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Effect of Selected Drying Methods and Emerging Drying
Intensification Technologies on the Quality of Dried Fruit:
A Review
Milivoj Radojčin 1, *, Ivan Pavkov 1 , Danijela Bursać Kovačević 2 , Predrag Putnik 3 , Artur Wiktor 4 ,
Zoran Stamenković 1 , Krstan Kešelj 1 and Attila Gere 5

1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia;
[email protected] (I.P.); [email protected] (Z.S.); [email protected] (K.K.)
2 Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
[email protected]
3 Department of Food Technology, University North, Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 1, 48000 Koprivnica, Croatia;
[email protected]
4 Department of Food Engineering and Process Management, Faculty of Food Sciences, Warsaw University of
Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland; [email protected]
5 Institute of Food Technology, Szent István University, Villányi Str. 29-31, H-1118 Budapest, Hungary;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Drying is one of the oldest methods for food preservation that removes the water from
fruit and makes it available for consumption throughout the year. Dried fruits can be produced by
small- and large-scale processors, which makes them a very popular food among consumers and
food manufacturers. The most frequent uses of drying technology include osmotic dehydration,

 vacuum drying, freeze-drying and different combinations of other drying technologies. However,
drying may provoke undesirable changes with respect to physiochemical, sensory, nutritional and
Citation: Radojčin, M.; Pavkov, I.;
microbiological quality. Drying process energy efficiency and the quality of dried fruits are crucial
Bursać Kovačević, D.; Putnik, P.;
factors in fruit drying. Recently, innovative technologies such as ultrasound, pulsed electric field and
Wiktor, A.; Stamenković, Z.; Kešelj, K.;
Gere, A. Effect of Selected Drying
high pressure may be used as a pretreatment or in combination with traditional drying technologies
Methods and Emerging Drying for process intensification. This could result in quality improvements of dried fruits and enhanced
Intensification Technologies on the efficiency and capacity of the production process, with a positive impact on environmental and
Quality of Dried Fruit: A Review. economic benefits.
Processes 2021, 9, 132. https://doi.
org/10.3390/pr9010132 Keywords: processing; drying; fruits; pretreatments; quality; emerging technologies

Received: 17 December 2020

Accepted: 6 January 2021
Published: 9 January 2021 1. Introduction
The term drying usually refers to the operation by which the moisture present in a
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu-
tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-
material evaporates because of heat and matter exchange between the product and the
ms in published maps and institutio-
working medium. Fresh fruits have high moisture contents as they are classified as highly
nal affiliations. perishable commodities; therefore, storage at refrigerated temperatures and controlled
humid conditions is required [1]. Fruits are rich sources of nutrients, including vitamins,
minerals, dietary fibers, phenolics, carotenoids, etc., that are useful for human health.
Drying is an alternative method for the preservation of the nutritional value of fruits, which
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li- increases their relative concentration, extends their shelf life, and minimizes packaging,
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. handling and transportation costs [2]. In addition, drying is an alternative to expensive
This article is an open access article postharvest management and selling surpluses of fruits on the market. The drying of fruits
distributed under the terms and con-
by conventional methods, such as sun drying or open-air drying, can degrade quality
ditions of the Creative Commons At-
and food safety. Numerous disadvantages of these technologies led to the development
tribution (CC BY) license (https://
of new technologies, such as oven drying, microwaving, vacuuming, as well as infrared,
freeze and different hybrid drying, which are being used successfully for different kinds of

Processes 2021, 9, 132.

Processes 2021, 9, 132 2 of 21

fruits [3–5]. Each drying technique depends on various factors, such as the required type of
product, size, level of ripeness, structure, color, aroma, chemical composition, nutritional
composition, together with expected final quality, availability of a dryer and costs.
Sette et al. [6] investigated the application of wet and dry infusion as a pretreatment
to air and freeze-drying on the physical properties of raspberries. Freeze-dried pretreated
samples exhibited higher firmness and lower deformability as compared to air-dried ones.
Moreover, the highest volume reduction was developed after air-drying, while freeze-dried
samples showed 11% shrinkage.
Color is a very sensitive parameter in terms of the influence of drying methods.
Krokida et al. [7] stated that color parameters L*, a* and b* of dried banana, apple, potato
and carrot were significantly affected by convective, vacuum and microwave drying
techniques. On the other hand, the same samples preserved their original color after freeze
and osmotic drying.
Fruits are commonly subjected to various chemical and/or physical pretreatments
prior to thermal drying to shorten the drying time, reduce the energy consumption and
preserve the quality of products. By modifying the properties of fruit tissue, pretreatments
could increase the drying rate, inhibit the bio-enzymes, and minimize possible deterioration
reactions during drying and subsequent storage [8]. Therefore, each product needs to be
dried by using appropriate pre- and post-processing steps, such as osmotic dehydration,
blanching, soaking, or by the use of innovative approaches, e.g., ultrasound (US), pulsed
electric field (PEF), high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), cold plasma (CP) or other treatments
to add satisfactory value after drying [9,10]. This review presents the effects of different
drying technologies and following treatments and/or pretreatments on dried fruits by
providing the most important quality aspects.

2. Drying of Fruits
There are various studies on the topic of fruit drying where researchers have discussed
the drying of fruit under different methods. The most commonly reported method is
convective drying [11]. The other methods used for fruit drying are osmotic and osmo-
convective [12–15], vacuum [16,17], solar drying [18,19], microwave [20,21] and freeze-
drying [22–24].

2.1. Convectional Hot Air Drying

Dehydration/drying is still the most commonly used method due to economic benefits.
Widely used equipment components are chambers, belts or tunnel dryers. Having a closed
atmosphere with regulated airflow and temperature makes this method more advantageous
than solar drying. In addition, convective drying is a quite effective and simple method;
nevertheless, it is energetically inefficient. Kalra and Bhardwaj [25] found that convective
drying in comparison to solar drying is faster and more efficient for mangos, papayas and
apricots. On the contrary, the disadvantages of the convective drying method and heating
can cause progressive physical, mechanical, chemical and nutritional changes in products.
In particular, Stamenkovic et al. [26] revealed losses of 32–40% for total phenols, 3–25%
for flavonoids and 44–60% for anthocyanins in dried raspberries as compared to controls
(fresh samples). Moreover, in comparison to fresh samples, L-ascorbic acid content was
significantly reduced during convective drying (0.94–97.93%), whereas the losses observed
by freeze-drying were around 2.36%. The main drawbacks also include the length of the
drying during the last stage and the slow heating of the material. Cavusoglu [27] studied
the effects of high air temperatures on the drying kinetics and quality of tomato. It was
reported that the treatment of raw tomatoes with air temperatures 150 ◦ C, 130 ◦ C and 100 ◦ C
within short intervals could reduce drying time without degradation of product quality.
To remediate this, hot air drying can be assisted with other methods (e.g., microwave,
osmotic or infrared) or different pretreatments (e.g., US, PEF or CP), which can yield better
quality of product.
Processes 2021, 9, 132 3 of 21

2.2. Osmotic Drying

Osmotic drying is used to partially remove water from biological tissues by immersion
in a highly concentrated osmotic solution. The driving force for the transport of moisture
from the tissues into the solution is provided by the higher osmotic pressure of the highly
concentrated solution. Moisture diffusion is accompanied by simultaneous diffusion of
the dissolved substance from the osmotic solution into the tissue. Since the cell membrane
responsible for the transport of matter is not absolutely selective, other solutions that are
present in the cells can also reach the osmotic solution [28].
Osmotic drying is most often applied as a pretreatment to another process to reduce
the moisture content of a product, improve its quality during storage, and reduce the
total amount of energy for other subsequent processes to osmotic drying. Due to the
non-selective nature of a cell membrane, components such as sugar, acids, minerals, and
vitamins can be diffused in miniscule quantities from the plant material to the surround-
ing solution while still affecting the sensory, nutritional and functional characteristics
of the final product [15]. To ensure greater stability and longer shelf life of osmotically
dried products, they must be subjected to additional preservation methods, including
freezing, sublimation drying [29], vacuum drying [30], convective drying, and microwave
drying [31,32]. One of the benefits of osmotic drying as a pretreatment for convective
drying is energy savings due to moisture transport without phase change [33]. Osmotic
pretreatment also increases the sugar–acid ratios, which can be important for fruits with
high acid contents. In this way, the taste of the final product is better preserved [34]. This
also improves the texture, volume reduction in the material and the stability of the pigmen-
tation during drying and storage [34–36]. The osmotic drying process could be enhanced
by using different pretreatments, including: pulsed electric field [37,38], sonication [39,40],
blanching [41,42], and microwaving [43].

2.3. Microwave Drying

Microwaves (MWs) are electromagnetic (EM) waves that are synchronized perpen-
dicular oscillations of electric and magnetic fields in a frequency between 300 MHz and
300 GHz, with wavelengths from 1 m to 1 mm. The mechanisms of microwave heating are
based on the oscillation of ions and molecules when a material is exposed to the EM waves,
which causes the internal friction and conversion of kinetic energy into heat [44]. The MWs
provide volumetric and rapid heating of fruits with low energy consumption [45], while
the literature usually reports MW drying with applied constant power.
There are different opinions in the literature regarding the homogeneity and control
of heating with MWs. While some researchers confirm a homogenous heating rate of
material [17], others state it as a drawback of this type of drying [44,45]. The reasons for
uneven heating with MWs are due to several factors: (i) large product size; (ii) resonance
phenomena; (iii) heterogeneous material composition; and (iv) shape of product.
Dried tomato and onion with and without MW power control are shown in Figure 1 [44].
Successful application of MW drying was found with potato chips, pasta, and snacks [46].
Because of the supply of drying energy directly to the volume of a product, its internal
pressure will increase, which will drive water to the plant surface, resulting in an increase
in drying rates [47,48]. However, depending on the type of material, MWs in some cases
cannot fully complete drying and are usually combined with hot air drying or vacuuming.
So even though both MW heating and hot air drying separately have disadvantages,
combining these two methods could prove very beneficial. In that sense, the application
of MW to the finalized drying of banana slices (T = 60 ◦ C) reduced hot air drying by
about 64%.
Processes 2021, 9, 132 4 of 21

Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 21

Figure 1. Effect of controlled microwave (MW) power on dried product [44]: (a) onion treated with
Figure 1. Effect of controlled microwave (MW) power on dried product [44]: (a) onion treated with
MW without power adaptation; (b) onion with power adaptation; (c) tomato treated with MW
MW without
without powerpower adaptation;
adaptation; (b) onion
(d) tomato withwith power
power adaptation; (c) tomato treated with MW
without power adaptation; (d) tomato with power adaptation.
2.4. Freeze-Drying
Freeze-dryingisisa atechnique,
Freeze-drying technique,firstfirstused
biological material,thatthatemploys
employsthe theprinciple
water.The Theprocess
takes place at a low temperature, where biologically active compounds
takes place at a low temperature, where biologically active compounds remain preserved remain preserved
large quantities.
quantities. Over
Over thethe
lastlast decade,
decade, freeze-dried
freeze-dried foodfood has gained
has gained popularity,
popularity, espe-
cially for fruits such as berries [49]. Hammami and Rene [50] reported
for fruits such as berries [49]. Hammami and Rene [50] reported that optimal freeze-drying that optimal freeze-
drying parameters
parameters for strawberry
for strawberry are 30 Paare and30 50
C of50 °C of a plate,
a drying dryingandplate,
thatand thatthese
under under
these conditions,
conditions, neither off-flavors
neither off-flavors nor the off-tastes
nor the off-tastes were formed.wereSince
formed. Since
the key the keyin
difference differ-
ence in the freeze-drying
freeze-drying is actually theistime
actually the while
it takes time itusing
takes different
while using different
settings; settings;
therefore, there-
fore, several
examples examples offruits
of freeze-dried freeze-dried fruits with
with operational operational
parameters areparameters
given in Tableare 1.
given in Ta-
ble The
1. advantages of freeze-drying, in terms of chemical and nutritional quality, over
The advantages
other drying methods have of freeze-drying,
been reportedinby terms of chemical
numerous andHowever,
authors. nutritional quality, over
in comparison
dryingmethods have been
technologies, reportedhas
freeze-drying by numerous
a high energyauthors. However,
consumption andin comparison
to other drying
processing technologies,However,
time [6,26,50,51]. freeze-drying has abehigh
this can energy
reduced byconsumption and prolonged
using PEF treatment. For
instance, time [6,26,50,51].
Lammerskitten However,
et al. [52] reported this
PEF bepretreatment
reduced by of using PEF
apple treatment.
slices For
instance, Lammerskitten
freeze-drying kinetics and thuset al.reduces
[52] reported that time
processing PEF pretreatment of apple to
by 57% in comparison slices intensi-
fies freeze-drying
samples. Despite many kinetics and thuslinked
advantages reduces processing
with time by
freeze-drying, 57%initial
high in comparison to un-
costs are still a
treated factor
limiting samples.for Despite many advantages linked with freeze-drying, high initial costs are
many producers.
still a limiting factor for many producers.
Processes 2021, 9, 132 5 of 21

Table 1. Examples of freeze-dried fruits with various operational parameters.

Dried Freezing Pressure of the Drying

Shape and Form Monitored Properties Ref.
Material Temperature Chamber Time
Bioactive compounds,
Raspberry Whole −20 °C 1 Pa 48 h [26]
shrinkage, color change
Moisture, rehydration ratio,
Pieces—3.5 cm −20 °C and
Strawberries 15–200 Pa 60–65 h appearance, shape, color, [50]
high layer −80 °C
Saskatoon Moisture, water activity, color,
Whole n/a n/a 24 h [51]
berry polyphenolic compounds
Water sorption, glass
Frozen with transition temperature (Tg),
Raspberry Whole 4 Pa 48 h [6]
liquid nitrogen molecular mobility, texture
and rehydration properties
Needed to achieve
Slices of a
MR = 0.004 840 ± 21
thickness of 6 ± Moisture, rehydration,
Samples were and 368 ± 10min, for
Apple 0.5mm, average 100 Pa hygroscopic properties, water [52]
not frozen the untreated and the
diameter 72 ± 3 activity
pulsed electric field
(PEF) treated
5 and 10 mm slices 12 and 24 for slices
Strawberries −40 °C 50 Pa Moisture, color, volume, [53]
and wholes 48 for whole fruit
Cylinders with a Volume, bulk density, glass
−35 °C for 48 h,
Carrot diameter of 20 mm 3–300 Pa 24 h transition temperature, [54]
1 h in liquid N2
and 8 mm height porosity
Color, texture, rehydration,
Whole fruit 12, 20, 42, 85, total phenolic content,
Kiwi −40 °C n/a [55]
(without peel) and 103 Pa antioxidant properties and
sensory analysis
Cylinders with a Volume, bulk density, glass
−35 °C for 48 h,
Banana diameter of 20 mm, 3–300 Pa 24 h transition temperature, [54]
1 h in liquid N2
height 8 mm porosity
Moisture, thermal property,
Juice with carrier
Blackberries n/a 0.0004 Pa 48 h density, morphology, [56]
antiradical activity
Mass transfer, drying time,
Blueberries Whole fruit −35 °C 13 Pa n/a berry-busting, skin [57]
n/a, not available.

3. Quality of Dried Fruits

The intensity of changes in quality parameters during drying depends on the nature
of material, pretreatment, used process and their parameters. The majority of these changes
include color, shape, volume, density, texture, flavor, nutrients, water activity, microbiology,
rehydration ability, etc. [58]. These changes and influencing factors are reviewed below.

3.1. Physical Quality

The physical properties of food products are responsible for perceived quality. Shape,
appearance and color are characteristics in sight of customers and liable for product
acceptability. Currently, the color of food is measured directly and non-destructively by
using apparatus like colorimeters. They use several color spaces for the expression of
color values. The usually used color space is CIELAB (CIE L*a*b*, color system), and this
method was useful for the monitoring of color changes during the drying of quince [34],
kiwifruit [59], persimmon [60,61], etc. Commonly, the most color deterioration is associated
with air heat drying, while enzymatic browning can be responsible for both color changes
and off flavor. To this extent, this problem can be controlled by the thermal control of
drying and the addition of a sulfur dioxide, acids and osmotic pretreatments. Rodrigues
et al. [61] stated that the color of osmotically treated papaya is very similar to the color of
Processes 2021, 9, 132 6 of 21

fresh fruit. The layer of sugar that forms on the surface of the fruits during osmotic drying
presented a barrier to air during convective drying that prevented browning [30].
Although freeze-drying was mentioned as a gentle dehydration process, it still led
to higher color changes of raspberries compared to the hot air drying [6,26,62]. Sette
et al. [6] reported that increased color change was due to the decomposition of pigments;
therefore, it was recommend to consider internal structure when observing color changes
during drying.
Texture properties that include structural and mechanical characteristics greatly in-
fluence the quality of dried products. Freeze-dried products have superior quality, better-
preserved color, flavor and appearance, a higher rehydration ratio, and are crispier in
comparison to the products dried with traditional drying technologies. Conventionally
dried fruits tend to be chewy and tough to bite, but with an optimal moisture content
that is pleasant for consumption. Hot air drying usually has destructive influences on the
structure of fruits, as drying provokes structural collapse in fruit tissues due to moisture
removal [63]. However, by the selection of optimal drying parameters, excessive changes
in volume in fruits can be avoided, as is the case with raspberry fruit. Hot air drying at
a temperature of 70 ◦ C and a velocity of 1 ms−1 provokes volume shrinkage by 23.17%.
Convective drying by an air temperature of 50 ◦ C will lead to a total collapse, while sam-
ples dried with an air temperature of 80 ◦ C reached a volume shrinkage of 43.13% [64].
Here, lower temperatures totally collapsed samples, while higher temperatures led to the
creation of a porous outer rigid crust or shell that fixed the volume [65]. Radojčin et al. [41]
reported that the shrinkage of osmotically pretreated quince cubes was proportional to
the moisture losses. This was also observed by Krokida and Maroulis [66] and Lozano
et al. [67] for carrot drying during the entire process. In other studies for squid flesh [68,69]
as well as potato and sweet potato [67,70], it was found that the volume of removed water
during the final stages of drying was higher than the reduction in sample volume. One
theory proposed for the explanation of this shrinkages was the process of glass transition.
However, this concept may not be useful for the freeze-drying of all biomaterials, as it was
shown with the latest experimental results [17]. For some cases, the incorporation of other
factors, such as mechanisms of moisture transport, structure, surrounding pressure and
surface tension, was also required [71,72]. More so, puffing effect under a vacuum had
significant influences on the shrinkage, structure and porosity of dried materials [73,74].
Pretreatments can enhance drying with respect to energy savings and improved
quality of dried product. Namely, PEF, US or HHP are able to induce cell damages, with
increased permeability and mass transfer. For example, PEF treatment with assisted hot air
drying at atmospheric pressure reduced the drying time of apple up to 12% and carrots up
to 8% when 10 kV cm−1 , 50 pulses, air temperature 70 ◦ C, and 5 kV cm−1 , 10 pulses, air
temperature 70 ◦ C were applied, respectively. The specific energy of pulsed electric field
treatment was 80 and 8 kJ kg−1 [75,76]. Other authors also reported reductions by 5–28%
for parsnips and carrots at 60 ◦ C. The specific energy of pulsed electric field delivered was
about 65 kJ kg−1 for carrots and parsnips. PEF (400 V cm−1 ) assisted the freeze-drying
of potatoes expedite freezing, reduced drying by 18% (0 ◦ C and 0.04 mbar pressure),
lowered residual moisture content, decreased shrinkage, and improved the appearance of
samples [77].

3.2. Chemical Quality

Applied higher temperatures and prolonged exposure to oxygen could ultimately de-
crease vitamin content during the drying of fruits [78]. Nevertheless, one study concluded
that applied solar drying even at lower temperatures (24.5–40.3 ◦ C) could significantly
(p < 0.05) reduce the vitamin content in the fruits [79]. Due to dehydration of the pieces
to a moisture level of 10% or even lower, the relative increases in the concentrations of
the mineral content, total acidity, carbohydrates and total sugars were significantly higher
in the dried fruits as compared to the fresh samples. These findings broadly supported
the work of Suna et al. [80], who established a clear positive correlation between the dry
Processes 2021, 9, 132 7 of 21

matter and mineral elements in different fruit varieties during and subsequent to drying.
An increased temperature had negative effects on certain chemical profiles. For instance,
comparisons of hot air drying (AD), freeze-drying (FD), and refractance window drying
(RWD) exhibited significant changes in the content of vitamins B and C in blueberries,
cherries, cranberries and strawberries [81]. FD samples, except blueberries, showed higher
levels of thermolabile vitamin C in comparison to AD and RWD. Moreover, in AD sam-
ples the lowest content of vitamin C was observed. Vitamins B2, B6 and total vitamin B
contents were thermally unstable during the drying of berries, and their lowest content
was determined in the AD samples. The stability of the B vitamins in the FD and RWD
samples was heavily dependent on the berry type. In particular, blueberries and cherries
showed significantly higher total vitamin B during FD processing than the RWD, whereas
for cranberry and strawberry, the RWD displayed a significantly greater total vitamin B
retention than the FD samples [81]. The operating conditions of convective infrared drying
could significantly affect fluctuations in nutrient elements in fruits such as strawberries [82].
A higher drying air temperature increased the concentrations of chemical elements such
as N, P, K, and Mn, while the contents of Zn and Ca were reduced. By applying the
various infrared power, it was found that concentrations of N, P, and K increased, while the
contents of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn were lowered. Further, different drying air velocities
increased concentrations of N, P and K and decreased contents of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn, hence
it is important to optimize the drying process to ensure the best chemical compositions of a
dried product.

3.3. Nutritional Quality

A recent study aimed to explore the optimal conditions for the convective infrared
drying of strawberries with the aim to achieve a high nutritive product [82]. Drying
experiments were conducted under: (i) constant drying air temperature (80 ◦ C) and velocity
(2.0 m s−1 ) at various infrared powers (100, 200, 300 W); (ii) constant infrared power (200 W)
and drying air velocity (2.0 m s−1 ) at various air temperatures (60, 80 and 100 ◦ C); and
(iii) constant infrared power (200 W) and drying air temperature (80 ◦ C) under various air
velocities (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m s−1 ). The authors reported a decrease in total phenols, total
anthocyanins and antioxidant activity as a result of higher temperature, while 60 ◦ C was
found to be the optimal value with respect to the nutritive quality. Higher levels of total
phenolics and anthocyanins were determined at 1.0 m s−1 , whereas increasing the velocity
from 1.0 m s−1 to 2.0 m s−1 promoted higher values of antioxidant activity. Moreover,
increasing the infrared power from 100 W to 300 W increased antioxidant activity, total
anthocyanin and phenolic contents. Consequently, the authors concluded that the range of
200 W–300 W is a preferable setting for the processing [82].
Associating different drying technologies with the nutritional quality of fruits is a very
common approach in the literature. For instance, freeze-dried, microwave-vacuum dried
and osmo-microwave-vacuum dried cranberries were compared with respect to the changes
in the bioactive compounds during drying [83]. Higher retention of polyphenols and
antioxidant capacity was achieved by microwave-vacuum drying and osmo-microwave-
vacuum drying as compared to the freeze-drying, although no significant differences
were observed in polyphenolic contents among microwave-vacuum dried and osmo-
microwave-vacuum cranberries. Another study aimed to evaluate the influences of three
drying treatments, namely hot (AD), FD, and RWD on the stability of polyphenols and
antioxidant capacity in four berry samples [81]. In comparison to AD and RWD, FD
samples retained a higher total phenolic content. However, the authors did not find any
statistically significant differences between the FD and RWD cranberry samples. The
authors explained an observed trend with a lower temperature applied during freeze-
drying as compared to the one applied during the RWD, which might stabilize flavonoids
to a greater extent in the FD samples. A recent study highlighted the drying process
by intermittent ohmic heating (IOH), which requires lower energy consumption while
offering products with advanced quality as compared to intermittent air drying (IAD) and
Processes 2021, 9, 132 8 of 21

air drying [84]. Approximately 70–80% of polyphenolic compounds were retained in IAD
dried litchi fruit (Litchi Chinensis Sonn.), while for AD samples the retention was only 60%.
The potential explanation could be attributed to the reduced oxygen exposure in IAD and
consequent phenolic preservation [84]. The pretreatments of fruits prior to drying may
also influence the quality of the final dried product. To that end, Stamenković et al. [26]
researched the impact of convective drying of fresh and frozen raspberries at operating
conditions: air temperature (60, 70, and 80 ◦ C) and air velocity (0.5 and 1.5 m s−1 ). Freeze-
drying was used as a control procedure to compare the obtained results. The exposure
time to higher oxygen levels during the convective drying induced a greater reduction in
vitamin C than elevated temperatures. It seems that the degradation of vitamin C in berry
fruits does not depend on temperature for ranges between 80–90 ◦ C. Therefore, it was
concluded that the presence of oxygen plays a crucial role in vitamin C deterioration [85].
Although convective drying reduced the total anthocyanin in a range of 44–60%, the
authors still concluded that red pigments were better preserved in dried raspberries than in
the initial fresh state. In general, freeze-drying resulted in better preservation of nutritional
quality, whereas the optimal conditions for the convective drying of raspberries were
set at an air temperature of 60 ◦ C and an air velocity of 1.5 m s−1 . This was calculated
with regard to the equivalent of a freeze-drying procedure. Nguyen et al. tested the
convective microwave-assisted drying of fruits abundant with thermally sensitive bioactive
compounds at lower temperatures (of up to 30 ◦ C) [86]. The authors dried bitter melon
(Momordica charantia L.) at various microwave power densities (1.5, 3.0, 4.5 W g−1 ), drying
temperatures (20, 25, 30 ◦ C), and air velocities (1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 m s−1 ), while monitoring
the impact on phenolic compounds and corresponding antioxidant activity. As the drying
process involved coupled influences of heat and mass transfer, the obtained results revealed
that the higher air velocity along with extended drying time initiated higher losses in total
phenols and antioxidant capacity. Total phenols and antioxidant activity reached maximum
at a microwave power density of 3.0 W g−1 . A further increase to 4.5 W g−1 led to
significant losses, as polar bonds in phenolic structures become increasingly weak due to
the effect of microwave irradiation with possible residual enzymatic reaction. Currently,
novel research on food dying processes is mostly oriented towards advanced technologies
that provide energy-savings and are able to produce high quality products. Here, focus is
mainly given to solar-assisted drying with the perspective to endorse sustainability in the
food industry [78]. For example, five different solar drying methods were investigated for
drying mangoes and pineapples, namely open sun drying (OSD), black-cloth shade (BCS),
white-cloth shade (WCS), a conventional solar dryer (CSD), and an improved solar dryer
(ISD). The drying processes were conducted outdoors, with a mean daily temperature
and relative humidity of 26.8 ◦ C and 26.7%, respectively. The fruits that were dried under
the OSD, WCS and BCS methods revealed a significantly higher decrease in total phenols
than the CSD and ISD methods [79]. The authors explained this trend with increased
temperatures and prolonged drying times during the OSD, WCS and BCS methods. These
finding were consistent with previously published results that attributed additional losses
of phenols during drying to the direct exposure to ultraviolet solar radiation [87].
Another study documented the effects of solar convective drying over 12 months of
storage on the bioactive compounds in sweet cherry samples. The operating conditions
were 60, 70 and 80 ◦ C during 8, 6 and 4 h, respectively [88]. A reduced drying time positively
affected preservation of the total phenols, total flavonoids and total anthocyanins, while the
drying temperatures showed no significant differences on this outcome. After the drying
process, total flavonoid content decreased by 24% and slowly continued to decrease during
the storage, with a final loss of 30% after the 12 months of storage. Moreover, dried samples
exhibited 2-fold higher antioxidant activity from the initial values (18.32% vs. 37.64%). It is
possible that these results were influenced by the shorter time of drying and the formation
of a novel constituent(s) with antioxidant activity (e.g., Maillard reaction products) that
could be continuously formed and released during an extended storage time.
Processes 2021, 9, 132 9 of 21

3.4. Sensory Quality

Sensory evaluation is a method to assess the perceivable qualities of a food product
using untrained (consumer) or trained panelists. Consumer panelists are recruited when
the focus of the studies is on the acceptance (or liking) of certain sensory attributes. Trained
panels receive thorough sensory training according to the relevant ISO standards [89–91].
Additionally, their performance is continuously monitored in order to ensure data validity
and quality [92].
One of the key elements of fruit drying is the effect of the different drying methods
on the sensory aspects of the fruits. Drying is performed by removing the water content
of the fruits, which directly affects sensory and chemical properties. Traditional drying
techniques, e.g., convective drying (CD), use high temperatures and a high content of
oxygen in the drying agent, which deteriorate color, aroma and texture properties [93].
Several authors reported that convective drying preserves flavors well in quince [94]
and jujube fruits [95]; however, the presence of a measurable off-flavor intensity (burnt
flavor) has also been reported. Additionally, CD provided darker color compared to other
drying methods. Papers have also reported that lower drying temperatures produce better
accepted products [96]. Freeze-drying (FD) has been identified as one of the best drying
methods when it comes to preserving the sensory and nutritional quality of fruits [17].
On the contrary, FD is identified as one of the most expensive methods; therefore, there
is a continuous search among researchers to find affordable methods which provide the
same (or as close as possible) quality as FD. Vacuum-microwave drying (VMD) was shown
to cause intermediate color changes, positive effects on texture and low intensities of off-
flavors [97]. VMD has been used to dry several fruits, e.g., quince [94], jujube fruits [95],
cranberry [97], etc. However, it must be noted that since microwave drying methods
replace thermal energy with electric energy, textural attributes change significantly. Crisp
texture results from puffing due to expansion when water evaporates within the product,
and it is also related to porosity [98]. Heat-pump drying (HPD) also shows promising
results on the nutrient content and sensory aspects of fruits. HPD has been shown to
consume 22 to 40% less power compared to electrically heated dryers [17]. When HPD
and modified atmosphere heat-pump drying (MAHPD) were compared to vacuum drying
and freeze drying, it turned out that MAHPD led to better physical properties, such as
reduced shrinkage, decreased firmness and more porous structure of the materials, which
resulted in quicker rehydration. When using inert gas, the color of the heat pump dried
food proved to be similar to vacuum or freeze-drying [99].

3.5. Comparison of Drying Methods

As it has been introduced, there are several techniques available for drying. Addi-
tionally, different settings of the given drying methods also have a significant effect on
the final quality of the fruits. When it comes to comparison, novel statistical techniques
provide substantial help to compare different methods. The key problem here is that the
comparison of drying methods is not always clear, and sometimes there are contradictory
results. For example, freeze-drying is considered to be one of the best drying methods for
biological samples when dealing with nutritional and sensory quality variables. However,
when technological parameters such as energetic demands and maintenance costs are
considered, freeze-drying is far from the best alternative. In such cases, when different
variables assess the performance of the methods differently, multicriteria decision making
(MCDM) methods can provide valuable help. MCDM methods have been developed to
compare multiple methods/products based on multiple aspects [100]. When it comes to
comparing methods, models and products, the sum of ranking differences (SRD) method
is one of the most widely applied in food science [101]. It has been successfully applied
to compare horticultural products [102], sensory attributes affecting overall liking [103],
energy drinks [104], the nutritional value of insect species [105] and raspberry drying [106],
just to name a few.
(MCDM) methods can provide valuable help. MCDM methods have been developed to
compare multiple methods/products based on multiple aspects [100]. When it comes to
comparing methods, models and products, the sum of ranking differences (SRD) method
Processes 2021, 9, 132 is one of the most widely applied in food science [101]. It has been successfully applied to
10 of 21
compare horticultural products [102], sensory attributes affecting overall liking [103], en-
ergy drinks [104], the nutritional value of insect species [105] and raspberry drying [106],
just to name a few.
A typical
typical SRD
SRD input
input matrix
matrix consists
consists of
of the
the comparable
comparable methods
methods in in the
the columns
columns andand
the measured variables in the rows. The comparison of the methods
the measured variables in the rows. The comparison of the methods is completed based is completed based
on the
the rows.
rows. The
The last
last column
column of of the
the input
input matrix
matrix serves
serves asas the
the reference
reference (or
(or benchmark)
column. The reference can be set as minimum, maximum, average and user defined
The reference can be set as minimum, maximum, average and user defined (e.g.,
golden standard).
standard). This
This is
is really
really important,
important, as as the
the data
data values
values in in each
each column
column are are ranked
in increasing
increasing magnitude
magnitude and and these
these rankings
rankings are are compared
compared to to the
the ranks
ranks ofof the
the reference
column. Finally, the absolute differences between the rank-variables and
column. Finally, the absolute differences between the rank-variables and the rank-refer- the rank-reference
ence columnsin each
in case
each are
casecalculated and summed.
are calculated and summed. These values
These (SRD(SRD
values values) givegive
values) the
ordering of the variables. The smaller the SRD value, the better (or the more
the ordering of the variables. The smaller the SRD value, the better (or the more consistent) consistent) the
variable. The procedure above is explained in detail in one of the recent
the variable. The procedure above is explained in detail in one of the recent works. The works. The visual
representation of the method
visual representation is provided
of the method by Figure
is provided by 2Figure
[107].2 [107].

Figure 2. Scheme
Figure 2. Schemeto tocalculate
differences.The Theinput
matrix contains
methods to to
be be
compared (n (n 
= 8)= in
the columns
in the columnsandand
the the
measuredvariables (m (m 
variables = 99) in the
=  99) rows.
in the A reference
rows. A reference column (golden
column standard,
(golden here:here:
standard, average of the
average of
the measured
measured variables)
variables) is added
is added in the
in the data
data fusion
fusion stepstep (red).
(red). Then,
Then, allall columnsare
columns aredoubled
(green)and andthe
moleculesin in
each column
each columnareareranked
rankedby byincreasing
(columnsr1, r1,r2,
r2,. … rn). The
. . rn). The differences
differences (yellow
(yellow columns)
columns) areare calculated
for each
for each similarity
similarity measure
measure and andeach
betweenits itsrank (r11, ,r1
rank(r1 r12 to
to rn
rnm)) and
and the
the rank
rank assigned
assigned by by
1 2 m
the known reference method (rR  =  q1, q2, … qm). In the last step, the absolute values of the differences are summed up for
the known reference method (rR = q1 , q2 , . . . qm ). In the last step, the absolute values of the differences are summed up
each measure to give the final sum of ranking differences (SRD) values, which are to be compared. Smaller SRD mean
for each measure to give the final sum of ranking differences (SRD) values, which are to be compared. Smaller SRD mean
proximity to the reference—the smaller the better. Adapted from [107].
proximity to the reference—the smaller the better. Adapted from [107].
A recent example of using the SRD method for the comparison of drying methods
A recent example of using the SRD method for the comparison of drying methods
based on several measured parameters was published by Stamenković and co-workers in
based on several measured parameters was published by Stamenković and co-workers
in [107].
2020 A comparative
[107]. A comparative experiment
experimentwas was
conducted in order
conducted to identify
in order the most
to identify the suita-
ble process parameters for convective drying that may be considered as
suitable process parameters for convective drying that may be considered as alternatives to alternatives to
freeze-drying, which is a widely used preservation method for raspberries even though it isit
freeze-drying, which is a widely used preservation method for raspberries even though
a costly
andand energy-consuming
energy-consuming method.
method. Twelve
Twelve convective
convective drying
drying regimens
regimens werewere ap-
with a combination
combination of threeofinfluencing
three influencing
factors:factors: air temperature
air temperature (60 ◦ C, (60
70 ◦°C, 70 °C,
C, and 80 ◦and
80 °C), air rate (0.5 and 1.5
− 1 ms −1), and stage of raspberry (fresh and frozen). The final prod-
air rate (0.5 and 1.5 ms ), and stage of raspberry (fresh and frozen). The final product,
auct, a dried
dried raspberry,
raspberry, waswas assessed
assessed forfor chemical,
chemical, physical,
physical, andmechanical
and mechanicalproperties
rehydration capacity. SRD showed that the convective drying of fresh raspberries
rehydration capacity. SRD showed that the convective drying of fresh raspberries proved to proved
to more
be be more similar
similar to freeze-dried
to freeze-dried raspberries
raspberries than than the convective
the convective dryingdrying of frozen
of frozen ones.
ones. Fresh
samples dried at 60 ◦ C air temperature and 1.5 m s−1 air flow proved to be the most similar
to the reference freeze-drying method. Such analyses can help practitioners to develop
cheaper and simpler drying methods that could replace costly and energy-consuming
methods but keep the same quality of the dried products.
Processes 2021, 9, 132 11 of 21

4. Unconventional/Emerging Drying Intensification Technologies

Many different strategies can be applied in order to enhance the drying process and/or
to improve dried food properties. These strategies usually consider the modification of
drying parameters or material properties. The approach that is based on changing the
parameters of drying, such as temperature, flow rate and humidity, is usually sufficient to
enhance the first period of drying, which is governed by external mass transfer resistance.
In turn, intensification of the second stage of drying can usually be achieved by the
introduction of a pretreatment step that will change the material properties, for example,
its dimensions or integrity of cellular structure. A reduction in dimensions, which can
intensify drying kinetics to a great extent, is not always possible. The rupture of cellular
structure can be thermally achieved, e.g., blanching [108,109]. Additionally, this can be
done by non-thermal methods such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), cold plasma
(CP), ultrasound or pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment [110]. Non-thermal treatments,
in principle, allow better preservation of thermo-sensitive compounds and are linked
with lower energy consumption in comparison to thermal based technologies. Currently,
existing publications show that, among non-thermal pretreatment technologies, US and
PEF are the most promising for dehydration intensification. It has to be emphasized that the
utilization of non-thermal methods as a pretreatment before drying does not have to result
in better outcomes than the implementation of unconventional drying techniques. The
decision about the potential implementation of a pretreatment method before drying should
be preceded by deep studies in relation to the desired technological aim. Such analysis, in
addition to a literature review, should also include optimization and economical studies.

4.1. Ultrasound
Ultrasound can be described as a cyclic sound pressure with a frequency that is
inaudible to humans (>20 kHz). In food processing, ultrasound can be used for the
enactment of traditional technologies or to replace them. Ultrasound can be utilized either
as low-frequency but high-energy or as high-frequency but low-energy assays. The first
one is usually associated with the facilitation of different unit operations such as extraction,
freezing and thawing, emulsification and homogenization or drying, while the second
one is mainly associated with control, analytical and diagnostic procedures [111]. The
application of low-frequency but high intensity ultrasound causes different phenomena
depending on the type of the medium where they propagate. The application of ultrasound
in the fluid systems results in cavitation and microstreaming, which intensifies mass and
heat transfer but can also lead to the formation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species.
Cavitation bubbles that are collapsing may also erode and degrade the surface or structure
of the materials that they contact [112,113]. When ultrasound propagates through solid-like
material, for instance food matrix, cyclic compression and expansion of material can occur—
such behavior is called sponge effect and it can lead to the formation of micro-channels,
which facilitate mass transfer between the treated material and its surroundings [114,115].
Ultrasound can be applied using direct and contact methods or indirectly using ultrasound
baths [105]. In the case of drying, ultrasound can be used not only prior to drying, but also
during the process [116].
The literature about the effect of US on drying kinetics is ambiguous and the effects of
pretreatment depend strongly on food matrix (Figure 3). There are reports that indicate
that sonication can reduce the drying time of apples by 11–40% in comparison to untreated
material [117,118], and there are articles which demonstrate that US pretreatment has no
effect on process course or that it can even extend drying, as it was reported for carrots [119].
Moreover, drying kinetics seem to depend not only on the type of raw material but
also on the parameters of US. The influence of sonication time is one of the most studied
issues. It was found that the relation between the time of sonication and drying reduction
is not linear. For instance, the sonication of 20 min of apple tissue reduced air drying better
than the treatment of 30 min [118]. Similar findings were reported for other raw materials,
such as pineapples or parsley leaves [120,121].
Processes 2021, 9, 132 12 of 21

Processes 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21

Figure 3. Minimum (MIN) and maximum (MAX) air drying time reductions for different food
Figure 3. Minimum (MIN) and maximum (MAX) air drying time reductions for different food
matrices as reported in the scientific literature for pulsed electric field (PEF) and ultrasound (US)
matrices as reported in the scientific literature for pulsed electric field (PEF) and ultrasound (US) pre-
Moreover, drying kinetics seem to depend not only on the type of raw material but
The possibility of process intensification by sonication was also exemplified by other
also on the parameters of US. The influence of sonication time is one of the most studied
drying methods, such as microwave assisted air drying or vacuum drying. It has been
issues. It was found that the relation between the time of sonication and drying reduction
demonstrated that microwave and ultrasound assisted air drying reduced processing time
is not linear. For instance, the sonication of 20 min of apple tissue reduced air drying better
by 79% in comparison to traditional, convection processes. In addition, samples produced
than the treatment of 30 min [118]. Similar findings were reported for other raw materials,
with the assistance of US exhibited higher porosity and better reconstitution properties
than as pineapples or parsley
material [122]. leaves [120,121].
The possibility of process
The vacuum drying of nectarine intensification by sonication
with sonication was also
was 50% exemplified
shorter than the by other
drying methods,
process, such assamples
plus US treated microwave assisted air
demonstrated drying
higher or vacuum
retention drying.and
of phenols It has been
demonstrated that microwave and ultrasound assisted air drying reduced
changes in color. The authors of this study stated that there is a synergistic effect of vacuum processing time
by 79% in comparison to traditional, convection processes. In
drying and ultrasound treatment [123]. The positive addition of ultrasound during dryingaddition, samples produced
onwith the assistance
rehydration of US
and color exhibited
retention washigher porosity andfor
also demonstrated better reconstitution
purple-fleshed potatoesproperties
than untreated material [122].
The vacuum
4.2. Pulsed drying of nectarine with sonication was 50% shorter than the control
Electric Fields
PEF is plus US treated samples
an electro-based technologydemonstrated higher retention
since it involves of phenols
electric fields and smaller
for its application.
changes in color. The authors of this study stated that there
PEF treatment of food depends on the exposition of material into short-lasting pulses is a synergistic effect of vac-
uum drying and ultrasound treatment [123]. The positive addition
characterized by high electric field intensity that varies from 0.1 to 50 kVcm , depending of ultrasound
− 1 during
ondrying on rehydration
the desired and color
technological effectretention
[125,126]. was PEFalsotreatment
a rupture of cell po-
tatoes [124].
membrane continuity due to a phenomenon and a process of electroporation [127]. The
electroporation can be irreversible or reversible depending on the induced transmembrane
4.2. Pulsed
potential of Electric Fields
the cell that it treated, which in turn depends on many different factors. Among
them PEF are the cell diameter
is an electro-based and external electric
technology since itfield, which
involves are the
electric mostfor
fields important [128].
its application.
Figure 4 presents
PEF treatment the SEM
of food images
depends on of
theapple tissueof
exposition treated
materialby into
at different parameters
pulses char-
with indicated
acterized ruptures
by high in cellular
electric structure.
field intensity that varies from 0.1 to 50 kVcm−1, depending on
The majority
the desired of PEF applications
technological effect [125,126].in food
PEFprocessing involves
treatment results in irreversible
a rupture ofelectropo-
cell mem-
brane continuity due to a phenomenon and a process of electroporation [127]. freezing,
Such PEF treatment can be used to enhance extraction, juice pressing, The elec-
troporationdehydration or drying [129].
can be irreversible However,
or reversible there are some
depending on the data whichtransmembrane
induced demonstrated
that reversible
potential electroporation
of the could also
cell that it treated, be applied
which in turn for the improvement
depends of dryingfactors.
on many different [130].
is worth noting that the effectiveness of PEF treatment has been proved
them are the cell diameter and external electric field, which are the most important on an industrial
[128].for winemaking,
Figure 4 presents juice
SEM images or in potato
of apple processing
tissue treated by[131–133].
PEF at different param-
As a contrast to ultrasound, the
eters with indicated ruptures in cellular structure. vast majority of scientific publications show that
PEF pretreatment facilitates mass transfer during drying.
The majority of PEF applications in food processing involves irreversibleDrying reduction by PEFelectro-
to water removal varies from 2% to 57% in comparison to untreated
poration. Such PEF treatment can be used to enhance extraction, juice pressing, freezing, material, as it was
osmotic dehydration or drying [129]. However, there are some data which demonstrated
Processes 2021, 9, 132 13 of 21

reported for apples and basil leaves, respectively (Figure 3). The effect of PEF on drying
depends on many different factors which are related to the material properties and process-
ing parameters: electric field intensity, energy input, number of pulses, pulse width and
geometry or drying methods [134].
For instance, the intensification of drying depends on the cell disintegration index
(CDI) of the material (which varies from 0 to 1, for untreated and hypothetical totally
disintegrated samples). Here, the effective water diffusion coefficient of apples subjected
to air drying was equal to 1.044, 1.090 and 1.252 m2 s−1 , for untreated samples, samples
with CDI = 0.33 and with CDI = 0.88, respectively [76].
A higher water diffusion coefficient of PEF pretreated samples was also reported by
Ostermeier et al. [135] for the two-step convective drying of onion tissue. Further, PEF
treatment was also characterized by 14.5% higher pyruvic acid content and a 47% higher
rehydration coefficient.
The exposition of the material to PEF treatment was also demonstrated as an efficient
method for freeze-drying improvements. Wu et al. [136] reported that the application of
30 pulses at an electric field intensity of 1 kV cm−1 reduced freeze-drying time by 22.5% in
comparison to untreated apples. The higher reduction in freeze-drying time of 31.5%, as
compared to intact material, was reported for potatoes treated by 45 pulses at 1.5 kV cm−1 .
A very interesting approach for the utilization of PEF in the freeze-drying process was
demonstrated by Lammerskitten et al. [52]. In this case, the authors did not freeze the
apple slices before freeze-drying using a freezer, rather the freezing occurred inside the
freeze-drying chamber as a result of a pressure drop during the initial phases of freeze-
drying. Such treated material kept its original shape (low drying shrinkage) and it was
characterized by high crunchiness index, high porosity, and had similar chemical properties
to the untreated material [137]. Similar findings were also reported by Fauster et al. [138]
for freeze-dried strawberries and bell peppers. Some of the research papers indicated that
PEF can also improve vacuum drying, similar to how it improves air and freeze-drying.
As it has been reported by Liu et al. [139], PEF pretreatment of carrots reduced vacuum
drying time by 33–55% and improved the retention of carotenoids.
Although the number of publications in the field of PEF and drying is growing, the
research should also focus on the combination of PEF with other unconventional drying
methods, such as infrared drying or microwave vacuum drying. Although some of the
drying techniques in combination with PEF are well tested, optimization studies, using
advanced experimental planning methods, are needed. Such an approach could address the
questions related to the potential modification of drying parameters, such as temperature,
in order to get the best possible quality and economic outcomes. Moreover, there is a
gap in knowledge about the effectiveness of PEF pretreatment before drying for pilot and
industrial scale processes enhancement and the sustainability aspects of its utilization.

4.3. High Hydrostatic Pressure

High hydrostatic pressure (high pressure processing, HHP, HPP) is one of the oldest
and most popular non-thermal food processing methods. However, it is used mainly for
preservation purposes since it inactivates microorganisms but keeps low molecular weight
substances (like vitamins) intact. HHP is also used in industrial scale. It has been reported
that in 2015, more than 300 units of HHP were operating all over the world [140]. The
utilization of HHP, like PEF or US, can also modify the cell membrane permeability and
thus it can enhance water transfer during dehydration processes [141]. HHP pretreatment
has been demonstrated to reduce the drying time of vegetables such as carrots, green beans
and potatoes [142] or fruits such as apples [143,144] and pineapples [145]. This method has
also been demonstrated as effective in the intensification of drying of ginger—processes
preceded by HHP treatment (10 min, 100–400 MPa) were characterized by much higher
moisture diffusivity (2.84–6.09 × 10−9 m2 s−1 ) than the reference operation (2.03–4.87 ×
10−9 m2 s−1 ). Moreover, HHP pretreatment also increased the extractability of oleoresin
and 6-gingerol from dried material [146]. HHP pretreatment has also been reported to
beans and potatoes [142] or fruits such as apples [143,144] and pineapples [145]. This
method has also been demonstrated as effective in the intensification of drying of ginger—
processes preceded by HHP treatment (10 min, 100–400 MPa) were characterized by much
Processes 2021, 9, 132 higher moisture diffusivity (2.84–6.09 × 10−9 m2 s−1) than the reference operation (2.03–4.87 14 of 21
× 10 m s ). Moreover, HHP pretreatment also increased the extractability of oleoresin
−9 2 −1

and 6-gingerol from dried material [146]. HHP pretreatment has also been reported to
increase the antioxidant activity of osmodehydrated strawberries [147]. However, the ef-
increase the antioxidant activity of osmodehydrated strawberries [147]. However, the
fect of HHP treatment applied prior to drying depends on the quality changes of dried
effect of HHP treatment applied prior to drying depends on the quality changes of dried
materialand anddepends
stronglyon onmatrix
HHPmay mayresult
in undesirable color changes like the darkening of tissue, as it has been reported
in undesirable color changes like the darkening of tissue, as it has been reported in the in case
case of garlic [148]. One of the main drawbacks of HHP treatment is cost of
of garlic [148]. One of the main drawbacks of HHP treatment is cost of the processing andthe processing
and batch
batch (or quasi-continuous)
(or quasi-continuous) operating
operating mode.
mode. SomeSome studies
studies report
report thethe costs
costs of HHP
of HHP to to
be three times higher than the costs of PEF treatment
three times higher than the costs of PEF treatment [149]. [149].

images of untreated (0_0)
of untreated andand
(0_0) PEFPEF
treated (1.85_50—E
treated = 1.85=kV
(1.85_50—E cmkV
1.85 cm−1 ,pulses;
−1, n = 50
n = 50
5_10—E = 5 kV cm−1, n = 10 pulses;
− 1 5_100—E = 5 kV cm −1, n = 100 pulses)
− 1 fresh
pulses; 5_10—E = 5 kV cm , n = 10 pulses; 5_100—E = 5 kV cm , n = 100 pulses) fresh apple tissue. Red
tissue. indicate the damages
Red arrows indicate and
the ruptures
damages in cellruptures
and structure.inMagnification
cell structure.ofMagnification
× 100. E—electric
of × 100.
field intensity of applied PEF [kV cm−1]; n—number of pulses. Source: own elaboration, un-
E—electric field intensity of applied PEF [kV cm−1 ]; n—number of pulses. Source: own elaboration,
published data.
unpublished data.

consideredas asaafourth,
mixtureof ofanions
presenceof ofvery
molecules, such
molecules, such as free radicals
radicalsor orreactive
makes plasma
plasma a potential
a potential tool for
for decontamination
decontamination of food andand
of food foodfood
contact surfaces.
contact Indeed,
surfaces. mostmost
Indeed, of the
of literature data
the literature
data possible
about plasma
possible utilization
plasma in food
utilization processing
in food deal with
processing preservation
deal with and microbial
preservation and mi-
crobial [151]. [151].
However, plasma
However, application
plasma can can
application alsoalso
properties of
materials subjected for treatment, like some of the polymers [152]. The modification
of materials subjected for treatment, like some of the polymers [152]. The modification of of the
the by cold
surface plasma
by cold treatment
plasma was also
treatment was reported for food
also reported forproducts, such assuch
food products, blackaspepper
seeds [153]. Recently, cold plasma has been reported as a pretreatment method for drying
enhancement. Such an approach is related to the aforementioned possibility of modification
of the surface and structure by plasma application by the physical and chemical processes—
plasma can etch large cavities into the structure of material, which facilitates subsequent
moisture removal during drying [154]. The time of wolfberry drying was reduced by 50%
Processes 2021, 9, 132 15 of 21

when processes were preceded by cold plasma treatment. Moreover, the plasma treated
dried material exhibited better reconstitution properties and higher retention of phenolics
in comparison to the untreated material. The authors of this study stated that in addition
to the alteration of the surface, the cellular structure was disintegrated as well due to cold
plasma treatment [155]. The acceleration of drying by cold plasma treatment has also been
reported for shitake mushroom [156] or corn kernel [157] drying. Nevertheless, the data
about the impact of plasma radiation of food before drying are limited, but the method
seems to be very promising, especially for the facilitation of drying of peel containing
raw materials such as chili pepper [158]. Moreover, since plasma consists of very reactive
chemical molecules, research should also focus on the chemical property changes and
safety aspects of such treated food. Another important issue related to the utilization of
this method is the possibility of its scale-up ability.

5. Conclusions
Drying provides extended shelf life, reduced transportation costs and minimized
losses for various foods, and it is an indispensable part in the food processing industry
around the world. Recent literature is focused on applying advanced technologies for dry-
ing intensification to improve conventional drying performances with respect to product
quality and energy savings. Combinations of drying methods/hybrid drying and advanced
pretreatments are useful for optimal results for both product quality and environmental
impacts. Therefore, the right selection of drying methods and mathematical optimizations
(modeling) of the process can reduce energy consumption, operational costs and provide
superior quality products. Thermal drying techniques, such as hot air, have significant
adverse effects on shrinkage, color, and textural properties, but they are economic. Fur-
thermore, microwaves due to volumetric effect increase drying rate and reduce drying
time and energy consumption, with the final quality close to hot air drying. Introducing
vacuuming during drying will cause the avoidance of thermal and oxidative stress, with
positive repercussions on product quality. In conclusion, combinations of advanced and
conventional techniques have the potential to overcome inherited disadvantages of single
technologies, while improving the economic outlook of food manufacturing.

Author Contributions: All coauthors have made important contributions to the manuscript real-
ization by their participation in the following areas: Conceptualization, M.R.; Methodology, M.R.;
Contributions to sample and analysis experiments, M.R., I.P., D.B.K., P.P., A.W., A.G., Z.S., K.K.;
Writing—original draft preparation, M.R., I.P., D.B.K., P.P., A.W. and A.G.; writing—review and
editing, M.R., I.P., D.B.K., P.P., A.W. and A.G.; supervision, P.P., and D.B.K. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This manuscript is a result of the research within the national project number 451-03-
68/2020-14/200125, 2011–2020, supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology,
Republic of Serbia.
Institutional Review Board Statement: “Not applicable” for studies not involving humans.
Informed Consent Statement: “Not applicable” for studies not involving humans.
Acknowledgments: Attila Gere thanks the support of the Premium Postdoctoral Research Program
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the support of National Research, Development and
Innovation Office of Hungary (OTKA, contracts No. K134260).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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