Finishing and Polishing Porcelain Surfaces Chairside

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The key takeaways are that glazed porcelain surfaces are smoother but polished surfaces may have greater fracture toughness. Factors like porcelain type and polishing system used can influence the ability to recreate a smooth surface through polishing.

Glazed surfaces are smoother but polished surfaces may have greater fracture toughness. However, some studies found polished surfaces cannot recreate the smoothness of glazing. The smoothness of the surface affects plaque accumulation, wear of opposing teeth and restoration strength.

The type of porcelain (feldspathic, leucite-based, lithium disilicate-based etc.), the polishing system and materials used, and the grit size can all influence the ability to sufficiently polish an adjusted surface.


Finishing and polishing

porcelain surfaces chairside
Siobhan Owen,1 David Reaney2 and Philip Newsome3


Improvement of oral function and mastication, since

food slides more easily over the restoration surface
Facilitates oral hygiene procedures
Allows for a more aesthetic, light-reflecting restoration.
Whenever this glazed surface is adjusted at the chairside
and left in a rough state, the resulting coarse surface will
likely lead to a variety of unwanted effects:
Abrasive wear of the opposing dentition (Clayton 1970;
Monasky, 1971)
Increased plaque accumulation, which in turn leads to
inflammation of the adjacent soft tissues (Swartz 1957;
Kawai, 2000)
Reduced restoration strength (Bessing, 1983).
For these reasons it has long been held that any adjusted
surfaces should be reglazed prior to cementation for
optimum longevity and smoothness (Barghi 1976;
Newitter, 1982).
Christensen (2007) has even suggested adjusting the
opposing dentition rather than the restoration in those
cases where the amount of tooth adjustment required is
minimal. He advocates warning the patient prior to the
seating appointment that the teeth on the opposing arch
may need to be smoothed and that minor adjustments can
be made in opposing enamel without a problem.
This approach results in a restoration with the smooth,
long-lasting glaze still intact.

Polished surfaces

It is not uncommon for porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) and

all-porcelain restorations to require adjustment to the
ceramic occlusally, marginally or in the region of the
contact area(s) prior to cementation.
A Clinical Research Associates study carried out in 2006
reported on the status of 226 ceramic three-unit bridges
and found that, at cementation, 32% required no occlusal
adjustment and of the remaining bridges that did require
adjustment, 14% had 75% or more of the occlusal surface
adjusted. This article looks at how best to deal with this
common need to adjust porcelain surfaces clinically.

Restorative material
Ever since porcelain was introduced as a restorative
material, it has been accepted that the best surface for
porcelain is a high-gloss glaze, which is effective by sealing
open pores in the porcelain surface (Figure 1). The smooth
surface produced by such a glaze is widely regarded as
having the following positive effects:
Reduced wear of the opposing dentition (in comparison
to unglazed porcelain)

Siobhan Owen BDS is in private practice and is managing

director of Southern Cross Dental Laboratories (Swindon, UK).
David Reaney is in private practice in Moy, Co Tyrone, and
is managing director of Southern Cross Dental Laboratories

Philip Newsome is associate professor at the Faculty of

Dentistry, University of Hong Kong.


It has been suggested, however, that surfaces polished

after chairside adjustment may be as acceptable as those
that are glazed and there are now many studies that
endorse this view (Sulik, 1981; Klausner, 1982; Haywood,



Figure 1a: Here upper and lower anterior veneers have been placed
and yet gingival inflammation is restricted to two restorations
where glazed surfaces have been damaged during finishing

Figure 1b: This inflammation began to resolve following careful and

thorough re-polishing of the affected surfaces.

1988; Goldstein, 1989; Wiley, 1989; Raimondo, 1990;

Scurria, 1994; Sarac, 2006).
It has also been suggested that there is an added
advantage to polishing in that the fracture toughness of
polished porcelain has been shown to be greater than that
of glazed porcelain (Rosenstiel, 1989).
If all this is in fact the case then being able to polish
adjusted porcelain restorations would make our lives as
clinicians much easier, as we would not then have to put up
with the inconvenience of having to continually be sending
work back to the laboratory for reglazing.
However, there are studies that have come to the
opposite conclusion, namely that currently available
polishing systems cannot recreate a surface that is as
smooth as the original glaze, Karan and Toroglus 2008 is
one such study.
In this study, three different types of porcelain, namely
feldspathic (IPS d.sign, Ivoclar Vivadent), leucite-based (IPS
Empress I, Ivoclar Vivadent) and lithia disilicate-based
(Empress II, Ivoclar Vivadent), all had their final glaze
disrupted by means of a 12-fluted tungsten carbide bur
and polished by means of either:
A porcelain polishing wheel (Cera Master, Shofu Dental)
followed by a rubber cup and polishing paste (Ultra II,
Shofu Dental)
A series of course, medium, fine and extra-fine Sof-Lex
discs (3M Espe), as recommended by the manufacturer.
The conclusion was that the final roughness of the
polished ceramic surfaces was greater than that of the
original, glazed surface. In other words, while abrasives can
remove irregularities from the porcelain surface, the
restoration cannot be returned to its original condition.

Interestingly, the differences among the three types of

porcelain with respect to roughness after polishing were
statistically insignificant, suggesting that it doesnt really
matter which finishing system you use and on whatever
type of porcelain, the end result will be pretty much the
The key question though is: how clinically significant are
such research findings? Does it make any real difference
whether the surface is glazed or polished after adjustment,
as long as the resulting surface does not cause damage to
the opposing dentition and does not increase plaque
retention on the surface of the restoration?
Perhaps the most striking research finding in this respect
is that of Jagger (1994), who found that while the rate of
enamel wear produced by glazed and unglazed Vitadur
porcelain was similar, polished porcelain produced
substantially less enamel wear. This finding led the author
to suggest that porcelain be polished instead of reglazed
after chairside adjustment.

A broad view
Taking a broader view, such studies see also Jagger
(1995a), Jagger (1995b) and Hudson (1995) illustrate the
relative wear of all restorative materials and the importance
of choosing the most appropriate materials for each
particular case. What is clear is that however it is finished,
porcelain is always likely to produce greater opposing tooth
wear (Figure 2) than, say, amalgam, gold or composite, and
in those cases where tooth wear is of concern, porcelain is
unlikely to be the material of choice.
The most practical approach to adopt in the vast majority
of clinical situations involving chairside adjustment of



Owen et al

Figure 2: The treatment plan for this patient was upper and lower
full arch rehabilitation. The upper arch was completed using full
coverage pressed ceramic crowns anteriorly. However, the patient
failed to have the lower arch work carried out and returned to the
dentist three years later, during which time considerable wear of the
opposing lower teeth had taken place.

porcelain would therefore appear to be the use of one of

the specifically designed polishing systems to return the
ceramic surface to a clinically acceptable level of
Similar refinishing may also be necessary following
removal of orthodontic brackets bonded to ceramic
restorations, a process that has been shown to disrupt the
ceramic glaze and produce a rough surface (Karan, 2008).

Finishing and polishing

Jefferies (2007) has defined the various stages of finishing
dental restorations as follows:

Finishing removing marginal irregularities, defining

anatomic contours and smoothing away surface roughness
of a restoration
Polishing carried out after finishing and aimed at
removing minute scratches from the surface of the
restoration to obtain a smooth, light-reflective lustre. The
polishing process is also intended to produce a
homogeneous surface with minimal microscopic scratches
and defects.
Whatever the restorative material under consideration,
the effectiveness of the finishing/polishing process is
influenced by the following factors:
Structure and mechanical properties of the substrate
restorative material
Difference in hardness between the abrasive and the
substrate. Hardness is measured using Mohs hardness
scale and, clearly, the greater the differential between the
abrasive and the restorative material, the more abrasive the
effect will be (see Table 1)
Particle hardness, size and shape of the abrasive used
Physical properties of the backing or bonding material
used to carry the abrasive material (e.g. rigidity, elasticity,
flexibility, thickness, softness, porosity)
Speed and pressure at which the abrasive is applied to
the substrate
Lubrication during the application of the abrasive (e.g.
water-soluble polymers, glycerol, silicon grease, petroleum
A selection of currently available ceramic finishing and
polishing products is detailed in Table 2.

Table 1
The relative hardness of restorative materials and abrasive compounds (using Mohs hardness scale)

Restorative materials

Abrasive materials




Gold alloys

2.5 4

Resin composite






Silicon carbide

9 10

Tungsten carbide

Aluminium oxide

Zirconium silicate

7 7.5



Owen et al

Table 2
Details of ceramic finishing and polishing systems currently available

DiaSheen polishing paste

System name

Delivery system

Chairside dental designer kit

Range of rotary diamond polishers

DiaSheen polishing paste

Diamond polishing paste in fine, medium and coarse

grits for use with stiff bristles or felt wheels


Assorted polisher shapes, grits and sizes, ranging from

gross trim (green), reduction and contour (blue) and
pre-polish (pink). Finally, fine grit (grey) polishers to
achieve final, high gloss, wet look


Dental Ventures of America


Diamond polishing paste for use as final polish



Diamond impregnated rubber discs, points and cups in

two grits for chairside polishing of all IPS Empress



Ultra II Diamond polishing paste

Range of bullet, knife, cup, mini-points and wheels. They

use a blend of silicone and diamond particles. They
range from CeraMaster Coarse (blue) through to
CeraMaster (blue and white bands). Ultra II Diamond
Polishing Paste, which comprises ultra-fine diamond
particles, used with Super-Snap buff disc to create final
polish. Also available, Super-Buff Set
CA aluminium oxide impregnated felt discs, for use
without polishing pastes after first soaking in water

Diashine polish
VH intra-oral brush range

Range of diamond grit polishes for use with soft

brushes for final polish of ceramics

Super-Snap buff disc

VH Technologies

Conventional wisdom holds that all adjusted porcelain
surfaces should ideally be reglazed following chairside
adjustment and prior to cementation.
Current research suggests, however, that this is not
necessarily the case and that in most situations it is
perfectly acceptable to finish and polish the adjusted
restoration, provided that an appropriate polishing system
designed specifically for the purpose is used.

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performance at 1 year. 1-4
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Haywood VB, Heymann HO, Kusy RP, Whitley JQ,
Andreaus SB (1988) Polishing porcelain veneers: an SEM
and specular reflectance analysis. Dent Mater 4: 116-21


Owen et al

Hudson JD, Goldstein GR, Georgescu M (1995) Enamel

wear caused by three different restorative materials. J
Prosthet Dent 74: 647-54
Jagger DC, Harrison A (1994) An in-vitro investigation
into the wear effects of unglazed, glazed and polished
porcelain on human enamel. J Prosthet Dent 72: 320-3
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into the wear effects of selected restorative materials on
dentine. J Oral Rehabil 22: 349-54
Jagger DC, Harrison A (1995b) An in-vitro investigation
into the wear effects of selected restorative materials on
enamel. J Oral Rehabil 22: 275-81
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Karan S, Toroglu MS (2008) Porcelain refinishing with
two different polishing systems after orthodontic
rebonding. Angle Orthodontist 78: 947-953
Kaai K, Urano M, Ebisu S (2000) Effect of surface
roughness of porcelain on adhesion of bacteria and their
synthesising glucans. J Prosthet Dent 83: 664-7
Klausner LH, Cartwright CB, Charbeneau GT (1982)
Polished versus autoglazed porcelain surfaces. J Prosthet
Dent 47: 157-62

Monasky GE, Taylor DF (1971) Studies on wear of

porcelain, enamel and gold. J Prosthet Dent 25: 299-306
Newitter DA, Schlissel ER, Wolff MS (1982) An evaluation
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Rosenstiel SF, Baiker MA, Johnston WM (1989) A
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