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BTVN2: Nearly-free and tightly bound electrons

Hung Dang
December 21, 2021

1 Problem 1
a) Given a system with only a single band with energy dispersion relation  = (k), the general form for
the DOS of this system is
d3 k
g() = 2 δ( − (k)) (1)
where the integrating is over the BZ1. The factor 2 in front of the integral is the spin degeneracy. Note
that d3 k = dkx dky dkz .
This integral can be rewritten as
dS 1
g() = 2 3 |∇(k)|
, (2)
S() (2π)

where the integral is a 2D integral over a constant energy surface S().

Assume that the Fermi surface lies completely in the BZ1 and the dispersion relation is

h̄2 k 2
(k) = , (3)
prove that at the Fermi level F , the DOS is
g(F ) = . (4)
h̄2 π 2
b) If the band has the dispersion relation at small k as
h̄2 kx2 ky2 kz2
(k) = 0 + + , (5)
2 mx my mz

where mx , my , mz are positive constants. Show that  = 0 is a van Hove singularity (where the derivative
of the DOS is infinite) and g() ∼ ( − 0 )1/2 for  close to 0 .
c) If the form Eq. (5) still works up to the Fermi level F and the Fermi surface lies entirely in the
BZ1, deduce the following expression
3 n
g(F ) = (6)
2 F − 0
where n is the total electron density.

2 Problem 2
This problem focus on finding the Fermi surface for a two-dimensional triangular lattice (see Figure 1)
with 6 noninteracting spin-1/2 electrons per site (which means there are two up and down electrons at
each energy level). The procedure can be done by solving step-by-step the following subproblems
a) Calculate the radius kF of the Fermi circle. (In two dimension, the Fermi sphere becomes a circle).
Hint: remember the Fermi surface of free-electron system.
b) Draw the first three Brillouin zone in the reciprocal lattice (BZ1, BZ2 and BZ3).
c) Draw the Fermi circle, highlight all segments of the circle which are outside the BZ1, then translate
these segments to the BZ1 by an appropriate reciprocal vector.

Figure 1: Illustration of a triangular lattice, where each ball denotes a site of the lattice, a1 and a2 are
the two primitive vectors. The length of each edge of the triangle is a. The electron can only hop between
nearest neighbor sites with the amplitude t.

3 Problem 3
Continue to consider the triangular lattice in Fig. 1. Given that electrons are rather localized at each site
of the lattice, of which the wavefunction is a Wannier function. These electrons can only hop between
nearest neighbor sites with the amplitude t, while further hoppings are suppressed. Furthermore, these
electrons are noninteracting.
Calculate the energy dispersion relation (k).

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