Brochure - Unitox Perfect

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Biotransformation Beyond Mycotoxin Binding

P.O. Box: 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Tel: +971 6 502 9000, Fax: +971 6 528 2838
Unitox Perfect is a synergistic blend of specifically selected binders, enzymatic biotransformators and
botanicals. Multi-layered mineral components and yeast sources adsorb, bind and inactivate both polar
and non-polar mycotoxins (Aflatoxin (AFL), Ochratoxin (OTA), T-2 Toxin and Zearalenone (ZEN) at
maximum. The modified minerals are registered by EFSA for the reduction of the contamination of
feed by mycotoxins (category 1, functional group m, EU No. 1060/2013). The combination of carefully
selected herbs and plants make a unique design for detoxification and organ recovery for all animal
species. Finally the enzymes Esterase and de-Epoxidase function to transform Deoxynivalenol (DON) &
ZEN into non-toxic* molecules and eliminate them from the animal’s body.

The Unitox product range provides several unique mycotoxin-protection solutions. After many years
of experience in this field, as well as research, development and (in vivo + in vitro) trials, IFFCO
Animal Nutrition has become a specialist in the field of mycotoxin inactivation. IFFCO Animal Nutrition
Unitox range is made up of 3 brands which bind, adsorb or biotransform a broader spectrum of myco-
toxins with every subsequent step. Unitox Perfect is the most advanced mycotoxinbinder in the range.

Unitox Perfect Active ingredient contains:

1. Multi-layered modified mineral blends.
2. Yeast sources and anti-oxidants, which inactivate (neutralize ), adsorbants selectively bind and
immobilize both polar and non-polar mycotoxins in the Gastro intestinal tract of animals at maximum:
AFL B1, B2, G1, G2 adsorption at 100%, OTA deactivation at 95%, T-2 Toxin at 77% and ZEN binding
at 95%. Furthermore the product contains carefully selected herbs, which provide detoxification of the
liver, pancreas and kidneys as well as organ recovery, after damage caused by mycotoxins. Moreover,
Unitox Perfect contains several products which have a positive effect on the immune system.
3. The key ingredients however are the enzymatic biotransformators which transform toxic molecules
like DON (also known as Vomitoxin) and ZEN, into non-toxic* molecules and eliminate them from the
animal’s body.

* 400 times less toxic than the original molecule

Manufacturing facility is GMP+ certified based in Netherlands, North of Europe.
Production Capacity is 100,000 mt/ year with
• 2 Fully automatic mixing lines, 1 Semi automatic, 1 Manual line
• Fully automated bagging + palletizing lines, 2 manual lines
• Production facility is also Halal & Kosher certified

P.O. Box: 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Tel: +971 6 502 9000, Fax: +971 6 528 2838
Unitox Perfect has been developed to reduce the
absorption of mycotoxins into the animal’s body, to
promote the excretion of mycotoxins and change
their mode of action by biotransformation into
significantly less toxic substances.

Mycotoxins are very stable toxic secondary metabo-

lites produced by several fungi, particularly by many
species of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penecillium, Clavi-
ceps and Alternaria. It has been estimated that at
least 300 of these fungal metabolites are potentially
toxic to animals and humans. The most intensively Most mycotoxins cause reduced feed intake and
decrease the production results. AFL-B also causes
investigated mycotoxins are Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1),
a food risk because of the transition of AFL-B into
Ochratoxin (OTA), Zearalenone (ZEN), Deoxynivale-
AFL-M in milk.
nol (DON, 'Vomitoxin'), T2 toxin, HT-2 toxin and
Fumonisins (FUM). Mycotoxins are produced by fungi,
The presence of one mycotoxin is usually an
mainly during growth (est. 95%) and during storage
indication for the presence of several other myco-
(est. 5%) of raw materials like grains and other
toxins: e.g. Fusarium graminearum produces DON
agricultural commodities.
as well as ZEN.

The mycotoxins AFL-B2, T-2, DON and OTA have a

The mode of action of Unitox Perfect is:
negative effect on the immune system. This may
1. Adsorption: Several types of modified Hydrated
result in decreased effectiveness of medication and
Sodium Calcium Aluminium Silicates (double and
increased sensitivity towards many diseases (e.g.
multiple layer HSCAS) function as a chemical
lung diseases, laminitis, mastitis, ketosis, PIA and
sponge and adsorb mycotoxins in the Gastro
Circo). OTA, FUM and AFL-B1 also cause damage to
Intestinal Tract. The most important characteristics
many organs such as the liver, the kidneys and the
of these HSCAS are their unique structure, the total
pancreas. Besides that, OTA, T-2 and DON mycotox- negative or positive ionic charge & charge-distribu-
ins function as free radicals, causing damage to tion, the size of the pores and the accessible
essential amino acids, carotenoids and vitamins in surface. All these specific characteristics result in a
the digestive tract. maximum adsorption of AFL (B1, B2, G1, G2), OTA,
T2-Toxin and ZEA.

2. Binding: Yeast Cell Walls contain polysaccharides

(Glucans & Mannans), proteins and lipids, which
contain numerous easily accessible ‘adsorption
centres’ using different binding mechanisms:
Hydrogen bonds, Vanderwaals bonds and ionic or
hydrophobic interactions.

Other well-known negative effects of mycotoxins are

reduced fertility, delayed sexual maturation, lower
conception rates, ovarian cysts and embryotic loss
(mainly caused by ZEA, T-2 and DON).

β-glucans vs. AFL β-glucans vs. ZEN

P.O. Box: 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Tel: +971 6 502 9000, Fax: +971 6 528 2838
3. Anti-Oxidant protection effect: Some mycotoxins In-vitro university trials have demonstrated a
function as free radicals (OTA, T2-Toxin and DON). significant detoxification capacity of Unitox Perfect,
The anti-oxidants present in Unitox Perfect as measured at 200ng/ml at a dosage of
protect against cell damage, lipid peroxidation and 0.5% (legally defined contents for trials):
damage to essential nutrients.

4. Recovery and Promotion: Botanicals like Sylibum

Marianum, Artichoke and Rosemary improve and
recover the functions of the liver, kidneys,
spleen and pancreas. The main mode of action
of these herbs and plants are their antioxidative,
antifibrotic and anti-inflammatory activity,
immune modulating effect and of course
detoxification of the aforementioned organs.

In-vivo trials have proven a positive effect of

Unitox Perfect on technical performance of
broiler fed with 1. Feed containing low levels of
Mycotoxins (362 μ/kg DON & 62 μ/kg ZEN) and
2. Feed containing high levels of Mycotoxins
(1250 μ/kg DON & 99 μ/kg ZEN). The maximum
5. Biotransformation: a process in which a permitted European levels of both mycotoxins are
poisonous chemical product is subjected to 900 and 100 μ/kg respectively.
chemical changes due to enzymatic or microbial
degradation. This results in non- or significantly
less toxic metabolites.

The broiler fed with both types of feed (i.e. normal

and high mycotoxin contamination), with an addition
Deoxynivalenol Detoxified Form of 0.25% Unitox Perfect, showed a lower Feed
Conversion Ratio (up to -4.3%) and a higher
The epoxide ring is responsible for the toxicity of Average Daily Growth (up to +12%).
Trichotecenes. The reductive de-epoxidation
results in a significant loss of toxicity (400x). In Nutrient Values: Unitox Perfect does not alter the
addition, DON becomes less polar and can also nutritional value of final feed or Affect any of the
be bound by Glucan / Mannan Polysaccharides. other feed ingredients.
Unitox Perfect
for healthy and profitable feed!

Zearalenone Detoxified Form

ZEN is biotransformed into a detoxified

metabolite, by means of the enzyme Esterase.
Important: During this transformation, no toxic
α-Zearalenone is formed.

P.O. Box: 4115, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Tel: +971 6 502 9000, Fax: +971 6 528 2838

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