Food Science Nutrition - 2022 - Odetayo - Nanotechnology Enhanced Edible Coating Application On Climacteric Fruits

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Received: 7 April 2021 | Revised: 17 August 2021 | Accepted: 19 August 2021

DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.2557


Nanotechnology-­enhanced edible coating application on

climacteric fruits

Temitayo Odetayo1 | Samson Tesfay2 | Nomali Ziphorah Ngobese1

Department of Botany and Plant
Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Abstract
University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Climacteric fruits continue to ripen after harvest and produce ethylene, coupled
South Africa
2 with an increase in respiration rate, which contributes to more rapid perishability.
Department of Horticultural Science,
Faculty of Science, University of KwaZulu-­ Inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis has been shown to be an efficient way to delay
Natal South Africa, Pietermaritzburg, South
the onset of ripening and lengthen shelf life. The use of edible materials as coat-
ings presents an efficient approach in preserving the quality of fruits. Edible coat-
ings have many benefits, such as affordability, ease of application, and use of natural
Nomali Ziphorah Ngobese, Department of
Botany and Plant Biotechnology, Faculty ingredients. Nanotechnology provides interesting approaches to the management
of Science, University of Johannesburg,
of fruit shelf life after harvest. Nanotechnology has the capacity of producing new
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Email: [email protected]; nomalingobese@ materials by minimizing the size of components to a nanometric level. These kinds of
nanomaterials possess distinct and improved properties for delaying fruit ripening
Funding information and decay. The main goal of adding nanoparticles to edible coatings is to enhance the
University of Johannesburg
biopolymer's mechanical and water vapor barrier properties. Nanoparticles also con-
tain biopolymer-­like features and are thought to have superior antibacterial, antifun-
gal, and antiviral properties than edible coatings. This review is aimed at summarizing
recent findings on the application of edible coatings in the form of nanoparticles,
and their effect on quality parameters and shelf life extension of climacteric fruits.
Peer-­reviewed articles were obtained by using Scopus and science direct. The cur-
rent materials widely used for coating climacteric fruits are zinc, silver and chitosan
nanoparticles. Zinc nanoparticles have been shown to be more effective in delaying
ripening significantly by reducing weight and moisture loss and ensuring retention of
fruit firmness. Further research is needed to understand their effect on other phys-
icochemical properties of fruits.


nanoparticles, plant extracts, postharvest, shelf life

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat​ive Commo​ns Attri​bution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.

Food Sci Nutr. 2022;10:2149–2167. | 2149


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2150 ODETAYO et al.

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N strategies for extending the shelf life of fresh fruits and nanoparti-
cles used for edible coatings also possesses unique properties such
Technologies such as ozone treatment (Alencar et al., 2013; as antibacterial and antifungal qualities (Bajpai et al., 2018; Lloret
Ali et al., 2014), modified atmosphere (Lalel et al., 2005; Lanka et al., 2012; Singh et al., 2020). Recently, there have been studies
et al., 2011; Prange et al., 2013), 1-­Methylcyclopropene (De Martino on the effects of the addition of nanoparticles to edible coatings
et al., 2007a; De Martino et al., 2007b; Mir et al., 2004; Razzaq and these studies have revealed that the addition of nanoparticles
et al., 2016), controlled atmosphere storage (Hailu & Worku, 2017), to edible coatings has opened new opportunities not only for en-
and low-­temperature storage (Kudachikar et al., 2011) have been hancing higher antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, but
used in controlling ripening in climacteric fruits. For several years up also to improve the cost-­effectiveness of edible coatings (Sorrentino
to date, low-­temperature storage is used commercially in the supply et al., 2007). The reviews by Nor and Ding (2020), Dhaka and
and marketing chain from precooling at the farm to using refriger- Upadhyah (2018), and Ncama et al. (2018) have compiled all pos-
ated trucks set at a certain temperature for transportation to cold sible coatings that are functional for tropical fruits and horticultural
rooms at the fresh produce market (Zhang et al., 2016). Although produce, highlighting safe concentrations, and the use of commonly
low-­temperature storage has been successful in controlling ripen- consumed plant extracts that have potential to be used on fresh pro-
ing in climacteric fruits, storing fruit at suboptimal temperatures can duce. The above reviews cover the use of polysaccharides, proteins,
cause chilling injury leading to internal browning and emergence of and lipids as edible coatings on popular fruits. The reviews also show
black spots (Sivankalyani et al., 2015). Other postharvest technol- that edible coatings are a promising method for extending the post-
ogies have also been successful, but some have certain disadvan- harvest shelf life of tropical fruits. The current review talks specifi-
tages, such as a reduction in the volatile esters in fruit and a negative cally to the use of nanoparticle materials in addition to edible coating
impact on the nutritional properties of fruit (Skog & Chu, 2001). on climacteric fruits. Recent review studies have reported the suc-
Furthermore, the application of controlled and modified atmosphere cessful application of nanotechnology in the food packaging indus-
is expensive, and it involves specialized labor, thereby limiting its try, agricultural sector, agri-­food sectors as well as in the postharvest
practical application. Use of 1-­Methylcyclopropene on climacteric disease management of fruits and vegetables (Al-­Tayyar et al., 2020;
fruit might induce chilling injury and require additional time to ripen Chawla et al., 2021; Lang et al., 2021; Mahela et al., 2020; Ruffo
adequately, limiting its economic applicability (Harris et al., 2000; Roberto et al., 2019; Wahab et al., 2021). As a result of all these stud-
Mir et al., 2004; De Martino et al., 2007a; De Martino et al., 2007b). ies, the addition of various kinds of nanoparticles to the different
Edible coating is another type of technology becoming popular edible coatings to maintain the quality of food appears to be a via-
for controlling the ripening of climacteric fruits because coatings are ble consideration. However, there is still limited information about
simple to prepare, widely available, relatively low cost and mostly do the effectiveness of nanoparticle edible coating material in regard
not need the use of sophisticated atmosphere and temperature con- to their application to climacteric fruits. Therefore, this review aims
trol technologies (Jodhani & Nataraj, 2021; Suhaget al., 2020). Edible to highlight the most relevant and recent information on the use of
coatings are thin layers of edible material added on the surface of cli- edible coatings enriched with chitosan, silver, and zinc nanoparticles
macteric fruits to enhance the appearance, maintain quality, prevent in extending postharvest storage life and the overall preservation of
microbial growth, reduce respiration, slow maturation, minimize the quality of popular climacteric fruit (Figure 1).
water loss, and extend shelf life (Murmu & Mishra, 2018). Besides,
the use of edible coatings in fresh produce has been approved by
the US Food and Drug Administration and is considered to meet 2 | PRO B LE M S FAC E D BY C LI M AC TE R I C
the GRAS (generally regarded as safe) requirements (Dhall, 2013; FRU IT S
Martín-­Belloso et al., 2009). To comply with export protocols, all
the processes involved in the application of edible coatings must fol- Based on their respiration behavior and ethylene production, fruits
low the high hygiene requirements and the quantity used must not such as banana, mango, guava, apricot, pear, papaya, apple, avocado,
exceed the amount necessary to achieve the desired physical and tomato, and plantain are referred to as climacteric fruits (Atkinson
nutritional impact on the fruit (Nussinovitch & Nussinovitch, 2003). et al., 2011). Climacteric fruits are usually harvested at physiological
However, some edible coatings can pose disadvantages when used maturity and remain firm without major changes in peel color, tex-
on fruits: for instance, edible coating formulated from polysaccha- ture, or composition before the beginning of maturation (Mendoza &
rides and proteins exhibits weak water vapor barrier properties while Aguilera, 2006). After harvesting, the fruits undergo progressive de-
lipids and waxes exhibit poor mechanical characteristics; thus, new terioration, resulting in a relatively short postharvest life, increased
alternative methods have been developed to solve these drawbacks. respiratory rate, autocatalytic ethylene development, increase in
Nanotechnology is a novel approach for creating new edible susceptibility to various pathogenic infections, and sensory changes
coating components for the postharvest management of fresh pro- such as color, taste, and texture change such as softening (Palapol
duce by reducing the size of the edible coating particles to a nano- et al., 2009; Paul et al., 2012).
metric scale ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers (Parisi et al., 2015). In postharvest fruit management, the perishability of fruit
The application of nanotechnology has proven to be one of the best after harvest is a major challenge faced by the industry influencing

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ODETAYO et al. 2151

blending Boiling

Metal salt
filtraon solution
Plant (Ag and
Plant part extract ZnO)
Plant powder

Leaf, Seed,
Bark, Stems,
Bulbs, Roots

Chemical reduction process

Metal salt
Changes in color + plant

Synthesized nanoparticle

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of nanoparticle synthesis using green method (Esa & Sapawe, 2020)

produce marketability, especially for international trade (Singh transportation and storage of climacteric fruits (Bautista-­Baños
et al., 2014). Globally, a massive quantity of fruits are wasted be- et al., 2013; Pavitra Kumari & Singh, 2017). Symptoms of anthrac-
fore the commodity reaches consumers, with about 50% of those nose postharvest are sunken black spots that occur on the fruit sur-
food losses being valuable fruits. The U.S.D.A. Economic Research face during ripening (Tian et al., 2016). Mango anthracnose, caused
Service reports that over 34.6% of the loss is directly related to un- by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, is a significant threat to farmers
wanted climacteric maturation, resulting in subsequent spoilage, around the world, as it results in massive pre-­and postharvest losses
degradation, mechanical injuries, and physiological disorders in pro- in mangoes (Lima et al., 2013; Pavitra Kumari & Singh, 2017). During
duce (Barth et al., 2009; Kader, 2004). The perishability of the fruits postharvest preservation and following export, papaya deteriorates,
is mainly attributable to adverse physicochemical changes, such as primarily due to anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum fructicola and
loss of weight due to respiration, softening of the flesh, deteriora- Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz (Madani et al., 2014; Vilaplana
tion of quality due to microbial attack, and changes in the content et al., 2020). The most damaging postharvest disease of bananas is
of sugar and acid. Another big threat to the global fruit supply chain anthracnose, which is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum musae
is contamination by fungal pathogens. Postharvest fruit loss due to leading to substantial economic loss (Khaliq et al., 2019). It degrades
phytopathogens like fungi now accounts for more than half of all the fruit's quality and nutritional value and makes it unfit for mar-
agricultural fruit production (Zhang et al., 2017). The most import- keting and consumption, resulting in significant losses for farmers
ant factors causing postharvest losses are intrinsic physiological se- and traders.
nescence and invasion by fungal pathogens. Anthracnose caused by The use of synthetic chemical fungicides has resulted in is-
Colletotrichum spp is one of the common fungal diseases that can sues with postharvest disease control, including decreased effi-
result in serious economic and extensive postharvest losses during cacy, increased plant pathogen resistance to active ingredients,

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2152 ODETAYO et al.

environmental damage, and a serious negative impact on human has been studied. A review by Ncama et al. (2018) gave a compre-
health (Dubey et al., 2007; Kumar & Kudachikar, 2018). Synthetic hensive report on the use of plant extract-­derived edible coatings
chemicals have been used to reduce fungi attacks in posthar- for both climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits. Some of the plants
vest storage of fruits, but there are concerns against their safety whose extracts are used as edible coatings for climacteric fruits in-
due to the toxicity of chemicals thus making it an urgent need to clude moringa leaf extract (Tesfay & Magwaza, 2017), corn starch
find alternative environmentally friendly technologies. With the and rice starch (Razak & Lazim, 2015; Thakur et al., 2019), aloe vera
above-­mentioned problems facing climacteric fruits, one of the (Khaliq et al., 2019), and gum arabic (Maqbool et al., 2011). The use
most preferred solutions includes the application of edible coatings of natural edible coating extracts is one of the most promising tech-
(Romanazzi et al., 2016). Many studies have shown that edible coat- nologies to enhance the protection and quality of fruits because it
ings made from a variety of biopolymers can effectively preserve the is considered as being environmentally friendly and acceptable for
nutritional properties and extend the shelf life of climacteric fruits. consumers (Janisiewicz & Korsten, 2002).
To suppress decay, improve fruit quality, and prolong the shelf life of
climacteric fruits during postharvest storage, edible coatings such as
chitosan, aloe vera gel, and gum arabic are widely used (Berumen-­ 3.1 | Unique features of edible coatings
Varela et al., 2015; Khaliq et al., 2019; Maqbool et al., 2010).
The edible coating serves as a barrier to control moisture loss and
gas exchange (CO2 and O2) between the fruit and their surrounding
3 | FO R M U L ATI O N O F E D I B LE COATI N G S environment thereby slowing down the rate of respiration, retarding
the physiological ripening process, and preventing the loss of natural
Generally, films from edible coatings are prepared from polymers volatile flavor compounds (Khatri et al., 2020; Pratiwi et al., 2015;
such as hydrocolloids (polysaccharides and protein), lipids, a com- Rojas-­Graü et al., 2009). Furthermore, edible coatings can safely be
bination of both (referred to as composite coatings), and the addi- consumed as part of the product and contain health benefits be-
tion of plasticizers (Dhall, 2013). Edible coatings can be applied over cause they are made of food-­grade products (Shit & Shah, 2014).
the food product in liquid form by spraying, extrusion, solvent cast- Other advantages of coatings include their edibility and biodegra-
ing, brushing, or dipping to achieve a thin protective layer (Thakur dability, as well as the avoidance of waste and the commercialization
et al., 2019; Yousuf et al., 2018). A review by Nor and Ding (2020) of food without preservatives (Kumari et al., 2017; Tavassoli-­Kafrani
compiles all possible coatings that are functional for tropical fruit. et al., 2016). The coating enhances postharvest shelf life by delay-
The review also covers the fundamentals of coating attributes, ma- ing physicochemical changes and preventing the development of
terials, and processes, which include the following: the effectiveness physiological disorders. Likewise, edible coatings have a high pro-
of various coating materials such as polysaccharide, protein, lipid, pensity to provide active compounds such as antioxidants (ascorbic
and composite-­based coatings has been highlighted, and various acid, citric acid, and oxalic acid), antimicrobials (potassium sorbate,
application methods, and coating protection. Dhaka and Upadhyay and essential oil), texture enhancers (calcium chloride, calcium lac-
(2018) wrote a simple review on edible films and coatings, as well tate, and calcium gluconate), and nutrients (Vitamin E), which can
as recent innovations in the field. This analysis provided a detailed improve resistance to fungal pathogens plus the dietary and organo-
overview of various aspects of edible films and coatings, as well as leptic characteristics of fruits (Arnon-­Rips et al., 2019; Dhall, 2013;
a discussion of current trends and innovations. Furthermore, edible Martín-­Belloso et al., 2009). To choose a coating for fruits, it is im-
coatings can be formulated using polymeric materials derived from portant to understand the properties of the coatings and how well
both plant and animal sources. The application of animal extracts in they interact with the fruit surface and surroundings during stor-
the production of edible coatings has been limited due to allergies age. Edible coatings need to have a flawless adhesion capacity, high
from animal foods and the waxy nature of coatings thereby limit- microbial protection, moisture exchange properties, appealing es-
ing food product acceptability compared with plant extracts with thetic appearance, and above all availability at an affordable price
medicinal benefits (Flores-­López et al., 2016; Oms-­oliu et al., 2010). (Poverenov et al., 2014). It is advisable to use coatings that have
Plant extract-­derived edible coatings can delay ripening, improve been shown to remove respiration peaks efficiently and reduce the
esthetic appearance by shinning the produce and covering minor output of ethylene to a minimal level.
scars (Murmu & Mishra, 2018). Also, they are an inexpensive means
for maintaining the quality of fresh produce. The use of edible coat-
ings from plant extracts has been proposed to decrease the usage of 3.2 | The effect of edible coatings on quality
nonbiodegradable storage polyethylene plastic films and containers, attributes in climacteric fruits
thereby reducing pollution to the environment (Bourtoom, 2008).
Plant extracts with high antioxidant properties can also im- The ripening process of climacteric fruit shows a dramatic increase
prove the nutritional qualities of fruits. The effect of plant edible in ethylene production and respiration rate at the onset of ripen-
coatings on the quality attributes and nutritional characteristics of ing. Various parameters such as weight loss, firmness, total soluble
various climacteric fruits such as banana, apple, mango, and papaya solids, total phenols, and antioxidant activity, decay rate, and shelf

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ODETAYO et al. 2153

life have been used to assess quality in climacteric fruits (Hudina in reducing vitamin C loss, total soluble solids, total phenols, and
et al., 2012). The efficacy of using edible coatings has been demon- antioxidant activity, and a decrease in weight loss was observed in
strated by increasing evidence from numerous studies. In a study that mango fruits at 2, 4, and 6 weeks during two consecutive seasons.
investigated the effect of shellac and gelatin composite coatings for Moringa leaf extracts are also rich in antioxidants and have anti-
extension of shelf life of a banana, Soradech et al. (2017) observed bacterial effects against a range of microorganisms. The high phy-
60% of shellac and 40% gelatin act as an effective physical barrier tochemical constituents of moringa plant extracts, which include
around the fruit, resulting in a slow decrease in weight loss, and sof- phenols, alkaloids, and tannins among a few others, have been at-
tening. The quality was maintained for more than 30 days compared tributed to the inhibitory effect on the mycelial growth of various
with uncoated banana. A report by Jaiswal et al. (2018) indicated pathogens. Furthermore, tea leaves are high in polyphenolic com-
that the incorporation of citric acid and neem extract improved the pounds, which have a high antioxidant potential and antimicrobial
effectiveness of aloe vera by maintaining the firmness, color, sen- activity in general; hence, the properties of moringa and green tea
sory attribute, and market value of tomato fruit. Aloe vera (40%) plus make them suitable as coating materials. Natural substances pres-
citric acid gave the best result compared with other concentrations ent in moringa and green tea extracts, which are high in antioxi-
(20%, 60%, and 80%). Recently, a study by Kubheka et al. (2020) dants, serve as electron donors, creating free radicals that minimize
showed the effect of gum arabic-­ and Carboxymethylcellulose-­ normal respiration and transpiration, as well as enhance stomata
containing moringa leaf extract on maintaining quality and control closure. The reduction of fruit decay caused by the coating of mo-
of C. gloeosporiodes on maluma avocado at cold storage for 21 days. ringa and green tea extracts is linked to a reduction in the activity
Based on the result, 15% gum arabic plus moringa followed by 10% of cell wall-­degrading enzymes, which prolongs the postharvest
gum arabic and moringa and 1% Carboxymethylcellulose plus mor- period and delays fruit ripening. Because of its low oxygen perme-
inga were the most effective in reducing weight and firmness loss. ability, which decreased enzyme activity and prevented oxidation
The coatings also delayed color change and inhibited the growth of of vitamin C, moringa and green tea extracts as antioxidant coat-
C. gloeosporiodes respectively compared with the control. ing treatments were successful in reducing vitamin C loss in mango
Edible coatings containing antioxidants and antimicrobials have fruits during all storage periods. The best result to achieve a high
been shown to improve the nutrient value and protect against patho- value of storability and quality was shown in applying 10% moringa
gens and spoilage (Arnon-­Rips et al., 2019; Dhall, 2013; Pranoto leave extract followed by 5% green tea extract under refrigerated
et al., 2005). A report by Yang et al. (2019) evaluated the efficacy of storage.
gum arabic enriched with white and red roselle extract on the post- Shah and Hashmi (2020) investigated the impact of chitosan in
harvest quality of blueberry fruit stored at refrigerator temperature. combination with aloe vera gel on the storage life of mango fruits.
Gum arabic was found to have antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, They found that adding Chitosan to aloe vera lowered weight loss,
owing to polyphenol compounds in the gum. The existence of more respiration rate, and ethylene generation more effectively than
bioactive compounds, such as phenolic and flavonoid compounds, using chitosan alone or control samples. Furthermore, the combina-
which could inhibit certain microorganisms, could explain the red tion treatment preserved fruit quality metrics such as titratable acid-
roselle extract's higher antimicrobial capacity against all tested mi- ity, total soluble solids, fruit firmness, ascorbic acid, and peel color.
croorganisms. Due to the synergistic effects of natural antimicrobial This study shows that combined application of chitosan and aloe
compounds in gum arabic and roselle extracts, this finding showed vera synergistically improves the phenolic content of mango fruit,
the least decay. Gum arabic combined with roselle extract served as sustaining high ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, and antioxidant
a barrier between the blueberries and their surroundings, controlling activity during storage. This suggests that addition of aloe vera may
gas and water vapor exchange and delaying weight loss during stor- enhance the barrier of chitosan coating thereby improving antimi-
age. The slower loss of firmness of coated fruits may be linked to a crobial properties and decreasing permeability to water and gaseous
well-­maintained cellular membrane as a result of gum arabic, gum exchange (Mishra et al., 2010). Jodhani and Nataraj (2021) focus
arabic + white roselle extract, gum arabic + red roselle extract coat- their research to study how aloe vera gel, lemon peel extract and
ings inhibiting PPO enzyme activity, reducing the softening process their combination as edible coating treatment affect banana post-
of the fruit. Therefore, the addition of white and red roselle to gum harvest quality and shelf life when stored at room temperature. The
arabic showed a better performance in maintaining firmness, reduc- consistency of bananas in treated fruits at the end of the storage pe-
ing weight loss, and decay percentage compared with gum arabic riod indicated that the lemon peel extract concentrate in the edible
alone and the control. Edible coating containing gum ghatti enriched coating treatment prevents microbial contamination and protects
with clove oil was used on banana and papaya fruits to extend shelf the fruits from pathogenic fungi deterioration. When compared to
life. Gum ghatti (3%) plus clove oil (0.1%) retained the ascorbic acid, the control, the coated banana has less weight loss and good firm-
total phenols, and antioxidant activity in both fruits. In bananas, ness, as well as low infection, which is the most important factor
shelf life was extended by 3 days in both fruits relative to the control that determines the banana's storage life and consistency. Aloe gel
(Joshi et al., 2017, 2018). and LPE coating application dramatically reduced fruit respiration,
A report by Abd El-­Razek et al. (2019) showed that moringa and slowed ripening and delayed the emergence of visual indicators of
green tea extracts act as an antioxidant coating and was effective quality loss, all of which are undesirable to consumers. The aloe gel

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2154 ODETAYO et al.

and LPE coating effectively reduced the rate of water loss from ba- on inorganic nanoparticles because of their stability compared with
nanas during storage, according to these findings. organic ones that are heat labile compounds. Inorganic nanoparti-
Daisy et al. (2020) observed the effect of gum arabic on the shelf cles consist of metal or metal oxides, such as gold (Au), silver (Ag),
life and quality of mango fruit during storage at room temperature. iron oxide (Fe3O4), titanium oxide (TiO2), copper oxide (CuO), zinc
Gum arabic coatings have been shown to have gas and water vapor oxide (ZnO), aluminum oxides, cerium dioxide hydroxides, calcium
barrier properties, allowing mango to last longer while preserving carbonate and carbon-­based materials (Bouwmeester et al., 2014;
quality. Gum arabic changed the environment around the fruits by He & Hwang, 2016). According to numerous reports, using nano-
creating a semi-­permeable film that prevented moisture and gas loss technology to extend the shelf life of fruits is one of the most effec-
through the coat thereby delaying ripening, and this allowed gum tive techniques (Bhusare & Kadam, 2020; Flores-­López et al., 2016;
arabic-­coated mangoes to have a shelf life of 15 days compared to Ijaz et al., 2020; Lloret et al., 2012; Ruffo Roberto et al., 2019). The
less than 10 days in control fruits. The efficacy of various plant edible most used method for the application of nanoparticles is the dip-
coatings including gum arabic, sodium caseinate with the addition of ping method (Table 1), by immersing the fruit into the coating solu-
lemongrass, and cinnamon essential oil was evaluated by Murmu and tion forming a thin layer on the surface of fruits and subjecting it
Mishra (2018) at varying concentrations on the postharvest quality to cold or ambient temperature storage. A review by Rajat Suhag
attributes of guava fruit. The fruit with coating exhibited a slower et al. (2020) reporting on film formation and deposition methods of
rise in total and reducing sugars, lowest browning rate, higher reten- edible coating on food products suggested that the dipping method
tion of ascorbic acid, phenols and flavonoid content, overall sensory was found to be the cheapest and easiest to use on the surface of
score, and extended shelf life by 33 days compared with the control. food products among other edible coating methods.
The addition of lemongrass oil and cinnamon oil helped retain higher
membrane integrity thereby preventing disease occurrence and sus-
tained metabolic rate. 4.1 | Synthesis of nanoparticles
Unfortunately, the application of edible coating still faces lim-
itations: for example, they may be unattractive to the consumers Currently, various physical and chemical methods are widely used
as some exhibit their color or require undesirably high dose appli- to synthesize nanoparticles, enabling particles with the necessary
cations to be effective. Studies have shown nanomaterials with a characteristics to be obtained. These manufacturing methods can
unique character such as small size and quantum size have been ex- present several drawbacks such as the use of nonbiodegradable
plored to produce nanoparticles which can improve the efficacy of stabilizing agents, labor-­intensive, usage of toxic chemicals, and are
coatings (He & Hwang, 2016). potentially detrimental to the environment and living organisms
(MubarakAli et al., 2015; Phanjom & Ahmed, 2015). Therefore, to
minimize hazards to the environment, green/biochemical synthesis
4 | N A N OTEC H N O LO G Y of nanoparticles offers an appealing means for nanoparticle syn-
thesis and promises to help overcome these physical and chemical
Nanotechnology is another form of innovation that offers count- disadvantages (Nayak et al., 2015; Shankar et al., 2004). This is due
less postharvest management approaches capable of producing to low synthesis costs, short development time, easy accessibility,
new materials by reducing particle sizes to a nanometric scale (at eco-­friendliness, economic considerations (have the potential to
least one-­dimensional ranges of 1–­100 nanometers) giving materi- generate high production volumes), and use of plant-­based mate-
als with distinct and improved properties compared with larger rials (Akintelu & Folorunso, 2019; Kavitha et al., 2013). The green
ones (Magnuson et al., 2011; Parisi et al., 2015). Nanoparticles (NPs) synthesis technique involves the use of naturally existing resources
(nanoscale structures with sizes ranging from 1 to 100 nm) have where an extract of plants acts as a reducing and stabilizing agent
emerged as one of the outstanding nanotechnology discoveries de- (Jamdagni et al., 2018; Sharma et al., 2016).
signed to solve the day-­to-­day problems of the world today. Based The green synthesis of different nanoparticles based on plant
on fundamental characteristics, nanoparticles exhibit an entirely extracts has been extensively studied since the last decade. Many
new or enhanced properties, such as size, large ratio of surface area studies on the production of silver nanoparticles from plant ex-
to volume distribution, and morphology. It is important to remember tracts have been reported by (Ahmad et al., 2019; Rajeshkumar &
that only a small amount need to be added to form a strong interfacial Bharath, 2017; Srikar et al., 2016). A thorough examination of the
contact with the edible coat polymer. The addition of nanoparticles green synthesis and characterization methods for ZnO NPs derived
to the edible coating results in a significant extension of fruit shelf from various biological sources was studied and has thus become
life compared with the effect of the pure polymer without nanopar- a major research subject (Agarwal et al., 2017; Ahmed et al., 2017;
ticles (Gad & Zag Zog, 2017). Nanoparticles, when added to edible Bandeira et al., 2020). Alternatively, nanoparticles can be syn-
coatings, can significantly improve the mechanical and barrier prop- thesized with the use of natural polymers from marine (chitin and
erties and increase thermal stability (De Moura et al., 2009; Shankar chitosan) or agricultural waste (cellulose, gums, starch, and pectin)
& Rhim, 2015). Nanoparticles can be classified into two groups which has the added advantage owing to their stability, small size,
namely organic NPs and inorganic NPs. More emphasis is placed edibility, and nontoxic nature (He & Hwang, 2016).
TA B L E 1 Nanoparticle-­enriched edible coatings applied on popular climacteric fruits

Fruit type components Other ingredients Coating method Effect References
ODETAYO et al.

Apple Chitosan Acetic acid Dipping The coating, improved consistency of color quality, Gardesh et al. (2016)
slowed down fruit softening and decreased
weight loss by up to 2.5 times over 9 weeks of
Silver/Zinc oxide Gelatin/Chitosan Dipping The fruit quality was preserved, and the shelf life Bakhy et al. (2018)
was extended by 42 days
Tomato Gum Arabic Tween & NaCI Dipping It maintained overall quality and extended the Paladugu, and Gunasekaran, (2017)
storage life by 14 days.
Silver Silver nanoparticles from Chinese tea Dipping Specifically found to reduce weight loss in fruit, Gao et al. (2017)
and extended shelf life of fruit by 18days of
storage at room temperature
Silver/Zinc Gelatin/Chitosan Dipping The fruit quality was maintained, and the shelf life Bakhy et al. (2018)
of coated fruit was extended by 63 days
Zinc Carboxymethylcellulose Dipping The combination showed a beneficial effect in Saekow et al. (2019)
improving quality parameter compared with
control and effectively delayed the disease
severity during 15 days of storage
Banana Zinc oxide Soybean protein isolate & Dipping It effectively delayed ripening and improve the Li et al. (2019)
cinnamaldehyde shelf life of banana by maintaining the nutrient
content and hinder the loss of water during
7 days of storage
Chitosan Chitosan Dipping The coatings maintained the sensory quality and Lustriane et al. (2018)
extended the shelf life of banana for several
Chitosan Acetic acid Spraying The ripening was delayed by showing a slower rate Esyanti et al. (2019)
of skin discoloration as compared to control
during 6 days of storage
Zinc Chitosan/gum Arabic Dipping The consistency of the bananas was retained La et al. (2021)
for a slightly longer period, and shelf life was
prolonged after more than 17 days in storage
Fresh produce Nanoparticle Other ingredients Coating method Effect References
| 2155


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TA B L E 1 (Continued)
| 2156

Fruit type components Other ingredients Coating method Effect References

Banana Silver Neem and Ajwain Spraying Control Anthracnose disease in banana Jagana et al. (2017)
Mangoes Calcium Ascorbic acid Dipping It alleviates internal browning and maintains the Lo'ay et al. (2019)
phenolic compound of mangoes during cold
Zinc Carrageenan Dipping Increase antimicrobial properties and maintain the Meindrawan et al. (2018)
shelf life of whole mango fruit
Silver Chitosan and Tween 80 Dipping The combination minimized postharvest decay Chowdappa et al. (2014)
by inhibiting anthracnose incidence on mango
during 7 days of storage
Zinc Aloe vera gel & glycerol dipping It improves quality parameter during 9 days of Dubey et al. (2019)
Zinc Cassava starch & stearic acid Dipping It was effective in reducing weight loss, delayed Luliani et al. (2018)
microbial growth, and improving the shelf life
of fresh-­cut mango during storage at 8°C, for
12 days.
Fig Zinc Chitosan & acetic acid Dipping Coating delayed the ripening of fruits and keep Lakshmi et al. (2018)
quality during storage
Guava Chitosan Xanthan gum & tween Dipping It enhances overall quality during cold storage and Gad & Zag Zog, 2017
shelf life periods
Papaya Silver hydroxypropyl methylcellulose Dipping Silver nanoparticle was effective against Vieira et al. (2020)
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, preserved
postharvest quality, and shelf life was
extended by 14 days during storage
Apricot Silver Glycerol Dipping It significantly reduces weight loss, decay Shahat et al. (2020)
percentage, and kept the quality for 24 days
at 6°C
ODETAYO et al.

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ODETAYO et al. 2157

5 | N A N O PA RTI C LE S CO M M O N LY U S E D form of coating greatly enhanced sensory efficiency, increased stor-

I N C LI M AC TE R I C FRU IT age life, and retained the fruit's bioactive components.

Several nanoparticles have been used in fruits. The most explored

nanoparticles in climacteric fruits are zinc oxide, silver, and chi- 5.2 | Zinc oxide nanoparticle (ZnONPs)
tosan considering their higher antimicrobial activity and stability.
Nevertheless, other nanoparticles such as iron, titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide nanoparticles have gained the attention of many research-
cerium oxide, and copper have been used in various field of the ers for their unusual peculiar optical and chemical behaviors among
food sector. Titanium dioxide nanoparticle was reported used with the metal oxide nanoparticles, which can be easily tuned by adjusting
chitosan coating to form a film on the surface of mango fruit. It was the morphology. Within the broad family of metal oxide nanoparticles,
effective in reducing losses caused by decay, delay respiration, and zinc oxide nanoparticles have been used in various advanced numer-
maintain the firmness of fruits (Xing et al., 2020). Copper nano- ous cutting-­edge applications, such as electronics, communications,
particles were sprayed on tomatoes and show an increase in the sensors, cosmetics, environmental protection, biology, and the medical
content of bioactive compound and maintenance of quality (López-­ industry, and their food safety (GRAS-­Generally Recognized as Safe)
Vargas et al., 2018). Also, cerium oxide was blended with ascor- has been properly approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
bic acid exhibiting a significant reduction of internal browning of (FDA) (Noshirvani et al., 2017; Rasmussen et al., 2010). Due to its ex-
mango fruit during cold storage. In addition, Nanoparticles have cellent mechanical properties, barrier capacities, biocompatibility, and
been used in food packaging and additives but there are limited antimicrobial broad-­spectrum performances, the zinc oxide nanopar-
studies on their application on climacteric fruits; therefore, there ticle (ZnONP) has gained considerable interest in sciences (Yusof &
is a need to explore the use in fruits shelf life extension (Kumar Zain, 2019). The antimicrobial properties of ZnO particles are due to
et al., 2020). the reactive oxygen species that form on their surface. In addition, re-
cent scientific studies have shown that zinc is a promising coating ma-
terial due to its being a relatively potent antimicrobial agent with high
5.1 | Chitosan nanoparticle stability as a comparison to natural-­based coating, and there is no pos-
sible risk to human health from its use (Sun et al., 2018). And, as stated
Chitosan (CS) is one of the promising biopolymers that has been elsewhere, ZnONP's addition to polysaccharides, lipids, and protein-­
studied as a nanoparticle because of its film-­forming capability, based biopolymers can effectively improve the mechanical properties,
biodegradability, biocompatibility, and antimicrobial activity, non- barrier capacities, and physicochemical properties of edible coatings
toxic to humans, ease of alteration, and flexible physical and chemi- (Muraleedaran & Mujeeb, 2015; Wu et al., 2019). ZnONPs have highly
cal properties (Divya & Jisha, 2018; Jianglian & Shaoying, 2013). effective antibacterial activity and are considered as a possible addi-
Chitosan derived from the deacetylation of chitin in an alkaline me- tive to replace hazardous chemicals and physical antibacterial materi-
dium is obtained from the waste products of the shellfish industry als (Awwad et al., 2020).
(Suseno et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2005). Chitosan is considered gener-
ally regarded as safe (GRAS) and recently approved by the United
States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) [Katiyar et al., 2014; 5.3 | Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
Hu et al., 2019]. Chitosan nanoparticles (CS-­NPs) are a derivative
of CS with excellent physicochemical properties (Divya et al., 2017; Among nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are one of the
Kassem et al., 2019). most studied as they have been shown to be efficient against dif-
The chitosan nanoparticles outperformed the chitosan edible ferent microorganisms and are safe for humans (Aadil et al., 2018).
coatings in terms of antioxidant and antibacterial activity. CS-­NPs Around the same time, silver has been adopted as an antimicrobial
have a smaller particle size and a larger contact area than CS, which material that is relatively free of adverse effects. A wide variety of
contributes to their high biological activity, and the CS-­NPs can antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties are found in silver
move through biofilms and destroy pathogenic bacteria because nanoparticles. Due to its biocidal activity against a wide range of
of the same reasons (Huang & Li, 2014; Qi et al., 2004; Shrestha Gram-­positive and Gram-­negative microorganisms, yeast, molds,
et al., 2010). The potential advantages of chitosan nanoparticles and viruses, silver is currently the most researched antibacterial
over conventional chitosan are distinct as they strengthen the bar- nanoparticle. The release of Ag+ions, which bind to electron donor
rier properties and functionality of edible coatings because of their groups in molecules containing sulfur, oxygen, or nitrogen, is primar-
increased surface area (Eshghi et al., 2014). Chitosan nanoparticles ily responsible for the antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles.
have the distinctive characteristics of chitosan biopolymer and are Additionally, AgNPs outperformed metallic silver in antimicrobial
considered to have higher antimicrobial activities and barrier prop- properties due to their incredibly large surface area, which allows for
erties (Kalaivani et al., 2020). In previous research, a nanochitosan-­ better contact with microorganisms (Toker et al., 2013). The safety
based coating was successfully applied on apples and bananas limit of silver declared by EU safety regulations for foods is 0.05 mg/
(Esyanti et al., 2019; Gardesh et al., 2016; Lustriane et al., 2018). This kg (Fernández et al., 2009). It is proved that a silver concentration

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2158 ODETAYO et al.

of 0.06 mg/L is acceptable for coating fruits and vegetables (An delayed ripening and extended shelf life up to 7 days in storage at
et al., 2008). The use of silver nanoparticles, which include a wide room temperature but also inhibited fruit fungus spoilage through
variety of compounds that can be used in the formulation of edible the oxidative stress-­directed manner. Table 1 shows more studies
coatings, is the most recent breakthrough advancement in the ap- done on the application of nanoparticles to edible coating resulting
plication and development of edible coatings for fresh fruit. in keeping the quality of climacteric fruits.



The application of nanoparticle-­enhanced edible coatings has been The benefits and drawbacks of the addition of nanoparticles to edible
explored in postharvest shelf life research and can be effective in coatings have been studied. The addition of nanoparticles to edible
improving color quality, firmness, increase antimicrobial properties, coatings has provided various benefits, such as increased antimicrobial
control enzymatic activity, and reducing weight loss of fruits (Table 1). activity, and formation of stronger coating homogeneity on fruit sur-
The incorporation of silver nanoparticle into sodium alginate inhibits face (Acevedo-­Fani et al., 2017; Severino et al., 2014). Chitosan, zinc
the growth of the microbial diseases in pear; because after coating, oxide, and silver are the most widely used nanoparticles in climacteric
the silver nanoparticle-­incorporated sodium alginate coatings main- fruits that have shown promising effects when applied to edible poly-
tain its antibacterial activity against Gram-­positive and Gram-­negative saccharide and protein materials. It has been stated that zinc has bet-
bacteria. The coated fruit was found to be suitable for up to 10 days ter compatibility and heat resistance in climacteric fruits (Table 1). The
in storage as judged by the color and appearance, texture, and af- main goal of adding nanoparticles to edible coatings is to enhance the
tertaste compared with sodium alginate-­coated and -­uncoated fruit biopolymer's mechanical properties and water vapor barrier.
(Mohammed Fayaz et al., 2009). Arroyo et al. (2020) investigated the Firstly, ZnO-­enhanced xanthan hybrid method provides greater
effect of chitosan plus alginate plus zinc nanoparticles on the post- health benefits considering zinc requirement in the human body
harvest life of guava. The coating was able to prevent rot appearance, and is healthy in blood compatibility and toxicity tests (Joshy
retarded physiochemical changes related to maturation. Zinc nanopar- et al., 2020). Zinc oxide metal has been shown to have antimicro-
ticles combined with 90 or 100% chitosan, and 10% alginate extended bial properties, demonstrating strong effectiveness in inhibiting the
the shelf life by 13 days compared with the control in guava. growth of pathogenic microorganisms, even when added in small
The utilization of nanoparticles shows improvement in the stor- amounts such as 0.1%–­0.5% (w/v) (Esparza-­González et al., 2016).
age quality of fruits. Joshy et al. (2020) applied novel zinc oxide Recently, Meindrawan et al. (2018) found that the addition of zinc
nanoparticle-­reinforced xanthan gum on apple and tomato fruit. It nanoparticle to carrageenan effectively decreases weight loss and total
preserved the fruits from deterioration and water loss. Based on acidity, preserve firmness, and delay discoloration and decay of mango
these findings, the manufactured edible coatings may serve as a fruit compared with carrageenan alone. This is because zinc can im-
novel antimicrobial agent to safeguard the fruit from microbial con- prove the gas barrier of the coating as compared to carrageenan alone
tamination. Malek (2020) observed the effect of storage tempera- which tends to be hydrophilic. Similarly, zinc significantly improves
tures on the shelf life of golden lily mangoes treated with zinc oxide the quality of cherry tomatoes by suppressing their respiration and
nanoparticle and tapioca starch for 7 days of storage at 32°C, 27°C, water evaporation thus ensuring a better preservative effect at room
and 5°C. The fruit firmness was reduced at 32°C, but storage life temperature storage. The addition of zinc to carboxymethylcellulose
was 2 days maximum while storage temperature of 5°C was found to and cinnamaldehyde not only reduced weight loss and ensured fruit
be most suitable for delaying textural changes and maintaining the firmness for a longer period but significantly inhibited the tested fungi
storage life of mango by 7 days. The study's most striking finding is showing greater antimicrobial activity compared with noncoated or
that thanks to zinc oxide's relatively strong antimicrobial properties pure carboxymethylcellulose with cinnamaldehyde (Guo et al., 2020).
and starch's good mechanical properties, the ZnO–­starch coatings It is possible to attribute this effect to the synergistic antifungal ef-
reduced anthracnose disease growth, delayed texture changes, and fect between ZnONPs and carboxymethylcellulose. Gad and Zag
maintained the shelf life of mango at lower storage temperatures. Zog (2017) tested xanthan gum mixed with 0.2% and 0.4% chitosan
Chandirika et al. (2018) studied the effect of the silver nanopar- nanoparticles against the uncoated and xanthan alone on guava fruit.
ticles on the quality attributes of tomato fruit at room temperature. Xanthan gum mixed with 0.2% nanochitosan decreased decay, color
Their results indicated that the application of silver nanoparticles change, maintained fruit firmness, vitamin C, and good taste compared
showed an extended shelf life period from 16 to 21 days and sensory with xanthan gum or a high concentration of chitosan nanoparticles
quality was maintained when compared with control (noncoating). Li (0.4%). It also enhances the overall quality and extended shelf life at
et al. (2019) successfully developed zinc nanoparticles with soybean cold storage. This recent utilization of nanoparticle has encouraged
protein isolate and cinnamaldehyde as a coating for banana stored the use of a lower concentration of coating administered in form of
at room temperature. Results concluded that the coatings not only nanoparticle to enhance quality and extend the shelf life of fruits.

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ODETAYO et al. 2159

Chitosan nanoparticles have demonstrated significant effects as a greater surface reactivity, and can more efficiently penetrate bio-
a postharvest treatment in terms of antioxidant, antibacterial, and logical barriers than larger particles. Currently, there is insufficient
antifungal activities compared with chitosan (Avelelas et al., 2019; legislation regarding the use of nanoparticles in fruits, and consum-
Divya et al., 2017). Compared with the use of chitosan, chitosan ers view emerging innovations as posing a danger to their health and
nanoparticles are more active and perform better, which is due the environment. Legislative barriers and uncertainty about the ef-
to smaller particle size and increased nanoparticle contact area fectiveness of such systems, as well as their economic and environ-
(Orellano et al., 2019; Qi et al., 2004). The size reduction of chitosan mental impact, may be the primary reasons for this. While legislation
to a nanoscale can improve the functionality and properties at lower is still in its early stages, it must discuss all aspects of nanotechnol-
concentrations (Eshghi et al., 2014). The effective concentration of ogy's use in the fruit industry around the world. Only the European
chitosan decreased significantly to 0.5% when used in nanoparticle Commission (EU) member states of Sweden, France, Denmark,
form as compared to the higher amount suggested in previous stud- Belgium, and Switzerland have adopted their regulations for na-
ies for coating fruits (Esyanti et al., 2019). Chitosan alone or with nomaterials or nano-­enabled goods at this time (Arts et al., 2015).
other polymer has been used at a concentration as high as 2% on Recent EU regulations mandated that any food ingredient derived
fruit to effectively preserve the quality of fruit, but with the intro- from nanotechnological applications be subjected to a safety evalua-
duction of nanoparticle, a lower amount is required to effectively tion before being approved for use (Cubadda et al., 2013). Only a few
preserve the quality of fruits (Khatri et al., 2020; Suseno et al., 2014). nano-­form substances have made it to commercial applications thus
As the penetration and absorption of chitosan increase dramat- far, particularly in the EU. The US Food and Drug Administration
ically in the form of nanoparticles, the effective amount of chitosan (FDA) has approved the use of many forms of nanoparticles, includ-
used for coating fruits can be substantially or greatly reduced (Zahid ing Ag and titanium NPs, in commercially available products like
et al., 2012). Jagana et al. (2017) studied the impact of nanosilver antibacterial skin lotions and sunscreens. Nanoparticles have been
concentration with plant extract of neem on anthracnose diseases used in the food industry for edible foods, providing some confi-
in banana fruit. The nanoparticle, applied using a spraying method, dence that they can be used in fruits with a high degree of protec-
was able to control anthracnose disease in banana even at a low tion (Table 2). FresherLongerTM, BagsFresherLongerTM, Anson Nano
concentration of 0.2%. This was because nanoparticles were able Silver Fresh Containers, Nano Silver Food Container, Fresh Box
to penetrate microbial cells effectively showing complete inhibition Nano Silver Food Container, Miracle Food Storage, and Anson Nano
of spore germination of Colletotrichum musae. Edible coatings such Freshness-­Keeping Film are silver nanoparticles commercially avail-
as plant extract may possess strong odor and flavor and may have able for use in countries such as the United States, China, and South
a strong negative effect on the sensory properties of fruits thereby Korea, and they are used in packaging of food products. With the
limiting their application. Silver nanoparticles on the other hand do ever-­increasing usage of nanoparticles on fruits on a commercial
not adversely affect the sensory characteristics of fruits and are scale, it is critical to stress the value of performing short-­ and long-­
more acceptable to consumers (Chandirika et al., 2018). term toxicity studies, both for the environment and for humans, to
Consequently, the higher concentration of nanoparticles can ensure consumer protection. Multiple factors influence the toxicity
cause physiological damage thereby changing the internal atmo- of NPs, including form, scale, surface charge, composition, and NP
sphere of fruits, and increased chlorophyll degradation by enhanc- stability. The key danger is that nanoparticles used directly on fruit
ing fruit ripening (Zambrano-­Zaragoza et al., 2013). Developing could migrate into the fruit product. More research demonstrating
a nanoparticle can cost a lot of money; thereby, it is advisable to that the nano material does not migrate into the food matrix may
synthesis the material via a green method by using plant extracts, help with regulatory and consumer acceptance. Also, the conse-
which have a lower cost. Edible coatings such as alginate display low quences of long-­term ingestion of low yet regular concentrations or
viscosity fluid when used with zinc nanoparticles leading to an inabil- doses of nanoparticles on fruits, on the other hand, have yet to be in-
ity of gas exchange between fruit and the environment. Chitosan on vestigated. Risk assessments, biosafety, and legislation for inorganic
the other hand has shown synergy relations, emulsifying, and cross- nanoparticles are still a work in progress that necessitates further
linking abilities when used with zinc (Arroyo et al., 2020). Therefore, study. This reality motivates researchers to continue their research
some nanoparticles do not form a synergy effect with edible coat- and development efforts in the field of nanotechnology in order to
ings, which might limit their application in postharvest treatment. secure a more accurate understanding of the materials' applications,
risks, and benefits in fruits during the postharvest stage.
Future research should focus on potential human health con-
8 | SA FE T Y CO N C E R N S A N D LEG I S L ATI O N sequences, as certain materials, such as TiO2, have been linked to
I N U S I N G N A N O PA RTI C LE- ­E N H A N C E D colon cancer. Deng et al. (2021) explored recent developments in
E D I B LE COATI N G S the production of food nanoparticles as well as the possible threats
and found that they pose a possible threat to the human gastroin-
Nanoparticles are used in the fruit industry for a variety of reasons, testinal tract. To effectively avoid the potential risks of nanopar-
one of which is their unique properties, which are associated with ticle applications in the food industry, it is important to include a
their small size. Small particles, for example, are digested faster, have specific description that encompasses the unique properties of

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2160 ODETAYO et al.

TA B L E 2 Application of nanoparticles in the food industry

Nanoparticles Application in food industry References

Zinc oxide Active packaging for fresh orange juice Emamifar et al. (2011)
Zinc oxide Food additive Pérez et al. (2011)
Zinc oxide Antimicrobial food packaging Suo et al. (2017); Beak et al., 2017
Zinc oxide Antimicrobial agent (Kim et al., 2020; McClements & Xiao, 2017)
Zinc oxide Food packaging material Espitia et al. (2016)
Zinc oxide Food lining in packaging Silvestre et al. (2011)
Silver Antimicrobial agent in food packaging Medina-­Reyes et al. (2020)
Silver Surface coatings for sweets Medina-­Reyes et al. (2020)
Silver Antimicrobials in marine shrimp farming Camacho-­Jiménez et al. (2020)
Silver Zeolite Food preservation Kawahara et al. (2000)
Silver Antimicrobial packaging Chaudhry et al. (2008)
Silver Commercial food containers Artiaga et al. (2015)
Silver Commercial containers and bags Ozaki et al. (2016)
Silver Food storage and food packaging materials
T i O2 Food colorant Chen et al. (2017)
T i O2 Food additives (EFSA -­European Food Safety Authority, 2000; Weir et al., 2012)
Zinc oxide and silver Nanocomposite packaging for chicken Panea et al. (2014)
Chitosan Cheese, meat, and fermented sausage Wang et al. (2004)
Chitosan Glazing material for frozen shrimp Solval et al. (2014)
Gold Food additives (EFSA Panel (EFSA Panel o on Food Additives and Nutrient
Sources added to Food), 2016)
Silicon dioxide Anticaking and antifoaming agent in foodstuffs (JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives),

nanocomponents as well as the required application or limitations of fruits. This review has summarized that nanoparticle-­enhanced
of nanomaterials for the related products. Finally, before nanoma- edible coatings applied to climacteric fruits can effectively improve
terials can be commercialized, definitive and conclusive studies their physical and sensory properties, inhibit the growth of microbes,
on their safety and environmental impact are needed (de Azeredo and prolong the shelf life of fruits. When used singly, some edible
et al., 2018). coatings have shown unsatisfactory results in practical application;
hence, their combination with nanoparticles helps to improve their
physicochemical and biological properties.
9 | CO N C LU S I O N A N D FU T U R E TR E N DS There is a great potential to extend the use of other nanopar-
ticles such as copper, cerium oxide, and titanium oxide as coating
Climacteric fruits are a central component of the human diet, sup- materials as they are of low concern. Also, food-­grade nanomate-
plying important minerals and vitamins for human health. Efforts rials such as starch, cellulose, and gums are edible and nontoxic
have been made to improve storage conditions of the fruits, moni- and hence present promising prospects for use in fruit coating.
tor their susceptibility to disease after harvest, and preserve their The combination of nanoparticle-­enriched edible coating with the
freshness to meet consumers' demands. The acceptability of fruits use of existing technologies such as low-­temperature storage and
by consumers depends on quality parameters such as color, texture, controlled atmosphere storage is another great field of research. To
absence of decay, and most importantly, the nutritional and health understand the method of applying nanoparticle-­enhanced edible
benefit they provide. Edible coatings, driven by their low cost and coatings and their effect on sensory and nutritional properties of
nontoxic nature, are among the well-­studied natural polymers and climacteric fruits, further research is crucial. Nonetheless, despite
their application has proven to be promising for fruit preservation. research emphasis on improving the appearance of fruit, there is still
The application of nanoparticles appears to be highly promising in a lot to be done towards improving the organoleptic properties and
the field of postharvest storage for extending the shelf life of cli- nutritive values through the reasonable application of food-­grade
macteric fruits. The current materials widely used for coating climac- materials to synthesize nanoparticles. Again, further investigation is
teric fruits are zinc oxide, silver, and chitosan nanoparticles because necessary regarding the behavior of these materials after ingestion
they show promising results in preserving the postharvest quality and maximum allowable amounts of the nanoparticles that may be

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ODETAYO et al. 2161

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