Water Flow Generator: Innovating Water Faucet Use

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Paper ID #24783

Water Flow Generator: Innovating Water Faucet Use

Prof. Bala Maheswaran, Northeastern University
Bala Maheswaran, PhD Northeastern University 367 Snell Engineering Center Boston, MA 02115
Mr. Yifan Guo
Alejandro Hervella
Mr. Aleksei Pavlov
Minh Duc Dinh

c Society for Engineering Education, 2019
Water Flow Generator: Innovating Water Faucet Use

Alejandro Hervella, Yifan Guo, Minh Duc Dinh, Aleksei Pavlov, and Bala Maheswaran
College of Engineering
Northeastern University

In the past decades, people are using more electricity in their daily life; therefore, it is crucial to
develop methods to produce energy from day-to-day doings. Considering our average daily use, the device
was designed to harness energy from water flow using fundamental physics concepts. Hydroelectric power
is considered as one of the cleanest alternative energies but is still not widely and efficiently used by most
of today’s energy enterprises. This paper presents a water flow generator that produces electrical energy
from the day-to-day water use at home. The flow generator design is a micro view of the hydroelectric
power plant combined with the idea of using rechargeable and energy storing devices. This will help
to generate electrical energy to support some of the devices used daily by people. The prototype generator
is based on the minuscule hydropower generator and will take advantage of water flow from faucets.

This study explores the practicality of converting water flow energy into electrical energy with a mini
generator design using simple physics concepts. Effectively harnessing water flow could recover a
significant amount of usable electrical energy from simple, everyday actions with minimal impact to daily
operation. This design shows promise for the future of off-grid energy generation. The skills learned from
this fluid physics based project were invaluable, as research, design, trial and error, as well as technical
writing are all important experiences within engineering education. This generator not only provides
scientists and researchers with more valuable information about alternative energy, but is also capable of
educating the everyday person about the basics of engineering and physics, as well as the importance of
renewable resources from daily activities.

Introduction plants, 22 percent which were from natural gas.

Water is becoming more important and more Instead of using traditional ways to produce
valuable in today’s society mainly because the electricity, scientists and engineers have been
total amount of the water supply existing on Earth working hard for years to find an alternative way
has been decreasing for decades. Daily use of to generate energy. Solar energy, which takes
water, which supports human life, for example, to power from the sun using solar panels, is one of
drink or clean, makes up a huge proportion of the the cleanest ways to produce energy.
water needed from the nature environment. Nonetheless, the high cost of maintenance and
Faucets are one of the useful inventions created initial set up proved that this kind of energy
by the engineers, which has already helped and source needs to be more efficient and improved.
keep helping humans with their daily life.
However, the truth is, the more faucets humans Hydropower energy appears to be the cleanest
are using, the more water will flow from human and best alternative energy today, which uses
consumption. How to innovate the use of water gravity and the pressure of the running water to
into energy from the faucets we use has become spin the turbine that connects to the generator to
the most urgent problems today1-6. produce energy. However, this kind of power
plant is not widely and efficiently used today1.
Traditional energy today is harnessed using fossil
fuels such as coal power plants, which will The idea of the water flow generator combines
produce an excessive amount of emissions and the concept of gravitational force and the turbines
pollutions to the environment. In the year of of a power plant; our design reduces the size of
2007, 48 percent of the electricity produced by the hydropower plant and at the same time uses
the United States came from the traditional power the water flow from the faucet as the source of
energy. Inside the generator is a rotor and turbine pieces of metal in the turbine magnetically
along with a circuit inside, which can transfer the induces an electric field via the copper coil to
electricity produced by the generator from AC to generate electricity. Finally, the whole generator
DC. The maximum voltage and power output will has a flexible elastic piece at the nozzle entrance
be 5V and 10 Watts. which can be affixed to almost all common
faucets, making the design universal for all sinks.
Our initial design focused on housing all the
components in the device attached directly to the
faucet. However, after reevaluating the size of the
design, we decided to separate the output energy
source into a power bank that could be used to
charge a phone or portable battery. Figure 1
shows the final model of the water generator to
the left, and the grey power bank station to the

Figure 2: Exploded View of 3D Printed Parts

Results and Discussion

After receiving our purchased mini generator via
the postal mail, it was very apparent that the
device was meant for water hoses and needed a
significant amount of pressure to get the turbine
spinning. No matter what faucet was used, the
turbine would not spin and could not generate a
voltage due to the small hole at the nozzle of the
Figure 1: Generator components device. As a result, when 3D parts were finally
printed, it was decided to widen the hole in order
The power bank is equipped with a female USB for the turbine to have enough surface contact
extender (wired to the generator) so that the user with the faucet water to spin. Figure 4 shows the
can open the box and use the desired cable of nozzle hole of the purchased part, and figure 5
choice to charge a phone, battery, or other device. shows the 3D printed encasing which has a
The water generator can be installed before the substantially wider nozzle.
water runs through the faucet, on the nozzle of the
faucet, or after the water flows down to the sink.
Out of the three installations, the water generator
attached to the nozzle of the faucet is the most
practical as well as the most efficient to harness
electricity due to the assistance of gravity as the
water falls.

The turbine which has inner round pieces of metal

attached on top of the generator is perfectly held
in the case. The turbine generator is then placed
under the running water of a standard faucet with
a diameter of 31.8 ± 0.5 millimeters. As the water
passes through the nozzle, the turbine rotates. The
Figure 3: Prototype in Action with Running

After printing the parts, taking apart the

purchased model, and installing the 5 volts 10
watts generator that it came with. After multiple
trials and errors, widening the nozzle on the 3D
printed device, and measuring voltage using the
Sparkfun Redboard and Arduino programming
software, three distinct sets of data from three
different faucets were recorded.

Figure 6 was conducted with a strong faucet,

figure 7 was with a medium faucet, and figure 8
was with a weak faucet.

This distinction is accurate since the power of the

faucet is directly correlated with the voltage
generated, with figure 1 and the most powerful
faucet reaching just below 5 volts, and figure 3
with the weakest faucet reaching an average of
under 3 volts.
Figure 5: 3D Printed Nozzle

Figure 6: Strong Power Faucet Data

Figure 4: Nozzle
government population census website. Using an
estimated population of 327 million people3, with
each using on average 13 gallons a day, about
4.25 billion gallons of water runs from faucets on
a daily basis in the US. The data shows that water
flow from typical faucets generates an average of
about 3.5 volts2. Knowing that our generator is
designed to be 10 watts with a max of 5 volts, and
using the equation

volts × amps = watts

the generator should have a current of 2 amps.

Therefore, the average wattage generated with
Figure 7: Medium Power Faucet Data our device was

3.5 volts × 2.0 amps = 7.0 watts

= 0.0070 kilowatts

Furthermore, government data also shows that

most faucets use about 1.50 gallons per minute.
That means that with the 4.25×106 gallons used
daily from faucets, there is approximately
6.38×109 minutes (1.06×108 hours) of faucet use
on a daily basis in the US. If theoretically our
device was installed on just half of all the faucets
used in the U.S.A, the amount of energy yielded
would be:

1.06×108/2 hours × 0.0070 kilowatts =

Figure 8: Weak Power Faucet Data 3.72×105 kWh.

Nonetheless, it can be seen that after pulling away That means within the course of one day, the US
from the faucets, there is still a significant voltage could generate about 3.72×105 kilowatt-hours
that steadily decreases, occurring at around 20, with half of the faucets available. Multiplied out
15, and 100 seconds in figures 6, 7, and 8, to the time span of a year (365 days), the US
respectively. We realized that this is due to the could save over 1.35×108 kilowatt hours. This is
fact that the generator’s circuit board has a extremely significant and would be shared
capacitor installed, which in turn is actually a throughout the population on an individual level
very helpful feature. The addition of a capacitor and household.
allows for voltage to be generated even if there
are short breaks when the faucet is not running, Conclusion and Implications
so that charging devices will continue to receive This engineering product brings a new way of
power during these short intervals without using renewable energy in our everyday
running water. activities. During market research we figured out
that some prototypes have been already existing.
Analysis However, we decided to stay with our idea and
The amount of energy that could be saved from try to innovate an existing model.
utilizing this design was calculated using
estimates and statistics obtained from the US
After making the working prototype, there were 2) U.S. Department of the Interior, & USGS.
several new advantages to this innovative project. (2016, December 02). Water Questions &
The design works with both powerful and weak Answers How much water does the average
faucets and water fountains. In addition, the
person use at home per day? Retrieved April
rubber nozzle connector makes our device very
flexible and universal in size and simplifies the 19, 2018, from
attachment of the device to the faucet. https://water.usgs.gov/edu/qa-home-
Furthermore, the generator that we made was percapita.html
very cheap in manufacturing, even in the 3) U.S. Census Bureau. (2018, April 19). U.S.
prototype stage. Therefore, the mass production and World Population Clock Tell us what
of this design would be extremely cost effective. you think. Retrieved April 19, 2018, from
Upon completing the design, future
4) Maupin, M.A., Kenny, J.F., Hutson, S.S.,
developments were speculated, including
integrating the generator inside the faucet and Lovelace, J.K., Barber, N.L., and Linsey,
increasing the efficiency of the system. K.S., 2014, Estimated use of water in the
United States in 2010: U.S. Geological
To sum up, this project was a successful Survey Circular 1405, 56 p.,
combination of simplicity, outstanding https://dx.doi.org/10.3133/cir1405
engineering and design, and it has high 5) 10W Water Turbine Generator Micro
commercial potential in the future.
Hydroelectric Power Generator DIY LED
Power Charging Tool DC 5V: Automotive.
The authors would like to express their sincere (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2018, from
thanks to Dr. Donald Goldthwaite and the First https://www.amazon.com/Water-Turbine-
year Engineering learning and Innovation center Generator-Hydroelectric-
lab Assistants for their support. We’d also like to Charging/dp/B01N63BGCX
thank Erin Dooley for technical and teaching 6) Gaines, C. M. (2012, July 06). Water
Infographic: Alarming Statistics About
Wasted Water in Our Communities.
Retrieved April 19, 2018, from
1) U.S. Department of the Interior, & USGS.
(2016, December 2). Hydroelectric power:
How it works. Retrieved April 19, 2018,
Appendix 1: Data Collection via Matlab and Arduino Software

Matlab Code (for figures 6, 7, & 8): xlabel('Time in 10th of Seconds')

s1 = importdata('faucet1.txt');
s2 = importdata('faucet2.txt'); figure(5);
s3 = importdata('faucet3.txt'); plot(b2, s2);
title('Medium Power Faucet - Time vs
b1 = [1:1:559]'; Voltage of Waterflow Generator')
b2 = [1:1:758]'; xlabel('Time in 10th of Seconds')
b3 = [1:1:1627]'; ylabel('Voltage');

figure(1); figure(6);
plot(x, y); plot(b3, s3);
title('Time vs Voltage of Waterflow title('Strong Power Faucet - Time vs Voltage
Generator') of Waterflow Generator')
xlabel('Time in 10th of Seconds') xlabel('Time in 10th of Seconds')
ylabel('Voltage'); ylabel('Voltage');

plot(x2, y2);
title('Time vs Voltage of Waterflow Arduino Code for Voltage Reading (in serial
Generator') monitor):
xlabel('Time in 10th of Seconds')
ylabel('Voltage'); void setup() {
figure(3); }
plot(x3, y3);
title('Time vs Voltage of Waterflow void loop() {
xlabel('Time in 10th of Seconds') int data = analogRead(A3);
ylabel('Voltage'); delay (100) // prints every 100
milliseconds (10th of a second)
figure(4); float volts = data * (5.0 / 1023.0); //
plot(b1, s1); received range for 5 volt port is 0 to 1023
title('Weak Power Faucet - Time vs Voltage Serial.println(volts);
of Waterflow Generator') }

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