16bt70302 - Finite Element Method

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: 16BT70302 SVEC-16
(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)
IV B.Tech I Semester (SVEC-16) Regular Examinations November - 2019
[Mechanical Engineering]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer One Question from each Unit
All questions carry equal marks

1. a) List and briefly describe the general steps of finite element method. CO1 7 Marks
b) Explain the importance of node numbering and element numbering CO1 7 Marks
during the discretization.
2. Determine the nodal displacements, element stresses and support reactions CO1 14 Marks
for bar as shown in the figure. Solve this problem by adopting the Penalty
approach for handling the boundary conditions. Take E 1=E2=70x103N/mm2,
L1=80mm, L2=90mm, A1=900mm2, A2= 400mm2, P=20KN.

3. For the following stepped bar, determine the nodal displacements, stresses in CO2 14 Marks
3 sections and reactions at the ends, using Elimination approach for handling
the boundary conditions. Take L1=1000mm, A1=500mm2,
E1=2x10 N/mm , L2=1500mm, A2=300mm , L3=250mm, A3= 625mm2,
5 2 2

E3 = E2 = E1.

4. For the two-bar truss shown in figure, determine the displacement in the y CO2 14 Marks
direction of node 1 and the axial force in each element. A force of
P=1000kN is applied at node 1 and the positive y direction while node 1
settles an amount δ = 50mm in the negative x direction. Let E = 210GPa and
A=6x10-4 m2 for each element. The lengths of the elements are shown in the

5. Find Strain displacement matrix of the Constant Strain Triangle (CST) CO3 14 Marks
element shown below.

6. For the ax symmetric element shown in figure. Determine the stiffness CO3 14 Marks
matrix. Let E = 2.1x105 MN/m2 and υ =0.25. The coordinates are in mm.

7. The outside of a plate is insulated while the inside face is attached to 2 cm CO4 14 Marks
thick plate with k=60.6 w/m0C, the other face is exposed to surroundings
at a temperature of 200C and convective heat transfer coefficient of
5w/m2 0C. Heat is supplied at the rate of 500w/m 2. Determine the
temperature distribution by considering the 2 elements.
8. Heat is generated in a large plate with k = 0.65w/m 0C at the rate of CO4 14 Marks
2500w/m3, the plate is 10cm thickness, inner surface of plate is exposed
to atmospheric air at 250C with convective heat transfer coefficient,
h=25w/m2 0C. Determine the temperature distribution in plate by taking 2

9. Determine Eigen values and Eigen Vectors for the bar element shown CO5 14 Marks
below, take ρ = 7800kg/m3, E = 200 GPa , A1=600 mm2, A2= 300 mm2

10. For the bar shown in figure with length 2L, modulus of elasticity E, CO1 14 Marks
mass density ρ and cross-sectional area A, determine the first two natural


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