Tourism in Nicaragua The Changes: English Communicative Iii - Sustainable Tourismv

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English Communicative III – Sustainable TourismV

Tourism in Nicaragua; the changes

The tourism in the actuality is the first economic activity in the planet. It passed from be a
complement to one of the most important activity in the all world. In the countries in
development is the best choice.

Since 1950 the international tourism began to be accessible for the public in general and is
growing up in a 7.5 % a year.

The touristic activity in Nicaragua is characteristic because a passive evolution but also is
significant. In the XIX century there are shies steps in the industry, in 1891 in Managua it´s
opened the first hotel of Nicaragua, hotel Lupone and in 1895.

In the 80´s there was a restructuration of the

industry touristic, in this time our country was in
the Sandinista revolution. The Sandinista
government made the Institute Nicaraguan of
Tourism (INTURISMO) who shared a “directed
tourism”. Besides in those years also existed
something called “popular tourism”, it means,
activity touristic of states workers. For another side
the Sandinista government redecorates the “popular
centers of tourism” (Pochomil, La Boquita, Xilóa, El
Trapiche, Granada, Catarina) and Las Segovias it´s
opened stores of touristic merchandise and existed buses
for national tours.

In 1993 created the Minister of Tourism (MITUR) who has as a function create a politic of
development touristic to eliminated he poor an insecurity image to the country put emphasis
in the ecotourism.

In 1996 he created the Master Plan for Tourism Development in Nicaragua that divides the
country into 6 tourist areas. In 1997se created the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (INTUR),
which is the agency that manages and runs today the country's tourism policy.Tourism in
Nicaragua is now an opportunity to diversify its economy. Our country is one of the most
visited by tourists intra-Central which is favored by the border agreements of CA-4. 1

The interest and expectations of Nicaraguan tourism

Tourism in Nicaragua is experiencing a sharp increase in visits but also in people who are
reported to travel to this beautiful country. This means that tourists are interested in
Nicaragua, for its attractions and a short-term future; you can visit this beautiful country.

Emilio M. ObiolMenero. Turismo en Nicaragua. Análisis desde la geografía.

Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, FAREM – Estelí

English Communicative III – Sustainable TourismV

Everyone knows that Nicaragua has many attractions that make tourists choose to travel the
country and that you enjoy your holiday in this part of the world.

Is expected to gradually improve the infrastructure and especially the hotels in Nicaragua,
which is a major improvement that should be done, but if we hotels in Nicaragua, we will find
budget hotels, quality and country tourist areas but we think that in the future to make
improvements here, so you can gradually increase tourism, although expectations are good for
the future in Nicaragua, which promises to be very good.

At this time of year when European tourists have mostly

rentals, Nicaragua will begin receiving a considerable amount
of tourists, so from now begins an era for tourism in
Nicaragua, which is expected to be good, all despite the crisis
and all the internal problems that Nicaragua is today, but
luckily is still an attractive country and will remain so in the
future, at least that is what is expected in Nicaragua.

The development of tourism is linked to technical and social

development of the era, to the great social transformations, the
opening of borders as the CA4, the removal of cumbersome visa, ease of transportation, now
no longer travels, the arrives, credit cards, termination of the Cold War.

Tourism is a natural phenomenon of economic and cultural riches, for being a social good is
the subject of administration. In some countries this activity lies in the private sector without
any state interference, but in others, as in Nicaragua, the Government formed a body to
ensure, protection and policies dictate. So it is the ultimate arbiter, the shaping of social order
for administration.

Tourism in itself is a phenomenon that comes from a number of factors that cannot obey one
will. That is why we must seek the appropriate springs to channel the flow of tourists, find the
appropriate means to aid, encourage, regulated it so that the tourist finds the right
environment for their development.

We mustbeclear, thefactthattourism anditsdevelopment today isone oftheworld's original

features Contemporary and culture, is a major social phenomenon which cannot be lefts
weathervane. The importance oftourismhas to be analyzedforall the problems, notonlyto
appreciatetheimpact this hasoneconomic,ortheir role as multipliers,
thentodayisconsideredanInvisibleExports, since it involvestheimport of currency,geographic
redistributionofincomenational, that is whywe muststudy itsevolution.

The industry grows

Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, FAREM – Estelí

English Communicative III – Sustainable TourismV

Tourism in Nicaragua has grown considerably recently, and it is now the second largest
industry in the nation. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has stated his intention to use
tourism to combat poverty throughout the country. The growth in tourism has positively
affected the agricultural, commercial, and finance industries, as well as the construction
industry. The results for Nicaragua's tourism-driven economy have been significant, with the
nation welcoming one million tourists in a calendar year for the first time in its history in 2010.

In 2005, 803,933 tourists visited Nicaragua, a noticeable improvement from the mere 579,165 in
2002. The tourism industry received US$ 240 million, outstripping the other main earner,
coffee. That same year Nicaragua received more visitors than Panama. The majority of tourists
came from the U.S., Europe, and Central and South America.

About 60,000 United States citizens visit Nicaragua yearly, primarily businessmen, tourists
and others visit relatives.

According to the Ministry of Tourism of Nicaragua (INTUR) the colonial city of Granada is the
preferred spot for tourists. Also, the cities of León, Masaya, Rivas and the likes of San Juan del
Sur, San Juan River, Ometepe, Mombacho Volcano, and others are main tourist attractions. In
addition, ecotourism and surfing attract many tourists to Nicaragua.

Also, a popular destination is the Corn Islands located about 70 km east off the Caribbean
coast of Nicaragua near Bluefields. They have been regarded as a "tropical paradise" by the
Los Angeles Times. Cruise ships have been docking in San Juan del Sur since January 2000 and
average 50,000 tourists alone every year, some who partake in tours to nearby Lake Cocibolca
and the colonial city of Granada.

Tourism organizations

The country currently has institutional and private agencies that regulate and manage to
promote tourism. between these instances may be mentioned CANTUR, CANATUR
RENITURAL, COODETUR, INTUR, Cabinets municipal of tourism, travel agencies, etc.These
institutions working towards sustainable tourism
development in Nicaragua and are fighting against the lack
of environmental awareness and tourism of Nicaraguans and

Ecological tourism

Ecotourism aims to be ecologically and socially conscious; it

focuses on local culture, wilderness, and adventure.
Nicaragua's eco-tourism is growing with every passing year,
it boasts a number of eco-tourist tours and perfect places for
adventurers. Nicaragua's eco-tourism is growing with every passing year, it boasts a number

Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, FAREM – Estelí

English Communicative III – Sustainable TourismV

of eco-tourist tours and perfect places for adventurers. Nicaragua has three eco-regions, the
Pacific, Central and Atlantic which contain volcanoes, tropical rainforest and agricultural land.

A rich country…

Nicaragua is home to 78 protected areas covering over 20% of it landmass, and is home to 7%
of the world's biodiversity. More than Costa Rica, this is thought to hold more natural areas
than Nicaragua.

Nicaragua is also home to Bosawas, located in Northern Nicaragua, which is the largest
rainforest north of the Amazon in Brazil, and the largest lake in Central America, Lake
Cocibolca. Lake Cocibolca attracts its fair number of tourist yearly, most of which primarily
visit Ometepe, which is a large volcanic island formed by two volcanoes in the lake. Tourists
typically visit and explore the flora and fauna found in the Charco Verde Nature Reserve.

Nicaragua's rich biodiversity also attracts many tourists to protected areas such as the Indio
Maíz Biological Reserve, which holds a higher number in species of trees, birds, and insects
than all of Europe.

Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, FAREM – Estelí

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