Śrī Kamalā Stotram

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Śrī Kamalā Stotram (श्री कमला स्तोत्रम् 

Prologue:- Śrī Kamalātmikā is the tenth Mahāvidya and is referred to as the tantric
Mahālakṣmi. She is the bestower of all wealth, material and spiritual. There is
absolutely nothing that cannot be obtained with Her mantra japa and recitation of
hyms dedicated to Her. This is one such hymn called Śrī Kamalā Stotram from the
Śrī Viṣṇu Purāṇa, which can bestow all wealth, health and prosperity that one could
hope for. Those facing financial troubles of any kind, or in need of greater wealth,
should take advantage of this hymn and recite it with great devotion and faith. The
Divine Mother will not fail any of Her devotees and this hymn is highly coveted to
produce the desired results. One must also be very careful in what they wish for and
not fall in the trap of the cosmic illusion Mahāmāyā and thereby accumulate karmas,
which do not bring benefit towards the ultimate goal of spiritual emancipation.
Śrī Kamalātmikā is also referred to as sthira/fixed Lakṣmi, indicating stable wealth
and prosperity. Since the Goddess Lakṣmi, is considered to be very mobile and
seldom remain stable at one place, worship to Goddess Kamalātmikā, helps in
keeping all our wealth and belongings safe and growing.

Śrī Parameśvara uvaca (श्री परमे श्वर उवच) :-  Lord Śiva/Parameśvara speaks to
Devi/Goddess Pārvati:-
oṃkārarūpiṇī devi viśuddha-sattva-rūpiṇī ।
devānāṃ jananī tvaṃ hi prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 1 ॥
ओंकाररूपिणी दे वि विशु द्धसत्त्वरूपिणी ।
दे वानां जननी त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ १ ॥
Oh Divine Mother Śakti manifested as Śrī Kamalātmika, the tenth aspect of
the Daśamahāvidyās (Ten Wisdom Goddesses). You are the very form of the Super-
Consciousness manifested as Sound – Śabda Brahman - om̐. You are the complete
Whole in whom the entire Creation exists. You are the purest supreme bliss and
Super-Consciousness personified/manifested with attributes - Saguṇa Brahman.
Oh Divine Mother, you are the Universal Mother who has manifested the entire
Creation consisting of the celestial Devās (gods) and all other beings.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tanmātraṃ caiva bhūtāni tava vakṣa-sthalaṃ smṛtam ।
tvameva vedagamyā tu prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 2 ॥
ं ै व भूतानि तव वक्षस्थलं स्मृ तम् ।
त्वमे व वे दगम्या तु प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are that subtle element which is the cause of the sensory
perceptions - tanmātras [śabda/sound, sparśa/touch (tangible perceptible quality),
rūpa/form (appearance), rasa/essence (juice) and gandha/fragrance (smell) ] that
intermix and form the five basic elements of nature (mahā-pañca-bhūtās), 
namely: earth, water, fire, air and ether. The entire Creation is close to your chest and is
very dear to you.
Oh Divine Mother, You are known through the path of the Vedas. You are the very
essence of the Vedas.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
deva dānava gandharva yakṣa rākṣasa kinnaraḥ ।
stūyase tvaṃ sadā lakṣmi prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 3 ॥
दे व दानव गन्धर्व यक्ष राक्षस किन्नरः ।
स्तूयसे त्वं सदा लक्ष्मि प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ३ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are worshipped by the celestial Devas, their mighty cousins
Dānavas, as well as the wonderful Gandharvas, the terrific Yakṣas, the demonic
Rākṣasas as well as the tiny, little Kinnaras. You are worshipped by all beings and
omnipresent. You are the most fascinating, wondrous and bountiful Lakṣmi.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
lokātītā dvaitātītā samasta bhūta veṣṭitā ।
vidvaj jana kīrttitā ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 4 ॥
लोकातीता द्वै तातीता समस्तभूतवे ष्टिता ।
विद्वज्जनकीर्त्तिता च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ४ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are beyond the Creation that exists around us. You are also
beyond the dualities/dvaita that we worship in various forms, to appease you. You
are NOT of any specific realm nor of any material or essence that can be perceived.
You are beyond the Tanmātras and Pañcabhūtās. You are extolled and incessantly
praised by the scholars and the faithful.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
paripūrṇā sadā lakṣmi trātrī tu śaraṇārthiṣu ।
viśvādyā viśvakatrīṃ ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 5 ॥
परिपूर्णा सदा लक्ष्मि त्रात्री तु शरणार्थिषु ।
विश्वाद्या विश्वकत्रीं च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ५ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the eternal Super-Consciousness called Lakṣmi. You are
the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. You are our eternal Protector and bless all
those who seek refuge in you.
Oh Divine Mother, You are the architect of Everything that has manifested and you
are the cause. You are the complete Whole and encompass everything.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
brahmarūpā ca sāvitrī tvad-dīptyā bhāsate jagat ।
viśvarūpā vareṇyā ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 6 ॥
ब्रह्मरूपा च सावित्री त्वद्दीप्त्या भासते जगत् ।
विश्वरूपा वरे ण्या च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ६ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the force of Creation. You have manifested as Sāvitrī, the
śakti of the Creator Brahma. You are the illuminator of all worlds and the entire
Creation. You are infinite, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
kṣityap-tejo-marud-vyoma-pañca-bhūta-svarūpiṇī ।
bandhādeḥ kāraṇaṃ tvaṃ hi prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 7 ॥
क्षित्यप्ते जोमरुद्व्योमपञ्चभूतस्वरूपिणी ।
बन्धादे ः कारणं त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सुद
ं रि ॥ ७ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are kṣiti – Earth, aptya – Water, tejas – Fire, marut – Air,
vyoman – Ether and their cause – the tanmātras. You dwell in all the Pañcabhūtas
(five natural elements) and their constituent elements. You are the cause and the
effect. You are the binding glue that keeps everything in place and in motion.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
maheśe tvaṃ hemavatī kamalā keśave'pi ca ।
brahmaṇaḥ preyasī tvaṃ hi prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 8 ॥
महेशे त्वं हे मवती कमला केशवे ऽपि च ।
ब्रह्मणः प्रेयसी त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ८ ॥
You have manifested as the snow colored Hemavatī (Pārvatī), the
consort/śakti/power of the Destroyer Maheśvara. You are in the form of Kamalā
(Lakṣmī), the consort/śakti/power of the Preserver and Sustainer Keśavā (Viṣṇu).
You are also manifested as Sarasvatī, the knowledge giver and the
consort/śakti/power of the Creator Brahma.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
caṇḍī durgā kālikā ca kauśikī siddhirūpiṇī ।
yoginī yogagamyā ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 9 ॥
चण्डी दु र्गा कालिका च कौशिकी सिद्धिरूपिणी ।
योगिनी योगगम्या च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ९ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You have manifested in innumerable forms, of which Caṇḍī,
Durgā, Kālikā, Siddhirūpiṇī (Various Siddhis) and as various Yoginīs, for the benefit
of the Entire Creation.
Oh Divine Mother, Your true form is beyond sensory perception and understanding.
You are the true bliss that only great Yogis can experience through intense
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
bālye ca bālikā tvaṃ hi yauvane yuvatīti ca ।
sthavire vṛddharūpā ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 10 ॥
बाल्ये च बालिका त्वं हि यौवने यु वतीति च ।
स्थविरे वृ द्धरूपा च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ १० ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are manifested in all the forms of Tripura or triads. You are
the adolescent Bālā, the cause of all Manifestation and the force of Creation and
knowledge. You are the youthful Lalitā Tripura Sundari, the cause of all play and the
force of Sustenance and Preservation. You are also the very wise and primordial
Tripura Bhairavi, the force of destruction and transformation. There is nothing that is
not You!
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
guṇamayī guṇātītā ādyā vidyā sanātanī ।
mahat-tattvādi-saṃyuktā prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 11 ॥
गु णमयी गु णातीता आद्या विद्या सनातनी ।
महत्तत्त्वादिसंयुक्ता प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ११ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You represent all guṇas/qualities inherent in all beings. You are
the very source of all the guṇas or qualities of sattva/benign, rajas/emotions and
tamas/violence. Yet, you are above all the qualities. You are the manifested Super-
Consciousness or the very first Being - Saguṇa Brahman, who in turn, is the cause
of all Creation. You are the source of all knowledge, material and spiritual that
encompasses everything that is, in all the multi-dimensional multi-verse. You are the
great amalgamation of Everything and are a representative Whole of the entire
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tapasvinī tapaḥ siddhi svarga-siddhi-stadarthiṣu ।
cinmayī prakṛtistvaṃ tu prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 12 ॥
तपस्विनी तपः सिद्धि स्वर्गसिद्धिस्तदर्थिषु ।
चिन्मयी प्रकृतिस्त्वं तु प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ १२ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the very purpose and the desired result or siddhi of
tapasya/meditation. You are also the heaven that all beings seek. You are also the
Superintelligence and the Supreme Being that is the cause of all material and
spiritual manifestation.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tvam-ādir-jagatāṃ devi tvameva sthiti-kāraṇam ।
tvamante nidhana-sthānaṃ svecchācārā tvamevahi ॥ 13 ॥
त्वमादिर्जगतां दे वि त्वमे व स्थितिकारणम् ।
त्वमन्ते निधनस्थानं स्वे च्छाचारा त्वमे वहि ॥ १३ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the very root cause of all Creation and You infuse life into
all beings. You sustain Your own Creation and You also absorb within Yourself, all of
it, when it is destroyed. You are not bound to anything and move freely without any
restrictions anywhere you please. You are the Omnipresent, Omniscient Super-
Consciousness which alone exists!
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
carācarāṇāṃ bhūtānāṃ bahir-anta-stvameva hi ।
vyāpya-vyāka-rūpeṇa tvaṃ bhāsi bhakta-vatsale ॥ 14 ॥
चराचराणां भूतानां बहिरन्तस्त्वमे व हि ।
व्याप्यव्याकरूपे ण त्वं भासि भक्तवत्सले ॥ १४ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are present in both movable and immovable objects and
beings. You are within and also outside of all matter in existence. There is no place
where you are not present and have not bestowed your benevolent grace. Your true
form is pure bliss.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tvan-māyayā hṛt-ajñānā naṣṭātmāno vicetasaḥ ।
gatāgataṃ prapadyante pāpa-puṇya-vaśāt-sadā ॥ 15 ॥
त्वन्मायया हृतज्ञाना नष्टात्मानो विचे तसः ।
गतागतं प्रपद्यन्ते पापपु ण्यवशात्सदा ॥ १५ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, It is through Your own power of Māya or the virtual illusion that
You have cast upon us, that we are unaware of your true existence. Out of sheer
ignorance, misinformation and disbelief, we face innumerable difficulties and losses
caused by the karmic power wielded by Māya. All the ups and downs of life,
propagate through karma and māya and we gain sins and virtues, bad and good
karmas, which once again put us back, in the cycle of life and death for perpetuity.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tāvan-satyaṃ jagad-bhāti śuktikā-rajataṃ yathā ।
yāvanna jñāyate jñānaṃ cetasā nānvagāminī ॥ 16 ॥
तावन्सत्यं जगद्भाति शु क्तिकारजतं यथा ।
यावन्न ज्ञायते ज्ञानं चे तसा नान्वगामिनी ॥ १६ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, Just like one is deceived by the silvery appearance of a seashell
and mistakes it for real silver, those who understand and realize your true form and
essence, become disillusioned with the material existence and yearn to merge in you
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tvaj-jñānāttu sadā yuktaḥ putradāra-gṛhādiṣu ।
ramante viṣayān-sarvānante dukhapradān dhruvam ॥ 17 ॥
त्वज्ज्ञानात्तु सदा यु क्तः पु तर् दारगृ हादिषु ।
रमन्ते विषयान्सर्वानन्ते दुखप्रदान् ध्रुवम् ॥ १७ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, One who is not fully aware of your true form and essence, lives
his entire lifetime focusing on material needs, children, home and acquisition of
material wealth. Such a person will eventually perish in sorrow, with the ignorance of
life’s true purpose and the lack of understanding and knowledge of your true Self.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
tvadājñayā tu deveśi gagane sūryamaṇḍalam ।
candraśca bhramate nityaṃ prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 18 ॥
त्वदाज्ञया तु दे वेशि गगने सूर्यमण्डलम् ।
चन्द्रश्च भ्रमते नित्यं प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ १८ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, One who is worshipped by the celestial gods and all Creation. It is
out of your own will, that the Sun and Moon shine in the skies and illuminate the
world. All that happens is by your own will and you are the cause and effect, the
observer and the observed.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
brahmeśa-viṣṇu-jananī brahmākhyā brahma-saṃśrayā ।
vyaktāvyakta ca deveśi prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 19 ॥
ब्रह्मे शविष्णुजननी ब्रह्माख्या ब्रह्मसंशर् या ।
व्यक्ताव्यक्त च दे वेशि प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ १९ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the cause and origin of the Creator Brahma, Preserver
Viṣṇu and the Destroyer Rudra. You grant them the respective powers and assign
duties to serve the Creation. You are the communicator and you are the ultimate
power that controls the welfare of the entire Creation.
Oh Divine Mother, You manifest yourself as the Dynamic Super-Consciousness -
Saguṇa Brahman and take various forms and you are also the Static Super-
Consciousness - Nirguṇa Brahman, without any attributes. You are true bliss who is
beyond any sensory perception.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
acalā sarvagā tvaṃ hi māyātītā maheśvari ।
śivātmā śāśvatā nityā prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 20 ॥
अचला सर्वगा त्वं हि मायातीता महे श्वरि ।
शिवात्मा शाश्वता नित्या प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २० ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are both mobile and immobile. Static (Saguṇa Brahman),
Dynamic (Nirguṇa Brahman) and Unmanifested Super consciousness (Para
Brahman). You envelop the entire Creation with the power of illusion - Māyā that
causes deception. You are also the illuminating power of true knowledge and
transformation – Maheśvari, the very essence of Śiva, who provides everlasting bliss
and dispels the illusory Māyā, revealing your true form of pure bliss.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
sarvakāya-niyantrī ca sarva-bhūteśvarī ।
anantā niṣkālā tvaṃ hi prasannā bhavasundari ॥ 21 ॥
सर्वकायनियन्त्री च सर्वभूतेश्वरी ।
अनन्ता निष्काला त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भवसु न्दरि ॥ २१ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the Protector and Sustainer of the entire Creation. You
take care of the needs of all beings as well as the material universe. You are infinite
and everlasting, Omniscient and Omnipresent.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
sarveśvarī sarvavadyā acintyā paramātmikā ।
bhukti-mukti-pradā tvaṃ hi prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 22 ॥
सर्वे श्वरी सर्ववद्या अचिन्त्या परमात्मिका ।
भु क्तिमु क्तिप्रदा त्वं हि प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २२ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the Lord of all. You are worshipped and adored by the
entire Creation. You are the inconceivable Reality that is the Super-Consciousness
and is also the individual consciousness present in every being and the entire
Oh Divine Mother, You provide both sustenance and liberation to all souls.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
brahmāṇī brahmaloke tvaṃ vaikuṇṭhe sarva-maṅgalā ।
indrāṇī amarāvatyām-ambikā varūṇālaye ॥ 23 ॥
ब्रह्माणी ब्रह्मलोके त्वं वै कुण्ठे सर्वमङ्गला ।
इन्द्राणी अमरावत्यामम्बिका वरूणालये ॥ २३ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the knowledge bestowing Mātṛkā Goddess Brahmāṇī of
Brahmaloka, governing the upper direction. You are the bountiful Mātṛkā Goddess
Sarva maṅgalā Lakṣmī of Vaikuṇṭha, governing the downward direction. You are
also the most powerful and thundering Mātṛkā Goddess Indrāṇī of Amarāvati,
governing the Eastern direction. You are also the gut-filling and thirst quenching, as
well as the wish fulfilling Goddess Ambikā of Varūṇālaya, governing the Western
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
yamālaye kālarūpā kubera-bhavane śubhā ।
mahānandāgnikoṇe ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 24 ॥
यमालये कालरूपा कुबेरभवने शु भा ।
महानन्दाग्निकोणे च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २४ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the soul harvesting Goddess Kālarūpā of Yama loka,
governing the Southern direction. You are the material wealth bestowing Śubhā
residing in the residence of the celestial treasurer Kubera, governing the Northern
direction. You are also the blissful Mahānanda residing in the Fire/Agni, who burns
away our karma and grants us liberation. You are the governor of the South-Eastern
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
naiṛrtyāṃ raktadantā tvaṃ vāyavyāṃ mṛga-vāhinī ।
pātāle vaiṣṇavī-rūpā prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 25 ॥
नै ऋर्त्यां रक्तदन्ता त्वं वायव्यां मृ गवाहिनी ।
पाताले वै ष्णवीरूपा प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २५ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the menacing Goddess Raktadantā, governing the
South-Western direction. You are the free-flowing and windy Goddess Mṛgavāhinī,
governing the North-Western direction. You are also the netherworldly ruling
Goddess Vaiṣṇavī.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
surasā tvaṃ maṇidvīpe aiśānyāṃ śūladhāriṇī ।
bhadrakālī ca laṅkāyāṃ prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 26 ॥
सुरसा त्वं मणिद्वीपे ऐशान्यां शूलधारिणी ।
भद्रकाली च लङ्कायां प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २६ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the celestial worshipped Goddess Surasā/Lalitā of the
fascinating and gem-filled Maṇidvīpa. You are the triad representing and ego
vanquishing Goddess Śūladhāriṇī of the North-Eastern direction. You are the mind
transforming Goddess Bhadrakālī of Laṅkā.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
rāmeśvarī setubandhe siṃhale devamohinī ।
vimalā tvaṃ ca śrīkṣetre prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 27 ॥
रामे श्वरी से तुबन्धे सिंहले दे वमोहिनी ।
विमला त्वं च श्रीक्षे तर् े प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २७ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the cherished Goddess of Lord Rāma and knows as
Rāmeśvarī of Setubandha (Adam’s bridge), the stone bridge that connects India with
Sri Lanka. You are also the celestial mesmerizer Devamohinī of Siṃhala – Sri
Lanka. You are the spotless and pure Vimalā of Śrīkṣetra – Pūrī Jagannāth Temple.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
kālikā tvaṃ kālighāṭe kāmākhyā nīlaparvata ।
virajā oḍradeśe tvaṃ prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 28 ॥
कालिका त्वं कालिघाटे कामाख्या नीलपर्वत ।
विरजा ओड्रदे शे त्वं प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २८ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the terrifying Goddess Kālikā of Kālighāṭ in Kolkata. You
are also the wish-fulfilling Kāmākhyā of the purple mountain Nīlaparvata in
Guwahati. You are the dispassionate Goddess Viraja of Jajpur, Odisha.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
vārāṇasyām-annapūrṇā ayodhyāyāṃ maheśvarī ।
gayāsurī gayādhāmni prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 29 ॥
वाराणस्यामन्नपूर्णा अयोध्यायां महे श्वरी ।
गयासुरी गयाधाम्नि प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ २९ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the food giver and benign Goddess Annapūrṇā, of
Vārāṇasi. You are the sin-vanquishing and karma-destroying Goddess Maheśvarī of
Ayodhya. You are the bliss providing Goddess Gayāsurī of Gayā.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
bhadrakālī kurūkṣetre tvaṃca kātyāyanī vraje ।
māhāmāyā dvārakāyāṃ prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 30 ॥
भद्रकाली कुरूक्षे तर् े त्वंच कात्यायनी व्रजे ।
माहामाया द्वारकायां प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ३० ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the victory-bestowing Goddess Bhadrakālī of Kurūkṣetra.
You are the ego-vanquishing Goddess Kātyāyanī of Vraja. You are the virtual illusion
Goddess Māhāmāyā of Dvārakā.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
kṣudhā tvaṃ sarvajīvānāṃ velā ca sāgarasya hi ।
maheśvarī mathurāyāṃ ca prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 31 ॥
क्षु धा त्वं सर्वजीवानां वेला च सागरस्य हि ।
महे श्वरी मथु रायां च प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ३१ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the cause of all hunger in all beings. You are also the
cause of gravitational force, which induces tidal waves in the seas. You are the most
beautiful and astounding Goddess Maheśvarī of Mathurā.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
rāmasya jānakī tvaṃ ca śivasya manamohinī ।
dakṣasya duhitā caiva prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 32 ॥
रामस्य जानकी त्वं च शिवस्य मनमोहिनी ।
दक्षस्य दु हिता चै व प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ३२ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are Jānakī/Sīta the consort of Lord Rāma. You are the
Goddess Manamohinī/Satī, the daughter of the King Dakṣa, who could enchant Lord
Śiva Himself.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
viṣṇu-bhakti-pradāṃ tvaṃ ca kaṃsāsura-vināśinī ।
rāvaṇa-nāśināṃ caiva prasannā bhava sundari ॥ 33 ॥
विष्णु भक्तिप्रदां त्वं च कं सासुरविनाशिनी ।
रावणनाशिनां चै व प्रसन्ना भव सु न्दरि ॥ ३३ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, You are the bestower of true faith, and also Goddess Lakṣmī, the
śakti of Lord Viṣṇu. You are the slayer of the cruel asura Kaṃsa as well the
destroyer of the king of Lanka, the mighty Rāvaṇa.  
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
lakṣmī-stotram-idaṃ puṇyaṃ yaḥ paṭhed-bhakti-saṃyutaḥ ।
sarva-jvara-bhayaṃ naśyet-sarva-vyādhi-nivāraṇam ॥ 34 ॥
् क्तिसंयुतः ।
लक्ष्मीस्तोत्रमिदं पु ण्यं यः पठे दभ
सर्वज्वरभयं नश्ये त्सर्वव्याधिनिवारणम् ॥ ३४ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, by your grace, one who recites this Lakṣmī stotram/hymn with
great devotion and faith, will accumulate great merit and virtue resulting in bountiful
good karma. Such a person need not fear any life threatening disease and will be
free of all diseases and disabilities.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
idaṃ stotraṃ mahā-puṇyam-āpad-uddhāra-kāraṇam ।
tri-sandhyam-eka-sandhyaṃ vā yaḥ paṭhet-satataṃ naraḥ ॥ 35 ॥
इदं स्तोत्रं महापु ण्यमापदु द्धारकारणम् ।
त्रिसन्ध्यमे कसन्ध्यं वा यः पठे त्सततं नरः ॥ ३५ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, by your grace, one who recites this stotram, is freed from all
dangers, sins, misery, mishaps, poverty and all other less fortunate situations. This
stotram alone is a great shield and remover of all types of misery and sins. One must
therefore recite this stotram at dawn, noon and dusk, or at least once in a day, in
order to gain the efficacy and power of the stotram. 
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and plead you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
mucyate sarva-pāpebhyo tathā tu sarvasaṃkaṭāt ।
mucyate nātra sandeho bhuvi svarge rasātale ॥ 36 ॥
मु च्यते सर्वपापे भ्यो तथा तु सर्वसंकटात् ।
मु च्यते नात्र सन्दे हो भु वि स्वर्गे रसातले ॥ ३६ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, by your grace, the stotram relieves one of all sins and bad karmas
and protects them against all calamities. One need not have an iota of doubt on this.
This is the plain Truth! Not Earth alone - One is protected in all realms and
dimensions, such as the netherworld, heaven etc. There is no place anywhere in the
entire Creation, where the protection offered by this stotram fails.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
samastaṃ ca tathā caikaṃ yaḥ paṭhed-bhaktit-paraḥ ।
sa sarva-duṣkaraṃ tīrtvā labhate paramāṃ gatim ॥ 37 ॥
् क्तित्परः ।
समस्तं च तथा चै कं यः पठे दभ
स सर्वदु ष्करं तीर्त्वा लभते परमां गतिम् ॥ ३७ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, by your grace, one who recites all the ślokas/verses of this
stotram, or even one verse with unstinted devotion and faith regularly, will be free of
all bad karmas and can easily cross any barriers and march towards success,
prosperity and ultimate bliss. He will be one with You!
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
sukhadaṃ mokṣadaṃ stotraṃ yaḥ paṭhed-bhakti-saṃyuktaḥ ।
sa tu koṭī-tīrtha-phalaṃ prāpnoti nātra saṃśayaḥ ॥ 38 ॥
् क्तिसंयुक्तः ।
सुखदं मोक्षदं स्तोत्रं यः पठे दभ
स तु कोटीतीर्थफलं प्राप्नोति नात्र संशयः ॥ ३८ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, by your grace, to all those who recite this stotram with utmost faith
and devotion, you provide all the wealth, prosperity and unimaginable success, as
well as all the comforts one can ever ask for. You also provides the ultimate spiritual
wealth of mokṣa or liberation from life and death and complete unification with
yourself, the Super-Consciousness. The recitation of the stotram is equivalent of
dipping in billions of holy rivers with great reverence and devotion. Such is its power
and your most unmatched and benevolent grace! One need not have any doubt over
it, as it is the sole truth!
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
ekā devī tu kamalā yasmiṃstuṣṭā bhavet-sadā ।
tasyā'sādhyaṃ tu deveśi nāstikiṃcij-jagat traye ॥ 39 ॥
एका दे वी तु कमला यस्मिंस्तु ष्टा भवे त्सदा ।
तस्याऽसाध्यं तु दे वेशि नास्तिकिं चिज्जगत् त्रये ॥ ३९ ॥
Oh Divine Mother, One who has pleased you with his devotion, has no barriers to
success and achieves even the most impossible of tasks, by your grace. He faces no
problems in all the realms and overcomes all triads and becomes one with you!
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
paṭhanād-api stotrasya kiṃ na siddhayati bhūtale ।
tasmāt-stotra-varaṃ proktaṃ satyaṃ hi pārvati ॥ 40 ॥
पठनादपि स्तोत्रस्य किं न सिद्धयति भूतले ।
तस्मात्स्तोत्रवरं प्रोक्तं सत्यं हि पार्वति ॥ ४० ॥
Oh Divine Mother Pārvati, There is not a single worldly task that cannot be achieved
by the regular recitation of this stotram with unstinted devotion and faith. Such is its
power and prowess. I, Lord Śiva speak the truth and present you this stotram, for the
welfare of all beings.
Oh Divine Mother, May our devotion towards you be pure and unflinching at all
times. We take complete refuge in you and beg you to bless us profusely. Please
demonstrate your unmatched mercy and shower your complete blessings upon us
॥ iti śrīkamalā stotraṃ sampūrṇam ॥ ॥ इति श्रीकमला स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
Thus ends the devotional hymn called Śrī Kamalā Stotraṃ.

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