Secret Code Attempt Control: Alcatel Omnipcx Enterprise

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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise

Secret Code Attempt Control


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without notice. Products and services described in this document may not be
offered in every country. For the most current information, please contact
your Alcatel representative or your Alcatel equipment provider.

Copyright (c) 2006 Alcatel. All rights reserved for all countries. This
document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express
written permission of Alcatel.

Alcatel® and the Alcatel logo are registered trademarks of Alcatel. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The CE mark indicates that this product conforms to the following Council
- 89/336/CEE (concerning electro-magnetic compatibility)
- 73/23/CEE (concerning electrical safety)
- 1999/5/CE (R&TTE)



Chapter 1

 Overview .................................................................................................... 1.1

Chapter 2
Basic description

 Controlling the number of errors ...................................................... 2.1

 Unblocking a set with inhibited code .............................................. 2.1

Chapter 3

 Limits .......................................................................................................... 3.1

Chapter 4
Configuration procedure




 Maximum number of errors allowed ............................................... 4.1

 User error counters ............................................................................... 4.1
 Override duration code ........................................................................ 4.1

Chapter 5

 Different incidents ................................................................................. 5.1




1.1 Overview
This function is used to control the number of consecutive errors made when entering the
secret code and to inhibit, on the set, all applications requiring this code when a maximum
number of errors has been reached.
It is also used to control the number of errors made by a set when entering a business code.
The inhibition date is stored and it is possible to manage a period after which the inhibition will
be lifted.

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Chapter 1 !!"#

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2.1 Controlling the number of errors

Each error when entering the secret code will increment the "count errors of secret code "
field by 1. When the secret code is valid, this counter is reset to 0.
Each error when entering the business code will increment the "count errors of business
code " field by 1. When the business code is valid, this counter is reset to 0.
When the maximum number of errors has been reached, the display shows "PSSWD
FORBIDDEN " (business forbidden in case of business code) after each code entry and the
voice guide "This operation is not authorized " is broadcasted. Any functions requiring a
secret code will then be inaccessible. The user can enter a secret code his set will stay stay
locked (the error counter is no longer incremented).
So when the set has reached its maximum number of errors, substitution is no longer possible
(the set displays "Not authorized " following entry of the secret code).
Similarly, when the set is locked, substitution in i/c DISA is no longer possible either (the
communication will be released once the secret code has been entered).
In other respects, when the set is locked, use of the PIN (Personal Identifier Number) is only
possible if it has no associated secret code. If it is associated with a secret code, then the set
displays "illegal code " following entry of the secret code, and this code will not be checked
(the error counter is neither incremented nor reset to 0). In i/c DISA, the communication will be
released once the secret code has been entered.

2.2 Unblocking a set with inhibited code

A set that has reached its maximum number of secret or business code entry errors will
unblock automatically after the period defined in Disabled Code Duration (provided the latter
is different from 0).
A set may also be unblocked using the management mode, by resetting the Count Errors Of
Secret Code parameter to 0 in the case of blocking on the secret code and by resetting the
Count Errors Of Business Code parameter to 0 in the case of blocking on the business
code. These parameters are also reset automatically whenever the system is rebooted.
If a set which has not reached the maximum number of errors threshold enters the correct
secret code, then the errors counter will be reset to zero.

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Chapter 2 %&" &""

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3.1 Limits
The control of the number of errors on secret code function is not implemented for applications
specific to:
- Hotel (control guest secret codes).
- ACD (control secret code on request or cancellation of ACD team general forwarding).
This function is not implemented for attendants (secret code and business code).
In the case of set re activation:
- if the secret code is false, there is no increment of the error counter and the set is not
- if the code is valid, the counter is not reset to 0.
The code inhibition duration and the inhibition date are common for secret code and business
code controls. The inhibition date is that of the last inhibition carried out. This means that a set
inhibited the secret code and which is then inhibited the business code before the expiry of the
code inhibition duration will have its inhibition date updated and its secret code inhibition
prolonged accordingly (and vice versa).
In the case of an incorrect code, the physical set is penalised. In the case of a substitution, it is
the business code errors counter on the set carrying out the substitution which is incremented.

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Chapter 3 '" "&

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4.1 Maximum number of errors allowed

The maximum number of errors is an installation parameter. If this number is 0, no control will
be carried out on the number of entry errors for the secret code.
Object name: System > Other system Param.
Nb Of Secret Code Errors : Enter the number of consecutive errors authorised when
entering the secret code (maximum 7). This field is 0 by
Nb Of Business Code Errors : Enter the number of consecutive errors authorised when
entering the business code (maximum 7). This field is 0
by default.

4.2 User error counters

The user sets have a secret code entry error counter and a business code entry error counter.
When an incorrect secret code (or business code) is entered, this counter is incremented until
it reaches the "Nb of secret Code Errors " (or "Nb. of business Code Errors ") threshold.
The error counter is then locked even after entering a valid secret code.
Object name: Users
Count Errors Of Secret Code : This field is a counter for the number of errors made on
a set when the secret code is being entered.
Count Errors Of Business : This field is a counter for the number of errors made on
Code a set when the business code is being entered.

This fields are set at 0 by default and each time the system is re booted. It can only assume
values 0 to 7.

4.3 Override duration code

The duration for code inhibition before unblocking is used to manage the period after which the
set is unblocked. If this value is 0, the period is infinite (the unblocking can only be carried out
by the administrator or on system reboot). This data item is common to the set blocked after
controlling the secret code and the business code.
Object name: System > Other system Param.


Chapter 4

Disabled Code Duration : Enter an integer value between 0 and 255 (each step
corresponds to 10 minutes). Default value: 0 (infinite




5.1 Different incidents

There are three incidents specific to the control of the number of errors on the secret code:
- Incident 700 Wrong Secret Code: the dialed secret code is wrong and the secret code
error counter is incremented.
- Incident 701 Secret Code Locking: the secret code error counter has reached the
treshold and the set is locked.
- Incident 702 Reset Secret Errors: the secret code error counter is reset.
There are three incidents specific to the control of the number of errors on the business code:
- Incident 703 Wrong Business Code: the dialed secret code is wrong and the secret code
error counter is incremented.
- Incident 704 Business Code Locking: the secret code error counter has reached the
treshold and the set is locked.
- Incident 705 Reset Business Errors: the secret code error counter is reset.

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Chapter 5 *"

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