically.
This helps learners save time and money
that would otherwise be utilized.

Videos are one of the most easily
accessible resources in the current era.
This is thanks to technology and the
Internet which provide easy access to all
online services. Learners can access any
videos on the concepts that they wish to
learn without having to spend much time
finding a teacher. Moreover, videos are
always available for reviewing to
recapitulate a lesson/concept

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