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SKF - A world of reliable rotation

Discover the full range of SKF products and service

SKF solutions around the world
The history of SKF started in 1907 in Gothenburg, Sweden, when Sven Wingqvist, at the time a thirty-year-old plant engineer
responsible for repairs and maintenance, being dissatisfied with the performance of the ball bearings then in use, invented the
self-aligning ball bearing. The rest is history.

Today SKF provides reliable rotation by combining hands-on experience in over 40 industries with in-depth knowledge across the
SKF technology areas. SKF offers an impressive range of products and services: bearings, seals, condition monitoring, lubrication
systems and services, to provide reliable rotation to customers. The strength lies in the ability to keep developing new technologies
that are used to create value - adding solutions offering competitive advantages to customers.

SKF has a unique understanding of rotating equipment and how machine

components and industrial processes are interrelated. We provide a wide range of products and related technologies to OEM and
aftermarket customers around the world, in every major industry, at each phase of the asset life cycle.

Our customers want reduced friction; machines that run faster, longer, cleaner and more safely. Solving this in the most effective
and sustainable way contributes to our vision of a world of reliable rotation.

SKF delivers the following products and services:

• Ball and roller bearings
• Seals for rotating and hydraulic devices
• Lubricating systems, lubricants and lubrication tools
• Maintenance Products and tools for mounting and dismoun ing
of bearings and for alignment of shafts and couplings
• Power transmission products - belts, chains, shaft couplings
SKF solutions
• Condition Monitoring and diagnostics devices of machine operation
• Services, including technical assistance, preventive and proactive
for business
maintenance, improved reliability, consultancy and specialized training.

Global resources, local presence

SKF is present in more than 130 countries and has 17,000 distributors
worldwide. SKF solutions, delivered all over the world, ensure:
• Improved performance;
• Reduction of total operating costs;
• Reduction of maintenance costs;
• Improved energy efficiency.

Oil and gas Cement Automotive Food Agriculture

Metal Beverage Pulp and paper Railways Wind energy

Machine Tools Mining Marine Woodworking Construction

Bearings, bearing units,
bearing housings and

Bearings Bearing units Bearing housings and

There is practically no ball or roller SKF bearing units consist of mounting accessories
bearing type that SKF does not bearings, seals, lubricants, shaft To further improve the performance
manufacture. locking devices and bearing of its bearings, SKF designs and
We also offer a wide range of split housings. manufactures a wide range of
bearings, spherical plain bearings The units are pre-assembled and bearing housings and mounting .
and rod ends. ready for installation, including roller components – recognized for
They are all available in a variety of or ball bearings. their quality and durability. SKF
designs, featuring different types In addition to standard bearings, bearing housings feature a unique
of materials, seals and lubrication SKF produces and supplies roller design which facilitates mounting,
methods. bearings for specialized applications alignment, lubrication and
in the agriculture, food or protection against contamination .
pharmaceutical industry, where In addition, they are manufactured
special materials, lubricants, seals with tough precision so that, in
or bearing housings of composite combination with SKF bearings
materials, polymers or stainless and with the use of an appropriate
steel are required. lubrication method, the bearing
units ensure maximum service life

SKF Explorer performance
class bearings
Combining their expertise in bearing design, tribology, metallurgy,
lubrication and manufacturing, SKF engineers spent years maximizing
SKF bearing service life. The result is a new standard of excellence in
both bearing performance and precision manufacturing – one that is
still unmatched in the marketplace.

SKF Explorer is the world's leading performance standard

introduced by SKF for most types of bearings.

• SKF Explorer performance class bearings are superior to

standard performance bearings in terms of dimensional accuracy,
as they ensure better fit on the appropriate shaft, bearing housing,
abutments, and (if applicable) when mounting in sets.
• SKF Explorer performance class bearings are distinguished by
tighter dimensional and running accuracy, and for the high precision
of rolling elements. The achieved running accuracy is significantly
improved compared to the standard ISO class, providing low levels
of vibration, reduced friction and reduced operating temperature,
longer lubricant life, and less energy consumption.
• SKF Explorer performance class bearings have better thermal
stability compared to standard performance bearings. During
operation, thermal expansion of rings is reduced, thus the loading
conditions remain relatively stable over a wide range of operating

Designed for maximum performance

SKF Explorer performance class bearings are distinguished by:

• Optimized internal geometry for reduced friction, wear and heat generation;
• Optimized rolling elements for load distribution and reduced level of vibrations;
• Increased strength cages designed for optimal rolling element guidance and efficient lubricant distribution;
• Reduced roughness and improved raceway finishing to lower the friction and lubrication film formation under optimal conditions;
• Very clean and homogeneous steel, contributing for the exceptional wear and fatigue resistance;
• Patented unique heat treatment process better controls the hardness, toughness and dimensional stability.

life expectancy

service life – ISO 281:2000

service life – ISO 281:1990

Standard bearings SKF Explorer

Robust bearings for harsh
operating conditions
The upgraded SKF Explorer spherical roller bearings ensure up to
2 times longer service life under severe operating conditions.

The clean and homogeneous steel of SKF Explorer performance

class bearings, combined with improved heat treatment, provides
superior balance of strength and hardness. These advanced features
provide the upgraded SKF Explorer spherical roller bearings
increased wear resistance, extending their service life up to two
times in applications with high levels of contamination or poor

Most of SKF spherical roller bearings, spherical roller thrust

bearings and CARB toroidal roller bearings are manufactured in the
SKF Explorer performance class.

For more product information and test results, download the brochure

Types of bearings
Deep groove ball bearings Cylindrical roller bearings
Available in a wide range of design Available in various designs (NU, N, NJ, NUP,
options – made of different materials etc.), with various types of cage materials
(steel, stainless steel, ceramic balls) (fiber glass reinforced polyamide, steel or
single row or double row versions, with brass) with one or more rows of rollers.
different cage materials (glass fiber The rollers feature a logarithmic profile
reinforced polyamide, steel or brass), for optimum load distribution, to better
seals and lubricants. accommodate shaft misalignment, with
optimized flange contact for low friction.

SKF Explorer performance class – Normal class

dimensional tolerance, P6 class geometrical tolerance.
Heat treatment for dimensional stabilization, up to +150°C.

You can find more detailed information in the SKF

SKF Explorer performance class – Dimensional and General Catalogue.
geometrical tolerance class P6 or P5 depending on size.

You can find more detailed information in Needle roller bearings

the SKF General Catalogue.
Available in various designs (steel or
reinforced polyamide cage materials,
with or without rings, seals,
Insert bearing (Y-bearing)
combined type , etc.).
Mounting on shafts using a locking screw,
eccentric locking collar or SKF ConCentra
technology. Various types of seals. Tapered roller bearings
Heat treatment for dimensional stabilization, up to +150°C. A wide range of dimensions, metric size – ISO
standard and inch-size – ABMA standard.
Rollers featuring logarithmic profile, with
Angular contact ball bearings very tight dimensional tolerances, ensuring
Products for individual use or in a maximum preload control and reduced level
universal matching design for sets. of vibrations.
They are also available in single row, The shoulder is optimized for forming a
double-row, sealed designs. lubricating film with reduced friction during
start-up / running-in. Interchangeble components.
SKF Explorer performance class – dimensional tolerance
class P6, geometrical tolerance class P5. Heat treatment for SKF Explorer performance class – improved running
dimensional stabilization, up to +150°C. accuracy and heat treatment for dimensional stabilization.

You can find more detailed information in the You can find more detailed information in the SKF
SKF General Catalogue. General Catalogue.

Self-aligning ball bearings Spherical roller thrust bearing

They accommodate high axial loads at
In open or sealed designs featuring cages of
relatively high speeds.
different materials. These are also available
with the Solid Oil technology.
Optimized raceways with asymmetrical
rollers with tight dimensional tolerances.
Invented by SKF in 1907.
SKF Explorer performance class –tight
dimensional tolerances. Heat treatment for
Thrust ball bearings
dimensional stabilization, up to +200°C.
Separable design manufactured as single
direction or double direction. You can find more detailed information in
the SKF General Catalogue.
These are also available with the
Solid Oil technology. Invented by SKF in 1933.
Spherical roller bearings INSOCOAT electrically insulated
Preferred for high load applications and bearings
available in a variety of designs (with Special bearings, designed for electric
cage material of steel, brass, sealed , motors, generators and associated
vibratory applications etc.) Bearings applications. Featuring a special
with symmetrical rollers with very tight technology of applying a ceramic
dimensional tolerances and self-guiding insulation layer onto the outer or inner ring
rollers for optimal distribution of stresses of the bearing. They can withstand voltages up to 3000 V DC,
under radial and axial loads. bearing series and sizes are identical to non-insulated design.
SKF Explorer performance class – P5 class geometrical
tolerance and tight dimensional tolerances. Special heat
Super-precision bearings
treatment for dimensional stabilization, up to +200°C.
(angular contact ball bearings -
You can find more detailed information in made of steel or ceramics,
the SKF General Catalogue. cylindrical roller and double
direction angular contact thrust
Invented by SKF in 1919.
ball bearings)
Capability to operate at very high speeds and high loads.
Toroidal roller bearings CARB High hardness and reduced friction.
Optimum roller bearing solution for
self-aligning applications. This bearing type Angular contact thrust ball bearings
accommodates misalignment as the
for screw drives
self-alignment do, and axial displacements,
as the cylindrical or needle roller bearings do.
Various designs (different cage materials, full-complement
, sealed, vibratory applications etc.). Spherical plain bearings and rod ends
Symmetrical rollers with very tight dimensional tolerances Available in a wide range of design options
and self-aligning effect. SKF Explorer performance class – P5 (steel/steel, steel/bronze, steel/PTFE).
class dimensional tolerance and tight dimensional tolerances.
Heat treatment for dimensional stabilization, up to +200°C. Certain design options are maintenance-free.

Detailed information in the SKF General Catalogue.

Bushings, thrust washers
Invented by SKF in 1995 and strips
Available in a wide range of
designs and materials (bronze,
Track rollers PTFE coated steel, composite
materials).Suitable for rotating,
oscillating or linear motion.

SKF COOPER split bearings

Needle roller The ideal solution in inaccessible or
thrust bearings trapped locations, where the need
to dismount associated equipment is
Split to the shaft bearings disassemble
into smaller components easing the
tasks of lifting and handling and making
Cylindrical roller assembly or changeout simple even
thrust bearings in the most cramped and inaccessible
conditions Clearances are pre-set, so
no on-site adjustment is needed and no
specialized fitting tools are required.
High temperature bearings
SKF high temperature bearings
incorporate a graphite-based lubrication
that continuously lubricate the bearing,
eliminating the use of grease and oil.

Ideal for applications in industries such as

metals and food & beverage, these bearings are designed for
trouble-free operation at temperatures up to 350°C.
Sensor bearing units
They combine active sensor technology with an SKF Explorer
Bearings with Solid Oil deep groove ball bearing, and used to monitor accurately and
continuously the speed and the direction of rotation.
SKF bearings with Solid Oil are
designed for use in applications
where high levels of moisture
and incidental contact with Polymer bearings
water and other contaminants
are real issues. Low level of friction and capacity
for work without lubrication
These bearings are also an (no lubricant required).
excellent choice for applications Low weight (80% lighter compared
where relubrication is to steel bearings).
impractical or dangerous. Corrosion and chemical resistance, electrical insulation
Solid Oil is an oil saturated,
polymer material that virtually
ûlls all of the free space in
the bearing. In service, oil is
released from the material into
the narrow gaps between it and
the bearing components, thus
providing effective minimum
quantity lubrication.

Hybrid bearings

Hybrid bearings have rings

made of bearing steel and
rolling elements made of
bearing grade silicon nitride

Because silicon nitride is such an excellent electrical

insulator, hybrid bearings can be used to effectively insulate
the housing from the shaft in both AC and DC motors as well
as in generators.

In addition to being an excellent insulator, hybrid bearings

have higher speed capabilities and provide longer bearing
service life than standard bearings under the same operating

Hybrid bearings also perform extremely well under vibrating

or oscillating conditions.
Bearing units Bearing housings
Insert bearing (Y-bearing) units Available in a wide range of designs and materials (grey cast
The main components of the bearing units are iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron, cast steel). They are
interchangeable and can be replaced separately. intended for both grease and oil bearing lubrication. There is a
wide assortment of SKF housing seals.
The type of seal should be selected based on the lubricant type,
operating speed, levels of contamination and misalignment.
Optimized design requiring minimum effort for installation and

Sealed, pre-greased and ready-to-mount units (both ISO and

JIS standards). They can compensate misalignment of the
shaft with respect of the housing. Housings can be made of
composite material, cast iron and pressed steel sheets.
Widely used in agriculture and in the food industry
applications (Blue Range).

SKF AgriHub
Integrated bearing unit, pre-greased
and sealed for life. Reduced
maintenance costs and increased
reliability. Easy to install and
replace in-situ.

SKF Blue Range

Completely sealed, lubricated for life and designed for increased
bearing performance, The SKF Food Line
ball bearing units – Blue Range have
been developed to offer a complete
range of hygienic and Mounting accessories
high-performance bearing unit
solutions for the most demanding Adapter and withdrawal sleeves for bearing mounting and
Food and Beverage environments. dismounting using mechanical or hydraulic method.

Wide assortment of SKF industrial lock nuts and precision lock

nuts which provides a variety of ways to secure the nut onto a
SKF ConCentra bearing units with ball or
roller bearings
Robust, ready-to-mount units that are assembled,
lubricated and sealed at the factory for
maximum service life.
The unique SKF ConCentra
locking technology provides a
truly concentric ût on the shaft,
which virtually eliminates
fretting corrosion.

Tools for mounting
and dismounting

Mounting and dismounting are critical stages in

Did you know that 16% the bearing service cycle. Applying appropriate
of the premature failures maintenance practices and using appropriate
of bearings are due tools, significantly extends the service life of the
to improper installation? bearing, and has a positive effect on machine
performance and efficiency.

Mechanical tools

tool kits

Designed for quick

and precise mounting Mechanical and hydraulic jaw puller kits
of bearings, while
minimizing the risk of
bearing damage.

Hook spanners

Mounting and dismounting by SKF
Dismounting Bearing

Surveillance of work

Alignment Lubrication

Closed assembly Closed assembly

Cylindrical shaft Tapered Mounting on Mounting in the Cylindrical shaft
Tapered Mounting on (shaft and bearing Mounting in the
shaft a bushing (shaft and bearing shaft a bushing
housing) bearing housing housing) bearing housing

Dismounting Mounting
d#55mm 55mm<d#200mm d>200mm

Potentially dangerous Non-recommended SKF-recommended

Good method
method method method

Heating tools Hydraulic tools
Induction heaters allow for efficient and accurate Pumps rated for operating
heating of bearings and cylindrical parts. pressure of 30 to 400 MPa.

Available in a wide range of designs and sizes.

We have a wide range of nipples, accessories, pressure
gauges, hydraulic connectors, high pressure pipes and more.

All procedures can be supported by the SKF

Drive-Up Method applications available in
the Apple AppStore and Google Play.

Scan the QR code for direct access to

the SKF Drive-Up Method application.

Lubrication products and solutions

Did you know that 36% of the

premature failures of bearings are
due to poor lubrication?

Experts in lubrication
Drawing on over 200 years of combined experience, SKF and SKF integrated lubrication solutions combine the experience in the
Lincoln offer a complete lubrication solution portfolio. field of bearings, seals and machine monitoring with expertise in
Regardless of industry or application, SKF offers products and tribology – friction study, wear and lubrication.
solutions to help you reduce maintenance costs, increase An extensive range of solutions: specialized lubricants, manual
productivity, and improve the reliability of your equipment. lubrication tools, automated single point lubrication systems,
centralized lubrication systems and lubricant management

Proactive maintenance

Centralized and automatic lubrication systems

Single point greasing systems (System 24)

Manual lubrication tools

SKF bearing grease selection chart
For full technical details, we recommend consulting the SKF Lubricants catalogue.

Recommended Base oil

Temperature, Composition Consistency
Name Description temperature range viscosity
speed and load (NLGI)
(LTL/HTPL) (cSt)

General purpose industrial

LGMT 2 and automotive
-30°/+120° M/M/L÷M Lithium soap / mineral oil 2 110

General purpose industrial

LGMT 3 and automotive
-30°/+120° M/M/L÷M Lithium soap / mineral oil 3 125

General application grease

LGEP 2 Extreme pressure -20°/+110° M/L÷M/H Lithium soap/ mineral oil 2 200

Wide temperature range, Extreme Lithium complex soap /

LGWA 2 pressure
-30°/+140° M÷H/L÷M/L÷H mineral oil
2 185

Lithium-calcium soap /
LGGB 2 Biodegradable, low toxicity -40°/+90° M÷H/L÷M/M÷H synthetic ester oil
2 110

special requirements
Aluminum complex /
LGFP 2 Food compatible -20°/+110° M/M/L÷M Medical white oil
2 150

Food compatible L÷H/VL÷M/L÷VH Complex calcium

LGFQ 2 High load
-40°/+140° sulphonate/PAO
1-2 320

Wind turbine blade and yaw bearing Lithium complex soap /

LGBB 2 grease
-40°/+120° L÷M/VL/M÷H synthetic PAO oil
2 68

Lithium soap /
LGLT 2 Low temperatures, extremely high speeds -50°/+110° L÷M/M÷EH/L synthetic PAO oil
2 18
Low temperatures

LGWM 1 Extreme pressure, low temperature -30°/+110° L÷M/L÷M/H Lithium soap / mineral oil 1 200

Complex calcium
LGWM 2 High load, wide temperature -40°/+110° L÷M/L÷M/L÷H sulphonate / synthetic 1-2 80
PAO oil / mineral oil

LGEM 2 High viscosity plus solid lubricants -20°/+120° M/VL/H÷VH Lithium soap / mineral oil 2 500
High loads

Extremely high viscosity with solid Lithium-calcium soap /

LGEV 2 lubricants
-10°/+120° M/VL/H÷VH mineral oil
2 1020

Complex calcium sulfonate /

LGHB 2 EP high viscosity, high temperature -20°/+150° M÷H/VL÷M/L÷VH mineral oil
2 425
High temperatures

LGHP 2 High performance polyurea grease -40°/+150° M÷H/M÷H/L÷M Di-urea / mineral oil 2-3 96

High temperature PTFE / synthetic

LGED 2 Harsh environment
-30°/+240° VH/L÷M/H÷VH 2 460

PTFE / synthetic
LGET 2 Extreme temperature -40°/+260° VH/L÷M/H÷VH 2 400

Manual lubrication
The SKF range of manual lubrication
tools is designed to help you store,
manipulate, dispense and deliver the
optimal amount of lubricant to machine
lubrication points in a clean and correct

Advantages of automatic lubrication

compared to manual lubrication

Reduce the risks of failure Manual lubrication

Cost for SKF SYSTEM 24
– Over-greased = overheating, waste and pollution Automatic lubrication
Grease consumption
Lubrication labor
Machinery repair costs
Planned downtime

– Optimal lubrication Unplanned downtime

Manual Automatic
– Under-greased = wear, premature repairs, high repair costs lubrication lubrication

Single-point greasing systems

To ensure proper lubrication, you need to: apply the right

lubricant in the right amount, use the correct lubrication
method at the right time and apply lubrication to the
right point.

Automated SKF lubrication systems provide the

optimal amount of lubricant at the right time, reducing
friction and wear and optimizing the service life of
bearings and machines.

Lubrication management
In order to achieve optimal lubrication, SKF has developed
consulting services, complete lubrication management
software and tools geared to improve the performance of
rotating equipment.

SKF Lubrication Planner

Software for easy management of lubrication


LubeSelect for SKF lubricants

Software for generalized selection of lubricants and
calculation of lubrication cycles

SKF DialSet
Software for quick calculation of lubrication cycles

Free download at:

The app is available for iPhone and


Alignment tools

Did you know that 34% of the Shaft misalignment is a major factor in
premature failure of bearings is rotating equipment failures.
due to increased wear caused Proper shaft alignment can prevent a
by misalignment, poor balance, large number of malfunctions, reduce
mechanical defects? energy losses and the risk of machine





Wireless communication by phone/tablet

Measuring distance (m) 0.2 2 4 5 10

Minimum angle of rotation 180° 140° 90° 40° 40°

Horizontal alignment

Vertical alignment

"Soft foot" feature

Machine train alignment

Dial indicator feature

Wireless charging
Basic condition
monitoring products
In order to extend the service life of bearings and reduce
overall maintenance costs, SKF has developed a wide
Thermometers range of measuring instruments to analyze the critical
factors that affect bearings and indirectly influence
machine performance.

SKF measuring instruments can be used for measuring

temperature, revolutions, and identifying performance



Electronic stethoscope

Electrical discharge detector

Ultrasonic leak detector

Power transmission
For most industrial applications,
chains represent a reliable
Power transmission products – along with bearings – play solution for transmission of
a key part in machine performance and reliability. mechanical power between two
or more shafts.
SKF offers a full range of power transmission products SKF offers complete solutions
through its authorized distribution network. for chain transmissions with
a wide range of chains – from
The SKF range of power transmission products includes roller chains to special and
over 30,000 products grouped into the following main conveyor chains.
categories: belts, belt pulleys, chains, sprockets, shaft We can deliver almost any kind of chain – made of various
couplings, bushings and hubs. materials and subjected to different heat treatments, ensuring
delivery of products of optimal quality compliant with the
customers' requirements.

Belts Sprockets
SKF offers a full range of power
SKF offers a wide range of chain
transmission belts, suited for a
sprockets designed to provide
variety of industrial applications.
optimum performance for chain
Whether you work in high drives.
temperature conditions, or in
contaminated environments. Sprockets are available in
different hub configurations:
SKF belts provide exceptional plate, with single-hub or
performance. double-sided hubs.

SKF Xtra Power transmission belts are suitable for all types
of industrial applications and even for some agricultural Shaft couplings
SKF offers a wide range of
They can deliver up to 40% more power and longer service couplings of various sizes
life compared to standard belts. and capacities, meeting the
requirements of any application
" Power transmission efûciency of up to 97% – from standard products to
• Resistance to oil and high temperature custom solutions.
• Smoother operation and less vibration The SKF range of shaft
• High impact resistance couplings includes (but is not
limited to): gear couplings,
grid couplings, jaw couplings,
Belt pulleys FRC couplings, rigid couplings, elastomer couplings, etc.
Special couplings can also be custom-made (usually gear
couplings or spring-loaded type couplings) based on the
SKF offers a wide range of belt customer's technical speciûcations.
pulleys designed to provide
optimum performance for
belt transmissions.
Bushings and hubs
With the use of high-quality SKF bushings and hubs are
belt pulleys or wheels, belts made of high quality, specially
service life can be signiûcantly coated metal that provides
extended and the overall cost enhanced corrosion protection.
of the machine reduced. The range of SKF bushings and
hubs includes: taper bushings,
• Manufactured in accordance with ISO and RMA standards QD bushings (American
to ensure optimum performance standard), FX bushings,
• Corrosion-resistant and perfectly balanced weldable steel hubs, bolted
• Equipped with taper sleeves for quick and precise installation mounting hubs.
Sealing solutions
Being the world’s only bearing company Fluid power sealing SKF machined seals
with seal manufacturing capabilities, SKF
supplies a wide range of sealing systems and customised
solutions for rotating, reciprocating and sealing solutions
static applications to industries SKF offers a wide range of ûuid power
worldwide. Innovative SKF sealing seals, designed to optimally work
together in well-balanced sealing system Independently of improving an existing
solutions help customers to increase
solutions in a hydraulic cylinder. design or creating a new solution, SKF
productivity and process reliability as
can help analyse the application
well as to reduce Total Cost of
The assortment includes rod, piston and requirements and then select/create the
wiper seals as well as guides, O-rings and optimal sealing solution.
Based on extensive knowledge and back-up rings.
Thanks to SKF SEAL JET manufacturing
experience in material technology,
SKF ûuid power seals are available in a processes for machined seals, customers
design and manufacturing processes,
multitude of materials to provide optimal beneût from high ûexibility and short
SKF offers standard seals and custom
compatibility with the various hydraulic delivery times for customised sealing
engineered sealing solutions in a broad
ûuids encountered in service. solutions.
range of elastomer, thermoplastic and
thermoplastic elastomer materials.

Our dedicated local teams of experts are

there to solve your challenging
application demands.

Seals for general

industrial applications
With a variety of designs and materials,
SKF can offer shaft sealing solutions for
almost any power transmission Seals for heavy
application. industry applications
Examples include standard metric rubber SKF seals for heavy industry are
outside diameter seals and low-friction designed to work under tough operating
seals with the SKF WAVE lip design. SKF conditions, such as high speeds and
also offers solutions with PTFE sealing temperatures, while retaining the
lips, which can withstand aggressive lubricant and excluding contaminants.
environments, high temperatures and
pressures, as well as dry running. Options include heavy-duty metal-cased
seals, rubber outside diameter seals
with metal inserts or fabric-reinforced
and all-rubber seals.

SKF SCOTSEAL V-ring seals Metal face seals
Designed for hub bearing arrangements V-ring seals are all-rubber SKF metal face seals HDDF are designed
typically found on commercial and seals for rotating shafts. for severe operating conditions at
off-road vehicle axles, SKF SCOTSEAL is Featuring a conical-shaped relatively low circumferential speeds.
a robust, customised sealing unit. All sealing lip joined to the HDDF seals consist of two identical metal
three different designs – Classic, body with a resilient sealing rings and two similar Belleville
Longlife and PlusXL – install easily and “hinge,” V-ring seals install washers. Originally developed for
accommodate all driving conditions. directly on the shaft and off-road and tracked vehicles, the seals
rotate with it, retaining are also suitable for other applications
lubricants and excluding exposed to sand, soil, moisture and
water spray and solid contaminants. more.
They can also act as a grease valve. SKF
offers V-ring seals in different designs,
materials and sizes to meet most
application requirements

SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE is a well-proven
solution to ûx worn shafts within
SKF Mudblock minutes, providing an excellent sealing
SKF Mudblock cassette surface without having to disassemble
seals are radial shaft the shaft or change the seal dimensions. SKF Trackstar seals
sealing units developed
The sleeve combined with an SKF radial SKF Trackstar seals are track pin seals
for heavy-duty applications
shaft seal provides an enhanced sealing designed for oil-lubricated, off-highway
in harsh environments.
system, resulting in a consistent and track chains. Installed on the pin
All SKF Mudblock seals are
increased operating durability. This connecting a pair of chain links, SKF
designed with an integrated
improved service life predictability assists Trackstar seals feature a rubber
wear sleeve, but can have
any one of a number of sealing lip and with maintenance planning. For large energizer and a polyurethane sealing
auxiliary lip conûgurations. shafts, SKF can also offer wear sleeves ring.
for heavy industrial applications.
Their geometry provides excellent There is also a heavy-duty design
lubricant retention and optimum protec- including a metal reinforcement ring
tion against water, dust, mud and other moulded into the polyurethane sealing
contaminants. ring, providing additional rigidity for
severe operating conditions.

Machine health monitoring systems

Industry 4.0 Strategy – digitalization, reporting, linking and SKF is one of the pioneers in equipment monitoring systems
analyzing large amounts of data – is synonymous with the and preventative maintenance.
new industrial revolution, allowing factories to build a
network of connected machines, and helps people gather We have been manufacturing vibrational diagnostics systems
and analyze data in real time. for 40 years, we have been monitoring machines for more than
15 years, and we have millions of bearings connected
By integrating digital technology, SKF complements its to the cloud.
product portfolio so that customers can enhance their
rotating equipment performance.
SKF Remote Diagnostics Services allow
each company to deploy world-class
PdM solutions or reduce costs of existing
Maintenance Management Taking advantage of SKF expertise in
Systems (CMMS) analytics, diagnostics and predictive
Remote SKF diagnostics maintenance, you can undertake quicker
services and more efficient on key equipment

SKF Software is an integrated platform for

portable and online measuring devices, easy to Cloud based solution
use for both beginners and experienced users,
allowing connection to a SKF Remote Diagnostics Observer Analyst
The software is used to diagnose and analyze
equipment health and to store measuring data
history. It provides easy access to information and SKFSKF
online systems
equipment for monitoring of machines even for
• Data storage
very sophisticated production facilities. SKF @ptitude Observer
• Data sharing
The platform is available for both customer (local)
and cloud-based systems and can be connected
to CMMS (SAP, Maximo, etc.), which makes it
scalable and flexible to meet customers' specific

SKF @ptitude Observer (local)

SKF Multilog On-line System

IMx-8 / IMx-16Plus

" Work ûows

• User views
• Dashboard
• Data visualisation

Machine data and controller interface Vibration accelerometer sensor

The Enlight Collect platform makes data collection
much easier. With a portable wireless sensor
combined with two mobile applications, the
intricate process of collecting and analyzing data
can become manageable for anyone. Now it's SKF Enlight Collect Platform
easier than ever to monitor your machines and
have your own preventative maintenance program.

• Minimum training that does not require

specialized knowledge
• Easy collection of vibration data, bearing
condition data and temperature data Sensor SKF QuickCollect
• Instructions for visual checks, inconsistencies or
preventive actions
SKF QuickCollect sensor with vibration analysis feature.
• Storing Process Parameter Data: pressure, flow,
• Easy to use and robust
current, voltage, revs
• ATEX Zone 1, Class 1 Certificate
• Electronic and automated support for audits,
• IP67 dust and water protection
inspections and checks
• 8 hours of operation with one battery charge
• Customized forms
• Measures vibration velocity (mm/s), bearing
• Real time analysis and diagnostics of data
condition, enveloping and temperature.

Portable devices, SKF analyzers

SKF portable devices for vibration data collection and

analysis allows to implement a comprehensive
equipment monitoring solution.

Compatible with the latest maintenance

management systems.

SKF wireless systems The devices come with a full set of modules
for data analysis and with accessories to meet
all equipment monitoring needs.

Machine data and controller interface

SKF Smart Supplier 4.0
Improve your plant reliability and supply chain efficiency.
Increase production efficiency
Plant efficiency requires more than just data, you also need to
know how to interpret it effectively too.
The efûciency of production capacities is more than mere data.
These data should be interpreted correctly and used in business
processes to achieve speciûc results.
reactive proactive
Smart Supplier 4.0 can help – at no extra cost!
As part of the SKF Smart Supplier 4.0 programme will help you
set up an effective Operator Driven Reliability process. We will
help you specify not only the machine data you need, but the
measurement parameters and inspection routes as well.

DataCollect QuickCollect Remote monitoring and Authorized
expertise and SME expert
App Sensor Collected data reliability analysis distributors

Maintenance strategy evaluation and development plan

Work execution Maintenance

SKF can help you improve the performance of your
rotating equipment.
By analyzing current maintenance processes
benchmarked to real data from similar manufacturing
facilities, we can identify key areas for improvement.
We can focus on these development projects that bring
you the highest added value and help you achieve the
required equipment uptime:
Work control
• level of production;
• maintenance costs;
Individual result Maintaining
Industry average Improvement
• total operating costs.

The four phases of

maintenance maturity
Moving toward a worldclass
facility begins with
understanding where you stand
today, and deûning your strategy
for progressing along the
maturity continuum to achieve
world-class asset efûciency
Rotating Equipment
Performance (REP)
The industrial world is changing. And as new challenges
emerge, plant managers, engineering managers, Be more sustainable
maintenance and service engineers are all looking for
ways to maximise machine performance, while lowering SKF can work with you to reduce energy usage, waste
operational and maintenance costs. output, spare parts consumption and more, helping you to
deliver against your sustainability agenda, as well as saving
SKF offers you solutions to drive business success on costs.
getting the most from your machinery.

With experience from almost every industrial sector and Improve output
machine type, SKF can work closely with you throughout
a machine’s complete life cycle, using our knowledge, By optimizing the performance of your rotating equipment
experience and insight to provide improved equipment you can increase availability, performance rate and quality
design the high quality products, – all driving greater Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and
services, and advice required to help you meet your boosting output for your business.
business objectives.

What does ROTATING EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE mean Trim your Total Cost of Ownership
to you?
Poor performance and unplanned downtime don’t just
affect your productivity and cost of production, they can
also directly affect the cost of energy, maintenance, spare
Gain new insights into your machinery parts, labor and more – all adding up to a greater Total
Cost of Ownership (TCO). SKF can help you achieve more
Gain visibility into the health of your equipment and turn reliable rotation, so you can reduce your TCO.
data into performance-driving insights. Allowing your
business to be more agile, deliver greater output, or
optimise safety, reliability and sustainability. Reducing reliance on scarce talent
Drive forward digitalization of your operations using
Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to connect to your By working with SKF to connect our rotating equipment
machinery plant wide and planet wide. Store and share expertise to your business, you can reduce the time and
data in the SKF Cloud cost of recruiting, training and retaining increasingly scarce
SKF Enlight Centre and expensive maintenance and diagnostic skillsets.
and giving easy to understand data interpretation.
Connect directly to expert diagnostics and analysis,
providing unrivaled application insights and advice to
Operate more safely
maximize rotating equipment performance.
Whether you want to ensure maximum operational safety,

EHSS regulations, SKF can help you drive operational

safety, and a reduced incident rate will feed into your
productivity too.


Bearing remanufacturing

SKF has established a state of the art Suitable bearings Customer Benefits
Bearing Remanufacturing facility at our
Witfield premises. This forms part of a
• Bearings with a bore diameter greater Significant cost savings
than ± 250 mm can generally be – Remanufactured bearing cost is
global SKF project to offer quality
economically remanufactured. between 10 and 50% of the price of a
remanufacturing facilities to service
• Small bearings can be accommodated new bearing
local markets.
but the price of the remanufactured
bearing can be close to that of a new Extended service life
The centre offers the highest possible
bearing. - Removal of stress concentrations on
quality for remanufactured products
• Bearings that can be non-destructively internal surfaces prolongs residual
using custom designed washing
disassembled. bearing service life
machines, polishing stands, measurement
– Spherical roller bearings and CARB
equipment, preservation machines and a
bearings Risk minimisation due to:
cage sandblasting machine based on
– Spherical and cylindrical roller – Optimised process
specifications from the SKF Industrial
thrust bearings – Stringent quality control requirements,
Service Centre in Steyr, Austria.
– Single row angular contact ball which are an integral part of the
bearings process
Today SKF expertly remanufacturers
– Certain 4-row cylindrical, taper – Clearly defined acceptance criteria
bearings that were previously destined
roller and slew ring bearings
for scrapping, thereby saving costs,
raw materials and energy. Short term availability
Detailed bearing assessment – Remanufactured bearings can alleviate
Target market for Before any bearing is remanufactured it production stoppages associated with
is assessed by a skilled SKF technician. A extended lead times for certain large
remanufacturing comprehensive bearing assessment size bearings
• Bearings removed from service for report is compiled that includes: – Lead times for remanufactured
routine maintenance or other reasons • A summary of the condition of the bearings vary from 1 day to three
which have operated for periods that components weeks, depending on the scope of work
are below their design life. • A description of any damage observed
• High value bearings that have been on components Suitability for long term storage
stored for intervals that exceed the • Measurements taken to assess – Remanufactured bearings are
recommended shelf-life of the dimensional accuracy of components preserved and wrapped according to
preservative. and internal raceway and rolling stringent SKF global standards
element wear levels
Customer training

Increase knowledge to improve reliability

Manufacturers today are under tremendous pressure to

provide the highest possible quality at the lowest possible
cost. Therefore, achieving maximum machine reliability is
critical. The proûtability of all manufacturers is reliant on
the skills of its personnel and how employers’ and industry
support these personnel to fulûll their potential.

Making the most out of your knowledge

The course portfolio follows a blended learning approach using
an array of methodologies such as e-learning, classroom,
practical exercises and onsite mentoring to reach the learning Why SKF for reliability maintenance training?
Our training courses are backed by over 100 years of
SKF can also assist by conducting a Training Needs Analysis experience and knowledge of rotating machine reliability
online assessment to map your personnel’s current that is unmatched in the world. Close working partnerships
competencies in a variety of areas and is designed to with our clients have given us a unique and intimate
identify areas where employees9 skills are deûcient in order understanding of the processes and challenges speciûc to
to improve plant efûciency every major industry.

SKF courses focus on enhancing the efûciency of plant

machinery and equipment assets, which are the very heart
of the production process.

SKF Distributor Network
A wide range of SKF products and services are available to
customers through the Authorized Distributor Network.

Awareness of local market needs, efûcient IT and logistic systems

and support by competent SKF engineers and specialists in the
ûeld of maintenance 3 these are just part of the advantages,
making the SKF Distributor Network a valuable resource for
customers. The Distributor Network offers a wide range of
products in stock and on-line shops.

A list of SKF Authorized Distributors in your country or region

can be found on your local SKF website or visit

• By purchasing a rolling-contact bearing from an Authorized

Authorized Distributor, you beneût from SKF's expertise and eliminate the risk of
Distributor using counterfeit products.

• In addition to the full range of bearings, Authorized Distributors

Industrial Parts provide seals, lubrication systems, power transmission products,
Supplier monitoring devices, services and related products.

" SKF Certiûed Partners have extra experience in preventive

SKF Certified
Partner maintenance services, possessing expert skills to monitor
equipment health.

• Distributors of SKF seals have extensive technical expertise and

SKF Seals are specialized in the manufacture and supply of seals. The range
Distributor includes seals for static and hydraulic equipment – standard or

SKF Agriculture • Distributors specializing in delivery of spare parts for agricultural

Distributor machinery.

SKF Lubrication • Distributors specializing in design and installation of centralized

Systems Distributor lubrication systems and in delivery of spare parts.

We maight not be able to tell the difference.
But your machine will!
Given that the appearance of fake products may be
identical to that of the original products, most users ûnd it
difûcult to distinguish SKF's original products from counterfeit products.

Protect your business!

The best way to safeguard authenticity is to source SKF products
from SKF Authorized Distributors only.

A list of SKF Authorized Distributors in your country or region can be found on

your local SKF website or visit

Always buy SKF products from an Authorized SKF Distributor and

take advantage of the warranty and safety of the purchased products.

Would you like to check the authenticity of

SKF products?

The SKF Authenticate application allows you to send pictures of suspicious

products, as only experts from SKF can verify authenticity of a product or package
marked with SKF trademarks. You can use this application regardless of where
you purchased the bearings.
Enter and check! Check the products
using the SKF Authenticate app, which
You can also contact us at [email protected]. you can download for free from Apple
AppStore and Google Play. | |

Apple and App Store are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.
Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.

© SKF Group 2022

The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure
the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the
information contained herein.

PUB BU/S2 19455 EN · August 2022

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