Book 2 - The Wars
Book 2 - The Wars
Book 2 - The Wars
Robin D. Laws
Publishers: Simon Rogers and Cathriona Tobin
Designed, Written, and Produced by: Robin D. Laws
Cover Art: Melissa Gay
Illustrations, Schematics, and Battlefield Sketches: Melissa Gay
Graphic Design: Christian Knutsson
Copyediting: Colleen Riley, Cathriona Tobin
Indexing: Cathriona Tobin
Jack Anderson, Julien Berton, Chris Cooke, Mike de Jong, Susan
Davis, John DelaCruz, Dimes, Jonathan Elcock, Robustiano Fernandez,
Davy Gerard, Lloyd Graney, Jurie Horneman, Blessing Huesmann, Joe
Huesmann, Chris Huth, Paul Jackson, Shel Kahn, Shai Laric, Ben Loula,
Michael Lovdahl, Côme Martin, Damon Matthews, Justin Mohareb,
Thomas Nowell, Erik Otterberg, Laura Picraux, Rachel Picraux, Florian
Poisignon, Jack Reidy, Tim Reiter, Christian "CJ" Jensen Romer, Liam
Scanlon, Robert J. Smith, Seth Taylor, Aser Tolentino, Megan Tolentino,
Tracey Trower, Scott Wachter, Paul Ward, Calliope Westbrooke, Charles
Wright, Kim Wright.
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
Kits Sergeant
As seen in Paris, characters are Interrogation
created by combining one item Intimidation
apiece from two sets of kits. Law
Military Logistics
Investigative Kits
As before, the first kit, the Private
Investigative kit, lays out each (Civilian Occupation: Writer)
character’s Investigative abilities. Humanities
Lieutenant Lowlife
Blueblood Occultism
Military Science Distribute kits to players as
Political Science follows.
When continuing on from the
Terrain Private (Civilian Paris sequence:
Occupation: Medical Student) Start by selecting the player
Intuition you think would best handle the
Medicine role of leader. You’re looking for
Reassurance a player who moves the story
Science forward, contributes positively
to decision-making, and will still
Private collaborate well with the rest of
(Civilian Occupation: Merchant) the group when given a measure
Accounting of imagined power. Look for a
Assess Honesty player who can comfortably occupy
Military Logistics the spotlight without hogging it.
Negotiation Oddly, spotty attendance can be a
plus. This means that sometimes
Private the Lieutenant will be a hands-off
(Civilian Occupation: Peasant) GMC leader, and other times a PC.
Farming In the bizarre case in which
Hunting every single player would do
Salt of the Earth equally well in the role, give the
Lieutenant kit to the player who
Private (Civilian Occupation: portrayed the Architect. If no one
Photographer) played the Architect, choose a
Flattery player at random.
Intuition Now distribute the rest of the kits
Photography based on the types each player
Science took on in Paris, as seen in this
table. At the end, match up players
without kits to kits without players.
R O B I N D . L AW S
Photographer Muse
Sergeant Sculptor
Writer Belle-Lettrist
When starting with The Wars: choices, they may notice that a
Lay the kits out on the table and couple of them pair naturally with
let the players negotiate who particular Investigative kits: the
gets what. Lieutenant with the Tactician,
Do you still have kits left over? and the Medical Student with
Invite the players to distribute the Shepherd. You may wish to
the abilities from the unused point out that the Shepherd is
kits between the group, using metaphorical, as in “shepherd
whatever method makes sense of people” rather than a literal
to them. sheep herder.
Players may modify kits, moving
around any number of points,
General Kits provided the total remains 54
Use General kits with a group points for Horror mode, 60 for
unfamiliar with GUMSHOE, or in a Occult Adventure.
one-shot game. Lay them out on a For groups who know GUMSHOE,
table and leave players to negotiate including those who have just
who gets what. played a Paris sequence,
In Occult Adventure mode, modify have them build from scratch.
each kit ahead of time, adding Remind players that Composure,
2 points apiece to Composure, Battlefield, and Fighting are
Battlefield, and Fighting. survival abilities; they likely want
As players paw through the to spend 6-8 points on each.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
R O B I N D . L AW S
Scrounging 1 Tactician
Sense Trouble 3 Artillery 1
Sneaking 2 Athletics 6
Traps and Bombs 4 Battlefield 6
Composure 6
Mathematician Driving 2
Artillery 4 Fighting 6
Athletics 5 First Aid 1
Battlefield 7 Health 5
Composure 7 Mechanics 2
Driving 1 Morale 5
Fighting 5 Preparedness 2
First Aid 1 Riding 2
Health 5 Scrounging 0
Mechanics 2 Sense Trouble 6
Morale 0 Sneaking 3
Preparedness 6 Traps and Bombs 1
Riding 1
Scrounging 2
Sense Trouble 2 Names
Sneaking 1 Each player invents a name
Traps and Bombs 5 suitable to the character’s
nationality or heritage.
Raw Recruit
Artillery 1
Athletics 4 Drives
Battlefield 6 Invite the players to specify why
Composure 7 each of their characters will move
Driving 2 toward supernatural danger, even
Fighting 4 amid the perils of the battlefield.
First Aid 5 Use the common answers below
Health 5 to help hone player suggestions
Mechanics 2 and tag them with a brief term you
Morale 0 can remember when you need to
Preparedness 3 use them. Share them with players
Riding 3 who’d like a prompt or two.
Scrounging 4 Advancement: “If there’s a
Sense Trouble 6 ladder, I will climb it. If there’s a
Sneaking 2 rank, I will achieve it. By solving
Traps and Bombs 0 this mystery, I will increase my
chances for promotion.”
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars –
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Characters
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Rules Adjustments
Weak 2 3 3 0
Tough but
2 4 3 0
Evenly Matched 3 5 4 1
Superior 4 5 4 1
Vastly Superior 3 6 7 2
Overwhelming 5 7 7 2
Too Awful to
5 8 8 3
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Shattered Europe
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Shattered Europe
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Shattered Europe
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Shattered Europe
R O B I N D . L AW S
Shell Shocks
Whether supernatural or
mundane, the horrors of war
may dole out Shock cards to
characters failing their Composure
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
You Promise to
Protect a Civilian, 4 Hollow Promise
and Fail
You See a Comrade
or Innocent Civilian
4 Tenuous Reality Life’s Value Ebbs
Killed with a Weird
You See a Particular
Horrible Battlefield 4 Revulsion Nightmare Fuel
Sight for the First Time
You Show Fright,
Inviting the Mockery 4 Lily-Livered Yellow-Bellied
of Fellow Soldiers
You Use a Particular
Flirtation with Embracing
Weird Weapon for the 4
Carcosa Carcosa
First Time
Your Ship Is Taking
4 Sinking Feeling Panic
on Water
The Ghosts of the The Vengeful
4 Ghost Touch
Fallen Come for You Dead
You Consume Human Tastes Like
5 A Crossed Line
Flesh Chicken
You Let a Comrade
5 Callous Pit of Remorse
Needlessly Die
Your Submarine Has
5 Panic Rat in a Can
Sprung a Leak
Your Submarine is
Under Attack by a 5 Rat in a Can Tentacled Doom
Giant Squid
You Take Part in a
No Blood More
Mass Execution or 5** Atrocity
War Crime
* -1 Difficulty for each previous time you’ve seen someone killed with this particular weapon
**+3 if victims are innocent civilians
R O B I N D . L AW S
War Hazards
Battlefield tests cover hazards to
life and limb the PCs can actively
try to evade. Injuries they can’t
weave, duck, and dive their way
out of are resisted with Health.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
Agony of
Thirst 4 Health Kidney Failure
Trenchfoot 4 Health Gangrene
Tumble Down a
Hillside (Exposed 4 Battlefield Scuffed Up Torn Ligament
to Enemy)
Tumble Down a
Hillside (No Enemy 4 Athletics Scuffed Up Torn Ligament
R O B I N D . L AW S
Nerve Gas 5 Battlefield Blurred Vision
On a Torpedoed
5 Battlefield Sharp, Into the Drink
Water’s Hard
Radiation Poisoning Internal
5 Health Convulsions
(Earthly) Bleeding
Bruised While
Rifle Fire 5 Battlefield Rifle Hit
Taking Cover
Stalker Fire: Flame
5 Battlefield Burned Roasted
Trapped on a Ship Into the
5 Battlefield Against the
as It Sinks Depths
Exposure to
6 Health Soul Decay Black Blood
Carcosan Parasites
Radiation Poisoning
6 Health Susceptible Black Tears
Stalker Fire: Worse Than It Thoroughly
6 Battlefield
Machine Gun Looks Perforated
Drenched in
Stink Grenade 8 Health Stink Grenade
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
Main Additional
Model Type Nation
Armament Weaponry
Victoria “The 1 machine
Ultra-Heavy England .75 cannon
Vickie” gun
2 machine
Panzer III Heavy Germany .47 cannon
2 machine
Panzer IV Ultra-Heavy Germany .75 cannon
1 machine
A-20 “Tsarina” Light Russia .37 cannon gun, aft
2 machine
A-32 “Tsar” Heavy Russia .47 cannon guns or 2
2 machine
152 mm
A-46 “Tunguska” Ultra-Heavy Russia guns, aft
2 machine
M-II “Istanbul” Light Turkey .37 cannon
2 machine
M-III “Ankara” Heavy Turkey .47 cannon
2 machine
M-IV “Izmir” Ultra-Heavy Turkey .47 cannon guns, aft
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
Nemo France 50 1 km
Aronnax France 22 .5 km
Hawkins England 28 .5 km
Ivan Russia 66 .8 km
Rasputin Russia 55 .7 km
Saltychikha Russia 44 .5 km
Meerwunder Germany 30 .8 km
Aal Germany 22 .7 km
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
a minisub, they may prefer less Machine guns reach the tech
fraught missions aboard such level of our WWII.
vessels as the: All handheld weapons bear
•• Claw, notable for the grabber heavy ornamentation. Inlaid
arm used in salvage missions. car ving on wooden gun butts
•• Poseidon, with special feature patriotic scenes or
antennae that can quell or por traits of historical generals.
cause oceanic storms. Napoleon appears most
•• Amphritite, with a retractable frequently on French weaponr y,
net for rescuing sunken with Charlemagne making the
sailors. Oxygen pumps occasional cameo. The image
through its hollow fibers; of Henr y V takes the same role
the saved can latch onto on English small arms. (Unless
its breathing attachments Britain and France are allies, in
and fill their lungs. which case they go for a shared
•• Vor tex, designed to sur vive hero, King Ar thur.) German
the shocks and shakes of munitions por traiture heavily
a journey through a reality features General Helmuth von
vent to the Carcosan Lake Moltke the Elder, chief of the
of Hali. (Well actually this general staff during the Franco-
mission is more dangerous Prussian conflict—unless France
than the hammerhead’s.) and Germany are allies, in which
case good old mythical Siegfried
Small Arms takes his place. Russian
Individual weaponr y of the armaments depict 18th centur y
Continental War lags behind general Mikhail Kutuzov.
our 1947 overall, with a few Sculpted images of Marianne,
weird tweaks. the national symbol of reason
Infantr y units carr y bolt-action and liber ty, perch atop French
rifles, like the Lee-Enfield of our rifle scopes. Boudicca per forms
world. Their telescopic sights the same duty on English rifles.
beat the resolution and accuracy Russian scopes sit framed
of our 1947 equivalents, while in miniature minarets. The
also ser ving as primitive long- equivalent ornament on German
range sur veillance microphones. guns looks like a blend of the
Automatic pistols exist but Iron Cross from our timeline and
out of a sense of traditionalism the Yellow Sign.
are disfavored as sidearms by These decorations make
the regular army, who instead equivalent weapons of the
tote the trusty revolver. Elite combatant nations dead easy
forces and militar y police can be to spot from a distance. A PC
identified by their propensity for wearing a Russian uniform
magazine-fed handguns. as par t of an imposture had
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Battle Wears No Mask
its nose from the second floor they lower their guns. They
of a barn. The barn’s roof look about, as if wondering
has been torn away, leaving what on ear th possessed
the antique ar tiller y piece them. Across the way, their
exposed to the elements. comrades remain stock-still.
•• Loyalist troops march down the •• Infantr ymen swarm across a
road, singing. One takes a swig barley field, stamping it flat.
from a wine bottle and tosses The tents heaped on trucks
it into a ditch. An enraged by a nearby road tell you that
sergeant shouts obscenities they’ve been ordered to set up
from the back of the column, camp here. A furious farmer
promising to exact vivid dashes from his barn, waving
punishment on the wrongdoer. a pitchfork. The soldiers laugh
His mates tr y to sober him up, and pull their sidearms.
but he looks too far gone. •• A bright yellow sunset settles
•• Buzzards drift nonchalantly in behind the remnants of a
overhead. Behind them, medieval for tress. There’s a
clouds briefly form a death’s problem, though: it’s three
head, then dispersing o’clock in the afternoon.
into white vapor. •• Something ripples across
•• Soldiers move like automatons the sur face of an abandoned
to form two lines in a farmer’s tavern. Drawing closer, you
field, facing each other. With see that snails—thousands
dazed expressions, one upon thousands of them—work
half of the Loyalist battalion their way up its walls. They
raises rifles to point at the exude the high, throat-closing
other. Before they fire, and smell of moldering corpses.
before you can cr y out,
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Foes
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Foes
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars –
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Foes
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Foes
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Foes
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R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Foes
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – People
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – People
enters a village. She runs around say about the terrible impact
asking townsfolk to pronounce of the war on French vineyards.
particular words and makes “How many decades it will take to
notes on any interesting regional rebuild—incalculable!”
variations she finds. The soldier known as Hubert
Seymour Drouin, a fisherman, Lippens took on this false identity
can’t understand why he isn’t in to get out of an embezzling charge
the navy, and won’t stop talking in Lyon before the war. Always on
about it. the lookout for a new way to enrich
Jacques Plourde likes digging himself, he may be caught stealing
holes and would sooner fight with from French civilians.
a shovel than a gun. Horse-faced Lucien
Denise Dunan appears perfectly Archambault speaks very quickly
sober when standing still. When and excitedly and isn’t sure what’s
she starts to move, her state of going on and needs constant
extreme drunkenness becomes reassurance and doesn’t know
all too staggeringly apparent. why this is happening to him why
No matter where she is, or how do things always happen to him
deprived the conditions, she don’t you think they should happen
always manages to stumble into a to someone else for a change?
cache of wine or vodka. Sickly Roger Perron has come
Jean Graetz loves to practice his down with a fever but doesn’t
shooting. Although a crack shot, he want the squad to worry about
may cause trouble for the squad by him even though his teeth are
firing his weapon at the exact wrong clacking violently together.
time. He’s also not so choosy Yvonne Lefèvre likes to play
about who might be standing on with matches. Since the war
the other side of his targets. shattered her mind, she has
Michel Cloërec wears strong taken to doing it unawares,
cologne and will offer to fatally and may be about to set a fire,
stab anyone who offers up a completely oblivious to the
wisecrack about it. Several danger, when an investigator
notches adorn the hilt of Michel’s comes to talk with her.
serrated hunting knife; he Claude Sivel says that the
declines to elaborate on exactly way he gets through each day
what they might represent. is to imagine that he is having
Snobbish Richard Douy can’t a terrible nightmare, and will at
restrain himself from complaining any moment awaken in his clean,
about the pitifully unevolved state warm Paris apartment. His wife
of the local peasantry, even when will have a pot of hot chocolate
they’re within earshot. ready for him, there will be
A sommelier in civilian life, brioche, and he will tell her about
Madeleine Fortuna has a lot to the strange nightmare war where
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – People
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – People
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – People
R O B I N D . L AW S
Pelletier; For tin, Lavoie, Leblanc; Gaston never leave each other’s
Caron, Ouellet, Fournier; company. They finish each other’s
Boucher, Dubé, Simard. sentences and may leave the
Armand warns the squad group wondering whether they’re
not to upset him, as another sly foxes or half-wits.
heart attack could kill him Lucian carefully shades himself
at any moment. You may from the sun and warns the
decide that he’s as healthy as soldiers to do the same.
anyone in France and is merely Marielle warns the soldiers
repeating the useful lie he told that she’s a terrible liar. “Again
the enlistment officers. Or he and again I have tried to break
could indeed drop dead during the habit, but alas, it has proven
the episode, ideally when the quite impossible.”
characters do something that Terrible scars remain where
causes upset. Marguerite’s ears once were. She
Jolly Babette surrounds says boys from a nearby village
herself with big, rowdy dogs. She did it, when she was twelve. The
emphasizes points she wishes to war is a gift from god and an
make with careless sweeps of her answer to her prayers, she says,
thick, gnarled walking stick. because as soon as it started a
Young Elodie won’t talk about bomb hit their house and killed
the deep scar that slashes every one of them.
down her forehead and into her Marie-Claude knits a black
left eyebrow. scarf with a skull emblem. She
Eva was blinded by shrapnel offers one of her finished versions
from an air strike but tries to keep to the squad, as a reminder of
her spirits up. death’s triumph over all.
Françoise offers the group Constantly working her rosary,
some of her famous boudin noir, Marthe can think of little else
a sausage made from groats and but the fate of her four sons, all
pig’s blood. “In better times there serving in the French infantry.
would be pork in it as well,” she Maurice asks the squad for
says, sadly. money, no matter how trivial the
Gérard escaped conscription by favor they seek from him.
becoming too fat to move. Other Max takes offense at something
villagers darkly grumble about innocuous one of the characters
his ability to keep the weight on says and threatens to slap him.
when everyone else is starving. Max is ninety-three years old and
An envious neighbor might try to can barely stand up.
convince a soldier that the war Micheline offers to take the
effort would be better off without soldiers to a sacred grotto where
Gérard around. one can gain the blessings of St.
Guy and his twin brother Martin of Tours. The Humanities
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars –
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – People
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Running The Wars
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Princeton Architectural Press, 2015. send the 112th all over the
The unit per forms militar y theater of war, tackling a variety
deception operations designed of thematically related Missions.
to confuse the enemy with Because war often turns
tricks causing them to identify into an exercise in desperate
nonexistent troops and improvisation, the 112th
equipment as real. may from time to time find
Missions might include: themselves pressed into ser vice
•• Placing inflatable tanks, unrelated to their exper tise.
trucks, and/or ar tiller y They’re near a hole that needs
units in a given position. plugging and get unexpectedly
•• Concealing speakers to sent to plug it.
play recordings indicating Alternately, you could invent
the nearby presence another highly specialized
of a Loyalist unit. purpose for the unit that creates
•• Posing as members of genuine a demand for its ser vices across
Loyalist militar y units and the war.
entering towns, as if on leave, This is the premise I used for
where enemy spies operate. my own in-house game.
This makes it seem as if the
unit is in location A when it is Mission vs. Mystery
really far away, in location B. Conceive the Mission so that
•• Assisting actual units it either complicates or dovetails
with camouflage, so that with the Mystery, rather than
their positions appear conflicting with it.
unoccupied, leading enemy Examples of complications to
troops into ambush. the Mission:
•• Reconnoitering areas to •• That old church you’re sent to
assess their suitability for occupy turns out to be haunted.
a false troop deception. •• The town where you’ll find
•• Clearing positions of enemy the spies you want to fool
forces who would other wise has been stricken by a
see through a planned creeping Carcosan plague.
deception operation. •• Something has overwritten your
Here the squad’s Lieutenant acetate recordings of walker
commands the 112th Troupe movements with a recitation
de logistique d’opérations, from The King in Yellow.
self-nicknamed the Shadow When you dovetail Mission and
Squadron. To preser ve the Myster y, solving the Myster y
vagueness of the official name, enables you to then complete
the unit never refers to itself as the Mission:
that to outsiders. •• The enemy unit you’re sent to
This conceit allows you to drive off has been empowered
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Running The Wars
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Running The Wars
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars –
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Running The Wars
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
Dragonflies Down
The Mission
Missing Bodies
The Uniforms Well-Fed
The Reader Madame Mareuil
The Meat Locker
Command Against
Worried Mother the Beast Gévaudan
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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can gain information from either of military officer. (In our timeline,
them that would otherwise require the husband is off fighting in
a Push of another ability with WWI, but of course in this reality
Intimidation, no Push required. there was no first world war for
Mention of the uniforms also Radiguet to have written about.)
substitutes for a Reassurance The novel provoked a scandal
Push in The Reader. when it was published, a few
months before the author died of
typhoid at the age of 20.
A look at the frontispiece shows
The Reader that a dedication in the book
Scene Type: Core has been mostly erased. On a
Lead-Ins: Well-Fed Peasants, Humanities spend, a character can
Madame Mareuil (or drop in get Arielle to lend the book long
as needed when the squad is enough to make it out. It reads:
wandering around the village Dearest Ernest – Something
wondering what to do next) to stir you in the trenches, mon
Lead-Outs: The Uniforms, The cher! Rest assured, I am no
Meat Locker, Worried Mother Marthe, and will turn away all
handsome boys so long as you
promise to return!
The group finds 16-year Change the dedication if she’s
old Arielle Chavanal, curly red instead reading a book by a Paris
locks cascading from a moth- character, matching its content.
eaten beret, perched on a rock, From this, players may deduce
engrossed in a book. that the book formerly belonged
If it is credible that a character to a soldier.
from your Paris sequence, for (alternate, Worried Mother)
example the Belle-Lettrist, wrote She says that her mother gave
a book, she is reading that. it to her. Arielle pleads with the
Otherwise, she reads The Devil group not to talk to her about
in the Flesh, a 1923 novel by it, though, as she has no idea
Raymond Radiguet. Should the what it contains and would likely
squad ask about it, she blushes confiscate it if she did.
and looks furtively around. Beside the boulder she sits on
Humanities: It’s quite the racy is a sack containing mushrooms
book, one others in the village she foraged in the forest. If asked
would likely disapprove of if they about them, she mentions that she
knew what was in it. It concerns is a vegetarian, though the hunger
an affair between a married of war makes this more of a trial
woman and a 16-year-old boy, than she bargained for when she
which takes place under the nose first swore never to eat another
of her inattentive husband, a member of the animal kingdom.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
R O B I N D . L AW S
vegetarian, but admits that she When the squad learns of the
occasionally slips. (She doesn’t consequences of their negligence,
admit it directly but has now they must make Difficulty 4
and again resorted to Madame Composure tests to avoid Shocks,
Mareuil’s sausages.) Minor and Major: Hollow Promise/
Asked about the book she gave Resounding Failure.)
Arielle, Valérie admits that she is If promised this help, she
not much of a reader and doesn’t reveals more:
know what’s in it. A passing soldier, •• The people of Gévaudan
who said he had finished with it, do more than scavenge
gave it to her in exchange for some corpses—they eat them,
eggs, and she passed it along to after Madame Mareuil turns
her daughter. (Assess Honesty: them into charcuterie.
She’s hiding a guilty secret.) •• The eating of the dead dates
(core, Madame Mareuil) back to before the war, but
Intimidation: The people of the now there are many more
village sometimes scavenge opportunities to procure
from the corpses of the dead. human flesh. Before it was
Sylvain Mareuil, who has designs eaten as part of a strange
on Arielle, gave Valérie a book and shameful ritual. Now
he found on a dead soldier. She they consume it to survive.
passed it along without crediting •• It started half a century
him, as he is a malicious cretin ago, when the Chastels
she doesn’t want anywhere near arrived and recruited the
her daughter. Mareuil family to aid them.
(core) Should the squad put •• Together they built a village
her in the position of choosing where previously there
between her daughter’s safety had been people living
and her fear of Mareuil, she on scattered farms.
points them toward The Uniforms •• They designed the church to
(if they haven’t already found look old and carved a weird
them) or The Meat Locker. symbol into its cornerstone.
She might also do this if the •• Chastel’s grandfather had
squad makes the effort to read a strange book in the
devise a credible plan to get the city of Paris, which described
Chavanals out of the village and the symbol and its effects.
to a safer part of the country. •• That’s when they made
(Promising and then failing to contact with the beast.
deliver this help results in a terrible •• By eating human flesh, the
fate for the Chavanals, which you leaders of the cult gain a
reveal later. Choose the exact telepathic connection with it.
details of this demise based on •• It protects the village,
events of the scenario so far. and they protect it.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
•• They do not insist that everyone realizes that if the war comes
join the cult, merely that any closer, Gévaudan will face
they avoid interfering with it. scrutiny it isn’t prepared for. The
Arielle, like about a third of the beast has foretold the coming of
occupants, has never partaken. possible helpers who will shield
•• Before the war, Valérie could the village from harm. When she
have said the same. But hunger, meets the squad, she wonders
it is a terrible master… if they might be the new recruits
she’s looking for.
As they talk to her, she tries
as subtly as possible to test
Madame Mareuil them for openness to this idea.
Scene Type: Core Mareuil asks about one or more
Lead-Ins: Worried Mother, Well- PCs’ Damn Peculiar Thing. What
Fed Peasants, Chastel Again she says exactly depends on
Lead-Outs: The Meat Locker, the character(s), but might go
The Reader, Command the something like this:
Beast •• “You look like the sort of
fellow who hears strange
voices calling his name.”
If the group seeks out Madame •• “This is a strange question
Mareuil at her home in the village, to ask, but have you ever
they interact with her as given in seen the sky turn white?”
this scene. •• “I sense a question hanging
They might head to The Meat over you. A question involving
Locker first. Unless they take a portrait from an old book.”
measures to ensure that she is (core, Command the Beast)
absent when they explore that She eases up immediately at any
location, they encounter her sign of resistance. But given an
there. A dialogue with her, in intrigued response she tries to
which she reveals information slowly maneuver the characters
given below, could also occur at to the point where one or more
the locker. of them willingly eat her human-
Mareuil, a sun-bronzed, white- infused salami slices.
haired woman, wears a blood-red Should the PCs resist at first but
kerchief. A bright yellow apron then try to rekindle the possibility
covers her plain peasant clothing. of a weird connection, you might
She looks at the squad as if decide that an Occultism spend,
appraising cattle, and squints one including a claim of past magical
of her eyes shut when annoyed or initiation, inspires her to relax her
surprised. guard again.
She doesn’t want trouble of any Do they completely refuse to
kind. But at the same time, she become her cat’s-paws? She
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Origin Story
At some point, the squad might ask Mareuil about the church
and how the village came to league itself with the beast.
She shares this information if she either absolutely trusts
them, or has good reason to think no harm will come of it. For
example, they might be tied to trees, waiting for the beast to
come and devour them.
The story goes like this: in 1895, the region’s misfits and
outlaws collectively dreamed of a royal patron, a protecting
king who dwelled beneath a pulsing white sky. Following his
commands, the dreamers converged on this uninhabited spot
and built a village together. They called it Gévaudan, a name
used during the prerevolutionary period to refer to the entire
area. After they consecrated their fake-medieval church with the
Yellow Sign, the beast strolled into the town. It whispered into
their minds, establishing the pact between village and beast,
which hereafter would be maintained through the consumption
of human flesh.
Mareuil’s grandparents became the first intercessors between
the people and the wolf. They figured out how to make the beast’s
flesh rite bearable, by turning human carrion into saucissons.
Chastel could also share this story, under conditions similar
to those above. He might admit that his grandparents adopted
the name Chastel to claim kinship with the original beast
legend. Until then they went by the family name Duret.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – A Feast for Wolves
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T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Shock cards
R O B I N D . L AW S
Shock Shock
Before spending Morale to refresh PCs can spend Morale only after
another PC’s Composure, you must rolling a die and getting an even result.
roll a die, getting an even result. Discard as recipient of a
Discard as recipient of a Leadership spend.
3-point Morale spend.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
R O B I N D . L AW S
Shock Shock
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
-1 to Focus tests.
When you get to shore, roll a
die. Even: discard. Odd: discard
after two salient Focus failures.
Lose 1 Composure each time one or Lose 1 point from your lowest
more players breaks from the action pool each time one or more
to reference or discuss pop culture. players breaks from the action to
Discard as recipient of a reference or discuss pop culture.
Difficulty 4 Morale test. Discard after a ghost encounter
that does not leave you with
a Shock or Injury card.
Use in: W, A
R O B I N D . L AW S
Use in: W, A
Shock; Continuity
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
MORE COLD Shock; Continuity
Shock; Continuity
-2 to Composure tests.
-2 to Composure tests. At beginning of any scenario,
During any scenario after the one spend 3 Composure and roll a
where you gained this card, discard die. On an even result, trade
by spending 6 Composure. for “No Blood More Cold.”
Before any test, roll a die. Odd: lose Lose 3 Composure each time
1 point from the ability being tested. another investigator makes
Discard when you use an Investigative an Interpersonal Push.
ability to get a core clue. Discard by throwing a punch
at a GMC who seems to
be up to something.
R O B I N D . L AW S
Use in: W, A
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Use in: W, A
R O B I N D . L AW S
-1 to Composure tests.
Discard at end of session.
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Shock Shock; Continuity
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Injury cards
-1 to Physical and Focus tests.
Discard by eating a meal. -2 to Physical tests.
After eating a meal, make a
Difficulty 6 Health test. On a success,
trade for “Hunger.” On a failure,
trade for “Permanent Injury.”
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Injury Injury
Lose 1 Health. At the end of each Lose 2 Health and 1 point from
interval, roll a die. Odd: lose 1 Health. every other Physical pool.
Discard as recipient of Difficulty As recipient of a Difficulty 4
3 First Aid success. First Aid success, roll a die. Even:
discard. Odd: trade for “Unwell.”
Injury Injury
-1 to Focus tests. Counts as 2 Injury cards.
Trade for “Gangrene” if not Trade for “Permanent Injury”
removed from exposing conditions as recipient of Difficulty
within 10 minutes (world time). 5 First Aid success.
-2 to Physical tests.
As recipient of Difficulty 7 First
Aid success, roll a die. Even:
trade for “Patched Up.” Odd:
trade for “Shot Up Good.”
If still held at end of scenario, you
succumb to your injuries and die.
Injury Injury
Non-lethal. -1 to Physical tests. -2 to Physical tests.
Discard after an hour’s Discard when the squad Hunkers
rest (world time). Down, or trade for “Winded” as
recipient of a Difficulty 4 Scrounging
success. Scrounger must describe the
scrounged item that revives you.
Use in: W
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
-2 to Physical tests.
On a Difficulty 4 First Aid
success, roll a die. Even: trade
for “Light-Headed.” Odd:
trade for “Recovering.”
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
You can’t discard Injury cards. You can’t discard Injury cards.
At end of each interval, any PC who
At end of each interval, any PC who
can see you loses 1 Composure.
can see you loses 1 Composure. Discard as recipient of Difficulty
Discard as recipient of Difficulty 4 First Aid success. At start
3 First Aid success. of following interval, you gain
“Suppurator Graze.”
If still held at end of scenario, you die.
R O B I N D . L AW S
-2 to Physical tests.
Spend 2 Health to trade for
“Shell-Shocked” and “Patched
Up.” Spend 4 Health to trade
for your choice of either.
Lose Health equal to your margin Roll a die: add the result to the margin
on the Battlefield test +1. of the test to avoid this bite. Lose
Discard after two intervals on shore. that number of Battlefield points.
Trade for “Cough, Choke, Splutter”
on a Difficulty 4 First Aid success,
received during the current interval. If
received later, trade for “Recovering.”
Use in: W, A
Non-lethal. -1 to Physical tests.
After a Physical failure, -2 to Physical tests.
spend 1 Health to discard. As recipient of a Difficulty 5
First Aid success, roll a die.
Even: trade for “Splinter.” Odd:
trade for “Patched Up.”
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
R O B I N D . L AW S
-2 to Physical tests.
Trade for the card “Patched
Up” as recipient of Difficulty
5 First Aid success.
If still held at end of scenario, you
succumb to your injuries and die.
Injury Injury
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Use in: W, A
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Injury Injury
-1 to all tests.
Discard at end of session.
Trade for “Patched Up” when -1 to all tests. First Aid tests in which
you take another Injury card. you are the recipient take a -1 penalty.
Discard at end of session. Trade for “Patched Up” as recipient
of Difficulty 4 First Aid success.
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Injury Injury
R O B I N D . L AW S
Roll a die. Even: discard immediately. Roll a die: lose that number of points
Odd: lose Health equal to from Health, Athletics, and Fighting
your die roll. Discard after in a distribution of your choice.
an hour (world time). Discard after an hour (world time).
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
You are knocked out and wake up in You are knocked out and wake up
the foe’s clutches. -1 to Presence tests. in the foe’s clutches. -2 to tests.
Discard on your first Presence test After you escape or are rescued,
following your escape or rescue. trade for “Patched Up” as recipient
of 2-point First Aid spend or
“Dazed” on a 4-point spend.
Discard after your next test. -1 to any test you spend points on.
If that test is a Focus test, it Discard by killing the
takes a -2 penalty. Otherwise, redmedic who healed you.
the test takes a -1 penalty.
R O B I N D . L AW S
T h e Y E L L O W K I N G R P G : The Wars – Cards
Your next test takes a penalty: -2 to Physical tests. Trade for “Patched
-2 for a Physical test, -1 for any Up” and “Shaken” as recipient of a
other test. Then discard. successful Difficulty 6 First Aid test.
Character Sheet
Artillery (Physical) Mechanics (Focus)
Athletics (Physical) Morale (Presence)
Battlefield (Physical) Preparedness (Presence)
Composure (Presence) Riding (Physical)
Driving (Physical) Scrounging (Presence)
Fighting (Physical) Sense Trouble (Presence)
First Aid (Focus) Sneaking (Focus)
Health (Physical) Traps and Bombs (Focus)
In The Wars you play a squad of Pah! How absurd. You must be
French soldiers enmeshed in the hungry. Are there uneaten rations
Continental War. Your missions still in your pack?
lead you to occult mysteries. Your GM will tell you which nations
Your investigations allow you to belong to the Loyalist alliance. You
confront and destroy the enemy will also learn which nations make
forces and alien beings marauding up the enemy side, and what they
their way across Europe. call themselves. If you already played
Your game begins several years into YKRPG’s Paris sequence, you may
the war, in 1947. The enemy presses spot some connections between the
hard on France and the other previous characters’ choices and the
nations of the Loyalist alliance. configuration of the current struggle.
Bone-weary and shell-shocked,
you don’t think much about Character Creation
the broader causes behind the As your GM guides you through
war. The great game between the steps of character creation,
nations matters little when you’re keep the following in mind:
shivering in a ditch, hoping the The General abilities Fighting and
things dropping from the sky are Composure remain key to survival.
allied paratroopers and not jelly- Here they are joined by Battlefield,
encased weeping mines. the ability you’ll be testing when
The indifference you feel toward evading the many impersonal
the greater scheme of the conflict hazards of war, from bombardments
goes beyond your focus on the to grenades to aircraft falling out
here-and-now of daily survival. of the sky right where you happen
In those rare moments when to be standing. Consider taking 6-8
you do try to contemplate the points in each.
events leading up to the war, Other new abilities, Morale and
your head begins to throb and Scrounging, allow (among other
thud. The harder you try to pierce things) one character to refresh
through the mental fog, the the Composure and Battlefield
duller your perceptions become. abilities, respectively, of other
If you didn’t know better, you’d players. Your characters will last
conclude that some vast, malign longer if a couple of players invest
intelligence plays humankind for points in these.
puppets, taking delight as great
nations destroy themselves in a Embracing the Premise
meaningless war, conducted for In a typical scenario, a superior
alien amusement. officer played by the GM assigns
Player name
Character name
Accounting (A)
Assess Honesty (I)
Blueblood (I)
Chemistry (T)
Farming (T)
Humanities (A)
Hunting (T)
Inspiration (I)
Interrogation (I)
Intimidation (I)
Intuition (I)
Law (A)
Lowlife (I)
Medicine (T)
Negotiation (I)
Occultism (A)
Photography (T)
Reassurance (I)
Science (A)
Terrain (T)
Group Matrix
Civilian That Damn
Player Character Drive Connection
Occupation Peculiar Thing
Weak 2 3 3 0
Tough but
2 4 3 0
Evenly Matched 3 5 4 1
Superior 4 5 4 1
Vastly Superior 3 6 7 2
Overwhelming 5 7 7 2
Too Awful to
5 8 8 3
Inside a Structure
Beside Pinned by
When Bombers 3 Battlefield
Yourself Debris
Take It Out
Your Lucky
Strafed 3 Battlefield Charm Caught Perforated
a Bullet
Three Inches
4 Battlefield Caked in Ash to The Left and
You’d Be Dust
An Aircraft Crash Flaming
3 Battlefield Flying Leap
Lands on You Debris
Muscle Rapid
Cholera 4 Health
Cramps Dehydration
Exposure to Earthly
4 Health Unwell Dysentery
Hunger 4 Health Hunger
Agony of
Thirst 4 Health Kidney Failure
Trenchfoot 4 Health Gangrene
Tumble Down a
Hillside (Exposed 4 Battlefield Scuffed Up Torn Ligament
to Enemy)
Tumble Down a
Hillside (No Enemy 4 Athletics Scuffed Up Torn Ligament
Nerve Gas 5 Battlefield Blurred Vision
On a Torpedoed
5 Battlefield Sharp, Into the Drink
Water’s Hard
Radiation Poisoning Internal
5 Health Convulsions
(Earthly) Bleeding
Bruised While
Rifle Fire 5 Battlefield Rifle Hit
Taking Cover
Stalker Fire: Flame
5 Battlefield Burned Roasted
Trapped on a Ship Into the
5 Battlefield Against the
as It Sinks Depths
Exposure to
6 Health Soul Decay Black Blood
Carcosan Parasites
Radiation Poisoning
6 Health Susceptible Black Tears
Stalker Fire: Worse Than It Thoroughly
6 Battlefield
Machine Gun Looks Perforated
Drenched in
Stink Grenade 8 Health Stink Grenade
* -1 Difficulty for each previous time you’ve seen someone killed with this particular weapon
**+3 Difficulty if victims are innocent civilians