Improvement of Elementary School Critical Thinking Skills Through The POE Learning Model (Predict-Observe-Explain) On Natural Resource Material

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URICSE IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (2019) 012076 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012076

Improvement of Elementary School Critical Thinking Skills

Through the POE Learning Model (Predict-Observe-Explain)
on Natural Resource Material

N Hermita1,2*, R Dewi1, M Alpusari1, E Noviana1), O Kurniaman 1, Z Antosa1, I K

Sari 1, E A Mulyani1, E Elvina1, E D Putra3
PGSD, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Riau
Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas
PGSD, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Riau
Email: [email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to determine the improvement of critical thinking skills before and
after applying the POE learning model (predict-observe-explain). This type of research is a
Pre-Experiment type design of One Pretest-Postest Design Group, which is an experiment
conducted on one group only, without any comparison. This research was conducted in SDN
188 Pekanbaru in class IVA, which totaled 38 students. Based on the results of the study, it
was found that the average score of the learning outcomes before the treatment (pretest) was
57.89 while the average score of the learning outcomes after the treatment (posttest) was 80.63
and the gain index value was 0.55 which was the medium category. This shows that the POE
learning model can improve the critical thinking skills of elementary students in natural
resource material.
Keywords: POE learning model, Natural resource material

1. Introduction
Science has distinctive characteristics from other knowledge. Most knowledge about nature is
obtained empirically, namely direct observation of events in nature. Therefore, science learning is not
only limited to the delivery of material but also requires learning activities that involve students
directly through experimental or observational activities that utilize the surrounding environment that
sharpens students' critical thinking skills [1]. One reason for the importance of critical thinking in the
dimension of science education is that it promotes science as an inquiry. In connection with this goal
many points focus on critical thinking, such as “identification of assumptions, use of critical and
logical thinking, and consideration of alternative explanations”, “analysis of firsthand events and
phenomena as well as the critical analysis of secondary sources; testing reliability of knowledge they
have generated”, and “the critical abilities of analyzing an argument by reviewing current scientific
understanding, weighing the evidence, and examining the logic so as to decide which explanation and
models are best”. The National Science Foundation educating Americans for the 21st century also
makes references related to the development of critical thinking skills in learning science [2]. The
government also emphasized that it is important for every education sector to prepare students who are
able to think critically [3].

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URICSE IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (2019) 012076 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012076

Recognizing the importance of learning science for students, it is necessary to involve students and
teachers in efforts to achieve a good learning process, this will be seen from students' critical thinking
skills. Critical thinking skills are thoughts that include curiosity, analytical skills and the ability to
evaluate problems. It is very important to make children who keep abreast of change, have critical and
creative thinking, find solutions to any problems that arise and guarantee humanity [4]. Critical
thinking can be seen in the way a person considers and participates in the world through judgment
based on evidence and argumentation to decide on decision making [5]. The development of critical
thinking skills is generally referred to as the main goal of science learning. Critical thinking can be a
way to develop science that is already in the minds of students. Through critical thinking can improve
student thinking related to natural knowledge [6].
One of the basic material found in science lessons in four grade elementary school is Natural
Resources. Natural resource material discusses and learns about what natural resources are around the
student environment, the types of natural resources, the technology of utilizing natural resources and
various other things. Through subject matter related to daily life, students will be able to apply this
knowledge directly. The learning process with learning material is able to develop 21st-century skills
such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, problem-solving and collaboration skills
(Handayani, Sopandi, Syaodih, Suhandi, Maftuh, Hermita, Somantri and Samsudin, 2019). Critical
learning emphasizes the activities of analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating things or problems
rationally and logically. Intrinsic motivation of students is needed in the implementation of this
learning activity [7]. Student motivation to participate in the learning process can be improved through
prediction activities. In addition, the key to exploring students' understanding and reasoning in POE
strategies is to reconcile the conflict between prediction and observation [8].
This agrees with what was stated [9] that critical thinking ability is an important ability for students
to have so students can solve problems faced in a world that is constantly changing. Understanding
and knowledge at the cognitive level according to Bloom's taxonomy is included in critical thinking
skills [10]. Critical thinking skills are one of the skills that need to be prepared for children. Critical
thinking exercises should ideally be introduced to children from an early age. At the age of 6-12, it is
time to teach critical thinking that very important and is most useful. Teaching critical thinking to
students at that age really helps them in understanding and applying the subject matter [6]. Bloom's
taxonomy is the basis for understanding critical thinking skills (Sosniak & Anderson, 1994), in terms
of critical thinking dimensions, such as analyzing, evaluating and assessing [11]. In fact, students'
critical thinking skills have not yet been fully developed in elementary schools. The development of
critical thinking skills has not yet been seen in the design, implementation, and assessment of learning
in primary schools. The implementation of learning in schools is still teacher-centered so that student
activities are still not optimal [12].
The learning process that lacks motivation for students will affect student learning outcomes. Based
on the observations, it was found that the learning outcomes of science were still low in four grades.
The low learning outcomes of science in four classes are caused by several things such as (1) teachers
who are still using conventional teaching methods (2) the learning process still tends to memorize
theory and students experience less what they are learning, (3) general science learning. There are
concepts that require observation, students have not been given the freedom to make direct
observations, (4) during ongoing learning students are less active in answering questions about the
material being studied, seen when the teacher questions students more silently, and (5) students still
many imitated answers [13].
In an effort to facilitate students so that critical thinking skills develop, namely must depart from
learning that makes students active, Such as focusing on conclusions or questions, considering each
condition, finding and giving reasons, providing information well, looking for other options, and
withholding judgment when the evidence and reasons are not sufficient. Critical thinking skills include
things like the ability to analyze arguments, assess the source's credibility, identify the focus of the
problem, and answer and ask questions of clarification and/or challenges [14]. This was stated by

URICSE IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (2019) 012076 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012076

Ibrahim to bring to the direction of learning that can develop critical thinking skills must depart from
learning that makes students active [15].
Teachers should be able to create interesting learning by choosing learning models that can involve
student activity and teach students to learn independently in terms of solving problems of a problem
and provide flexibility to make direct observations so that the material can be remembered longer and
sharpen students' critical thinking so that learning outcomes students can increase. One of the efforts to
improve students’ conceptual understanding of science is viewed from the aspect of the process, so a
learning model is needed towards a better direction, namely learning that includes a process of positive
interaction between teachers and students. The teacher should choose a learning model that is in
accordance with the subject matter and characteristics of students in order to be able to make students
actively participate in learning [16].
Joyce Suggesting the purpose of the learning model can be used as a guide in planning the
implementation of learning in the classroom, but also as a guide in determining the source of learning
and others [17]. The learning model is a pattern that has been carefully planned and is a guideline for
the implementation of learning starting from the opening, core and closing activities and assessment of
learning arranged in such a way as to achieve the learning objectives (both main objectives and
companion goals / nurturing effects) [13].
One of the learning models applied so that students can be actively involved and gain direct
learning experience in science learning activities is the Predict Observe Explain (POE) model. The
POE model (predicting-observing-explaining) is one of the learning models that is used to help
students develop their knowledge through the senses. Learning activities are making predictions,
making observations and making explanations [18]. Measuring student understanding using POE
procedures through 3 stages [19]. The first stage is Predict (P), at this stage students need to predict the
consequences and need to explain these predictions. The second stage is observed (O), at this stage
students mark what they have noticed. The third stage is Explain (E), at this stage students need to
reconfirm the discrepancy between predictions and observations [20].
The stages in the POE learning model can stimulate the activity of students [21]. This is reinforced
by research conducted [7] that Critical thinking skills can be improved through the application of the
POE learning model (Predict-Observe-Explain). POE learning model to determine students'
understanding of science and identify student achievement levels based on student learning outcomes
According to Ennis, Critical Thinking Skill is the ability to consider, think reflectively, and focus
on decision making. Critical thinking is a metacognitive process that requires each individual to be
able to describe the thought process [23]. Critical thinking skills are in line with scientific
investigation methods, namely identifying questions, formulating hypotheses, collecting relevant data,
testing hypotheses and evaluating them logically, and drawing conclusions. Therefore, skills in
scientific investigation methods are compatible with critical thinking skills [24].
Thus students will be able to think critically in learning if the teacher is able to develop a learning
process that requires active student involvement in it so that students' thinking skills will develop with
problems and challenges they face. Critical thinking simply states the ability to analyze and evaluate
The POE Predict-Observe-Explain model) can improve students' critical thinking skills. This is
because the stages of POE learning guide students to find and explore findings on observational
activities (Observe) and also the initial knowledge that students already have (based on the results of
predictions) into one new knowledge [7].
Based on the problems described above, this study aims to determine: differences in the
improvement of students' critical thinking by applying the POE learning model (Predict-Observe-
Explain) in fourth-grade students of SDN 188 Pekanbaru.

URICSE IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (2019) 012076 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012076

2. Methodology

2.1. Research Methods

The method used in this study is a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design.
According to Sugiono that the pre-experimental research results are dependent variables not solely
influenced by independent variables. This can happen because there is no control variable and the
sample is not randomly selected [25]. In this design, before the treatment must be given pre-test
(initial test) and at the end of the learning given post-test (final test). This design is used in accordance
with the objectives to be achieved, namely to know the improvement of students' science learning
outcomes after the implementation of the POE learning model (Predict-Observe-Explain).

2.2. Data analysis technique

The research instrument in this study was a test of critical thinking skills from objective multiple
choice questions. The increase students' critical thinking skills is calculated using the average gain
value (g). The difference in the increase in pretest and posttest was calculated using the t-test, then the
normality test was calculated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov [26].

3. Results and Discussion

Based on multiple choice objective test questions, the results of the pretest and posttest of students'
critical thinking skills can be seen in the following figure 1:

Figure 1. The result of students’ critical thinking skills

The average critical thinking pretest score was 44.21 while the average posttest critical thinking
score was 74.21. The average normality of the gain value of students' critical thinking skills in the
experimental class is 53%, the medium category. The results of the statistical test of students' critical
thinking skills in the experimental class can be seen in table 1 below:

URICSE IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (2019) 012076 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012076

Table 1. Category of Critical Thinking Skills

Normalitas ( =0,05)
Test Score ( =0,05)
amax Dtable Category Tcount ttable Decision
Pretest Significant
44,21 0,1765 0,2206 Normal
4,059 2,028
Posttest 74,21 0,2148 0,2206 Normal

Based on the table above it can be seen that there are significant differences in critical thinking
skills between pretest and posttest. The difference in the increase in the critical thinking skills of
students in natural science subjects with significant is due to the different treatments given at the
beginning of the test and the end of the test. In the initial test in the form of a pretest, treatment has not
been given which results in low student learning outcomes. After that, the treatment was given by
using the POE learning model (predict-observe-explain) and then tested again with the final test in the
form of a post that shows the level of student learning increases. With the application of the POE
learning model (predict-observe-explain), it can further encourage students to think critically and be
more active in conducting experiments to find their own answers with direct observations made by
Based on observations made by the observer during the learning process teacher activities and
student activities showed significant growth in a better direction. The percentage increase in teacher
and student activities can be seen in diagram 2 below:

(teacher activity) (student activity)

It can be seen in the diagram above that the activities of teachers and students experience a
significant increase. Student activities at the first meeting (75%, sufficient category), second meeting
(83.3%, good category), and third meeting (89.6%, very good category) getting better at each meeting.

URICSE IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1351 (2019) 012076 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1351/1/012076

While the teaching activities at the first meeting (77.08%, good), the second meeting (85.42%, good),
and the third meeting (91.7%, very good category) also showed the progress that improved at each
meeting. The application of the POE learning model (predict-observe-explain) provides an increase in
students' critical thinking skills.

4. Conclusion
Based on the results and discussion that has been done, the conclusions are as follows: (1) the critical
thinking ability of elementary school students in natural resources material increases after learning
applies the POE learning model (predict-observe-explain), (2) the POE learning model (predict-
observe-explain) can be one of the mainstay learning models for improving students' critical thinking

We would like to thank to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Directorate General of Higher
Education and Universitas Riau for financial support PTUPT 2019.

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