The Future - Exercises

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Agrupamento de Escolas de Rio Tinto nº3

Escola Secundária de Rio Tinto

English Worksheet - 10th Form

The Future

A. Will (‘LL) + Infinitive without to [neg: won’t]

 To make a prediction about the distant, uncertain future (what we think will happen)
He’ll become a great musician.
 To offer our help to somebody
We’ll help you with the homework.
 To make an unplanned or spontaneous reaction or decision at the time of speaking
I’ll call you tonight.
 To make a request, offers, promises…
Will you lend me your mobile phone?

Note: With WILL, we often use I think, I believe, I hope, I promise, I know or other opinion words like perhaps.

B. TO BE GOING TO + Infinitive
 To express an intention, a premeditated action
We are going to buy his latest CD.
I’m going to study harder this year.
 A prediction based on something we can observe (something that we see is going to happen)
Oh, no we are going to crash!
She’s going to have a baby!
 To talk about personal arrangements for the future which are definite (a fixed arrangement, a plan, a
programme, a certainty, a firm intention). Time should be mentioned.
I’m having a birthday party this Saturday.
We are having dinner at my parents’ tonight.
 To refer to TIMETABLES (planes, buses, trains), PROGRAMMES (cinemas, theatres, etc.)
The concert starts at 10.00 pm.
My plane leaves tomorrow at 9.00 pm.
NOTE: After the time expressions WHEN, UNTIL, AS SOON AS a PRESENT TENSE is used although this refers to the
I’ll wait for you until you get back!
A. Make predictions. Use either the negative or the affirmative forms.
1. Portugal ___________________ (win) the next football World cup.
2. Cds ____________________(disappear) before 2050.
3. People __________________ (continue) to read books by the year 2070.
4. Scientists ___________________ (find) the cure for cancer in 2020.
5. The weather __________________ (get) warmer year after year.
B. Underline the most suitable future form in each sentence.
1. Why are you going to buy / will you buy a new mountain bike?
2. Look out! The tree will / is going to fall!
3. Let me know as soon as Louise will get / gets there.
4. Great news! Jean and Chris will come / are coming to stay with us.
5. According to the timetable, the bus is going to arrive / arrives at 6.00.
C. Complete with “WILL” or “TO BE GOING TO”
1. They ____________________ (watch) music videos on MTV this afternoon.
2. We _____________________ (go) to the shopping centre to see our favourite rappers.
3. Wait for me. I __________________ (go) with you.
4. If you visit the shopping malls, you __________________ (see) rap’s influence on teen style.
5. I promise I __________________ (give) you your favourite CD.
6. I think I ________________ (win) the contest.
7. _____________________________ (you; lend) me your new video game?
8. They _____________________ (spend) the weekend in Paris.
9. I _____________________ (listen) to some music this afternoon.
10. I think she _______________________ (buy) that black mini-skirt.
11. In ten years’ time we _____________________ (travel) everywhere by helicopter.
12. It ___________________ (be) summer soon.
13. The phone is ringing. I ________________________ (answer) it for you.
14. Mary has got the ‘flu.
Oh, I didn’t know. I __________________ (visit) her tomorrow.
15. Where ____________________________ (you, spend) your holidays?
In California. I think it ______________________ (be) a great experience!
16. People ____________________ (travel) to Mars in a few years.
17. I ___________________ (visit) my grand-parents next week end.
18. They _________________________ (arrive) at about 4 in the afternoon.
19. In 2022 people __________________________ (buy) more hybrid cars.
20. Marvin _____________________________ (throw) a party next week.


1. The bus ________________________ (leave) at 8 o’clock.
2. The shops _______________________ (not open) before 9 am.
3. I think it ___________________________ (rain) tomorrow.
4. I ______________________ (go) shopping. Would you like to come with me?
5. _____________________ (you; meet) Greg tonight?
6. Perhaps she ________________________ (be) late.
7. We _____________________ (go) to a concert this weekend. It ___________________
(start) at 10 pm.
8. Look out! There’s a bus coming. It ___________________________ (hit) us!
9. There is a football match tomorrow but we _________________________ (not go).
10. What _________________________ (you; do) next Saturday?
11. ________________________ (you, go) out tonight?
12. The Prime Minister ___________________ (visit) Madrid next week.
13. She still has a pain. She _______________________ (see) a doctor.
14. We _________________________ (definitely; buy) a new flat.
15. Isn’t it marvelous? We __________________________ (get) married!
16. I don’t think you _______________________ (have) any problems at the airport.
17. _____________________________ (you; take) your dog with you to Scotland?
18. All the hotels are full. Where ___________________________ (we; spend) the night?
19. What time ______________________________ (your plane; leave?)
20. In the year 2500 lots of people ___________________________ (live) on the Moon.
21. I hope you_____________________________ (have) a nice time in Spain next week.
22. Tom ________________________________________ (get) new glasses next week.
23. That bag looks heavy. I __________________________________ (help) you with it.
24. The train _______________________________ (leave) at 11.45.
25. We ______________________ (have) dinner at a nice restaurant next Saturday.
26. It _________________________ (snow) in the mountains tomorrow evening.
27. On Sunday at 8 o’clock I ________________________ (meet) my friend.
28. They _______________________ (fly) to London on Friday evening.
29. Wait! I ____________________ (drive) you to the station.
30. The English lesson ____________________ (start) at 9 o’clock.
31. I ____________________ (see) my sister in April.
32. Look at the clouds! It ____________________ (rain) in a few minutes.
33. Listen! There’s someone at the door. I ______________________ (open) the door for you.

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