Chapter 7: Stresses in A Soil Mass: Objectives
Chapter 7: Stresses in A Soil Mass: Objectives
Chapter 7: Stresses in A Soil Mass: Objectives
When you finish reading this
chapters, you should be able
■ Calculate different types of
stresses (Effective Stress,
Neutral stress and Total Stress
■ Calculate stress in soil
without seepage
■ Determine the effect of
capillary rise to soil stress
In this chapter, we will review some fundamental principles of mechanics and strength of materials and
apply these principles to soils treated as elastic porous materials. This chapter contains a catalog of a large
number of equations for soil stresses and strains. You may become weary of these equations, but they are
necessary for analyses of the mechanical behavior of soils. You do not have to memorize these equations
except the fundamental ones.
FIGURE JM 7.1 The “kissing” silos. (Bozozuk, 1976, permission from National Research Council of Canada.)
These silos tilt toward each other at the top because stresses in the soil overlap at and near the internal
edges of their foundations. The foundations are too close to each other.
When a foundation is constructed, changes take place in the soil under the
foundation. The net stress usually increases. This net stress increase in the soil
depends on the load per unit area to which the foundation is subjected, the
depth below the foundation at which the stress estimation is made, and other
factors. It is necessary to estimate the net increase of vertical stress in the soil that
occurs as a result of the construction of a foundation so that settlement can be
The vertical stress on element A can be determined simply from the mass of the
overlying material. If γ represents the unit weight of the soil, the vertical stress is
Stresses in a Layered Deposit
The stress in a deposit consisting of layers of soil having different densities may be
determined as:
Vertical Stresses
Vertical stresses due to self-weight increase with depth,
Consider a soil mass having a horizontal surface and with the water table at
surface level. The total vertical stress at depth z is equal to the weight of all
material (solids + water) per unit area above that depth, i.e
Pore water pressure
If the pores of a soil mass are filled with water and if a pressure induced into
the pore water, tries to separate the grains, this pressure is termed as pore water
The pore water pressure at any depth will be hydrostatic since the void
space between the solid particles is continuous, therefore at depth z:
If water is seeping, the effective stress at any point in a soil mass will differ
from that in the static case.
It will increase or decrease, depending on the direction of seepage.
The increasing in effective pressure due to the flow of water through the
pores of the soil is known as seepage pressure.
The degree of saturation is about 100% up to a height h 1. Beyond the height h1,
water can occupy only the smaller voids, hence the degree of saturation is less
than 100%.
The approximate height of capillary rise is given by Hazen as:
𝒉𝟐 =
Where D10 = effective grain size, e = void ratio, and C = a constant that varies
from 10 to 50 mm2.
The pore water pressure, pw, at a point in the layer of soil fully saturated by
capillary rise is:
pw = -γw h
where h is the height of the point under consideration measured from the
ground water table.
If a partial saturation is caused by capillary action, the pore water pressure, pw,
can be approximated as:
pw = -S γw h
Where S is the degree of saturation at the point under consideration.
Example No. 1 The water table in a soil layer is 1.5 meters below the ground. The
soil above the water table is also saturated. Saturated unit weight of soil is 20.3
a. Determine the total pressure at plane “A” in kPa. (A is 4 meters below the
b. Determine the pore water pressure at plane A, in kPa.
c. Determine the effective pressure at plane A, in kPa.
Example No.2 A 6 m thick homogenous soil layer has dry unit weight of 16.1
kN/m3 and saturated unit weight of 17.8 kN/m3. The water table is located 4 m
below the ground surface.
Situation no. 1 A 7.5 m thick homogenous soil layer has dry unit weight of 15.6
kN/m 3 and saturated unit weight of 18.9 kN/m3. The water table is located 2.4
m below the ground surface.
Situation no. 4 A clay layer of 4 m thick with ρsat = 2000 kg/cu.m is overlain by a 4
m sand with ρsat = 1900 kg/cu.m and ρdry = 1650 kg/cu.m, the top of this layer
being the ground surface. The water table is located 2 m below the ground
surface. The clay layer is underlain by a sand stratum that is artesian conditions
with the water level in a standpipe being 4 m above the ground surface.
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