Marijan Stipic Final Copy No Sig
Marijan Stipic Final Copy No Sig
Marijan Stipic Final Copy No Sig
Marijan STIPIC, MA
I hereby affirm that this Master's Thesis represents my own written work and that I have
used no sources and aids other than those indicated. All passages quoted from publi-
cations or paraphrased from these sources are properly cited and attributed.
The thesis was not submitted in the same or in a substantially similar version, not even
partially, to another examination board and was not published elsewhere.
Date Signature
As blockchain is praised being one of the upcoming game-changing technologies of our
time, which leaves marks on various industries, actors of the supply chain are more and
more occupied with its unique features, such as transparency, data immutability and data
security. Likewise, various stakeholders along the supply chain were affected in different
ways by the paradigm changes blockchain can bring to lower existing limitations and
simultaneously strengthen trustworthiness within the supply chain. However, in order to
be a reliable means of choice for supply chain business models, blockchain needs to
improve on its maturity of technological development. This especially applies to limita-
tions on its scalability and network capacity. This thesis follows the multiple case study
approach based on the framework of Yin (2014). Two case studies deal with projects
from Austria, but from different perspectives on blockchain utilization in the supply chain.
While the case study of 'Blockchaininitiative Logistik' is about the digitalization of freight
documents, the Rotharium case study focuses on a decentralized track and trace solu-
tion. Nonetheless, both cases mostly agree with the stated case propositions, which de-
rived from literature-based theory. This thesis serves as a guide for practitioners inter-
ested in applying blockchain solution in their logistics environment and equips the reader
with theoretical and practical recommendations.
Affidavit .........................................................................................................................................................I
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Illustration of the issues....................................................................................................1
1.2 Previous research and general context .........................................................................3
1.3 Aims and objectives ..........................................................................................................3
1.4 Research questions and propositions ............................................................................4
1.5 Methodology ......................................................................................................................5
1.6 Thesis structure .................................................................................................................6
2 Literature review..............................................................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction to Blockchain Technology ..........................................................................8
2.1.1 Definition and Terminology .........................................................................................................8
2.1.2 Technical background and development ................................................................................11
2.2 Disruption in supply chain ............................................................................................. 14
2.2.1 Changes and paradigm shift in the supply chain ..................................................................14 Technical development and digitalization ................................................................... 14 Insufficiencies within supply chains ............................................................................. 15 Expectations of supply chain stakeholders ................................................................. 16
2.2.2 Potentials of blockchain in context with supply chain ...........................................................17
2.2.3 Role of governments and politics.............................................................................................29
3 Methodology ..................................................................................................................................34
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 34
3.2 Choice of method ........................................................................................................... 34
3.3 Case study ...................................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Study research design................................................................................................... 37
3.4.1 Study Questions .........................................................................................................................37
3.4.2 Study Propositions .....................................................................................................................37
3.4.3 Unit of Analysis ...........................................................................................................................41
3.4.4 Case Study Protocol ..................................................................................................................42
3.4.5 Data Collection and Interpretation ...........................................................................................43
7 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... 79
7.1 Summary.......................................................................................................................... 79
7.2 Theoretical contribution ................................................................................................. 79
7.3 Implications for relevant stakeholders ......................................................................... 81
7.4 Limitations........................................................................................................................ 82
7.5 Future research .............................................................................................................. 82
8 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 83
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................... 93
Appendix 1: Interview guiding principle (German)............................................................... 93
Appendix 2: Interview guiding principle (English) ................................................................ 94
Table 1: Potentials of BC in SC .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 1 - Illustration of Inferences ................................................................................6
BIL Blockchain Initiative Logistik
ERP Enterprise-Resource-Planning
P2P Peer-to-peer
PoS Proof-of-Stake
POW Proof-of-Work
SC Supply Chain
“We have elected to put our money and faith in a mathematical framework that is free
(Tyler Winklevoss)
From today’s perspective, we cannot explicitly say if the quote above applies to be true.
What we can say is that scholars, media and pioneers in particular attribute blockchain
technology as a technology with a high level of potential. Still, besides the many possible
ways and ideas of solving business-related issues, it is questionable how keen enter-
prises are to use this kind of technology and how a possible approach fits into regal
regulatory of different governments around the world. While critics argue the technology
for being in children’s shoes with only having fraud-related currencies as a practical use
case, this paper will reflect possible benefits in the area of the supply chain. The aca-
demic contribution shows in the first step by an analysis of state-of-the-art literature in
the respective field of blockchain and the second step by qualitative research in the form
of a case study reflecting a possible implementation of technology on a real-life case.
Below, the chapter continues with a further introduction to the master thesis. Through
the next parts of the chapter, the topic gets illustrated and a context between research
and central parts of the topic is built, identifies aims and objectives of the paper, induces
to think about the research questions and raises understanding for the methodology an-
swering them. Finally, a structured review of the thesis gives a guide to scholars and
other readers.
Kenton (2019) states that over the past tenths of centuries, the term supply chain (SC),
which defines as a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distrib-
ute a specific product to the final buyer, went through incremental changes. It is an
emerging term, which emphasizes interactions among different corporations depart-
ments, like logistics, marketing and production. While in the beginning, transportation
technology was necessary, production, consumption of most items were local, and the
cost of moving goods easy to determine we nowadays speak about a highly complex
process, which is evolving year by year, bringing up challenging opportunities to its
stakeholders. According to Sanyal (2012), we today see worldwide shipping, including
several means of transport and possibilities to communicate within seconds by mobile
or the internet at little cost. Of course, in this context, Tang et al. 2011 point out that new
challenging issues come up and significant concerns have emerged in supply chains.
Overall having shorter product cycles and increasing demand among all companies react
with outsourcing strategies, which require an extended supply chain network with in-
creased nodes in the system.
Moreover, Lyall et al., (2018) emphasize that today's supply chain management systems
mostly use so-called legacy systems, which means outdated in a sense that they define
a basis but could not hold with the future standards following it. The lack of end-to-end
transparency paired with the situation that people in the supply chain do mostly repetitive
and transactional tasks is an issue because it leads to overstaffing and a miss of effi-
ciency and an undrawn of existing opportunities.
Ballou et al., (2000) identify more challenges in the interaction between several parts
within a supply chain management system (SCM). First, the metrics like costs and other
relevant numerical data within the inter-organizational accounting systems; focus on the
individual firm, instead of looking broader to multi-enterprise channel cooperation. Then
a shortage of information sharing among firms in the supply channel nurtures mistrust,
which leads to a potential breakdown of coalitions and partnerships. Eventually, benefits
do not distribute equitably between the members of the supply chain. However, there is
a try to put in place some informal mechanisms. The result can be opportunist thinking
among stakeholders while seeking equality in terms of economic management.
Furthermore, Asaad (2018) mentions that there is an example of traceability in the food
or agricultural supply chain there is an apparent lack to track the food product through
the different stages of the supply chain and is nowadays an evident demand among
customers. Clients want to know when it comes to the question of where their consumed
products or ingredients have been throughout the production and logistics process. The
miss of authentic and truthful information about each supply chain step can weaken con-
sumers' trust, brand integrity and decrease customer loyalty. With the customers’ rising
sophistication, there is on top of that, also a particular risk of legal issues, which can lead
to considerable problems in product launches. Ultimately, Fernie et al. (2019) mark crit-
ical challenges for retailers coping with e-commerce businesses, which bring up very
different processing of supply chain to the surface. In order to secure full convenient
customer care, retailers started caring about home delivery with an emphasis on accu-
rate and real-time stock management hand in hand with a shortened delivery period,
especially in urban areas.
We see above a handful of issues, which come along within the area of the supply chain
today. The demand amongst participating stakeholders is diverse and the supply chain
needs to react appropriately to satisfy the different needs. From my perspective, it is
worth investigating what can is doable to bring supply chain one or even more steps
further towards a ready and steady department, which can cope with future challenges
and use opportunities, especially in the digital world. On top of that, pairing the chal-
lenges in the supply chain with the potentials and opportunities of blockchain technology
could result in a value-added output for both supply chain stakeholders, the same as the
blockchain ecosystem itself.
In general, there is plenty of research in the field of the supply chain. As businesses,
since industrialization have to cope with changes and challenges within the supply chain
of goods, scholars same as practitioners answer questions on the progress and possible
optimization within the area of SC. Since the turn of the millennium, we can see almost
a million scientific articles in the search database of google scholar 1 dealing with the
supply chain. Lots of them are considering several concepts on how to bring up the sup-
ply chain to a higher level not only in terms of efficiency and effectiveness but also in
light of the rising importance of digitalization in nowadays society. On the other hand,
research in the area of blockchain is a relatively new one. Introduced with the bitcoin
whitepaper more than a decade ago by Nakamoto (2008), blockchain technology slowly
went from a geeky niche product into an at least knowledgeable keyword amongst inter-
net users around the world, amounting in roughly over 40% of consumers in financial
service having heard about it (Zhao, 2017). The novelty of the topic causes that research
on blockchain covers mainly possible use cases in a full spectrum of industries together
with state-of-the-art literature with a descriptive character on the technological aspects
of it. Amongst many scholars such as Tapscott & Tapscott (2017) or Tötzer (2019), block-
chain is characterized as a possible game-changer in several industrial areas, especially
where digitalization plays a vital role in future developments. As soon as supply chain
and blockchain were into a mutual context, it is essential to emphasize that there is a
need for clarification and analysis if a possible digitalization in the area of supply chain
brings benefits to the overall supply chain processes. If so, the circle closes with a defi-
nite need for some critical examination whether blockchain can play an essential role in
SC, or its usage is more poorly suited and not a real solution, which can help out of
existing issues.
There are several aims this thesis wants to cover, in order to make the complex topic of
blockchain usage and implementation comprehensible for everyone who is reading it.
First, there is not explicitly a goal but an intent to encourage the reader to understand
blockchain, at least in outline, including a basic understanding, because in my eyes, it
will be mandatory to have this knowledge similar to the extend people understand for
Google Scholar database keyword search: ‘supply chain’ - retrieved on June 6th, 2019
example the internet at this stage. Based on that, there is hope to achieve a level where
the reader can connect the dots from blockchain to the area of supply chain persists.
From here, vigilant readers should be able to understand the possible deployment of
blockchain technology to any other real-life application, which could make their life more
comfortable at some point. They should also be able to select cases where blockchain
may be helpful and deny ones where it is not the best applicable way to use. The aim is
to have a clear distinction between the blockchain potential within the supply chain com-
pared to other economics areas. Another aim of this thesis is to investigate the relation-
ship between blockchain and governmental behavior, rules and legislation – which is
crucial when it comes to the mass adoption of new technology. Overall, the paper should
raise the level of understanding, go beyond the state-of-the-art of scientific research, and
mark a starting point for further investigation, same as a red line for possible future im-
This thesis focuses on providing an in-depth analysis of the role blockchain play in a
possible digitalized supply chain of the future. It will discuss the most pressing questions,
same as common challenges in a possible implementation of blockchain technology in
the SC. A research objective would be to get a clear picture of the status-quo of Block-
chain usage within the supply chain part of the financial world and to find out which rea-
sons prevent companies from using it at this particular stage of time. Another research
objective is to find out if blockchain solves the problem of companies, or can these be
solved without it too. After a thorough literature review, which will cover several aspects
of blockchain getting used in real applications through the value chain, there will be a
case study of an Austrian company on blockchain implementation in the supply chain.
Therefor a whole implementation process and conceptual framework will be simulated
and put into context with the papers' research questions. There will be a valuation of
opinions and points of view that people who are involved possess and a review of best
practices in order to assure smooth, progressive work. On the other hand, the problems
and obstacles will be adequately addressed with a valid link to decision-making pro-
cesses inside the project. The gathered data and information gets extracted in order to
establish a scientific relationship between theory and practice.
In this thesis, an investigation on theory is happening. This theory gets tested, verified
and explained. In order to develop - as a result of this thesis - an effective action and
implementation framework which can be of use in real-life supply chain applications par-
ticularly the research questions and statements of this paper can formulate as follows:
Research Questions:
1. Which business issues can blockchain solve within the supply chain of companies?
2. Which limitations does blockchain technology have in the supply chain?
3. In which ways are legal regulations considered within possible blockchain implemen-
o The use of blockchain can identify and trace a flow of goods with a high level of detail.
o Blockchain ensures a fair distribution of available information amongst participants
of the supply chain
o Blockchain technology is a perfect fit to meet the needs of stakeholders in the supply
o Governments declare detailed legislative requirements during an implementation of
blockchain technology.
The relevance of these statements to the study works as validation of theory. The con-
clusions are generally untested and the logic works in a way that there is an attempt to
generalize from the specific to general terms, which further is useful in other similar cases
and occasions. The data is collected to explore this new technology, identify themes and
patterns and create a conceptual framework
1.5 Methodology
As a foundation and therefore starting point marks the use of secondary data for a liter-
ature review, which gives a picture of existing state-of-the-art. This structured literature
review follows the guidelines of Siddaway (2018), which means that this paper will es-
tablish to what extent existing research has progressed towards clarifying the research
questions. Moreover, the aim is to identify relations, gaps, inconsistencies in the litera-
ture or contradictions and explain the reasons for these. Out of that, general statements
and a possible conceptualization is formulated, which provides implications for practice
and policy.
The theoretical assumptions from the structured literature review will flow as challenging
propositions into the case study resulting in a benefit for it. Figure 1 shows the compo-
nents of a case study. I will operate mainly on level two, by comparing theory and rival
theory propositions backed up with implications during the case study investigation. The
case study findings will project the circumstances under which blockchain and supply
chain meet each other and at that point, aim toward analytic generalization.
As the last step, the data analysis happens descriptively. There are logical descriptions
of the outcomes and background information is revealed appropriately. The establish-
ment of a problem-solution relation happens to stimulate discussions and recommen-
dations on the research topic.
After the introduction chapter, the literature review will consist of the following parts. The
first sections will contain a brief definition and technical background of blockchain tech-
nology. Here readers get familiar with the underlying technological and cryptographical
knowledge in order to be able to follow further paper content. The next part tackles the
possible disruptive character of blockchain in the area of the supply chain. Here potential
will be revealed to the reader by presenting ideas with clear distinction to what is possible
to achieve with current technological progress and what may be achieved in the future
when more and more people require the technology to mature. Based on that, the next
chapter points out problems and issues within the supply chain, which blockchain may
solve when applied adequately. Finally, the role of politics and governments will get re-
vealed when it comes to blockchain implementation and the question of what is permit-
ted, what disallowed and are next steps to help the technology to break through main-
stream usage. Based on this literature review, a first framework can be developed and
put into comparison to real-life activities.
What follows is a detailed examination of the used methodology and the case study of
blockchain implementation. I will accompany two firms, which are launching blockchain
technology in their supply chain process. Moreover, the aim to spot as many contingen-
cies as possible is essential, the same as the goal to describe the path of implementation
in the best possible way. Possible best practices for further development are possible to
extract and execute in future projects, the same as the avoidance of mistakes leading to
issues in the project.
The last thesis section summarizes the findings from the literature and empirical study.
It affirms or refuses the given statements and answers the relevant research questions.
The proposition of recommendations adds to a well-established basis for discussion. The
drawing of further conclusions from previous content analysis helps to provide perspec-
tives for future research.
2.1 Introduction to Blockchain Technology
An opposite approach of defining blockchain comes from Pilkington (2017), who men-
tions Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the blockchain computing platform Ethereum. He
states that a blockchain definition does not link to any technical features and attributes
like above mentioned. He sees algorithms, consensus and cryptography rather as appli-
cations and properties than definitions. Blockchain here describes the visible conse-
quences of the actions taken by users of a network. Therefore, as a transitional and
evolutionary technology structured around a network.
Zheng et al. (2018) mention a significant distinction in defining blockchain is the sub-
sumption in a public and private blockchain. Depending on the classification in either one
of these two, possible usage fields can be determined. It depends on what kind of use
case can be applied to which blockchain. The public blockchain is defined by the open-
access of validation nodes for the consensus-building process, with all transactions be-
ing visible to the public. The large number of participants acting as a consortium in a
public network makes sure falsification is nearly impossible but at the cost of higher la-
tency and efficiency issues.
Because of a ubiquitous tech hype all over the world, many scholars disproportionately
use the term blockchain. However, there is a lot of wording and terminology, which goes
hand in hand with it. Based on Dascano (2018), similar to an accounting journal, the term
blockchain describes a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet contains all executed transac-
tions between the users in a network. The process utilizes blocks and each of these
blocks contains information on all happened transactions and connects to the previous
block. The process of stringing together these blocks in a chain led to the term of block-
Moreover, Back et al. (2014) mark that there is also a possibility to use so-called
sidechains, which exist parallel to the main chain creating possibilities to lower latency
of information exchange because of the number of confirmations to achieve consensus
lowers while the trust principle is held constant. On top of that, with pegged sidechains,
an asset transfer between multiple blockchains seems to get possible soon. Further-
more, Laurence (2017) mentions that size, period and triggering event for new blocks is
different for every blockchain as not all blockchains see velocity, transparency, move-
ment record or security as the same primary objectives. Dependent on the aim to create
value, particular attention shifts on either one of the targets. The act of chaining the dif-
ferent blocks together happens mathematically in a trust-building process.
In essence, Anderson (2019) states that blockchain facilitated social decentralization can
potentially redistribute and democratize patterns of human participation and cooperation.
Hence, blockchain is into a position of being censorship-resistant and fundamentally
more elastic than other decision-making mechanisms for large amounts of people. A
further literature review showed based on Morabito (2017) that the decentralized nature
of blockchain reduces the need for centralized authorities remarkably and makes it more
difficult for all participants to get attacked and data harmed simultaneously. Decentral-
ized computing allocates resources, hardware, software and computing power to individ-
ual workstations, while the majority of functions splits between individual nodes with no
need for everyone to access a single node to get a simple task done. In this regard,
Tapscott & Tapscott (2016) point out that power distributes towards the system with no
party being able to interfere all alone in the system. Even if there is an attempt to do so,
the system is transparent enough to make sure everyone witnesses it. The functionality
of a decentralized network works as the collaboration of many in their optimal form to
enable collective force through distributed computing power.
When talking about blockchain as a technology, Ray (2018) sees the so-called distrib-
uted ledger technology (DLT) as the basis of it. DLT provides a database that divided
into nodes or computing devices and each node replicates and saves an identical copy
of the ledger, same as each node updated itself independently. There is a voting system
on these updates to ensure that the majority agrees with the conclusion reached and the
latest agreed version of the ledger is saved on each node separately. We see decentral-
ization and consensus as core elements of DLT working together towards a possible
new paradigm for how information is accumulated and communicated.
A very comprehensible illustration comes from Kuo et al. (2017), who provide a compar-
ison of network topologies. Whereas today is well-known systems possess a single-
point-of-failure, the next step marks the usage of DLT and eradication of this vulnerability.
Blockchain eventually brings further development by verifying transactions mathemati-
cally and prohibiting double transmission of information, which are clear keys of trust in
this context.
The term double-spending, which illustrates in Figure 2, is numbered among the core
content of a blockchain. Foroglou & Tsilidou (2015) argue that the network protocol im-
plemented in blockchain technology disables the multiple transmission of the same
data, because the network determines whether a transaction is legitimate, notices ir-
regularities and collectively update the blockchain if the transaction is there only once
and valid.
Overall, scholars related to blockchain, make use of keywords like transparency, irre-
versibility, traceability, security or trust. These attributes play a vital role when it comes
to the questions of what kind of innovation to existing processes blockchain really can
bring. This paper will catch up on these, the same as other important ones in context
with the supply chain in the chapters, which follow.
Casey & Vigna (2018) state that in the middle of the last financial crisis, caused by ma-
nipulation of financial entries and accounting books, at a point where the level of trust
was alarming low, people started to put faith in a system, which offered transparency,
speed, and security during information and data exchange. However, according to Bur-
nett & Paine (2011), several puzzles, which draw up the picture of blockchain, where
mentioned and made public sometime earlier. With the appearance of the cryptosystem
RSA in 1977, the usage of secure data transmission was facilitated by allocating random
numerical and letter strings, which served as keys randomly created by an algorithm.
Alam (2019) points out that in the early nineties of the last century, the scientists Haber
and Stornetta brought up his first idea on the creation of a privacy driven document,
which is timestamped and digital without the possibility of backdating. Unfortunately, the
usage of the patent lapsed unused in 2004. Lastly, Nian & Chuen (2015) mark that the
next step marks the introduction of a concept of so-called reusable proofs of work. This
mechanism shows a scheme that permits the reuse and exchange of tokens, which rep-
resent some asset value.
Figure 3 shows the development of blockchain technology according to its fields of use.
The newest progress aims to the area of applications, particularly tailored network solu-
tions that are permissionless and explored amongst a brought number of industries. It
means that markets get the chance to open up for the development and execution of a
possible mainstream usage in the future, especially on mobile and portable devices.
There are several methods to achieve consensus in a decentralized network. The most
widespread is the proof-of-work (PoW) method. Here the technical basis is built on cryp-
tography. Schneier (1996) describes cryptography as a science, which deals with secur-
ing messages, where input data encrypts to a so-called ciphertext, which represents en-
coded secret content. Decryption is necessary if the original information should be visible
again. The whole ciphering process integrates into two mathematical functions, which
represent a computing rule called a cryptographic algorithm. In order to make data trans-
mission possible, Zheng et al. (2018) state that digital signatures are inevitable, meaning
that each participant of the transaction owns a pair of keys, namely private key and public
key. The public key defines as an address, which is visible to the network, whereas the
private key represents the personal, unlock the possibility of the transaction receiver.
While the receivers' public key is used first by the sender in the so-called signing phase
to encrypt the value, we then see in the verification phase the receivers' private key used
by him to verify the transaction by comparing received and encrypted data. Mohanty
(2018) argues in context with PoW that so-called miners, who provide computing power
and solve mathematical problems, validate transactions inside the block. As soon as the
miner finds the correct numeric solution, the network gets informed and distributed re-
wards to participating miners according to the blockchain protocol. Every block must in-
clude proof of work in order to get valid recognition.
The changes in the data structure in the process of decryption and encryption explain
Paar & Pelzl (2010) by exhibiting the methodology of hash functions. The messages of
the transaction are hashed, meaning transformed into a bit string. It makes the hash a
representative of the transaction data and a unique fingerprint of the transaction content.
The whole process of signing and verification only consists of hash values, which on the
input length can be random while the output length is independent and with a fixed length
of digits. This ensures fast processing of more significant data volumes avoiding latency
times. The explanation that hashes are an integral part of blockchain architecture shows
Nguyen & Kyungbaek (2018) by describing characteristics of a block in the chain. All
information inside a block gets inputted to a hash function to get a value, which then
assigns to a field called previous hash in the new block. This measure ensures that
blocks are linked unmistakable with each other, including a timestamp showing the time
when the block was found and completed. In this regard, it is valuable to say that not
every blockchain is equally fast. A fitting explanation provides Antonopoulos (2016), who
points out that the measure of how severe it is to find a hash is called difficulty. The
network-wide setting that controls how much computer power is required to produce a
PoW is necessary to avoid any extreme volatility and instability in the network. The set-
ting is stored in the block as a difficulty bit metric, which is a dynamic parameter, and
adjustable in a way that the block generating scheme remains constant on a long-term.
Rosenberger (2018) calls the mining process a trial-and-error procedure and acknowl-
edges various types of secure hash algorithms (SHA) in a bundle of so-called Merkle-
trees, which put together hashes pairwise until the block size reaches. Whereas a re-
ward-based system of PoW consensus seems beneficial for all involved stakeholders, it
is questionable how energy sustainable it is to base decentralized on a high level of
electric power consumption.
Moreover, another scope of cryptography, which possibly is of value for blockchain ap-
plications, is the utilization of zero-knowledge proofs described by Schneier (1996). Es-
pecially when the company for its departments wants to use private blockchains, e.g.,
for the usage in the supply chain, the topic of privacy comes into view. As a one-way
function, this method ensures that one party can prove to another one that they know
value without delivering any information apart from the fact of knowing it. Hence, scholars
like Beutelspacher (2015) emphasize the factor of anonymity as a core achievement of
cryptography-based technologies, because there is an avoidance of problems with the
general data protection regulation (GDPR) or other global privacy laws through the de-
ployment of cryptographical solutions by rendering anonymous the broadcasting process
or using pseudonyms.
Besides the content of cryptography, Ploom (2016) describes the possibility to implement
and save scripts into the blockchain. An example is given by the so-called smart con-
tracts, which are self-executable protocols, meaning digital, and credible in a way that
legal obligation gets valid for participants of an asset transaction.
Concerning manufacturing and supply chain processes since the industrialization, there
were many steps forward in terms of process optimization and information exchange.
Nowadays, new technology introduces to change the production process of a good sig-
nificantly. These upheavals require not only technological expertise but also strong lead-
ership a precise strategic planning and influential groups amongst the participating stake-
holders. Hence, Gray (2017) outlines significant shifts in paradigms caused by block-
chain, namely the advancing of digital transformation. That means global stakeholders
are connected and benefit from emerging trends as the design of value networks, multi-
ple data forms, for example, open-source data, intelligent response and autonomous and
localized processes.
Moreover, Mirando et al. (2019) add that technological advances have to get impacted
how humans participate in a supply production process. Therefore three types of inter-
actions could be implemented in new products, namely human-human collaboration,
which has less technology content and human-machine and machine-machine collabo-
ration. The wider variety of technologies and devices included in the process would result
in a more autonomous system backed by ledger solutions like blockchain. Further,
Treiblmaier (2018) exhibits that with the advent of new technologies, the way supply
chain structures are managed, obviously changes. From a resource-based view (RBV),
which describes the way to competitive advantage by the optimal use of resources and
capabilities, a possible blockchain transformation would result in a shift of existing bound-
aries on either the increase or decrease of the respective source. It implies that block-
chain induced transformations afford opportunities which go beyond existing ones. An
interesting aspect of how a possible supply chain of the future could look like give
Gromovs & Kammi, 2017 who include in a smart map structure three behavioral steps
forward in the supply chain processes. Based on the research of the IBM company, these
supply chains are intelligent, which means include analytics, simulation models, carbon
footprints, predictive and business intelligence analysis, amongst others. Furthermore,
the connection with real-time visibility, on-demand network, interactive KPI’s and collab-
oration platforms is factual. Eventually, machine-generated information will replace peo-
ple’s creations in the form of radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, sensors, actua-
tors, self-counting inventory and container content self-detection.
Overall, Tholen et al. (2019) write about a highly developing digitalization of assets in the
financial world. Non-digital assets are commodities and raw material gets so-called dig-
ital twins in the process of tokenization. Still, the created token is only as reliable as the
party that first created it, so fraudulent action still is possible without proper governmental
rules and regulations.
Scholars like Zhao et al. (2019) argue on the topic of food supply four distinctive themes,
which show insufficiencies in the supply chain. These are traceability, manufacturing,
sustainable resource management and information security. The lack of clarity within the
above stated deficitial topics results in less agile value chains. According to Barner
(2019), visibility is needed from end to end, especially in the food supply chain, both to
make sure companies can label their products with confidence and to prevent some pos-
sible spread of illnesses because of contaminations. Several challenges in a supply
chain due diligence are explained by Tholen et al. (2019), who emphasize the fact that
modern supply chains are fragmented, complex and rely on a large number of suppliers
and intermediaries from all around the world. Hence, this leads to deficits in the infor-
mation on the flow of goods, which prevents companies from carrying out due diligence
by identifying risks, prioritizing activities or track goods and report figures more efficiently.
Although there are standardized systems as nomenclatures and norms, which share in-
formation in a similar digital language, there is still much room for improvement and fa-
by stakeholders. Examples here are bribery risks, tax evasions, labor conditions, human
rights abuses and many more. Moreover, many supply chain actors tend to be transpar-
ent because gathering information on suppliers and sub-suppliers at crucial points in the
chain because local governments in some countries simply do not require proper gov-
ernance in relationship information amongst the supply chain. Abeyratne & Monfared
(2016) mark that it is challenging to have an overall picture of all transactions within the
chains, especially in an extensive supply chain system. The information, for example,
contracts, financial transactions, goods transactions or resources and the respective sys-
tem entries in today’s supply chain systems, are typically stored in multiple locations and
are accessible only to certain system entities.
Additionally, Casado-Vara et al. (2018) attest to the supply chain sector the problem that
its scale may lead to delays and defaults in the delivery of goods as well as other issues
within the supplying process. In an attempt to solve the problem, process automatization
was the result, hand in hand with a significant increase in the number of distributors in
the supply chain. However, that means that the risk of attacks on the databases is high
and the intentions of hackers may be to modify, delete or steal valuable data. It is result-
ing in better visibility of performance management, optimized inventory controls, event-
driven alerts and automated data feeds from logistic partners.
Different stakeholders in the overall supply chain world have, of course, different, some-
times diverging interests and needs. From a customer’s perspective, for example, there
are plenty of reasons why the supply chain of the product is essential. Montecchi et al.
(2019) see a high level of perceived risk by customers if their information hides in a
product's supply chain. This so-called perceived risk can influence customers to pur-
chase decisions and attitudes because the information asymmetry can lead to undesired
consequences or outcomes for the customer. Halder & Pati (2011) point out the example
of the Indian population that due to demographic growth, the demand and consumption
patterns change tremendously and therefore, these people simply seek enough supply
of the products they need. According to Mattila, 2016 firms themselves expect to keep
track of the legitimacy within their supplier networks, which can be very sophisticated
nowadays, but currently are not able to do it properly. Besides that, customers are cur-
rently very limited in their ability to evaluate the origins of the materials used or the ethical
aspects of how the manufacturing of products happens. More than that, customers seek
for more democratization of the supply chain. Now, where a reconfiguration of the bal-
ance of power in supply chain networks can be the result of customers aspirations to
arrange each step in the supply chain to their liking, by using specified raw materials and
suppliers for a product which gets produced precisely as the customer wants it, can mean
a massive paradigm shift. Similar other customer motives are described by Westerkamp
et al. (2019), who emphasize the increasingly important factor of goods compliance with
specific ecological and ethical standards. Customers expect to know where the goods
are from and how they came into their property. Similar comes from Abeyratne & Mon-
fared (2016), who added that currently, there is a development of overall demand for
improved access to information in order to regain consumer trust in products. The ex-
pectation is a higher level of awareness of the various potential events happening in the
supply chain. Consumers are more than ever encouraged not to accept any information
without being able to verify and thoroughly understand the meaning behind it. Recent
examples of abuse of trust in reputable companies are the emissions scandals of
Volkswagen in 2011 and Nissan in 2016.
More standpoints from the position of strategic and operational decision-makers within
supply chain-operating companies bring Chang et al. (2019), who refers to the term of
business tracking process (BPR) as a re-engineering procedure within the SC. It is de-
scribed as a pathway to rethink and radically redesign business processes to achieve
improvements in contemporary critical measures of performance, such as service, qual-
ity, cost and speed. A valid point here is the fact that implementing new technology re-
quires changes and different approaches compared to the way organizations execute
routine operations. Moreover, Tholen et al. (2019) argue about the importance of satis-
fying voluntary principles for example, the sectoral supply chain due to diligence guid-
ance within the OECD guidelines. These include an embedment of responsible business
conduct (RBC) into supply chain policies and management systems, followed by a cor-
rect execution of communication, identification, assessment and tracking of adverse im-
pacts. In implementing this framework, enterprises may face obstacles that directly affect
their ability to conduct a meaningful supply chain due diligence. In general, a snowballing
trend towards transparency and more reliable expectations of consumers, regulators and
investors in terms of responsible business conduct is global in scope and cuts across
different economic sectors.
Amongst the various number of potential, blockchain technology can bring, Table 1
shows some of them with relevance to a possible enhancement of supply chain pro-
cesses. Likewise, there is a list of limitations in order to classify if the technology with its
characteristics is the right choice to meet the requirements of being beneficial to supply
chain processes.
General • The early development stage of technology of- • Still, no accepted and un-
fers room for improvement towards holistic derstood the single underly-
SCM add-on ing standard
• Opportunity to reduce control structures of • High level of computeriza-
centralized databases tion prevents usage in de-
veloping countries
Trust Level • Decision-based on a democratic majority • The public still not con-
• Smart contracts as a self-execution procedure vinced on the safeness of
• Technical feasibility aspects easy to imple- storage and transmission,
ment e.g., new technology ac-
• Technical configuration assures objectivity ceptance low
and is adaptable with technology matureness • Composition of trustworthy
• Trust evaluation model possible because of consortia challenging
sufficient blockchain features • History of fraud & hacking
• ‘Trust factories’ as the end product of decen- incidents reduces confi-
tralization dence
• Self-generating audit trails • The right choice of partici-
• All SC participants are known, tracked and pants based on principal-
certified properly agent theory
• The authenticity of observa-
tion questionable
• Interorganizational trust
from still uncoupled from
• Self-generating audit trails
lack recognition of regula-
Data security • Digital certificates instead of paper ones miti- • Superordinate authority giv-
gate the risk of physical loss ing permissions limits de-
centralized character
Irreversibility • All participants with the same information • Illegitimate data entries not
• Reduction of communication and data trans- changeable anymore
fer errors • Participants not used to a
• History of network activities improves trust is- high level of consensus
sues within manufacturers • Human involvement allows
• Immutability of data boosts the legitimacy of erroneous data input
complex supplier networks and favors prod-
ucts on blockchain-based solutions
Source: Adapted from Kamble et al., 2018; Abeyratne & Monfared, 2016; Laaper et al., 2017;
Ganeriwalla et al., 2018; Treiblmaier, 2018; Malik et al., 2019; Kshetri, 2018; Behnke & Janssen,
2020; Francisco & Swanson, 2018; Blechschmidt & Stöcker, 2016; Sanjeev, 2019; Chang et al.,
2019; Hackius & Petersen, 2017; Tribis et al., 2018; Steiner & Baker, 2015; Saberi et al., 2019;
Lyons & Courcelas, 2019; Blossey et al. 2019; Kang et al., 2019; Kritikos, 2018; Tholen et al,
2019; Fisher et al., 2018; Sarkis et al., 2011; Tijan et al. 2019; Hepp et al., 2018; Mirchandani,
2019; Aung & Chang, 2014; Casino et al., 2019; Westerkamp et al., 2019; Sodhi, 2019; Apte &
Petrovsky; 2016; Mattila, 2016; Korpela et al., 2017; Perboli et al., 2018;
Kamble et al. (2018) describe the possibility of gaining trust in a supply chain environ-
ment with a reduction of possible payment gaps between the actual delivery of a product
and the final payment settlement. The risk reduction of losing funds results in a high level
of trust achievable through self-execution of agreed contract components based on
smart contracts acting as a rulebook towards the financial sustainability of the supply
chain. According to Abeyratne & Monfared (2016), a sufficient level of trust nowadays is
only achievable with trust reliance on the foundation of a democratic majority, instead of
relying on individual organizations or people. The flow of trusted information between
parties requires accurate data collection and secure data storage, which are key ele-
ments of blockchain technology. Having examples of various fraud, corruption or hacking
incidents happening in the past decades, which reduced the trust level amongst stake-
holders, shows that trust level enhancement leads to a potential reducing risk of losing
consumption of goods and services, which represents the backbone of supply and de-
mand in economics. Moreover, Laaper et al. (2017) reveal concerns about proper cyber-
security paired with blockchain technology. For them, it is highly questionable if the public
will entrust sensitive data to a blockchain solution without labeling it as a hundred percent
safe way of data storage and transmission. A potential mitigation effect here can be the
right choice of the blockchain implementation partner with the satisfaction of privacy and
security needs, tested carefully beforehand.
Further, Ganeriwalla et al. (2018) show that trust is an integral part of any functioning
supply chain and that it usually develops over time as companies and suppliers work
successfully together, sharing various types of information. In today’s complex manufac-
turing ecosystems, participants often do not know each other and thus, they lack visibility
and trust, therefore, must be built elsewhere. A solution provides the self-execution pro-
cedure of smart contracts, which is simultaneously a bypass of conventional ways of
establishing trust by using blockchain for a wide range of supply chain transactions, such
as materials and food delivery information, payments, insurance payouts or copyright
transfers. Still, the overcome of the trust barrier is linked to the formation of a trustworthy
consortium to run the blockchain. It can be challenging to choose and coordinate, be-
cause the principles of a democratic majority, whose decisions are binding for partici-
pants, should be appropriately met.
Treiblmaier (2018) brings up the so-called agency theory in connection with trust creation
using blockchain in the area of the supply chain. The information consistency and its
complete distribution achieved with the use of blockchain enlarges trust levels between
principal and agent, but still, the major challenge lies not on the technical configuration
of BC, but instead in the right choice of the principal to select an agent. The formal guar-
antee to both parties, that agency issues are addressed considerably is provided by the
blockchain in a comprehensible way, given its specifications. On the contrary, Malik et
al. (2019) argue that although data related to supply chain events are not changeable
once recorded on the ledger, blockchain technology cannot ascertain the authenticity of
observations provided by supply chain entities. The limitation gets very clear if partici-
pants generate false data. Therefore, a possible proposal for a solution is the integration
of accountability and reward mechanisms to penalize dishonest on the one hand and
incentivize trustworthiness, on the other hand, correctly. However, the prerequisite of a
trust management system added into today’s existing blockchain systems speaks
against the blockchain as a fully integrated base technology of a supply chain manage-
ment system of the future. Kshetri (2018) affirms the statements of Malik. He speaks
about the importance of data quality in order to achieve a system, which is characterized
by trustworthiness. From a technical standpoint, blockchain can assure objectivity and a
low level of bias of data. Still, trust builds outside the technological boundaries of block-
chain. An example from the food supply chain brings Behnke & Janssen (2020), who
criticize that actors in the SC still use individual quality standards instead of exchanging
information with each other on a detailed level. This encountered lack of trust cannot be
solved with blockchain, although the technology is heralded of being the choice number
one when it comes to the need of trust creation, in this example, the initiatives blockchain
bring forward are mainly technology-driven, focusing on technical feasibility aspects.
Francisco & Swanson (2018) distinguish between two types of trust, namely the trust of
technology and inter-organizational trust. This construct to frame trust concerning tech-
nological innovation shows that blockchain has the potential to be trustworthy in terms
of technological aspects, although the credibility of new technology rises with its main-
stream adoption and here it is still some way to achieve that. Inter-organizational trust
refers to the trust between institutions and is the same as critical for technology ac-
ceptance and information sharing as the technology basis beyond. This type of trust is
more difficult to achieve with technological solutions, as the so-called behavioral inten-
tion cannot be verified that easy. Opposing standpoints come from Jiang & Yongjun
(2017), who put in place a model to evaluate trust among supply chain enterprises. Here,
trust in the supply chain is not determined by any specific definition, but as a conglom-
erate of sufficient features, such as transparency, irreversibility or undeniableness.
Therefore, a blockchain in connection with the supply chain is always trustworthy, given
its technical cornerstones.
Blechschmidt & Stöcker (2016) bring up the creation of so-called ‘trust factories,’ which
are end products of blockchain-based technology progress. These factories or decen-
tralized institutions and organizations provide trust at a far lower cost than traditional
providers do. That means that even intellectual property and knowledge overall were
excessively expensive until the occurrence of DLT because third parties were collecting
high margins on it. Even though blockchain also poses challenges, because organiza-
tions move their trust from the known to for many unknown mathematical algorithms,
which only a few people understand. A negative aspect blockchain faces nowadays can
be eradicated, the more people are keen to gain at least a basic understanding of the
subject matter. Similar views come from Behnke & Janssen (2020), who point out that
acceptance of new technology, especially in the early stages of adoption, is a huge ob-
stacle to overcome. Particularly blockchain, with its present day’s characteristics, has
limitations in the ability to gain and maintain trust for the majority of supply chain stake-
Saberi et al. (2019) report intra-organizational barriers and propose the usage of so-
called Technology Acceptance Models in order to reduce resistance and hesitation from
individuals and organizations during the adaption to the blockchain as a new technology
in the SC. This framework model evaluates the blockchain in a sense that statements
formulate why people use particular technology and why not. Another trust-related use
case comes from Sanjeev (2019), who points out that as a trust-building activity, self-
generating audit trails can be established and put in place amongst supply chain partic-
ipants. That means a highly detailed level of granularity formed by the nature of the
blockchain gives insights on every transaction that happened in the ledger. Of course,
this is a solid foundation for auditors to rely on, but still lacks recognition of governments
and financial institutions, who first need to put a framework in place, which remains au-
thorized and valid for further usage. Furthermore, Steiner & Baker (2015) emphasize the
clear benefits of having all participants of a supply chain blockchain certified by authori-
ties or independent audit firms to maintain the system trust.
As one of the key benefits of using blockchains in a supply chain environment, Chang et
al. (2019) refer to several consulting reports and studies focusing on the advantages of
enhancing the transparency and visibility of tracking activities in business operations. A
conceptual framework of a blockchain-based information tracking process includes a
transparent view of information within the shared ledger, then a self-execution of infor-
mation flows through smart contracts amongst suppliers, buyers and logistics within the
supply chain. Integrated blockchain solutions have the potential to mitigate friction in
business in not only the flow of goods but also on the flow of capital and flow of infor-
mation. The more transparent and cross-fitting information in a supply chain is, the more
cost savings and economic incentives through the optimization of time schedules partic-
ipants can collect. Hackius & Petersen (2017) add that sustainability improvements
through blockchains' ability to facilitate origin tracking are another benefit because the
waste of perishable goods, for example, food, can be reduced heavily if the newly avail-
able data on shelf life is used argument for the optimization within the SC.
Further, Tribis et al. (2018) envision that a blockchain approach in the SC increases the
transparency of physical distribution processes and therefore eliminates the ability to
cheat, providing each participant amongst the stakeholders' end-to-end visibility based
on the several permission levels on the chain. For governments, for example, block-
chains bring the potential to track, monitor and audit the supply chain and to serve man-
ufacturers to record transactions with a high level of authenticity. For customers, there is
the possibility to enhance their product knowledge and loyalty through transparent, freely
viewable information on the products and their goods flow. Additionally, Steiner & Baker
(2015) argue that with blockchain and its ability to enlarge the level of transparency, the
supply chain can widen its field of vision by stopping the limits stakeholders have. Where
usually stakeholders work in supply chains, which are held secret, now there is the
chance to prevent environmental, social, health and safety issues. Nowadays, where
differentiation and conscientious consumption are required to be mandatory for success,
a sustainable and transparent supply chain benefits strongly from the definite impact
blockchain brings. Lyons & Courcelas (2019) agree on data transparency being a great
effort of blockchain usage in the supply chain, because of easements in terms of man-
aging and securing supply chains, but bear the risk of exposing confidential information
Blossey et al. (2019) identify the transparency feature of the blockchain as the right
measure to eradicate supply chain inefficiencies caused by the so-called bullwhip effect.
This concept refers to increasing swings in stock in response to shifts in customers’ de-
mand. Blockchain enables the sharing of real-time information about the status and lo-
cation of a particular good between multiple SC members. With the addition of IoT and
sensor technology data, which lies and is verified on the blockchain, any measurable
condition or availability figure can be identified without errors. An example poses a prod-
uct temperature measurement used at Modum, a Swiss blockchain startup, which cre-
ates trusted digital ecosystems for sensitive goods in areas of pharmacology and logis-
tics. The combination of transparency and smart contract automation means that supply
chain parties cannot revert the contractual commitments and therefore head towards the
fulfillment of a new paradigm, called smart factory.
Kang et al. (2019), who argue that in the starting phase of blockchain adoption in the SC
organizations, are hesitant to be more transparent under a distributed ledger system,
bring up a negative aspect of high transparency within blockchain. The reason is that,
mainly because the level of transparency cannot downregulate that easy, as BC’s core
competencies require the maintenance of the best possible standards the technology
can offer. Besides, Kritikos (2018) points out that although blockchain adds a degree of
accountability that has not existed to date, at the same time, it contradicts with another
appealing aspect, namely privacy. Therefore, blockchain benefits neutralize and limit
each other in a very different way resulting in a significant reduction of innovation poten-
Tholen et al. (2019) add here that commercial regulatory or the satisfaction of GDPR
legislations prevents using an open blockchain platform. If there is some restricted ver-
sion of the blockchain, the principle of maximum transparency does not hold anymore.
Possible solutions like the implementation of so-called zero-knowledge proofs, which im-
prove the sensitivity of data in a public ledger, still need to be fully understood and in a
next step formally approved by authorities. Still, organizations have to choose which fun-
damental design of a blockchain-based supply chain tool is their preferred one, based
on the focus, which lies on either transparency or privacy. This fact speaks against block-
chain as an integrated supply chain management solution. The aspect of proper data
management reflect Fisher et al. (2018), as they point out that data entering and ade-
quate care of this data are essential for reaching potential full transparency on the one
hand, but on the other hand also reducing costs of subsequent amendments in data
structure and security. Here blockchain needs to find solutions to proper data checks
before transforming them into the ledger. The problem of information asymmetry address
Sarkis et al. (2011), who speak about issues supply chain organizations have expressing
information underlying a product to their respective customer base. The aim is to put
customers in the position of believing in the more excellent value of a particular product
and it is essential to mention that in order to reduce information asymmetries, more sig-
nificant interaction, in the form of decentralized data sharing, can be the right choice.
Here the information sharing process becomes less critical because it tends to be easier
to achieve with internal system coordination than necessarily by closer customer rela-
In terms of data security, Hackius & Petersen (2017) argue that especially for supply
chain products of high value, such as diamonds, paper certificates expose to high risk of
data insecurity, through physical loss or manipulation. The possibility to collect and rec-
ord as many data points as possible, stored on the blockchain, can uniquely identify the
product's origin and historical data structure, which makes it much more difficult for tam-
pering information. Similar assertions come from Tijan et al. (2019), who points out that
up to ten percent of every logistics document, for example, a bill of lading, contains in-
correct data, leading to possible litigation or controversies. The mitigation of that kind of
issue and, in the next step, the improvement of underlying business processes puts
blockchain into importance within a comprehensive supply chain management. Accord-
ing to Abeyratne & Monfared (2016), data security goes hand in hand with a proper guar-
antee of a participant’s identity. Blockchain technology could provide the infrastructure
to scale digital identity at little cost and therefore improves digital security and integrity
profoundly. For the supply chain, this means that verified participants on the chain can,
with integrated smart contracts, improve the security of transactions as the buyer who
has signed a relevant contract with the seller can only receive each item. The nature of
blockchain allows here the system to identify fraudulent transactions or misplaced items
in a short timeframe.
Moreover, Kshetri (2018), reports that supply chain companies who implement block-
chain, such as the logistic giant Maersk were less worried about data security issues
because they prefer a permission system over a permissionless solution. Here a closed
group of participants that are known depends on access issuance from some superordi-
nate authority. However, this limits the decentralized character blockchain has in its out-
line and diminishes innovation in the sense that dependence on individual actors rises.
Nevertheless, Tribis et al. (2018) identify a gap of security and data integrity because the
latency of transactions, as the result of poor scalability, opens a window for cyber-at-
tacks. The vulnerability here gets visible if actors decide to build a more centralized sup-
ply chain setup.
Furthermore, Hepp et al. (2018) distinguish between on- and off-chain storage affecting,
to some extent, the appraisal if data security within supply chain processes is efficient or
not. Full blockchain integration into SC does not necessarily mean an on-chain storage
approach only. The ability to store various amounts of data on the blockchain itself would
be more secure but not sufficient in terms of scalability. For example, the possibility to
store the hash information only on the chain is intriguing if the information needs to be
verified but not immediately made available in full detail. Additionally, vast amounts of
data would blow up blockchains capacity in an often not necessary way. This tends to
be also the preferred way of approach for supply chain participants because the new
technology could be declared as innovative but not too disruptive and changing for the
actual state of the supply chain processes. Similarly, Mirchandani (2019) argues that
having only hashes stored on a blockchain would likely fit into GDPR and be classified
as anonymized in terms of data security. On the other hand, this would result in very low
traceability of hashed personal data to a data subject, which then weights against other
benefits of BC.
Fisher et al. (2018) emphasize the beneficial character of blockchain for regulators to
trace source and treatments of products the same as for suppliers and manufacturers to
identify precisely possible defective, inadequately or even grey market counterfeit com-
ponents along the supply chain. Furthermore, Laaper et al. (2017) envision that through
transparent and accurate end-to-end tracking, not only costs can be reduced signifi-
cantly, but also consumers stated that they would pay a premium for services or products
from companies promoting social responsibility through comprehensible data flows. An
analysis of the complex food supply chain comes from Casino et al. (2019), who identify
on the one hand blockchain as a tool to overcome certain obstacles of traditional trace-
ability mechanisms, like lack of information sharing and system integration difficulties.
On the other hand, blockchain faces constraints in the ability to project traceability solu-
tions properly, because of performance issues, either because of vast amounts of pro-
cessed data or latency in the confirmation and verification process. Also, Westerkamp et
al. (2019) point out that the input information available at tracking systems embodies in
batches and dependent on the product as a batch can have hundreds of logs too. This
fine-grained approach can be handled by blockchain from a technical perspective by, for
instance, tokenizing the information with its unique features. Still, the question comes up
at which deployment and maintenance costs and which speed blockchain can perform
in order to represent a better option than existing supply chain legacy systems. Sodhi
(2019) argues that blockchains potential to make supply chains more responsive to
trends and movements and more stable against market disruptions shows the best in a
way that it connects participants and companies can fetch the intelligence quickly and
securely. This competitive advantage of having an information advantage within the area
of tracking and tracing forces whole industries to react in order to set new standards of
innovation within their supply chain processes.
Laaper et al. (2017) discuss the subject of data irreversibility by blockchains’ ability to
provide all parties within a respective supply chain with access to the same information,
resulting in a reduction of communication and data transfer errors. Therefore less time
is spent with the validation of data. Instead of that, more can be spent on delivering better
goods or services while improving quality and cutting costs, respectively. Furthermore,
Abeyratne & Monfared (2016) point out that blockchains immutable record of data with
controlled user access helps a lot in building trusted foundation, whenever information is
typically stored and accessible in different locations, or participants have only partial ac-
cess to the overall data. The irreversibility of data with a history of all network activities
is a catalyst for improvements in transparency and traceability issues within manufactur-
Moreover, Apte & Petrovsky (2016) question the data consistency in private blockchains.
After all, the need for substantial PoW processing across multiple supply chain infor-
mation channels does not envision in a sense that participants can live with a lower level
of consensus because they are used to it in their previous centralized legacy systems.
This enlarges the probability of external attacks from actors with the majority of the net-
works hashing power, resulting in changes towards Illegimate data entries, which are not
changeable anymore. Additionally, Saberi et al. (2019) argue that blockchains prevention
to falsify and tamper data cannot entirely prevent any possibility of having erroneous
data because humans are still involved in applying and running the technology. If key
owners edit data and update it with additional information before it is displayed on the
chain the first time, participants are not fully covered from damage done by the existence
of invalid information. Mattila (2016), argues that the massive improvements of compa-
nies’ and customers’ access into detailed and irreversible supply chain records, even on
the detailed level of individual products and its value chain, boost the legitimacy of the
complex supplier networks. With the belief of having immutable information across the
supply chain, stakeholders empower to favor deliberately products, which information
lies on the blockchain instead of other ones, which do not offer their required level of
Furthermore, Hackius & Petersen (2017) see blockchain as the ideal base technology
where IoT can operate on to enhance SC processes. As estimations from Gartner
(2015), show a massive increase in connected devices year by year, it gets clear that
today’s internet architecture cannot handle such amounts of data. Although blockchain,
because the removal of points of failure through decentralization, is considered being a
solution to connect and manage IoT on a reliable basis, still its scalability remains ques-
tionable in meeting IoT’s requirements accurately. Westerkamp et al. (2019) add that
information distribution in decentralized networks is limited by its weakest link in terms
of storage, bandwidth and processing capabilities. In the context of blockchain blocksize
and completion time is adjusted to satisfy a node majority participating in the network.
The consensus of this majority does not correspond necessarily with the opinions of
supply chain participants. Saberi et al. (2019) argue that BC still in its early development
stages and considers it as immature and unready technology in terms of scalability when
it comes to handling larger numbers of transactions. Especially the handling of big data
in real-time requires more substantial scalable base technology, same as improvements
in storage management and cloud infrastructure.
Another limitation comes from Tijan et al. (2019), who attest that within blockchain tech-
nology, there is no single underlying standard, which is understood and accepted for a
majority of the users. It leads to the creation of many difficult standalone concepts, where
programming intervention, even in the purest form of change, happens regularly. Addi-
tionally, Kshetri (2018) points out that blockchain does not have the attribute of being a
global technology, reachable for every supply chain actor in the world. It is because BC
requires a high degree of computerization, which results in the issue that not all countries
are ready to participate mainly because of their characteristic of being a developing coun-
Figure 4 shows survey results where the most pressing barriers for blockchain adoption
in the logistics industry are. The limitations clearly show typical aspects of insufficiencies
within new technology adaptions, more than technological deficiencies. Kshetri (2018)
speaks about a complex environment in which global supply chains operate and thus
emphasizes, to some extent, regulatory uncertainty as a significant challenge and limi-
tation to overcome. Various parties have to comply with regulations, various laws and
institutions, which include, for example, commercial codes, laws regarding ownership
and multiple jurisdictions for shipping routes. The issue here is that human beings, who
vindicate against these old established laws, manage customs and institutions and im-
plementing blockchain-based solutions can, therefore, get a very complicated task. On
the barrier where different parties have to join forces, Treiblmaier (2018) exhibits a pos-
sible change of competencies for supply chain companies that make use of BC. The
importance of resources for a sustainable advantage across various industries alters
because factors as company size or managerial experience are not that important any
more. This should help companies to open up, but firms still struggle to reduce control
structures and centralized databases in order to share information and work together
towards a higher level of information or process enhancements.
Korpela et al. (2017) show the lack of technological maturity with the example of auto-
mated data transfer between organizations. While in traditional trade finance contexts, it
is possible to show data transfers of payments, the document collection for letters of
credit transactions or trade documents, such as bills of lading, various certificates or
shipping documents, gets significantly more complicated. The formats of seller and buyer
documents are often incompatible, same as the information within these documents,
which required further manual entries and computer-paper solutions. That means in or-
der to achieve improvements, on the one hand, the way the supply chain works with
these documents needs to be adjusted and streamlined, same as technology needs to
find a way to model various requirements on the chain.
As one of the most critical issues, Perboli et al. (2018) identify a lack of acceptance in
the industry, which eventually results in the absence of all relevant actors of the SC. It
goes hand in hand with indolence in the process of technology adoption. For this reason,
for implementation, it is vital to start with an analysis of all needs, objectives and exclu-
sion criteria of the different actors involved. The business model created after this fine-
grained analysis should be capable of emphasizing both customer satisfaction and eco-
nomic returns. The basis, therefore, is a solid understanding of what BC can offer to
enhance SC processes.
The role of governments and regulations in the implementation phase of new technology
is an interesting one and undoubtedly, there needs to be put attention to that field. Table
2 shows some connections between blockchain implementation and its regulatory junc-
Data Security • The validity of data transactions important for • Data usage and access with
regulators during audits and checks blockchain lacks an appro-
• Regulators participate in the ecosystem as priate regulatory framework
participants for auditing purposes • Data governance and
standardization misses as a
precondition towards next
maturity step
Governments have a vast number of responsibilities towards its citizens in order to es-
tablish a stable society. Tseng et al. (2018) point out that distrust is the most important
reason; the public needs the state as a supervisor. In more detail, that means, that de-
pendent on the range of activities in different supply chains, different levels of govern-
mental interference is expected. In health or financial trade supply chains, the surveil-
lance may be higher than in others. Nevertheless, this kind of monitoring requires many
resources and could still be inefficient. For this reason, blockchain technology can be
just one way to provide the capability to raise the efficiency of regulatory enforcement.
Ganne (2018) argues that the deployment of blockchain requires an appropriate regula-
tory framework that recognizes the validity of data transactions, clarifies the law and
regulates the way of data access and usage. The legal status of blockchain transactions
is treated as possibly critical because regulators still need to build frameworks to classify
them properly legally. Furthermore, Herian (2018) discusses to a legal framework which
requires the government to stand back and let actors have the choice as to how to ac-
complish their peer to peer information sharing, but at the same time taking active steps
where needed, to ensure people have all the basic resources to act not only in the own
but in the interest of the society as a whole. However, regulation has been widely denied
by blockchain stakeholders, due to the spread opinions, that regulators are ill-equipped
when it comes to proper dealing with the technological basis and benefits.
According to Tijan et al. (2019), the novelty of blockchain technology means restraints of
the leading players in the supply chain, the same as regulators to adopt and accept it.
The resulting lack of regulation creates a high level of insecurity because, for example,
smart contracts might be adopted in the SC, but not binding from legal and overregulated
from a political perspective. Mangla et al. (2018) puts governmental and industry policies
in the category of external barriers affecting proper blockchain usage in companies. As
governments classify as entities, which are not directly economically benefiting from sup-
ply chain activities, their intrinsic motivation towards sustainable regulation of blockchain
implementation keeps within limits. While external pressure and support would drive sup-
ply chain organizations to integrate new ideas of enhancements, the absence of these
leaves hurdles for precise technical mechanisms or technological sustainability in gen-
eral. Moreover, Cermeno (2016) argues that blockchains' immutability features collide
with the personal data protection of the European Union policymakers. As per these
regulations, every citizen has the right to have their personal information deleted at any
time from another party’s paper or electronic records and databases.
Mirchandani (2019) adds that blockchain either obtains an exemption clause in a sense
that personal data storage is simply allowed on permissioned blockchains according to
the GDPR ruling, or the definition of deletion under the GDPR is revised. If a data erase
allows moving onto a new block or even creating a forked blockchain may comply. The
same applies to a possible access right restriction with blockchain if it can be classified
as data erase as per European Union regulation. As of yet, there is no clear guidance
on these issues in general, which opens room for interpretation and discussion and re-
sults in uncertainty and risk for supply chain stakeholders. Besides the GDPR ruling,
Fitzgerald (2018) describes several due diligence and disclosure obligations for import-
ers and exporters in the logistics context of the SC. Topics such as data protection, digital
identity and payments may require additional legislation and are therefore of major im-
portance for blockchain implementation.
Furthermore, Cole et al. (2019) propose a set of control mechanisms regulators can have
at blockchain-backed supply chains. An example is the installment of a running auditing
possibility for governments in a sense that the network initiators put in place regulatory
authorities as participants of the chain with specific control access roles. Regulators here
could check data and information flows nearly in real-time, instead of waiting for specific
audit dates, which can be some time after the data transfer events. Grech & Camilleri
(2017) point out what governments expect of new technologies such as BC. It is the
importance of a valid proposition of social value, which arises out of blockchain utilization
in the SC. Policymakers assess the current and future impact of technology, the same
as the relative importance different stakeholders may attribute to a blockchain value
proposition. Various conflicting interests of stakeholders can be an opportunity for some
actors, but also a risk for other ones simultaneously. The correct and fair classification
of these is essential for governments’ motivation and interest in considering blockchain
in their future reflections. On the other hand, this means that information sharing between
blockchain innovating actors and regulators recognizes as crucial for a fruitful collabora-
Additionally, Behnke & Janssen (2020) state that regulatory frameworks between coun-
tries and regions diverge still widely and suggest the development of consortia within
supply chain sectors, supported by institutions from the government in order to be able
to define and enhance standardization. The overdue next step of maturity for BC tech-
nology towards long-term implementations includes interface standardization and data
governance as an important precondition. Similar thoughts come from Baumann & Supe
(2018), who see it as essential that participants in these consortia share knowledge and
foster synergy effects. It intensifies the development of innovation and brings the eco-
system a unique characteristic through harmonization of processes with cost-saving re-
sults. Blemus (2017) mentions regulatory sandboxes, where applicant stakeholders who
are ready to test innovative blockchain-related services, can hand in ideas and best prac-
tice information to authorities in order to achieve coherent action between innovators and
regulators. Although, policymakers have been trying to adopt the most efficient regula-
tion method for blockchain technology through either several soft law regulations or few
hard law legislations its possible holistic impact on the global economy required to rethink
possible requirements constantly.
Another viewpoint is brought up by Filippi & Hassan (2016), who speak about regulation
through code, meaning dictated rules put into a self-fulfilling framework according to pre-
defined rules in order to implement different sets of requests and restrictions. Through
this step, possible widespread adoption of technical regulation maintains, but with the
distinction that it is more likely to work within routine situations, rather than edge-case
where demand on more regulatory individuality is evident. Still, this is a tradeoff between
gaining transparency inefficiency, the same as eventually a reduction of freedom and
autonomy of individuals, which implementing actors have to consider when breaking new
grounds here. Further, on, Macedo (2018) adds an example of guiding principles, appli-
cable for non-finance organizations such as supply chains, in order to produce a proper
regulatory framework. The start is a basic understanding of who and what can be a mat-
ter of regulation followed by a clear articulation of the goals regulatory policies have. Of
importance is that there is no overregulation and that cooperation between participants
sets the basis for the level of visibility maintained. Moreover, all information should be
treated equally with the precise aim to ensure that the regulatory requirement is reason-
able and expedient. For international trade, however, on top would include trade facilita-
tion, taxation and supply-chain security.
Neuburger (2018) mentions the possibility of the existence of significant conflicts among
regulators and SC actors on the question of interpreting the dimensioning of blockchain-
based solutions. Therefore, parties should agree sufficiently early on the permission ar-
chitecture to appropriately limit an individual’s ability to make use of network data. War-
ren et al. (2019) identify a lack of impartiality from regulators' perspective and at least
this criticism comes from supply chain actors, who are arguing on regulators' attitudes
towards blockchain technology. The questions if regulators strive against possible lack
of knowledge, which ultimately leads to the unfortunate ruling, has to be answered. Ad-
ditionally, it is debatable if there is a grey zone between no regulation and poor regulation
or not.
3.1 Introduction
After reviewing the state-of-the-art literature on the topic of DLT in the supply chain as a
next step, the method needs to follow the formulated research questions. Based on
these, I tried to distinguish among several research methods, including thoughts on their
advantages and disadvantages in respect of the novelty of blockchain as a topic, same
as the fact that methods are frequently overlapping each other during research. Yin
(2014) adds that it depends on several conditions if the differentiation of methods is suc-
cessful and reasonable. First, the type of posed research question determines a catego-
rization on which method may be a good fit to put the base of research on. The second
condition consists of the extent of control an investigator has over actual behavioral
events. The third relevant situation focuses on the existence of either historical or con-
temporary events. I have applied Yins’ approach after formulating the research questions
and the key here was that I was successful in being wholly unbiased and without any
preferences on the decision that could be the right choice of method for the empirical
part of the thesis. In the end, I have followed what Gerring (2007) mentions with the
terminology of insight. It defines as the unknown quantity, which helps to elude away
from the deliberate choice of a scientific method. I was looking for insight and found out
things, which eventually led to a classification into an existing research methodology.
Merriam (1988) adds who, during an explanation of qualitative research, argues that
there are instances, particularly in social sciences, where researchers are more inter-
ested in interpretation, discovery and insight than in a rigor testing of hypotheses.
The methodology used in this thesis is the case study research method, which has its
basis on a framework explained by Yin (2014), who provides a leading piece of scientific
literature, which meets a need in no laboratory social science methodology. What deems
salient here is that according to Yazan (2015), the lack of a comprehensive guide to the
utilization of case study method shows up in a sense that Yin presents the design and
methods of case studies and pushes it as a legitimate methodology to conduct inquiries
into a theoretical recommendation. Yin (2014) classifies the case study as one of the
most challenging methods within social science, also because of the use of multiple
sources of evidence. The full variety of evidence, such as interviews, observations and
documents, helped a lot to find a broad approach to the topic. As case studies are not a
data collection technique, the collection of data can happen in various ways and its ex-
tensiveness of the real-life context made it necessary to include more variables of inter-
est, than data points only, namely complex social and behavioral phenomena, matura-
tion of industries and individual life cycles. Based on the research questions, which seek
to explain some present circumstances, the relevance of a case study as a research
instrument was clear without any alternative and most suitable. The question of what
would be the distinctive advantage of doing a case study compared to other empirical
methods was evident during the considerations of the research strategy. The complexity
of explaining some presumed causal links in real-life situations, such as technology im-
plementations, led to the decision to acknowledge the superiority of case studies over
other methods, for example, surveys or experiments.
Moreover, according to Schramm (1971), the central tendency among all types of case
studies is that it tries to examine either a decision or even a set of decisions. In more
detail, questions on decision making, how decisions were implemented and with that
result characterizes case studies notably. This holistic approach to tackle the topic em-
pirically was compelling in the sense that blockchain implementation is mainly innovative
both on the technological but also on the social-cultural aspect and simply needs that
kind of diverse handling. As the literature review resulted in a robust information basis in
order to develop theory, it is, according to Yin (2014), also more a blueprint for the case
study, which helps to realize empirical research and generalize the case study results
Given the conceptual framework of Yin (2014), the case study as an instrument serves
the best when a) the research questions in their substance and form are posed with
“how”, “why” in an explanatory manner; b) contemporary events are examined and c)
little or no control over these events by the investigator. Although according to Yin (2014)
case studies go beyond being types of qualitative research, using a mix of qualitative
and quantitative evidence, I was keener to research a qualitative basis, which goes hand
in hand with Creswell (2007), who recognizes the case study among the array of quali-
tative research options. That is because much of the implications and cross-linking infor-
mation illustrated with certain topics can happen in a descriptive mode in order to en-
lighten several sets of outcomes. Yin (2014) distinguished between single and multiple
case designs. Although, because of the novelty of the blockchain topic in the supply
chain, a single case could represent a significant contribution to knowledge an theory
building because it may represent a typical project among many others in the ecosystem.
The lessons learned and valid information out of the case are assumed to be enough
information about the experiences of an average BC project. Still, this is a risky approach,
as a solid argument in justifying the choice of the case is needed. As evidence from
multiple case studies is often considered more compelling and amble in terms of the
development of theoretical frameworks, I followed a multiple case study with two cases
investigated. The advantage in terms of the two cases is either predicting similar results
or contrasting results but for anticipatable reasons. The analysis, though, is more com-
fortable to conduct because of pattern identification.
Another differentiation, which goes beyond hierarchical stereotypes Yin (2014), gives
when classifying case studies in exploratory cases, descriptive cases and explanatory
cases. Because case studies, as every other research method, can be classified in more
than only one of these categories, I would define my thesis as being descriptive, because
patterns, relations and connections are delineated, same as explanatory give the nature
of the cases’ research questions. The proofs and arguments resulting from the case
study findings serve to confirm or deny and extend existing theory. Yin terms this as
analytics generalization where out of state-of-the-art theory statements or propositions
are generated, which then get tested, validated or denied by the case study.
Additionally, in alignment with the study approach, Welch et al. (2011) define explanatory
cases as studies, which use deductive logic to test propositions, appraise and compare
rival explanations and revise existing theories and establish causal relationships. There-
fore, verification of theory is rather targeted than a discovery of complete new theoretical
standpoints. In terms of potential disadvantages case studies can have, Zainal (2007)
addresses, based on Yin (2014), on the one hand, a possible lack of precision and reli-
ability, on the other hand, a low basis of scientific generalization, because the number of
subjects conducted is minimal. Here the goal was to make sure not to allow equivocal
evidence and some biases to affect the findings and conclusions. Moreover, the potential
of theory testing, rather than theory-building, stands as a basis for this thesis. Therefore
the case study findings are getting compared to existing theory in the scientific literature,
same as between each other’s as each of the two cases tackles a different field of block-
chain implementation.
In general, according to Yazan (2015), case study methodology has long been an area
in social sciences, which is characterized by wavering, often opposing approaches pro-
vided by methodologists. Its evolution gets prevented because of a lack of full consensus
on design and implementation. Nevertheless, Welch et al. (2011) point out that it is one
of the most frequently used qualitative methods, gaining popularity across various disci-
plines. A reason could be what is mentioned by Noor (2008), who emphasizes the ad-
vantage of case studies, where they can be useful in capturing surfacing and inherent
characteristics of life and happenings within organizations, same as lows and highs of
organizational activity, especially in fast-changing environments. Additionally, Welch pre-
sents also opposing standpoints from Yins’, namely quotations from Eisenhardt (1989),
who has Yin's positivistic view of science in common but differs in the assentation in
which case studies are narrowed in a very early stage of theorizing process, meaning
that case studies are the preferred means of research when it comes to the building of
Moreover, Yazan (2015) argues about the grounded theory concept followed by Eisen-
hardt at some point, but especially Stake (1995), in which through methodical gathering
and analysis of data, construction of theory happens. That is quite different from the
approach Yin favors, namely, perform data collection, which shows how one particular
existing theory does apply or not apply given the gathered case study data.
The decision on how to conduct the research design follows the framework of Yin (2014),
identifies, and establishes the logic of the case study. Its task is to link the collected data
and the drawn conclusions of this data with the initial questions of the study. Further-
more, Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias (1992) add that a holistic research design guides
the investigator in the process of accumulating, evaluating and interpreting observations.
It serves as a model of proof allowing the investigator to draw interferences about casual
relations among data that is under investigation. Moreover, Yin (2014) emphasizes
based on Kidder & Judd (1986) that the case study research design is supposed to rep-
resent a set of statements, which is logical and can measure the quality with logical tests.
These logical tests are common to all social science methods, but for cast studies, mainly
they should be applied throughout the whole conduct of the case study, instead of utiliz-
ing them only at the beginning. First, the test of external validity occurs when the research
design conducted and the corresponding case study tactic for this thesis is the use of
replication logic in the multiple case study. That means the theory gets tested by repli-
cating the findings in a second neighborhood where the theory has specified that the
same results should occur. The test of construct validity appears during data collection
and should be met through both establishing a chain of evidence and the use of multiple
sources of evidence. Additionally, during data collection, the test of reliability effectively
if a case study protocol is used and a case study database is built. Finally, in the phase
of data analysis, internal validity is ensured through pattern matching, explanation build-
ing and thematizing of rival explanations.
The case study’s questions are based on the initial research questions of this thesis and
include an in-depth view on the presence of some circumstance or, in other words, how
and why happenings appear. A broader formulation of a question to start with would be:
How blockchain implementation in the supply chain happens in practice. Based on this
question, the case study will aim to answer the following three case study research ques-
1. How can blockchain solve existing business issues within the supply chain of
2. What limitations does blockchain technology have if utilized in the supply
3. Why do legal regulations play a role during blockchain implementation?
Below several propositions of the case study are listed, which also include potential the-
ory building answers derived from the literature review. They serve as a guide through
the collection and analysis of the case study data. Generally, Yin (2014) strongly advises
emphasizing the coding of propositions, as the research questions alone are not suffi-
cient to pilot the case study properly. The study propositions are also the basis for theo-
retical generalization and give a hint on where to look for relevant empirical evidence.
However, scholars also criticize the feasibility of the blockchain applications rather than
on the technological realization. Aung & Chang (2014) state that compatibility problems
through inconsistencies in captured datasets challenge the correctness of tracing good
flows. Casino et al. (2019) point out that blockchain faces constraints in the ability to
project traceability solutions accurately because of performance issues caused by la-
tency in the verification and confirmation process. Back et al. (2014), who introduce
sidechains for information transfer enhancement, mention some remedial action here.
Hence, it is proposed that:
P1. The use of blockchain technology can trace a flow of goods with a high level of detail
information. Moreover, Laaper et al. (2017), therefore, argue on the fact that all parties
within a supply chain have access to the same information, pick up the irreversible char-
acter of blockchain data. Mattila (2016) assumes that stakeholders, which have the belief
of holding immutable records of supply chain data, will deliberately favor blockchain-
based applications, because of massive improvements in data accessibility.
Furthermore, the question of whether blockchain is well-fitting for supply chain processes
requires nuanced answers. The self-execution ability of smart contracting, mentioned by
Kamble et al. (2018) or Ganeriwalla et al. (2018), enables higher levels of trust because
of agreed contract components, for example, materials, payments, data transfers or de-
livery information. Tribis et al. (2018) point out end-to-end visibility for all SC participants
with appropriate permission levels on the chain, same as an enhancement of customer
needs as stakeholders, in terms of enhancement of product knowledge and loyalty
through transparency. Moreover, Hackius & Petersen (2017) emphasize benefits in prod-
uct shelf life and waste reduction for non-usable food products and digitalization through
paperless interaction, which reduces risks of data insecurity through physical loss or ma-
nipulation of documents. Through transparent tracking processes, according to Chang
et al. (2019), frictions can be mitigated not only in the flow of goods but also on flows of
capital and information. As potentially cost-saving, an eradication of the bullwhip effect,
e.g., swings in stock, is mentioned by Blossey et al. (2019) and is achieved through real-
time information of stock movements. When it comes to money loss through grey market
activity, Fisher et al. (2019) point out that blockchain brings the ability to identify such
business practices immediately. Mattila (2016) argues on the possibility to legitimate
complex supplier networks and therefore reach higher bandwidths through globalization,
same as Sodhi (2019) argues that DLT enables higher responsiveness to global trends
in the supply chain.
The issue of the need for high computerization, which prevents usage of blockchain in
mainly developing countries, gets picked up by Kshetri (2018) as the main issue for miss-
ing participation of all actors around the globe. The expectation of a fast and nearly real-
time system gets doubted by scholars like Saberi et al. (2019), Tribis et al. (2018),
Hackius & Petersen (2017), as scalability and processing of big data volumes remains a
big issue in today’s blockchain deployment. Behnke & Janssen (2020) argue that the
development of trustworthy consortia within SC sectors, which foster standardization and
synergy effects towards blockchain maturity are often very challenging to achieve, also
because of fraud incidents which are mentioned by scholars like Abeyratne & Monfared
(2016); Tholen et al. (2019). Lastly, Laaper et al. (2017) question the convincement of
the public on the safeness of storage and transmission, putting the acceptance of DLT
as new technology to low levels. Hence, it is proposed that:
P3. Blockchain, at its current stage of technological development, is not a perfect fit to
meet the needs of stakeholders in the supply chain.
On the possibility that blockchain substitutes running systems in the supply chain schol-
ars have differentiated opinions. Treiblmaier (2018) brings up the opportunity to reduce
control structures of centralized databases. Furthermore, Malik et al. (2019); Kshetri
(2018) points out that from a technical standpoint, blockchain can assure objectivity with
a low level of biased data and is adaptable with technology matureness. Tribis et al.
(2018), who emphasize the regulators' opportunity to monitor data movements ade-
quately, point out the regulatory perspective. Another advantage compared to legacy
systems mention Aung & Chang (2014) with blockchains’ characteristics to uniquely
identify data towards a security level enhancement. This data integrity, according to
Abeyratne & Monfared, is characterized by low cost and system harmonization. Kshetri
(2018) adds that the establishment of an errorless permissioned system is easy to im-
plement through the nature of blockchain features.
While Apte & Petrovsky (2016) mark that the need for substantial PoW consensus is not
always preferred, because participants are not used to it in previous centralized data-
bases, Westerkamp et al. (2019) questions blockchains deployment and maintenance
costs especially if the data amounts are high because of trust and transparency stand-
ards. Sarkis et al. (2011) miss an automatized blockchain functionality of proper data
checks, which could lower information asymmetries before pulling data into the ledger.
Furthermore, Tijan et al. (2019) criticize the fact that blockchain does not have a single
underlying standard, which is understood and accepted by a majority, which then leads
to a configuration of lots of difficult standalone concepts and programming intervention.
Likewise, according to Kshetri (2018), regulatory uncertainty in implementation questions
puts blockchain a step behind running legacy systems in the area of SC. Hence, it is
proposed that:
P4. Blockchain technology is not ready to fully replace legacy systems in the supply
In general, scholars like Tseng et al. (2018); Herian (2018); Mirchandani (2019) point out
that decentralization, which is one of the core competences of blockchain technology,
clashes with governmental checks and balances and that governments positioning in this
case varies and needs efficiency. Mangla et al. (2018) recommend more external pres-
sure from regulators, which would result in an enhancement of innovation in blockchain-
based supply chain organizations. That is partially shown by Dobrauz et al. (2018), who
argue that proactiveness by governments occasionally existing and gives the example
of Liechtenstein’s’ Blockchain Act, which among others, regulates tokenization of assets
and information towards the opening of new innovative perspectives within the SC. Fur-
thermore, Grech & Camilleri (2017) state the governments’ expectations towards block-
chain in being a valid proposition of social value when utilized in the supply chain.
Conversely, Herian (2018) discusses that due to blockchain stakeholders opinions’, reg-
ulators are ill-equipped in terms of proper dealing with the technology. Therefore regula-
tory proposals are not appropriate recommendations. Hence, Mangla et al. (2018) deny
regulators the intrinsic motivation to put in place appropriate legislation because eco-
nomic benefits from BC are still not recognized suitably. Although Blemus (2017) men-
tions regulatory sandboxes for testing innovation, he criticizes the lack of best practices
exchange to achieve coherent action between regulators and blockchain innovators.
Behnke & Janssen (2020) see standardization and data governance as missing but, on
the other hand, an important precondition for technological maturity of blockchain in lo-
gistics. Finally, Mirchandani (2019) compares the GDPR and other current governmental
rulings around the world with the blockchain approach, and spots contradiction in the
areas of privacy and immutability of data. Hence it is proposed that:
After the development of the studies’ research questions, followed by propositions for
theory verification, the third component, according to Yin (2014), is related to the funda-
mental problem of defining what the case is about. As already mentioned, the case is a
multiple case study, and its increase of external validity comes from the data collection
and analysis of two cases, which selection bases on the theoretical assumption that ei-
ther conflicting results in theoretical or similar results in a literal replication could appear.
The vital step in these replication procedures is the development of a theoretical frame-
work. Both cases are not about any abstractions, such as arguments or hypotheses, but
the real-life phenomenon, eg. Projects of blockchain implementation in the supply chain.
Although both cases operate in different areas of the supply chain, emphasizing its im-
provement in different segments, both have in common that blockchain as technology
amends supply chain processes to enhance stakeholder satisfaction.
The first case is the “Blockchain Initiative Logistik” that was initiated by the consultancy
company EY, to bring leading Austrian logistics companies together. This new form of
collaboration can classify as a consortium, where the money is raised and collected. The
aim is to reach process enhancement with the help of blockchain technology. In particu-
lar, the improvement was the digitalization of supply chain documents. The outcomes of
the initiative should, furthermore, serve as fruitful insights for future cooperation and best
practices. The exchange of information benefits to the commonweal of logistics in Austria
and pushes barriers for future innovative blockchain ideas in the supply chain. The sec-
ond case is the “Rotharium” project that was founded by the blockchain startup Crypto
Future GmbH. Their goal was to build a gate to the blockchain and enable the integration
of apps into the blockchain ecosystem. Their first use case was supply chain-related,
meaning a tracing application based on blockchain, followed by a tokenized medium of
exchange for more straightforward payment execution in supply chain ecosystems.
The necessity of conducting a case study protocol is clearly emphasized by Yin (2014),
who illustrates it as essential and reliability increasing, especially if a multiple case study
is the selected empirical method. Hence, the protocol means more than a questionnaire
or instrument, as I contain procedures and general rules to be followed.
Data collection & • The everyday situation on the field • The everyday situation on the field
field procedures distorted by restriction of COVID19 distorted by restriction of COVID19
• Interviews and data collection sched- • Interviews and data collection
uled for Q2 2020 scheduled for Q2 2020
• Data collection plan see section ap- • Data collection plan see section ap-
pendix 3 pendix 4
The process of data collection, especially having the case study as an empirical method,
is a very tedious one. The goal for this thesis is, following Yin (2014), to collect enough
data so that there is confirmatory evidence for the main topics covered, which means
that at least two sources of evidence are included. Moreover, there is an attempt to in-
clude investigations on rival propositions. As the basis, I have chosen guided interviews
with included people in both projects, conducted in german. The implication and theoret-
ical assumption are that they represent expert knowledge and can give fruitful opinions
to outline proper and meaningful case study results. Of significant importance is the effort
to find a good breakdown of interviewees, who have different views and angles on the
topic and, therefore, could provide differentiated answers. A positive side effect was that
interviewees suggested other persons for interviewing, as well as other sources for evi-
dence to incorporate. Overall for one case, three interviews, for the other case, four in-
terviews were done. The respective interview guideline can be found in Appendix 2. Be-
sides the interviews, various other documents get utilized. Examples are presentations,
whitepapers, internal memos, videos, meeting minutes and a self-testing of an applica-
tion in a real-life environment. Although the plan was to include direct observations,
higher power in the form of the COVID19 virus made this virtually impossible. The ap-
proach to corroborate interview data with other sources collected enhanced the signifi-
cance of the case results. Additionally, I have followed the recommendation of Yin (2014)
As a precondition for the proper interpretation of case study findings counts the estab-
lishment of a chain of evidence. Based on Yin (2014), I, therefore, tried to work backward
with a statement of a hypothetical conclusion for the topic of blockchain usage in the
supply chain. Afterward, there is the identification of specific evidence and data that
would support such a conclusion. Then some protocol questions were elaborated, which
then led to the starting point of case study questions. That helped to understand the
chain of evidence in terms of how the components are linked together. On the topic of
data interpretation, I have followed Yin (2014) on general analytic strategies again. The
first one is a comparison of interpreted case data with theoretical propositions, which led
to the examination of the case study, which is the essential technique used in the thesis.
The other one is to postulate rival explanations and examine them in contrast to the initial
propositions. Given the fact that the case was done explanatory, the technique of expla-
nation building gets used. Here in order to analyze the data, explanations about the case
are formulated and again compared to initial statements.
Leibetseder, who is Innovation Manager at the Austrian company Walter Group, which
in terms of revenue, is the second-largest logistics firm in Austria, points out that the
company engages with blockchain from a research aspect. That means blockchain is
seen as a technology considerable when it comes to an estimation of how it could en-
hance supply chain processes. The path of cooperative work of logistics companies with
blockchain in this project was found through extensive communication on several ques-
tions. The participants of the initiative asked themselves where potential use cases would
arise and played through several scenarios where information overlap between parties,
who share goods or data, happens. The premise was that no share of own confidential
documentation happens.
Even if the technology may look disruptive for several topics, it is essential to examine if
and to what extent it makes sense to use it. In general, Leibetseder sees blockchain as
a complementary system, therefore more as an addition to established systems than
utter disruption. Especially the use case with the Ethereum based digitalization freight
documents shows, in his opinion, that blockchain brings the proof of entitlement because
the main goal here is to illustrate freight related documents as digital service on a de-
centralized ledger. With this approach, the main problem within today’s logistics gets
addressed, namely that there is no system harmonization in the supply chain. As every
company and sub providers, eg. GPS providers have their system solutions in various
fields of application.
Hence, the collaboration project with their competitor DB Schenker within the initiative
has the main goal to set an industry standard, which results in a reduction of complexity
of various interfaces connecting system programs. That helps supply chain companies,
although being in a rivalry relationship, a step towards bettering their processes, facilitate
the on and off-boarding of the particular platforms. In a second phase, the initiative will
focus on increasing the participant’s number to image a larger number of logistics pro-
cesses on the blockchain. It then should show relevance for the market overall, as the
As core strengths of the blockchain within the area of supply chain Leibetseder see the
decentralization and immutability of data. He emphasizes the suitability of entries in the
ledger that means the possibility to gain exact knowledge which the user has done en-
tries and when this input happened. Especially the tokenization of information within the
process of digitalization of the waybill, which enables backtracking of at least the devices,
which are used during a goods flow, is very helpful. That is because nowadays, in a
paper process, it is not possible to force all participants of the chain to register and sign
the waybills in a proper way, which results in information gaps. Therefore, blockchain is
a way of enhancing transparency and data security. Although he is not a technician,
coming more from the business side into the project, the formation of a means of security
is praised and also the accomplishment to restrict mutual visibility of information. That is
important because it is difficult to find a superordinate partner who is trusted by all logis-
tics parties. He argues that competition plays a crucial role and that logistic companies
do not want that data to circulate between themselves because the customer’s base is
the same, and the fight for customer retention is hard enough.
Still, as one of the most significant weaknesses of the supply chain, especially in the
area of land logistics, according to Leibetseder, is the level of technology used in daily
work, which is far behind of being state-of-the-art. That is shown by lots of paper-based
processes, with, on the one hand, uncontrolled growth of this form of data, on the other
hand, no regulatory frameworks behind it. The standard waybill, which related to the
handling of road transportation, can be classified more as a recommendation than a le-
gally binding document. Moreover, he sees it questionable if truck drivers, who have an
average age of almost sixty years, can be part of a new digital era and are keen and
knowledge equipped enough to use apps in their daily business activities.
The bright, unique selling proposition (USP) of the working product which emerges out
of the initiative for Leibetseder is that, on the one hand, clear cost savings in terms of
processes can be achieved, on the other hand, an acceleration of internal processes. As
the today's process of settlement of waybills into payment is manual and time lagging,
because the paper needs to be transported, scanned and accounted accordingly, the
new digital solution with the blockchain-based electronic waybill ensured more transpar-
ency and smoother execution of payment as all information on the chain is available near
real-time. If executed with fully automatized over smart contracts, a potential cost saving
of several full-time equivalents (FTE) is possible.
Besides the digitalization of waybills, blockchain can help in other areas of the supply
chain too. Leibetseder mentions other documentation that gets collected during trans-
portation of goods, for example, information on insurance-related damage cases, ex-
change of pictures of goods or the whole communication between customers, truck driv-
ers and carrier companies. These types of data, same as custom related documentation,
could be necessary information included in a decentralized platform. There is also an-
other blockchain-based project running at WALTER Group, namely a loyalty points sys-
tem for truck drivers. That motivates the participants of this program to manage several
steps in the application. For example, photographing the waybill and settle the infor-
mation on the blockchain.
Potential for improvement during the project Leibetseder sees in the act of finding mutual
consent for the definition of standard processes. The more stakeholders involved, the
more difficult and slow progress can happen. He suggests that one or two logistics com-
panies internally find potential demand for a specific solution, and this solution then
serves as a blueprint for further onboarded stakeholders on the project. The level of
digitalization in the supply chain, even with big players in the industry, is described as
quite sobering. Therefore, the understanding that even a relatively smaller project of doc-
ument digitalization in a goods loading process has a lot of fine-grained steps and po-
tential information to be processed accordingly is crucial to success. The prototype of
the product was amended quite roughly, including several interactions in product devel-
opment. It was because developers on the blockchain side did not have enough logistics
background knowledge in order to gain enough initial understanding of the subject mat-
Leibetseder does not see any apparent negative aspects of blockchain integration in the
supply chain from a functionality perspective. Still, he emphasizes again difficulties of
the implementation of highly sophisticated technology as blockchain is in a not fully tech-
nologically developed supply chain ecosystem. That is because Excel still represents the
basis of daily work and the foundation of many companies' enterprise resource planning
(ERP) systems. In order to make it possible to work with blockchain nodes, the model
needs to simplify many process steps and work on the enhancement of acceptance with
supply chain participants. Moreover, a consideration of the costs of a running blockchain
system compared to benefits is a topic to occupy with properly. A transparent calculation
is possible because blockchain service providers can easily show in much detail cost-
benefit ratios on use cases. As the Walter group runs the node, which controls the billing
process of the blockchain-based e-CMR by themselves, steering of its level of usage
and costs is easily possible.
In terms of collaboration, Leibetseder points out, that with governmental institutions, such
as various project-related ministries, there were attempts to find adequate contact per-
sons for a further interchange of information in the fields of e-CMR and technological
innovation. It was described as arduous, especially if political administration changes
come up, as Austria experienced during summer 2019. The result is a replacement of
people and regulators in charge represents a hurdle towards coherent cooperation with
rule-makers. Although it is essential to step in as early as possible and gain a foothold
with mutual interaction, it is not clear if valid statements on governmental perception,
especially with the EU can be expected. The ratification of legal binding rules takes up
to thirty months when it comes to the digitalization of freight papers. That is, at least
currently, untouched by the fact if implementations happen with centralized or decentral-
ized solutions. The participants of the initiative rely on local juristic decisions whether a
digital waybill is legal and accepted, instead of having clear superordinate directives.
Hence, Leibetseder criticizes that it is challenging to find investing partners and people
financially involved if regulation is not formulated correctly and does not ensures legal
security. Furthermore, in order to be satisfied with the regulatory collaboration, he would
expect transparent role allocation in the governmental institutions, same as open com-
munication of the entire agenda topic, which is on the desks of governmental decision-
makers. Especially in times of crisis as COVID19, a clear need for digitalization, because
of asocial and distancing behavior in traditional communication, should encourage reg-
ulators to formulate proper rulings. There is no fitting hedge against potential risks within
digitalization with blockchain at the moment, the only way to be on the safer side is to
digitalize, but at the same time also keep the paper in a deposition for audit purposes in
the future.
Schramm is the initiator of the project leads the blockchain competence center for the
management consulting company EY. Their goal is to support companies in terms of
digital transformation. Here blockchain plays a big role and has relevance, not that much
in internal improvements, but especially in an enhancement in transaction and commu-
nication with other stakeholders in their ecosystem. Schramm points out that blockchain
can either be seen as an addition to existing systems but also be a complete disruption,
dependent on the case of application. The additive character shows when used as a
technological tool for the improvement of partial aspects of a problem. The premise here
is that its utilization brings benefits over existing IT remedies. Examples are its features
to protocol events or to create tokens, which act as containers in data transfers. The
creation of disruption happens when utterly new business models come up. An example
from the logistics field is the insurance of container vessels. Insurance companies can
cover not only blanket amounts insured but include various means of data into the insur-
ance base calculations to tailor the premiums accordingly. These data can be information
about location, weather and other details copied into the ledger in a secure, undeniable
and not debatable way. This opens up creativity when conducting price models, which
can change in real-time when taking account of proper risk allocation during shipments.
As of major importance for technology development Schramm sees the public blockchain
and prefers it to be private or consortium chain solutions, which are, in his view, only
short-dated workarounds. The existence of distributed applications, which are running
by themselves backed up by blockchain, ensure new ways of how the economy works,
without the need for third-party involvement towards a systematic performance without
intermediaries. The more companies enlist to these kinds of solutions, the faster and
easier the adoption of new business models can happen.
The initiative Schramm initiated has the goal to spot how different companies can work
together. That includes logistic companies and also firms, for example GS1, which de-
velop and maintain global standards for business communication and act as multiplica-
tors for standardization and distribution. The cost allocation for the project happens on a
joint basis and the product and the property belong to all participating parties. The digi-
talization of the waybill serves as a valid document of several governmental stakehold-
ers, as regulators or customs. That is important because these institutions are seeking
for proper levels of security and replicability. The establishment of a market standard is
one-step towards widespread recognition amongst stakeholders. As challenging, he
sees less in the implementation of the technology itself, because he defines this an easy
to achieve, more on the organizational part. As within such a project, there is not a single
customer where a single problem gets tackled, but lots of diverse similar problem formu-
lations and solution approaches, the crucial part is to find a correct setup to satisfy all
involved parties. Other challenges are on the legal side of the project. That is because;
there are several statutory principles on various levels of legislation. Institutions like the
United Nations, European Union and lastly, local countries handle and ratify the digitali-
zation of waybills in different, sometimes contrary ways.
Schramm brings up traceability as an important topic within the supply chain and em-
phasizes it as one of the core strengths blockchain as a technology has. The question
when several steps in the chain where done and who exactly performed actions is an
important one for supply chain actors. That is because transparency is needed either in
terms of costs, risk allocation, adherence to schedules and similar. Furthermore, compli-
ance reasons in order to meet regulatory observance could be one of the reasons. The
obligation to produce undeniable proof amongst several parties brings blockchain into
the position of being a fair fact-based arbitrator between participants of the chain, who
naturally act driven by their diverse interests. Moreover, the process of archiving and
findability of documentation is especially relevant when it comes to audits by governmen-
tal regulators and easily facilitated by having blockchain solutions. As a central point,
Schramm refers to the additional level of trust, brought by blockchain into the digitaliza-
tion process. The process of digitalization, which often happens with other non-block-
chain based centralized systems, lacks an adequate level of reliance, especially if par-
ticipants do not know each other. At the same time, he identifies digitalization projects
as a catalyst for enhancements in established supply chain processes, which are manual
and characterized through human mistakes, media breaks, different system landscapes
or incompatibilities. Blockchain eliminates most of these kinds of steps towards a signif-
icant reduction of process costs, which marks the clear USP of the initiatives’ product.
The project of the digital waybill also offers the possibility to reduce conflicts in terms of
trustfulness of documents, the validity of signatures and similar disputes amongst supply
chain participants. Several conflictual examples are manual changes of handwritten fig-
ures and signatures on documents and the question when exactly these changes hap-
pened on these pieces of paper. Therefore, validity achieved through automated man-
agement of damage and losses, furthermore the electronic proof of delivery in real-time,
and especially crucial for companies who need to prove this kind of information for com-
pliance reasons because of stock exchange listings. Other beneficiary participants are
customs or finance departments of countries, who are interested in the correct transfer
of taxes. Although an eventual appeal of some documentation happens rarely, in case
of controversy, the solid proof of correct documentation helps to save lots of money in a
possible legal battle.
The next steps within the e-CMR project are the integration of other logistics partners
and then on a long-term perspective, also other external stakeholders, such as regula-
tors and end customers. That means it shall be possible to allow these groups to check
data and information movements on the chain independently. As a crucial task here, he
emphasizes to bring the proof in a comprehensible way and to show with proper visual-
ization that blockchain entries are correct, especially to participants who are skeptical on
its benefits and validity. As a future vision, but still not established nowadays, Schramm
speaks about the blockchain being the basis of one solely system. Now blockchain is
used as an additional mechanism to enable an interchange of information of various
heterogeneous systems towards a frequent basis of trust. As a formula for success, he
adds that whenever blockchain is added like a puzzle piece to existing or desired busi-
ness applications, instead of being put into the center of the considerations, projects can
focus on the business problem itself and have higher chances to be thriving ones.
Schramm adds some negative aspects and a possible deal-breaker for blockchain im-
plementation in the supply chain in a sense that blockchains' ability to show flows trans-
parently drowns at the same time the possibility to hide unwanted information. He admits,
based on the experiences within the initiative's project, that not every participant is keen
to live with the level of transparency blockchain offers and describes it as a balancing
act to find the proper middle way, paired with a tailored approach of authorization levels
for participants. In terms of data security, there is a need to distinguish between private
and public blockchains. The lower the number of nodes, the higher the chance of fraud-
ulent activity. Therefore, he characterizes private blockchains not as tamper-proof
enough and sees especially big public blockchains as a premise for data security.
According to Schramm, the initiatives’ project required short and long-term contact with
governmental institutions. Widely detached from the topic of blockchain, a clarification
with regulators was needed on questions if paperless documentation is permitted or not.
The long-term level of collaboration includes blockchain in the future and goes in the
direction of incorporating regulators in order to give them an integrative view of the block-
chain. As examples, he brings the possibility to equip financial authorities with authori-
zations to check if tax payments on transportation activities transfer correctly. Other ex-
amples are checks on toll systems and weather trucks conform to rules or not. Moreover,
companies as Brau Union, which rely on detailed information, wherein the supply flow
goods locates, could be using blockchain in a customized way to maintain their tax re-
portings and due dates automatically. That is how to fit precisely the demands of gov-
ernmental institutions and create a valuable interface towards authorities.
Gregori, who acts as co-founder and external logistics consultant within the initiative,
represents, at the same time, the interests of the national association of logistics in Aus-
tria. From his point of view, blockchain has an overrated role in the supply chain, because
of the hype created about possible groundbreaking features of the technology. He is
thoroughly skeptical and defines blockchain as a vehicle to promote digitalization in the
SC. If blockchain utilized within its full potentials, including smart contracts, then it could
have huge impacts on the area of logistics. Now Gregori spots a fundamental misunder-
standing because people see blockchain as a substitute for electronic data interchange
(EDI) and cloud services. He denies that kind of view as blockchain implies the use of
both technologies and brings several attributes, such as security, dislocation and trace-
ability, as additional features layer into legacy technologies.
On top of that, he states that many solutions, which have attributed to the blockchain,
could also be solved by other existing technologies. Furthermore, he does not define
blockchain as disruptive in the area of the supply chain because blockchain needs exist-
ing requirements for business processes and standardized information with electronic
messages to make it usable. Hence, this can be one of the reasons for being not a
coincidence that blockchain forces through very slowly in the logistics and SCM, because
standardization is more important than additional features. He defines blockchain as a
technology with features and not as a standard, which shows how to implement pro-
cesses practically. As long as there is no common language and codification valid for all
supply chain participants, blockchain cannot help, because its data input lacks proper
The idea of the initiative, according to Gregori, was to find out what blockchain solutions
can offer concretely for the supply chain. For him, the electronic waybill is a meaningful
utilization of blockchain technology because after he critically reviewed the protocol of e-
CMR from 2008, he recognized that all the requirements for a digital waybill require fea-
tures, which represent blockchains’ core competencies such as data certainty, traceabil-
ity and visibility of changes. Especially holistic data management in the supply chain gets
established with the help of blockchain technology. Gregori mentions the supply chain
operations reference model (SCOR), which includes payment and goods, also flows the
information flow. This information flow can be massively enhanced with the stated block-
chain features, so long as the business models elaborate properly, the right partners are
included and blockchain is used expediently. A bulk solution where blockchain provides
the technological basis is the conjunction of smart contracting with vendor-managed in-
ventory (VMI). Where VMI is the solution for the goods flow, blockchain enhances infor-
mation sharing and payments through tokens and therefore makes full digitalization pos-
Gregori adds that that, especially paper documentation, but also information flows overall
in the SC lack consistency and data quality. That is because manual or semi-manual
documentation goes along with possible mistakes in entering data. Here he adds that
the use of blockchain forces actors to switch to standardized digital solutions such as
electronic delivery notes, waybills, confirmations and similar. He sees transparency as
positive but mentions that this kind of transparency is steered in a way that separate
participants should exactly see into these kinds of data, which are of relevance for them.
Here the supply chain sector is exceptionally restrictive when it comes to unwanted data
share amongst participants, such as competitors. If there would be too much transpar-
ency supply, chain actors usually very rapidly close the door for such technology. Be-
sides digital documentation, Gregori sees blockchain as a factor of improvement in the
area of product piracy prevention, namely whenever it is vital to verify the correctness
and validity of units. Still, the significance of a labeled tag, which includes information
based on the blockchain, is only valid when it is ensured that there was no manipulation
in tagging particular units.
On the topic of regulation, Gregori adds that a clear framework of digitalization within
supply chain documentation misses locally, and the execution of binding rules is not es-
tablished in a way that regulators understand the issue adequately. Moreover, the split
of responsibilities if not always clear when it comes to innovative business models. That
is not precisely the case for blockchain implementation, but in general for new kinds of
Furthermore, the initiatives’ project showed that supply chain actors, who entered this
new field of technology, were confronted with lots of open questions, with no existing use
case or best practice approaches. This field of unknown provides several possibilities for
paths to go but is, in general, tackled very collaborative in smaller working groups. Plöchl-
Krejci sees it as a novelty that competitors in the supply chain openly discuss their pro-
cesses for the sake of progress. Although information exchange is not always possible
to a considerable extent, because of cartel law, there is no refused permission of block-
chain because of antitrust law. Moreover, blockchain can act supportive, as the supply
chain will face many changes in the future, mainly because of climate regulations, which
will require higher levels of cooperation amongst supply chain actors in order to make
more efficient use of capacities. Additionally, Plöchl-Krejci adds that in the brainstorming
process for the initiatives’ use case, other possible blockchain-based supply chain use-
cases were in discussion. These are track and trace applications, solutions for the
transport of sensitive goods with IoT sensors, incentivization of truck drivers, food tracing
or load carrier management. These use-cases bring improvements not only to internal
supply chain stakeholders but also to external ones, for example, customers. It ensures
a more effective end-to-end supply chain. The benefits are trust-building with a basis of
transparency and data security.
Plöchl-Krejci emphasizes several benefits blockchain can bring to the supply chain.
These are the possibilities to reduce manipulation and enhance data security, especially
in environments where several business participants do not trust each other sufficiently
or even do not know each other. That is common practice in the supply chain, because
of possible long chains of people, the features of blockchain can tackle the limitations of
the supply chain accordingly. Additionally, more limitations, such as data inconsistencies
or manual gaps in automatized processes, foster data errors. With blockchain in place,
the correct flow of supply chain data, paired with information coming from sensors via
IoT, also helps within customs-related topics, for example, to estimate relevant bench-
marks figures and span a proper safety net for risk reduction. Another example comes
from the field of insurance companies, who react very briefly when it comes to changes
within real-time data and therefore, adaptations in the products deem necessary. This
trusted partnership between insurance companies and end customers gets even
stronger because customers can be sure that based on the given data, the adaptation of
their policies happens in their full interest based on external happenings.
In general, Plöchl-Krejci sees room for improvement when implementing innovative busi-
ness models. On the technological side, she points out that there is no consistent stand-
ard that is widely used. On the practical side, it is difficult to drive such projects forward
if there are no clear legal and regulatory terms that need to be followed. As one of the
lessons learned out of the initiative, she sees the approach of creating a product, which
may not be instantly perfect, but gives the basis to work on it towards market readiness.
That is contradictory to the approach of tedious discussions through theoretical frame-
works on how blockchain could be useful. The question of how supply chain companies
determine whether blockchain could be useful or not, Plöchl-Krejci answers with a refer-
ral to the Gardner Hype Cycle and is relieved that common opinions of blockchain being
able to displace every other technology are not valid anymore. The critical step here is
to find an appropriate business case first where blockchain can play out its strengths.
Frequently decision-makers in companies want to learn more about new kinds of tech-
nology and out of that interest, further implementation steps arise. Hence, she does not
see blockchain features creating unfortunate effects on the supply chain processes. The
features that blockchain offers customize according to predefined permissions.
On the regulatory topic, Plöchl-Krejci states that in the first step, issues with regulators
have not much to do with any technological aspects, meaning that regulators are not
primarily interested in how digitalization is achievable, but more if and what level of digi-
talization is legally allowed and officially accepted. Therefore, independently if blockchain
or any other technology gets used as a driver for innovative business models, it is not a
regulator's responsibility to expose himself in particular with technological details. In a
second step, this could change, namely, if rule makers decide that particular issues re-
quire particular features and if blockchain illustrates as the framework, which fits the best,
then more detailed guidelines, would emerge. The waybill digitalization project required
collaboration with the Austrian governmental departments of climate & innovation and
ministry of finance. Here there are working groups on the enhancement of proactive par-
ticipation within the data transfers on the chain. Here authorities can benefit because of
automatized data integrity, which shows through viewable changes in the data structure
and eradicates the possibility of manual entries. Plöchl-Krejci questions if authorities
nowadays are ready and equipped enough in terms of political will. The next step towards
the incorporation of blockchain-based solutions into their processes and acceptance of
these from a juristic standpoint is still outstanding.
4.5 Documentation
An internal memo showed results out of a Kick Off-Meeting, which took place end of
2018. The participants of the event, which was called Blockchain Consortium for
Transport & Logistics, attended because the fundamental idea is to lower the entry bar-
rier for new technology and establish together with market players results, which would
be noticeably more challenging to accomplish all alone. Several Austrian logistics com-
panies, EY as an organization, a research team of the university of economics, IT com-
panies and corporations across various industries who are interested in enhancing their
supply chain got invited to brainstorm on possibilities and fetch a small piece of funds
and know-how in order to profit from a bigger collective project which gets maybe also
governmental funded. The paper promises coordinated cooperation amongst partici-
pants of the supply chain, which creates synergy effects and possible blockchain use
cases are of great utility as soon as collaboration and automatization amongst partner is
established. Whoever decides to participate at the consortium contributes partially to the
costs and can expect co-creation and complete rights of use on a pilot product, its source
code and documentation. The participants can send functional or technical experts in
terms of content and for technological expertise transfer. The outcome can bring a value
of ten times the investment volume.
The suitability in terms of synergy and cooperation gets examined and after brainstorm-
ing, the following five use cases identify as relevant to work on further in smaller groups
After every team presented, there was voting, which decided on the digitalization project
to be the use case of choice.
The content of a PowerPoint presentation from EY outlines in detail how the initiatives’
project schedules and how the information flow in the e-CMR product exactly looks.
Moreover, further steps towards widespread blockchain usage in the supply chain are
targeted. First, a recognition of a significant market happened, as carriage of goods will
slow growth steadily for the next decades and almost all trans-border movements in-
cluded paper-based documentation. The paper-based documentation is of high rele-
vance for customs, invoicing, taxes and other authorities, but their handling is often not
professional enough as mistakes happen, which result is less data quality and integrity.
Furthermore, a CMR costs approximately four euros per piece, including shipping and
activation, hence the accomplishment of enormous cost savings through digitalization is
possible. The platform includes core participants, such as shippers, loading agents and
haulers who simultaneously act as holsters of the platform. They interact with end-to-end
participants, such as receivers, drivers, customers or authorities, through an application
directly. Furthermore, service contractors, such as insurance companies, banks or lo-
gistic service providers, can make use of the platform for the collection of tailored infor-
mation. Lastly, IT companies provide the software development and enhancement on
functional features of the application.
data integrity. The validators are participants in the private environment of the blockchain
and the data storage gets separated between each participant for the sake of data pri-
vacy. Furthermore, there is a notary service included wherever a private blockchain node
is running. A public blockchain validates the data within this notary service for proper
compliance with external market participants. Here there are neutral validators among
the public blockchain, which is a trust-building factor.
After the finish of phase one, which included the pilot product and first testing, in 2020,
scalability and product maturity is on the bucket list and the participants' number should
be expanded. Phase three in 2021 should then herald commercial operations.
The letter of intent of the project overall includes the formulation of several goals such
as reduction of process costs, facilitation and enhancement of data access, exact proto-
cols of entry changes, electronic proof-of-delivery and accessible archiving functions. It
should be reached with DLT in which transparency, security and protection against for-
gery is in focus. Furthermore, there is the aim to establish a decentralized commercial
platform, which is prosecuted by pioneering logistic companies and made available for
other manufacturing companies, forwarders or carriers or insurance companies for the
handling of damage claims.
Equivalent to that, one of the involved logistics companies includes in its letter of intent
the importance of spreading digitalization amongst as many market participants as pos-
sible. Relevant here is that there is compatibility with EU regulations hand in hand with
process complexity reduction and trust foundation. To facilitate the formulation of pos-
sible use cases, the approach to tackle as a consortium with knowledge transfer should
bring better project results. Goals for a more extended period are cost reduction per
transaction, tamper-proof, reduction of erroneous shipments, continuous access to doc-
uments for all participants and reduction of human capital resources. Other benefits apart
from the product-related ones are an enlargement of IT Knowledge through cooperation,
technological edge compared to the competition and positive employer branding in the
eyes of talents through the approach of innovative business models.
The following subchapter summarizes three recordings of Crypto Future members and
premium partners and translates into English. Besides that, the case documentation in-
cludes an analysis of the Rotharium whitepaper, a product video review, meeting minutes
and product testing in a Viennese grocery.
Matic acted as a blockchain pioneer and started in the field of crypto mining. Gradually
he founded his blockchain startup in a sense that it provides blockchain-based IT solu-
tions and today acts as Chief Executive Officer of Crypto Future. He characterizes block-
chain as an addition to many other systems. As companies in times past already invested
and deployed many other information systems, which in the example of a supply chain
display and process data, funds, goods and communication flows this progress, will not
be abandoned that easy. That is because blockchain, according to Matic, at this point, is
not dimensioned and designed to substitute legacy systems in their broad impacts on
businesses. He sees blockchain more in an evolutionary phase, which makes it neces-
sary to input for the next couple of times its features and benefits into working and es-
tablished system landscape. Furthermore, he implies that policies, such as the one on
data privacy, also create barriers for full systematic blockchain implementation. Precisely
because of the recognition that blockchain is a complement to tried and trusted systems,
it is vital to highlight the benefits blockchain brings compared to the limitations of existing
systems. He brings here features such as transparency or data immutability and argues
on the approach to put in place these beneficial features on a specific use case as a
combination of established system structure with blockchain characteristics. A reinven-
tion of the wheel by putting in place blockchain where legacy systems are sufficient Matic
describes as unrewarding and needless.
As one of the first companies in Austria, which engaged with the topic of blockchain, the
organization Cryptofuture wanted to develop new business cases, which were based on
DLT and therefore create recognition value for the brand of Rotharium. The brand is
similar to Microsoft, defined as a base platform and umbrella term, which includes many
different applications in various fields of usage. One of the first applications was the food-
tracking app Rotharium Food, which was made available for Apple and Google Play us-
ers. Compared to many other blockchain projects in the supply chain, he emphasizes
the Rotharium project as one of only a few, which has a working use case in a live envi-
ronment. Matic mentions several challenges on the path of being a first mover in the field
of technology innovation. As there are not many empirical values and experience overall
in implementing blockchain solutions, people question one's approaches and uncertainty
about regulation is pervasive. Here it is important to make sure that the implementation
phase is well structured in a project environment. On the technical part, he emphasizes
the dependence on network updates in the public blockchains of Ethereum or IOTA,
amongst others. At the same time, the mainstream reaction on positive or negative hap-
penings in the blockchain ecosystem influenced the interests and motivation of compa-
nies heavily to implement blockchain solutions. Matic sees this phenomenon as one
within the early adoption phase of technology and not relevant in times of future techno-
logical maturity.
In order to enhance the trust of innovative technology for new entrants, he points out that
it is crucial to simplify the utilization for the end customer as much as possible. The ar-
gument is that the complicated subject of blockchain should be explained in easy words,
with an emphasis on its benefits instead of overcomplicating the matter. In the second
mainstream step, no one will be interested in technological gimmicks and how data ex-
actly is exchanged on protocol layers, but more on the premise if the product works with
proper security or trust levels or not. Therefore, the Rotharium food-tracing app con-
structs in the sense that it is user friendly and enables a facilitated input of product data
for producers of the supply chain. If a customer is interested in the flow of information of
a particular good, he can retrieve the information out of the application in seconds. The
huge benefit here is transparency, which leads to customer retention.
Matic mentions two benefits, which influence supply chain processes by blockchain im-
plementation. These are transparency and irreversibility of data. Wherever in a supply
chain, these features are essential, blockchain should apply, because a win-win situation
results, as soon as a substantial need within a particular process come upon ground-
breaking features of a technology. Furthermore, he adds that the more critical and sen-
sitive information of a shipped good is, the more important it is to create a trustful envi-
ronment among participants. Especially the interaction between parties is shown in a
comprehensive, trusted manner and causes stakeholders to feel safe and secure when
it comes to swapping of data in a supply chain. As there is no single administrator of the
database, but more participants running nodes confirming the truth of transactions and
inhibiting manipulations, users of the food tracing app can be sure that the information,
where a particular good comes from, can be seen as unquestionably valid. Matic brings
the example of local products, which are promoted in stores as such, but merchants may
be dishonest. In this case, producers would tag their products and in the next step, con-
sumers could verify this without being dependent on a third party, e.g., merchants’ infor-
mation. As full transparency is not always favorable for every actor within the SC, be-
cause location advantages or purchasing benefits possibly reveal, the direction here
would go more on a private blockchain. Here the disadvantage is that trust levels are
lowered accordingly to the smaller number of participants, e.g., nodes, which could be
difficult when actors do not know each other. If attendees of a network have contradicting
interests, it is essential to clarify these first before starting a business relationship based
on a blockchain technology-based system landscape. Moreover, as Matic states, the
topic of data privacy was one to take care of during the implementation of the Rotharium
food-tracing app. The protection of private and sensible data was achieved by simply not
inputting any individual-related data into the blockchain and instead of that saving them
on a centralized legacy system where deletion is possible at any point in time. Further-
more, Matic says that a fully integrated tracking application, where there are seamless
and unbroken data flows, is something, which misses in today's’ supply chain, at least
as an end-to-end process. These data can include several different data sets, for exam-
ple, geographical or timing information, under which weather conditions shipments hap-
pened and if regulatory on the cooling chain was correctly satisfied. Hence, integration
of the service, which provides information on the goods flow with the service of payment,
is something Rotharium combines. The result is a coin, which represents a means of
payment for the supply chain information service and the underlying good, both incorpo-
rated in ident-structured applications
A possible hindering limitation of blockchain in the supply chain Matic mentions by criti-
cizing the velocity of transactions in a blockchain ecosystem. The amount of transactions
per second is limited compared to legacy systems and will stay like that for a couple of
times in the future. That is because the exchange of various data from different indus-
tries, such as payments, transportation information and copyrights, needs to be pro-
cessed within a particular public blockchain, which merely from a technological aspect
still has not progressed far enough yet. Besides that, at peaks of utilization, the network
simply requires more time to confirm and process data. That brings uncertainty for users,
as they do not know if the network is overloaded and operates at full capacity with delays
or not. It is also not a task user should have, as they should rely on a system independent
of network workloads. As the app runs on the public blockchain, Rotharium depends
heavily on progress in network development in terms of scalability. As this happens on
a global scale, the level of dependence is very high. Hence, the achievement to scale
the network accordingly will be crucial and a specific condition for the technology to pre-
vail. As a solution here, side chains are mentioned, where transactions could handle with
fewer confirmations in a smaller based network environment. Still, according to Matic,
there is the preference to update the main networks properly; nevertheless, he sees on
the example of Ethereum, not enough progress, given the fact than hundreds of people
are working to enhance the ecosystem since 2014. The reason is the high technological
complexity of the system.
As a lesson learned out of the implementation of Rotharium Food Matic marks that the
project was a bit ahead of times for many external people involved. He emphasizes the
importance to undeceive interested parties on the topic by explaining the correlations of
blockchain and supply chain in simplified words. That and the fact that benefits are
showed to stakeholders helped that understanding and acceptance nowadays are rising.
The potential demand of customers to have the possibility to trace a food item determines
by thoughts where blockchain benefits in detail can enlarge trust levels. Additionally,
producers and end customers were questioned on their real desires in this particular
field. The important step here is to set clear boundaries where blockchain should not be
used because of existing satisfying solutions for customers. In general, Matic does not
see any negative impact blockchain has on supply chain processes, as features such as
transparency or privacy can be lowered for the substantial needs of stakeholders, alt-
hough the features potential therefore is cut accordingly.
Scheffer worked as a blockchain analyst at Crypto Future and was heavily involved in
the project of Rotharium Food. He characterizes blockchain as an addition to existing
systems. In the timeframe of the next ten to twenty years, it still can either disrupt whole
businesses or disappear altogether, depending on the running costs of transactions and
scalability of the network. Most public blockchain developing consortiums promise huge
steps forward towards a cost reduction paired with transaction speed refinements. Ac-
cording to Scheffer, the pioneer project of Rotharium in the area of the supply chain had
the aim to show people that blockchain-based solutions work for everyone who wants to
make use of it. On top of that, the worthy cause was that every participant on the chain
has a value-added because of the publicly viewable information. In the project, this su-
perior societal objective, paired with mainstream circulation, stands over profit orienta-
tion. The USP of the product Scheffer sees in a completely new definition of trust be-
tween producers, retailers and end-customers. The level of trustworthiness is much more
pronounced compared to today’s solutions, where not every participant amounts to the
same level of knowledgeable information.
An emphasis Scheffer puts on the core strengths of blockchain application in the supply
chain. Hence, it is the possibility to exchange information between agreed parties without
any third party involvement. As this information in the ledger is immutable and irreversi-
ble, it qualifies as being trustworthy. In the example of the tracing app, the consumer,
who does not know about producers’ practices and other happening along the supply
chain, trusts that the information and data are valid and correct. Any fraudulent changes
on the smart contracts or other settings in the chain are possible, but at the same time,
viewable and verifiable, which lower general motivation to manipulate entries. At the
same time, according to Scheffer, features with are core competencies of blockchain
technology can also imply drawbacks when implementing in a particular field. For the
Rotharium app, the feature of data privacy opposed against the GDPR ruling of the Eu-
ropean Union. The issue of permitting the deletion of data is only a problem in public
blockchains. On the other hand, private blockchains work more as small databases
where data is stored decentralized, but other features resemble centralized legacy data-
bases. In Scheffer's opinion, the private solution of a blockchain does not make much
sense as ore values of blockchain cannot be used to a full extend.
A challenging fact during the implementation of the supply chain solution for Scheffer
was that, in theory, many people are interested. However, when it comes to execution,
including funds and labor input, many efforts at persuasion and presentation of possible
advantages and merits is needed. A limitation of today’s supply chain in terms of track
and tracing Scheffer sees in the variety of systems and programs participants are oper-
ating. In case that blockchain as a coherent base layer of data exchange gets used,
multiple companies, actors or organizations can easily use this ledger as a connection
point and harmonize their datasets, processes and approaches accordingly. The possi-
bility to use their systems and interface them to a decentralized ledger for data storage
and processing lowers general dependence on centralistic key players. Further develop-
ment of the application depends on the global progress of the network output, for exam-
ple, reduction of transaction costs and improvements on the velocity of transactions. In
case that these upgrades happen, project implementations and running costs of the
ledger could be reduced and price reductions of transactions could get passed to users
and end-consumers. Furthermore, Scheffer states that an enhancement towards the es-
tablishment of a marketplace structure is a real next step alternative. That means a com-
plete paradigm shift as the supply chain then happens purely based on supply and de-
mand between end-users. As soon as it gets crucial that data is transferred as soon as
possible towards real-time execution, another limitation gets visible, namely that an es-
timate of whether the transaction takes seconds or hours cannot be estimated accurately
From the perspective of regulation, Scheffer only mentions money laundering and data
privacy aspects. He does not know any regulations explicitly relevant to supply chain
Juric founded a delicacy store nearby Vienna several years ago. He acts as a premium
partner of Rotharium Food, where he contributes to the spread of Rotharium in Austria
by using the product from both production and retail perspective. For quite some time
from his perspective, blockchain was fraught with negativity, because of negative press
on currency business models. Today he recognizes it as a chance to realize essential
changes in the supply chain of goods. While governments and banks, in his opinion, try
to decelerate the progress of blockchain adoption, companies and enthusiasts try to fos-
ter innovation in the sense that more fairness is achievable. Furthermore, Juric sees it
as important to try out innovative business models, especially if there are substantial
demand and interest on the customer side, which he acknowledges. His store is the first
retailer in Austria to work officially with a blockchain solution, which integrates track &
trace with payments.
The most interesting perspective of the Rotharium Food solution Juric sees from the
producers’ aspect. As a delicacy store, the USP of their products is based on the origin
and producing method. As only small producers are contributing to AURA’s product line,
Rotharium was a well-fitting solution for the needs of their customers. The customers get
attracted by the fact that a true and comprehensible story around the product can be
told, mainly because, according to Juric’s experiences, many questions about various
product-related potential buyers at his retail store posed facts. As usually there is not
enough space to print out full information of the product viewable for customers, the
blockchain solution with a scan of the QR-Code, which includes all necessary information
written on the blockchain, offers a welcome opportunity to feed various stakeholders with
full information on for example the products origin, packing time and travel routes.
An example of why track and tracing of especially perishable goods can mean a sub-
stantial competitive benefit, Juric brings with the illustration of fish. Well-known and es-
tablished groceries with their supply chain processes would not dare to use the track and
trace for fish, because it takes over a week from a cast for fish until the product is at the
grocery store. This common practice is unknown by most of the customers and would, if
being known, lead to a refusal of the product. With a real-time track and trace function-
ality based on blockchain, a huge competitive edge is created for producers who apply
more efficient and sustainable supply chains. Moreover, this automatically changes rou-
tines for the better and betters existing processes towards enhancement of the general
supply chain standards amongst all providers of goods. That, of course, tends to move
power away from big producers with huge industrialized supply chains towards local sup-
ply based on organic source, at least for the customer group, who is keen to pay premi-
ums for qualitative and healthy food standards.
Moreover, Juric emphasizes the possibility to equip end consumers with valuable infor-
mation, which is not doubtful because of blockchains features of data irreversibility and
transparency. According to him, particularly the stakeholder group, which spends the
money on the product, has the right to be adequately informed. That especially is a grow-
ing trend in the last several years because consumers are more and more aware of their
purchases instead of directly buying the product, as it was the case before. The identifi-
cation with the product rises with its level of information and on top of that makes it more
attractive compared to other not traceable goods. From a consumer perspective, Juric
claims that there is not too much transparency as people precisely filter the amount of
information they need in particular. From producers and retailers' perspective, the aim to
be transparent correlates with the fact that customers react loyal to products with trans-
parent supply chains. The reasons why big food supply chains in their groceries do not
make use of blockchain solutions for Juric are, besides their poor quality standards, also
the negative media releases of blockchain-related to fraudulent actions in the business
models of currencies. In order to solve this issue, a decoupling of blockchain from cryp-
tocurrencies is necessary. In another step, realistic and knowledge building press cov-
erage about blockchain as a technology with emphasis on its beneficial features would
be helpful for widespread adoption and understanding.
5.4 Documentation
5.4.1 Whitepaper
The whitepaper of Rotharium is, of course, very technical and gives a not legally binding
overview of certain aspects of the Rotharium applications, the token and its intended
use. It furthermore contains forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks, un-
certainties and other factors. The platform model of the Rotharium platform has two pri-
mary layers. The first layer is the Ethereum blockchain, which uses data from private and
cloud databases. The second layer is Rotharium services, which then builds the basis
for several applications running on it. The applications, such as Rotharium Food, which
connects to the Rotharium platform, will enable ordinary users to create smart contracts
on the blockchain, without being required to have sophisticated IT knowledge. There is
an emphasis on the consideration of the advantages blockchain brings to the customer
that means decentralization, data integrity and smart contracting. The Rotharium Food
App is one of the business applications running on the decentralized business to the
customer blockchain platform. For maximum security, the app runs on its own developed
encrypted transfer protocol. The data management is split, as personal data should not
be visible for everyone and therefore are stored in common, not blockchain-based data-
base solutions. The means of payment for services in the Rotharium Food application is
an own token. In a Frequently Asked Questions section linked within the whitepaper de-
scribes Rotharium Food as a platform that allows everyone to find different agricultural
products and manufacturers in their immediate area. The aim is to give producers the
possibility to create a known public profile and define their products in detail. Examples
for findable goods are fruits, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, fish, meat, cereals and
beverages. A tagged Rotharium Food sticker with a QR code includes all the information
saved on the blockchain.
For new users of the application, whether they are on the producers or consumer side,
there are several Rotharium Food App Explainer Videos. On the one hand, producers
create a profile and choose the specific products they want to advertise. That is the first
possibility to promote products without massive spending for commercials or similar pro-
motions. Additionally, more information about the origin of the products, harvesting de-
tails, available amounts, expiration dates and similar, including pictures, can be added.
In order to stand out from the crown, a certification by Rotharium responsible people is
possible too. It enlarges the trust level accordingly also because the origin of the goods
is shown by an additional blockchain proof, viewable explicitly for interested customers.
The slogan ‘Know your farmer, know your food’ directs the interest directly towards cus-
tomers, who want to be sure about the origin of their consumed goods.
Furthermore, there was also an introduction of Rotharium Food at the Austrian Federal
Railways Headquarters. The app there was described as a possibility that a higher level
of transparency gets enabled in the supply chain of goods. The producers point out prod-
ucts and mark their core competencies in a sense that, for example, organic food is
offered, without pesticides, made in Austria. The customer even does no need any app.
Instead of that with a QR-Code scanning camera on the smartphone, a recognition of
the code is possible. After successful recognition, the customer can look directly into the
blockchain and can find an entry with a clear text, which describes precisely the infor-
mation, which comes from the producer, in detail a timestamp on then the harvesting
was done, what was exactly the product, the conditions of the product and many more.
The question of how digitalization comes to farmers and producers of the supply chain
gets answered with referral to smartphones. As everyone can easily take the smartphone
while working on the fields or stables a recognition via the app is possible in minutes or
even seconds. After the packing of products, the labels are printed and tagged before
being sent out to the respective groceries or points of sale. The focus here lies on a boost
of local and organic products. Given the COVID19 crisis, this from today’s standpoint
can get even more important, as the globalization movement suffers massive cuts and
changes these days.
A review of internal documentation in the form of meeting minutes revealed the thoughts
and idea creation of the tracing app. There were several concerns about how food pro-
duction happens nowadays, primarily because of the quality and sustainability of goods.
As food has become increasingly global, consumers walk into the store and expect their
food to be safe for consummation. However, there is no real background knowledge on
specific points, namely where the product has been and what intermediaries may have
done with it. The fact that many processes during the chain were unknown to the end
customers brought the idea of giving consumers easy access to this information. The
power of consumers to scrutinize the supply chain process gets very real with decentral-
ized solutions. The effect on human health will be immediate as soon as companies in
the supply chain would be forced through consumer expectations to reveal their produc-
tion and further manufacturing process and therefore enhance quality steadily. The em-
phasis on partnerships with retailers gets also highlighted as this brings an enlargement
of potential customer scope. The principle of excluding intermediaries realizes through
the digital conduct of product data.
The research investigation in one of its steps also brought a product testing of the app
at two points of sale in Austria. The first one is the shop ‘AURA Delikatessen’ in Lower
Austria. This premium partner of Rotharium enables tracing for every product within the
product line. After reviewing the products, which were all tagged with Rotharium, branded
QR-Code labels, the decision felt on a cherry jam, schnapps and an aubergine-paprika
sauce. For all three products, the application, after successful scanning of the labeled
code, showed a unique product code and facts such as date and time of production,
terms and location of production, use by date, information on awards, website and con-
tact data. A short description of the specifications of a particular product helps the cus-
tomer to understand more about it. An official digital Rotharium seal includes the direct
link to Etherscan, where the blockchain entry is reviewed in full detail with all its history.
Moreover, the product overview gives hints to more products of the same producer and
lets customers know where on the interactive map, more Rotharium based products are
on sale. The second point of sale was at a pick-up place of the online marketplace Similar to the approach at AURA Delikatessen, the packed products’ labels
were scanned and reviewed accordingly. From the producers' perspective, a presenta-
tion to end customers is possible over a public profile, which links to the product scan
procedure. Here beneficial information about standard practices within the supply chain
process can be made public.
How can blockchain solve existing business issues within the supply chain of compa-
In general, the BIL initiative showed that blockchain helps to find a path of cooperation,
through communication and a play of several scenarios, which can solve business issues
in the SC by a share of information between parties. All of the interviewees see block-
chain as complementary to existing system solutions, as some kind of enhancement of
communication and information transactions with other stakeholders in the system. In
this role, blockchain can improve the flow of goods, information and funds through its
core features of transparency and data immutability and data security. In order to make
it possible that blockchain can pointedly solve issues in the supply chain, the possible
use case should be appropriate in the sense that the core features apply purposefully.
As the level of technology used in daily work is very low for most supply chain actors,
Leibetseder argues that blockchain helps to bring more system harmonization in the sup-
ply chain and forces actors to set an industrial standard and reduce the complexity of
processes. That is one of the reasons why companies such as GS1 are interested in
blockchain technology as multiplicators for standardized processes in the supply chain.
Furthermore, Plöchl-Krejci sees it very positive that supply chain actors, because of pos-
sible enhancements through blockchain usage, openly discuss their processes, possible
issues and solutions to enable progress within their processes. Moreover, Schramm and
Gregori add that blockchain brings more of automatization and digitalization into the sup-
ply chain. Holistic data management, linkage of inventory management with contracting
and assurance of goods validity shows this.
Further documents showed that process costs reduce, data access facilitates and elec-
tronic proof of delivery with protocols on entry changes establishes. It helps to reduce
erroneous shipments, reduces costs per transaction, lowers manual processes and en-
ables document access for all respective participants in real-time. Leibetseder adds that
through tokenization of information, paper processes get replaced and therefore, infor-
mation gaps closed adequately. The handling of paper often brings uncontrolled growth
of data, time lags and is done with errors resulting in less data quality and integrity, but
with higher overall cost. Therefore, improvements, which are brought by the use of block-
chain, are welcome, especially as digitalization through blockchain brings a suitability of
entries in the ledger and internal processes are accelerated. More documentation of the
project showed that the use of blockchain in the e-CMR project provides a unique iden-
tification number, together with textual information on every step of the goods transport.
Here blockchain acts supportive by requiring higher levels of cooperation amongst par-
ticipants towards efficient use of capacities. Schramm brings up the issue of unequally
distributed information within the supply chain. The actors naturally act driven by their
diverse interests and blockchain ensures, through its competence to deliver undeniable
proof, that a fair fact-based arbitration between chain participants happens. That is ac-
cording to Gregori, because of the extremely restrictive sector of SC and despite full
transparency through blockchain, accomplished as Plöchl-Krejci mentions with re-
strictions of mutual visibility of information by selective transparency standards according
to predefined permission levels. Furthermore, Gregori adds that supply chain issues
within product piracy, e.g., missing validity of units, can be improved by blockchain. The
correctness and verification get ensured if the label tagged on a particular product is
attached correctly. Schramm points out that supply chain processes characterize
through unsolid data processes, different system landscapes and incompatibilities of
data material. Therefore high process costs, trust conflicts with documents and missing
or handwritten signatures make the supply chain insufficient. Here blockchain, basically
through its features of fast consensus through network confirmation, eradicates such
disadvantages and acts as an additional mechanism for interchanging various data from
heterogeneous systems in order to achieve a trustful environment. Plöchl-Krejci states
that a proper end-to-end mechanism in the supply chain is missing. It means that end
customers but also many stakeholders in between the start and end processes of the
chain do not have enough background information about the supplied product. The track
and trace mechanism based on the blockchain provides a transparent view where
changes in data structures are identified quickly and questioned accordingly.
What limitations does blockchain technology have if utilized in the supply chain?
The implemented solution for the e-CMR has not demonstrated limitations of blockchain
technology, as the project is ready to use in a live environment. However, the brainstorm-
ing for the idea and thoughts on blockchain utilization overall brought limitations on either
technological or organizational manner. For more complex issues than the digitalization
of a waybill, Leibetseder argues that in order to make it possible to work with blockchain
nodes, process steps need to are simplified and participants of the chain need to improve
the level of their acceptance towards new technology. A question mark he sees whether
older participants, who are operational actors of the chain, such as drivers or packers,
are keen to use decentralized apps in their daily business routines. Schramm has similar
opinions and describes the implementation of the technology itself as less challenging.
However, given the complexity of the supply chain with a lot of diverse problem formula-
tions and exceptions, it makes it difficult to find a blockchain-based setup where all in-
volved parties are satisfied and equally addressed. Moreover, as a crucial task for block-
chain adoption in the supply chain, proper visualization of blockchain entries is needed.
Nowadays, blockchain is seen very technical and therefore, many actors lack under-
standing. Additionally, Schramm formulates several limitations blockchain has explicitly
utilized in the supply chain. First, because of scalability issues of today’s public block-
chains, a private or hybrid solution is required in order to handle the amounts of transac-
tions. That, of course, reduces the data security, trust and transparency level by far,
includes possible fraudulent action and shrinks the possibility to roll out blockchain solu-
tions in the supply chain as a mainstream technology. Second, supply chain actors are
unconvinced if it is possible to reduce transparency properly as the visibility of data for
everyone in the chain is not wanted. Technological developments in this field are present
but still not mature enough. Gregori states that in order to make use of blockchain in the
supply chain in a proper way, standardized information and existing requirements for
business processes are essential. Blockchain implementation presupposes clear defined
processes, reduction of exceptions and common language and codification. That is still
not achieved for most of the supply chain and is one of the reasons that the spread of
BC in the supply chain happens very slow. Similar statements come from Plöchl-Krejci,
who points out that there is no consistent standard, which is of full use in the supply
chain. Therefore on the functional side, it is challenging to drive blockchain projects for-
wards, especially if there are no clear legal and regulatory terms to be followed. More
limiting standpoints come from Plöchl-Krejci, who argues that blockchains benefits of
information exchange cannot be used in the supply chain to a considerable extent be-
cause of cartel law and refused permissions resulting out of it.
What is evident here is that technological progress, same as the adaption to it, still lacks
readiness. The potential is existing, but it is still not possible to retrieve it at its maximum.
At this stage, being a pioneer and early adaptor with the right eye for the right business
case can be of immense advantage at future levels of maturity.
The study showed, based on statements of all interviewees, that regulators look at digi-
talization widely detached from the topic of blockchain. In the opinion of Leibetseder,
blockchain implementers in the supply chain rely on a juristic decision whether a digital-
ized document is legally acceptable or not, more than the question of how digitalization
is achievable. Hence, Plöchl-Krejci adds that regulators are not primarily interested in
how digitalization happens, but more if and what level of digitalization is legally allowed
and accepted. Schramm points out that all the information sitting on the blockchain in
either the e-CMR or other supply chain-related use cases is valuable for authorities. As
governmental institutions, such as customs or finance authorities are generally seeking
for proper levels of security and traceability, this means that the utilization of BC is the
Furthermore, Schramm gives an example where blockchain does not fit with existing
legal regulation. The privacy feature of blockchain, where no deletion is possible, con-
tradicts with the GDPR of the European Union. Therefore, this has enormous impacts on
the design and architecture of the blockchain solution. Moreover, legal regulations play
a vital role when it comes to the recognition of smart contracts as legally binding agree-
ments. Today smart contracts lack legal approval and, therefore, despite the potential,
cannot be used for self-automated contracting. Plöchl-Krejci adds that if authorities de-
cide that blockchain is a widely accepted means of choice for a particular issue, more
detailed guidelines and directives will follow naturally.
This section provides a validity check on the studies’ propositions. The first proposition
that the use of blockchain technology can trace a flow of goods with a high level of detail
cannot explicitly be answered by the BIL case, because the use case was about the
digitalization of documentation on the blockchain. Still, given the fact that tracing infor-
mation of goods requires lots of computing and data processing, today's blockchain de-
velopment does not allow a proper process on the public blockchain due to scalability
issues. On a private blockchain, of course, the performance of the tracing feature is bet-
ter to the disadvantage of other features such as data security and transparency.
The second proposition where blockchain ensures a fair distribution of available infor-
mation amongst participants of the supply chain can by reference to the initiative's project
be answered with yes. All involved participants can copy and analyze the immutable
record of the blockchain. From a technical perspective, tailoring of transparency is pos-
sible according to permission levels.
The third proposition, which states that BC, at its current stage of technological develop-
ment, is not a perfect fit to meet the needs of stakeholders in the SC is correct. Block-
chain has lots of potentials, but due to its low maturity from a development perspective,
it does not fit perfectly yet. Examples are scalability issues, an overload of network ca-
pacity on public blockchains and contradictions with privacy law.
The fourth proposition that blockchain technology is not ready to fully replace legacy
systems in the supply chain is true. The BIL project showed that blockchain provides
unique features more than being a standalone concept. It works as a complementary
system in the running landscape of legacy systems. Its goal should be to enhance the
power to tackle issues that are still unsolved with current concepts.
The fifth proposition that governments do not provide sufficient legislation regarding the
implementation of blockchain technology can be answered with yes. Participants of the
BIL initiative state that regulators are not responsible for exposing themselves with tech-
nological details on blockchain mechanics. The legislation more tends to cover the topic
of digitalization, where blockchain can be part of the solution. Unfortunately, here gov-
ernments also miss having clear directives and announcements.
6.1.3 Conclusion
In order to conclude the outcomes of the BIL case analysis, firstly, answers on the study
questions are found and then a check on the validity of the theory-based propositions
followed. The BIL case study showed that blockchain implementation is more part of a
digitalization approach within the supply chain than a groundbreaking and disruptive
game-changer. Its features help to close information gaps and build a trustworthy envi-
ronment but still lack to create sufficient acceptance amongst supply chain actors. The
topic of regulations is mainly covered by the notion of digitalization, rather than explicitly
aiming at blockchain-related circumstances. With the growing maturity of technology,
blockchain has the strength to be an integral part of supply chain enhancement and will
also get into the focus of more detailed regulation principles. The case results mainly
cover the theory-based statements, which means that theoretical standpoints are valid
for practical implications. Although the project covered only one out of many possible
use cases, the digitalization of the waybill is a first small step towards the acceptance of
decentralized solutions, which act as a catalyst for digital innovation. In order to be ready
for innovative business models, the supply chain has to open up for changes in its core
processes, from manual working steps toward automatization.
How can blockchain solve existing business issues within the supply chain of compa-
The Rotharium case study showed that blockchain, if put with its features into working
and established system landscape, brings benefits to supply chain actors. Although the
development of the technology is in its evolutionary phase, it brings in the particular use
case of track and trace through an application, features such as transparency and data
immutability into the rigid world of the supply chain. The way blockchain solves supply
chain limitations, which get apparent in the field of gapless tracking and tracing of goods,
should be in combination with established system structures. Matic emphasizes that the
idea of putting in place blockchain where existing legacy systems in the supply chain are
sufficient is redundant. Furthermore, blockchain solves only issues if utilized in a possible
simplified way. The customers’ utilization of the technically complicated blockchain
should be in emphasis on its benefits rather than overcomplicating the matter. Moreover,
Scheffer adds that a limitation of today's’ supply chain in terms of track and tracing shows
in the variety of systems and programs participants are operating. In case blockchain as
a coherent base layer of data exchange is used, participants can easily use the ledger
as a point of connection and harmonize their processes and data structure. As a next
step, he states that marketplace structures are a possibility for enhancement, which
would mean a paradigm shift in the supply chain because companies who provide prod-
ucts or services would more and more get substituted through private providers of the
As the information on the flow of goods within the supply chain is limited, long-term cus-
tomer retention happens if the level of transparency enlarges. That is the case for the
Rotharium Food App, as, according to Matic, it puts together a substantial need of the
end customer with a groundbreaking feature of blockchain technology in a user-friendly
way. It provides for both sides of the chain facilitated ways of data input, app usage and
information exchange with reliable and irreversible data. Scheffer points out that an en-
tirely new definition of trust between producers, retailers and end-customers is reached
by making sure that the data is irreversible and immutable without any third party involve-
ment. At the same time, the fact that data is viewable and verifiable lowers general mo-
tivation to manipulate entries. Furthermore, Matic looks at supply chains today and the
validity of data represents a limitation in today's’ supply chain, as examples of dishonest
merchants and not transparent further processing of third party actors show. According
to Matic, the more important and sensitive information of a shipped good is, the more
important it is to create a trustful environment amongst supply chain participants. With
no single administrator of the database, but independent participants, who run nodes to
confirm the truth of transactions and inhibit manipulations, a new era of the supply chain
can originate, mainly because consumers could verify information without being depend-
ent on a third-party stakeholder inside the supply chain process. Juric points out that
particularly the stakeholder group, which spends the money for the product, has the right
to be appropriately informed and adds that a product's USP more and more is based on
the origin and producing method. As of today's supply chain lack enough and especially
gapless information on this, customers get attracted by the fact that a true and compre-
hensible story around the product can be told. Trustful information, therefore, gets a sub-
stantial demand for customers and is served to them with unchangeable information on
a decentralized ledger.
Another limitation of supply chain processes shows in the fact that data flows are broken
and not seamless in an end-to-end process. The fully integrated tracking application of
Rotharium includes data flows of different data sets, such as geographical data or timing
information, without any data gaps. Moreover, blockchain also provides the possibility to
embed payments into supply chain processes and therefore acts as a fully integrated
service. The respective coin represents means of payment, same as a token with infor-
mation on the underlying good, which lowers costs and dependence of particular supply
chain processes on third party involvement. In case that blockchain features have to be
lowered in order to be a tailored fit for the individual needs of supply chain participants,
this is possible but cuts its potentials of decentralization accordingly.
The Rotharium services solution for the supply chain builds the basis for several appli-
cations that enable customers to make use of smart contracting with unquestionable
integrity of data without the risks centralized application in terms of security have. Split
from the decentralized database is the area of personal data, which should not be visible
for everyone and stores in a centralized database solution. This workaround is valid until
blockchains development does reach certain levels. It still allows having full amounts of
data at disposal, which is not always common in supply chain practices. The possibility
to offer blockchain certifications through a variety of information, such as product origin,
timestamps, historical movements, harvesting details, expiration dates, pictures and cur-
rent condition positions, blockchain-based supply chain solutions as means of choice
compared to existing supply chain information systems. Moreover, participants can by
themselves look directly on the blockchain to review and verify entries and make sure
that a transaction happens. This proactiveness can mean a paradigm shift in how infor-
mation in the supply chain exchanges in the future. The convenience to use the app on
the smartphone, though, brings technology right into the pockets of producers and con-
sumers, compared to a former computer or even paper-based approach.
Additionally, Matic points out that the lack of information on how food production happens
nowadays is a present limitation in the supply chain. The ignorance of quality and sus-
tainability of goods prevents consumers from knowing if their food is safe, healthy and
unaffected. Blockchain provides consumers’ with the power to scrutinize the supply chain
process with immediate effects on human health. Hence, supply chain actors with the
adoption of technology will be forced to reveal their production and manufacturing pro-
cesses with the result of steady quality enhancement. Juric argues that customers react
loyal to products with a transparent supply chain and that the information on the block-
chain, which is accessible via QR-Code, feeds customers with all relevant information,
especially product origin packing time and travel routes. The fact that this information
cannot be altered or manipulated gets according to him more and more important with
mainstream adoption and global loss of trust levels. Furthermore, real-time track and
trace mechanisms bring huge competitive benefits, especially for perishable goods. En-
hancements in general supply chain standards conquer the limitation of an unsustainable
supply chain because qualitative food standards are the basis for customers to pay pre-
miums on the price. If established actors in the supply chain do not better their processes,
the power tends to move away from substantial industrialized supply chains towards lo-
cal suppliers.
What limitations does blockchain technology have if utilized in the supply chain?
The case study of Rotharium showed challenging issues on the path of being a first
mover in the field of technology innovation. The limitations illustrate in a sense that block-
chain at today’s development level is not dimensioned and designed to substitute legacy
systems in their broad impacts on businesses. The dependence on network updates in
the public blockchains, together with mainstream reactions on happenings in the block-
chain ecosystems, heavily influenced the implementation progress of the Rotharium
products. That means that blockchain is still not mature enough to be resistant against
negative and non-reflected views from people outside the stakeholder spectrum. More-
over, the fact that people in the supply chain usually do not know each other a lower
level of transparency in terms of a private blockchain is favorable. The disadvantage then
is that trust levels are low because of the smaller number of participating nodes. For
Scheffer, this is not the preferred solution as it lowers blockchains’ core competencies
and equals private blockchains as small databases where, on the one hand, storage of
data is decentral, but other features look like legacy systems. Matic argues that, espe-
cially if network participants have contradicting interests, as it may be the case for situa-
tions in the supply chain, a prior clarification of these before setup of blockchain technol-
ogy is advisable. Blockchain, therefore only works, if consensus on interests is estab-
lished and participants work towards an enhancement for everyone involved.
There are limitations blockchain shows on the topic of data privacy. The implementation
of Rotharium Food took care of data privacy and followed an approach of establishing a
workaround, by merely not inputting any individual-related data into the blockchain. That
is because, from a development perspective, a deletion, according to GDPR, is not pos-
sible using public blockchains, which means that a potential feature also means a pos-
sible drawback for implementation. The implication is that today's data policies create
barriers for full systematic blockchain implementation. Moreover, Matic argues that more
limitations are created because of the speed of transactions. The reasons are that the
exchange of data from different industries besides the supply chain in one public eco-
system causes data congestions in the network and from the technological aspect, the
progress is improvable compared to legacy systems. As users need to rely on system
capacities and overloads bring uncertainty and delays, the long-term solution here
should bring enhancements in network scalability. Here the global network development,
which is usually preferred compared to private or hybrid solutions, sets the standard if
progress happens fast or not and simultaneously builds the basis of whether technology
can prevail or fail. Scheffer adds that blockchain can either disrupt whole businesses or
disappear entirely, depending on the running costs and scalability of the network. A lim-
itation of blockchain here is that nowadays, an estimation of whether transactions take
seconds, minutes or hours is not accurate enough. It can get harmful, especially if the
transaction speed needs to happen in real-time. For Juric, a limitation is shown by the
fact that the topic of blockchain in the supply chain is connected with the business case
of currencies. With a decoupling of these two different business cases, a realistic, and
knowledge building press coverage about blockchain as a technology with emphasis on
its beneficial features, more applications will be adopted in the future.
During the planning and implementation phase of Rotharium Food, Matic argues that it
was not the case that regulators gave a lot of recommendations or legal binding policies.
Quite the reverse was the case because this innovative topic of blockchain tracing was
new for implementers and regulators and therefore, learnings on both sides were exist-
ent. Although the collaboration with authorities was there and a point of contact at the
authorities’ side reacted on requests, regulation, as it is usual for blockchain implemen-
tation on finance, currencies or fundraising, is not in place for supply chain solutions. The
question if an approach of using blockchain in supply chain processes is permitted or
not, is not posed by regulators. What can be necessary is the legal aspect of privacy,
where under rule-makers, clear boundaries get set, which personnel information is al-
lowed to remain visible on the chain and which is not. Scheffer mentions that from the
perspective of regulation, only money laundering and data privacy aspects as relevant.
Any other regulations explicitly relevant to SC processes are unknown to him.
Ideally, blockchain projects act as suppliers of information proactively and make sure
that authorities get familiar and their awareness towards the topic of blockchain rises
accordingly. As a first step, this happens through the simple explanation of the correlation
between supply chain and blockchain and an emphasis on benefits, features and core
competencies of blockchain in connection with the particular supply chain topic. A com-
munication strategy towards rule-makers, which is determined to be open and keen to
debate on, saves, on the one hand, some valuable time within the project execution and
builds on top of that trustworthiness within an interaction.
The propositions which were created by theory building get analyzed in the below sub-
chapter. The first proposition, which claims that the use of blockchain technology can
trace a flow of goods with a high level of detail, can be affirmed. The Rotharium Food
app provides various information levels within a track and trace mechanism. The level of
detail can be adequately determined, as entries are immediately written on the block-
chain ledger and remain untouched for further checks.
The proposition that blockchain at its current stage of technological development is not
a perfect fit to meet the needs of stakeholders can be answered with yes based on the
case outcomes. Although the tracing of products works well in terms of facilitation of the
application or network speed, further deployment steps are more difficult to realize, as
network capacities are not sufficient and features as zero-knowledge proofs, which would
enhance data privacy according to GDPR are still not in place. It conducts that the po-
tential is existing, but the technology has to come to maturity and keep promising ideas
and conditions.
The fourth proposition that blockchain technology is not ready to fully replace legacy
systems in the supply chain is true based on the architecture of the Rotharium applica-
tion. For a full replacement of legacy systems, the issues with data privacy should get
solved first. Moreover, it is not dimensioned and designed to substitute legacy systems
in their broad impacts on businesses.
The fifth proposition that governments do not provide sufficient legislation regarding the
implementation of blockchain technology can be answered positively. It is more learning
for both sides on how to approach technological innovation. The question if an approach
of using blockchain in supply chain processes is permitted or not is nothing posed by
regulators. Instead of that, they expect a robust, auditable and secure base of datasets
to be in the position to check if compliance on legal norms is in place.
6.2.3 Conclusion
The conclusion of this chapter results in a comparison of studies’ questions and propo-
sitions. The case has shown that from the customers’ perspective, blockchain means a
win situation, as the level of information, especially for this stakeholder group, is highly
enlarged. Nevertheless, producers or retailers also can benefit from being transparent,
as the positioning as a trustful supply chain actor can bring customer loyalty and higher
margins through price premiums. A paradigm shift can happen when customers start to
see transparency as being without alternatives. It profoundly will affect the process land-
scape of established industrialized supply chains towards more attention to health and
sustainability aspects.
Still, all the potential remains unused as technological development is still not sufficient
to make use of the potentials. Scalability and transaction costs improvements are crucial
for further use cases in the supply chain. The case results mainly cover the theory-based
statements, which means that theoretical standpoints are as valid for practical implica-
6.3.1 Similarities
Very similar results are identified when a comparison on the checks on the validity of
theoretical assumptions for both cases gets made. Both cases attest blockchain a fair
distribution of available information amongst participants of the supply chain. Further-
more, both cases reveal that blockchain at its current stage of technological development
and maturity is not sufficient to be a means of choice for broader shifts in supply chain-
related action. Both projects fight with issues of proper data privacy handling with block-
chain. The next proposition in common the cases share in the statement that blockchain
is not ready to replace legacy systems. Instead of that, its features are praised as an
improvement of certain parts of processes along the chain.
The issues caused by the data privacy law BIL and Rotharium solve by saving this type
of data on centralized solutions. That means both projects work with workarounds, which
lower the level of decentralization. Another similarity is that both blockchain-based digi-
talization cases want to lower the use of paper in supply chain processes and enlarge
the level of digital device usage in the operational supply chain. The outcomes of both
cases exhibit that the use of blockchain fosters a system harmonization and sets stand-
ards, which will not be possible without a mutual base layer, which works as a decentral-
ized database.
6.3.2 Differences
The two cases looked at blockchain implementation from two different angles. On the
one hand, BIL worked on improvements in internal processes, such as digitalization to-
wards paperless documentation and cost savings, which result out of it. On the other
hand, Rotharium tried to include all stakeholders in a holistic track, trace database, and
therefore create an equal amount of information. BIL addresses to large actors in the
supply chain who fight with issues on low harmonized processes, while Rotharium works
on the goods’ quality aspect, which customers may recognize in a valuable way.
Both cases profit from blockchain features differently. While for the digitalization use case
scalability and speed of transaction is secondary, the track and trace use-case requires
high velocity and transaction volume levels. It goes for transparency, where BIL allowed
a tailored approach for lowering transparency levels, while Rotharium stands for full
equal transparency for every participant of the chain. It goes hand in hand with the ap-
proach of a hybrid form of a private blockchain at the e-CMR case and a public block-
chain for Rotharium Food application. Moreover, participants of the digitalized waybill
project are not keen to check entries for validity that often, as they feel the trust because
the systems guarantee it. Hence, participants of Rothariums’ track and trace solution are
more eager to look up entries on the ledger, because there they find the needed infor-
7.1 Summary
In general, the propositions, which were derived from the theoretical part of the thesis,
were validated against the case outcomes from previous chapters. The cases showed
conformity with the existing theory on blockchain usage in the supply chain. The ability
to answer the research questions was factual. The following subchapters are not merely
a restatement of the research outcomes, but more a synthesis of the critical points con-
tributed to theory and practice. The aim is to elaborate on the significance of the findings.
The contribution to theory contains the following brief answers to the research questions
of this thesis.
1. Which business issues can Blockchain solve within the supply chain of companies?
As soon as the limitations of the supply chain come up against unique features of block-
chain technology, a potential solution for business issues is possible. Several scholars
point out that SC structures need to change towards digital transformation in order to be
competitive. The study showed that blockchain acts as a catalyst for digitalization and
paves the way for solutions, which solve business issues existing because of too little
automatization and manual intervention in processes.
In order to solve the issues mentioned above, the blockchain acts as the bringer of trust
through integrated features such as transparency, data immutability and data security.
Especially the trust-building process is crucial, as participants within the supply chain
often do not know each other. This issue blockchain solves by the fact that participants
proactively can check on the validity of data. The usage of blockchain eases the estab-
lishment of a full end-to-end process as it functions as a base layer of information. Lastly,
the use of blockchain in the supply chain brings incremental paradigm shifts, mainly how
actors work and what kinds of emphasis will be required to meet changing stakeholder
The limitations of blockchain in the supply chain mainly arise because of missing maturity
of the technology. Several issues, such as poor scalability and speed of transactions,
make it difficult to use the technology on a larger dimension, especially as the amount of
data in complex supply chains is high. Additionally, human involvement allows erroneous
data input, resulting in a limitation, which cannot be eradicated by any form of comput-
Furthermore, both cases showed the fact that data privacy issues cannot be solved
within a blockchain solution today, which limits it for usage in the supply chain. Moreover,
supply chain actors may want to tailor blockchain features towards lower transparency
or more centralized approaches with private blockchains, which is possible but limits the
technology far off its possible potentials. Lastly, the confidence in blockchain solutions is
expandable, as public opinions on fraudulent activities are a matter of discussion
amongst supply chain participants. Here the limitation does not sit on the technological
side, but more on a general adaption to technology in a digitally slow-moving supply
chain environment.
3. In which ways are legal regulations considered within possible blockchain implemen-
Both literature and cases showed that in terms of understanding technology, regulators
are ill-equipped. Therefore, in particular, pointed regulation and directives are challeng-
ing to articulate. That could be another reason why regulation is not at all or very poorly
For readers who want to implement blockchain solutions in the field of the supply chain
or are affected by any of the limitations of today's supply chain, the following implications
can be of concern.
o Blockchain is not an All-in-One solution for every issue in the SC, but features of
blockchain should meet limitations of the supply chain.
o Larger roll-outs of blockchain projects in the supply chain require proper estima-
tions if the network can handle the data flows and whether transactions must
happen in real-time or not.
o The handling of private data issues happens, preferably on centralized data-
o Regulation is more about legal issues on digitalization than on blockchain in par-
o Smart Contracts prevent human errors and save human capital, although legal
obligations outstanding.
o Blockchain-based digitalization of data processing, by running own nodes results
in cost savings and risk mitigation.
o Blockchain enables the establishment of new business models, such as transport
7.4 Limitations
The midpoint of this thesis built the two case studies based on the framework by Yin
(2014). Here may be some possible limitations, as the results of the cases are not rep-
resentative of some population. Therefore, the cases’ findings and outcomes cannot be
generalized to all blockchain implementations in the supply chain. The interviews, which
were the basis of the case study evidence, could have brought disadvantages such as
subconscious bias, inaccurate articulation and poor recall.
Furthermore, the findings of this study have to be seen in light of some limitations of time.
The COVID19 pandemic restrictions led to a lower number of interviews than initially
planned. Still, the number of interviews was enough to be able to make clear statements
and implications. Additionally, one of the most significant advantages of a case study
approach, described by Ary et al. (1972) as the possibility to understand subjects and
participants in the totality of the environment, where the immediate actions, emotions
and thoughts can be probed, was diminished, because of no investigation on the field as
The thesis analysis shows that practical cases can thoroughly explain the theory of block-
chain implementation. The reason could be that existing literature on the topic is very
new, as the topic itself. Many authors deal with blockchain implementation in various
fields of use. Therefore ideas, statements and correlations worthy of empirical checking
come up for discussion. However, more research is a need in order to recognize the
impact factors why blockchain is a possibility to enhance supply chain processes from
the view of more differentiates participants of the SC.
Furthermore, the study demonstrates that after blockchain is mature enough to prove
the promised potential, further research should investigate the questions of whether the
potential is fully used, given better technological circumstances. Moreover, additional
study is interesting, as soon as blockchain as technology emerges from its first use case
of currencies, as nowadays this blurs the view on the opportunities of the technology,
same as mainstream opinions.
Lastly, the topic of blockchain regulatory was not that fruitful in a context with the supply
chain. Future research could either concentrate on this field in the particular use case of
finance and currencies, where it carries weight or confine oneself on investigating on it
on a lower scale.
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Appendix 1: Interview guiding principle (German)
1. Welche Bedeutung hat Blockchain Technologie für Ihr Unternehmen? Sehen Sie
Blockchain als Ergänzung zu bestehenden Systemen oder als völlige Disruption?
2. Was möchte Cryptofuture als Unternehmen im Blockchainbereich bzw. Rotha-
rium als Produkt erreichen? Was ist dabei ihre konkrete Rolle?
3. Was sind die Herausforderungen dabei und wie werden diese gemeistert?
4. Was funktioniert dabei gut?
5. Was sind die großen Stärken der Blockchain für potentielle Anwendungen in der
Supply Chain?
6. Warum eignet sich die Blockchain zur Verbesserung der Supply Chain? Welche
Schwächen der Supply Chain werden durch Blockchainanwendung korrigiert?
7. Welche Verbesserungen bringt Rotharium als Produkt potentiellen Anwendern in
der Supply Chain? Was ist konkret der USP von Rotharium?
8. Sind die Vorteile welche das Rotharium Geschäftsmodell bringt auch auf ähnli-
che in der Supply Chain befindliche Problemstellungen anzuwenden?
9. Wo hat Rotharium als Produkt noch Verbesserungspotential?
10. Welche Relevanz haben Ethereum Updates auf die Funktionalität von Rotha-
11. Welche Lessons-Learned haben Sie wenn Sie heute auf das Projekt blicken?
12. Welche Maßnahmen werden gesetzt um den Bedarf potentieller Kunden nach
Blockchain Technologie in der Supply Chain zu eruieren?
13. Gibt es aus Ihrer Sicht Elemente der Blockchain Technologie, welche sich nega-
tiv auf Supply Chain Prozesse auswirken?
14. In welcher Form gibt es Zusammenarbeit mit Behörden? Gab es Probleme bei
15. Fühlen Sie sich bezüglich Regulatorien ausreichend informiert? Falls nicht, er-
läutern Sie bitte den Verbesserungsbedarf.
16. Welche Risiken bei Implementierungen von Blockchain Technologie bestehen
aufgrund des bestehender gesetzlicher Regelungen?
17. Wie sichert sich das Unternehmen gegen solche Risiken ab?
1. Which relevance has blockchain technology for your company? Do you see
blockchain as an addition to existing systems or as complete disruption?
2. What does Cryptofuture as a company want to achieve, what respectively
Rotharium wants to accomplish as a product? What is thereby your role?
3. What are the challenges in the project and how are these mastered?
4. What works well here?
5. What are the biggest strengths of blockchain technology for potential utilization
in the supply chain?
6. Why does blockchain qualify to improve the supply chain? Which weaknesses of
the supply chain were reduced through blockchain usage?
7. Which improvements bring Rotharium Food as a product to potential users in the
supply chain? What is its concrete USP?
8. Are the benefits of the Rotharium Use Case applicable for similarly business
models and problem formulations?
9. Where Rotharium, as a product, has the potential for improvement?
10. What relevance Ethereum updates have on the functionality of the business ap-
11. Which Lessons-Learned do you have when looking back at the implementation
and Go-Live of the product?
12. Which measures were set to determine a need from a potential customer for
blockchain technology in the supply chain?
13. Are there from your point of view elements of blockchain technology, which are
negative effects on supply chain processes?
14. In what way is there a collaboration with authorities? Is collaboration problematic?
15. Do you feel sufficiently informed about regulatory guidelines? If not, please out-
line possible improvements.
16. Which risks while blockchain implementation persists because of existing legal
17. How does the company mitigate these risks?
Interview 1 at Crypto Fu- Tomislav Matic, CEO and 09.04.2020 via Skype,
ture GmbH (IT Consul- Founder of Cryptofuture Start: 11 a.m., Length: 45
tancy) GmbH minutes
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