Short Encapsulation Pull Test (SEPT) Procedure: Indian Standard
Short Encapsulation Pull Test (SEPT) Procedure: Indian Standard
Short Encapsulation Pull Test (SEPT) Procedure: Indian Standard
ICS 73.100.30
© BIS 2021
Price Group 2
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the draft finalized by the Mining
Techniques and Equipment Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering Divisional
The composition of the Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard is given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 17678 : 2021
Indian Standard
1.1 This standard specifies the methodology of Following equipment is used for pull test:
performing monitoring by pull test of the full column a) Tie wraps for resin capsule;
grouted bolts and short encapsulation test for the resin b) Knife;
grouted bolts and specified performance standards.
c) Tape measure;
1.2 The short encapsulation pull test is used to measure d) Pull test equipment comprising;
the performance of the roof bolt system. The test is e) A suitable hydraulic ram;
performed underground and it is the ultimate test of the
roof bolting system. f) Pressure gauge capable of reading pressure
equivalent to a load of 30 tonnes to an accuracy of
2 DESCRIPTION 1 tonne;
g) (25mm Range) Dial gauge capable of reading to
A series of holes are drilled to varying depth and bolts
0.1 mm;
of the required length are installed with a short resin
capsule to give an encapsulated bolt length of not more h) Monopod to support dial gauge;
than 300 mm. The pull test needs to be performed j) Bearing plate;
after a curing period of 30 min and not more than 8 k) Drawbar;
h, after this an axial load is applied to the bolt end and
m) Shims of varying thickness; and
bolt extension is measured. The load is applied up to
20 tonnes or until the maximum load of the system has n) Bore-hole micrometer.
been applied, whichever is greater.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 17678 : 2021
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 17678 : 2021
9 BOLT INSTALLATION Apply the bolt load slowly, smoothly and without the
push. The bolt displacement needs to be noted at every
The surface condition of the test section of the bolt
1 tonne interval.
needs to be free from rust, grease, paint, dirt and any
other surface contaminant. Follow these steps. Minimum Performance Level of SEPT for use of
a) Insert the capsule and bolt and push the capsule to Resin Capsules underground
the back of the test hole by hand; Short Encapsulation pull test after
b) Raise the machine to the bolt and engage; 30 min 10 Tonne (For 20 mm dia roof bolt)
c) Thrust and spin the bolt slowly to the back of the 12 Tonne (For 22 mm dia roof bolt)
hole taking three-five seconds, after which the bolt
should be spun for at least for a further seconds or 8 h or 24 h 15 Tonne (after 8 h)
as per manufacturer’s instruction; 20 Tonne (after 24 h)
d) Wait for 30 s for fast setting and two minutes for Net Not more than 15mm
slow setting resin capsule; and displacement
e) Identify the test bolt for length by marking the measure
roof during SEPT
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 17678 : 2021
( Foreword )
Mining Techniques and Equipment Sectional Committee, MED 08
Organization Representative(s)
Member Secretary
Shri Sandeep Keshav,
Scientist ‘C’ (MED), BIS
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Patel Infrastructure Limited -
vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
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connected matters in the country.
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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: MED 08 (17063).