Alcatel Omnipcx Enterprise: Audit and Broadcast

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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise

Audit and Broadcast


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without notice. Products and services described in this document may not be
offered in every country. For the most current information, please contact
your Alcatel representative or your Alcatel equipment provider.

Copyright (c) 2006 Alcatel. All rights reserved for all countries. This
document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express
written permission of Alcatel.

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The CE mark indicates that this product conforms to the following Council
- 89/336/CEE (concerning electro-magnetic compatibility)
- 73/23/CEE (concerning electrical safety)
- 1999/5/CE (R&TTE)


Chapter 1

 Overview .................................................................................................... 1.1

 Audit and Broadcast Compatibility between Software Versions
........................................................................................................................ 1.1

Chapter 2
Detailed description

 Audit ............................................................................................................ 2.1

 Principle ....................................................................................................... 2.1
 Back-up Call Server ..................................................................................... 2.2
 Broadcast .................................................................................................. 2.2
 Purpose of the Broadcast ........................................................................... 2.2
 Implementation of the Broadcast Task ..................................................... 2.2
 Principles ..................................................................................................... 2.4
 Updating the Stand-by Call Server ........................................................... 2.10
 Broadcast on Dynamic Links .................................................................... 2.11

Broadcast Areas ......................................................................................... 2.11



Chapter 3
Object behavior

 Role of Objects in the Broadcast ...................................................... 3.1

 Object and Incoming Operations ............................................................... 3.1
 Object and Outgoing Operations ............................................................... 3.1
 Definition of the Behavior of an Object ..................................................... 3.1
 Types of Behavior .................................................................................. 3.1
 Broadcast as Network Prefix ...................................................................... 3.1
 Maintain Identical ........................................................................................ 3.2
 Idendical Broadcast .................................................................................... 3.2
 System Objects ....................................................................................... 3.2
 SIO Parameters ............................................................................................ 3.2
 Time-outs ..................................................................................................... 3.2
 Tones ............................................................................................................ 3.2
 Free Numbers Ranges List ......................................................................... 3.2
 Translator Object .................................................................................... 3.3
 Prefix Plan .................................................................................................... 3.3
 Suffix Plan .................................................................................................... 3.3
 Personal Identification Number (PIN) ........................................................ 3.3
 Numbering Discrimination .......................................................................... 3.3
 Description of a Numbering Plan ............................................................... 3.3

DDI Translator Numbers ............................................................................. 3.3
 DDI Translator: Rule .................................................................................... 3.3
 Node Access Prefix ..................................................................................... 3.3
 Node and DDI Network Transcoding ......................................................... 3.4
 Teleservice Filtering .................................................................................... 3.4
 Object Categories .................................................................................. 3.4
  Access Category ......................................................................................... 3.4
  Connection Category .................................................................................. 3.4
  Transfer Category ........................................................................................ 3.4
  Private Call Connection Category .............................................................. 3.4



  Telephone Facility Categories .................................................................... 3.4

Attendant Objects .................................................................................. 3.5

 Attendant Group .......................................................................................... 3.5

 Attendants .................................................................................................... 3.5
 User Objects ............................................................................................ 3.5
 User ............................................................................................................... 3.5
 Programmable Keys .................................................................................... 3.5
 User Alias ..................................................................................................... 3.5
 Object Group ............................................................................................ 3.5
 Hunt Groups (PCX) ...................................................................................... 3.5
 S0 Data Set Group ....................................................................................... 3.6
 Abbreviated Number Object ............................................................... 3.6
 Direct Abbreviated Numbers ...................................................................... 3.6
 Direct Abbreviated Number Range ............................................................ 3.6
 Abbreviated Numbers Range ..................................................................... 3.6
 Direct Abbreviated Numbers Alias ............................................................ 3.6
 Abbreviated Numbers ................................................................................. 3.6
 Directory .................................................................................................... 3.6
 Entity Object ............................................................................................ 3.6
 Trunk Group Object ............................................................................... 3.6
 Trunk Group ................................................................................................. 3.6
 NPD Trunk Group Selector ......................................................................... 3.7
 VPN Overflow ........................................................................................... 3.7
 X25 Object ................................................................................................. 3.7
 X25 Access Point ......................................................................................... 3.7
 X25 Exception Numbering Plan ................................................................. 3.7
 X25 DDI ......................................................................................................... 3.7
 Definition of the Additional PSPDN Address ............................................ 3.7
 Definition of the Physical PSPDN Address ............................................... 3.7

X25 ISDN Address ....................................................................................... 3.7
 X25 Packet Handler ..................................................................................... 3.7
 Nodes of the Network .................................................................................. 3.7
 Access Rights .............................................................................................. 3.7
 External Network ......................................................................................... 3.8
 Data Object ............................................................................................... 3.8



  Data Terminal ............................................................................................... 3.8

  Data Terminal Groups ................................................................................. 3.8
  DATA Connection Category ....................................................................... 3.8
  DATA Set-up ................................................................................................ 3.8
  Input Configuration ..................................................................................... 3.8
Output Configuration .................................................................................. 3.8
  Flow Control ................................................................................................. 3.8

DATA Menu ............................................................................................... 3.8

 Data Menu: Logon ....................................................................................... 3.8

 Data Prefixes ................................................................................................ 3.8
 Applications Object ............................................................................... 3.9
 ACD ............................................................................................................... 3.9
 Pilot ............................................................................................................... 3.9
 Statistical Pilot ............................................................................................. 3.9
 Voice Mail ..................................................................................................... 3.9
 Automated Attendant .................................................................................. 3.9

Caller Rights Category ................................................................................ 3.9
 Objects Specific to Telephone Services ........................................ 3.9
 Cost Center .................................................................................................. 3.9
 Business Account Center ........................................................................... 3.9
 Security and Access Control ............................................................. 3.9
 User Access Control ................................................................................... 3.9
 Station Access Control .............................................................................. 3.10
 Access Control List .................................................................................... 3.10

Chapter 4
Configuration procedure

 General ....................................................................................................... 4.1

 General Check ......................................................................................... 4.1
 Configuration of Broadcast Settings .............................................. 4.1
 Validation of a Node for Broadcast .................................................. 4.3
 Reset and Relaunch the Broadcast ................................................. 4.4



Verification of the Sequence Numbers of Log Files .................. 4.4
 Consultation of the State of the Nodes .......................................... 4.4
 Running an Update Audit .................................................................... 4.5

Chapter 5

 Running the Command ........................................................................ 5.1

 General Menu ........................................................................................... 5.1
 Running the Audits ................................................................................ 5.1
 Principle ....................................................................................................... 5.1
 Simulation .................................................................................................... 5.1
 Select Time ................................................................................................... 5.2
 Select Objects .............................................................................................. 5.3
 Acknowledgement ....................................................................................... 5.3

Select Node .................................................................................................. 5.3
 When to Run an Audit ................................................................................. 5.3
 Output of Audit Results ....................................................................... 5.3
 Principle ....................................................................................................... 5.4
 File Read ....................................................................................................... 5.4
 Interpreting the Results .............................................................................. 5.4
 Programmed Audits .............................................................................. 5.5

Configuration ........................................................................................... 5.5





1.1 Overview
Audit and Broadcast tools are used in the context of the management of a PCX network in
order to maintain the consistency of their databases.
The audit is used to render the databases of the various PCXs consistent, regardless of their
Its vocation is to be activated on explicit manager command.
The audit should be used on system start-up, when a node is added or when a node is
isolated or else in case of excessive duration or when, for an undetermined reason, broadcast
generates errors.
The broadcast tool is used to maintain the coherence of all the elements of the network in real
time. When a management operation allocates the elements that depend on a network node,
the broadcast is responsible for transmitting the modifications required to the other nodes in
order to maintain overall coherence.
The broadcast is activated when the PCX is started up, then reactivated after certain
management commands. The range of the broadcast may be either the network as a whole or
the areas defined on management.
Audit and Broadcast work on the same database objects (see module Audit and broadcast -
Object behavior ).
The IP/X25 tunnel created between each of the nodes is the communication medium for both
tools, in the case of inter-connection by T2, T1 or T0 links.
For hybrid logical links with signaling over IP, the communication medium can be either IP/X25
tunnel or IP directly. For R6.1, the IP/X25 tunnel must be used as communication medium
when one of the nodes, interconnected by the hybrid logical link, is a node with duplicated Call
Server and both Call Servers on different IP subnetworks.

1.2 Audit and Broadcast Compatibility between Software Versions

Audit and Broadcast compatibility between different software releases and versions is not
For further information, contact Alcatel central support.

          ! 1-1

Chapter 1   !

1-2           !



2.1 Audit

2.1.1 Principle
The audit renders the databases on the various PCXs consistent. It is activated by the
manager. The audit is carried out in two stages:
- constitution of a reference on the local node,
- loading the reference on the various PCXs.
The constitution (or construction) of a reference is done by "mixing" the data from the PCXs
determined by the manager. The database of the PCX on which this reference is constituted is

Figure 2.1: Building and loading a reference

The loading of the reference is carried out on the PCXs designated by the manager.
On building and on loading, the system itself can solve certain cases of inconsistencies.
Example 1: a subscriber declared on a node must have a corresponding "network prefix" on the other
nodes; if this is not the case, the system itself will create or delete the instances required for the situation
to be consistent.
The system will indicate any inconsistent situations that it is unable to solve.
Example 2: two subscribers with the same call number are declared "local" on two different nodes. The
system lets the manager solve this type of inconsistency.


Chapter 2 "      

The objects concerned by the audit (building and loading) are, at present, as follows:

2.1.2 Back-up Call Server

The back-up Call Server is updated in parallel with the main Call Server.

2.2 Broadcast

2.2.1 Purpose of the Broadcast

The maintenance of the homogeneity of the objects managed within an OmniPCX Enterprise
network may require, when management operations performed on the objects in a node are
completed, an update of the objects which depend on the other nodes in the network.
Therefore, the OmniPCX Enterprise system has network administration tools that are based on
the implementation of the CMIP protocol (Common Management Information Protocol) .
The broadcast application is a network administration tool which enables broadcast from node
to node and the automatic maintenance of homogeneity between objects, thereby simplifying
the manager's task.
Depending on the objects concerned, the range of the broadcast may be either an entire
network or an area.
The source of the broadcast may be the management operations carried out an any node in
the network, as all nodes have the same importance in the broadcast context.

2.2.2 Implementation of the Broadcast Task Supported Protocols
The broadcast application is implemented using CMIP protocol primitives. The broadcast
application, depending on the network environment in which it is implemented, may be based
either on the TCP/IP protocol stack or the X25 stack, or even on the IP/X25 tunnel. The file
transfer management is carried out using the RCP tool.
On classic T2, T1 or T0 links, the broadcast application uses the IP/X25 tunnel.
On hybrid logical links with signaling over IP, the broadcast application uses either IP/X25 or
IP directly. From R6.1, the IP/X25 tunnel must be used when one of the nodes, interconnected
by the hybrid logical link, is a node with duplicated Call Server and both Call Servers on two
different IP subnetworks. Previous Configuration
In an X25 protocol environment that uses the IP/X25 tunnel on ABC-F links, the
commissioning of the broadcast requires:
- The operational status of the IP/X25 tunnel interfaces
- The management of ABC-F links
- The operational status of the X25 access point number 134
- The operational status of the X25 access point number 108
- Sufficient authorization rights for the broadcast and tunnel applications if dynamic links are

2-2          "      


X25 access points have X25 physical access points which are managed dynamically. For the
access points concerned, the only management intervention required is ensure that the access
point is in an operational state. Range of the Audit and Broadcast Applications
All the nodes in a sub-network which are acknowledged by the broadcast and audit
applications are defined in management (X25 > Network Nodes).
The addresses contained in this object are automatically obtained according to the logical links
and IP/X25 links managed on the node. For the logical links:
- object Inter-Node Links > Logical Links (ABC-F),
- object Inter-Node Links > Logical Links (ABC-F) > Hybrid Link Access.
For the IP/X25 links: object X25 > IP/X25 Tunnel.
Using the object X25 > Network Nodes, it is possible, for hybrid links, to select either IP/X25
or IP as communications medium.
When a new node is added to the network, it is automatically acknowledged in the Network
Nodes table. Physical Media
The broadcast application is compatible with network architectures which support T2 , T1 or T0
links, hybrid links and dynamic links. The implementation of the broadcast is different on the
less available dynamic links, which it uses in specific conditions. For more details, see §
Broadcast on Dynamic Links . Operations Broadcast
The management operations, supported by the broadcast, saved in the LOG files and which
are applicable to the network objects, are the following CMISE primitives in CMIP format
(ASN1 coding):
- Create,
- Set,
- Delete.
Management operations are saved in the LOG files by the maoagent process.
The operations broadcast on the other nodes are those that result from a management
operation carried out on another node.
Example: For example, when a user is created on a node, a name, a directory number and a PIN must
be created on the other network nodes.
The file broadcast will contain all the management operations to be carried out on the other
nodes, resulting from the creation of a user on a node. Objects Concerned
- Numbering plan,
- Entities,
- Trunk groups,


Chapter 2 "      

- Categories,
- PIN,
- Timeouts
- Suffixes,
- Data configuration,
- Directory,
- Call distribution tables,
- Direct abbreviated numbers,
- Cost center,
- Business Account numbers
- Tones,
- DDI,
- X25 configuration.

2.2.3 Principles Source of Management Operations
Management operations, which are saved in files and acknowledged by the broadcast, may
have as source:
- mgr,
- an A47xx platform,
- attendant management,
- a telephone operation carried out by a user. Processes Implemented
The maintenance of overall homogeneity is based on 5 processes:
- broadcast,
- cmisd: this process ensures the interface between the applications and the "maoagent",
- maoagent : this process ensures:
• the saving of management operations to be applied on remote node elements in files,
• the reactivation of the broadcast process if an urgent broadcast is required,
• the processing of management operations contained in files received on a node,
• the allocation of sequence number values in LOG files,
• the saving of any errors in an ERRLOG file.
- dis 25: Linux process, Chorus emulation time, which manages the X25 protocol on the
inter-node links and the routing information that relates to the links.
- Linux : used in this context as a media for the transmission of TCP/IP frames, either in
direct mode or encapsulated packet mode (IP/X25 tunnel). Broadcast Range

2-4          "      


Broadcast areas may be defined in a network. The range of the operations broadcast may
therefore be limited to an area. Depending on the object implicated by the broadcast and its
behavior defined in management, management operations which relate to it may be broadcast
locally or over a whole network.
In the same way, the receptivity of an element in relation to management operations received
by broadcast is defined in management, and the objects acknowledge them according to their
source: a specific area or the whole network. Identification of Broadcast Files
Two categories of broadcast files are distinguished according to their global or local range:
respectively, the LOG files (global broadcast) and the A files (broadcast by area).
The content of the broadcast files may be consulted using the prog_diff tool. Identification of LOG Files
The LOG files, global in range (without broadcast area), which contain the management
operations to be carried out on the remote nodes, created in the mao, are identified in the
following way:

Figure 2.2: Description of the Files used by the Broadcast

The sequence number is an index incremented when a new file is created. The sequence
number is managed by the node which is the source of management intervention.
In order to limit the number of files created, a minimum time interval separates two consecutive
index files. The value of this index, which can be defined in management, is set at 10 minutes
by default.
Therefore, if several management operations occur during this time interval, each one of them
will not be the source of the creation of a file. A single file will group all the operations that
occurred during the 10 minutes (parameter: Broadcast buffer duration-step 1 min).
A broadcast file, LOG or A, only contains the management operations carried out in the time
interval that separates two consecutive sequence numbers. Identification of a Files
In the context of a broadcast whose range is limited to an area, broadcast files identified in the
following way are used:


Chapter 2 "      

In the same way as for LOG files, if an error occurs during the execution of one of these files,
an error file, identified in the following way, is generated: lupd_tb File

Each network node has its own specific usr3/mao/lupd_tb, which causes the sequence
number of the latest versions of the broadcast file it is aware of, to appear in a table for each
network node.
Result of the mao -lupd command:

Figure 2.5: Example of a lupd_tb File

Node param: -v indicates that the node is acknowledged in the local broadcast process,
Node param: -d node connected to the local node by a link,
dynamic timer: indicates the time elapsed since the last broadcast on a dynamic link,
step: used to measure the validity of the area parameter (notably in the case of an exit of a
node from the area). Broadcast Mechanism

2-6          "      


Figure 2.6: Broadcast Mechanism

The broadcast mechanism includes the following steps:
- creation of a file when a management operation is complete,
- update of the lupd file,
- polling of adjacent nodes,
- execution of the LOG file and new update of the lupd file,
- fast polling and propagation. Creation of a Broadcast File
When a management intervention has been carried out on a node, a LOG or A file, depending
on the range of the broadcast, is created locally with a higher index since it is the most recent.
The LOG file only contains the management operations which occurred during a timer interval
that was defined in management (buffer duration parameter, see module Audit and broadcast
- Configuration procedure § Configuration of Broadcast Settings ). Update of the lupd_tb File
The local node's lupd_tb file is then updated. The sequence number of its file (LOG or A) is
incremented after the file is created. Polling of Adjacent Nodes
Using a polling mechanism, each network node consults the lupd_tb file of the nodes adjacent


Chapter 2 "      

to it. The polling period is defined in management as 10 minutes by default (broadcast sensor
probe, see module Audit and broadcast - Configuration procedure § Configuration of
Broadcast Settings ).
For certain urgent operations (prefix deletion, for example), it may be reduced to 20 seconds.
The adjacent nodes are consulted in sequence, if T is the poll period and the node is in
relation to n adjacent nodes, the total duration of the consultations will be nT.
When a shift in the values of the sequence numbers of the LOG or A files is observed between
the content of the lupd_tb files of the two adjacent nodes, depending on the range of the
broadcast, a transfer of the most recent files to the node whose objects have not been updated
is required. The LOG file containing the management operations to be carried out is
transferred to the node whose objects require an update using the RCP file transfer tool. Execution of the Broadcast File
Once the files have been recovered on the node, the management operations they contain are
triggered as local requests. After they have been transmitted and acknowledged by all the
adjacent nodes, the broadcast files are destroyed. In order to save disk space, only the last 20
files produced are stored on each node. The number of files stored by the node is defined in
management, with 20 as the default value.
If management operations generated consecutively to the execution of the LOG or A file,
according to the broadcast range, produce errors, the messages that appear are saved in the
error files identified by the same sequence number as their source file. The generation of an
error during the execution of a file does not end the broadcast process. Fast Polling and Propagation
Another adjacent node, whose objects have not been updated, is therefore advised when its
neighbor is updated. When a rapid polling of 20 seconds is complete, it acknowledges the
lupd_tb file of its neighbor which has just undergone a management intervention by broadcast;
a shift between the sequence numbers is observed, the cycle restarts and the broadcast then
propagates from adjacent node to adjacent node.
Stability is achieved when the content of the lupd_tb files is homogenous on the whole
network or an area, depending on the broadcast range.
The Cleanbroad command is used to reset the broadcast. When its application is complete,
the values of the sequence numbers of the broadcast files are reset to 0.
This command applied to a single node is transmitted to all the nodes of the network. Broadcast Example
Take a network of 4 nodes with the following topology:

2-8          "      


Figure 2.7: Topology of a 4-node Network

Initially, the system is stable and each LOG file is characterized by the same sequence
number: 1. A management operation is performed on node N1. Then, the following events

Node 2 has been modified and must inform its neighbors (here, node 4)

Node 3 has also been modified and must inform its neighbors, in this case node 4.


Chapter 2 "      

Note: the presentation above has been simplified. Activating the Broadcast

There are various ways of activating the broadcast task:
- periodically,
- immediately on manual operation,
- after a management event that justifies an update in the shortest possible time,
- on reception of an X25 message announcing the presence of a new node. Updating a Node which was Momentarily Isolated
When a node reconnects to the network after being isolated from it, it recovers the broadcast
files from the other nodes. These files are used to re-establish the consistency of its objects.
However, if the isolation period has lasted too long, files may be missing as each node only
keeps a maximum of 20 files (this value can be set in management; 20 is the default value).
In fact, only the last 20 files will be available, since the files produced before this will not have
been kept. In this case, it will be impossible to re-establish consistency by the broadcast
mechanism, since management operations will not have been acknowledged. To re-establish
coherence, the administrator must use the audit tool. File Loss
The loss of broadcast files by a node prevents the implementation of the broadcast and
triggers an incident. The administrator must therefore use the audit application to re-establish
the homogeneity of the objects. Change of Office
If a subscriber relocates his office, a file is sent from the source PCX where the subscriber is
deleted to the recipient PCX which will accommodate the subscriber when he moves in order
to transfer complementary data (keys, dect, etc.). The file used to acknowledge the move
immediately is identified in the following way:

Figure 2.11: Particular Case of the Change of Office

If an error occurs during the acknowledgment of the change of office, an file is

2.2.4 Updating the Stand-by Call Server

The LOG and lupd files are copied on the back-up CPU in real time. In the event of a
switchover, they are immediately operational and acknowledged by the broadcast application.

2-10          "      


2.2.5 Broadcast on Dynamic Links

The implementation of audit/broadcast on dynamic links is subject to the following condition:
The access authorization rights for the broadcast application must be valid (X25 > Appli
Rights menu).
The use of other dynamic links is expensive and must be used sparingly.
A dynamic link will only be available for broadcast, under the usual conditions (10 minutes
polling) if it is already installed. Under no circumstances may a broadcast, under normal
conditions, activate the installation of a dynamic link.
In addition, in order to minimize the data flow which transits on a dynamic link, when the
polling of an adjacent node is carried out by its intermediary, the consultation period, which
may be defined in management, must be longer than that of the polling implemented on the
normal links. The default value of the polling via a dynamic link is 60 minutes.
If a dynamic link becomes operational in order to route telephone communications, and a node
to which it is connected has broadcast files to be routed via its intermediary, these files will be
broadcast as a matter of priority.
The broadcast on dynamic link will be activated under particular conditions:
- on expiration of a polling period specific to the dynamic links (60 minutes by default),
- a large quantity of files concerning the node which may be accessed by dynamic link
representing a proportion of the maximum quantity of files stored on a node has not been
transferred (Dynamic threshold Log File parameter).

2.2.6 Broadcast Areas Area Global Object
The global architecture of a network may result from the meeting of a set of areas.
Thus appears the notion of a global object of an area whose range is limited to an area inside
which the homogeneity of the objects must be maintained. Management operations,
concerning the global objects of the area necessary to maintain consistency, will only be
broadcast within the limits of the area. Example of Broadcast on an Area
During polling, each node consults the nodes that are adjacent to it. If the node belongs to a
broadcast area, it will request the recovery of the sequence numbers relating to this zone and
to this zone alone.
A difference in sequence number relating to the area will lead to the recovery of the missing A
If the node consulted during polling does not belong to the area of the calling node, it gives a
negative answer to the request.


Chapter 2 "      

Figure 2.12: Broadcast Areas Global Network Object

As there are global area objects, there are global objects defined for the network. The
broadcast range of the files relating to management operations is therefore the whole network,
even if areas are defined inside the network.
The LOG files are broadcast from adjacent node to adjacent node over the whole network. Example of Global Broadcast
A LOG file with an index of 123 is created on node 2001. During the polling procedure, the
different network nodes acknowledge the respective indices of the LOG files of their neighbors.
The LOG file is then transmitted from adjacent node to adjacent node to the nodes whose
objects require an intervention. The broadcast range is the whole network, since the notion of
adjacent nodes does not apply to this domain.

2-12          "      


Figure 2.13: Global Broadcast Definition of an Area

A node can only belong to a single area. By default, a node does not belong to a broadcast


Chapter 2 "      

2-14          "      



3.1 Role of Objects in the Broadcast

The relation between an object and the broadcast application is used to distinguish between
two categories of operation: incoming and outgoing operations.

3.1.1 Object and Incoming Operations

An incoming operation consists in the reception on a node of one or more broadcast files
containing management operations relating to objects in the receiving node.
In relation to an incoming operation, the behavior of the object concerned by the management
operations can be:
- to undergo management operations whatever the origin of the broadcast file,
- to undergo only those management operations which relate to files from the node area,
- to refuse all management operations transmitted by broadcast whatever their origin.

3.1.2 Object and Outgoing Operations

An outgoing operation consists in generating and broadcasting a broadcast file after a
management operation carried out on an object which belongs to a node, intended for the
update of objects belonging to other nodes.
When the objects belong to other nodes, a management operation concerning an object might
not generate outgoing operations; in this case, it will have no influence on the management of
other network objects and its range will be limited to the node. Whan an outgoing operation is
generated, the resulting broadcast range may be:
- the whole network,
- an area in the network.

3.1.3 Definition of the Behavior of an Object

The behavior of each object, in relation to the broadcast, is defined individually.

3.2 Types of Behavior

3.2.1 Broadcast as Network Prefix

For each object of this type, the PCXs that do not include this object, have a network prefix.
This prefix designates the owner PCX.
Example: user set, the set owner PCX has the User set object, the other PCXs have a network prefix.
Broadcast: with each creation (or deletion) of an object of this type, the broadcast undertakes
to create (or delete) the corresponding network prefix on the other PCXs.

     #     $   %  3-1

Chapter 3 $   % 

Audit: the construction is carried out by analysis of all the PCXs and creation, on the
construction PCX, of all the corresponding network prefixes. The loading results in the copying
of these network prefixes on all the remote PCXs except on the owner PCX.

3.2.2 Maintain Identical

Objects of this type exist intially on all PCXs. It is preferable that they are identical on all the
Example: Operating categories.
Broadcast: during modification of an object of this type, the broadcast is responsible for
carrying out the changes on the other PCXs.
Audit: the construction is carried out from the PCX designated as reference when the task
was started. The load is executed to all the PCXs.

3.2.3 Idendical Broadcast

Objects of this type are created on the owner PCX and then copied on the other PCXs. These
objects can only be modified on the owner PCX.
Example: non-distributed trunk groups.
Broadcast: with each creation (or deletion) of an object of this type, the broadcast undertakes
to create (or delete) an identical object on the other PCXs.
Audit: the construction is carried out by analysis of all the PCXs and by creation, on the
construction PCX, of all the corresponding network prefixes. The loading results in the copying
of these objects on all the remote PCXs except on the owner PCX.

3.3 System Objects

3.3.1 SIO Parameters

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.3.2 Time-outs
Objects of this type are "maintained identical".
Time-outs 22, 153, 154, 170, 171, 198 are modified directly by the telephone application. They
are not concerned by the audit and broadcast.

3.3.3 Tones
Objects of this type are "maintained identical". All the tones are taken into account by the audit

3.3.4 Free Numbers Ranges List

Objects of this type are "maintained identical". All the ranges are taken into account by the

3-2      #     $   % 

$   % 

audit mechanism.

3.4 Translator Object

3.4.1 Prefix Plan

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".
A special case:
- The PCX address in DPNSS prefixes are "broadcast as network prefixes".
- The "incoming call welcome guide" prefixes are "broadcast as network prefixes".
- The "trunk group seize" prefixes may be different on each one of the nodes. They are
neither broadcast nor controled.
- internode routing prefixes are only partly audited; the network number part alone is subject
to an audit.
The routing numbers are controlled.

3.4.2 Suffix Plan

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.4.3 Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.4.4 Numbering Discrimination

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.4.5 Description of a Numbering Plan

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.4.6 DDI Translator Numbers

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical", except the entry 0.

3.4.7 DDI Translator: Rule

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical", except the translator number 0.

3.4.8 Node Access Prefix

The access prefix for the DDI node is defined locally. Only the creation of such a prefix is
broadcast on the network with a null value. If a prefix has already been defined on other
nodes, the creation is ignored.

     #     $   %  3-3

Chapter 3 $   % 

The network access prefixes are broadcast on the network and copied from one node to
another using the audit.

3.4.9 Node and DDI Network Transcoding

The transcoding sections of the VPN hop are broadcast on the network and can be accessed
on the remote node using the node index number.
The objects: DDI translator numbers and DDI translator rules, are used to process the
transcoding of the incoming DDI dialing. This data must be identical on all the nodes.
The objects: Node access prefix (network) and Node DDI translator (network) prefixes, are
used to manage the private/public overflow and are identical on all the nodes.

3.4.10 Teleservice Filtering

The directory number is broadcast as a network prefix.

3.5 Object Categories

3.5.1 Access Category

All the access categories and sub objects are "maintained identical":
- Public network access category,
- Private network access category,
- Business access category,
- Network access category,
- Trunk group access category.
The values are copied from node to node using the audit tool.

3.5.2 Connection Category

Objects of this type are "maintained identical". The values are copied from node to node using
the audit tool.

3.5.3 Transfer Category

Objects of this type are "maintained identical". The values are copied from node to node using
the audit process.

3.5.4 Private Call Connection Category

The private call connection categories are "maintained identical". The values are copied from
node to node using the audit process.

3.5.5 Telephone Facility Categories

3-4      #     $   % 

$   % 

Objects of this type are "maintained identical".

3.6 Attendant Objects

3.6.1 Attendant Group

The attendant group identification number must be unique over the entire network; this
uniqueness is controlled by the audit.
The physical number is broadcast as network prefix.
When the attendant group call prefix is defined, it is "broadcast identical".
The distribution tables of the call group are "broadcast identical".

3.6.2 Attendants
The attendant identification number must be unique over the entire network; this uniqueness is
controlled by the audit.
The physical number is broadcast as network prefix.
When the attendant call prefix is defined, it is "broadcast identical".
The distribution tables of an operator call are "broadcast identical".

3.7 User Objects

3.7.1 User
The call number from a set is "broadcast as network prefix". The user's name and PIN are
"broadcast identical". If a voice mail is allocated to the user, the operation is notified to all
remote voice servers using the "Voice mail holder" object.

3.7.2 Programmable Keys

Only multiline call numbers are "broadcast as network prefixes".
The creation of a manager call key (on an assistant set) creates a corresponding key on the
remote manager set.
The audit merely checks the existence of the association of keys between remote sets and, if
an error is observed, error messages are transmitted without automatic update.

3.7.3 User Alias

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.8 Object Group

3.8.1 Hunt Groups (PCX)

     #     $   %  3-5

Chapter 3 $   % 

The call number of a hunt group is "broadcast as network prefix".

If this relates to an RSVP group, the information relating to a messaging server is broadcast
with the voice mail object number.
When the groups are shared, the global data is sent to the other nodes. The number is
broadcast with a PCX hunt group type.

3.8.2 S0 Data Set Group

Not applicable

3.9 Abbreviated Number Object

3.9.1 Direct Abbreviated Numbers

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.9.2 Direct Abbreviated Number Range

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.9.3 Abbreviated Numbers Range

The direct abbreviated numbers range are only "broadcast identical" if they are declared for
network use.

3.9.4 Direct Abbreviated Numbers Alias

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.9.5 Abbreviated Numbers

The direct abbreviated numbers are only "broadcast identical" if they are belong to a range
declared for network use.

3.10 Directory
Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.11 Entity Object

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical". Entity 0 and its sub-objects are never broadcast.

3.12 Trunk Group Object

3.12.1 Trunk Group

3-6      #     $   % 

$   % 

Only trunk group parameters defined globally are "broadcast identical".

3.12.2 NPD Trunk Group Selector

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.13 VPN Overflow

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14 X25 Object

3.14.1 X25 Access Point

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.2 X25 Exception Numbering Plan

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.3 X25 DDI

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.4 Definition of the Additional PSPDN Address

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.5 Definition of the Physical PSPDN Address

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.6 X25 ISDN Address

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.7 X25 Packet Handler

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.8 Nodes of the Network

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.9 Access Rights

     #     $   %  3-7

Chapter 3 $   % 

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.14.10 External Network

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.15 Data Object

3.15.1 Data Terminal

The call number of a data terminal is "broadcast as network prefix".

3.15.2 Data Terminal Groups

The call number of a data terminal is "broadcast as network prefix".

3.15.3 DATA Connection Category

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.15.4 DATA Set-up

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.15.5 Input Configuration

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.15.6 Output Configuration

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.15.7 Flow Control

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.16 DATA Menu

3.16.1 Data Menu: Logon

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.16.2 Data Prefixes

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3-8      #     $   % 

$   % 

3.17 Applications Object

3.17.1 ACD
The ACD call number is "broadcast as network prefix".

3.17.2 Pilot
The pilot number is "broadcast as network prefix".

3.17.3 Statistical Pilot

The statistical pilot number is "broadcast as network prefix" with the statistical pilot type.

3.17.4 Voice Mail

The call number of a voice mail system is "broadcast as network prefix".
Voice mail management is integrated in PCX management. In addition, when a voice mailbox
is created on the server, the other servers are informed.

3.17.5 Automated Attendant

The call number of an automated attendant is "broadcast as network prefix".
Objects of this type are "maintained identical".

3.17.6 Caller Rights Category

Objects of this type are "maintained identical".

3.18 Objects Specific to Telephone Services

3.18.1 Cost Center

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.18.2 Business Account Center

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.19 Security and Access Control

3.19.1 User Access Control

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

     #     $   %  3-9

Chapter 3 $   % 

3.19.2 Station Access Control

Objects of this type are "broadcast identical".

3.19.3 Access Control List

Objects of this type are only broadcast if their range is that of the network.

3-10      #     $   % 



4.1 General
The procedure for Audit/Broadcast feature implementation consists in:
- Managing broadcast parameters:
• Activate the broadcast
• Define the time range for the recording of management operations
• Define the poll periods
• Define the maximum number of stored files
• Define the threshold number of files from which a broadcast by dynamic logical link
may be activated
• Define the broadcast areas
• Define the behavior of the objects in relation to the broadcast
- Validate a node for the broadcast
- Reset the broadcast and relaunch the broadcast process
- Check the sequence numbers of the log files
- Consult the state of the nodes
- Run an update audit
Before starting this procedure, first perform the steps defined in § General Check .

4.2 General Check

1. Check the operational state of access point 108 on all the nodes (the operational
parameter = yes)
2. Check the operational state of access point 134
3. Perform mao on on all the nodes
4. Perform mao -a
5. Check that the access rights are valid for broadcast if dynamic logical links are used
Note: For additional information concerning the mao -a command, see module mao - Operation .

4.3 Configuration of Broadcast Settings

The broadcast object contains the parameters of the "Audit/Broadcast" function.
1. Select System > Broadcast
2. Review/modify the following attributes:


Chapter 4 &

Operational Select Yes to activate broadcast (*).

Same as the mao +/- br command. For further details,
see module mao - Operation .
Broadcast Buffer Timer-step Enter the value of the broadcast buffer timer. A LOG file
1mn contains the management operations which occurred
during the time interval defined by this parameter. A
management operation may only be broadcast when this
timer expires.
Broadcast Poll Timer-step 1mn Enter the value of the poll period during which each node
consults the status of the lupd_tb table of the adjacent
nodes. The adjacent nodes are consulted in sequence, if
T is the poll period and the node is in relation to n
adjacent nodes, the total duration of the consultations will
be nT. Default value: 10 minutes.
Dynamic Link Poll Timer-step Enter the value of the poll period applied via the dynamic
1mn logical links. In order to reduce the data flow on the
dynamic links, this value must be high. Default value: 60
Maximum number of log files Enter the maximum number of LOG files that will be saved
on the disk. Default value: 20.
Thres. (%log files) for dyn.links Enter the proportion of the maximum number of files
stored on the disk from which a broadcast operation will
be triggered via a dynamic link. Default value: 50%.
Broadcast Area Number Enter the number of the area to which the node belongs.
The default value -1 signifies that the node does not
belong to a particular broadcast area.
Update all Behaviours Select Yes in order to ensure that all the objects have the
same behavior as that defined in the next heading (Global
Select No to be able to attribute an individual behavior to
each object. In this case, complete the outgoing and
incoming behavior of each object that follows.
Global Behaviour Only appears if the Update all behaviours parameter is
set to Yes . The global behavior of all the objects on
transmission and reception must be defined.
Outgoing Select one of the following behaviors:
• No broadcast: the management operations relating to
the object will not be broadcast. The range of
management operations remains local to the node.
• Broadcast in area: the broadcast range of
management operations relating to the object will be
limited to the area to which its node belongs.
• Broadcast over network: the broadcast range of
management operations relating to the object will be
the whole network. Default value.

4-2         &


Incoming Select one of the following behaviors:

• Always included: management operations
concerning the object, received by broadcast, are
accepted whatever the source of the broadcast file.
Default value.
• Only from area: management operations concerning
the object, received by broadcast, are accepted
provided that the broadcast file comes from a
specified area.
• Not included: the object is closed to the broadcast
and does not accept any management operation that
has been broadcast.

3. Confirm your entries

(*): It is possible to trigger an immediate broadcast activation. Proceed as follows:
Object name: System > Broadcast > Immediate broadcast
This command is used to broadcast the latest management operations when the user decides
to do so.

4.4 Validation of a Node for Broadcast

This object is used to make a node available for broadcast (attribute: Valid for broadcast).
In addition, using this object, it is possible to choose the communications medium which is
used by the hybrid links: either IP or IP/X25. For the other links, inter-node links are
established dynamically and the communications medium is chosen in a way which is
transparent to the user.
Caution 1: From R6.1, the IP/X25 tunnel must be used as communication medium when one of the
nodes, interconnected by the hybrid logical link, is a node with duplicated Call Server and both
Call Servers on different IP subnetworks.
1. Select X25 > Network Nodes
2. Review/modify the following attributes:
IP/X25 Addressing mode Select one of the following modes:
• Default: IP/X25 is operational and no address need
be entered
• Specific: IP/X25 is operational and a specific IP/X25
address must be entered
• Not used: IP/X25 is not used
IP Addressing mode Select one of the following modes:
• Yes: on IP logical link, to use IP. An IP address must
be given
• Not used: if IP is not used
Valid for broadcast Select YES to ensure the node is acknowledged by the
IP/X25 address Display of the distant node's IP tunnel address.
IP/X25 name Display of the tunnel name.


Chapter 4 &

IP Address If IP addressing mode is set to Yes.

Enter the IP address managed in the hybrid link access.
IP Name IP name of the distant machine (created automatically if
present in the host table).
Addressing mode preference Select IP or IP X25.
Caution 2: The IP X25 addressing mode must be selected
when the node is in a duplicated Call Server configuration
with the two Call Servers on different IP subnetworks.

The following table specifies the communications medium selected if hybrid links are used,
according to the configuration of the attributes IP/X25 addressing mode and IP
addressing mode.
IP addressing mode
IP/X25 addressing mode Not used Yes
Default IP/X25 An IP address must be supplied. A
preference, defined in management
(preference parameter) must be given
either to IP or to X25. The communications
medium used will be the one to which a
preference is given and the other will be
requested if the preferred medium is
Explicit IP/X25 Same as above.
Not used Incoherent By IP, an IP address must be provided.

3. Confirm your entries

4.5 Reset and Relaunch the Broadcast

Run the cleanbroad command on a node, it is run automatically on all the network nodes.
Note: for additional information concerning cleanbroad command, see module cleanbroad - Operation .

4.6 Verification of the Sequence Numbers of Log Files

To check the sequence numbers of the LOG files, which must be reinitialized at 0, use the 

Note: for additional information about  
command, see module mao - Operation .

4.7 Consultation of the State of the Nodes

To do this, use the command:

     with the choice 2 - state of the nodes.
Check whether the broadcast is active on each of the nodes, and check the value of the
sequence numbers of the broadcast files known to the other nodes which must be 0.
Note: for additional information about ”
     command, see module prog-diff - Operation

4-4         &


4.8 Running an Update Audit

Run the audit:    
1. Simulation: build a reference on the local node (sub menu 4 of menu 1)
• Selection of objects used as reference on the local node
• Selection of a network node (x0000n_tun)
Next, following the results analysis, carry out the manual updates required.
2. Build a reference on the local node (sub menu 1)
• Selection of objects used as reference on the local node
• Selection of a network node (x0000n_tun)
3. Simulation of node data load on the network (sub menu 4 of menu 1)
• Selection of objects used as reference on the local node
• Selection of a network node (x0000n_tun)
4. Node data load on the network
• Selection of objects used as reference on the local node,
• Selection of the network node (x0000n_tun)
Note: For additional information, see module Audit and broadcast - Audit .


Chapter 4 &

4-6         &



5.1 Running the Command

The Audit tool is run by the following commands:
audit -I GEA: start the tool in Generic English of Alcatel,
audit -I FR0: start the tool in French.
audit: start the tool in the language of the last user.
audit -c ASCII to restrict the display of terminals that do not support an extended alphabet
(accents) to ASCII characters only.
The IP/X25 tunnels must be operating on each of the PCXs (see module IP facilities -
Overview , as well as "Data communication").
The building and loading can be processed either immediately or off line. These two
operations can also be carried out cyclically.
The audit can cover the entire network or certain PCXs.
The audit may concern all the objects or just certain objects.
The audit may be run in simulation mode with no effective action on the database.

5.2 General Menu

1. Running the audits
2. Output of audit results
3. Programmed audits
4. Configuration
5. Presentation of the tool
Item 5 Presentation of the tool provides a summary of the various tool functions.

5.3 Running the Audits

5.3.1 Principle
This menu is used to run the audits after defining:
- the choice of the delay,
- the type of building or loading action,
- the processed PCX(s)
- the object(s) covered by the audit.

5.3.2 Simulation

)    #      5-1

Chapter 5 

It is also possible to run an audit simulation from this menu. The procedure is the same as the
one used to run a real audit, although it is not necessary to define a delay.

Figure 5.1: Organisation of the "Start-up" Sub Menu

5.3.3 Select Time

Three options are available:
- immediate run, the execution takes place at the moment of acknowledgement,
- run off-line, time/day for the running to be determined (format hhmm[:jjmmaa]),
- periodic running, periodicity to be determined using the crontab format.
"crontab" format (UNIX): a reminder
Date and time : (* any value, Sunday is coded 0)
minute [0-59] hour [0-23] day/month [1-31] month [1-12] day/week [0-6]
* means every ...
Example 1: every day at 5h 30:

5-2 )    #     

Example 2: every 1st of the month at noon: 00 12 1 * *.

Example 3: every Monday at 14h: 00 14 * * 1.
Note: Several building and/or loading operations can be programmed in advance.

5.3.4 Select Objects

The administrator can select the objects concerned by the operation:
- one object in the list of objects presented,
- all the objects,
- the objects selected from the Configuration menu.

5.3.5 Acknowledgement
Depending on the run type (immediate, delayed, periodic), acknowledgement will result in the
execution, standby or periodic standby of the audit command.

5.3.6 Select Node

The administrator can select the node(s) concerned by the operation:
- entire network,
- one network node,
- the nodes selected (from the Configuration submenu).
Note 1: In the "audit" tool, the node may be designated by the IP name of the its tunnel access point
(example: a4400_4_tun), by the IP address of its IP/X25 tunnel interface (eg: or even by
its number (eg: 4).

Note 2: for certain objects, the data mix has no meaning: these data items must be identified on all the
nodes (example: the categories). Therefore, it has been decided that one node will be used as reference
node and that the data of this node will be propagated across the entire network. The reference node is
chosen as follows:
- building from a single node: this node will be the reference,
- building from several nodes: the tool asks the administrator to designate the reference node.

5.3.7 When to Run an Audit

It is recommended that you run an audit in the following cases:
- when you have just started up a new node, to ensure data consistency
- when the previous audit has just detected inconsistencies, it is advisable, after the
management actions, to run an audit for verification purposes.

5.4 Output of Audit Results

)    #      5-3

Chapter 5 

5.4.1 Principle
During the building or loading operations, the tool records the actions carried out concerning
consistency. The Output audit results item allows the manager to acknowledge these results,
which may be sorted, object by object and node by node.
In the case of several build/load operations, only the results of the last operation can be
consulted. The results of the previous operations are lost.

Figure 5.3: Organisation of the "Output Results" Sub Menu

5.4.2 File Read

If the output on file" option has been selected, the file with the name selected will be created
in the current directory when the audit command is run.

5.4.3 Interpreting the Results

The results of a build or a load operation are stored in a log.xxxxRef file where xxxx represents
the database table concerned. The results output interprets the file(s).
The results of a build are displayed object by object. For each of them, the system will display
any inconsistency detected.
Example: Interpreting the Results

5-4 )    #     

(*) : in reference build, the data coming from this node has created anomalies; in load, the data
loaded on this node has caused anomalies.
In this example, prefix 75 is defined as a prefix on node 3 and is in conflict with another local
definition of 75. The manager must delete or modify the prefix on the node that has the
incorrect information.
Note: If no precautions are taken, subscriber 0100000 is defined on each one of the nodes. In fact,
0100000 is the X25 address of TEI 108 (access to management) access 0. This adress is defined
automatically when the base is initialized. To remove any inconsistency, this address must be modified
by management.

5.5 Programmed Audits

The Programmed audits item allows the manager to know which build or load operations are
delayed. It is also used to delete these operations before execution.

5.6 Configuration

)    #      5-5

Chapter 5 

The Configuration item is used to store the nodes and objects in order to simplify the build
and load operations.
Selection and storage:
Each object has two states:
- selected
- not selected.
Modifying an object will change it to the other state. The "+" sign indicates that this object is

The objects and nodes selected are stored and will be available the next time the tool is used.
To use the previous selection, on start up, choose the Selected objects or Selected nodes

5-6 )    #     

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