Creep Parameters and Dislocation Substructure in AISI 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel From 600ºC To 800ºC

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Materials Research.


Creep Parameters and Dislocation Substructure in AISI 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel From
600ºC to 800ºC
Sergio Neves Monteiroa*, Fernanda Santos da Luza, Wagner Anacleto Pinheiroa, Luiz Paulo

Mendonça Brandãoa, Fábio de Oliveira Bragaa, Foluke Salgado de Assisa

Military Institute of Engineering (IME), Department of Materials Science, Praça General Tibúrcio, 80,
Praia Vermelha, Urca, CEP 22290-270, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Received: December 11, 2016; Revised: May 2, 2017; Accepted: June 8, 2017

Stainless steels are well known by their corrosion resistance. The austenitic types, in particular,
are also applied as structural components in engineering systems operating at high temperatures
such as nuclear reactors, petrochemical furnaces and turbines. For these applications operational
temperatures may go up to 800ºC. Under constant load applications the main mechanism of failure,
which would limit the material’s life, is creep. In the present work creep parameters were evaluated
in the high temperature interval of 600 to 800ºC for an AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel. Dislocation
substructures were observed by transmission electron microscopy in creep ruptured specimens. Two
distinct mechanisms of dynamic strain aging and dynamic recovery associated with different values
for the power law exponent n and the Arrhenius activation energy Q for creep were verified below
and above 700ºC, respectively.

Keywords: Creep test, AISI 316 stainless steel, dislocation substructure, high temperature

1. Introduction II in the strain vs. time creep curve, is probably the most
important parameter. A general state equation proposed by
Creep behavior of metals and alloys has been attracting Mukherjee et al.11 relates fo S to other creep parameters
considerable interest since the beginning of the twentieth

fo S = k.T .D 0 . exp T R.T Y . S d X . S E X (1)

century owing to technological developments that require high A.E.b -Q b p v n
temperature operational conditions1. These temperatures are
usually in the range of 0.40 to 0.65 of the absolute melting
temperature, Tm. Today, among these high temperature where A is a constant, E the elastic modulus, k the
technological developments stand gas turbines, nuclear reactors Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature, D0 is a
and petrochemical furnaces. Applications associated with constant independent of temperature, R the gas constant,
these systems require temperature resistant materials such Q the activation energy, b the Burgers vector, d the grain
as ceramics, superalloys and stainless steels. In particular, size, p the inverse grain-size exponent, σ, the general stress,
austenitic stainless steels combine both corrosion and creep which depends of applied load, and n the stress exponent.
resistance that are desirable for systems operating under The apparently complex equation (1) might be simplified
aggressive environments like the aforementioned ones. The for common applied conditions involving the same steel, with
type AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel (316 steel for short) unchanged grain size d, operating at a constant temperature,
is a common choice since its melting temperature around T. In this case equation (1) may be given as the so-called
1400ºC allows applications subjected to stress up to 800ºC power law:
(~ 0.65 Tm)2. Indeed, 316 steel has been applied in Generation
IV (GEN IV) nuclear reactors, such the metal-cooled fast fo
D = K. S v Xn
E ( 2)
breeder reactors and high temperature reactor3-8 as well as
other high temperature applications9,10. where D is the diffusivity and K is a constant involving
For all applications involving creep, the characterization the other terms in equation (1). The value of n is sometimes
of basic parameters such as the creep rate, stress dependent referred as the Norton exponent and thought to be associated
exponent and activation energies is of relevance to allow an with distinct creep mechanisms that could also be related to
estimative of the materials operational life. The minimum the value of Q in equation (1). For the interested reader, the
creep rate (fo S), experimentally obtained as the slope of stage main creep mechanisms in metallic materials have been listed
as1: diffusion creep, climb of dislocations, grain boundary
sliding and dislocation glide.
* e-mail: [email protected]
2 Monteiro et al. Materials Research

The creep behavior of 316 steel, in particular, has been were thinned by electropolishing at 3V in the aforementioned
investigated since the 1960s. Early works of Garofalo et al.12,13 solution until the first hole was obtained with convenient
found in 316 steel a creep activation energy of Q=314 kJ/ areas for transmission electron imaging. A TEM 200 kV Jeol
mol in the temperature range between 593 to 830ºC, which microscope was used to observe dislocation substructures.
was attributed to self-diffusion in face-centered cubic (FCC)
γ iron. In principle this could be associated with a vacancy 3. Results and Discussion
controlled climb of dislocations type of mechanism. Mazza
and Willoughby14 reported an activation energy of 565 kJ/mol Strain versus time creep curves were directly recorded
at 600ºC, which might be assigned to chromium diffusion. by the machine in digital form and processed by computer
Below 700ºC, Barnby15 found evidence of aging-controlled to allow determination of true strain (ε), the corresponding
creep in 316 steel, probably corroborating the Cr diffusion. true stress (σ) and the time derivative fo = dε/dt (creep rate)
In a later work, Kestenbach et al.16 presented the dislocation at each point of the curve. The time variation of creep rate
substructure developed during creep of 316 steel between displayed the typical curve with a short stage II associated with
600 and 800ºC. They found that the high stresses dislocation secondary creep. The minimum obtained in the continuous
climb was replaced by glide, which does not depend on interpolation of fεo Sversus t computer data was chosen as the
diffusion. Moreover, above 650ºC the substructure changed secondary creep rate, fo S .
from cells to elongated subgrains. Figure 1 shows the logarithmic dependence of fo S with σ,
Recent works on creep behavior of 316 steel have corresponding to the constant load, for different investigated
emphasized the combined effect of creep-fatigue in the steel temperatures. In spite of some scatter in the data points for each
operational life based on damage and crack propagation17-25. temperature in Figure 1, a consistent linear relationship was
In spite of relevant results, the works on high temperature found between log f as
o S and log σ. These straight lines indicate
creep of 316 steel have not yet provided a comprehensive an experimental creep behavior associate with the power
analysis of mechanical parameters and dislocation substructure law, equation (2). As a consequence, the slopes of straight
in terms of creep mechanisms. In the present work the creep lines in Figure 1 correspond to the value of the exponent n.
mechanisms in 316 steel tested from 600 to 800ºC were
assessed and associated with stress-related parameters and
dislocation substructure.

2. Materials and Methods

The basic investigated material was an AISI type 316

austenitic steel (316 steel for short) supplied by Sandvik
in the form of hot-rolled bar with 10 mm in diameter. The
chemical composition of the steel is given in Table 1.
The as-received 316 steel bar was solution treated at
1100ºC for one hour under vacuum. A grain size of about
80 μm was obtained. Cylindrical specimens were machined
from the bar with gage dimensions of 4 mm in diameter
and 24 mm in length as per ASTM E13926 and ASTM E827 Figure 1. Variation of the secondary creep rate with true stress
standards. Before testing, specimens were electropolished for 316 steel.
in a 6% perchloric acid solution in ethanol to smooth marks
from the machining operation. Constant load creep tests were Figure 2 shows the graphs of n as a function of the
conducted under vacuum in a tubular furnace of an Instron temperature. In this figure it is important to note that at
system at temperatures in the interval from 600 to 800ºC. 600 and 650ºC, the values of n are around 9, while at 750
Before testing the specimens were soaked for two hours at and 800ºC around 6. In principle, this change in value of n
the proper temperature without applied load. During tests from 9, below 700ºC, to 6, above 700ºC, might be related
the temperature was held constant within 5ºC and the strain to change in creep mechanism. Although mechanisms have
continuously registered with an accuracy of 5x10-4. Samples been proposed in previous works12-16, an association with
for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation mechanical creep parameters is yet to be discussed.
were spark-cut from tested specimens. Discs of these samples

Table 1. Chemical composition of the investigated AISI type 316 stainless steel.
C Cr Ni Mo Mn Si P S
0.07 18.3 12.5 2.55 1.72 0.50 0.026 0.014
Creep Parameters and Dislocation Substructure in AISI 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel From 600ºC to 800ºC 3

points. Therefore, two bands with different slopes, above

and below the dashed horizontal line in Figure 3 are limiting
the experimental points. This change in slope might be an
indication that two distinct creep mechanisms are operating
not only with change in strain rate (vertical scale) but also by
changing the stress (horizontal scale). Based on the results in
Figure 3, this change in creep mechanisms would be occurring
at a stress level around σ/E = 10-3. In addition to possible
change in creep mechanism at high temperature, Figure 2, as
well with change in strain rate and stress, Figure 3, dislocation
substructures also collaborate to a possible change.
Figure 4 illustrates typical dislocation structures at
Figure 2. Temperature dependence of the power law exponent n. 600ºC and 750ºC for creep test at moderate stress levels.
The substructures at 600ºC, Figure 4a, are composed of
fine cells with massive tangles of dislocations, which is a
One relevant question might be raised regarding characteristics of dynamic strain aging2,15. The substructure
mechanisms. Which state variable, temperature or stress, is at 750ºC, Figure 4b, reveals evidence of effective dynamic
more appropriate to characterize creep mechanism? Several recovery with formation of aligned cell walls that are related
early works11,14,15 and a recent publication2 emphasized the to the beginning of subgrains16. Indeed, the values of the
importance of temperature, while others12,13,16 indicated stress exponent n shown in Figure 2 are consistent with
that stress could better represent the participation of creep those between 4 and 7, usually obtained for vacancy self
mechanisms. The reader may notice that equation (1) discloses diffusion rate controlled creep11.
the influence of both T and σ in the creep rate. This is not
clear in equation (2). Moreover, one must remember that 4. Final Remarks
materials properties, such as diffusion coefficient, D, and
elasticity modulus, E, are temperature dependent. Therefore, The experimental results on creep parameters, Figure 2
in order to take these factors into account, the experimental and 3, as well as dislocation substructures developed at high
data in Figure 1 was rationalized as fo S /D and σ/E and plotted temperatures of 600 to 800ºC in 316 steel disclosed for the
in log-log scale for all investigated temperatures. Figure 3 first time evidence of two mechanisms. The change from
shows the variations of fo S /D with log σ/E for creep tests of one mechanism to another occurred either with temperature,
316 steel from 600 to 800ºC. In this figure dispersion bands around 700ºC, shown in Figure 2, or with strain rate at fo S/D
were drawn limiting all experimental points. ~ 109/cm2 or with stress at σ/E ~ 10-3, shown in Figure 3.
Below this threshold limits, dynamic strain aging (DSA) is
probably the predominant mechanism, as suggested in both
earlier15 and recent2 publications. The tangled substructure in
Figure 4a corroborates the DSA mechanism of dislocation
interaction with solute atoms1. Above the aforementioned
threshold limits, DSA is over and dynamic recovery
predominates in association with a tendency of subgrains
formation shown in Figure 4b. In particular, when fo S /D >
109/cm2 and σ/E > 10-3, thermally activated dislocation glide
becomes the creep rate controlling mechanisms1,16. Below
these values, dislocation climb might predominate1.
The combined experimental values of fo S and T in equation
(1) were used to calculated the activation energies, based on
the Arrhenius relationships, associated with the different creep
mechanisms. For points below 700ºC, the average activation
Figure 3. Variation of log fo S /D with log σ/E for the high temperature
creep (600ºC-800ºC) in 316 steel. energy was found Q = 505 kJ/mol, while above 700ºC, as Q
= 377 kJ/mol. The higher value of Q below 700ºC might be
A statistical analysis indicated that points above fo S /D = assigned to diffusion of substitutional atoms, such as Cr. This
109/cm2 (dashed horizontal line) would be adjusted to a linear is in agreement with the aging-controlled creep proposed by
relationship with slope of 2.77. Below the dashed horizontal Barnby15. It also corroborates the occurrence of DSA in 316
line, experimental points are adjusted to a straight line with steel. On the other hand, the comparatively lower value of
slope of 4.67. These are subtle adjustments but statistically Q above 700ºC is not far from the self-diffusion of Fe in the
more consistent than a single straight line adjusting all steel FCC lattice. This would be associated with vacancy
4 Monteiro et al. Materials Research

Figure 4. TEM fractographs of dislocation substructures at: (a) 600ºC and (b) 750ºC in creep tested 316 steel.

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