Profile Results

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Table 4
Demographic Profile of Respondents
Frequency Percentages
Male 19 27.90
Female 49 72.10
Employment Status
Employed 45 66.18
Regular 32 71.11
Part-Time 2 4.44
Temporary/Contractual 11 24.44
Self-Employed 5 7.35
Business 2 40.00
Freelance 3 60.00
Unemployed 18 26.47
Looking for a job 9 50.00
Not looking for a job 9 50.00
Alignment to Accounting Profession
Aligned to Accounting Profession 45 90.00
Not Aligned to Accounting Profession 5 10.00
Original LECPA Schedule
May 2020 9 13.24
October 2020 19 27.94
May 2021 32 47.06
October 2021 8 11.76
Enrollment Status in a Review School
Enrolled in a Review School 17 25.00
Not Enrolled in a Review School 51 75.00
Plans in Enrolling Before the Next LECPA
Will Enroll in a Review School 35 68.63
Will Not Enroll in a Review School 16 31.37

This section exhibits the demographic profile of the respondents of the study. It includes their
gender, employment status and its alignment to accounting profession, original LECPA schedule, and
plans in enrolling in a review school.

As shown in Table 4, analysis of the respondents’ demographic profile indicates that about 45 or
66.18% of them are currently employed resulting to a wider gap compared to the unemployment rate of
26.47% unemployed graduates. Additionally, most of the employed respondents are also regular
employees (45.00%) and are having a work still aligned to the accounting profession (90.00%).
Meanwhile, in terms of gender, 72.10% of the of the total collected samples are female.
The results also highlight that only a few are greatly affected by the repetitive postponement, or
equivalent to 9 out of the total 68 CPA candidates from TSU who experienced being barred by the PRC
for three consecutive LECPA schedules. Subsequently, among the 51 or 75.00% who did not enroll in a
review school, 35 or 68.83%, have plans to enroll, be it in an online setup or face-to-face if the situation
permits them to do so. The remaining 16 or 31.37%, are firm that they will not go to a review school.

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