Gen Bio Mid Term Exam

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San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur


Name: ____________________________ Grade/Strand: ____________ Date: __________
I. Multiple Choice
Choose the letter of the best answer and write your answer on answer sheet.
1. What kind of microscope did scientists create in 1932 that could capture images of
transparent specimens?
a. SEM c. PCM
b. TEM d. compound microscope
2. Which of the following statements regarding the cell theory is FALSE?
a. All living organisms are made up of cells.
b. Cell is the basic unit of life.
c. All cells arise spontaneously.
d. All cells arise from preexisting cells.
3. Pedro is afflicted with skin cancer. Does his condition suggest a problem with the cell
a. Yes, cancer is a potential outcome of a disrupted cell cycle.
b. Yes, chromosomal aberrations are the root cause of cancer.
c. No, the cell cycle has nothing to do with skin cancer.
d. No, cancer can be linked to inherited features.
4. Jennifer lost her toenail after unintentionally dropping a large object on it. Is there a
chance that her nail will regrowth?
a. Yes, a muscle will take the place of the nail.
b. No, there is no prospect of the nail growing back.
c. No, the nail won't grow back after being cut off.
d. Yes, because her toe's basal cells have the capacity to divide continuously.
5. Which of the following is NOT a reason why interphase is necessary?

I. Daughter cells begin with two copies of DNA.

II. Daughter cells begin life with only one copy of their DNA.
III. Daughter cells begin life small, without sufficient cellular machinery to pass
on to daughter cells.
IV. If cells performed mitosis repeatedly without going through interphase, each
generation of daughter cells would be progressively smaller.

a. I only
b. II and II
c. I, II and III
d. II, I and IV
6. At what point in the cell cycle do the nuclear components of the cell divide and
a. S c. G2
b. G1 d. Mitosis
7. Which of the following correctly describes the types of cell structures that can be found
in both plant and animal cells?
a. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus, cell membrane, centriole
b. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, cell wall, chloroplast
c. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast
d. Mitochondria, vacuole, nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm
8. The TEM microscope, in contrast to the previous one, relied on _________ rather than
San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

a. Electrons c. energy
b. Electricity d. eons
9. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the significance of mitosis?
I. Growth
II. Sexual reproduction
III. Recover from injuries
IV. Replacement of dead cells

a. A. I only c. I and II
b. II only d. II and IV
10. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the cell cycle?
a. Interphase, Cytokinesis, Mitosis
b. Cytokinesis, Mitosis, Interphase
c. Mitosis, Cytokinesis, Interphase
d. Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis
11. When sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis, a
condition known as ____________ develops, leading to an aberrant chromosomal
a. Nondisjunction c. Conjunction
b. Disjunction d. multi nondisjunction
12. Trisomy is a state where humans have an extra _____________.
a. Chromosomes c. lysosomes
b. Autosomes d. chromatids
13. Which of the following statements regarding anomalies in sex chromosomes in humans
is true?
a. Before birth, they cannot be diagnosed.
b. The majority are not gender-specific.
c. They seldom cause death and typically only have minor effects.
d. None of the above
14. The rat serves as a model for mammalian reproduction, in which the female's ova are
fertilized, and the resulting fertilized zygotes grow inside the mother during a gestation
period known as pregnancy. This is an evidence of:
a. Mitosis c. Meiosis
b. Interphase d. Cytokinesis
15. Regeneration is a natural process that occurs in both plants and animals to replace or
restore lost or damaged cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts to full function.
This is due to:
a. Mitosis c. Meiosis
b. Interphase d. Cytokinesis
16. Which of the following claims about biological inheritance is correct?
a. Each type of chromosome is present in one human somatic cell.
b. Frequently, the chromosomal combinations of siblings match exactly.
c. Pairs of homologous chromosomes split during the development of sex cells,
resulting in each gamete containing just one of each pair of alleles for each trait.
d. None of the above.
17. New allele combinations are inherited by children as a result of:
a. Genetic linkage c. Recombination
b. Puberty d. replication
18. Crossing-over of parts of chromosomes:
a. Multiply the population's genetic combinations by two.
b. Reduces the population's genetic diversity in most cases.
c. Can expand the variety of genetic pairings in a population.
d. On the genetic connection, has no impact.
19. Crossovers that cause offspring to inherit chromosomes with alterations occur during:
a. Interphase c. Meiosis
San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

b. Mitosis d. Cytokinesis
20. Who declared “Omni cellula e cellula”?
a. Zacharias Janssen c. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
b. Rudolf Virchow d. Albrecht Von Roelliker

II. Matching Type.

Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
Column A Column B
21. Apical Modification a. Monitors the plant internal condition.
22. Lateral Modification b. Cell modification that is found on the basal surface of the cell.
23. Basal Modification c. Cell modification that is found on the apical surface of the cell.
24. Guard cell d. Cell modification that is found on the lateral surface of the cell.
25. Gap Junction e. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
26. Tight Junction f. Haploid cells
27. Adhering Junction g. Temporary, irregular lobes formed by amoebas and some other
28. Pseudopods eukaryotic cells.
29. Meiosis I h. Prevents leakage of the ECF.
30. Rudolf Virchow i. Anchors junction on the lateral surface of the cell.
j. Also known as communicating junctions.
III. Completion
31. Only diploid cells can divide by ___________.
32. Meiosis involves 2 consecutive cell divisions. Since the DNA is duplicated only prior to
the first division, the final result is _________ cells.
33. During synapsis, sometimes there is an exchange of homologous parts between non-
sister chromatids. This exchange is called _____________.
34. The ______________ is a restriction point that makes sure the cell is big enough to divide
and has enough nutrients to maintain the daughter cells that emerge.
35. __________ materials are threadlike form of chromosomes.

IV. Identification
36-44. Identify the type of cell illustrated below. Describe.

36. _____ 37. _____

40. _____

38. _____

39. _____

36. _______________________________________________________________.
37. _______________________________________________________________.
38. _______________________________________________________________.
39. _______________________________________________________________.
40. _______________________________________________________________.
San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

42. ________

41. ________

43. ________
44. ________

41. _______________________________________________________________.
42. _______________________________________________________________.
43. _______________________________________________________________.
44. _______________________________________________________________.

V. Essay
In 10–15 sentences, make an essay based on the topic given below.
Criteria for grading:
2 1
Ideas and States clear Some ideas
Content ideas/facts/opinions are unclear
about the topic. and lack
Explanations Clearly and Explanation
thoroughly explains is unclear or
the ideas presented inaccurate.

45-48. At the cellular level, what distinguishes eukaryotic organisms from prokaryotic
organisms? What particular method are you intending to employ in the science lab to support
your beliefs regarding their differences?


49-52. Why was the cell theory formerly regarded as an explanation for some types of
organisms' existence? How did Louis Pasteur attempt disprove the idea of spontaneous
San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

VI. 53- 60. Draw the structure and label at least 8 parts/organelles of a plant cell. (Use
colouring Materials)
Criteria for grading:
2 1

Appearance Stand out from Not neatly done,

the rest, shows need more
considerable effort.
Details Presented Details are
detailed unclear.
structure and
Labelled 8+ organelles are Less than 7
Organelles correctly labelled organelles are
and located. correctly labelled
and located.
Cell type Clearly represent The cell is
the plant cell unidentifiable.

Answer Keys 3. A
1. C
2. C
San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

4. D
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. A
16. C 2 1
17. C
18. C Appearance Stand out from Not neatly done,
the rest, shows need more
19. C
considerable effort.
20. B
21. C
Details Presented Details are
22. D
detailed unclear.
23. B structure and
24. A organelles.
25. J Labelled 8+ organelles are Less than 7
26. H Organelles correctly labelled organelles are
27. I and located. correctly labelled
28. G and located.
29. F Cell type Clearly represent The cell is
30. E the plant cell unidentifiable.
31. Meiosis
32. 4 haploid
33. Crossing over
34. G1 Checkpoint
35. Chromatin
36. Simple Columnar Epithelium
37. Pseudo stratified Ciliated
38. Stratified Squamous Epithelium
39. Simple Squamous Epithelium
40. Cuboidal Epithelium
41. Fibrous Connective Tissue
42. Cartilage
43. Bone
44. Lose Connective Tissue



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