26 Electrical Hazards: Electrical Hazard Can Be Defined As

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26 ELECTRICAL HAZARDS There are also restrictions in the Construction

Projects regulation (O. Reg. 213/91, s. 182) on who
can work on electrical equipment:
1. No worker shall connect, maintain or modify
electrical equipment or installations unless,
(a) the worker holds a certificate of qualification
issued under the Ontario College of Trades and
Apprenticeship Act, 2009, that is not suspended,
in the trade of,
(i) electrician — construction and maintenance, or
(ii) electrician — domestic and rural, if the
worker is performing work that is limited to the
scope of practice for that trade; or
(b) the worker is otherwise permitted to connect,
maintain or modify electrical equipment or
installations under the Ontario College of Trades
and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 or the Technical
Standards and Safety Act, 2000. O. Reg. 627/05,
s. 4; O. Reg. 88/13, s. 2.
An electrical hazard can be defined as 2. A worker who does not meet the requirements
-- a dangerous condition where a worker could of clause (1) (a) or (b) may insert an attachment
make electrical contact with energized plug cap on the cord of electrical equipment
equipment or a conductor, and from which the or an electrical tool into, or remove it from, a
person may sustain an injury from shock; and/or, convenience receptacle.

-- there is potential for the worker to receive an Guidelines for working on or near electrical equipment
arc flash burn, thermal burn, or blast injury. and conductors are found in several documents:
• Construction Regulation (O. Reg. 213/91)
NOTE: An electrical hazard is considered to be • Ontario Electrical Safety Code
removed when protective measures are put in place
• Operating manuals for different tools and equipment.
at the source (remove hazard or de-energize), or
along the path (place electrical insulation/barrier • CAN/CSA-Z462: Workplace Electrical Safety.
between the worker and the electrical hazard). An important aspect of electrical work involves
Where PPE is relied upon for worker protection, an isolating electrical energy. A reference for detailed
electrical hazard is considered to remain and it is information on lockout and control of hazardous
still necessary to address safety requirements for energy is the CAN/CSA-Z460: Control of Hazardous
other workers in the area. Energy—Lockout and Other Methods.

Injuries resulting from a worker making electrical Electrical Injuries

contact represent a relatively small portion (7.7%)
of the lost-time injuries electricians experience, There are basically two ways to be injured by electricity.
according to 1997–1999 statistics. It is reasonable One is by electric shock and the other is by arc flash.
to assume that the situation is similar today. Other Electric shock is the passing of electric current
mechanical trades that do some electrical work can through the body. Electrical contact can cause
probably expect even fewer electrical injuries. involuntary physical movements. The electrical
Nevertheless, working on or near electrical hazards current may do the following.
is dangerous and can be fatal. Any work on or near • Prevent you from releasing your grip from a live
energized equipment must be done only when conductor
measures are in place to provide protection from
electric shock and burn. With adequate safety • Throw you into contact with a higher voltage
measures in place, every electrical injury and conductor
fatality can be prevented. • Cause you to lose your balance and fall
The law requires safe work practices. Under • Cause severe internal and external burns
the Occupational Health and Safety Act and • Kill you.
Regulations for Construction Projects (the green
book), employers, supervisors, and workers each
A household 125-volt circuit can deliver 15 amps.
have legal responsibilities to ensure that work is
Current as low as 30/1000 of 1 amp (30 mA) can
being carried out in a safe manner.
cause breathing to stop. A 15-amp circuit contains
many times the current needed to cause death.

Hazards 26-1

A major cause of accidents involving electricity comes Safeguards

from the failure to identify the hazards associated with
live electrical equipment and wiring (Figure 26-1). Protective Tools and Equipment
Workers exposed to an electrical hazard must use
mats, gloves, shields, flame resistant clothing, and
any other protective equipment required to protect
themselves from electric shock and burn. As part of
everyday work, electrical workers should always do
the following.
• Remove watches, rings, neck chains, or other
current-conducting apparel.
• Wear electric-shock-resistant footwear.
• Wear a CSA-approved Class E hard hat or
• Wear safety glasses with side shields.
• Wear under and outer clothing that has flame-
resistance properties.
Tools, devices, and equipment—including personal
protective equipment—used for live work must be
designed, tested, maintained, and used so as to
Figure 26-1: provide adequate protection for workers.
Electrical Injuries
Where there is the potential for an arc flash, all PPE
should be chosen with consideration for the kinds
An arc flash is a release of energy caused by an of hazards that can result from an arc flash. (See
electric arc (Figure 26-2). The flash causes an explosive "Flash hazard arc flash protection" below.)
expansion of air and metal. The blast produces
The following information provides guidelines on
• A dangerous pressure wave appropriate and required personal protective
• A dangerous sound wave equipment. Check the reference documents identified
at the beginning of this chapter to determine your
• Shrapnel
job-specific needs. See also the chapters on personal
• Extreme heat protective equipment in this manual.
• Extreme light.
Whether or not the day’s planned work involves
working near an electrical hazard, workers that do
electrical work should choose everyday clothing
that offers some flame-resistance properties. When
work must be done in the presence of an electrical
hazard, ensure that all clothing is chosen to provide
adequate protection from the potential hazards.
(See "Flash Hazard (Arc Flash) Protection" section
in this chapter.)
Figure 26-2: Electric Arc
Head Protection
These dangers can result in blast injuries, lung
injuries, ruptured eardrums, shrapnel wounds, The following types of hard hats comply with the
severe burns, and blindness. Arc flash injuries can Construction Projects regulation (213/91):
also result in death (Figure 26-3).
• Class E, Type 1 or 2 (CAN/CSA-Z94.1)
• Type II, Class E (ANSI Z89.1)
• Type I, Class E (ANSI Z89.1).
Type 1 hard hats provide protection to the top of
the head, while Type 2 hard hats provide protection
to the top and sides of the head. Because it
protects against side impact, CSA Type 2 hard hats
are recommended for construction work. Class
E hard hats are able to withstand an electrical
Figure 26-3: Arc Flash contact equal to 20,000 volts (phase-to-ground).

26-2 Construction Health and Safety Manual


Foot Protection Hearing Protection

Construction workers require Grade 1 toe Hearing protection is important at work since
protection with sole puncture protection in continuous exposure to excessive noise can lead
accordance with CAN/CSA Z195-14: Protective to hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing protection
Footwear. A green triangular patch on the tongue is required for some arc flash hazards. Hearing
or the ankle of protective footwear indicates that protection is available in three general types:
it meets the requirements of the Construction
1. Disposable ear plugs made of pliable material.
Projects regulation (213/91).
One size fits all, but they should only be used once.
Construction workers who are exposed to electrical 2. Reusable custom-fit ear plugs are available to
hazards (e.g., mechanical tradespeople) should also provide protection for specific frequencies of
wear protective footwear that resists electric shock. noise. These provide a good seal and can be
This is indicated by a white rectangular label bearing washed and reused.
the CSA logo and the Greek letter omega in orange.
3. Earmuffs. They need to be fitted to provide
maximum protection.

Shock Protection
The passage of electricity through the body is
called shock. Effects can range from a tingling
sensation to death. A shock that may not be
CSA logo omega label enough to cause injury can nonetheless startle a
worker, causing an involuntary reaction that can
result in serious injuries or death.
Eye Protection
A household 125-volt circuit can deliver 15 amps.
CAN/CSA Z94.3-15: Eye and Face Protectors can Current as low as 30/1000 of 1 amp (30 mA) can
assist you in classifying hazards and recommending cause breathing to stop. A 15-amp circuit has many
eye protectors. Appropriate protection chosen times the current needed to cause death.
according to this standard meets with the intent
of the Construction Projects regulation (213/91) Rubber gloves and leather protectors are the most
regarding eye protection worn on the job. common personal protective equipment used for
shock protection. These must be adequate to protect
In any case, eye protection should be of industrial the worker from electrical shock or burn. The rubber
quality eye protection in the form of safety glasses gloves must have been tested and certified.
incorporating side-shields or a wrap-around style.
Arc flash protection requires a face shield that is Class 0 and Class 00 gloves must be air-tested
rated for arc flash, with safety glasses underneath. and visually inspected for damage and adequacy
immediately before each use. Class 0 and Class 00
Regular plastic face shields do not to provide arc are exempt from regular recertification unless work
flash protection. They can burn and melt in an arc is carried out under the Electrical Utility Safety
flash incident. Use a face shield that is designed Rules (see RB-ELEC available at ihsa.ca). Rubber
and rated for arc flash protection. gloves rated for use with voltages above 5,000
volts AC must be regularly tested and certified to
ensure that they can withstand the voltages for
which they are rated,
• At least once every three months if they are in
service, or
• Once every six months, if they are not in service.
Workers must be trained in the proper use, care, and
storage of rubber gloves and leather protectors.
Rubber mats and shields can also be used with
standard personal protective equipment to protect
the worker from electric shock or burn. The rubber
mat must have been tested and certified.
The best shock protection is afforded by turning off
or isolating the electrical power from the worker.
The Construction Regulation requires all work to be
done with the system de-energized unless certain
specified conditions are met. (See "Working on
Energized Systems" in this chapter.)

Hazards 26-3

Flash Hazard (Arc Flash) Protection

A flash hazard is defined as a dangerous condition
associated with the release of energy caused by
an electric arc (NFPA 70E 2004). The release of
energy is often referred to as an arc flash.
An arc flash produces thermal energy which is
measured in calories/cm2. Adhering to arc flash
protection calculations can still expose a worker to
second degree burns, or 1.2 calories/cm2.

One calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise

the temperature of one gram of water by 1°C.
Second degree burn results from exposure to 1.2
Figure 26-5: Flash Protection Designed into
cal/cm2 for more than 0.1 second.
Disconnect Switch/Plug
1.2 calories/cm2 is equivalent to holding your
finger in the blue part of a butane lighter flame Mechanical workers who are potentially exposed
for one second. to arc flash should always wear clothing that
provides for some level of arc-flash protection.
Clothing made of synthetic fibres can be readily
These conditions can lead to arc flash:
ignited by arc flash and melt to the workers’ skin.
• Accidental contact between two conductors Cotton or wool fabrics are more flame-retardant
• Wiring errors and are therefore recommended as outer-wear and
inner-wear for work clothes. Clothing that is arc-
• Insulation deterioration or failure flash rated to provide protection up to a specified
• Corrosion of equipment hazard category must be worn when there is a
flash hazard.
• Contamination of the equipment (e.g., dust,
moisture) Protection from an arc flash is afforded by
protective clothing and equipment such as
• Animals, tools, or fallen parts that short-circuit
the equipment • Arc-rated clothing
• Poor maintenance • Flame-resistant eye protection (arc-rated face
shield is often required as well)
• Workers using improper or non-rated tools.
• Hand protection
If a worker is close to energized electrical
equipment, the worker may be exposed to a flash • Hearing protection.
hazard, even if the source of the arc flash is not There are a number of levels of arc-rated clothing,
being worked on. Employers and supervisors need ranging from cotton-like clothes to the higher
to ensure these workers are protected from flash arc-rated suits and face shields (Figure 26-6). The
hazards, and should educate workers on flash level of protection necessary is determined by a
hazard recognition. calculation using tables or a computer program.
It may be possible to eliminate the electrical
hazard with equipment designed to offer flash
protection. The plugs in Figures 26-4 and 26-5 are
designed for flash protection and can be used as a
disconnect switch.

Figure 26-6: Flash Suit and Face Shield

Figure 26-4: Flash Hazard Switch Plug

26-4 Construction Health and Safety Manual


A hypothetical example: Unless the work consists only of diagnostic

testing or involves a nominal voltage under 300
For voltage testing on an energized part, 240 volts
volts, an adequately equipped competent worker
or less, a worker may require the following.
who can perform rescue operations, including
• Arc-rated pants and shirt (each rated to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), must be
withstand 4 calories/cm2) stationed where he or she can see the workers
• Arc-rated face shield and safety goggles performing the live work.

• 500-Volt-rated class 00 gloves (class 0 gloves Work on energized equipment nominally rated
protect up to 1000 volts) greater than 400 amperes and greater than 200
volts, or greater than 200 amperes and greater
• 1000-Volt-rated tools than 300 volts, can only be done if all of the
• Approved hard hat following conditions are met.
• Hearing protection. 1. The owner of the equipment provides the
employer and the constructor with a record
Actual calculations for this task may yield different
showing that it has been maintained according
to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Workers who encounter a flash hazard can take
2. A copy of the maintenance record is readily
additional precautions to reduce exposure.
available at the project.
• Standing as far away as possible from the hazard 3. The employer has determined from the
lowers the calorie intensity of an arc flash. maintenance record that work on the equipment
• Standing to the side when opening electrical-box can be performed safely without disconnecting it.
doors can reduce exposure to the full force of a blast. 4. Before beginning live work, the worker has
Information is available to assist with arc-flash verified that requirements 1), 2), and 3) have
energy calculations. Here are some sources: been met.
• The (US) National Fire Protection Association’s
Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace Repair or permanently disconnect defective
(NFPA 70E). Contact the NFPA: www.nfpa.org equipment.

• The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Section 2-300 of the Ontario Electrical Safety
Engineers’ standard 1584, Guide for Performing Code requires operating electrical equipment to
Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. Contact the IEEE: be kept in safe and proper working condition.
The constructor must ensure that written
• CSA standard Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety. procedures for work on or near live equipment are
Contact the CSA: www.csagroup.org produced and implemented to protect workers
from electrical shock and burn. The constructor
Working on Energized Systems must have copies of the procedures available for
employers on the project.
What if there’s an electrical hazard but work must
The employer must provide and explain the written
be done on or near enough to the hazard to make
procedures to workers before they start work on
electrical contact, or near enough to be exposed
or near live equipment. The constructor and the
to injury from an arc flash? In such cases, working
employer both have a general duty to ensure that
while the system is energized is permitted only if
the health and safety of workers are protected.
specific conditions are met.
Work on energized equipment is permitted only in Operating Equipment Near
one of the following situations. Energized Powerlines
• It is not reasonably possible to disconnect the Incidental powerline contact happens too often,
equipment, installation, or conductor from the especially considering the potential severity of the
power supply. consequences. The Ministry of Labour reported 108
• The equipment is rated at a nominal voltage powerline contacts in 1998. That number rose to
of 600 volts or less, and disconnecting the 196 in 2005. See Table 26-1.
equipment would create a greater hazard to Constructors must be aware of electrical hazards
workers than proceeding without disconnecting it. when equipment such as a crane, dump truck,
• The work consists only of diagnostic testing. or other vehicle is going to be operated near an
energized overhead electrical conductor, or when
NOTE: Testing with a meter is working on excavating equipment such as a backhoe will be
energized equipment, and requires appropriate operated near underground powerlines (Figure 26-7).
protection including personal protective equipment.

Hazards 26-5

When equipment operates within reach of,

and could therefore encroach on, the minimum
permitted distances from live overhead powerlines
(as listed in Table 26-2), the constructor is required
to have written procedures in place to prevent it
from occurring and to have copies of the procedure
available for every employer on the project.

NOTE: The wind can blow powerlines, hoist lines,

or your load. This can cause them to cross the
minimum distance.

Overhead powerlines are most frequently hit by

dump trucks and cranes; however, elevating work
platforms and low-tech equipment such as ladders
and rolling scaffolds are also involved. Keep in
mind that many powerline contacts involve low-
voltage service and buried cable.

Figure 26-7: Electrical Hazards

Near Overhead Powerlines

Table 26-1: Summary of Powerline Contacts

Overhead Lines Buried Cables
Year Crane Dump truck Tree felling Other Digging Other Total
2005 19 21 9 87 45 15 196
2004 11 16 5 57 53 9 151
2003 16 19 9 63 35 6 148
2002 16 20 4 50 36 6 132
2001 16 22 5 43 27 7 120
2000 15 10 3 59 32 3 122
1999 11 26 2 48 27 1 115
1998 10 17 8 39 27 7 108
TOTALS 114 151 46 446 282 54
Source: Ontario Ministry of Labour

Table 26-2: Minimum Distance from Powerlines

Voltage Rating of Powerline Minimum Distance

750 to 150,000 volts 3 m (10 ft)
150,001 to 250,000 volts 4.5 m (15 ft)
over 250,000 volts 6 m (20 ft)
Source: O. Reg. 213/91, s. 188

26-6 Construction Health and Safety Manual


Safety Measures Have overhead powerlines moved, insulated,

or de-energized where possible. Insulating or
Written measures and procedures required by the
"rubberizing" powerlines offers some protection
Construction Projects regulation (213/91) include
against brush contact in some circumstances. The
the following:
local utility may provide this service.
• Place enough warning devices in the area of the
hazard so that at least one is always visible to the
operator. The warning devices must be visible to
the operator under any conditions in which the
equipment may be operating (night, rain, fog,
etc.), and must be specific about the hazard.
Provide a sign meeting the requirements of O.
Reg. 213/91, s. 44, stating, for example, "Danger!
Electrical Powerlines Overhead." We recommend
that you include the voltage (Figure 26-8).

Figure 26-9: Inside the Limit of

POWERLINES Approach to the Powerline
Identify the voltage of the service by checking
Figure 26-8: Warning Sign markings on the utility pole and calling the utility.
If material must be stored under powerlines,
hang warning flags and signs to inform workers
• Ensure the equipment operator has been about the hazard and the need to obtain written
provided with written notification of the electrical procedures if hoisting (Figure 26-10).
hazard before beginning the work.
• Ensure there is a sign warning of the hazard that
is visible to the operator at the operator’s station.
This may come as a sticker with the machine.
Check to ensure the sticker is still legible.
• Before the operator starts work, ensure that the
employer of the equipment operator provides and
explains the procedures to the equipment operator.
• A competent worker must be designated as a
signaller to warn the operator when any part of
the equipment, load, or hoist line may approach
the minimum distance. The signaller must then be
in full view of the operator and have a clear view
of the equipment and the conductor. Section 106
of the Construction Regulation also applies with
Figure 26-10: Warning Signs on Utility Poles
respect to the designated signaller.

An exemption to these measures is only allowed if, Provide instruction as part of site orientation.
under the authority of the owner of the electrical
• Tell operators of large equipment where overhead
conductor (typically the local utility), protective
and buried powerlines are and where overhead
devices and equipment are installed, and written
powerlines may be lower than expected.
procedures are implemented (e.g., using the Electrical
Utilities Safety Rules) that are adequate to protect the • Remind workers not to let a ladder, scaffold,
equipment operator from electrical shock and burn. or elevated work platform lean or drift toward
overhead powerlines. Always maintain minimum
Prevention allowable clearances.

Ensure that contractors and workers understand • Inform all workers how powerline hazards are
that work should be planned to avoid powerlines. identified on site and that written procedures are
Prepare for work that must be done in close required prior to operating near them.
proximity to energized powerlines by developing • Review an appropriate emergency response
written procedures ahead of time. for equipment operators and workers assisting
operators, in case contact should occur.

Hazards 26-7

In the event of contact between equipment and The following are some prevention measures for
overhead powerlines: hidden powerlines.
1. Stay on equipment. Don’t touch equipment and For underground powerlines:
the ground at the same time. Touching anything • Before excavating, request that the owner of the
in contact with the ground can be fatal. Stay on service locate and mark underground powerlines.
the equipment unless forced off because of a life-
threatening hazard such as fire. • Contact the utility through Ontario One Call to
locate all underground services.
2. Keep others away. Warn everyone not to touch
the equipment or its load. That includes buckets, • Locate and mark underground lines on drawings
outriggers, load lines, and any other part of the that will be used for excavating.
machine. Beware of time-delayed relays. After • Post warning signs along the route of
line damage trips a breaker, relays may still try underground powerlines.
to restore power. They may reset automatically
two or three times. • When operators of excavation equipment arrive
on site, tell them where underground services are
3. Break contact. If possible, break contact by moving located and how they are identified.
the equipment clear of the wires. This may not be
feasible where contact has welded conductors to For powerlines embedded in concrete:
equipment, the hoist line, or the load.
• Ensure various trades provide sleeving when
4. Call the local utility. Get someone to call the concrete is poured to reduce the need to drill.
local electrical utility for help. Stay on the
• Try to have powerlines laid along dedicated
equipment until the utility shuts down the line
sections of flooring and walls.
and confirms that power is off. Report incidents
of powerline contact so that the utility can check • Mark powerline locations on drawings that will be
for damage that could cause the line to fail later. referenced for drilling.
5. Jump clear. If forced to leave the equipment, • Use a location service to x-ray the concrete and
jump carefully off the equipment onto the locate embedded powerlines.
ground landing only on your feet, with your
feet together. Touching the equipment and the Multimeters
ground at the same time can be fatal. Touching
the ground at different points can also be fatal. In the process of troubleshooting, electrical workers
Shuffle slowly away from the equipment using face the risk of injury from improper multimeter
very small steps to minimize the contact area selection or use (Figure 26-12). Multimeters that are
with the ground. designed to meet the International Electrotechnical
6. Report the contact. See "Reporting Electrical Commission (IEC) 1010 and overvoltage category
Incidents" in this chapter. standards, when properly used, offer the electrician
an acceptable level of protection that is recognized
by the electrical industry. The use of fused leads
Hidden Power Supplies provides additional protection for the worker.
Digging into buried cable resulted in 282 powerline
contacts between 1998 and 2005 (see Table 26-1). A
great many of these resulted from excavating prior
to getting a locate on the service (Figure 26-11). If the
electrical power cannot be shut off during excavation,
the owner (of the service) must be present to
supervise the uncovering of the powerline.

Figure 26-12: A Failed Multimeter

Figure 26-11: Underground Powerline Hazards

26-8 Construction Health and Safety Manual


Table 26-3: Multimeter Overvoltage Categories

Parts of this table are reprinted with permission from Fluke Electronics Canada Inc.

Overvoltage Categories
Momentary high-voltage transients or spikes
can travel through a multimeter at any time and
without warning. Motors, capacitors, lightning,
and power conversion equipment such as variable
speed drives are all possible sources of spikes.
The IEC 1010 standard defines categories I through
IV that are abbreviated as CAT I, CAT II, CAT III,
etc. The higher-numbered categories represent an
electrical environment that is susceptible to higher-
energy spikes. For example, multimeters that are
designed to the CAT IV standard provide the
worker more protection from high transient voltage
spikes than do CAT III, CAT II, or CAT I designs. See
Figure 26-13 and Table 26-3 for an explanation of
each category.
Figure 26-13: Examples of Overvoltage Categories

Hazards 26-9

Be sure that the multimeter model has been tested. • Check to ensure that the meter’s voltage rating
Simply being designed to the CAT III standard, for is appropriate for the work being done. Be aware
example, does not mean the multimeter was also of multimeters with maximum voltage ratings
tested to that standard. typical of other countries (550 V for example).
Look for proof of independent • Check the manufacturer’s manual for special
testing by an organization cautions. Moisture and cold may affect the
accredited by the Standards performance of your meter.
Council of Canada—such as • Wipe the multimeter and test leads clean to remove
the CSA (Canadian Standards any surface contamination prior to use.
Association) International
logo—along with the • Use fused test leads. Ensure fused leads and internal
appropriate category rating on probe fuses are rated as high as or higher than the
the equipment. equipment you are going to work on. A minimum of
30 kA is recommended (200 kA is desirable).
Test leads should also be rated at the same or
greater voltage than the multimeter. • Ensure that test leads are in the correct input jacks.
• When the values to be measured are uncertain,
Understanding Overvoltage Installation Categories start testing with high ranges of the multimeter,
then move to the lower ranges.
The division of a power distribution system into
catagories is based on the fact that a dangerous • Connect to the ground first, and disconnect from
high-energy transient such as a lightning strike will ground last.
be attenuated or dampened as it travels through the • Test the multimeter on a known power source
impedance (AC resistance) of the system. A higher to verify that the meter is functioning properly
CAT number refers to an electrical environment with before and after testing the suspect circuit, using
higher power available and higher-energy transients. the same power function for all three tests.
Therefore, a multimeter designed to the CAT III
standard is resistant to much higher-energy transients
Testing for Power with a Meter
than one designed to the CAT II standard. Categories
I through IV apply to low voltage (less than 1000 V) Set the meter to the power function to be
test equipment. used for validating the zero energy. Test to
ensure the meter is functioning correctly by
Safe Use of Multimeters testing on a known power source, then test
the locked out circuit to verify that the power
• Use only multimeters that display both the CSA has been effectively isolated, and finally re-test
logo (or equivalent) and the CAT (I, II, III, or IV) on the same known power supply to verify the
designation. Categories I through IV apply to low meter’s fuse has not blown and the meter is still
voltage (less than 1000 V) test equipment. functioning correctly on that power setting.
• Use personal protective equipment such as
arc flash fire-resistant clothing; eye and face
protection; long-sleeved shirts; dielectric safety
boots; rubber gloves with leather protectors; and Portable Tools and Extension Cords
mats, blankets, or shields as required (Figure
26-14). Do not wear synthetic inner or outer 1. Unless they are double-insulated, tools must have:
clothing that can melt if an arc flash occurs. a) the casing grounded
b) a polarized plug connection.
2. Extension cords must be of the outdoor type,
rated for 300 volts, and have an insulated
grounding conductor.
3. Defective cords must not be used. They should
be either destroyed or tagged and removed
from the jobsite until they are repaired.
4. Extension cords should be protected during use
to prevent damage.
5. Extension cords should be plugged into Class A
ground fault circuit inturruptors (GFCIs). When
built-in GFCI receptacles are not available,
protection can be attained with an in-line GFCI
Figure 26-14: Wear Arc-Rated PPE plugged directly into the supply receptacle.
When Using Multimeters
To plug-in safely while working outside, follow the
directions in Figure 26-15.

26-10 Construction Health and Safety Manual


4. Feeders supplying fixed distribution centers

shall be installed in armoured cable or the
equivalent. A feeder supplying a portable
distribution center is permitted to be flexible
cord or power cable of the outdoor type
suitable for extra-hard usage. feeders shall be
protected at all times from mechanical damage.
(OESC 2015, Rule 76-010).
5. A switch and panel board must meet the
following requirements (as per O. Reg 213/91,
s. 194):
a) M
 ust be securely mounted on a soundly
constructed vertical surface
b) M
 ust have a cover over uninsulated parts
carrying current
c) M
 ust be located in an area where water will
not accumulate and be within easy reach of
workers and readily accessible to them
d) m
 ust be kept clear of obstructions in the
area in front of the panel board (O. Reg.
213/91, s. 194)
6. The switch that controls a service entrance,
Figure 26-15: Plug-in Safely service feeder, or branch circuit providing
temporary power
Electric tools used outdoors or in wet locations • must not be locked in the energized position
must be protected by a Class A GFCI (Figure 26-16). and
• must be housed in an enclosure that can be
locked and is provided with a locking device
(Figure 26-17). (O. Reg. 213/91, s. 194)


Shelter for
Temporary Panel
Photo courtesy of EGS Electrical Group Canada Ltd.

Figure 26-16: In-line Class A GFCI

Figure 26-17: Shelter and
Lockouts for Temporary Panels
Temporary Wiring and Power
7. When supplying power to tools that will
1. Temporary wiring for construction or
be used outdoors or in wet locations, the
demolition projects must be installed in
receptacle must be protected by a class A GFCI
accordance with the Ontario Electrical Safety
(Figure 26-18). (O. Reg. 213/91, s. 195.2)
Code 2015, 26th edition. Copies are available
from Orderline by visting www.orderline.com.
2. Temporary wiring must be inspected and
approved when initially installed and should be
checked regularly. (OESC 2015, Rules 2-004,
2-014, 2-016)
3. Temporary installations shall be constructed
as separate installations and shall not be
interconnected with any of the circuits of the
permanent installations except by special
permission. (OESC 2015, Rule 76-014) Figure 26-18: GFCI in Panel Box

Hazards 26-11

8. Portable generators with no connection between The known grounded connection can be the
the neutral and the case cannot be used as a stand- equipment frame (note that if the equipment is
alone electrical supply for the operation of portable electrically isolated, the frame may not provide
electrical equipment. Typically, generators with no an effective grounded connection), a metal water
connection between the neutral and the case are pipe, a ground electrode, or other acceptable
intended to be connected through a transfer switch grounding medium.
to a distribution system for use as a standby back-
Ground all phases. Attach a temporary ground
up system in a residential home, in case of power
cable to the system and keep it in place until work
is completed.
9. "Generators supplied by equipment rental
stores for use as a stand-alone supply Connecting and disconnecting conductors
to portable electrical devices shall be a
generator with the neutral bonded to the case Any disconnect devices used to isolate electrical
to facilitate the operation of the overcurrent equipment must be certified by CSA International
protection device(s)" (Electrical Safety or another certification body accredited by the
Authority Flash notice 03-03-FL). Standards Council of Canada. It is important that
the device has the appropriate rating for the
10. Labeling on newer portable generators must available current and load it is serving. Never
indicate the status of the neutral conductor and assume a circuit has been de-energized when the
shall be marked on each machine as follows: disconnect is in the open position. Check for power
NEUTRAL FLOATING or NEUTRAL BONDED TO in all conductors, then follow prescribed lockout
FRAME (Figure 26-19). and tagging procedures before beginning work.

Isolate the capacitor by opening the circuit breaker
or the isolation device connecting it to the circuit.
Drain off the accumulated charge for five to ten
minutes with the system device. Short circuit and
ground the capacitor using a hot stick and required
personal protective equipment.

Electrical fires
• Report fires immediately.

Figure 26-19: "Neutral Floating" • Never put water on fires in live electrical
Label on Generator equipment or wiring. Water is a conductor and
increases the risk of arc flash and electrocution.
Other Electrical Issues • An electrical fire in a confined space can
rapidly deplete oxygen and may release toxic
Electromagnetic induction fumes. If possible, switch off power. Avoid
inhaling fumes and vacate the area at once. If
Electromagnetic induction can create an electric
necessary, breathe through a damp cloth and
current in a dead circuit. The condition occurs
stay close to the floor.
when a magnetic field from another wire, circuit, or
device cuts across a wire in its path and produces • Wiring or equipment involved in a fire must
a charge in that wire. Temporary grounding will be inspected by the electrical utility inspector
prevent electromagnetic induction. The temporary before being reactivated.
grounding cable must be the same size conductor • Use a Class C fire extinguisher. Intended for
as the one found within the circuit. electrical fires, Class C extinguishers employ
a non-conductive extinguishing agent. An
Grounding ABC fire extinguisher may also be used on an
A ground conductor provides a direct physical electrical fire.
connection to the mass of the earth. It limits the
voltage or current to the ground during normal
operation, and also prevents excessive voltages
REMEMBER: Every worker who may be required
due to lightning strikes.
to use a fire extinguisher must be trained in its
A temporary ground provides a direct physical use.
connection to the mass of the earth. Temporary
grounding typically involves the use of a wire
or cable that has one end connected to a
de-energized circuit and the other end to a known
grounded connection.

26-12 Construction Health and Safety Manual


Reporting Electrical Incidents Section 53 of the Act: Where a notice or report is

not required under section 51 or 52, and an
All incidents, regardless of severity, must be
• accident
reported promptly to management and the
immediate supervisor, and a record should be • premature or unexpected explosion, fire, flood or
kept at the jobsite. When a serious or fatal injury inrush of water
involves a union member, the union office and • failure of any equipment, machine, device, article,
steward must be notified immediately. Labour and or thing
management should cooperate fully in conducting
an investigation. • cave-in, subsidence, rockburst

Part VII of the OHSA specifies the requirements • or other incident as prescribed (see box below)
for notification in the event of fatalities, injuries, occurs at a project site, mine, or mining plant,
and incidents. In the event of an incident that notice in writing of the occurrence shall be given to
requires reporting and investigation, care should be a director, the Joint Health and Safety Committee
taken not to disturb the incident scene, nor should or Health and Safety Representative, and trade
equipment or tools involved in the incident be union, if any, by the constructor of the project or
removed. the owner of the mine or mining plant within two
days of the occurrence containing such information
Contact with an overhead powerline and particulars as are prescribed.
Contact with an overhead powerline must be
reported to multiple parties. Know the Law
If accidental contact occurs with an energized For the purpose of section 53 of the Act, a
powerline carrying 750 V or more, report the "prescribed incident" includes:
contact to the inspection department of the • accidental contact by a worker or by a
Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), and provide worker’s tool or equipment with energized
written notice to the Ministry of Labour, Joint electrical equipment, installations or
Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety conductors. (s.11 O. Reg. 213/91)
Representative, and trade union.
• Accidental contact by a crane, similar hoisting
Fatality or critical injury device, backhoe, power shovel or other vehicle
or equipment or its load with an energized
A written report is required under subsection electrical conductor rated at more than 750
51 (1) of the Act, respecting an occurrence in which volts. (s.11 O. Reg. 213/91)
a person is killed or critically injured. (See box

Reporting serious electrical incidents to the ESA

Know the Law An owner, contractor, or operator of a facility must
For the purpose of the Act, the Regulations, and report any serious electrical incident to the
the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, "critically Inspection Department of the ESA within 48 hours
injured" means an injury of a serious nature that, after the occurrence.
• places life in jeopardy;
• produces unconsciousness; Know the Law
• results in substantial loss of blood; "Serious electrical incident" means,
• involves the fracture of a leg or arm but not a a) A
 ny electrical contact which causes death or
finger or toe; critical* injury to a person, or
• involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand, or b) A
 ny fire or any explosion or any condition
foot but not a finger or toe; suspected of being electrical in origin which
might have caused a fire, explosion, loss of
• consists of burns to a major portion of the
life, critical* injury to a person, or damage to
body; or,
property, or
• causes the loss of sight in an eye.
c) A
 ny electrical contact with electrical
Note: O. Reg. 834 and Ontario Electrical Safety equipment operating at over 750 volts, or
Code (OESC) (26th edition, 2015) use virtually d) A
 ny explosion or fire of electrical equipment
identical wording for the definition of "critically operating at over 750 volts.
– OESC 2015
*See definition of "critically injured" under
"Fatality or critical injury" above.

Hazards 26-13

Notice of accident, explosion or fire causing

injury Want More Information?
If a person is disabled from performing his or her More info on electrical safety
usual work or requires medical attention because can be found in IHSA's Electrical
of an accident, explosion, or fire at a workplace, Construction and Maintenance
but no person dies or is critically injured because Workers' Safety Manual (M010).
of that occurrence, the employer shall, within four This pocket-sized manual was
days of the occurrence, give written notice of the written for electrical workers
occurrence containing the prescribed information and is a useful tool that
and particulars to the following: apprentices, journeypersons,
1. The Joint Health and Safety Committee or the supervisors, and management
Health and Safety Representative, and the trade can use to help keep safety in
union, if any mind when planning work.
2. The Director, if an inspector requires notification
of the Director.

26-14 Construction Health and Safety Manual

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