English Speaking Test For Grade 10 - The 1 Semester

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* General Notes:
A. Total score: 10 points for 3 parts
B. Criteria for evaluating students’ speaking skill:
1. Fluency, Quick and Natural Response to every question (20%)
2. Being Informative, Coherence & Cohesion (60%)
- Good & Relevant speaking content
- Use of appropriate language (connectors, structures & vocabulary, tenses,…)
3. Pronunciation (20%)
Correct pronunciation, right intonation and stress, proper punctuation,...

PART 1 – Warm up/Getting started (4points) (Examiners

ask 5-10 questions for each student)
1. Can you introduce yourself?
2. Can you talk about your school?
(Suggestion: when was it built? where is it located? how does it look? how many
classrooms - teachers - students - subjects? what's it famous for?/ what
achievements? your school activities at recess?/you feelings about it?...)
3. Can you talk about your (favorite) subject(s) at school? /Do you like English? Why
or why not?
4. Can you tell us about your house?/Your family?
(Where do you live?/ Is your house big or small? How many rooms does your house
have?/What's your favorite room in your house?/How far is it from your house to your
school?/How do you go to school everyday?)//(How many people are there in your
family?/How many brothers and sisters do you have?the person you love most?...)
5. Do you like sports?/What kind(s) of sports do you like?/What kind(s) of sports can
you play?
6. Do you like watching TV?/reading?/cooking?....
What TV programme do you like best? / What's your favorite TV programme?
7. What do you often do in your free time?/What are your favorite pastime activities?/
Can you talk about your hobby? (Suggestion: your talk must focus on
answering some W-H questions: What, When, Where, How, With whom,
Why/What benefits,...)
8. Are you fond of listening to music? What kinds of music do you like listening?
When and how do you often enjoy it?
9. Where do you usually go at the weekend/on your summer vacation?/ What do you
often do at the weekend?/What are your favourite daily activities? Why?
11. Do you have any pets?/Is there any pet in your house?/Do you like pets?/ What pets
do you have?
12. Who is the most important person to you? Why?
13. What activities do you and your classmates often do during breaktime at school?

English Speaking Test for Grade 10 - The 1st Semester

14. What are your favourtite food and drink? What kind(s) of foods or drinks can
you make? (Can you give intructions on how to cook one of you favorite
dishes or how to make one of your favorite drinks?)
15. Do you like travelling? Where do want to travel? What places would you would
like to visit or you have visited recently?

PART 2 – Student's Speaking Performance (4points)

- Examiners ask student to pick up at random or to choose one (favorite)
question/speaking task from the list below (use the Speaking Cards).
- Each student has 1-3 minutes to prepare the answer to one of the following
questions and she/he is expected to speak in 2 or 3 minutes on the chosen topic/task.
1. Which household chores do you like doing and which do you dislike? Why?
2. What are the advantages of sharing housework among family members?
3. How has the role of men and women in the family changes?
4. Is there any changes in the role of women in society nowadays?
5. Can you suggest some ways to keep fit and stay healthy? (Suggestion: your
talk must focus on answering some W-H questions: What, Why/What
benefits, When, Where, How, With whom)
6. Your uncle hasn’t been well recently and really needs to improve his health
condition. Can you give him some advice? (What are his bad habits that you
advise him to give up? And which habits are good for him to take up?)
7. What show do you like best? Can you talk about it in detailed?
8. What is your favourite type of music? Why do you like it? Who are the most
famous singer(s) and composers of that type? Do you think it's a waste of
time or beneficial to listen to music? Why?
9. Can you recommend some community service that students can take part in
for the benefits of the community? Have you ever done any volunteer work to
protect the environment in your neighborhood or to make your school or our
society better and better? What activity/activities have you done recently for
the benefits of the community?
10. Talk about one of the most useful inventions for you or other people.
(You should say about: the name of the invention? its characteristics? What is it
used for? What are its benefits?)

PART 3. DISCUSSION/Getting finished (2points)

Students are expected to answer some more questions from the examiner(s)
about something related to their presentation in part 2.
(Notes: Examiner(s) must ask each candidate at least two questions)./.

English Speaking Test for Grade 10 - The 1st Semester

******THE END*****

English Speaking Test for Grade 10 - The 1st Semester

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