Ic01 1

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Chapter 1


CB CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish between different types of risks

2. Understand risk-analysis and risk-management techniques

Page 2 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of
risk and distinguish between
different types of risks

CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (1)


Peril • Insurance does not protect the asset.

is the cause of loss. • Insurance does not prevent its loss due to peril.
• Insurance cannot compensate for non-
economic losses which cannot be measured in
is the event or monetary terms as in the case of death of a
incident that may
cause a loss. person.

can cause damage to Note

an asset.
• Insurance only reduces the impact of financial
Example: Fire, Flood, loss on the owner/beneficiary.
Earthquake, lightning, • Insurance can compensate only economic or
Landslide etc.
financial loss.
Page 4 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (2)

Uncertainty of outcome

Difference between outcome and expectations

Possibility of loss or damage

Insurance only covers risks where the possibility of occurrence is uncertain.

Page 5 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (3)

1. Catastrophic
Risks and
Important Risks

5. Fundamental 2. Financial
Risks and Risks and Non-
Particular Risks Financial Risks
5 Board
of risks

4. Pure Risks 3. Dynamic

and Speculative Risks and Static
Risks Risks

Page 6 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (4)

1 Catastrophic/ Critical Risks Important Risks

• A single event of major magnitude • Less damaging
leading to significantly higher than • Temporary illness or accidents
usual number or amount of claims on • Important for affected person for
insurer some period
• Natural disasters, outstanding loans

2 Catastrophic/ Critical Risks Important Risks

• Risks that lead to losses that can be • Cannot be measured or quantified in
quantified & measured in monetary monetary terms
terms • Health
• Changes in value of assets like
shares or property

Page 7 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (5)

3 Dynamic Risk Static Risk

• Changes in economy, price level, • Even if no changes in economy
consumer tastes, fashion, income, • Perils of nature & dishonesty of
output, technology, political upheaval employees
• Less predictable • Not a gain to society
• Affect large number of individuals • Small fire, theft in a house
• Benefit society over the long run • More predictable
• Insurable

4 Pure Risks Speculative Risks

• Not under control of the person • Not under control of the person
concerned concerned
• Only chance of loss • Both chance of gain & loss
• No chance of gain • Not covered by insurance
• Earthquake, death, theft, fire • Horse racing, gambling, lottery, stock
Page 8 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (6)

5 Fundamental Risks Particular Risks

• Affect a lot of people together • Affect only specific person
• Train accident • Life insurance deal with particular risk

Page 9 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
1. Understand the meaning of risk and distinguish
between different types of risk (7)

 Accelerate perils
 Increases the chances of loss

Physical • Characteristic & qualities of the subject matter which is proposed to be insured
Hazard • Eg. Smoking, Inflammable material like oil, fire crackers, loose wiring, open live wires

Moral • Character of the person who is approaching the insurance company for insurance
Hazard • Eg. Dishonesty of individuals, Mala fide intention

Morale • Attitude of the person

Hazard • Eg. Carelessness of the individual

Page 10 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
2. Understand risk-analysis and
risk-management techniques

CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
2. Understand risk-analysis and
risk-management techniques (1)

Risk Identification & Analysis

Risk Management Steps

1. Identify/ Assess
Identify risks 2. Manage
• Prevent/ Avoid
• Reduce
Purpose of risk • Retain – costs of damage
Eliminate risks
management are paid from
i. Current revenue
ii. Special fund- coast are
Reduce risks spread out between
good and bad years
• Transfer

Page 12 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
2. Understand risk-analysis and
risk-management techniques (2)

Loss reduction methods

1. Separation
• Isolating subjects exposed to the same risk
• Keeping inventories in different places
• Carriers of goods separating cargo which may ignite or contaminate

2. Duplication
• Keeping backup copies

3. Diversification
• Spreading risks across areas which may not be affected equally or at the same time
i. Diversification in business - Making products that are in demand at different times
- Making products for different markets
ii. Diversification in Investments - not investing all funds in one company

Page 13 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
2. Understand risk-analysis and
risk-management techniques (3)

Risk Financing techniques (Retention & Transfer)

• Indemnity agreements- one party agrees to compensate another

party for losses they may occur

• Hedging – when a financial transaction is made to offset the loss in

another. This is done when risks in two transactions are reciprocal or
moving in opposite directions.

Risks are measured by the loss.

Page 14 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
2. Understand risk-analysis and
risk-management techniques (4)

Actual Loss
1. Repair or Replacement or Reinstatement Loss
2. Consequential Losses
• Expenses for cleaning up and removal of debris
• Loss of rent, production, profits until normalcy is restored
• Possible liability losses for third party injuries

Maximum Possible Loss (MPL)

Total loss that can happen

MPL * Probability of Peril Striking = Probable Maximum Loss (PML)

MPL & PML are used to Identify & analyze risks.

Another factor is the credibility of the data that was used in analysis.

Page 15 CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
CB CB Life Insurance Company Ltd.
Life Insurance Company Ltd.

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