Table of Contents:: Modified Tomb Rules v3.1

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MTR v3.1.


Modified Tomb Rules v3.1

(A.K.A. “Modified Rulebook” or “MTR”)
--Rule Zero: All Rules are considered to be “Unless Stated Otherwise” (Including this One)--

Table of Contents:
Important Notes......................Page(s) 1
Definitions..... …....... …....... Page(s) 1-2
Rules.. …....... …....... …....... Page(s) 2-4
Clarifications.. …....... …....... Page(s) 4
Optional/Test Rules... …....... Page(s) 5
Notes/ Key..... …....... …....... Page(s) 5

Important Notes:
NOTE 1: All rules in the “Modified Tomb Rules” are Overrides of the original pertaining rules in the Official Rulebook,
or are Added rules that the Official Rulebook never specifies on. This means that the Rules in the following
document are of higher authority than the rules in any of the other three Rule References. This Modified
Rulebook, is a work in progress, and has/is/will be developed over time with the general consensus of all players
participating at the time the rule was written/decided upon.

NOTE 2: At any time a player may contest a person’s knowledge of the rules, with no penalty (except that of every
player’s time) and consult the rules. However, there is a specific order to consulting the rules. Step 1: Consult the
Modified Rulebook for clarification; if that does not resolve/clarify the issue proceed to step 2. Step 2: Consult the
Official Tomb FAQ Sheet; if that does not resolve/clarify the issue proceed to step 3. Step 3: Consult the Official
Tomb Cryptmaster Expansion Rulebook; if that does not resolve/clarify the issue, then and only then may you
proceed to step 4. Step 4: Consult the Tomb Official Rulebook. (Caution! These rules are outdated and may only
be consulted if none of the previous versions resolved/clarified the issue). If the issue is still not resolved or
clarified after step 4, the group of players may agree on a new rule that will take effect at the group’s discretion.

(Common Definitions are found on pages 7 and 8 of the Official Tomb Cryptmaster Rulebook.)
“Inn”: See page 6 of the Official Rulebook.

“Tomb”: The entire Board including the Crypts, but not the Inn. Usually refers to Hallway Spaces.

“Hallway Spaces”: Any space that can be occupied by a party within the Tomb except for Crypt entrances.

“Crypt”: A slot on the board that can contain Curses, Traps, Monsters, and Treasures (A.K.A Crypt Cards).

“Player” or “Players”: The Human Players of the game.

“Character”: Refers to a member or members of a Player’s Party

“Cryptmaster” or “CM”: Refers to the Player taking control of Monsters in a Crypt that is being raided.

“Party”: Consists of a Player’s Characters, and is identified by a colored “token” on the game board.

“Turn”: A Player’s Turn in its entirety. Consists of 3 phases (see pg 9 in Official Rulebook).

“Opponent”: Generally referring to Monsters or Characters that are opposing you.

“Friend”: See page 8 of the Official Rulebook.

Credits: Writer- Lord Valgor; Players- Lenzine, Crytalo, Ninja Nate, Valdar, and Draamril.
MTR v3.1.1—1/21/2018--pg2/5

(Definitions Cont.)
“Battle”: A Battle is an “Action” that a Player may take in which one Party attacks another. A Battle consists of any
number of Combat Rounds until either one party is dead or one has fled, and takes up an entire Player's Turn.
Location does not affect the definition of the term.

“Combat Round”: A Round in which every Character/Monster within the Crypt attacks or acts once. After everyone has
attacked or acted once, the next Combat Round begins. Combat Rounds repeat until either the Raiding Party or
the Defending Party is defeated or one party has fleed. Combat Rounds are NOT Turns, they are only part of a
Turn and thus the two terms are not interchangeable.

“Raiding Party”: The Party that is raiding a Crypt or the attackers in a Battle. This term is interchangeable with

“Defending Party”: The Party that is defending either the Crypt or from another party initiating a Battle; the most common
example of a Defending Party are the Monsters in a Crypt. This term is interchangeable with “Defender.”

“Enemy”: Generally refers to any player that is not you (unless you are playing with teams).

Inn Related
1: Game Start. At the beginning of the game, the initial recruitment phase looks like this (override pg6):
a) Each player takes 6 Characters from either or both of the bags.
b) Each player selects 1 Character and passes the remaining 5 Characters to the player to their left.
1) If a player draws a Cleric and/or Wizard, he/she draws 2 prayers and/or spells respectively.
c) Players then take the 5 Characters, draw one more from a bag, and repeat the process.
d) Once each Player has 3 Characters, place all remaining Characters in the Inn.
e) Draw until there are 20 Characters in the Inn.
f) Each Player (starting with the first player), draws 8 Inn cards with a maximum of 4 in any one deck.
g) The first player now starts the game and play continues as normal ***(see note!).

2: XP File. In addition to the “XP Bank” there is now an “XP File.” The XP Bank cannot be lost when your party dies,
however, the XP File can. No longer do defeated curses, traps, monsters, or acquired treasure (treasure can be
equipped once acquired but can still be lost as normal) go straight to your Bank. They now go to your XP File,
which is face up and remains so as long as you are in the tomb. Again, if your party is defeated, all of your XP
File is lost, whereas your XP Bank is safe. To transfer all cards in the File to the Bank at once, you must end your
turn in the Inn and all XP File cards will automatically be Banked. Further, all mention of “Banking” on cards is
replaced with “Filing”. For example, if a card (ie a treasure) states that it must be banked immediately, it instead
must be Filed immediately (override pg11).

3: Drawing Cards. As a Turn action, a Player may either (override pg9):

A) Draw 4 Inn cards total (max of 2 from each deck) and stay in the Inn
B) Draw 2 Inn Cards total and return to the Tomb with halved movement.
Note: A Player may only Draw a total of 6 Inn Cards in between raiding crypts.

4: Fleeing. When your party flees from the Tomb or a Crypt, it will cost you 2 (minimum of 1 XP each) of your most
recent cards in your XP File. If there are no cards in your XP File, you must take the most recent card (minimum
1 XP) from your XP Bank. If you do not have any cards in either your XP File or your XP Bank, you must take a
Penalty Turn in the Inn* (override pg12).

Credits: Writer- Lord Valgor; Players- Lenzine, Crytalo, Ninja Nate, Valdar, and Draamril.
MTR v3.1.1—1/21/2018--pg3/5

(Rules Cont.)
Action Related
1: Not all Actions may be used from the Player’s hand, Including actions on Items, Prayers, and Spells. (override pg8).

2: Reacts. One specific React Action may only be used once per Combat Round, however there is no limit as to the total
amount of different React Actions that may occur within that same Combat Round (override pg8).

3: A Grace (or, a mulligan) may be given to a player for whatever reason (forgot something, didn’t do what they wanted,
etc), but whether or not the player receives Grace is determined by the player that is not the direct beneficiary of
the effect. For example, if one player forgot to use the Prayer Card “Strengthen” on their last roll, the player
opposing, or not wielding the Card, decides if the player can roll 3 more blue dice (addendum).

4: Rem Curses. While in the Tomb, a Party may take a Turn to attempt at dispelling a Curse. However, if a Party is in the
Inn it is considered a Free Action (in both instances it is a party check), and they may try once per curse (override

5: Rem Curses. While in the Inn, a Party may use a Free Action to freely remove a single curse from their party.
However, the curse (and its XP) will be discarded instead of Banked (addendum).

6: Healing. As a Free Action, a Player may select one Character to roll Holiness. For each two successes, one wound is
healed from a party member of their choice (roll over allowed). As a Turn Action, a Player may make a Party
Holiness Role (in which all Holiness Dice in the Party are added and rolled) to Heal any number of Members in
your Party at one wound healed per success rolled (override pg9).

7: Terminate. While in the Tomb, a Party may take a Turn to “off” (kill, terminally maim, murder, dismember,
decapitate, etc) one of their characters (addendum).

Gameplay Related
1: Battle Targets. When a monster/defending party attacks/uses a spell or effect that causes damage, the raiding/attacking
party chooses which one of his characters is affected by the damage, and visa versa. More simply, whoever is
being attacked chooses which one of their own characters/monsters are hurt (override pg12).

2: Disregard All Overlord Rules in the Official Rulebook. Game continues until all cards in the Tomb are defeated or
discarded as normal. Overlords may NOT be moved, removed, or recruited by the raider/raiding party under any
circumstance (The one exception being the Prayer Card “Cleanse”). In all instances, Overlords have first priority
and precedence, and benefit of the doubt. Overlords are subject to certain “monster” effects but they themselves
are not monsters (eg: another monster’s trait is “add attack of this monster to other monsters in the crypt”, the
Overlord may still use this ability, but the Overlord would not be affected by certain other effects such as
immediately banking a monster). All Overlord effects and/or traits also apply to its own crypt (override pg14).

3: The number of Item Cards allowed to be attached to a character is determined by the character’s class (override pg7):
--Characters with the “Fighter” Class may attach up to 3 Item Cards.
--Characters with the “Rogue” or “Cleric” Class may attach up to 2 Item Cards.
--Characters with the “Wizard” Class may attach up to 1 Item Card.
--{Clarification} Characters can attach up to their highest class, so a Wizard/Fighter can carry 3 Item Cards.
--{Clarification} The Character “Master Caremus” may carry up to 4 Items. Characters with traits similar to this
apply the in the same way.
--All characters may have up to 2 tactics cards attached.
--All Characters may have up to 3 Unspecified Treasure Cards attached.**
--All Characters may have up to 3 Specified Treasure Cards attached.
--Example-- “Master Caremus” may have 4 Items, 2 Unspecified Treasures, and 2 Specified Treasures. This
amounts into a total maximum of 8 Item and Treasure cards for “Master Caremus.”

Credits: Writer- Lord Valgor; Players- Lenzine, Crytalo, Ninja Nate, Valdar, and Draamril.
MTR v3.1.1—1/21/2018--pg4/5

(Rules Cont.)
4: Sp/Pr Limits. A single character (with the appropriate class/classes) may have up to 6 Spells and/or Prayers attached to
him/her at one time (override pg7).

5: Curses are to be revealed at the same time as treasure. They must be attached, but the raiding player chooses which
character each treasure is attached to (override pg10).

6: CM. If a player is not the CM, they may not play any CM cards (override pg13).

7: When a character dies during combat, their corpse remains in the crypt with all items attached until the end of the
Turn; therefore, any resurrect prayer/spell will resurrect the character with all items attached. At the end of the
raid (if the raiding party succeeds) the items may be retrieved (normal equipping and carrying rules still apply). If
the raiding party does not succeed, all items are lost (pg10, override pg14+FAQ).

8: PvP battles are not allowed (override pg14).

1: All Cryptmaster (CM) cards now read “Discard after use” in addition to the text that is already present (pg 13).

2: “Free” Actions (pg8-9):

--May be used before Turn Actions.
--May only be used outside of Battle.
--One specific Free Action may only be used once per Turn.

3: “Turn” Actions may not be used in battle unless they say “Turn/Battle” or “Battle/Turn.”

4: {Card} The Tactic Card “Trade Routes” applies to anywhere in the Tomb, except for in a Crypt, and does not count
towards the max number of cards a player may draw in between raiding Crypts.

5: {Card} The Tactics Card “Displacement” is discarded after using.

6: {Card} The Monster Card “Rubric” is now as follows: “Rubric may only suffer wounds from green dice. After each &
every member of the Raiding Party has acted† for the Combat Round, Rubric may perform Combat Actions
against each of them.”

7: {Card} The Prayer Card “Cleanse” is now as follows: “Turn: Move the Overlord to a new crypt with at least one crypt
card present, or discard one face down card from a crypt. Shuffle this card into the prayer deck.”

8: {Card} The Prayer Card "Hold Monster" is now as follows, “React: After a Monster announces its action (including
attacking), the caster may make a Holiness Roll (TN3). If successful, the Monster’s action is canceled and it may
not act this combat round. This counts as the caster’s action for this combat round.”

9: {Card} The Spell Card “Haste” is now as follows, “React: At the start of your turn, your Party gains a bonus to its
Move for this turn equal to the number of successes rolled from a Magic check by this spell’s caster.”

10: When controlling a monster as the CM, cards that state “monster” can instead be read as referring to a “member” in
the raiding party. For example, if a spell that is equipped to a monster distinguishes targeting a monster, the
monster may use the spell to target a character in the raiding party (pg8,12).

11: Magic Portals on the “Sepulcher of Hate” Tomb now read, “React: When you enter this square make a party magic
check (TN 4). If successful move to any Magic Portal. Complete your move as usual, regardless of result.”

Credits: Writer- Lord Valgor; Players- Lenzine, Crytalo, Ninja Nate, Valdar, and Draamril.
MTR v3.1.1—1/21/2018--pg5/5

Optional/Test Rules:
1: At the consensus of all players, the number next to a crypt may be increased by any number (override pg5).

2: (OldeTest) - Clarification #7: TN4 instead of TN3.

3: At the beginning of the Game, as part of your initial recruitment of a character or characters, you also draw 8 Inn cards,
with a max of 4 from any specific deck. At this same time, you also draw the cards that come with specific classes
(Wizard/Spell and Cleric/Prayer) (these cards are not part of the 4 maximum per deck). So again, the Recruitment
Phase should look like this: All players draw 5-6 Characters from the pool(s); All players pick 1-2 Characters;
Then, starting in clockwise direction starting with “player 1”, choose 8 cards plus the class specific cards that
apply; Continue around until all players have completed this turn. The Recruitment Phase ends and the Game
begins.***(see note!) Good Luck! (override pg6).

[[4: Monster Traits.]] When a Player recruits a Monster, all Traits the Monster has are removed.

5: Overlords. Overlords have +5 printed HP and +5 printed XP. However, if they are the only monster in the Crypt at the
Beginning of the raid, they have +10 printed HP (override pg14).

Notes/ Key:
Statements such as “The Official Rulebook” (or closely related phrases) directly refer to the Official Tomb Cryptmaster
Expansion Rulebook that came with the game’s expansion set. NOT to the Original game’s Rulebook.

***-- Note: At the beginning of the Game, no player may spend another turn in the Inn drawing cards until they have at
least attempted to raid a crypt. However, they may continue to draw as many characters into their party as the rules allow
allotting 1 turn per draw. Also, at the beginning of the game ONLY, Item Discarding rules do not apply until the player
has a legitimate chance to attach all Inn cards. For example, if you draw 4 weapon cards but only started with two
characters you may hold on to the other two weapon cards until you have 4 characters.

*Penalty Turn: Your next turn is skipped.

**Unspecified Item/Treasure Cards refers to Cards without types. So a “Weapon” would be a Specified Item Card.

†A character may choose to not act during combat for whatever reason, however, this is still considered a Combat Action.

[[Brackets]] Generally distinguish a Test Rule which is regularly being applied.

--Warning-- It is of mutual agreement that when facing the Monster Card “Angel of Despair” you are advised to
immediately retreat to the Inn. In most cases it is considered outright insane to face Her no matter the circumstances. It is
believed that She once defeated 3 parties at the same time, all of which had 5 characters who had maxed Items, Prayers,
Spells, and Tactics resulting in incredible stats per character. This may be legend, but either way Her immeasurable power
is not to be taken lightly.

Credits: Writer- Lord Valgor; Players- Lenzine, Crytalo, Ninja Nate, Valdar, and Draamril.

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