DOT MC No. 2021-004 - Surfing Camps and The Conduct of Surfing Lessons
DOT MC No. 2021-004 - Surfing Camps and The Conduct of Surfing Lessons
DOT MC No. 2021-004 - Surfing Camps and The Conduct of Surfing Lessons
WHEREAS, pursuant to Republic Act No. 9593 or the Tourism Act of 2009, the Department of
Tourism (DOT) is mandated to promulgate rules and regulations governing the operation and
activities of all tourism enterprises;
WHEREAS, on 20 January 2020, DOT issued Memorandum Circular No. 2020-01 or the Rules and
Regulations to Govern the Accreditation of Surfing Camps and Filipino Surfing Instructors;
WHEREAS, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases
(IATF-EID) Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines
def e he Ne N a a e e g g beha , a , a d Minimum Public Health Standards
that will be institutionalized in common or routine practices and remain even after the pandemic while
the disease is not totally eradicated through means such as widespread immunization;
WHEREAS, there is a need to provide guidelines to institutionalize the present health and safety
protocols in the operations of Surfing Camps and conduct of surfing lessons under a New Normal
NOW, THEREFORE, based on the foregoing, these Health and Safety Guidelines Governing the
Operation Surfing Camps and Conduct of Surfing Lessons under the New Normal are hereby issued:
d. C ac T ac g F efe he f a e f de c ac
information through a mobile application such as the StaySafe.Ph App, substantially
following the template in Annex A-2 of the DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-
e. E e ge c P e a ed e P a efe he de a ed a eg ced e be b e ed
to address an emergency, which shall include, but is not limited to, surfing accident and
potential COVID-19 infection of any guest or staff, and the corresponding transporting,
reporting, and disinfection protocols.
f. D fec refers to the use of chemicals to kill microbes on surfaces. This process does
not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove microbes, but by killing microbes on a surface
after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of infection. (DOH DM No. 2020-0157)
h. Hea h Dec a a F refers to a form that a person must fill-up through a mobile
application, to declare his or her current health condition and travel history for the past
fourteen (14) days, substantially following the template in Annex A-1 of the DTI-DOLE Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A.
m. Ph ca D a c g S c a D a c g efe he c a e a ce f a distance of
at least one (1) meter radius between persons. (Memorandum from the Executive Secretary
dated 13 March 2020)
n. P bab e COVID-19 Ca e efe a individual that meets the clinical criteria provided
under DOH DM No. 2020-0439 or the Omnibus Interim Guidelines on Prevention, Detection,
Isolation, Treatment, and Reintegration Strategies for COVID-19.
r. S f g I c efe a d d a h de fe a edge a d
assistance on proper and safe surfing, for a fee, commission or any form of lawful
remuneration and certified by any recognized international surfing organization.
s. S f g Le Pac age refers to the detailed description of the surfing lesson options
indicating the number of hours, types of lesson (beginner, intermediate, or professional) and
Section 3. Scope and Application. This Circular shall apply to DOT-Accredited Surfing
Camps and DOT-Accredited Surfing Instructors conducting surfing lessons in areas where a
Community Quarantine is no longer in place.
a. The Management must ensure the monitoring of body temperature of all employees every
time they report to work. Those with body temperature exceeding 37.5 degrees Celsius or
those exhibiting flu-like symptoms shall be directed to see a doctor and to stay at home.
b. Employees shall be required to fill out a Health Declaration Form (HDF) or any digital
iteration thereof, prior to or upon entering the premises. If based on the HDF, the employee
meets any of the following conditions, he/she shall be denied entry and shall be directed
to consult a doctor or stay at home:
1. Employee is experiencing fever, cough and/or colds, body pains, or sore throat;
2. Employee had a face-to-face contact with a Probable or Confirmed COVID-19
case within 1 meter and for more than 15 minutes for the past 14 days;
3. Employee provided direct care for a patient with Probable or Confirmed COVID-
19 case without using PPE in the past 14 days; or
4. Employee travelled outside the Philippines in the last 14 days (DTI- DOLE JMC
20- 04-A).
c. The Management shall provide employees with their respective PPE, to be worn when
necessary, while on duty, such as:
1. Facemask;
2. Face shield; and
3. 70% solution alcohol or alcohol-based sanitizer.
d. Employees shall wear proper PPE and disinfect their hands before and after touching any
equipment to be handed to or from guests or students.
f. The Management shall adhere with the COVID-19 testing protocols for employees, as
may be required or recommended under applicable issuances of the Department of Health
(DOH), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), or the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI).
a. As far as practicable, foot or sanitizing baths shall be made available at entrances and
exits of the Surfing Camps;
b. In areas where guests are expected to queue or gather, floor markers allowing one (1)
meter distance between guests shall be in place to ensure Physical Distancing;
c. The following shall be readily available at the reception counter or desk of Surfing Camps:
e. Trash bins must be provided, and a separate trash bin or bag must be provided for the
disposal of used PPE such as used face masks and gloves;
f. Surfing equipment including surf boards and leashes must be cleaned and disinfected
regularly and after every use, and before handing over the same to Guests and Students;
h. Toilet facilities must be functional and properly maintained with adequate supply of clean
water; and
i. Toilets and restrooms must be provided with soap, alcohol, and tissue paper or napkin.
a. Surfing Camps shall require prior booking or reservation of the desired Surfing Lesson
Package through online or other digital means to control the number of Guests and
Students to be accommodated. No walk-in Guests or Students shall be allowed.
b. Guests and Students must be screened prior entry to the Surf Camp through:
2. Completion of Health Declaration Form and Contact Tracing Form using a
mobile application such as the StaySafe.Ph App.
Only Guests and Students cleared during screening shall be allowed to enter the
perimeter. Those with fever and flu-like symptoms will not be allowed to enter the
establishment and will be referred to the doctor on duty, if any, to the nearest hospital, or
to the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) in accordance with the
DOH prescribed protocol.
Accomplished Health Declaration and Contact Tracing Forms shall be handled and
processed with confidentiality and in accordance with the Data Privacy Act and shall be
disposed of after thirty (30) days from the date of accomplishment.
d. Physical distancing measures, respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene and other minimum
public health standards must be strictly observed at all times.
e. Students shall be encouraged to bring their own surf boards to be used during surfing
c. At least two (2)-meter physical distancing must be maintained between the Surfing
Instructor and the Student during the briefing session;
d. Face masks must be properly worn during the conduct of safety briefing; and
e. The Surfing Instructor must use separate surfboards when doing a demonstration.
a. Face masks shall not be used during surfing lessons in the water;
b. Physical distancing must be properly observed while in the water. As far as practicable,
Surfing Instructor must guide the Student from a safe distance of at least two (2) meters;
c. For students who are considered beginners or those surfing for the first time, the Surfing
Instructor may guide or support him or her by holding only the tail of the surf board
maintaining, as far as practicable, at least one (1) meter distance from the head of the
d. As far as practicable, surfing Instructors and Students must wear face masks when no
longer in the water.
a. Surfing Camps must have an Emergency Preparedness Plan to ensure the availability of
an effective response mechanism to any emergency situation;
c. There shall be a designated holding area for Guests and Students showing COVID-19
symptoms while waiting for trained personnel to transport him or her to the nearest hospital
or medical facility;
d. In case employees test positive for COVID-19, the protocols under DTI-DOLE Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A shall be observed; and
Section 11. Reportorial Requirements. Surfing Camps shall report to the DOT Regional Office
with jurisdiction over their area the following information:
(a) Number of Guests, Students, or employees who have developed COVID-19 symptoms or
tested positive, if any; and
(b) Number of Guests, Students, or employees who were transferred to the appropriate
health facility, if any.
Section 12. Compliance with other relevant issuances. Surfing Camps and Surfing Instructors
shall comply with other relevant IATF-EID, DOT, DTI, DOLE, or DOH issuances on health and safety
standards, as well as rules and regulations imposed by the local government unit (LGU) having
jurisdiction over the surf camps and surfing instructors, which are deemed to apply to these
Guidelines in suppletory manner or by analogy.
Section 13. Penalties. Any violation of this Circular may subject the Surfing Camps and the
Surfing Instructors to the appropriate fines and penalties, including the revocation of its DOT
Accreditation in accordance with relevant rules and regulations.
Section 14. Separability Clause. If any provision of this Circular is declared invalid or
unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall continue to be in force and effect.
Section 15. Repealing Clause. All issuances, orders, rules, and regulations or parts thereof
which are inconsistent with the provision of this Circular are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 16. Effectivity. This Circular shall take effect immediately upon filing with the University
of the Philippines Office of the National Administrative Register (UP-ONAR) and shall remain
effective until otherwise superseded, amended, or repealed accordingly.
12 February
March 2021 2021.