HSSE-R-011 - Project HSSE Reviews (PHSSER)

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Regulation Class Document Class

Recommendation Main Document

Regulation Title

Project HSSE Reviews (PHSSER)

Health, Safety, Security and Environment

To provide guidance on the Project HSSE Review process adopted by OMV Group throughout the project lifecycle.
It outlines the Review procedure, recommended composition of the Review team, responsibilities for key personnel
and the code of conduct to be followed by the Review team. It also provides details of the methodology for
assessing which development projects should be subject to the PHSSER process.

Target Group
All employees involved in Capital Projects

Scope of Effectiveness
OMV Aktiengesellschaft and all companies which are fully consolidated. In companies not fully consolidated, where
OMV Aktiengesellschaft has a controlling interest. All stock corporations are excluded with the result that these
regulations have to be separately enforced in these entities.

Responsible for Content: GTM-H Mir Kazim Ali 13.04.2012

Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

Regulation Approver 1: GT-M Rob Laane 13.04.2012

Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

Regulation Approver 2: GT-R Roderick David Ritchie 16.04.2012

Org. Unit First- Last Name Signature Date

As approved by the Executive Board of: Not applicable


Effective as of: 20.04.2012


In the interests of simplicity and readability, the language of this statement is gender neutral to the extent possible. Where
applicable, the masculine includes the feminine. Print-out is only valid on the date printed. Check for the latest version in the
Regulations Platform. In case of conflict, the document in its Master Language must be applied.

HSSE-R-011 Master Language: English

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Index of content
1. Introduction & Intended Purpose of Regulation ...............................................................3
1.1. Objective and Scope .......................................................................................................3
2. Content of Regulation..........................................................................................................3
2.1. PHSSE Review Stages.....................................................................................................3
2.2. PHSSE Review Team.......................................................................................................4
2.3. PHSSE Review Process...................................................................................................4
2.4. Responsibilities................................................................................................................4
2.4.1. Corporate HSSE Managers (Business Partners of respective Business)....................4
2.4.2. Project Owner ..................................................................................................................5
2.4.3. Project Manager ..............................................................................................................5
2.4.4. Operations Manager/Plant Manager (for PHSSER Stage 5) ........................................5
2.4.5. Team Leader ....................................................................................................................5
2.5. Terms of Reference (ToR) ...............................................................................................6
2.5.1. PHSSER Stage 1 (DEFINE Phase)...................................................................................6
2.5.2. PHSSER Stage 2 (EXECUTE Phase – Engineering).......................................................6
2.5.3. PHSSER Stage 3 (EXECUTE Phase – Construction) .....................................................6
2.5.4. PHSSER Stage 4 (EXECUTE Phase – Commissioning/Pre-Start-Up) ..........................7
2.5.5. PHSSER Stage 5 (OPERATE Phase – Post six months takeover/steady operations).7
2.6. Facilitation and Access ...................................................................................................7
2.7. Code of Conduct ..............................................................................................................8
3. Internal Reference Links ......................................................................................................8
4. External Reference Links .....................................................................................................8
5. Obsolete Regulations ..........................................................................................................8
6. Certification Standards........................................................................................................8
7. Terms & Abbreviations .......................................................................................................8
8. Keywords / Search Criteria..................................................................................................9
9. Annexes ................................................................................................................................9
10. Amendments from Previous Versions ...............................................................................9
Annex I: Project HSSE Risk Ranking Methodology ...................................................................10
Annex II: Pro-forma for Review Team Findings and Project Response...................................15
Annex III: Example of PHSSER Schedule ...................................................................................17

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1. Introduction & Intended Purpose of Regulation

1.1. Objective and Scope

This Recommendation provides guidance on the Project HSSE Review (PHSSER) process
adopted by the OMV Group throughout the project lifecycle (i.e. Identify & Assess, Select,
Define, Execute and Operate). It is applicable to both major and minor ‘greenfield’ and
‘brownfield’ development projects and projects involving major changes or upgrades to existing
operating facilities.

In the context of this Regulation a project is defined as a Capital Project with a total budget
greater than EUR 20 million. Smaller Capital Projects should apply the same principles and

The objectives of a PHSSER are to provide an independent and authoritative assessment of the

 Compliance with the OMV Group Sustainability:HSSE Policy, Corporate HSSE Management
System (as per the 12 policy Elements and their objectives) Directive and Standards;
 Compliance with all relevant legislation and OMV Group Standards;
 Reduction of HSSE risks to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP);
 Effectiveness of the project HSSE plan;
 Effectiveness of the systems put in place for the management of process safety and
technical integrity;
 Any special aspects specific to the development project;
 Identification of actions for improvement.

The findings and recommendations of the PHSSER team, along with the response from the
Project are documented and formally communicated to the Project Owner, Executive Board
Member/SVP of Business Segment, SVP Corporate HSSE and SVP Corporate Project
Management and Corporate Project Management GTM-H (Project Related HSSE).

2. Content of Regulation

2.1. PHSSE Review Stages

As illustrated below, five PHSSER stages (1-5) should be conducted throughout the project

The requirement as to whether a project should be subject to a PHSSER process shall be

determined at the start of the project, by the Project Owner in consultation with local HSSE
Manager or HSSE (Business Partner) (refer to Annex I for risk ranking methodology).

Each PHSSER stage, as illustrated above, is commenced when a project phase is around 60 to
80% complete. It is recommended that where practicable the PHSSER Stage 4 should be
combined with the IGR 4. Depending on the project, and on agreement with the Project Owner
and HSSE Business Partner, the PHSSER Stage 2 and 3 may be conducted together as
appropriate with the Execution Progress Reviews (EPRs), i.e. during Execute Phase, subject to
determining that the HSSE review process is not diluted and compromised due to time
constraint or lack of skills and experience on the review team.

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2.2. PHSSE Review Team

A PHSSER team leader, who is independent of the project, shall be selected by the HSSE
(Business Partner). The team leader shall then assemble a team of experts (independent from
the project) relevant to the PHSSER stage to conduct the Review. These may include, for

 Technical/HSSE management systems experts;

 Operations representative;
 Specialists (e.g. marine, drilling, process engineering, technical safety, environmental,
medical, structural, security, etc.).

The size and composition of the team will vary depending on the project. The team leader will
determine who shall be on the team based on the skills and experience required. Where
appropriate the team leader may ask for a Project representative to join the team to help
facilitate the review.

2.3. PHSSE Review Process

After appointment of the team leader, the general steps of a PHSSER shall be as follows:

 Preliminary information provided to PHSSER team leader by the Project;

 Team leader assesses information and decides on the skills/experience required for the
 Team leader identifies specific preparatory information and Project supplies this
 Team leader with assistance from the Project Manager, Project HSSE Manager/Advisor and
HSSE (Business Partner) prepares a detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Review
outlining, for example, responsibilities, documents to be reviewed (refer to Section 2.4),
personnel to be interviewed, contractor site visits/field trip location, dates, etc.;
 PHSSER team leader communicates well in advance (i.e. 3-4 weeks) plan to the Project
Manager to enable them to facilitate the Review;
 PHSSER team executes the Review;
 On arrival a kick off meeting shall be held to brief the Project on the purpose and protocol of
the review and, prior to departure from the project offices, a close-out meeting shall be held
to communicate and agree the main findings and recommendations from the Review with
the Project Manager;
 The formal response from the Project is consolidated into the draft report;
 PHSSER final report prepared and approved for issue by the HSSE (Business Partner).

2.4. Responsibilities

2.4.1. Corporate HSSE Managers (Business Partners of respective Business)

The Corporate HSSE Manager (Business Partner) shall be responsible for:

 In consultation with the Project Owner deciding if the PHSSER process is required for a
development project (refer to Annex I for decision making criteria);
 In consultation with Corporate Project Management GTM-H (Project Related HSSE)
ensuring, that the PHSSER is conducted to an acceptable and consistent quality;
 Approving the PHSSER team leader and ToR;
 Approving the final report;
 Communicating findings to the Project Owner, Executive Board Member/SVP of Business
Segment, SVP Corporate HSSE, SVP Corporate Project Management and Corporate Project
Management GTM-H (Project Related HSSE).

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2.4.2. Project Owner

The Project Owner for a project shall be responsible for:

 Prior to the commencement of a project providing information to the HSSE (Business

Partner) in order that a decision can be taken about whether the PHSSER process will apply
to the project i.e. as per risk ranking methodology provided in the Annex I of the document;
 Ensuring that PHSSERs are included in the Project Assurance Plan (PAP) and that they are
implemented as scheduled;
 Making resources available to implement this Recommendation and ensuring that all costs
for PHSSERs are included in the project budget
 Ensure PHSSER recommendations are closed out, or any non-compliance with
recommendations is explained and authorized.

2.4.3. Project Manager

The Project Manager shall be responsible for:

 Planning the requirements for PHSSERs within the project PAP;

 Assisting in the preparation and endorsing the ToR;
 Making personnel/facilities/information available and assisting the PHSSER team in the
completion of its duties;
 Completing the Project response part of the final report;
 Implementing the recommendations from the PHSSER.

2.4.4. Operations Manager/Plant Manager (for PHSSER Stage 5)

The Operations Manager/Plant Manager shall be responsible for:

 Planning the requirements for PHSSERs post six month takeover/steady operations;
 Assisting in the preparation and endorsing the ToR;
 Making personnel/facilities/information available and assisting the PHSSER team in the
completion of its duties;
 Completing the Operations response part of the final report;
 Implementing the recommendations from the PHSSER.

2.4.5. Team Leader

The Team Leader shall be responsible for:

 Preparing the ToR in consultation with the Project Manager and HSSE (Business Partner);
 Selecting team members for the PHSSER;
 Identifying preparatory material for the team to review before the start of the PHSSER;
 Preparing the schedule of the interviews and meetings (refer to the example in Annex III);
 Managing the PHSSER including interfaces with any contractors or suppliers that are being
 Ensuring that sufficient investigations are carried out to give an authoritative assessment of
the project;
 Revising the ToR if during the PHSSER more information is revealed that may require a
different approach to attain the objectives of the Project HSSE Review process.
 Making presentation in the kick off meeting to the Project team of the PHSSER;
 Presenting findings and recommendations in a close out meeting to the Project Owner and
project team
 Preparing a final report containing the findings and recommendations from the Review.

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2.5. Terms of Reference (ToR)

The following section provides an overview of the key HSSE documents which should be
considered for review and therefore included in the ToR for each PHSSER stage.

2.5.1. PHSSER Stage 1 (DEFINE Phase)

Examples of HSSE documentation to be provided as pre-reading or during PHSSER Stage 1

include, but are not limited to:

 Project Execution Plan/Project Assurance Plan

 Project Organisation Chart
 Project HSSE Plan including Project HSSE Targets/Objectives and KPIs
 Project Quality Assurance Plan (assurance audit schedule included)
 Project HAZID and HSSE Risk Assessment Report/Register
 Project Action Tracking Register
 Equipment RAM analysis report
 Operability and Maintainability Analysis report
 Constructability report
 Updated E&SIA Report (based on project activity specific impacts)
 Stakeholder Engagement Plan
 Legal Compliance Register
 SIMOPS Plan (where applicable)
 ALARP demonstration, safety engineering documentation and evidence of process safety
and technical integrity integration in design
 HAZOP study and SIL classification report
 List of Safety Critical Elements (SCE)

2.5.2. PHSSER Stage 2 (EXECUTE Phase – Engineering)

Examples of HSSE documentation to be provided as pre-reading or during PHSSER Stage 2

include, but are not limited to:

 Status of actions on findings and recommendations from PHSSER Stage 1

 Contractor HSSE Plan, including Community Relations Plan for site construction
 Updated Project HSSE Risk Register
 Updated HAZOP study and SIL classification report
 ALARP demonstration, updated safety engineering documentation and evidence of technical
safety integration in design
 Updated list of SCE, performance standards for SCE and schemes of verification and
examination for SCE
 Management of Change record
 Energy optimization and resource conservation assessment report
 Status of Legal compliance, licenses and permits
 Quality assurance audit reports (usually carried out by contractor with client participation on
the team)

2.5.3. PHSSER Stage 3 (EXECUTE Phase – Construction)

Examples of HSSE documentation to be provided as pre-reading or during PHSSER Stage 3

include, but are not limited to:

 Status of actions on findings and recommendations from PHSSER Stage 2

 Updated Contractor’s HSSE Plan and Quality Assurance Plan for construction stage
 Contractor’s procedures (safe system of work), method statements/ job safety assessment
on safety critical activities

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 Interface management (applicable in case of multi-contractors environment)
 Evidence that HSSE Plans (e.g. Environmental Monitoring Plan, Community Relations Plan
etc.) are being implemented
 Medivac/Emergency Response Plan
 HSSE audits and inspection record/reports of construction sites

2.5.4. PHSSER Stage 4 (EXECUTE Phase – Commissioning/Pre-Start-Up)

Examples of HSSE documentation to be provided as pre-reading or during PHSSER Stage 4

include, but are not limited to:

 Status of actions on findings and recommendations from PHSSER Stage 3

 Commissioning organisation chart (integrated with future O&M team members)
 Commissioning procedures
 Safety critical procedures (PTW, Start-up and shutdown procedures, ERP/Medivac, etc.)
 Emergency Response Plan and fire/medevac drills
 HSSE and skills training programme (including vender packages) for Operational O&M staff
 Audit and review plan(s)
 Independent verification and functional testing of SCE and safety critical loops i.e.
equipment certificates issued by “Notified Bodies” (DNV, ABS, Lloyds and TÜV, ISCIR, etc.)
 OR&A review report
 Closeout report on all HSSE related actions in project Action Tracking Register
 ALARP Demonstration

2.5.5. PHSSER Stage 5 (OPERATE Phase – Post six months takeover/steady operations)

Examples of HSSE documentation to be provided as pre-reading or during PHSSER Stage 5

include, but are not limited to:

 Status of actions on findings and recommendations from PHSSER Stage 4

 HSSE business plan and key HSSE procedures for operations including evidence of
 Environmental monitoring and management plan
 Community relations and community development plan
 Management of Change record
 HSSE Audit and Health & Hygiene inspection reports
 Incident and accident record and investigation reports
 HSSE training records
 Previous PHSSER reports with close-out status on actions
 HSSE lessons learned report(s)

2.6. Facilitation and Access

To satisfy the objectives of this Recommendation the Project HSSE Review team shall be
provided with:

 Full access to project documentation/information;

 Access to key project personnel (including contractor’s personnel) for
 Access to observe activities and site visits;
 Suitable facilities for interviews, documentation reviews, meetings and data assessments,
 Transportation to relevant sites (e.g. construction sites, offshore facilities etc.);
 Full and visible commitment from the Project Manager.

Facilitation and access shall be provided at all sites or offices including contractors and

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2.7. Code of Conduct

The PHSSER team shall undertake their tasks according to the following code of conduct:

 Respect commercial confidentiality and sign appropriate agreements to this effect;

 Work in a professional manner;
 Comply with all Project office/site HSSE rules;
 Conduct work with minimum disruption to project activities, commensurate with achieving
the objectives of the PHSSER;
 Report any issues of serious concern immediately to the team leader who shall then contact
the Project Manager and Project Owner;
 Keep to the ToR, subject to the responsibility of the team leader who should ensure the
overall objectives of the Review are achieved;
 Make presentations to the Project team about the purpose, details and close-out findings of
 Present the main findings of the Review to the Project Owner and Project Manager
immediately after the PHSSER is complete;
 Draft the final report in the standardized OMV Group format (refer to Annex II).

3. Internal Reference Links

 HSSE Policy
 HSSE Directive HSSE Management System
 Corporate HSSE Standard HSSE in Projects
 Corporate HSSE Recommendation Environmental Practices in Projects
 Capital Project Management Directive (GT-M 001)
 IGR & EPR Standard (GT-M 002)

4. External Reference Links


5. Obsolete Regulations

OMV-EP Standard Project HSE Reviews HSEQ-HQ-05-01-01

6. Certification Standards


7. Terms & Abbreviations

ALARP As low As Reasonably Practicable

Brownfield Brownfield is a project related to major upgrades, revamps,
major additions to existing works/plant/facilities
EPR Execution Progress Review
ERP Emergency Response Plan
E&SIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Greenfield Greenfield is a project which lacks any constraints imposed by
prior works (i.e. new developments which are built from the
HAZOP HAZard and OPerability Study
HSSE Health, Safety , Security and Environment
IGR Independent Gate Review
KPIs Key Performance Indicators

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MAE Major Accident Event
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OR&A Operations Readiness & Assurance review
PAP Project Assurance Plan
PHSSER Project Health, Safety , Security and Environment Review
PM Project Manager
PO Project Owner
Project In the context of this Standard a project is defined as a Capital
Project with a total budget greater than EUR 20 million. Smaller
capital projects, should apply the same principles and practices,
as these are eminently scale-able.
PTW Permit to Work
RAM Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
SCE Safety Critical Elements
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations
SVP Senior Vice President
ToR Terms of Reference

8. Keywords / Search Criteria

HSSE, PHSSER, PHSSE Review, Project HSSE Risk Level

9. Annexes

 Annex I: Risk Level

 Annex II: Pro-forma for Review Team Findings and Project Response
 Annex III: Example of PHSSER Schedule

10. Amendments from Previous Versions

Date of Regulation
Changes to previous versions:
effectiveness: code:
20.04.2012 HSSE-R-011 New Version

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Annex I: Project HSSE Risk Ranking Methodology

This Annex outlines the risk ranking methodology to be used to assess which development
projects should be subject to the PHSSER process. At the beginning of a project the Project
Owner in consultation with HSSE (Business Partner) is responsible for determining whether
PHSSERs are required for the project. The Project Owner is also responsible for ensuring that
these reviews (i.e. where applicable) are included in the Project Assurance Plan.

1. Determining the Project HSSE Risk Level

The Project Manager should assign a numerical score to the following risk factors (a description
of the risk factors and the scoring system is described in the next section):

 Capital cost (C)

 Regulatory and legal environment (L)
 Safety and asset loss (S)
 Health (H)
 Technical complexity or innovation (T)
 Environment (E)
 Security (Sec)
 Community relations (X)

The overall risk (R) shall be determined by the summation of all the above risk factor scores, i.e.:

RISK LEVEL = C + L + S + H + T + E + Sec + X

The risk level score shall then be applied as follows to determine if the PHSSER process is

Project HSSE Risk Level (R)

0 to 4 5 to 10 10 to 37
Low Medium High
PHSSER process does not Discuss requirement with PHSSER process applies
apply HSSE (Business Partner)

Table - 1

When a development is carried out in stages (e.g. temporary early production system followed
by further drilling and permanent full production systems) the risk factors
(C+L+S+H+T+E+Sec+X) should be allocated based on the potential maximum final development

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2. Risk Factors and Associated Scoring System

Capital Cost (C)

A score should be assigned based on the overall budgeted cost for the project (in Euros).

Capital Cost (C) Factor

Score Onshore Cost Offshore Cost
0 <€1 MM <€2 MM
1 €1 to <€5 MM €2 to <€10 MM
2 >€5 MM >€10 MM

Where a development has onshore and offshore facilities, then the total project value should be
used and treated as wholly offshore for the purposes of allocating the ‘C’ factor.

Regulatory and Legal Environment (L)

A score should be assigned based on how rigorous the legal HSSE regime is and also if the
regulators for HSSE are well resourced and can enforce high standards on Operators.

Regulatory and Legal Environment (L) Factor

Score Criteria
0 Very strong legal requirements that are generally well enforced
2 Legal requirements are variable and not always well enforced
5 Minimal or no legal requirements and enforcement is negligible

Safety and Asset Loss (S)

A score should be assigned based on the potential for a major accident event (MAE) or asset
loss to occur.

Safety and Asset Loss (S) Factor

Score Criteria
0 Low consequence or no potential to cause injury or not
detrimental to performance of work or no asset loss
2 Potential of single fatality/major injury or major asset loss
5 Potential of MAE consequences such as fire & explosion,
multiple fatalities or extensive asset loss

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Health (H)
A score should be assigned based on whether the facilities (including any intermediate
construction sites) are located in a known health risk area or if the facilities could create health
problems when in operation. The highest score from the ‘Region’ or ‘Facility’ column should be
assigned to the Health (H) factor.

Health (H) Factor

Score Geographic Region Operational Facility
0 Personnel will be living and working in Operation of the facilities will not
region(s) that have low health risk with create major health risks. Inventories
good medical care readily available. of hazardous substances are minimal
or low.
2 Personnel will be living and working in Operation of the facilities may involve
region(s) that have some known health processing of toxic substances such as
risks and good medical care may not H2S. Inventories of hazardous
be readily available. substances are low.
5 Personnel will be living and working in Operation of the facilities involves
region(s) that have high health risks processing of toxic such as H2S or
and good medical care is not readily other substances that are hazardous to
available. health.

Technical Complexity or Innovation (T)

This factor corresponds to safety risks that could arise from the complexity of the project or that
it is innovative (i.e. using new technology or it is the first time OMV Group have done such a
project). A score should be assigned as follows.

Technical Complexity or Innovation (T) Factor

Score Criteria
0 Type of project has been done before in OMV Group and/or no new
technology is involved. Technically not complex.
2 Some aspects of the project are new to OMV Group and/or new
technology is involved. Low to medium complexity.
5 A new type of project for OMV Group and/or significant new technology
is being used. Medium to high technical complexity. Deviation from
proven technology.

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Environment (E)
This factor considers if the facilities will be located in an environmentally sensitive area or the
project has the potential to cause a significant environmental impact during construction and
installation and/or operation. The highest score from any column should be used to assign to the
Environment (E) factor.

Environment (E) Factor

Score Qualitative Quantitative*
Emissions** Discharges Energy
Offshore Intensity**
0 Facilities will not be
located in a particularly <100 t CO2 /
sensitive environment. 1,000 t OE No produced
Minimal environmental water <0.5 GJ / t OE
impact during <0.02 t SOx / discharge
construction and 1,000 t OE
2 Identification of
significant environmental
aspects, facilities will be 100 – 200 t CO2 /
Oil <20 ppm in
located in a sensitive area 1,000 t OE
produced 0.5 – 1.0 GJ / t
or offshore. Possible
water OE
major environmental 0.02 – 0.1 t SOx /
impacts during 1,000 t OE
construction and
5 Facilities are located in a
protected area or
offshore. Potential of
> 200 t CO2 /
major Environmental Oil >20 ppm in
1,000 t OE
pollution/consequences produced
> 1.0 GJ / t OE
during or potential for water
> 0.1 t SOx /
massive environmental discharge
1,000 t OE
impacts during drilling,
construction and
*Field life average values, **OE = oil equivalent

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Security (Sec)
A score should be assigned based on whether the facilities are located in an area of security
risks (including any intermediate construction sites) or if the facility is in an area of political or
social instability. The potential for terrorist activity should also be considered.

Security (Sec) Factor

Score Criteria
0 Facilities and intermediate sites are located in areas of low security risk.
2 Facilities or some intermediate sites are in areas of known security risks.
Potential political or social instability.
5 Facilities and intermediate sites are in regions of high security risk.
Significant political or social instability. Potential terrorism threat.

Community Relations (X)

This ranks whether local communities (or external pressure groups) want the development to
take place.

Community Relations (X) Factor

Score Criteria
0 Development welcomed by local communities. Social impact could be
2 Some resistance to development by local communities. Social impact
neutral or slightly negative.
5 Significant resistance anticipated from local communities. Social impact
could be negative. Outside pressure groups may have an agenda.

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Annex II: Pro-forma for Review Team Findings and Project Response

PHSSER Stage 1 (Project Phase – Define) – Findings and Recommendations

PHSSER Team Project Response

No Finding Recommendation Action Action By Whom & When Closed Verified
1. Leadership and Commitment
2. Organization
3. People, Competency and Behavior
4. Risk Management
5. Engineering and Project Management
6. Operations and Performance Management
7. Contracted Services
8. Planning and Cost Management
9. Incidents and Accidents

10. Emergency and Crisis Control

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PHSSER Stage 1 (Project Phase – Define) – Findings and Recommendations

PHSSER Team Project Response

No Finding Recommendation Action Action By Whom & When Closed Verified
11. Stakeholder Dialogue and Information Management
12. Audit and Review

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Annex III: Example of PHSSER Schedule

Mon 15.08.11 Tue 16.08.11 Wed 17.08.11 Thu 18.08.11 Fri 19.08.11
08:30-09:00 Review documents Review documents Review documents Interview Interview
Travel to project site
09:00-09:30 and preparation and preparation 14 15
Interview 11
09:30-10:00 Interview Interview Interview Interview Prepare close-out and
10:00-10:30 Kick off-meeting 3 4 9 10 Notes, de-brief presentation
10:30-11:00 preparation
Notes, de-brief, review Review documents Close-out
Team briefing documents and preparation Interview 12 meeting/presentation
Break Break Notes Break
13:00-13:30 Introduction, project Interview Interview Team performance
13:30-14:00 status, Q&A 5 6 assessment
Review Documents Notes, de-brief, De-brief preparation
preparation Travel
15:00-15:30 Interview Interview
Interview 13
15:30-16:00 1 2 Interview Interview
16:00-16:30 7 8
16:30-17:00 Notes, de-brief, review
De-brief preparation
17:00-17:30 documents Notes, de-brief
Travel Special PHSSER Team Break Project & PHSSER Interview
Meeting only Team

Interview No and Interviewee Interviewers


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