Mankhud RE Wall Comments On Designs

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Project: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special
State Highway in Mumbai.
Principle: MRIDC

Design Basis Report Reinforced Soil Wall

1.0 Preamble:
The document covers the basis of the design of Reinforced Soil Walls for the project.
The purpose of this document is to highlight the general requirements, guidelines, and design
philosophy and design parameters for the design of Reinforced Soil Walls.

2.0 Code Provision and References

Bs-8006-1: 2010 Code of Practice for Strengthened/ Reinforced soils and other fills.
IS 1893-1984 Criteria for earthquake resistance design of structures
IRC 6 Standard Specifications and code of practice for road bridges – Loads and stresses
IRC 78-2000 Standard Specifications and code of practice for road bridges – Foundation and
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

3.0 Design Principal

The Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls shall be designed as per the guidelines given in BS 8006-1:
2010. BS 8006 does not given an information about the seismic condition and the same shall be
considered as per IS 1893.- 1984 Design shall be based upon the assumption of a two
dimensional plane strain condition. As per BS 8006, the Reinforced Soil Wall shall be designed
for Ultimate Limit State

4.0 Design Method

The design shall be considered in the following steps –
I) Identification of Design Data
1. Initial Sizing of the wall
2. Design Parameters for the backfil soil
3. Design properties of reinforcing material - Geogrid
4. Applied Loads
5. Seismic Parameters
II) Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall
1. External Stability: Considering the stability of the reinforced soil structure as a unit.
2. Internal Stability: Considering internal behavior mechanism, considerations of the
stress within the structure, arrangement and behavior of the reinforcement and
backfill properties.
The seismic condition shall be also considered in the design.

CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Project: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special
State Highway in Mumbai.
Principle: MRIDC

5.0 Initial sizing of the Wall :

The facia shall consists of M35 grade Modular Precast Concrete Panel.
The Dimensions / Geometry of the wall shall be decided based on the maximum height of the
wall, slope of the backfill.
The embedment depth of wall below the ground level shall be considered as 1.00 m
Wall Batter for design shall be considered as 0 degrees.
The minimum length of the geogrid reinforcement shall be 3 m or 0.7 times height of the wall as
per Table 14 of BS 8006-2010.

6.0 Properties of the Soil

Free drain soil shall be used as reinforcing backfill. The following values shall be considered for
the design –
Cohesion, C Angle of Friction Bulk Density
(kN/m ) (Deg) (kN/m3)

Reinforced Soil 0.00 30.00 18.00

Backfill 0.00 30.00 18.00

The Bulk Density of soil shall vary + 10 % whereas the friction angle and cohesion shall be
minimum as mentioned above. The material for RS wall shall be free draining, well graded
engineered fill as per MoRTH ( Rev-5.).
The partial factors shall be applied as per Table 11 of BS 8006-2010 as follows –

7.0 Geogrid :
Considering the height of structure and the loading, the types of Geogrid shall be selected,
having the adequate design strength. The following available strength of Geogrid shall be
considered –
UL 180

UL 200

UL 250

UL 300

UL 40

UL 60


Geogrid Type ( TGU)

Ultimate Strength (kN/m) 40 60 80 100 120 150 180 200 250 300

The following factor of Safety shall be applied to determine the design strength of Geogrid. The
factors considered as per Manufacture’s specification are as follows –

CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Project: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special
State Highway in Mumbai.
Principle: MRIDC

Factor of Safety against creep, FSCR = 1.58

Factor of Safety for manufacture, fm11 = 1.00
Factor of Safety for extrapolation of test data, fm 12 1.10
Factor of Safety for installation, fm21 = 1.05
Factory of Safety for environment, fm22 = 1.15
Hence, the overall factor of safety for strength of strength of Geogrid Reinforcement shall be

8.0 Loads:
All dimensions and units are in SI units. If there is a requirement for using data from the code
which is in MKS units, the same shall be used as 100 kPa = 10 T/m² = 1 kg /cm².
Live Load shall be considered as per IRC 78-2000. The following loads are considered for the
design –
Dead Load due to footpath etc. equivalent to 0.6m thickness of embankment
(Density 20 kN/m3) = 12.00 kN/m2
Live Load equivalent to 1.20 m thickness of embankment (as per IRC 78)
= 24.00 kN/m2
Any external load as strip load due to friction slab or shear force applied on the wall, if applicable
shall also be considered as per IRC 6 cl 209.7 table 3. Accordingly, the strip load of 10 kN/m and
shear force of 7.50 kN/m shall be considered in the design. The dispesion shall be considered as
per cl of BS 8006-2010.
The load factors shall be applied as per Table 12 of BS 8006-2010 as follows –

9.0 Seismic Condition

BS 8006 does not give any information about the seismic conditions and hence the same shall
be considered as per IS 1893. As per IS 1893 the location in Zone III. The following seismic
parameters shall be considered for zone III –
The basic horizontal seismic coefficient, α0 = 0.040 (As per Appendix E of IS 1893-1984)
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 = 1.200 (As per Table 3 of IS 1893-1984)
Importance factor, I = 1.50 (As per Table 4 of IS 1893-1984)
As per clause and 8.1 of IS 1893-1984,
The horizontal seismic acceleration, αh = α0 β0 I; and
The vertical seismic acceleration, αv = αh / 2

CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Project: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special
State Highway in Mumbai.
Principle: MRIDC

10.0 External Stability Check

After the confirming the geometry of wall and soil properties, the structure shall be checked for
external stability. The effect of dead loads and other loads and other forces acting on the
structure should be considered when assessing stability. As the live load is transient load, the
same shall not be considered for calculation of resting forces.

Stability should be checked for various failure modes as:-

The ratio of total resting moments and total dturbing moments shall be more than or equal to the
specified factor of safety. As per BS 8006, Case B considers the maximum overturning loads
together with minimum self-mass of structure and superimposed traffic loads, hence Case B
shall be considered and the required factor of safety shall be 1.50.

Forward Sliding
The resting lateral fore shall be equal to or more than the lateral force exerted by the backfill
times the factor of safety. As per BS 8006, Case B considered the maximum overturning loads
together with minimum self-mass of structure and superimposed traffic loads and hence dictates
the reinforcement requirement for sliding along the base. Hence, Case B shall be considered for
Determination of length from External Stability and the required factor of safety shall be 1.20 as
per Table 11 of BS 8006-2010..

Bearing Failure
Maximum Bearing Pressure exerted by the wall (Mayrof stress), should be less than bearing
capacity of the foundation soil. As per BS 8006, Case A-considers the maximum values of all
loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions. Hence Case A shall be
considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure.
If the bearing capacity of the foundation soil is less than the applied pressures the suitable
measures shall be adopted to increase the bearing capacity. In case Black cotton soil exist at
the foundation level, it shall be removed and replaced with 900 mm thick CNS layer.

11.0 Internal Stability :

Stability within a reinforced structure shall be achieved by the reinforcing elements carrying
tensile forces and transferring them by friction. Internal Stability shall be concerned with the
integrity of the reinforced volume. The structure has the potential to fall by the rupture or the loss
of the bond of the reinforcements. Hence, the stability shall be checked for the individual layers
of elements, sliding on horizontal planes, and stability of wedges. For the design presented here,
the reinforcement shall be of extensible type and hence the structure shall be designed by tie-
back wedge method for the internal stability.
Stability should be checked for various failure modes as:-

CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Project: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special
State Highway in Mumbai.
Principle: MRIDC

The factor of safety against the rupture shall be dtermined as ratio of the design strength of
Geogrid to the force acting on the Geogrid under consideration.. As per BS 8006, the required
factor of safety shall be 1.10 as per cl a) and table 9 of BS 8006-2010.
The anchorage length of the Geogrid beyond the active zone shall be sufficient to rest the lateral
force acting on the grid at that level by means of friction. The anchorage length shall be be
determined as per cl b). As per Bs 8006, the require factor of safety shall be 1.30 as
per Table 11 of BS 8006-2010.
Pullout of Reinforcement
The total length of the reinforcement shall be sufficient to rest the pullout forces at each grid level
and shall be calculated as per cl of BS 8006-2010. As per Bs 8006, the required
factor of safety shall be 1.30 as per Table 11 of BS 8006-2010.

12.0 Seismic Analysis

The coefficient of earth pressure for seismic condition, Ca shall be determined as per Cl 8.1 of IS
The total lateral seismic force, PT is then calculated using Ca. The additional forces due to
seismic is thus calculated as
PAE : Increase in lateral thrust due to seismic loading = PT – Lateral pressure for static Condition
Also the inertia force due to earthwquake is calculated as,
PIR : Inertia force = αh Υr H L
For seismic condition, thus the additional forces PT and PIR shall also be considered in each
check. The required factor of safety shall be minimum of 1 or 0.75 times the factor of safety in
static condition.

CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)
What is this?
Prepared by: SPB Design Height 3.00 m High Wall
Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 2.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 3.098 1.125 2.037
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.316 1.000 1.111
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 128.971 N/a N/a

Why Not Please Clarify the

applicable, Clarify calculation of this figure


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.26 1.00 4.67 3.49 1.38 1.04

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.80 UL 120 3.25 1.26 1.00 5.24 4.18 1.38 1.24
2 1.20 0.80 UL 80 3.25 4.19 3.13 4.67 3.49 1.63 1.36
3 2.00 0.60 UL 60 3.25 6.72 4.35 5.99 3.88 1.99 1.39
4 2.60 0.40 UL 40 3.25 9.25 5.29 7.50 4.29 2.37 1.04


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 4.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 3.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 3.000 1.125 2.070
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.347 1.000 1.165
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 165.375 N/a N/a


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.62 1.22 4.49 2.89 1.43 1.11

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.40 UL 150 4.00 1.62 1.22 17.04 12.80 1.43 1.31
2 1.20 0.80 UL 150 4.00 2.04 1.44 7.85 5.54 1.64 1.45
3 2.00 0.80 UL 80 4.00 3.97 2.82 5.25 3.73 1.92 1.58
4 2.80 0.80 UL 80 4.00 5.40 3.48 4.49 2.89 2.32 1.62
5 3.60 0.40 UL 40 4.00 8.10 4.43 7.21 3.94 2.92 1.11


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 5.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 4.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 2.665 1.125 1.907
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.304 1.000 1.151
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 208.526 N/a N/a


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.47 1.09 3.94 2.33 1.39 1.30

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.40 UL 200 4.50 1.73 1.32 18.64 14.23 1.39 1.30
2 1.20 0.80 UL 200 4.50 2.11 1.53 8.74 6.34 1.56 1.42
3 2.00 0.80 UL 150 4.50 1.47 1.09 6.00 4.44 1.78 1.56
4 2.80 0.80 UL 80 4.50 3.74 2.58 5.33 3.68 2.07 1.70
5 3.60 0.80 UL 80 4.50 4.99 3.12 4.56 2.85 2.48 1.76
6 4.40 0.60 UL 60 4.50 5.78 3.42 3.94 2.33 3.09 1.41

Project Identification
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion -
Panvel Special State Highway in Mumbai.

Project No VIVA/RW/ 28
Owner : Maharstra State Rail Infrastrcuture Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 6.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29

Company's Information
Address 606,Raheja ArcadePlot No: 61, Sector-11,CBD- Belapur,NAVI MUMBAI 400 614.

Telephone 022 27565250

E-mail [email protected];[email protected]
Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 5.00 Wall Batter, θ ,design (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level,
dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with
(Deg) 0.00 Wall Batter, θ ,execution (Deg) 1.00
Horizontal, β

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction,
Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crus 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of Second Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method
b FL : Width of shear load, in meters
b SL : Width of strip load, in meters
Bw : Width of facia unit, in meters
Ca : Coefficient of lateral earth pressure for seismic conditions
Cb : Cohesion of Backfill soil (soil behind the reinforced soil), in kN/m 2
Cf : Cohesion of Foundation soil , in kN/m 2
Cr : Cohesion of Reinforced soil , in kN/m 2
d FL : Dist of C/L of contact area of shear force from RE wall Face, in meters
Dj : Depth to find out Strip Load at elevation z, in meters; Dj = (hj + b SL ) if hj < (2d SL - b SL ) or (hj + b SL ) / 2 + d SL
dm : Embedment below ground level, in meters
d SL : Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, in meters
E : Elasticity Modulus of Geogrid Reinforcemnt, in kN/m
F : Sliding resistance at base, in kN/m
f cc : Safety Factor for Internal Stability - Connection capacity
f fs1 : Load Factor for Mass of Reinforced Soil body
f fs2 : Load Factor for Mass of the Backfill on top of the Reinforced Soil
f fs3 : Load Factor for Earth pressure behind the Structure
f fs4 : Load Factor for Traffic Load - On reinforced Soil
f fs5 : Load Factor for Traffic load - Behind Reinforced Soil
f fs6 : Load Factor for Earthquake Forces
fg : Safety Factor for External Stability - Overturning
FL : Shear Load, in kN/m 2
f ms1 : Material safety factor for Cohesion C' of soil
f ms2 : Material safety factor for angle of internal friction tan fp' of soil
f ms3 : Material safety factor for Undrained Cohesion Cu of soil
fn : Partial Safety Factor for Ramification
fp : Safety Factor for Internal Stability - Pull out resistance of Geogrid
f s-BC : Safety Factor for External Stability - Bearing Capacity
f s-SE : Safety Factor for External Stability - Sliding
f s-SI : Safety Factor for Internal Stability - Sliding
Gw : Dist of CG from face of facia unit, in meters
h : Height of inclined backfill above the Reinforced Soil Wall
H' : Height of RE Wall considered for lateral earth pressure calculations
H1 : Height of wall (above GL), in meters
hj : Depth of Geogrid Reinforcement from top of RE Wall, in meters
Hw : Height of facia unit, in meters
I : Importance factor
k : Coefficient of lateral earth pressure for static conditions
L : Width / Length of Geogrid Reinforcement, in meters
La : Length of Geogrid Reinforcement in active zone, in meters
Le : Length of Geogrid Reinforcement in resistant outside active zone, in meters
Lw : Length of facia unit, in meters
LΦ : Length of Geogrid Reinforcement upto a plane inclined at angle f to horizontal, in meters
MD : Total Disturbing Moment, kN-m
M net : Net Moment acting on RE Wall, in kN-m
MR : Resisting Moment, in kN-m
M shear : Moment due to Shear Force, in kN-m
M SL : Moment due to strip load, in kN-m
P : Total Lateral Force, in kN/m
P AE : Increase in lateral thrust due to seismic conditions
Pd : Lateral Force due to seismic condition, in kN/m
Ph : Horizontal component of total lateral force P, in kN/m
P IR : Inertia Force due to seismic Conditions
Pq : Lateral force due to surcharge (dead load + Live load), in kN/m
PS : Lateral force due to backfill, in kN/m
P shear : Horizontal force acting at the top of RE Wall, in kN/m
P SL : Lateral force due to strip load, in kN/m
PT : Total seismic thrust
Pv : Vertical component of total lateral force P, in kN/m
q : Total surcahrge due to dead load and live load
Q : = tan (45 - f/2) / (d FL + b FL )
qs : Safe Bearing capacity of foundation Soil, in kN/m 2
q sd : Surcharge Dead Load, in kN/m 2
q sl : Surcharge Live Load, in kN/m 2
Sc : Lateral Pressure due to cohesion, kN/m 2
SL : Strip Load, in kN/m 2
Svj : Spacing of Geogrid Reinforcement, in meters
T cj : Tensile force due to cohesion, in kN/m
T conn : Tensile force at coonection, in kN/m
TD : Design Tensile Strength of Geogrid Reinforcement, in kN/m
Tdm : Tensile force due to seismic condition, in kN/m
T fj : Tensile force due to Horizontal Shear Force, in kN/m
Tj : The maximum tensile force to be resisted by the jth layer of reinforcement, in kN/m
T jL : Tensile force at distance "L" from RE Wall face, in kN/m
T pj : Tensile force due to self weight & surcharge, in kN/m
T sj : Tensile force due to strip loading, in kN/m
Tu : Ultimate Strength of Geogrid Reinforcement, in kN/m
V : Vertical force acting on the base of the RE Wall, in kN
W1 : Weight of Block of Reinforced fill of length "L", in kN
W2 : Weight of Triangular Block of Reinforced fill of length "L", in kN (In Sloping Backfill case)
z : Elevation of Geogrid Reinforcement from bottom, in meters
Zs : Depth for strip load effect, in meters
α0 : Basic Horizontal Seismic Coefficient
αh : Horizontal Seismic Coefficient
αv : Vertical Seismic Coefficient
β : Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, in degrees
β0 : Coefficient for the soil-foundation system
δ : Wall Friction, in degrees
δr : Angle of friction between soil & Geogrid, in degrees
ε : Strain in Geogrid Reinforcement, in %
θ : Wall Batter, in degrees
σh : Lateral pressure, in kN/m 2
Υb : Unit Weight of Backfill soil (soil behind the reinforced soil), in kN/m 3
Υf : Unit Weight of Foundation soil, in kN/m 3
Υr : Unit Weight of Reinforced soil, in kN/m 3
Υw : Unit weight of facia unit, in kN/m 3
Φb : Angle of Friction of Backfill soil (soil behind the reinforced soil), in Degrees
Φf : Angle of Friction of Foundation soil, in Degrees
Φr : Angle of Friction of Reinforced soil, in Degrees
Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 = (m) 5.00
Embedment Depth, maximum of -
Required embedment depth (below GL), Dm = H1/20 = (m) 0.25 OR
Min. Embedment depth as per BS 8006, Dm, min. = (m) 0.45 OR
Embedment depth as per project requirement = (m) 1.00
Hence, consider dm = (m) 1.00
Total Height of wall, H = H1 + dm = (m) 6.00
Wall Batter, θ = (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β = (Deg) 0.00
Wall Friction, δ = (Deg) 0.00

Facia Details
Facia Type Panel 1.60
Height, Hw 1.60
Width, Bw 0.18
Length, Lw 1.80
Weight, Υw N/R
Dist of CG from face, Gw N/R

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Surcharge due to Dead Load, qsd = (KN/m²) 12.00
Surcharge due to Live Load, qsl = (KN/m²) 24.00
Hence, q = (KN/m²) 36.00

Design Considreations BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method

Design Method: Please Provide Codal
Material Safety Factors: References For these
Cohesion, C', fms1 1.60
Angle of Internal Friction, tan Φp', fms2 1.00
Undrained Cohesion, Cu, fms3 1.00
External Stability: Static Seismic
Bearing capacity, fs-BC 1.35
Sliding along the base, fs-SE 1.20 1.00
Factor of Safety against Overturning, fg 1.50 1.13
Internal Stability: Static Seismic
Sliding across surface of reinforcement, fs-SI 1.30 1.00
Pull out resistance of reinforcement, fp 1.30 1.00
Partial factor of ramification, fn 1.10 1.00
Connection Capacity, fcc 1.50 1.13
Partial factor of design strength 1.00
Load Factors: Case A Case B Case C Seismic
Mass of Reinforced Soil body, ffs1 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.20
Mass of the Backfill on top of the Reinforced Soil, ffs2 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.20
Earth pressure behind the Structure, ffs3 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.20
Traffic Load - On reinforced Soil, ffs4 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.20
Traffic load - Behind Reinforced Soil, ffs5 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.20
Earthquake Forces, ffs6 1.20

Geogrid Properties
UL 40 UL 60 UL 80 UL 120 UL 150 UL 200 UL 250 UL 300

Ultimate Strength, Tu (KN/m) 40.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00
Soil/Geogrid Friction angle, δ r (Deg) 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25
Modulus, E (KN/m) 260.00 335.00 415.00 570.00 682.00 908.00 1130.00 1445.00

Calculate Coefficient of Earth Pressure

As per Coulomb's theory, the coefficient of active earth pressure is given as -

Ka sec cos( )
cos( ) sin sin
Hence, Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil
sec θ 1.00 1.00
cos (Φ-θ) 0.87 0.87
sqrt [ cos (θ+δ) ] 1.00 1.00
sin (Φ+δ) 0.50 0.50
Correct the formulas
sin (Φ-β) 0.50 0.50
cos (β-θ) 1.00 1.00
Ka = 0.33 0.33

Seismic Factors:
The coefficient of earth pressure for seismic condition, Ca =

1 V cos2 1
cos cos2 cos sin sin 1
cos cos

If in the above equation, we put seismic parameters αv =λ = 0, we shall get the value of coefficient of earth pressure equal to
the coefficient of earth pressure for static condituion.

The location comes in seismic zone III

The basic horizontal seismic coefficient, α0 = 0.040
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 = 1.200
Importance factor, I = 1.500
The horizontal seismic acceleration, αh = α0 β0 I 0.072
The vertical seismic acceleration, αv = αh / 2 0.036
Seismic Seismic Static
1 + αv 1 - αv αv = λ = 0
1 + αv 1.036 0.964 1.000
tan λ = αh / (1 + αv) 0.069 0.075 0.000
λ= 3.976 4.271 0.000
cos2 (Φ - λ - θ) = 0.807 0.812 0.750
cos λ = 0.998 0.997 1.000
cos θ = 1.000 1.000 1.000
cos (δ + θ + λ) = 0.998 0.997 1.000
sin (Φ + δ) = 0.500 0.500 0.500
sin (Φ - β - λ) = 0.439 0.434 0.500
cos (θ - β) = 1.000 1.000 1.000
Ca = (maximum of) 0.390 0.366 0.333
Hence, Consider Ca = 0.390

After confirming the geometry of wall and soil properties, the structure is checked for external stability.

Hence, determine the required length of Geogrid as per various design criteria. Then check the stability of wall for -
1. Overturning
2. Sliding
3. Maximum Bearing Pressure, pm

BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Design Calculations
Determination of Reinforcement Width, L:
When the backfill is inclined at angle β with horizontal, the lateral pressure due to additional height, 'h' of backfill is required to
This height will be, h = L tan β
Hence, when the backfill is inclined the Geogrid width shall be determined by trial & error method.
For Initial Trial consider, h = 0.8 H tan β
H= (m) 6.00
h= (m) 0.00
H' = H + h = (m) 6.00
Depth of road crust (m) 0.6
Total Lateral Force, P :
For Static Condition
P= PS + Pq
For Seismic Condition
PT = PS + Pq + PIR + PAE

PS : Lateral force due to backfill = 1/2 kar Υb H² ffs3
Pq : Lateral force due to surcharge (dead load + Live load) = kar H (qsd ffs2 + qsl ffs5)
PSL : Lateral force due to strip load = {kar ffs2 SL/ dSL} [ H + (2dSL - bSL)² / 4]
Pshear : Horizontal force acting at the top of RE Wall = ffs2 FL
PT : Total Seismic Thrust (Using value of Ca in place of ka & Load Factors for Seismic case)
PIR : Inertia force = αh Υr H L
PAE : Increase in lateral thrust due to seismic loading = PT - P

For Strip Load calculate the depth Zs which is the depth upto which the dispersion shall take place on facia side.
Zs = 2dSL - bSL = (m) 0.00

Determination of Geogrid width from stability against sliding

Disturbing Forces Case A Case B Case C
Ps = (KN/m) 162.000 162.000 108.000
Pq = (KN/m) 108.000 96.000 24.000
PSL = (KN/m) 8.333 5.556 5.556
Pshear = (KN/m) 11.250 7.500 7.500
P = Ps + Pq + PSL = (KN/m) 289.583 271.056 145.056
Ph = P cosβ = (KN/m) 289.583 271.056 145.056
Pv = P sinβ = (KN/m) 0.000 0.000 0.000

Resisting Forces Case A Case B Case C

Weight of block of Height H (KN/m) 162.000 *L 108.000 *L 108.000 *L
Weight of inclined backfill (KN/m) 0.000 *L 0.000 *L 0.000 *L
Total Weight, W (KN/m) 162.000 *L 108.000 *L 108.000 *L
F = μ (W + qsd + Pv) (KN/m) 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 +
100.805 *L 67.203 *L 67.203 *L

Required minimum factor of safety against sliding = 1.20

Hence, Geogrid width based on sliding criteria, Case A Case B Case C
hence, L = FOS * Ph / F (m) 3.447 4.840 2.590 … … (A)

Determination of Geogrid width from stability against overturning

Disturbing Moments Case A Case B Case C
Ms = Ps cosβ * H'/3 = (KN-m) 324.000 324.000 216.000
Mq = Pq cosβ * H'/2 = (KN-m) 324.000 288.000 72.000
MSL = ka * ffs2 * SL / 2dSL * { [ 0.5*(2dSL-bSL)² * (H-2Zs/3)] + [(H+2dSL-bSL)*(H-Zs)/2] + [2dSL*(H-2dSL+bSL)*(H-Zs)/3] }
ka * ffs2 * SL / 2dSL = 2.778 1.852 1.852
0.5*(2dSL-bSL)² * (H-2Zs/3) = 0.000 0.000 0.000
(H+2dSL-bSL)*(H-Zs)/2 = 18.000 18.000 18.000
2dSL*(H-2dSL+bSL)*(H-Zs)/3 = 21.600 21.600 21.600
Hence, MSL = (KN-m) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Mshear = Mshear * H' (KN-m) 67.500 45.000 45.000
MD = Ms + Mq = (KN-m) 715.500 657.000 333.000

Resisting Moments Case A Case B Case C

Due to Wt of block of Height H = W 1L/2 81.000 *L² 54.000 *L² 54.000 *L²
Due to Wt of inclined backfill = 2W 2L/3 0.000 *L² 0.000 *L² 0.000 *L²
qsd L² / 2 = (KN-m) 9.000 *L² 6.000 *L² 6.000 *L²
MR + Pv L = 90.000 *L² + 60.000 *L² + 60.000 *L² +
(KN-m) 0.000 *L 0.000 *L 0.000 *L

Required minimum factor of safety against overturning = 1.50

Hence, find "L" by solving equation as - MR + Pv L - FOS MD = 0
Case A Case B Case C
hence, L = (m) 3.453 4.053 2.885 … … (B)

Hence, maximum of length required by stability against sliding (A) and overturning (B) is (m) 4.840
As per BS 8006, the minimum required length of geogrid is greater of 3.00 or 0.70 H i.e. (m) 4.200
Consindering "e/L", Provide the length of Geogrid at bottom layer (m) 5.000

Check for factor of safety for sliding; overturning and bearing capacity with L: 5.00 m

Check for Sliding

Disturbing Forces Case A Case B Case C Seismic
Ps = (KN/m) 162.000 162.000 108.000 151.464
Pq = (KN/m) 108.000 96.000 24.000 100.976
PSL = (KN/m) 8.333 5.556 5.556 7.791
Pshear = (KN/m) 11.250 7.500 7.500 9.000
PIR = (KN/m) -- -- -- 46.656
PAE = (KN/m) -- -- -- 37.564
P = Ps + Pq + PSL = (KN/m) 278.333 263.556 137.556 353.451
Ph = P cosβ = (KN/m) 278.333 263.556 137.556 353.451
Pv = P sinβ = (KN/m) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Resisting Forces Case A Case B Case C Seismic
Weight of block of Height H (KN/m) 810.00 540.00 540.00 648.00
Weight of inclined backfill (KN/m) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Weight, W (KN/m) 810.00 540.00 540.00 648.00
F = μ (W + qsd + Pv) (KN/m) 504.02 336.02 336.02 403.22
Hence, factor of safety against sliding = 1.81 1.27 2.44 1.14
Required Factor of Safety = 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.00

Sample Calculations - Check for Sliding

Height of Wall (m) 6.00 Geogrid Length (m) 5.00

Depth of road crust (m) 0.00

0.60 M surcharge q = qsd

0.6 m

H'=6.00 Reinforced Soil

Ps = Pq =
½ kar Υb H² ffs3 kar H (qsd ffs2
+qsl ffs5)

P= PS + Pq
F= μ(W + qsd L + Pv L )
FOS = F / P

Consider Case B for Static Conditions

Ps = ½ * kar * Υb * H² * ffs3
Ps = 0.50 * 0.33 * 18.00 * 36.00 * 1.50
Ps = 162.00 (KN/m)

Pq = Kar * H *( qsd * ffs2 + qsl * ffs5 )

Pq = 0.33 * 6.00 *( 12.00 * 1.00 + 24.00 * 1.50 )
Pq = 96.00 (KN/m)

PSL = kar * ffs2 * SL / dSL *

[ H + ( 2dSL - bSL )²/ 4.00
PSL = 0.33 * 1.00 10.00 / 0.90 *
[ 6.00 + ( 1.80 - 1.80 )²]/ 4.00
PSL = 5.56 (KN/m)

Pshear = ffs2 * FL
Pshear = 1.00 * 7.50
Pshear = 7.50 (KN/m)

P= PS + Pq + PSL
P= 162.00 + 96.00 + 5.56
P= 271.06 (KN/m)
Ph = P cosβ = 271.06 * cos 0.00 = 271.056
Pv = P sinβ = 271.06 * sin 0.00 = 0

F= μ *( W*ffs1 + qsd* ffs2 * L + Pv )

F= μ *(( Υr * ffs1 * H * L + 0.5Υr ffs1 * hL )
+ qsd* ffs2 * L ) + Pv )
F= 0.560 *(( 18.00 * 6.00 * 5.00 + 9.00 * 0.00 )
+ 12.00 * 5.00 ) + 0.00 )
F= 336.016 (KN/m)
FOS = F / Ph
FOS = 336.016 / 271.06
FOS = 1.240
Required FOS for Static Conditions = 1.20 < 1.240 Hence OK

Consider Seismic Condition. For Seismic Condition consider ca in place of ka and load fctors for seismic conditions.
Ps = ½ * Ca * Υb * H² * ffs3
Ps = 0.50 * 0.39 * 18.00 * 36.00 * 1.20
Ps = 151.46 (KN/m)

Pq = Ca * H *( qsd * ffs2 + qsl * ffs5 )

Pq = 0.39 * 6.00 *( 12.00 * 1.20 + 24.00 * 1.20 )
Pq = 100.98 (KN/m)

PSL = Ca * ffs2 * SL / dSL *

[ H + ( 2dSL - bSL )²]/ 4.00
PSL = 0.39 * 1.20 * 10.00 / 0.90 *
[ 6.00 + ( 1.80 - 1.80 )²]/ 4.00
PSL = 7.79 (KN/m)

Pshear = ffs2 * FL
Pshear = 1.20 * 7.50
Pshear = 9.00 (KN/m)

PIR = αh * Υr * H * L * ffs6
PIR = 0.072 * 18.00 * 6.00 * 5.00 * 1.20
PIR = 46.656 (KN/m)

Now, to find PAE i.e. the increase in lateral force due to seismic condition, calculate Ps, Pq, PSL and Pshear with ka and load
factors for seismic conditions. Hence -
PT = ( 0.50 * 0.33 * 18.00 * 36.00 * 1.20 ) +
( 0.33 * 6.00 *( 12.00 * 1.20 + 24.00 * 1.20 )) +
( 0.33 * 1.20 * 10.00 / 0.90 *
[ 6.00 + ( 1.80 - 1.80 )²/ 4.00 ) +
1.20 * 7.50
PT = 231.667 (KN/m)

PAE = ( 151.46 + 100.98 + 7.79 + 9.00 ) - 231.667

PAE = 269.231 - 231.67
PAE = 37.564 (KN/m)

P= PS + Pq + PSL + Pshear + PIR + PAE

P= 151.46 + 100.98 + 7.79 + 9.00 + 46.66 + 37.56
P= 353.45 (KN/m)

Ph = P cosβ = 353.45 * cos 0.00 = 353.451

Pv = P sinβ = 353.45 * sin 0.00 = 0

F= μ *( W*ffs1 + qsd* ffs2 * L + Pv )

F= μ *(( Υr * ffs1 * H * L + 0.5 Υr ffs1 * hL
+ qsd* ffs2 * L ) + Pv )
F= 0.560 *(( 21.60 * 6.00 * 5.00 + 10.80 * 0.00
+ 14.40 * 5.00 ) + 0.00 )
F= 403.219 (KN/m)

FOS = F / Ph
FOS = 403.219 / 353.45
FOS = 1.141
Required FOS for Static Conditions = 1.00 < 1.141 Hence OK

Check for Overturning

Disturbing Moments Case A Case B Case C Seismic
Ms =Ps cosβ * H'/3 = (KN-m) 324.000 324.000 216.000 302.928
Mq = Pq cosβ * H'/2 = (KN-m) 324.000 288.000 72.000 302.928
MSL = ka * ffs2 * SL / 2dSL * { [ 0.5*(2dSL-bSL)² * (H-2Zs/3)] + [(H+2dSL-bSL)*(H-Zs)/2] + [2dSL*(H-2dSL+bSL)*(H-Zs)/3] }
ka * ffs2 * SL / 2dSL = 2.778 1.852 1.852 2.222
0.5*(2dSL-bSL)² * (H-2Zs/3) = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(H+2dSL-bSL)*(H-Zs)/2 = 18.000 18.000 18.000 18.000
2dSL*(H-2dSL+bSL)*(H-Zs)/3 = 21.600 21.600 21.600 21.600
Hence, MSL = (KN-m) 110.000 73.333 73.333 88.000
Mshear = Pshear * H' (KN-m) 67.500 45.000 45.000 54.000
MIR = PIR * H'/2 (KN-m) -- -- -- 139.968
MAE = PAE * H'/2 (KN-m) -- -- -- 112.693
MD = Ms + Mq = (KN-m) 648.000 612.000 288.000 1000.516
Resisting Moments Case A Case B Case C Seismic
Due to Wt of block of Height H = ` 2025.00 1350.00 1350.00 1620.00
Due to Wt of inclined backfill = 2W 2L/3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
qsd L² / 2 = (KN-m) 225.000 150.00 150.000 180.000
MR + Pv L = (KN-m) 2250.00 1500.00 1500.00 1800.00
Hence, factor of safety against overturning = 3.47 2.45 5.21 1.80
Required Factor of Safety = 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.13

Check for Bearing Capacity

The maximum bearing pressure should be less than this pressure qs.

L M H q L
e net pm r sd

2 V L'
Case A Seismic
MR = 2250.00 1800.00
MD = 648.00 1000.52
Mnet = MR - MD = 1602.00 799.48
V = W1 + W2 + qsd + Pv 900.00 720.00
e' from toe point = Mnet / V = 1.78 1.11
Hence, eccentricity, e from centre = L/2 - e' = 0.72 1.39
which should be less than L/6 = 0.83 --
L' = L - 2e = 3.56 --
Hence, pm = 252.81 --

Internal Stability is concerned with the integrity of the reinforced volume.

Stability should be checked for various failure modes as-
1. Rupture
2. Anchorage
3. Pullout of Reinforcement

First determine the design strength of the Geogrids

The Design Strength, TD is determined as -
FS f f f f
CR m11 12 m21 m22

Factor of Safety against creep, FSCR = 1.58

Factor of Safety for manufacture, fm11 = 1.00
Factor of Safety for extrapolation of test data, fm12 = 1.00
Factor of Safety for installation, fm21 = 1.05
Factory of Safety for environment, fm 22 = 1.15
Hence, Overall FOS = 1.91

Hence, Design Strength of Geogrid

UL 40 UL 60 UL 80 UL 120 UL 150 UL 200 UL 250 UL 300

Ultimate Strength, Tu (KN/m) 40.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00
Soil/Geogrid Friction angle, δr (Deg) 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25
Connection Strength Factor a (KN/m) 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00
Connection Strength Factor b (Deg) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Design Strength, TD (KN/m) 11.74 17.61 23.48 35.22 44.03 58.70 73.38 88.06

For Internal Stability of the structure, the maximum tensile force to be resisted by the jth layer of reinforcement is Tj is -
Tj = Tpj + Tsj + Tfj + Tcj
Tpj : Tensile force due to self weight & surcharge
= {kar (ffs3 Υr hj + ffs5 qsd) svj} / {1-{[kab (ffs3 Υb hj + 3 ffs5 qsd) (hj / L)²] / 3 (ffs3 Υb hj + ffs5 qsd)}}
Tsj : Tensile force due to strip loading
= kab svj ffs2 SL / Dj where, Dj = (hj + b) if hj < (2dSL - bSL) or (hj + bSL) / 2 + dSL
Tfj : Tensile force due to Horizontal Shear Force
= 2 kab svj ffs2 FL Q (1-hj Q) where Q = tan (45 - Φ/2) / (dFL + bFL)
Tcj : Tensile force due to cohesion
= 2 svj c / fms1 sqrt (kab)
In the present case Tsj; Tfj and Tcj are not required to consider.

The spacing of geogrids shall be so adjusted that the tensile force shall be less than the design strength of Geogrid as-
TD / fn ≥ Tj
where, fn = 1.10

UL 40 UL 60 UL 80 UL 120 UL 150 UL 200 UL 250 UL 300

Hence, Tj = TD / fn (KN/m) 10.67 16.01 21.35 32.02 40.03 53.37 66.71 80.05
For Spacing determination limit Tj' (KN/m) 10.03 15.05 20.06 30.09 37.62 50.16 62.70 75.24

As per BS 8006, Case A considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement
tensions. Hence, Spacing of Geogrids is determined for case A
Height of Wall, H (m) 6.00 ffs5 qsd (KN/m²) 18.00 ffs2 SL (KN/m²) 15.00
kar 0.33 ffs3 Υr (KN/m³) 27.00 ffs2 FL (KN/m²) 11.25
kab 0.33 ffs3 Υb (KN/m³) 27.00
2dSL - bSL = (m) 0.000 Q = tan (45 - Φ/2) / (dFL + bFL) = (m) 0.214
Length of Geogrid at bottom layer (m) 5.000

Table 1: Determination of Geogrid spacing

No Elevation hj L Dj σsj σpj σfj σcj σj Svj
z =H-z Calculated Provide Geogrid
(m) (m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (m)
1 0.40 5.60 5.00 4.60 1.09 67.87 0.00 0.00 68.96 0.967 0.80 UL 250
2 1.20 4.80 5.00 4.20 1.19 56.38 0.00 0.00 57.57 0.927 0.80 UL 200
3 2.00 4.00 5.00 3.80 1.32 46.23 0.23 0.00 47.77 1.117 0.80 UL 200
4 2.80 3.20 5.00 3.40 1.47 37.07 0.51 0.00 39.05 1.025 0.80 UL 150
5 3.60 2.40 5.00 3.00 1.67 28.65 0.78 0.00 31.10 1.287 0.80 UL 150
6 4.40 1.60 5.00 2.60 1.92 20.78 1.06 0.00 23.75 3.370 0.80 UL 80
7 5.20 0.80 5.00 2.20 2.27 13.27 1.33 0.00 16.87 4.744 0.80 UL 60



UL 40 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 40 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)

UL 60 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 60 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 80 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 80 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 120 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 120 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 150 2 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 150 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 200 2 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 200 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 250 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 250 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 300 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 300 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
N1 7 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) N2 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
Total Number of layers, Σ N= 7 with ΣLj = 35.00 (m)

Sample Calculations - Determination of Spacing

Height of Wall (m) 6.00 Geogrid Length (m) 5.00

surcharge q = qsd + qSL

H=6.00 Reinforced Soil hj=4.80


σpj = {kar (ffs3 Υr hj + ffs5 σsj= σfj= 2 kab ffs2
qsd)} / {1-{[kab (ffs3 Υb hj + 3 kab fs2 SL / Dj FL Q (1-hj Q)
ffs5 qsd) (hj / L)²] / 3 (ffs3 Υb hj
+ ffs5 qsd)}}

Consider Layer No = 2.00

Elevation of this layer from PCC Top, z = 1.20 (m)
Hence, hj = H - z = 6.00 - 1.20 = 4.80 (m)

Now, Dj = (hj + b) if hj < (2dSL - bSL) or (hj + bSL) / 2 + dSL

Hence, 2dSL - bSL = 1.80 - 1.80 = 0.00 (m)
Comparing with hj = hj > (2dSL - bSL)
Hence, Dj = 4.20 (m)
σsj = 0.33 * 1.50 * 10.00 / 4.20 = 1.19 (KN/m²)

σpj = {kar (ffs3 Υr hj + ffs5 qsd)} / {1-{[kab (ffs3 Υb hj + 3 ffs5 qsd) (hj / L)²] / 3 (ffs3 Υb hj + ffs5 qsd)}}
kar (ffs3 Υr hj + ffs5 qsd) =
0.33 *( 1.50 * 18.00 * 4.80 + 1.50 * 12.00 )
kar (ffs3 Υr hj + ffs5 qsd) = 49.20
kab (ffs3 Υb hj + 3 ffs5 qsd) =
0.33 *( 1.50 * 18.00 * 4.80 + 4.50 * 12.00 )
kab (ffs3 Υb hj + 3 ffs5 qsd) = 61.20
(hj / L)² = ( 4.80 / 5.00 )² = 0.92
3 (ffs3 Υb hj + ffs5 qsd) =
3.00 *( 1.50 * 18.00 * 4.80 + 1.50 * 12.00 )
3 (ffs3 Υb hj + ffs5 qsd) = 442.80
σpj = 49.20 /( 1.00 -( 61.20 * 0.92 )/ 442.80 )
σpj = = 56.38 (KN/m²)
σfj = 2 kab ffs2 FL Q (1-hj Q)
σfj = 2.00 * 0.33 * 1.50 * 7.50 * 0.21 *
( 1.00 - 4.80 * 0.21 )
σfj = -0.04 (KN/m²)
σfj = IF <0 , REFER IT AS 0 0.00
σcj = 2 c / fms1 sqrt (kab)

σcj = 2.00 * 0.00 / 1.60 * 0.58 = 0.00 (KN/m²)

σj = σsj + σpj + σfj + σcj

σj = 1.19 + 56.38 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 57.57 (KN/m²)

Consider Geogrid UL 200

Design Strength of This Geogrid, TD = 58.70
Hence, Tj = TD / fn 58.70 / 1.10 = 53.37
Required Spacing of Geogrid, Svj = TD / σj = 53.37 / 57.57 = 0.927 (m)

Provide Spacing , svj = 0.80 (m)

After deciding the spacings check the internal stability of structures for various modes.
To check the stability for seismic condition an additional force Tdm shall be considered for each layer which is evaluated as -
Tdm = PIR + PAE *( Lj / Σ Lj )
Tdm = 46.66 + 37.56 *( Lj / 35.00 )
Tdm = 84.22 *( Lj / 35.00 )

Check for Internal Stability - Rupture

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition, Partial factor of ramification, fn 1.1 considered) 1.00
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 2: Check for Internal Stability - Rupture
No Elevation hj L σj svj Tj Tdm Factor of Safety Remarks
z =H-z Geogrid Static Seismic
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²)
1 0.40 5.60 5.00 68.96 0.80 55.17 12.03 UL 250 1.33 1.09 OK
2 1.20 4.80 5.00 57.57 0.80 46.06 12.03 UL 200 1.27 1.01 OK
3 2.00 4.00 5.00 47.77 0.80 38.22 12.03 UL 200 1.54 1.17 OK
4 2.80 3.20 5.00 39.05 0.80 31.24 12.03 UL 150 1.41 1.02 OK
5 3.60 2.40 5.00 31.10 0.80 24.88 12.03 UL 150 1.77 1.19 OK
6 4.40 1.60 5.00 23.75 0.80 19.00 12.03 UL 80 4.63 2.84 OK
7 5.20 0.80 5.00 16.87 0.80 20.25 12.03 UL 60 4.35 2.73 OK

Sample Calculations - Check for Rupture

Consider Layer No = 2.00

Elevation of this layer from PCC Top, z = 1.20 (m)
Hence, hj = H - z = 6.00 - 1.20 = 4.80 (m)
width of Geogrid for this layer, Lj = = 5.00 (m)
As explained in table 1, σj = = 57.57 (KN/m²)
Spacing provided for this layer = svj = = 0.80 (m)
Spacing provided for previous layer = svj-1 = = 0.80 (m)
The effcetive coverage area of the grid will be half the spacing of this layer and half the spacing of the previous layer.
Tj = σj * Effective coverage area
Tj = 57.57 *( 0.40 + 0.40 )
Tj = = 46.06 (KN/m²)
Tdm = 84.22 *( 5.00 / 35.00 ) = 12.03 (KN/m²)
Geogrid Type = UL 200
Design Strength of This Geogrid, TD = 58.70
Factor of Safety for Static, TD / Tj = 58.70 / 46.06 = 1.27
Factor of Safety for Seismic, TD / (Tj + Tdm)= 58.70 / 58.09 = 1.01

Check for Internal Stability - Anchorage

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition 1.30
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 3: Check for Internal Stability - Anchorage
Elevation svj Tj Tdm L La Le Le Required Factor of Safety Remarks
z Available Static Seismic Static Seismic
(m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (m) (m) (m)
0.40 0.80 55.17 12.03 5.00 0.23 4.77 0.63 0.77 7.53 6.18 OK
1.20 0.80 46.06 12.03 5.00 0.69 4.31 0.60 0.76 7.19 5.70 OK
2.00 0.80 38.22 12.03 5.00 1.15 3.85 0.57 0.75 6.70 5.10 OK
2.80 0.80 31.24 12.03 5.00 1.62 3.38 0.55 0.77 6.10 4.40 OK
3.60 0.80 24.88 12.03 5.00 2.08 2.92 0.54 0.80 5.41 3.65 OK
4.40 0.80 19.00 12.03 5.00 2.54 2.46 0.53 0.87 4.63 2.84 OK
5.20 0.80 20.25 12.03 5.00 3.00 2.00 0.79 1.26 2.52 1.58 OK
6.00 3.46

Sample Calculations - Check for Anchorage

Consider Layer No = 2.00

Elevation of this layer from PCC Top, z = 1.20 (m)
Spacing for this layer svj = 0.80 (m)
Width of Geogrid for this layer, Lj = = 5.00 (m)
As explained in table 2, Tj = = 46.06 (KN/m²)
Also, Tdm = = 12.03 (KN/m²)
Now, length of Geogrid in Active zone, La = z tan(45 - Φ/2)
La = 1.20 * tan ( 45.00 - 15.00 ) = 0.69 (m)
Available Anchorage length of Geogrid, Le available = L - La
Le available = 5.00 - 0.69 = 4.31 (m)
Required Anchorage length of geogrid, Le (Static Case) = ( Tj Svj fn ) / ( 2 ((Υr hj +(dead load))*coverage ratio* tan δr) )
Le(Static) 46.06 * 0.80 * 1.10 )/( 120.77 * tan 29.25 )= 0.60 (m)
Factor of Safety = 4.31 / 0.60 = 7.19
Required Anchorage length of geogrid, Le (Seismic Case) = ( (Tj+Tdm) Svj fn ) / ( 2 Υr tan δr )
Le(Seismic 58.09 * 0.80 * 1.10 )/( 120.77 * tan 29.25 )= 0.76 (m)
Factor of Safety = 4.31 / 0.76 = 5.70

Check for Internal Stability - Internal Sliding

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition 1.30
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 4: Check for Internal Stability - Internal Sliding
Elevation hj svj Tj Tdm L μW P Factor of Safety Remarks
z =H-z Static Seismic
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (KN/m) (KN/m)
0.40 5.60 0.80 55.17 12.03 5.00 423.38 208.32 2.03 1.92 OK
1.20 4.80 0.80 46.06 12.03 5.00 362.90 161.28 2.25 2.09 OK
2.00 4.00 0.80 38.22 12.03 5.00 302.41 120.00 2.52 2.29 OK
2.80 3.20 0.80 31.24 12.03 5.00 241.93 84.48 2.86 2.51 OK
3.60 2.40 0.80 24.88 12.03 5.00 181.45 54.72 3.32 2.72 OK
4.40 1.60 0.80 19.00 12.03 5.00 120.97 30.72 3.94 2.83 OK
5.20 0.80 0.80 20.25 12.03 5.00 60.48 12.48 4.85 2.47 OK

Sample Calculations - Check for Internal Sliding

Consider Layer No = 2.00

Elevation of this layer from PCC Top, z = 1.20 (m)
hj = H - z 6.00 - 1.20 = 4.80 (m)
Spacing for this layer svj = 0.80 (m)
Width of Geogrid for this layer, Lj = = 5.00 (m)
As explained in table 2, Tj = = 46.06 (KN/m²)
Also, Tdm = = 12.03 (KN/m²)
Resistance Frictional Force, μW = Υr hj L tan δr*ffs1
μW = 18.00 * 4.80 * 5.00 * 0.56 = 241.93 (KN/m)
Lateral Force, P = {(0.5 ka Υr hj²) + (ka qsl hj)}ffs1
P= (0.50 * 0.33 * 18.00 * 23.04 )+( 0.33 * 24.00 * 4.80 )
P= 107.52 * 1.5 = 161.28 (KN/m)

Factor of Safety for Static Case,ffs1 μW / P = 241.93 * 1.5 / 161.28 = 2.25

Factor of Safety for Seismic Case, μW / (P+Tdm) = 362.90 / 173.31 = 2.09


Consider CASE B: As per BS 8006, Case A considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum
reinforcement tensions. Hence, Spacing of Geogrids and strength of Geogrids is considered as per case A
Height of Wall, H (m) 6.00 ffs5 q (KN/m²) 18.00 ffs2 SL (KN/m²) 15.00
kar 0.33 ffs3 Υr (KN/m³) 27.00 ffs2 FL (KN/m²) 7.50
kab 0.33 ffs3 Υb (KN/m³) 27.00
Length of Geogrid at bottom layer (m) 5.000
2dSL - bSL = (m) 0.000 Q = tan (45 - Φ/2) / (dFL + bFL) = (m) 0.214

Table 5: Determination of Geogrid spacing

N o Elevation hj L Dj σsj σpj σfj σcj σj Svj
z =H-z Calculated Provide Geogrid
(m) (m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (m)
1 0.40 5.60 5.00 4.60 1.09 67.87 -0.21 0.00 68.75 0.970 0.80 UL 250

2 1.20 4.80 5.00 4.20 1.19 56.38 -0.03 0.00 57.54 0.927 0.80 UL 200

3 2.00 4.00 5.00 3.80 1.32 46.23 0.15 0.00 47.70 0.839 0.80 UL 200

4 2.80 3.20 5.00 3.40 1.47 37.07 0.34 0.00 38.88 1.030 0.80 UL 150

5 3.60 2.40 5.00 3.00 1.67 28.65 0.52 0.00 30.84 1.038 0.80 UL 150

6 4.40 1.60 5.00 2.60 1.92 20.78 0.70 0.00 23.40 0.912 0.80 UL 80

7 5.20 0.80 5.00 2.20 2.27 13.27 0.89 0.00 16.43 0.974 0.80 UL 60


UL 40 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 40 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)

UL 60 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 60 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 80 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 80 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 120 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 120 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 150 2 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 150 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 200 2 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 200 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 250 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 250 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 300 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 300 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
N1 7 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) N2 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
Total Number of layers, Σ N= 7 with ΣLj = 35.00 (m)

Check for Internal Stability - Rupture

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition as we considerd Partial factor of ramification, 1.00
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 6: Check for Internal Stability - Rupture
Layer Elevation hj L σj svj Tj Tdm Factor of Safety Remarks
No z =H-z Geogrid Static Seismic
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²)
1 0.40 5.60 5.00 68.75 0.80 55.00 12.03 UL 250 1.33 1.09 OK
2 1.20 4.80 5.00 57.54 0.80 46.04 12.03 UL 200 1.28 1.01 OK
3 2.00 4.00 5.00 47.70 0.80 38.16 12.03 UL 200 1.54 1.17 OK
4 2.80 3.20 5.00 38.88 0.80 31.10 12.03 UL 150 1.42 1.02 OK
5 3.60 2.40 5.00 30.84 0.80 24.67 12.03 UL 150 1.78 1.20 OK
6 4.40 1.60 5.00 23.40 0.80 18.72 12.03 UL 80 4.70 2.86 OK
7 5.20 0.80 5.00 16.43 0.80 19.72 12.03 UL 60 4.47 2.77 OK

Check for Internal Stability - Anchorage

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition 1.30
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 7: Check for Internal Stability - Anchorage
Elevation svj Tj Tdm L La Le Le Required Factor of Safety Remarks
z Available Static Seismic Static Seismic
(m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (m) (m) (m)
0.40 0.80 55.00 12.03 5.00 0.23 4.77 1.37 1.67 3.48 2.85 OK
1.20 0.80 46.04 12.03 5.00 0.69 4.31 1.15 1.45 3.75 2.97 OK
2.00 0.80 38.16 12.03 5.00 1.15 3.85 0.95 1.25 4.04 3.07 OK
2.80 0.80 31.10 12.03 5.00 1.62 3.38 0.78 1.08 4.36 3.15 OK
3.60 0.80 24.67 12.03 5.00 2.08 2.92 0.62 0.92 4.75 3.19 OK
4.40 0.80 18.72 12.03 5.00 2.54 2.46 0.47 0.77 5.27 3.21 OK
5.20 0.80 19.72 12.03 5.00 3.00 2.00 0.49 0.79 4.06 2.52 OK
6.00 3.46

Check for Internal Stability - Internal Sliding

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition 1.30
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 8: Check for Internal Stability - Internal Sliding
Elevation hj svj Tj Tdm L μW P Factor of Safety Remarks
z =H-z Static Seismic
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (KN/m) (KN/m)
0.40 5.60 0.80 55.00 12.03 5.00 282.25 208.32 1.35 1.28 OK
1.20 4.80 0.80 46.04 12.03 5.00 241.93 161.28 1.50 1.40 OK
2.00 4.00 0.80 38.16 12.03 5.00 201.61 120.00 1.68 1.53 OK
2.80 3.20 0.80 31.10 12.03 5.00 161.29 84.48 1.91 1.67 OK
3.60 2.40 0.80 24.67 12.03 5.00 120.97 54.72 2.21 1.81 OK
4.40 1.60 0.80 18.72 12.03 5.00 80.64 30.72 2.63 1.89 OK
5.20 0.80 0.80 19.72 12.03 5.00 40.32 12.48 3.23 1.65 OK


Consider CASE C: As per BS 8006, Case A considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum
reinforcement tensions. Hence, Spacing of Geogrids and strength of Geogrids is considered as per case A
Height of Wall, H (m) 6.00 ffs5 q (KN/m²) 0.00 ffs2 SL (KN/m²) 15.00
kar 0.33 ffs3 Υr (KN/m³) 18.00 ffs2 FL (KN/m²) 7.50
kab 0.33 ffs3 Υb (KN/m³) 18.00
Length of Geogrid at bottom layer (m) 5.000
2dSL - bSL = (m) 0.000 Q = tan (45 - Φ/2) / (dFL + bFL) = (m) 0.214

Table 9: Determination of Geogrid spacing

N o Elevation hj L Dj σsj σpj σfj σcj σj Svj
z =H-z Calculated Provide Geogrid
(m) (m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (m)
1 0.40 5.60 5.00 4.60 1.09 39.04 -0.21 0.00 39.92 1.003 0.80 UL 250

2 1.20 4.80 5.00 4.20 1.19 32.09 -0.03 0.00 33.25 0.963 0.80 UL 200

3 2.00 4.00 5.00 3.80 1.32 25.84 0.15 0.00 27.31 0.782 0.80 UL 200

4 2.80 3.20 5.00 3.40 1.47 20.12 0.34 0.00 21.92 0.974 0.80 UL 150

5 3.60 2.40 5.00 3.00 1.67 14.78 0.52 0.00 16.97 0.944 0.80 UL 150

6 4.40 1.60 5.00 2.60 1.92 9.71 0.70 0.00 12.34 0.865 0.80 UL 80

7 5.20 0.80 5.00 2.20 2.27 4.81 0.89 0.00 7.97 1.339 0.80 UL 60


UL 40 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 40 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)

UL 60 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 60 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 80 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 80 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 120 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 120 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 150 2 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 150 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 200 2 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 200 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 250 1 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 250 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
UL 300 0 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) UL 300 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
N1 7 Nos with L = 5.00 (m) N2 0 Nos with L = 6.00 (m)
Total Number of layers, Σ N= 7 with ΣLj = 35.00 (m)

Check for Internal Stability - Rupture

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition as we considerd Partial factor of ramification, 1.00
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 10: Check for Internal Stability - Rupture
Layer Elevation hj L σj svj Tj Tdm Factor of Safety Remarks
No z =H-z Geogrid Static Seismic
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²)
1 0.40 5.60 5.00 39.92 0.80 31.93 12.03 UL 250 2.30 1.67 OK
2 1.20 4.80 5.00 33.25 0.80 26.60 12.03 UL 200 2.21 1.52 OK
3 2.00 4.00 5.00 27.31 0.80 21.85 12.03 UL 200 2.69 1.73 OK
4 2.80 3.20 5.00 21.92 0.80 17.54 12.03 UL 150 2.51 1.49 OK
5 3.60 2.40 5.00 16.97 0.80 13.57 12.03 UL 150 3.24 1.72 OK
6 4.40 1.60 5.00 12.34 0.80 9.87 12.03 UL 80 8.92 4.02 OK
7 5.20 0.80 5.00 7.97 0.80 9.57 12.03 UL 60 9.20 4.08 OK

Check for Internal Stability - Anchorage

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition 1.30
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 11: Check for Internal Stability - Anchorage
Elevation svj Tj Tdm L La Le Le Required Factor of Safety Remarks
z Available Static Seismic Static Seismic
(m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (m) (m) (m)
0.40 0.80 31.93 12.03 5.00 0.23 4.77 1.39 1.92 3.42 2.49 OK
1.20 0.80 26.60 12.03 5.00 0.69 4.31 1.16 1.69 3.71 2.55 OK
2.00 0.80 21.85 12.03 5.00 1.15 3.85 0.95 1.48 4.03 2.60 OK
2.80 0.80 17.54 12.03 5.00 1.62 3.38 0.77 1.29 4.42 2.62 OK
3.60 0.80 13.57 12.03 5.00 2.08 2.92 0.59 1.12 4.93 2.61 OK
4.40 0.80 9.87 12.03 5.00 2.54 2.46 0.43 0.96 5.71 2.57 OK
5.20 0.80 9.57 12.03 5.00 3.00 2.00 0.42 0.94 4.78 2.12 OK
6.00 3.46

Check for Internal Stability - Internal Sliding

Required Factor of Safety for Static Condition 1.30
Required Factor of Safety for Seismic Condition 1.00
Table 12: Check for Internal Stability - Internal Sliding
Elevation hj svj Tj Tdm L μW P Factor of Safety Remarks
z =H-z Static Seismic
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m²) (KN/m²) (m) (KN/m) (KN/m)
0.40 5.60 0.80 31.93 12.03 5.00 282.25 116.48 2.42 2.20 OK
1.20 4.80 0.80 26.60 12.03 5.00 241.93 88.32 2.74 2.41 OK
2.00 4.00 0.80 21.85 12.03 5.00 201.61 64.00 3.15 2.65 OK
2.80 3.20 0.80 17.54 12.03 5.00 161.29 43.52 3.71 2.90 OK
3.60 2.40 0.80 13.57 12.03 5.00 120.97 26.88 4.50 3.11 OK
4.40 1.60 0.80 9.87 12.03 5.00 80.64 14.08 5.73 3.09 OK
5.20 0.80 0.80 9.57 12.03 5.00 40.32 5.12 7.88 2.35 OK


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 6.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 5.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 2.451 1.125 1.799
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.275 1.000 1.141
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 252.809 N/a N/a


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.27 1.01 2.52 1.58 1.35 1.28

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.80 UL 250 5.00 1.33 1.09 7.53 6.18 1.35 1.28
2 1.20 0.80 UL 200 5.00 1.27 1.01 7.19 5.70 1.50 1.40
3 2.00 0.80 UL 200 5.00 1.54 1.17 6.70 5.10 1.68 1.53
4 2.80 0.80 UL 150 5.00 1.41 1.02 6.10 4.40 1.91 1.67
5 3.60 0.80 UL 150 5.00 1.77 1.19 5.41 3.65 2.21 1.81
6 4.40 0.80 UL 80 5.00 4.63 2.84 4.63 2.84 2.63 1.89
7 5.20 0.80 UL 60 5.00 4.35 2.73 2.52 1.58 3.23 1.65


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 7.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 6.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 2.138 1.125 1.608
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.208 1.000 1.098
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 308.336 N/a N/a


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.35 1.03 4.92 2.63 1.34 1.27

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.40 UL 300 5.90 1.85 1.41 26.69 20.38 1.43 1.35
2 0.80 0.80 UL 300 5.30 1.92 1.49 11.25 8.74 1.34 1.27
3 1.60 0.80 UL 250 5.30 1.42 1.13 8.17 6.51 1.47 1.38
4 2.40 0.80 UL 200 5.30 1.35 1.04 7.79 5.97 1.63 1.50
5 3.20 0.80 UL 200 5.30 1.63 1.19 7.28 5.33 1.84 1.64
6 4.00 0.80 UL 150 5.30 1.50 1.03 6.69 4.61 2.10 1.79
7 4.80 0.80 UL 80 5.30 3.78 2.41 6.02 3.84 2.44 1.91
8 5.60 0.80 UL 80 5.30 5.01 2.86 5.32 3.04 2.92 1.93
9 6.40 0.60 UL 60 5.30 5.79 3.10 4.92 2.63 3.63 1.45


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 8.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 7.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 2.194 1.125 1.666
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.238 1.000 1.128
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 343.657 N/a N/a


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.31 1.05 5.47 2.99 1.31 1.26

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.40 UL 300 6.00 1.55 1.25 25.33 20.49 1.31 1.26
2 1.20 0.80 UL 300 6.00 1.80 1.41 12.39 9.72 1.42 1.36
3 2.00 0.80 UL 250 6.00 1.31 1.05 8.99 7.25 1.55 1.47
4 2.80 0.80 UL 250 6.00 1.53 1.19 8.59 6.71 1.71 1.59
5 3.60 0.80 UL 200 6.00 1.45 1.09 8.10 6.08 1.90 1.74
6 4.40 0.80 UL 200 6.00 1.74 1.24 7.51 5.38 2.14 1.89
7 5.20 0.80 UL 150 6.00 1.60 1.07 6.87 4.62 2.46 2.06
8 6.00 0.80 UL 80 6.00 4.05 2.50 6.18 3.82 2.88 2.18
9 6.80 0.80 UL 80 6.00 5.45 2.97 5.47 2.99 3.48 2.11
10 7.60 0.40 UL 40 6.00 8.11 3.62 9.62 4.30 4.38 1.28


Project Details
Project Name: Widening of Existing Road Over Bridge (ROB’s) at Mankhurd and Turbhe on Sion - Panvel Special State
Highway in Mumbai.
Client: Maharashtra State Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation (MRIDC)
Contractor: Relcon - Sunrise (JV)

Prepared by: SPB Design Height 9.00 m High Wall

Date: 10-Sept-20 Ref No 19-20/29
Notes: 0

Wall Geometry
Height of wall (above GL), H1 (m) 8.00 Wall Batter, θ (Deg) 0.00
Embedment below ground level, dm (m) 1.00 Wall Friction, δ (Deg) 0.00
Inclination of Backfill with Horizontal, β (Deg) 0.00

Facia Dimensions:
Facia Type Panel 1.60 Height, Hw (m) 1.60
Weight, Υw (KN/m³) N/R Width, Bw (m) 0.18
Dist of CG from face, Gw (m) N/R Length, Lw (m) 1.80

Soil Properties Backfill Soil Reinforced Soil Foundation Soil

Cohesion, c (KN/m²) 0.00 0.00 N/A
Angle of internal Friction, Φ (Deg) 30.00 30.00 N/A
Density, Υ (KN/m³) 18.00 18.00 N/A

Loads SELECT Geogrids

Dead Load, qsd ( depth of road crust 0.6 m) (KN/m²) 12.00 UL 40
Live Load, qsl (KN/m²) 24.00 UL 60
Seismic zone III UL 80
Coefficient for the soil-foundation system, β0 1.20 UL 120
Importance factor, I 1.50 UL 150
Strip Load, SL (KN/m²) 10.00 UL 200
Width of Strip Load, bSL (m) 1.80 UL 250
Dist of C/L of strip load from RE wall Face, dSL (m) 0.90 UL 300
Shear Force, FL (KN/m²) 7.50
Width of Shear Load, bFL (m) 1.80
Dist of C/L of contact area from RE wall Face, dFL (m) 0.90

Geogrid Reinforcement Spacing

Spacing of Geogrids (Uniform: U / Variable: V) U
Desired Spacing or spacing increment (m) 0.80
Elevation of First Layer from bottom of wall (m) 0.40
Coverage ratio 0.56
Design Method BS 8006-1 : 2010 Ultimate Limit State Method


BS 8006 (Table 17), specifies the load factors for three different combinations or load cases.
The following is the description each combination or load case.
Case A - considers the maximum values of all loads and hence generates the maximum reinforcement tensions.
Hence Case A is considered for Foundation Bearing Pressure & Internal Stability.
Case B - considers the maximum overturning loads together with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
traffic loads and hence dictates the reinforcement requirement or sliding along the base.
Hence Case B is considered for Determination of Length from External Stability.
Case C - considers dead loads only without partial load factors & is used for determining the deformations.
Hence Case C is considered for Serviceability Limit State.

Results - External Stability Static Seismic

10 Reqd Actual Reqd Actual
Safety against Overturning, FSOT >= Case B 1.500 2.111 1.125 1.622
Safety against Sliding, FSSL >= Case B 1.200 1.226 1.000 1.123
Max. Pressure on Base Soil, pm (kN/m²) = Case A N/a 389.869 N/a N/a


Results - Internal Stability

Required FOS 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00

Min FOS 1.29 1.03 5.06 2.67 1.30 1.25

Layer Elev. Svj Geogrid FOS - Rupture FOS - Anchorage FOS - Pullout
(m) (m) Geogrid Length Static Seismic Static Seismic Static Seismic

1 0.40 0.40 UL 300 6.50 1.36 1.12 26.60 21.98 1.30 1.25
2 0.80 0.40 UL 300 6.50 2.18 1.63 39.59 29.60 1.34 1.30
3 1.20 0.80 UL 300 6.50 1.55 1.25 13.06 10.52 1.39 1.34
4 2.00 0.80 UL 300 6.50 1.34 1.11 9.51 7.88 1.51 1.44
5 2.80 0.80 UL 250 6.50 1.29 1.04 9.14 7.38 1.64 1.56
6 3.60 0.80 UL 250 6.50 1.50 1.17 8.70 6.81 1.81 1.69
7 4.40 0.80 UL 200 6.50 1.41 1.06 8.18 6.17 2.00 1.84
8 5.20 0.80 UL 200 6.50 1.67 1.20 7.57 5.45 2.25 2.00
9 6.00 0.80 UL 150 6.50 1.52 1.03 6.90 4.69 2.57 2.18
10 6.80 0.80 UL 80 6.50 3.81 2.40 6.19 3.89 2.99 2.33
11 7.60 0.80 UL 80 6.50 5.03 2.83 5.46 3.07 3.58 2.34
12 8.40 0.60 UL 60 6.50 5.79 3.05 5.06 2.67 5.01 1.97

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