SKF Self-Aligning Bearings and The Pulp & Paper Industry

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SKF Global Support

Pulp & Paper Centre
Segment  |  Volume 2  |  No. 4  |  January 2012

SKF Pulp & Paper Practices

Spare rolls are often stored with the bearings mounted. When rolls are taken off the machine, bearings should be cleaned then re-lubricated or
sprayed with preservative oil. More information can be found in the ‘Roller bearings in paper machines’ handbook (publication number 10580)

SKF self-aligning bearings

and the pulp & paper industry
As SKF’s product manager for self-aligning bearings, my job is to You can read more about this in an article in this issue of SKF Pulp
make sure that your needs are met by our products. As you can & Paper Practices.
imagine, I get to talk to many customers from many different in- This issue also includes an article by our pulp & paper segment’s
dustries, but I particularly enjoy working with people from the maintenance solutions manager, stressing the need for proper bear-
pulp and paper industry because it has been a major driver of our ing and lubricant stores practices. This is important because it’s not
product development over the years. enough to simply select good quality bearings. To get the most from
them, you also need to make sure that they are properly stored,
The relationship between SKF and the paper industry certainly has mounted, monitored and maintained as well.
been a long and fruitful one. Your industry’s need for faster and wid- ‘
er machines in the mid 1990s led us to develop the CARB toroidal
roller bearing, for instance. More recently, we have developed and
introduced a large range of sealed spherical roller bearings which
are widely used on auxiliary equipment. Late 2011, we extended Regards,
our range of SKF Explorer spherical roller bearings. We also intro- Johan Ander,
duced a new heat treatment for our spherical roller bearings, CARB Product Manager,
and spherical roller thrust bearings which is more crack resistant self-aligning bearings & specialty products, SKF
and less sensitive to inadequate lubrication and contamination. [email protected]
New heat treatment for improved
Before leaving you to read Rene’s article about proper bearing Higher toughness
and lubricant storage, I would like to quickly tackle two topics. The new heat treatment results in a steel that is even harder to
Firstly, the new heat treatment used for the most important crack than X-Bite. Yes, the X-bite that we recommended for heated
bearing types for the pulp and paper industry and, secondly, rolls and which was the through hardened steel with the highest
some changes in the clearance reduction table that we showed in toughness on the market. With this steel, we have taken another
the first issue of SKF Pulp & Paper Practices. step to further increase the toughness and the hardness which re-
sults in a safer failure mode.
The pictures below show the test results of a spherical roller
The new heat treatment thrust bearing running under extreme conditions. Conditions chosen
SKF has launched a new heat treatment for the steel used in all our so that that the shoulder of the shaft washer (inner ring), made from
standard CARB toroidal roller bearings, spherical roller and spherical X-Bite, would crack († fig. 1). With the same running conditions
roller thrust bearings. The resulting steel is more crack resistant and the shaft washer made from the upgraded steel didn’t crack
less sensitive to inadequate lubrication and solid contamination. We († fig. 2). Instead, spalling due to fatigue appeared.
believe it’s the next step towards better performance and reliability.
Think of it as an upgrade to the well respected X-Bite steel that we
previously used. Fig. 1  Bearing with cracked shaft washer
This is the latest of many such steps that SKF has made and often
it was the needs of the paper industry that drove development. For
example, we started making spherical roller bearings that were di-
mensionally stable to 200 °C (392 °F) in the 1950s. Most of these
were made from bainite steel because martensitic steel was too
prone to ring cracking in heated cylinder applications.
As time passed, steel got cleaner and the oxygen content de-
creased resulting in increased fatigue life. Nevertheless, in the
1990s we took another big step forward with X-Bite. This was a
special bainite heat treatment which led to a harder steel that was
also tougher and, therefore, less sensitive to cracks.
Field experience with spherical roller bearings made from bainite
and then X-Bite steel on drying cylinders led us to change our gen-
eral recommendations. We now recommend standard SKF bearings
for all heated cylinders except where the steam temperature is
above 170 °C (338 °F) and there is no journal insulation. For these
unusual cases, we still recommend bearings with case hardened in-
ner rings. Such SKF bearings have the suffix HA3 or the prefix ECB. Fig. 2  Bearing made from upgraded steel with spalling
Since September 2011, new CARB toroidal roller bearings,
spherical roller and spherical roller thrust bearings are made from
the upgraded steel rather than X-Bite. The bearings and the boxes
that they come in are marked “WR” for “Wear Resistant”. This mark-
ing is important because there are new rule of thumb factors influ-
encing rating life calculations with the upgraded steel. If a machine
has been designed for “WR” bearings, mounting an older generation
bearing could give a lower fatigue life than expected.
So, what will the upgraded steel do for pulp and paper industry
customers? Well, there a number of improvements actually of which
the most significant are the higher toughness and the lower sensi-
tivity to too thin oil films between the rollers and raceways.

Less sensitive to inadequate lubrication
By inadequate lubrication, I mean too thin an oil film. This is a typical
issue in heated cylinder applications when there is no insulation or
when the insulation fails. In such situations, heat is transferred to
the bearing, the operating temperature rises and the lubricant loses
its viscosity. The oil film gets thinner, resulting in more metal to met-
al contact. This leads to either polishing wear (with its characteristic
mirror-like raceways), micro spalling (also known as surface distress
which leads to dull raceways) or, sometimes, smearing. All of these
things, as you would expect, reduce bearing fatigue life.
The upgraded steel performs much better in conditions that could
lead to polishing wear and/or micro spalling. This higher perform-
ance can be estimated using rule of thumb based correction factors
in the rating life calculations. For more details, please contact your
local SKF application engineering department.
Let’s look at a 23152 CCK/C4W33 mounted on a drying cylinder
by way of example. There’s no insulation, the steam temperature is
160 °C (320 °F) and the oil flow (ISO VG 220) is nearly 3 l/min. The
load on the bearing is 15 tons and the speed is 150 r/min. The filter
is a Beta25=75 so, the filtration in this example isn’t good. These
operating conditions result in a bearing operating temperature of
120°C (248°F) and, per the SKF General Catalogue, a contamination
factor of 0,15. In this example, the upgraded steel will have a signifi-
cant impact since it is harder and, thus, less sensitive to indentations
than X-Bite.
In the conditions listed above, with a thin oil film and poor filtra-
tion, the upgraded steel has a 35% higher rating life! Of course, I se-
lected difficult operating conditions, but these are typical of an older
machine pushed over its design speed with increased steam pres-
sure, no journal insulation, unreliable water extraction from inside
the cylinder and poor oil filtration. In cases where bearings run with a
suitable oil film thickness and clean oil, the differences between X-Bite
and upgraded steel will, of course, be small.
Don’t forget that calculated rating life is not the same as service
life since it doesn’t account for poor storage, handling or mounting,
contamination with process water and so on. Regardless of the steel
grade and heat treatment, lubricating a bearing with process water
will dramatically shorten its life.
Moving on, when there is surface distress due to inadequate lu-
brication there are numerous micro cracks in to which oil and water
will be pressed by the load contact between rollers and raceways.
And, we know that dissolved water has a negative influence on
bearing service life. The upgraded steel is less sensitive to inade-
quate lubrication so, we can expect less and smaller micro cracks.
Given this, dissolved water should have less influence on service life.

Changes in the clearance reduction and axial drive-up tables for

spherical roller bearings and CARB toroidal roller bearings
The table showing the recommended value for reduction of radial
clearance and axial drive-up († page 7 in the first issue of the
SKF Pulp & Paper Practices) has recently been modified. These
modified tables were first published in the SKF Bearing Maintenance
Handbook (publication number 10001 EN).
The paragraphs concerning “permissible residual clearance after
mounting” have been removed. This is a good thing as there will be
less premature failures due to the fact that some people always want
to reach the permissible residual clearance even if it gives too tight
an interference fit. It is mainly because they were not understood
that these residual clearance values have been taken away.

Note that the text replacing the values will not be the same as in Philippe Gachet is an SKF
the existing SKF Bearing Maintenance Handbook. What you should application engineer who has
follow is the text that will appear in the new SKF General Catalogue, been working with the heavy
which is reproduced below († table 1 & 2). The SKF Bearing Main- ­industries, particularly pulp
tenance Handbook will be updated at the next reprint to be in line and paper, since 1990.
with the new SKF General Catalogue. He can be contacted at
As a guideline for pulp and paper applications, I recommend, un- [email protected]
less otherwise specified by the machinery manufacturer or SKF, to
use the lower half of the clearance reduction and to try to aim for
the minimum value. For example, for a dryer cylinder bearing,
23152 CCK/C4W33, the clearance value is between 0,120 and
0.150 mm and you should aim for a clearance reduction of some-
where between 0,120 and 0,135 mm.
That said, I must admit that trying to reduce the clearance in
small bearings with a feeler gauge isn’t easy if you’re trying to aim
for the lower half of the clearance reduction range. With a 22314 EK
felt roll bearing, for example, the clearance reduction is between
0,035 and 0,040 mm and achieving a clearance reduction just
above 0,035 mm will be nearly impossible with a feeler gauge. You
could easily be below 0,035 mm in reality. As such, for smaller bear-
ings mounted using the feeler gauge method, it’s better to use the
full clearance reduction recommended range. Note that, with the
exception of some large bearings, the maximum value of the recom-
mended clearance reduction is lower than it was in the past.
Where possible, I recommend using the SKF Drive-up method as
it is much more precise. If the bearing needs a higher clearance re-
duction value – near or above the maximum due to load, for exam-
ple – the influence on internal clearance should be taken into ac-
count. In cases of any doubt, please contact your local SKF
application engineering department.

Please note that the clearance reduction and axial drive-up values,
which have been used for decades, have also changed. These have
worked well over the years, and were copied by other bearing man-
ufacturers, but:
1 The table wasn’t consistent with the SKF Drive-up method that
uses the real thickness of the rings. Bearing ring thickness has,
for most bearings, changed over the years.
2 We now have a better understanding of how interference fit can
influence bearing fatigue life.
3 The basic dynamic load rating has increased. For example, for the
same load and nominal life, if a bearing weighing 18 kg was
needed in the 1950s, a 5,25 kg one today will do the job with
much less heat generation due to friction. Due to ring thickness
and elastic deformation due to load, this has a direct impact on
what interference fit to chose.
4 Bearing internal geometry has also changed over the years.

Consequently, the time has come to modify the table. As promised in

the first issue of SKF Pulp & Paper Practices, I will explain how to
choose the correct interference fit for the operating conditions, but
in a future issue. In the meantime, see the SKF Drive-up data tables
(† table 1 & 2) for the new recommended values for reduction of
internal clearance and drive-up for spherical roller and CARB toroi-
dal roller bearing bearings.


Bore Reduction of Axial drive-up s1), 2) Lock nut

diameter radial internal clearance Taper Taper tightening angle2)
d 1:12 1:30 Taper 1:12

over incl. min max min max min max

mm mm mm degrees

24 30 0,010 0,015 0,25 0,29 – – 100

30 40 0,015 0,020 0,30 0,35 – – 115
40 50 0,020 0,025 0,37 0,44 – – 130

50 65 0,025 0,035 0,45 0,54 1,15 1,35 115

65 80 0,035 0,040 0,55 0,65 1,40 1,65 130
80 100 0,040 0,050 0,66 0,79 1,65 2,00 150

100 120 0,050 0,060 0,79 0,95 2,00 2,35

120 140 0,060 0,075 0,93 1,10 2,30 2,80
140 160 0,070 0,085 1,05 1,30 2,65 3,20

160 180 0,080 0,095 1,20 1,45 3,00 3,60

180 200 0,090 0,105 1,30 1,60 3,30 4,00
200 225 0,100 0,120 1,45 1,80 3,70 4,45

225 250 0,110 0,130 1,60 1,95 4,00 4,85

250 280 0,120 0,150 1,80 2,15 4,50 5,40
280 315 0,135 0,165 2,00 2,40 4,95 6,00

315 355 0,150 0,180 2,15 2,65 5,40 6,60

355 400 0,170 0,210 2,50 3,00 6,20 7,60
400 450 0,195 0,235 2,80 3,40 7,00 8,50

450 500 0,215 0,265 3,10 3,80 7,80 9,50 NOTE: Applying the recommended
500 560 0,245 0,300 3,40 4,10 8,40 10,30 values prevents the inner ring from
560 630 0,275 0,340 3,80 4,65 9,50 11,60 creeping, but does not ensure correct
radial internal clearance in operation.
630 710 0,310 0,380 4,25 5,20 10,60 13,00 Additional influences from the
710 800 0,350 0,425 4,75 5,80 11,90 14,50 bearing housing fit and temperature
800 900 0,395 0,480 5,40 6,60 13,50 16,40 differences between the inner ring
and outer ring, must be considered
900 1 000 0,440 0,535 6,00 7,30 15,00 18,30 carefully when selecting the bearing
1 000 1 120 0,490 0,600 6,40 7,80 16,00 19,50 radial internal clearance class. For
1 120 1 250 0,550 0,670 7,10 8,70 17,80 21,70 additional information, contact the
SKF application engineering service.
1 250 1 400 0,610 0,750 8,00 9,70 19,90 24,30
1 400 1 600 0,700 0,850 9,10 11,10 22,70 27,70
1 600 1 800 0,790 0,960 10,20 12,50 25,60 31,20

Valid only for solid steel shafts and general applications.

1) Not valid for the SKF Drive-up Method.
2) The listed values are to be used as guideline values only, as it is difficult to establish an exact starting position. Also the axial drive-up s differs slightly between the different bearings series.

Table 1.  Drive-up data for spherical roller bearings with a tapered bore
Table from SKF Maintenance Handbook


Bore Reduction of Axial drive-up s1), 2) Lock nut

diameter radial internal clearance Taper Taper tightening angle2)
d 1:12 1:30 Taper 1:12

over incl. min max min max min max

mm mm mm degrees

24 30 0,010 0,015 0,25 0,29 – – 100

30 40 0,015 0,020 0,30 0,35 0,75 0,90 115
40 50 0,020 0,025 0,37 0,44 0,95 1,10 130

50 65 0,025 0,035 0,45 0,54 1,15 1,35 115

65 80 0,035 0,040 0,55 0,65 1,40 1,65 130
80 100 0,040 0,050 0,66 0,79 1,65 2,00 150

100 120 0,050 0,060 0,79 0,95 2,00 2,35

120 140 0,060 0,075 0,93 1,10 2,30 2,80
140 160 0,070 0,085 1,05 1,30 2,65 3,20

160 180 0,080 0,095 1,20 1,45 3,00 3,60

180 200 0,090 0,105 1,30 1,60 3,30 4,00
200 225 0,100 0,120 1,45 1,80 3,70 4,45

225 250 0,110 0,130 1,60 1,95 4,00 4,85

250 280 0,120 0,150 1,80 2,15 4,50 5,40
280 315 0,135 0,165 2,00 2,40 4,95 6,00

315 355 0,150 0,180 2,15 2,65 5,40 6,60

355 400 0,170 0,210 2,50 3,00 6,20 7,60
400 450 0,195 0,235 2,80 3,40 7,00 8,50

450 500 0,215 0,265 3,10 3,80 7,80 9,50 NOTE: Applying the recommended
500 560 0,245 0,300 3,40 4,10 8,40 10,30 values prevents the inner ring from
560 630 0,275 0,340 3,80 4,65 9,50 11,60 creeping, but does not ensure correct
radial internal clearance in operation.
630 710 0,310 0,380 4,25 5,20 10,60 13,00 Additional influences from the
710 800 0,350 0,425 4,75 5,80 11,90 14,50 bearing housing fit and temperature
800 900 0,395 0,480 5,40 6,60 13,50 16,40 differences between the inner ring
and outer ring, must be considered
900 1 000 0,440 0,535 6,00 7,30 15,00 18,30 carefully when selecting the bearing
1 000 1 120 0,490 0,600 6,40 7,80 16,00 19,50 radial internal clearance class. For
1 120 1 250 0,550 0,670 7,10 8,70 17,80 21,70 additional information, contact the
SKF application engineering service.
1 250 1 400 0,610 0,750 8,00 9,70 19,90 24,30
1 400 1 600 0,700 0,850 9,10 11,10 22,70 27,70
1 600 1 800 0,790 0,960 10,20 12,50 25,60 31,20

Valid only for solid steel shafts and general applications.

1) Not valid for the SKF Drive-up Method.
2) The listed values are to be used as guideline values only, as it is difficult to establish an exact starting position. Also the axial drive-up s differs slightly between the different bearings series.

Table 2.  Drive-up data for CARB toroidal roller bearings with a tapered bore
Table from SKF Maintenance Handbook

Store rooms often reflect
maintenance practice
When I visit a mill for the first time, I always ask to visit the We found a similar situation with the mill’s lubricants. On inspection,
workshop and the store room for spare parts and lubricants. This we learnt that there was water in the lubricant before it was even
often gives a useful insight into how the maintenance department used († diagram 1). This was the result of poor storage practices.

I often see that the customer has chosen quality products from reli-
able suppliers, but then stores them in places where they will de-
grade fast. This is especially true for lubricants with barrels and con-
tainers put in places that are not used for any other purpose
because they are small, dark, cold and dirty. That said, it is not un-
common to see bearings and seals kept in a place where it is difficult
to keep order and cleanliness under control either († fig. 1).
Smaller bearings are often bought in bulk packaging and, after
taking a few out, the packaging is torn and open. The products are
literarily left lying there collecting dust. If the environment is humid,
moisture will be absorbed by the dust and find its way deep in to the
product. When such bearings are used on a machine, people wonder
why they fail so fast and so often.
With larger bearings the situation is slightly different, but not any
better. They are single packed, but are often taken out of the packag-
ing to check the type. Does it have a tapered bore or a cylindrical one?
Does the designation on the bearing differ from what it says on the Fig. 1  Bearings, if left unpackaged, collect dust
box? Sometimes new bearings are used leaving a perfectly good box
to keep bearings that were dismounted from the machine and which
are assumed to be still in good order. People can then forget to change
the designation on the outside of the box which can create confusion.
Instead of what they think they have in stock, they have a completely
different bearing in the box. That means that when a job needs such a
bearing, it needs to be purchased and delivered urgently. To avoid such
things from happening, training and management is needed.
It’s also a question of culture: Have you ever been in an environ-
ment where the floors were dirty, the walls were black from dust
and the light was dim? († fig. 2) Suppose you were to find a piece
of paper in your pocket in this environment, what would you do?
Many people would throw it on the floor.
Imagine now that you are in a clean environment, with shiny
floors, clean walls and bright light. Would you throw the paper on Fig. 2  Dust is captured in open grouting.
the floor? I doubt it. This is an important reason to create clean
workshops and store rooms. It will be simpler and more natural to Fig. 3  Bearing, in storage, corroded by humidity.
keep it clean. I know a company that used white storage racks and
painted their production machines white for this very reason.
At one mill that I am working with at the moment, SKF undertook
a failure analysis on over 100 bearings. The bearings were collected
over a few months and tagged so that their application could be
identified. Analysis of the causes of failure showed that contamina-
tion was their biggest problem. This could, of course, be the result of
a number of reasons including the way the bearings are stored. It
turned out that new bearings in stock were already contaminated
with layers of dust and light corrosion († fig. 3). To eliminate this
problem, the store rooms were upgraded.

Like bearings or valves, lubricants should be considered as working
components in mechanical systems. Just as one would not install a Number of occurrences
dirty or damaged bearing on a piece of equipment using the wrong 25
tools, “damaged” lubricants should not be added to the machine.
The first step toward achieving proactive maintenance of your lubri-
cants, and ultimately your equipment, begins with proper in-plant 15
storage and handling.
Some basic guidelines, based on my experience, follow.

Storage of parts 0
Contam- Shaft Mounting Water
ination tolerances errors ingress
Adequate lighting is important in a store room setting. Think about
your general lighting needs first and then about specialized needs Diagram 1  Bearing failure analysis
for specific areas. There are different lighting options available, but
for a store room the minimum is 200 lux.

Fig. 4  Racks with adjustable shelves
Firstly, the floor of a store room should have sufficient load-carrying
capacity. Laden forklift trucks can damage floors easily. Racks can
also easily create a high load on the floor.
Floors should be easy to clean. This means that dirt should be
easy to detect and remove. Therefore, seamless and light coloured
floors with a smooth, shiny surface are recommended. There are a
number of suitable solutions on the market like epoxy or urethane.

Store room walls should be able to carry all the necessary racks and
boards. They should be light coloured to create a bright working en-
vironment. They should be sealed and not have edges or ridges
where dust can accumulate.

The ceiling should be sealed and not have any areas where dust can
accumulate. It should be no lower than 2,40 m to ensure adequate
ventilation and space for personal manoeuvrability. This often is de-
termined by law. Depending on the roof construction, the ceiling
may need to be insulated in order to keep a constant temperature
inside without having high costs for cooling in summer and heating
in winter.

For storing bigger parts it is advisable to use racks in the store room
that can be adjusted in height. In this way the racks can be used in
the most efficient way († fig. 4) Because the ceilings of rooms are Table 3  Recommended maximum storage time (from the packing date)1)
often high, the room can be arranged efficiently in this way. For the
smaller parts, smaller racks can be used. Relative air humidity Temperature Storage time
Parts should never be left on the floor either in the store room or
the workshop. Left on the floor, the parts cannot be located, There % °C years
should be a place for everything and everything should have a place.
On top of that, parts may get dirty or even damaged by trolleys or 60 20–25 10
75 20–25 5
trucks. 75 35–40 3

Uncontrolled tropical conditions 1

Recommended storage time
For the recommended storage time of bearings, see († table 3).
The limitation on storage is due to the preservatives, the lubricant, 1) Recommendation is valid for open bearings only.
For lubricated (sealed) bearings, recommended time is 3 years maximum.
the sealing and the packaging material itself († fig. 5).

Fig. 6  Horizontal storage

3 Storage
Containers and drums must be stored in a clean and dry location.
Storage temperatures should remain moderate at all times. Lubri-
cants in storage should be located away from all types of industrial
contamination including dust and humidity. Ideally, lubricants are
stored in the horizontal position on proper storage racks allowing
the containers to be rotated and used on a first-in, first-out basis
(† fig. 6).
Fig. 5  Old bearings in storage (dated 1971 – 1977) While indoor storage of lubricants is recommended, this is not al-
ways possible due to environmental, financial or space constraints. If
lubricants must be stored outdoors, track lubricant consumption
Storage of lubricants carefully and replenish inventories “just-in-time” to minimize expo-
Most lubricants have supplier recommended shelf lives based largely sure to adverse conditions. If lubricants must be stored outside,
upon the additive package. For example, the performance of lubri- shelter them from rain, snow and other elements. Lay drums on
cants containing rust inhibitors may degrade after as little as six their sides in a horizontal position with the tap point below the lubri-
months in storage. Learn how to read the coded date on the con- cant level. This will greatly reduce the risk of the seals drying out and
tainer label. Shelf life is based on ideal storage conditions and most the ingestion of moisture caused by breathing. If the drums must be
manufacturers provide a recommended storage procedure to maxi- placed upright in outdoor storage, employ drum covers or tilt drums
mize lubricant shelf life. The following conditions have been proven to drain the moisture that gathers on the top around the bungs.
to adversely affect a lubricant’s storage life: Avoid outdoor storage of water-based fluids where extreme tem-
peratures can have an even more damaging effect through freezing
1 Temperatures and evaporation.
Temperature fluctuations will cause movement of air between the Once the seal is broken and the container is put into use, care
atmosphere and the head-space of the container. For partially full must be taken to ensure control over contamination ingress. If
containers, with greater head-space, this air movement is increased. equipped with a proper pressure relief, bulk tanks should use filter
Although the drum is sealed and does not leak lubricant, a container breathers to control contamination ingestion. Drums and pails
still inhales air when the temperature drops and exhales as the tem- should be capped when not in use. If your drums are frequently
perature rises. Along with the air, moisture and small airborne parti- used, bung breather filters may be your best solution.
cles enter the oil container possibly leading to degradation of the
base stock and additives. Also, water might condense within the When you prepare a meal, you want it to be prepared in a clean
drum, drop to the bottom and get pumped to the machine during a kitchen using fresh, good quality ingredients. Then you are sure that
top-off. Extreme hot or cold can cause chemical degradation. As the end result will only depend on the way that the meal is prepared.
mentioned earlier, rust inhibitors may suffer significant performance In maintenance, you want to make sure that the materials you are
losses after only six months of normal storage. using are in good condition and kept in a clean environment. A lot of
unnecessary failures can be prevented this way. It is a small invest-
2 Humidity ment for a significant benefit.
Petroleum-based lubricants are hygroscopic. When exposed to hu-
mid air, they naturally absorb airborne moisture. The moisture im-
mediately begins to degrade the additive package and accelerates Regards,
oxidation of the lubricant’s base stock once it is put into service. Rene van den Heuvel
Maintenance Solutions Manager
Pulp & Paper, SKF
[email protected]

The Power of Knowledge Engineering

Bearings Lubrication Drawing on five areas of competence and application-specific expertise amassed over more than 100
and units systems years, SKF brings innovative solutions to OEMs and production facilities in every major industry world-
wide. These five competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics
(combining mechanics and electronics into intelligent systems), and a wide range of services, from 3-D
Mechatronics Services
computer modelling to advanced condition monitoring and reliability and asset management systems.
A global presence provides SKF customers uniform quality standards and worldwide product availability.

® SKF, CARB and SensorMount are registered trademarks of the SKF Group.
© SKF Group 2011
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Segment been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication
but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or
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[email protected] PUB 72/S9 11147/3 EN · January 2012
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