The Return of Zaltec The Return of Zaltec : Hints Solutions Hints Solutions

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The purpose of this document is to help play ​The Return of Zaltec​ gamebook.

Without ​The Return of Zaltec​, this walkthrough has no real use. 
This document is divided into two main sections: ​Hints ​and S ​ olutions​. 
The H
​ ints ​section is for when you’re stuck on a puzzle but don’t want the actual solution 
spelled out. 
Solutions​, on the other hand, tells you the exact solution to puzzles. 
General gameplay tips: 

● When leveling up, focus on developing one skill. 

Sword skill or Magic skill are recommended. 

● Always keep 5 magic points. They will often be needed for an emergency teleport (once 
you learn the teleport spell). 

● Write down any symbol you might encounter. Most of them (but not all) are essential 
for solving the puzzles in the game. 

Part 1 - Hints 
Ancient writing: 

● The monster temple contains the key to deciphering the ancient writings. 

● The spelling is not necessarily the same as in English. 

Page 9: Town Square 

● The circles over the arch are missing stones. Keep an eye out for anything that might fill 
them in. 

● The patterns and lines around the missing stones have significance. 
Page 16: Zaltec’s Tomb 

● Pay attention to the markings on the sword. They’ll be needed later. 

● If you cannot yet read the markings, you must explore the House of Numbers in Zaku 

● Whose sword was kept in Zaltec’s tomb? What is the significance of this sword? 
Check out ​The Story of Zaltec​ in the library in Kabar Town. 
Page 19: Zaltec 

● With stats like that, it is virtually impossible to beat Zaltec. 

● The Story of Zaltec​ in the library in Kabar Town contains a clue as to how Zaltec can be 

● Pay attention to the markings on Zaltec’s chest. 

● Does the right-pointing arrow look familiar? Where else have you seen it in the 

● There is one symbol that you might not recognize yet. 


Page 37: Zaku Ruins 

● What is the purpose of the grid on the front of the building? 

● Is there a pattern to the dots on the grid? 

● The writing over the grid is related to the grid itself. 

Page 39: Western Sea 

● According to the village elder in Barnan, Zaltec is in a tower on the island of Rumbu. Yet 
none of these islands is inhabited. The clue to finding the island is hidden in Zaku 
Page 52: Zaku Ruins 

● These symbols are related to the symbols on the front of the structure. 
That should be enough information to decipher them. 
Pages 53, 54: Zaku Ruins 

● Both writings seem to be cut off. 

Page 55: Tower 

● The writing doesn’t seem to make any sense. 

● The symbol underneath the writing should look familiar. However, it is different in 
some way than the similar symbol you may have encountered. 

● Prophecies of An-Shuruk​, in the library in Kabar Town, mentions Zaltec’s tower being 
locked. Perhaps it hints at how to open the tower. 

Part 2 - Solutions 
Ancient writing 
A  B  C/K/Q  D  E  F  G 


I/Y  L  M  N  O  P  R 


S  T  U/W  V  Z     

Page 9: Town Square 
The missing stones are hidden throughout the game. They are in the following places: Barnan 
(page 35), Monster Temple (two on page 41, one on 42 and one on 44), Kubul Road (two, on 
page 47), Zaku Ruins (five, on page 53). 
In order to determine their rotation and location on the arch, you must match up the lines 
along the stones’ edges to the lines on the arch itself. Placed correctly, the stones spell out 
“page seventin”, meaning p ​ age seventeen​. 
Page 16: Zaltec’s Tomb 
The sword is Zaltec’s sword, the only weapon that can defeat him. 
The writings on it show that 19+1= . 
Once you confront Zaltec in person, you’ll need to remember that equals 20 and use the 
sword to defeat him. 

Page 19: Zaltec 
In order to defeat Zaltec, you’ll need to find his sword. The sword is in his tomb, hidden 
underneath the town square, and on it is an inscription that shows that equals 20.  
Thus, the writing on Zaltec’s chest together with the sword shows that you must turn to page 
37+20; that is, page 57. 
Page 37: Zaku Ruins 
The grid represents numbers, like so: 
1  2  3 

4  5  6 

7  8  9 
So ⌟ represents 1, ⊔ represents 2, ⌞ represents 3, ⌜ represents 9, etc. 
Page 39: Western Sea 
According to inscriptions in Zaku Ruins, in order to find the Rumbu Island you must: 
1. Count the islands (there are 40) 
2. Divide that number by 5 (so you’re left with 8) 
3. Multiply by 2 (so you’ve got 16) 
4. Add another 2 (so you have 18) 
5. Turn to that number (go to page 18). 
Page 52: Zaku Ruins 
The corner symbols represent numbers (see solution of page 37 for details). 
The triangles are + signs, and the “=” is simply the e
​ quals s​ ymbol. 
Pages 53, 54: Zaku Ruins: 
The writings wrap around both sides of the rock. 
They give the solution to finding Rumbu Island, as described in the solution of page 39. 

Page 55: Tower 
The writing is mirrored. 
Mirroring it back, it spells “page forty faiv” (page 45). 

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