Practical Issues
Practical Issues
Practical Issues
2. Connect to controller
- Open LiteEdit
- Select correct communication port (assigned by Windows)
- Set controller address
3. Upgrade firmware
- Click to “Controller->Programing and cloning->Programing” (password must be set to unlock this option)
- Select the latest FW version for IL-NT AMF 25
4. Open predefined archive from your USB and write it to the controller
3. Start generator in MAN mode and adjust all parameters by potentiometers to the nominal values
- GCB feedback and MCB feedback binary inputs should be in AUT position
Order Function Name type Alarm type Alarm active
Binary input 1. GCB Feedback GCB Feedback NO
Binary input 2. MCB Feedback MCB Feedback NO
Binary input 3. Emergency Stop Emergency Stop NO
Binary input 4. Access Lock Access Lock NO
Binary input 5. Alarm LowWater NC Warning All the time
Binary input 6. Remote TEST Remote TEST NO
Binary input 7. Sd Override Sd Override NO
Order Function
Binary output 1. Starter
Binary output 2. Fuel Solenoid
Binary output 3. GCB Close/Open
Binary output 4. MCB Close/Open
Binary output 5. Prestart
Binary output 6. Ready To Load
Binary output 7. Alarm
Order Name Abbr Type Measures Dimension Limits Alarm type Alarm active
Analog input 1. Oil Pressure OilP Analog Resistive Bar Under Limit Wrn+Sd Engine running only
Analog input 2. Engine Temp EngT Analog Resistive °C Over Limit Wrn+BOC Engine running only
Analog input 3. Fuel Level FLvl Analog Resistive % Under Limit Wrn+BOC All the time