Chapter 7: Stresses in A Soil Mass: Objectives

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When you finish reading this
chapters, you should be able
■ Calculate different types of
stresses (Effective Stress,
Neutral stress and Total Stress
■ Calculate stress in soil
without seepage
■ Determine the effect of
capillary rise to soil stress

In this chapter, we will review some fundamental principles of mechanics and strength of materials and
apply these principles to soils treated as elastic porous materials. This chapter contains a catalog of a large
number of equations for soil stresses and strains. You may become weary of these equations, but they are
necessary for analyses of the mechanical behavior of soils. You do not have to memorize these equations
except the fundamental ones.

You would have studied in mechanics the stresses imposed on homogeneous,

elastic, rigid bodies by external forces. Soils are not homogeneous, elastic, rigid
bodies, so the determination of stresses and strains in soils is a particularly difficult
task. You may ask: “If soils are not elastic materials, then why do I have to study
elastic methods of analysis?” Here are some reasons why a knowledge of elastic
analysis is advantageous.
An elastic analysis of an isotropic material involves only two constants—Young’s
modulus and Poisson’s ratio—and thus if we assume that soils are isotropic elastic
materials, then we have a powerful, but simple, analytical tool to predict a soil’s
response under loading. We will have to determine only the two elastic constants
from our laboratory or field tests.
A geotechnical engineer must ensure that a geotechnical structure must
not collapse under any anticipated loading condition and that settlement under
working load (a fraction of the collapse load) must be within tolerable limits. We
would prefer the settlement under working loads to be elastic so that no
permanent settlement would occur. To calculate the elastic settlement, we have
to use an elastic analysis. For example, in designing foundations on coarse-
grained soils, we normally assume that the settlement is elastic, and we then use
elastic analysis to calculate the settlement.

An important task of a geotechnical engineer is to determine the stresses

and strains that are imposed on a soil mass by external loads. It is customary to
assume that the strains in the soils are small, and this assumption allows us to apply
our knowledge of mechanics of elastic bodies to soils. Small strains mean
infinitesimal strains. For a realistic description of soils, elastic analysis is not
satisfactory. We need soil models that can duplicate the complexity of soil
behavior. However, even for complex soil models, an elastic analysis is a first step
Various types of surface loads or stresses are applied to soils. For example,
an oil tank will impose a uniform, circular, vertical stress on the surface of the soil
while an unsymmetrical building may impose a non-uniform vertical stress. We
would like to know how the surface stresses are distributed within the soil mass and
the resulting deformations. The induced stresses can lead to soil failure, or the
deformations may be intolerable. Here is a sample practical situation. Two
storage tanks are to be founded on a deep layer of stiff, saturated clay. Your
client and the mechanical engineer who is designing the pipe works need an
estimate of the settlement of the tanks when they are completely filled. Because
of land restrictions, your client desires that the tanks be as close as possible to
each other. If two separate foundations are placed too close to each other, the
stresses in the soil induced by each foundation will overlap and cause intolerable
tilting of the structures and their foundations. An example of tilting of structures
caused by stress overlap is shown in Figure JM 7.1.

FIGURE JM 7.1 The “kissing” silos. (Bozozuk, 1976, permission from National Research Council of Canada.)
These silos tilt toward each other at the top because stresses in the soil overlap at and near the internal
edges of their foundations. The foundations are too close to each other.

As described in weight-volume relationship and plasticity, soils are multiphase

systems. In a given volume of soil, the solid particles are distributed randomly with
void spaces in between. The void spaces are continuous and are occupied by
water, air or both. To analyze problems such as compressibility of soils, bearing
capacity of foundations, stability of embankments, and lateral pressure on earth-
retaining structures, engineers need to know the nature of the distribution of stress
along a given cross section of the soil profile – that is, what fraction of the normal
stress at a given depth in a soil mass is carried by water in the void spaces and
what fraction is carried by the soil skeleton at that points of contact of the soil
particles. This issue is referred to as the effective stress concept.

When a foundation is constructed, changes take place in the soil under the
foundation. The net stress usually increases. This net stress increase in the soil
depends on the load per unit area to which the foundation is subjected, the
depth below the foundation at which the stress estimation is made, and other
factors. It is necessary to estimate the net increase of vertical stress in the soil that
occurs as a result of the construction of a foundation so that settlement can be


 Stress in soil due to self-weight

 Stress in soil due to surface load

Stress due to self-weight

The vertical stress on element A can be determined simply from the mass of the
overlying material. If γ represents the unit weight of the soil, the vertical stress is
Stresses in a Layered Deposit
The stress in a deposit consisting of layers of soil having different densities may be
determined as:

With uniform surcharge on infinite land surface

Vertical Stresses
Vertical stresses due to self-weight increase with depth,

There are 3 types of geostatic stresses:

a. Total Stress, σT
b. Effective Stress, σ’
c. Pore water pressure, u

Total vertical stress

Consider a soil mass having a horizontal surface and with the water table at
surface level. The total vertical stress at depth z is equal to the weight of all
material (solids + water) per unit area above that depth, i.e
Pore water pressure
If the pores of a soil mass are filled with water and if a pressure induced into
the pore water, tries to separate the grains, this pressure is termed as pore water

The pore water pressure at any depth will be hydrostatic since the void
space between the solid particles is continuous, therefore at depth z:

Effective vertical stress due to self-weight of soil

The pressure transmitted through grain to grain at the contact points
through a soil mass is termed as effective pressure

The Principle of Effective Stress

The deformations of soils are similar to the deformations of structural framework

such as a truss. The truss deforms from changes in loads carried by each member.
If the truss is loaded in air or submerged in water, the deformations under a given
load will remain unchanged. Deformations of the truss are independent of
hydrostatic pressure. The same is true for soils.

Let us consider an element of a saturated soil subjected to a normal stress, σ,

applied on the horizontal boundary, as shown in Figure 7.14. The stress s is called
the total stress, and for equilibrium (Newton’s third law) the stresses in the soil must
be equal and opposite to σ. The resistance or reaction to σ is provided by a
combination of the stresses from the solids, called effective stress (σ’), and from
water in the pores, called porewater pressure (u). We will denote effective stresses
by a prime (‘) following the symbol for normal stress, usually σ. The equilibrium
equation is
σ = σ’ + u
so that
σ’ = σ – u
Equation (σ’ = σ – u) is called the principle of effective stress and was fi rst
recognized by Terzaghi (1883–1963) in the mid-1920s during his research into soil
consolidation. The principle of effective stress is the most important principle in
soil mechanics. Deformations of soils are a function of effective stresses, not total
stresses. The principle of effective stresses applies only to normal stresses and
not to shear stresses.

Stresses in Saturated Soil

If water is seeping, the effective stress at any point in a soil mass will differ
from that in the static case.
It will increase or decrease, depending on the direction of seepage.
The increasing in effective pressure due to the flow of water through the
pores of the soil is known as seepage pressure.

Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage

A column of saturated soil mass with no seepage of water in any direction.

The total stress at the elevation of point A can be obtained from the saturated
unit weight of the soil and the unit weight of water above it. Thus,
Stresses in Saturated Soil without Seepage
Stresses in Saturated Soil with Upward Seepage
Stresses in Saturated Soil with Upward Seepage
At any depth z, z x γsub is the pressure of the submerged soil acting downward
and i z γw is the seepage pressure acting upward.
The effective pressure σ’c reduces to zero when these two pressures balance.

This situation generally is referred to as boiling

Stresses in Saturated Soil with Downward Seepage
Effect of Capillary Rise to Soil Stress
Capillary rise in soil is demonstrated on the following figure. A sandy soil is
placed in contact with water. After a certain period, water rises and the
variation of the degree of saturation with the height of the soil column caused
by capillary rise is approximately given in the figure.

The degree of saturation is about 100% up to a height h 1. Beyond the height h1,
water can occupy only the smaller voids, hence the degree of saturation is less
than 100%.
The approximate height of capillary rise is given by Hazen as:
𝒉𝟐 =
Where D10 = effective grain size, e = void ratio, and C = a constant that varies
from 10 to 50 mm2.
The pore water pressure, pw, at a point in the layer of soil fully saturated by
capillary rise is:
pw = -γw h
where h is the height of the point under consideration measured from the
ground water table.
If a partial saturation is caused by capillary action, the pore water pressure, pw,
can be approximated as:
pw = -S γw h
Where S is the degree of saturation at the point under consideration.
Example No. 1 The water table in a soil layer is 1.5 meters below the ground. The
soil above the water table is also saturated. Saturated unit weight of soil is 20.3
a. Determine the total pressure at plane “A” in kPa. (A is 4 meters below the
b. Determine the pore water pressure at plane A, in kPa.
c. Determine the effective pressure at plane A, in kPa.

Example No.2 A 6 m thick homogenous soil layer has dry unit weight of 16.1
kN/m3 and saturated unit weight of 17.8 kN/m3. The water table is located 4 m
below the ground surface.

a. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the layer ?

b. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the layer if the water table
goes up by 3m?
Example No.3 A clay layer 25’ thick overlain with 50’ thick and Gs = 2.71. The
water table is 20’ below the sand (ground surface). The saturated unit weight of
clay is 141 pcf. The sand below the water table has a unit weight of 128 pcf. The
sand above water table has average moisture content of 20%, after drying the
sand it was found to have a dry unit weight of 92 pcf. Determine the effective
stress at midheight of clay layer.
Example No.4 A soil deposit is shown in figure, the ground water table, initially at
ground surface, was lowered to a depth of 25’ below the ground. After such
lowering, the degree of saturation of the sand above water table was lowered
at 20%.
a. What is the vertical effective pressure at the mid-height of clay before
lowering of water table.
b. What is the vertical effective pressure at the mid-height of clay after
lowering water table.
c. What is the vertical effective pressure when there is no water in the sand
Example No.5 For the layered soil shown in the figure, H1 = 5m, H2 = 5m, H3 =20 m.
The soil densities are ρ1 = 2040 kg/m3, ρ2 = 1940 kg/m 3, and ρ’ = 2040 kg/m 3.
a. What is the total stress at the bottom of soil?
b. What is the effective stress at the bottom of soil 3 when h’ = 15 meters?
c. What is the value of h’ that will cause quick condition of soil?
Example No.6 For the figure shown, if the area of the tank is 1.0 m 2 and hydraulic
conductivity of sand is 0.2 cm/sec.

a. What is the effective in point B in kPa?

b. What is the magnitude and direction of the rate of seepage in m 3/sec?
c. What should be the value of the height of water inside the piezometer at
B above A to cause boiling in meters?
Example No.7 A dense silt layer has the following properties:

Void ratio, e =0.40

Effective diameter, D10 = 0.001 cm
Capillary constant, c = 0.20 cm 2

Free ground water level is 8.0m below the ground surface.

a. Find the height of capillary rise in silt.
b. Find the vertical effective stress in kPa at 5m depth. Assume γs = 26.5
kN/m3 and that the soil above capillary action rise and ground surface is
partially saturated at 50%.
c. Find the vertical effective stress in kPa at 10m depth. Assume γs = 26.5
kN/m3 and that the soil above capillary action rise and ground surface is
partially saturated at 50%.
Example No.8 A borehole at site reveals the soil profile shown in figure. Assume
Gs = 2.70 for all soil types.

a. What is the unit weight of the soil in layer 1 in kN/m3?

b. What is the effective stress at a depth of 2m below the ground surface, in
c. What is the effective stress at a depth of 20.6 m below the ground surface,
in kPa?

Situation no. 1 A 7.5 m thick homogenous soil layer has dry unit weight of 15.6
kN/m 3 and saturated unit weight of 18.9 kN/m3. The water table is located 2.4
m below the ground surface.

a. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the layer ?

b. What is the effective stress at the bottom of the layer if the water table
goes up by 1.2m?
c. Which of the following statements is correct when the water table rises by
a. The effective pressure at the bottom of the layer will increase.
b. The effective pressure at the bottom of the layer will remain the
c. The effective pressure at the bottom of the layer will decrease.
d. None of these statements is correct
Situation no. 2 A 15 m thick clay layer has Gs= 2.72 and e = 0.45. The water table
is at the ground surface. Determine the following:
a. The unit weight of clay
b. The total stress at the bottom of the layer
c. The effective stress at the bottom of the layer.
Situation no. 3 The water table in soil deposit is 2 m below the ground surface.
The soil above the water table has dry unit weight of 14.85 kN/m 3. The saturated
unit weight of the soil is 20.58 kN/m3. Determine the following:

a. The total vertical stress at a point 4.5 m below the ground.

b. The total pore water pressure at a point 4.5 m below the ground.
c. The effective vertical stress at a point 4.5 m below the ground.

Situation no. 4 A clay layer of 4 m thick with ρsat = 2000 kg/cu.m is overlain by a 4
m sand with ρsat = 1900 kg/cu.m and ρdry = 1650 kg/cu.m, the top of this layer
being the ground surface. The water table is located 2 m below the ground
surface. The clay layer is underlain by a sand stratum that is artesian conditions
with the water level in a standpipe being 4 m above the ground surface.

a. What is the effective stress at the base of the clay in kPa?

b. What is the effective stress at the top of the clay in kPa?
c. If the dry sand is excavated, in what depth the effective stress at the
bottom of the clay layer will become zero?
Situation no. 5 An exploration drill hole was made in stiff, saturated clay as shown
in Figure JM-05. The sand layer underlying the clay was observed to be under
artesian pressure. Water in the drill hole rose to a height of H1 = 5.5 m above the
top of the sand layer.

a. Determine the porosity of clay in the percent.

b. What is the critical hydraulic gradient?
c. If an open excavation is to be made in the clay, how deep can excavation
proceed before the bottom heaves?

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