What Is The Danger of Non-Stop Revealing in Technology?

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Essay: Creatively answer the given question.

What is the danger of non-stop revealing in technology?


Technology, according to Heidegger, has a profoundly ambiguous nature: it is harmful because it

is the ultimate temptation, yet it is also beneficial since we have no other access to the reality of

“being” in our times. Based on my own understanding about Martin Heidegger’s perspective

about technology, revealing too much using technology have pros and cons. Firstly, yes, we

admit that it has good advantages for us because we people have the opportunity to be updated

on the recent happenings in our surroundings or even across the globe. We are able to be aware

and be knowledgeable every day but, there are also cons in using technology. Mostly, there are

many people who will be affected because of much revealing in social media by the means of

posting information a lot. Some articles, medias or public pages shares false information in

which they share news even if it isn’t real or they didn’t even searched about what they’re

sharing on platforms. Some people gain money by doing that and it can be beneficial for them by

just spreading invalidated news but for many, it will be a total danger because some of us tend to

believe in what we just see on social media. There are still people who didn’t know how to be a

wise social media user. Examples are when there are calamities, there are so many posts on

internet that they are proclaiming that there are no classes even if it’s not confirmed yet by the

municipalities’ mayors. There are also lots of examples; another one is about the covid 19 which

is very timely. There are so many fake news about covid and vaccines which causes people to be
frightened even more about our current situation. In social media, they can spread illegitimate

news and information about celebrities, education, politics or even about ourselves in short, we

can see fake news about everything. There can still be people who will spread lies and unreal

things about us that’s why we need to learn how to validate what we see on social media. I know

that each and every one of us were already familiar in the saying, “Think before you click.”,

before we believe and share information to others, we must know how to identify what’s real and

fake. We need to be a responsible user of technologies in order for us to put away ourselves in


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