Conservation of Momentum: Rocket Propulsion

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Conservation of momentum
Contributed by: Paul W. Schmidt
Publication year: 2014

The principle that, when a system of masses is subject only to forces that masses of the system exert
on one another, the total vector momentum of the system is constant. Since vector momentum is
conserved, in problems involving more than one dimension the component of momentum in any direction will
remain constant. The principle of conservation of momentum holds generally and is applicable in all fields of
physics. In particular, momentum is conserved even if the particles of a system exert forces on one another or if
the total mechanical energy is not conserved.

Use of the principle of conservation of momentum is fundamental in the solution of collision problems. See also:

If a person standing on a well-lubricated cart steps forward, the cart moves backward. One can explain this result
by momentum conservation, considering the system to consist of cart and human. If both person and cart are
originally at rest, the momentum of the system is zero. If the person then acquires forward momentum by
stepping forward, the cart must receive a backward momentum of equal magnitude in order for the system to
retain a total momentum of zero.

When the principle of conservation of momentum is applied, care must be taken that the system under
consideration is really isolated. For example, when a rough rock rolls down a hill, the isolated system would have
to consist of the rock plus the earth, and not the rock alone, since momentum exchanges between the rock and
the earth cannot be neglected.

Rocket propulsion
The propulsion of a rocket through space can be explained in terms of momentum conservation. Hot gases
produced by the combustion of the fuel are expelled at high speed from the rear of the rocket. Although the total
mass of these hot gases may not be large, the gases move with such a high velocity that the total momentum
associated with them is appreciable. The momentum of the gases is directed backward. For momentum to be
conserved, the rocket must acquire an equal momentum in the forward direction. If the rocket carries all the
materials needed for the combustion of its fuel, its propulsion does not require air, and it can move through
empty space. See also: PROPULSION; ROCKET.
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Exploding bomb
An exploding bomb gives another application of the conservation of momentum. The total resultant vector
momentum of all the pieces of the bomb immediately after explosion must equal the momentum of the
unexploded bomb just before the explosion. See also: EXPLOSIVE.

Proof of principle
The principle of conservation of momentum follows directly from Newton’s second and third laws. While the
principle will be proved here only for the straight-line motion of a two-particle system, it can be generalized to
systems containing any number of particles. A particle is a mass with dimensions so small that rotational effects
are negligible. Momentum will also be conserved for rigid bodies large enough that rotation must be considered,
since rigid bodies can be treated as assemblies of many particles.

For the one-dimensional motion of an isolated two-particle system, Newton’s third law states that the force F,12
that particle 1 exerts on particle 2 is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force F,21 that particle 2
exerts on particle 1. Thus Eq. (1) holds.

Image of Equation 1 (1)

By use of Newton’s second law this equation can be expressed in terms of the momenta m,1 v,1 and m,2 v,2 of
particles 1 and 2, respectively, where m,1 , m,2 , v,1 , and v,2 are the masses and velocities of particles 1 and 2,
respectively. Then Eq. (2) holds.

Image of Equation 2

Integration gives Eq. (3),

Image of Equation 3 (3)

where c is a constant. This equation expresses the conservation of momentum for two particles moving in the
same straight line.

Finally it should be mentioned that angular and linear momentum are independent quantities. A complete
description of a system must include both quantities. The angular momentum of a system is conserved under
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Paul W. Schmidt

Additional Readings

N. J. Giordano, Reasoning and Relationships, Brooks∕Cole, 2010

L. D. Kirkpatrick and G. E. Francis, Physics: A Conceptual World View, 7th ed., Brooks∕Cole, 2010

R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett, Principles of Physics, 5th ed., Brooks∕Cole, 2013

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