Kirby Titan Outdoor Condensing Unit: With VSD & Optional EC Fan Motors

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Kirby Titan

Condensing Unit
With VSD & optional
EC fan motors

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
Product Overview

With the increased demand for higher efficiency and improved capacity control, Kirby now offer
a range of Titan Outdoor 4 Cylinder Semi-Hermetic Condensing Units configured with a Variable
Speed Compressor Drive kit.

• 9
 Models / 27 Applications = 9 x R134a Medium Temp.
+ 9 x R404A Low/Medium Temp. + 9 x R407F Low/Medium Temp.
• W
 idest capacity range from 6.3kW to 34kW
(@-5°C sst / 35°C ambient on R134a)
• High quality, with industry recognised VSD brand
• All standard wiring and controls are factory installed and tested
• C
 ompressor speed envelope from 30 to 65Hz using
standard compressors
• F
 an speed control fitted as standard
(EC fans are available as an option)
• Trax Oil management system installed as part of VSD kit
• More accurate balanced load matching with improved efficiency;
• Auto tuning feature ensures optimum smooth constant suction pressure
control that maintains a stable storage temperature with less starts and
stops of the compressor
• Heatcraft expect Kirby Titan power consumption to reduce by up to 18%
• Factory pre-configured VSD minimises on-site programming and ensures
ease of installation & commissioning
• Soft-start feature of VSD reduces compressor starting current by up to 40%
• Fail safe fixed speed 50Hz mechanical control backup changeover in the
event of failed VSD and/or electrical power supply issue

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units - Nomenclature Data

Model Numbering - Standard Kirby Titan Condensing Units
PP S 152 MH A1 - 4
PP = Polarpack

Compressor Type
S = Semi Hermetic Reciprocating
Release Number &
Power Supply to Compressor
Primary Refrigerant Capacity (kW) x 10 Odd Number = Single Phase
at -5°C SST R404A 30ºC SCT 50Hz. MH/LM&LMH” Range Even Number = Three Phase
eg. 100 = 10 (kW) x 10

Operating Range for Primary Refrigerant Condenser Type & Variant

MH = Medium / High, LM = Low / Medium A = Air Cooled
LMH = Low / Medium / High Number = Sequential for Different Available Condensers

NOTE: Add respective kit model numbers to quote, selection and orders. (Refer to page 8)

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
R134a Medium/High Temperature Application

Amb. MT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp°C HT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C

Product Number (°C) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
PPS152LMHA1-4 35 7930 9930 12190 14730 17560 20680
Output 65Hz 45 6840 8670 10750 13080 15660 18480
35 6210 7800 9600 11660 13960 16510
Output 50Hz
45 5370 6810 8460 10340 12450 14760
35 4810 5950 7260 8760 10440
Output 30Hz
45 4220 5260 6450 7810 9330

PPS178LMHA1-4 35 9440 11730 14310 17200 20400 23890

Output 65Hz 45 8040 10080 12390 14950 17770 20820

35 7400 9220 11300 13640 16260 19150

Output 50Hz
45 6310 7920 9760 11840 14160 16690

35 5700 7020 8530 10250 12170

Output 30Hz
45 4910 6070 7400 8910 10600

PPS205LMHA1-4 35 11170 13900 16970 20400 24210 28360

Output 65Hz 45 9600 12100 14920 18070 21510 25250

35 8770 10940 13420 16210 19330 22770

Output 50Hz
45 7540 9510 11770 14320 17160 20260

35 6780 8360 10160 12210 14500

Output 30Hz
45 5900 7320 8950 10810 12880

PPS242LMA1-4 35 13640 16990 20770 24990 29640 34660

Output 65Hz 45 11740 14820 18320 22190 26430

35 10720 13400 16450 19890 23710 27880

Output 50Hz
45 9240 11670 14480 17640 21140 24930

35 6630 8320 10260 12490 15010 17810

Output 30Hz
45 7280 9040 11070 13360 15900

PPS289LMHA1-4 35 13630 17070 20980 25370 30230 35550

Output 65Hz 45 11710 14840 18410 22380 26740 31480

35 10680 13410 16540 20090 24070 28460

Output 50Hz
45 9190 11650 14480 17710 21310 25230

35 8290 10260 12530 15120 18030

Output 30Hz
45 7230 8990 11030 13360 15990

PPS328LMA1-4 35 17440 21650 26360 31590 37320 43550

Output 65Hz 45 14950 18820 23080 27770 32900 38460

35 13710 17060 20870 25160 29900 35050

Output 50Hz
45 11710 14750 18230 22130 26390 30970

35 8480 10600 13030 15810 18950 22430

Output 30Hz
45 9200 11380 13880 16710 19840

PPS338LMHA1-4 35 17530 21870 26810 32380 38580 45390

Output 65Hz 45 15180 19140 23660 28750 34380 40520

35 13710 17150 21090 25580 30640 36240

Output 50Hz
45 11900 15010 18600 22700 27300 32360

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
R134a Medium/High Temperature Application

Amb. MT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp°C HT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C

Product Number (°C) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
35 10570 13050 15910 19170 22860
Output 30Hz
45 11540 14120 17070 20400

PPS370LMA1-4 35 20040 24700 29900 35680 42010 48810

Output 65Hz 45 17300 21570 26280 31450 37110

35 15760 19500 23750 28500 33720 39400

Output 50Hz
45 13550 16960 20840 25150 29840 34880

35 9770 12140 14860 17970 21470 25330

Output 30Hz
45 8460 10580 13020 15830 18980 22470

PPS411LMA1-4 35 22110 27420 33350 39940 47160 54970

Output 65Hz 45 18990 23870 29280 35240 41750 48720

35 17390 21630 26450 31850 37820 44300

Output 50Hz
45 14900 18760 23160 28090 33480 39300

35 10770 13450 16540 20060 24020 28410

Output 30Hz
45 11700 14470 17640 21230 25190

Kirby Titan = Efficiency

Kirby Titan = Efficiency
A) EC Fan = up to 5% lower energy
EC Fan
Comp = up to to
= up 5%18%
lower energy
lower energy
VSD Comp = up= to
to 18%
lowerlower energy
C) Stability* = up to 4% lower energy
Pressure Curve with VSD
Pressure Curve with VSD
Temperature Curve with VSD
Temperature Curve with VSD
Pressure Curve without VSD
Pressure Curve
Temperature Curvewithout VSD
without VSD
Temperature Curve without VSD

The above chart demonstrates how the VSD optimises both the suction and room temperature curves.
*Reduced energy, less starts = greater reliability, improved product / climate condition.

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
R404A Low/Medium Temperature Application

Amb. LT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C MT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C

Product Number (°C) -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5

PPS152LMHA1-4 35 4820 6280 7980 9950 12210 14750 17500

Output 65Hz 45 3770 5000 6420 8090 10010 12160 14440

35 4950 6310 7900 9740 11830 14160

Output 50Hz
45 3970 5100 6430 7990 9780 11740

35 3940 4970 6160 7540 9100

Output 30Hz
45 4070 5070 6220 7540

PPS178LMHA1-4 35 5930 7650 9620 11890 14490 17370 20480

Output 65Hz 45 4630 6080 7750 9690 11900 14320 16870

35 4620 6000 7580 9400 11480 13840 16450

Output 50Hz
45 4670 5950 7430 9140 11070 13170

35 4730 5920 7280 8850 10620

Output 30Hz
45 4720 5830 7110 8540

PPS205LMHA1-4 35 7120 9210 11590 14300 17360 20710 24310

Output 65Hz 45 5590 7360 9370 11680 14270 17070 19980

35 5560 7230 9130 11310 13800 16570 19620

Output 50Hz
45 5640 7190 8960 10990 13240 15670

35 5710 7140 8770 10640 12730

Output 30Hz
45 5700 7020 8520 10210

PPS242LMA1-4 35 8350 10720 13460 16570 20050 23840 27880

Output 65Hz 45 6360 8410 10810 13510 16460 19610 22870

35 6610 8490 10670 13190 16050 19230 22710

Output 50Hz
45 6740 8560 10690 13140 15870 18790

35 6700 8330 10200 12320 14700

Output 30Hz
45 6810 8380 10170 12190

PPS289LMHA1-4 35 8710 11310 14310 17750 21650 25990 30730

Output 65Hz 45 6700 8920 11520 14470 17750 21320 25130

35 6860 8940 11330 14100 17280 20870 24840

Output 50Hz
45 7140 9120 11440 14130 17160 20480

35 7090 8890 10970 13350 16040

Output 30Hz
45 7230 7260 8980 10970 13230

PPS328LMA1-4 35 11290 14540 18270 22490 27170 32260 37640

Output 65Hz 45 8600 11460 14730 18330 22230 26370

35 8940 11530 14520 17940 21810 26090 30750

Output 50Hz
45 9140 11630 14540 17840 21460 25310

35 9150 11380 13940 16820 20030

Output 30Hz
45 7400 9270 11400 13830 16550

PPS338LMHA1-4 35 11520 14830 18620 22970 27940 33500 39590

Output 65Hz 45 8890 11630 14850 18610 22910 27680 32810

35 11710 14760 18270 22300 26880 31980

Output 50Hz
45 9260 11800 14760 18220 22180 26570

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
R404A Low/Medium Temperature Application

Amb. LT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C MT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C

Product Number (°C) -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5
35 11490 14130 17140 20560
Output 30Hz
45 11490 14130 17140 20560

PPS370LMA1-4 35 12910 16630 20860 25590 30790 36380 42190

Output 65Hz 45 9940 13260 16970 20980 25270 29780

35 10240 13190 16590 20470 24830 29610 34740

Output 50Hz
45 8040 10520 13400 16710 20420 24430 28610

35 8260 10470 13010 15910 19170 22780

Output 30Hz
45 8520 10650 13090 15840 18910

PPS411LMA1-4 35 14240 18340 23020 28300 34140 40440 47050

Output 65Hz 45 10930 14530 18620 23150 28050 33240 48720

35 11270 14540 18300 22590 27430 32780 38570

Output 50Hz
45 11570 14730 18390 22530 27070 31870

35 11520 14330 17530 21140 25160

Output 30Hz
45 9360 11710 14400 17440 20850

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
R407F Low/Medium Temperature Application

Amb. LT/MT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp°C

Product Number (°C) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5

PPS152LMHA1-4 35 7637 9724 12123 14851 17905 21267 24905

Output 65Hz 45 6599 8370 10456 12924 15776 18949

35 5976 7644 9559 11751 14238 17026 20098

Output 50Hz
45 5164 6580 8245 10227 12545 15170 18019

35 4717 5938 7353 8975 10813 12862

Output 30Hz
45 4060 5122 6399 7908 9634 11532

PPS178LMHA1-4 35 8829 11259 14054 17222 20748 24605 28754

Output 65Hz 45 7592 9705 12171 15016 18239

35 6921 8853 11071 13603 16460 19648 23159

Output 50Hz
45 5989 7624 9546 11807 14399 17283

35 5479 6899 8523 10368 12448 14778

Output 30Hz
45 4773 6013 7423 9036 10877 12956

PPS205LMHA1-4 35 10145 12942 16151 19778 23806 28209 32951

Output 65Hz 45 8729 11152 13975 17228 20908

35 7950 10171 12722 15634 18913 22556 26557

Output 50Hz
45 6888 8765 10966 13553 16517 19812

35 6291 7922 9790 11912 14306 16985

Output 30Hz
45 5477 6907 8529 10384 12495 14874

PPS242LMA1-4 35 11998 15306 19108 23390 28113

Output 65Hz 45 10312 13233 16646 20515

35 9411 12041 15048 18474 22341

Output 50Hz
45 8127 10359 12999 16087 19598

35 7472 9398 11599 14097

Output 30Hz
45 6508 8182 10095 12293

PPS289LMHA1-4 35 14393 18414 22995 28136 33828 40068 46865

Output 65Hz 45 12302 15934 20049 24644 29730

35 11298 14454 18082 22218 26874 32050 37752

Output 50Hz
45 9773 12446 15586 19266 23475 28158

35 8946 11263 13916 16931 20333 24140

Output 30Hz
45 7792 9815 12117 14754 17760 21149

Auxilary Head Cooling Fan Kit Required (Refer to page 8)

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
R407F Low/Medium Temperature Application

Amb. LT/MT Capacity (Watts) Evap Temp °C

Product Number (°C) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5

PPS328LMA1-4 35 16169 20497 25427 30961 37080

Output 65Hz 45 13926 17194 21083 25565

35 9652 12653 16113 20051 24498 29485

Output 50Hz
45 10897 13516 16625 20229 24261

35 9943 12456 15329 18586

Output 30Hz
45 8341 10328 12657 15293

PPS338LMHA1-4 35 16290 20758 25896 31735 38247 45384 53119

Output 65Hz 45 14140 17910 22304 27462 33343

35 12747 16318 20421 25111 30414 36334 42868

Output 50Hz
45 11064 14078 17588 21729 26514 31883

35 10070 12685 15712 19171 23074 27433

Output 30Hz
45 8688 10926 13597 16713 20247 24163

PPS370LMA1-4 35 18691 23843 29638 36051 43063

Output 65Hz 45 16122 20776 25962 31687

35 14676 18764 23407 28648 34509

Output 50Hz
45 12634 16154 20292 25041 30326

35 9081 11682 14669 18081 21944 21944

Output 30Hz
45 10168 12763 15744 19154

PPS411LMA1-4 35 20976 26770 33307 40556 48485

Output 65Hz 45 18086 23328 29182 35650

35 16472 21057 26280 32188 38805

Output 50Hz
45 14181 18127 22776 28129 34103

35 10181 13086 16450 20291 24639

Output 30Hz
45 11317 14266 17670 21542

Auxilary Head Cooling Fan Kit Required

Titan VSD Configuration Order Details

ADD Respective VSD kit part number (Factory fitted to Titan)*
Aux Head Cooling
Product Number R134a MT/HT R404A LT/MT R407F LT/MT EC Fan + Orbus Kit Fan Kit
PPS152LMHA1-4 KP541-23F KP541-31F KP541-31F KP560-10F KP541-43F

PPS178LMHA1-4 KP541-24F KP541-32F KP541-32F KP560-10F KP541-43F

PPS205LMHA1-4 KP541-24F KP541-32F KP541-32F KP560-10F KP541-43F
PPS242LMA1-4 KP541-24F KP541-32F KP541-32F KP560-11F KP541-43F

PPS289LMHA1-4 KP541-25F KP541-33F KP541-33F KP560-11F KP541-37F

PPS328LMA1-4 KP541-24F KP541-33F KP541-33F KP560-11F KP541-37F

PPS338LMHA1-4 KP541-28F KP541-40F KP541-40F KP560-12F KP541-37F

PPS370LMA1-4 KP541-25F KP541-40F KP541-40F KP560-11F KP541-37F

PPS411LMA1-4 KP541-28F KP541-34F KP541-34F KP560-12F KP541-37F

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
Sound Data

Unit- RLA & Watts for R134a, 50Hz Unit- RLA & Watts for R404A, 50Hz
Product Number (Amps/Ph) (Watts) (Amps/Ph) (Watts)
PPS 152 LMH A1-4 9.8 17.6 66.2 3,960 13.4 17.6 66.2 6,633

PPS 178 LMH A1-4 12.4 22.6 89.1 4,510 15.8 22.6 89.1 7,538

PPS 205 LMH A1-4 13.0 22.6 89.1 5,200 17.6 22.6 89.1 8,850

PPS 242 LM A1-4 15.7 24.2 90.7 6,550 20.1 24.2 90.7 10,990

PPS 289LMH A1-4 17.3 32.7 139.4 7,130 24.1 32.7 139.4 12,050

PPS 328 LM A1-4 17.4 28.7 113.4 8,250 26.2 28.7 113.4 14,070

PPS 338 LMH A1-4 22.1 37.6 174.1 9,360 28.3 37.6 174.1 14,810

PPS 370 LM A1-4 19.9 32.7 139.4 9,180 29.9 32.7 139.4 16,030

PPS 411 LM A1-4 23.8 37.6 174.1 11,000 33.7 37.6 174.1 18,815

* = Unit RLA and Input Watts data are taken at -5°C SST / +45°C SCT with refrigerant as noted. Compressor LRA and MCC data are supplied by compressor manufacturer.

Data @ 30Hz to Compressor Data @ 50Hz to Compressor Data @ 65Hz to Compressor

Compressor 100% Fan Speed 60% Fan Speed 100% Fan Speed 60% Fan Speed 100% Fan Speed 60% Fan Speed
Product Number LwA LpA 3m LwA LpA 3m LwA LpA 3m LwA LpA 3m LwA LpA 3m LwA LpA 3m
PPS 152 LMH A1-4 H551CC 77.0 57.0 70.5 50.5 81.0 61.0 74.5 54.5 84.0 64.0 77.5 57.5

PPS 178 LMH A1-4 H701CC 77.0 57.0 71.0 51.0 81.0 61.0 75.0 55.0 84.0 64.0 78.0 58.0

PPS 205 LMH A1-4 H751CC 77.5 57.5 72.5 52.5 81.5 61.5 76.5 56.5 84.5 64.5 79.5 59.5

PPS 242 LM A1-4 H751CS 79.0 59.0 73.0 53.0 83.0 63.0 77.0 57.0 86.0 66.0 80.0 60.0

PPS 289LMH A1-4 H1001CC 79.0 59.0 73.0 53.0 83.0 63.0 77.0 57.0 86.0 66.0 80.0 60.0

PPS 328 LM A1-4 H1001CS 78.5 58.5 74.0 54.0 83.5 63.5 79.0 59.0 86.5 66.5 82.0 62.0

PPS 338 LMH A1-4 H1501CC 82.0 62.0 74.0 54.0 87.0 67.0 79.0 59.0 90.0 70.0 82.0 62.0

PPS 370 LM A1-4 H1501CS 78.5 58.5 75.0 55.0 83.5 63.5 80.0 60.0 86.5 66.5 83.0 63.0

PPS 411 LM A1-4 H1601CS 82.5 62.5 76.5 56.5 87.5 67.5 81.5 61.5 90.5 70.5 84.5 64.5

Location 1 2 3 4 LwA: Sound power level, dB(A)

Lw: Linear Sound Power level, dB
LwA - LpA (3m) 20 17.5 14.5 11.5 LpA: Sound pressure level, dB(A)

Location 1: Unit located with no hard surfaces to reflect the sound, such as suspended in mid air.
Location 2: Unit located with 1 hard surface to reflect the sound, such as mounted on concrete.
Location 3: Unit located with 2 hard surfaces to reflect the sound, such as mounted on concrete & close to a wall.
Location 4: Unit located with 3 hard surfaces to reflect the sound, such as mounted on concrete & close to 2 walls.

Standard Fan Speed Control Overview

• The controller varies the supply voltage to the fan motor from • The cut-off point is defined at 45% (1-Ph) or 35% (3-Ph) supply
45% (1-Ph) or 35% (3-Ph) to at least 95% over the proportional voltage to the fan motor, at factory setting this is 15±1 Bar
condensing pressure band which is factory fixed at 4 Bar depending on actual load and / or power supply
• The full voltage set point (FVS) is adjustable from 8-28 Bar and is • When the condensing pressure reduces to the minimum speed
set by Heatcraft at 19 Bar for R404A medium temp. By turning condition, the factory setting of “Min Speed” on the change-
the setting screw clockwise, the pressure setting increases. over switch ensures that the fans continue to run at this speed
Turn anti-clockwise to decrease the pressure setting. The set regardless of how low the pressure goes below the minimum
point can be seen on the range setting pointer • Heatcraft factory set point for R404A is 19 Bar(g) for M/T & 14
Bar(g) for L/T units & 10 Bar(g) for R134a units

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
Electrical Data

Optional EC Fans + Orbus Control

EC (Electronically Commutated) fan motors combined with a proprietary fan speed controller called ‘OrbusTM’
is offered as an option on the Heatcraft condensing unit ranges: Polar Pack, Titan and Centurion.
The Orbus controller supplies a 0-10 volt DC signal to any EC fan that can be speed controlled via a 0-10 volt signal.
The Orbus supplies this control voltage in a reversed manner to that of conventional controllers, i.e. 0 volts DC is full speed
and 10 volts DC is minimum speed or off. This is the fail safe feature of the Orbus in case of loss of the control signal. This
means that the Orbus can only be used with EC fans that have been specifically programmed to operate on a reversed logic
at the manufacturing stage or in the case of some of the larger EC fans that can be programmed at point of installation.

Unit Elect Data R404A Elec Data R134a

Product Number Compressor m3/Hr Amp/Ph A/Ph A/Ph Watts A/Ph A/Ph Watts
PPS 152 LMH A1-4 H551CC 23.13 66.2 17.6 13.4 6,635 13.3 6.7 3,260

PPS 178 LMH A1-4 H701CC 27.33 89.1 22.6 15.8 7,540 16.0 9.3 3,810

PPS 205 LMH A1-4 H751CC 33.47 89.1 22.6 17.6 8,850 17.9 9.9 4,500

PPS 242 LM A1-4 H751CS 38.06 90.7 24.2 21.8 10,990 19.5 15.7 6,550

PPS 289LMH A1-4 H1001CC 42.81 139.4 32.7 24.0 12,050 23.6 17.3 7,130

PPS 328 LM A1-4 H1001CS 48.82 113.4 28.7 26.2 14,070 22.3 17.4 8,250

PPS 338 LMH A1-4 H1501CC 48.82 174.1 37.6 28.3 14,810 28.3 22.1 9,360

PPS 370 LM A1-4 H1501CS 56.87 139.4 32.7 29.9 16,030 25.9 19.9 9,180

PPS 411 LM A1-4 H1601CS 62.92 174.1 37.6 33.7 18,815 29.6 23.8 11,000

Condenser Connections Nominal Cond. KTD**

Fan Ø Airflow Suction Liquid Volume R134a MT R404A LT R407F M/HT

Product Number x Qty l/s mm mm LTRS @ -5°C SST @ -25°C SST @ -5°C SST
PPS 152 LMH A1-4 450 x 2 2,630 28.6 15.9 14.5 7.1 5.3 10.1

PPS 178 LMH A1-4 450 x 2 2,490 34.9 15.9 14.5 7.0 5.3 9.9

PPS 205 LMH A1-4 450 x 2 2,240 34.9 15.9 14.5 7.0 5.4 9.7

PPS 242 LM A1-4 450 x 3 3,945 34.9 22.2 24.5 8.0 5.9 10.5

PPS 289LMH A1-4 450 x 3 3,525 34.9 22.2 24.5 7.0 5.4 9.9

PPS 328 LM A1-4 450 x 3 3,525 34.9 22.2 24.5 8.1 6.4 11.0

PPS 338 LMH A1-4 500 x 3 4,285 34.9 22.2 24.5 6.5 5.1 9.2

PPS 370 LM A1-4 450 x 3 3,360 34.9 22.2 24.5 8.7 6.7 11.8

PPS 411 LM A1-4 500 x 3 4,285 34.9 22.2 24.5 8.3 6.4 11.6
32°C Amb., Comp. @ 50Hz,
100% Fan Speed

Titan Outdoor Condensing Units
with VSD and optional EC fan motors
Three Fan Physical Dimensions

Plan View

Side View End View

(right side of unit)

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new zealand 0800 653 330

Australia Head Office New Zealand Head Office

Heatcraft Australia Pty Ltd, 286 Horsley Road, Heatcraft New Zealand Pty Ltd
Milperra NSW 2214 Locked Bag 63, Wetherill Park 12 George Bourke Drive, Mt Wellington PO Box
NSW 1851 (+61) 2 9774 7155 12371 Penrose, Auckland (+64) 9 276 4888

All trade marks and registered trade marks are the property of their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. © Copyright 2015
Heatcraft Australia Pty Limited. Heatcraft Australia continually strive to improve products and processes. We reserve the right to modify product features
without notice. Information is correct at time of printing.

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