JKTech Brochure - Software (July2020) FINAL

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Simulation Software

Powerful simulation software to optimise the process and design of mineral processing
plants as well as blasting operations.

JKTech’s broad range of software JKSimMet JKSimMet allows the user to:
products cover blast movement,
• Build a graphic-based flowsheet
rock fragmentation, comminution, With over 600 licenses worldwide,
of the processing plant
flotation and mass balancing. JKSimMet is an award-winning,
general purpose software package • Mass balance mineral
Our significant world-wide sales are
for the analysis and simulation of processing circuits
testimony to our software products
crushing, grinding and classification
broad application and effectiveness. • Calibrate model parameters for
circuits in mineral processing
the specific equipment in the
Our simulation software includes operations.
• JKSimMet JKSimMet integrates all tasks
• Simulate the effect of changes
associated with data analysis,
• JKSimFloat in operating conditions and
optimisation, design and
flowsheets to predict product
• JKSimBlast simulation, including the storage
flows, size distributions, and
and manipulation of models,
• JKVBOC other key performance metrics
data and results. It is designed
such as power draws; enabling
• JKMultiBal for metallurgists to apply process
circuit optimisation
analysis techniques to optimise
plant performance, and design • Conduct conceptual flowsheet
engineers who require process greenfield and brownfield
simulation models to assess design design studies
JKSimMet v6.3

JKSimFloat JKSimBlast
JKSimFloat is a general purpose software package for Award-winning, general-purpose software for blast
the simulation of steady state performance in flotation design, analysis and management.
plant operations.
JKSimBlast covers the design, editing, simulation,
JKSimFloat integrates tasks associated with data analysis and management of blasting in mining and
analysis, and circuit simulation in one software package. related operations. The main modules are graphical
Fully interactive, it facilitates the display of detailed software programs: 2DBench applies to bench blasting
flotation flowsheets and accompanying information, for in surface mines; 2DRing applies to underground ring
easy interpretation of simulation data. blasting; and 2DFace applies to underground tunneling
The models behind JKSimFloat have been applied and development. The three modules give engineers
to over 100 flotation operations world-wide in and blasting personnel the ability to design and
commodities including base metals (e.g. lead, zinc, optimise the layout and initiation sequence of almost
copper, nickel) and precious metals (e.g. gold, any type of blast used in mining.
platinum). JKSimBlast allows the user to:
JKSimFloat allows the user to: • Layout a pattern of blastholes
• Build a graphic-based flowsheet of the processing • Load explosive decks and other materials in the
plant and test its performance holes
• Analyse batch cell and flotation plant data • Install downhole and surface delays, with primer and
• Mass balance on a size by assay and size by mineral connection details
basis • Simulate the detonation on screen
• Simulate the effect of changes in flowsheet to • Import and export data and print the blast
predict flows, recoveries and grades
JKSimBlast is distributed through Soft-Blast. Enquiries
can also be made through JKTech.

JK Value Based Ore Control (JKVBOC) is an engineering JKMultiBal is a powerful tool for the mass balancing
tool to simulate and predict blast movement in open pit of comminution and flotation circuits and other areas
mining to make proactive decisions. of mineral processing plants.
JKMultiBal allows the user to:
JKVBOC can be used to evaluate ore loss and dilution
in real time, or to perform several pre-blast simulations • Build a graphic-based flowsheet of the processing
to evaluate different blast pattern, blast timing and plant
initiation options. The total simulation time lies between
• Mass balance plant data to obtain a reconciled,
20 and 60 minutes depending on the size of the blast.
self-consistent data set for material flows, particle
JKVBOC allows the user to: size distributions, assays, size-by-assay and size-
by-mineral datasets
• Run multiple simulations daily to assess alternative
blast designs for improving the control of ore loss • Calculate missing data for streams within the
and dilution circuit
• Model blast movement and fragmentation in a
realistic time frame
• Find the best practices to maximise the value of the
• Develop digging strategies based on value rather
than on grade

JKTech Pty Ltd

CRICOS Provider 00025B

P: +61 73365 5842

E: [email protected]
W: jktech.com.au

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