Indirect Composite Inlays Restoration - A Case Report

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Case Report Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume 13 Number 1, January – March 2020


Indirect Composite Inlays Restoration: A Case Report

Neelam Mittal1, Nidhi Singh2, Chi Koy Wang3

Author’s Affiliation: 1Dean & Head, 2Senior Resident, Department of Dental Sciences, Institute of Medical
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005, India. 3Professor & Head, Department of
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Kankarbagh, Patna, Bihar
800020, India.
Corresponding Author: Nidhi Singh, Senior Resident, Department of Dental Sciences, Institute of Medical
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received on 18.01.2020; Accepted on 15.02.2020

How to cite this article:

Neelam Mittal, Nidhi Singh, Chi Koy Wang. Indirect Composite Inlays Restoration: A Case Report. Indian J Dent Educ.


The evolution of esthetic dentistry perseveres through innovations in bonding agents, restorative materials,
and conservative preparation techniques. The utility of direct composite restorations in posterior teeth is
confined to relatively small cavities owing to polymerization stresses. An esthetic alternative to ceramics when it
comes to posterior teeth in indirect composite. Since their first application, numerous advancements have been
made in adhesive dentistry. In 1980s, indirect resin composites were introduced with Touati and Mormann
developing the first generation of indirect resins composite. Further, improvements in structure, composition and
polymerization techniques led to the introduction of a second-generation of indirect resin composites. These
include Artglass (Heraeus–Kulzer), Belleglass HP (Kerr), Targis (Ivoclar), Columbus (Cendreset Matrux) and
Sinfony (ESPE). Indirect resin composites offer optimal esthetic performance, enhanced mechanical properties
and reparability. These characteristics allow them to be used in a wide range of clinical applications, such as
inlays, onlays, crowns, veneering material and also fixed dentures prostheses. This paper presents the two case
reports of patients, treated with indirect composite inlays.
Keywords: Esthetic dentistry; Indirect composite restorations; Inlays.

Introduction improve elasticity and strength and to reduce the

organic resin matrix, their ller content was made
Composite resins are used in clinical practice on much higher than rst generation of indirect resin
a daily basis. Initially they were used in direct composites, resulting in reduced polymerization
restorations. However, Touati and Mormann shrinkage. In order to allow a higher degree of
introduced the rst generation of indirect resin conversion of indirect resin composites, different
composites for posterior inlays and onlays in 1980s. polymerization techniques combining light, heat,
Later, in 1990, a second-generation indirect resins vacuum or pressure were utilized.1,2 All these
composite was developed with differences in measures led to enhancement of the properties of
composition, structure, polymerization technique second-generation indirect resin composites.
and ller reinforcement to enhance their mechanical
It is important to note that indirect composites
and optical properties. Microhybrid llers having
are superior to direct composite resins since the
a diameter of 0.04–1 m2 were used. In order to
bulk of polymerization shrinkage takes place
© Red Flower Publication Pvt. Ltd. outside the
2 Indirect Composite Inlays Restoration: A Case

oral cavity leading to lesser stress at tooth surfaces of tooth 47 (Fig. 1). The preoperative IOPA
restoration margin which results in less radiograph revealed of large radiolucency involving
microleakage, less marginal breakdown, less the enamel and dentin in 47. Pulp was vital on
postoperative sensitivity and less marginal performing
staining. Moreover, it is easier to achieve ideal
proximal contacts and anatomic morphology using
indirect restorations.
In spite of having mechanical properties
inferior to those of ceramics, in some clinical
situations, indirect resin composites can
supplement and complement ceramic
restorations: for example, in coronal restoration
of dental implants. Since ceramics have a high
modulus of elasticity and absorb less of the
masticatory energy, a substantial amount of this
force is transferred to the implant and
periosseous structure, thus reducing the longevity
of restoration. The materials of choice in such
situations and polymers as they absorb relatively
more of this occlusal force. Therefore, stress
absorbing materials like indirect resin composites
are recommended for patients with poor
periodontal structures who require occlusal
coverage.3 Compared to ceramic materials,
indirect resin composites exhibit better stress
distribution, repairability, lower cost and ease of
Now-a-days, patients are more inclined
towards tooth-coloured restorations, and here
too, indirect resin composites prove more
advantageous than other materials like cast gold
restorations. Owing to their characteristics,
indirect resins composites cover a large span of
indications including inlays, onlays, overlays,
short-span xed denture prostheses (FDP),
veneering material of FDS’s and removable
dentures and as a repair material for a variety of
This paper aims to review some of the
applications of these materials and discuss clinical
cases to illustrate the scope of utilizations of indirect
resin composites.

Clinical Presentation

Case A
A 21-year-old male reported to the Department of
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Buddha
Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital (Patna,
Bihar) with the chief complaint of food lodgments
and sensitivity due to cold in lower right posterior
tooth region. On clinical examination, Class I
caries were seen on the occlusal and buccal
Indian Journal of Dental Education, Volume 13 Number 1, January – March
Indirect Composite Inlays Restoration: A Case 2
pulp vitality test. So, the diagnosis was reversible
pulpitis and we went for conservative
i.e. indirect resin composites inlay with cusp

Fig. 1: Preoperative photograph.

Clinical Procedure
Cavity preparation was done in accordance with
preparation guidelines for inlay restorations: no
sharp angles; no wide isthmus; slightly ared
walls 8–10; no chamfer preparation; and a
minimum preparation depth of 1.5 mm. The
extension of caries from a primary groove
towards the mesio-buccal cusp tip was more
than two-thirds of the distance. Therefore, cusp
capping was indicated. Areas prepared closer
than 0.5 mm to the pulp should be lined with
calcium hydroxide, and undercuts were
lled with appropriate liner or base (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: Cavity was prepared.

Immediately following preparation, dentin

must be protected with a hybrid layer.5 A total-
etch technique was subsequently applied for 15
seconds using 37% phosphoric acid gel (Gel
Etchant, Kerr/ Sybron, Orange, CA). The cavity
was rinsed and slightly air dried. A thin layer of
primer (Opti Bond FL Primer, Kerr/Sybron,
Orange, CA) was applied with a brush on the
preparation surfaces for 30 sec, then dried for 10
sec. The primer was covered with a thin
adhesive layer (Opti Bond FL, Kerr/ Sybron,
Orange, CA) and light cured for 20 sec.

Indian Journal of Dental Education, Volume 13 Number 1, January – March

Prior to taking the impression, it is necessary to magins. This layer is called the “connective
seal the dentin tubules with a hybrid layer to
protect pulp from the invasion and advancement
of microorganisms and to reduce sensitivity
during temporization. Then impression was taken
using polyvinylsiloxane impression material for
upper and lower arch (Fig. 3). Shade matching
was done by VITA classical shade guide under
normal light.

Fig. 3: Impression was taken.

Laboratory Procedure
Two models prepared from impression (Fig. 4), one
was for inlay fabrication and the other for tting
and occlusal adjustments and mounted on dies to
facilitate the layering process. A die spacer (Ivoclar
Vivadent) was applied into cavity and dried for 2 to
3 minutes (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4: Models was prepared.

Fig. 5: Die spacer was applied.

As a rst step buildup procedure, a layer of

translucent composite resin (SR Adoro-Ivoclar
Vivadent) was applied (Fig. 6a), exceeding the
layer,” and it must be thin to limit
polymerization shrinkage, thus ensuring perfect
adhesion between composite layers to the stone.
If the initial layer is too thick, the polymerization
retraction stresses may result in the detachment
of the material from the stone. The layer should
be translucent to enhance light transmission
especially at the margins and light cured (Fig.

Fig. 6a: Connective layer was applied.

Fig. 6b: Light cured.

Composite build up was done by incremental

technique. Using light-cured stains,
characterization can be added to stimulate natural
optical properties and each layer was light cured
for 30 sec. Thereafter, the composite nished and
polished (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7: Composite finishing and polishing done.

The inlay remains on the stone model and was

cured in the oven (coltene) for 20 minutes at 80
psi. Inlay removal from the master model was done
by ultrasonic technique (Fig. 8).
The inner surfaces of the inlay were
sandblasted with 50 m aluminum oxide at lower
pressure (60 psi) (Fig. 12). Silicone cups and
pumice were used for de nitive polishing (Fig. 13).
To achieve optimal luster, a diamond paste is

Fig. 8: Inlay was removed with the help of ultrasonic technique.

Then the inlay was checked for t on an

articulator and areas of interference were removed
(Fig. 9).

Fig. 12: Sandblasting was done.

Fig. 9: Fitting of the cured inlay was checked.

After tting and adjustment, high points were

eliminated (Fig. 10) and occlusal adjustment done
(Fig. 11).

Fig. 13: Finishing and polishing done.


Provisional restoration was removed and the

teeth were isolated. Hold the cured inlay with
micro brush to prevent contamination (Fig. 14).

Fig. 10: High points were eliminated.

Fig. 14: Holding the inlay with microbrush.

Fig. 11: Occlusal adjustment.

The inlay was tried in, and the contact points In consultation with the patient, it was planned
were adjusted and then etched with phosphoric
to have the conservative restoration of the teeth 36
acid to remove the impurities. Now bonding agent
with IRC inlay. The same procedure was repeated
was applied. A total-etch procedure using 37%
(Fig. 17–19) and satisfactory results was obtained
phosphoric acid gel was performed. 7 The cavity is
(Fig. 20).
rinsed and slightly dried and 2 or 3 layers of
bonding agent was applied. The dual-cure
composite resin (Variolink-N) was used as a
cementation material. The color was determined
and the dual-cure luting resin was prepared. 8 A
high-viscosity catalyst is recommended for inlay
cementation in order to avoid an excessively uid
composite material which is more dif cult to handle
and remove. Afterwards, the cavity was partially
lled with the composite resin and the inlay was
placed, and the excess resin removed while taking
special care of the margins. Light curing of the
resin was done for 40 seconds on the occlusal, Fig. 17: Mounted dies.
facial, and lingual surfaces. Following the
cementation of inlays, the occlusion was adjusted.
Silicon cups and diamond paste were used for de
nitive polish and nishing of the restorations. If the
layering is properly respected, a satisfactory
esthetic result can be achieved (Fig. 15).

Fig. 18: Composite finishing and polishing done.

Fig. 15: Final fitted restoration.

Case B
A female patient come to the department with the
chief complaint of food lodgement and wants to Fig. 19: Inlay was cemented.
replace the restoration in 36 (Fig. 16).

Fig. 20: Final fitted restoration.

Fig. 16: Preoperative photograph of second case.

Discussion Traditionally BISGMA & TEGDMA are used
as monomers and contain hydoxyl group which
There are several clinical cases where indirect resin makes them more water soluble and gives greater
composites can be used to replace metal-ceramic tendency towards discoloration. For the present
restorations. Fractures on existing metal-ceramic case report SR Adoro was used which is micro
restorations are a common nding in bruxing lled composite resin system. Adoro system
patients. Lack of adequate intraoral reparability conversely, consists of aromatic aliphatic UDMA
and need for replacement of such restorations which has no hydroxyl group making it less
often prove to be time consuming and put nancial susceptible to water absorption and solubility.
burden on the patient. These restorations are cured at 104°C, which
impacts excellent surface quality and enhances
Another advantage offered by indirect resin
overall properties of the material. Indirect
composites is the variety of color combinations composite inlay were luted to the tooth structure
for teeth and gingiva, which emboldens the by Variolink which provides high- bond strength
clinician to obtain an optimal white and pink and long-term color stability for high-quality
esthetic outcome. esthetics.
According to an in vitro study conducted by SR Adoro has the advantage of having
Magne et al.,9 indirect inlays proved the treatment larger ller particles, which are combined with
of choice for extended restorations, including micro llers using splinter polymers thus allowing
cusp coverage in vital teeth. Indirect resin the favourable properties of micro llers to be
composites possess good mechanical properties, incorporated into a composite material and
greater capacity to distribute tensions in a more imparting non-sticky nature, good surface nish,
homogeneous way than ceramics4 and reduced homogeneous and soft consistency.
risk during try-in. Mandikos et al.10 proposed that
regardless of their wear and hardness differences,
indirect resin comosites can perform satisfactorily
under clinically induced conditions of wear.
Moreover, they are cheaper than ceramics and Indirect resin composites seem to be an excellent
several researches have reported their good success alternative for restorations in selected clinical cases
rate.11,12 where ceramic restoration is not possible.

A commonly reported disadvantage is their

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Indian Journal of Dental Education, Volume 13 Number 1, January – March

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