DOH Administrative Order No 2024 0043

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Republicof the Philippines

Department of Health

AUG 3 12001

No. 2021-_0043

i inimum Publi
SUBJECT : idelines
the Safe Reopening of Institutions


A year after the World Health Organizations (WHO) declaration of the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) as a Global Pandemic followed with the issuance of Proclamation No.
922, or the State of Public Health Emergency, and Proclamation No. 1021, or the State of
Calamity throughout the Philippines the health, economic, political, cultural, and societal
consequences have affected various aspects of our daily life, including, but not limited to,
travel, trade, tourism, food supplies, and financial markets.

The safe reopening of the Philippine economy is vital in addressing the enormous revenue
loss brought about by the pandemic, as this encompasses promoting economic activity while
mitigating the risk of infection spread. Emphasis on the adherence to the minimum public
health standards to prevent COVID-19 resurgence following the unrestricted reopening of the
different sectors of the economy.

This issuance supersedes the existing guidelines, Department of Health (DOH)

Administrative Order No. 2020-0015 “Guidelines on the Risk-Based Public Health Standards
Jor COVID-19 Mitigation” and complements the DOH Department Memorandum No.
2020-0512, otherwise known as Revised Omnibus Interim Guidelines on Prevention,
Detection, Isolation, Treatment and Reintegration Strategies for COVID-19. These shall set
the guidelines for sectoral planning on the implementation of Non-Pharmaceutical
Interventions (NPIs) as minimum public health standards to mitigate the threat of COVID-19
and guide all
sectors to adapt towards the safe reopening of the Philippine economy.


This Order shall prescribe the minimum public health standards following the Prevent,
Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate and Vaccinate (PDITR+) strategies to be implemented
across all settings as the guide for the safe reopening of the different sectors of the economy.
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EEANA ‘Fis| Order shall apply to all entities and establishments, including households and
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o om munities, workplaces in both the private and public sector, schools and other educational
NBL Blishments, transport terminals, private and public transport vehicles, outdoor and indoor


Ad) Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenuc. Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1708. 1111, 1112. 1113 ®, 1
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 & URL:; e-mail: [email protected]
public spaces, leisure centers, sports centers, national government agencies (NGAs) such as
the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE), Department of Tourism (DOT), Department of Transportation (DOT),
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Philippine National Police (PNP), local government
units (LGUs), and all others concerned.


Please refer to Annex A (


A. Implementation of the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate and Vaccinate

(PDITR+) strategies shall remain to be the cornerstone of response to prevent further
transmission and shall be a shared responsibility of the NGAs, LGUs, private sector, and
the general public as cited in the Interagency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious
Diseases (IATF-EID) Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation of Community
Quarantine in the Philippines with Amendments as of August 6, 2021] and its succeeding

B. The National Action Plan Against COVID-19 (NAP-COVIDI19) of the IATF-EID and
National Task Force Against COVID-19 guides the overall implementation of the
PDITR+ strategies. The Four (4) Door Strategy of the NAP-COVID19 underscores the
strengthening of the PDITR+ strategies to prevent further local transmission of the
variants of concern:
1. Door 1 or Point of Origin enforces core activities set on the principles of
oD implementing strict border controls for travelers from other high risk countries and
Z0 travel bans as a primary level of defense.
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2. Door 2 or Point of Entry ensures safeguards are implemented such as screening,
testing and quarantine at points of entry to prevent entry and contain spread of


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COVID 19 virus and its variants
3. Door 3 or Point of Care involves strengthening the implementation of the PDITR+
strategies and vaccination to prevent further local spread of COVID-19.
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oO 4. Door 4 or Wide-scale Community Transmission focuses on enhanced PDITR+ to

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prevent our healthcare system from being overwhelmed.

C . All concerned entities shall base their COVID-19 Response and Mitigation Strategies on
the exposure risk severity of the community, as guided by the IATF-EID and Department
of Health (DOH) risk classification levels, and the exposure risk rating of the nature of
work or activities involved. The risk assessment shall be done across all settings in
developing local and internal guidelines for commensurate action, especially for high-risk
personnel and activities. Please refer to Annex B.

D . In reference to DOLE-DOH-DILG-DOT-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 21-01 also

known as Implementing Guidelines of the Safety Seal Certification Program, the Safety
Seal Certification is a voluntary certification program that affirms that an establishment is
compliant with the minimum public health standards and in line with the PDITR+
strategies set by the government and uses or integrates its contact tracing with
StaySafe.PH or any national and certified digital contact tracing application integrated
with StaySafe.PH. This shall be issued by their respective issuing authority as a
supporting guideline of this Order in the safe reopening of institutions. (Please refer to
https://safetys i

. Surveillance, contact tracing, quarantine, isolation, and testing activities across the
different settings shall endeavor to meet the targets identified in Administrative Order No.
2020-0016 also known as Minimum Health System Capacity Standards for COVID-19
Preparedness and Response Strategies, and Department Memorandum No. 2020-0512 or
the latest national guidelines.

. All concemed entities in government, private sector, and communities shall endeavor to
achieve the minimum public health standards set for in this issuance across the PDITR+
strategies, and adopt the same with specific sector-specific detailed guidelines. All
concerned entities shall conduct an internal assessment to monitor and evaluate its current
implementing strategies and prioritize action on areas with gaps. Please refer to Annex C
for the sample checklist for PDITR+ strategies across all settings.

. The DOH shall provide technical assistance, capacity & capability building, and learning
& development interventions to other NGAs, to LGUs, institutions, and other relevant
stakeholders through its Centers for Health Development (CHDs) for the updating of
localized guidelines consistent with this issuance.

. All entities shall ensure reporting of suspect, probable, and confirmed COVID-19 cases
and their close contacts to the LGU and the Department of Health within 24 hours, as
indicated in Republic Act No. 11332, otherwise known as, Mandatory Reporting of
Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act, consistent with
provisions on the protection of individual data under Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data
Privacy Act of 2012 during reporting and referral.

COVID-19 Vaccination shall remain an essential strategy as part of the implementation of

the Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, Reintegrate and Vaccinate (PDITR+) strategies, which
is the comerstone of the country’s response to prevent further transmission. All
employers shall promote COVID-19 vaccination to their employees, regardless of
employment status, based on the Omnibus Guidelines on the National Deployment and
mi Vaccination Plan for COVID-19 .
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SB & e NGAs in cooperation with the LGUs shall strengthen and improve existing policies

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oO and mechanisms that aid vulnerable individuals (such

as the homeless, unemployed,
ow-income households. indigenous people) and their families in need of financial

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assistance and other support services in order for them to be able to comply with
minimum public health standards set by this Order. Financial support to affected firms,
especially micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMES), shall also be considered to
prevent further job losses and bankruptcy. Please refer to Annex D for the list of some of
the policies that can be used as reference for the provision of assistance and support.


A. Prevention Strategies Across All Settings

1. Engineering controls. All concerned entities shall install and provide appropriate
engineering controls as appropriate in their setting. Engineering controls involve
physical interventions or engineering modification of the facility or building and/or
work processes to prevent or minimize exposure to the hazard, shall include but shall
not be limited to the following:

a. Maintain physical distancing or spacing through the installation of physical

barriers in enclosed areas where physical distancing may be compromised, i.e.
sneeze guards (Acrylic Plastic Sheets), fixed glass panels, theater ropes and
stanchions, hazard warning tape, etc.

b. Ensure adequate air exchange in enclosed (indoor) areas thru the following
strategies as cited in DOLE Department Order No. 224-21 Guidelines on
Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the
Spread of COVID-19:
i. Maximize natural ventilation through open windows
ii. Use low-cost modifications to improve air flow i.e. addition of fans or
exhaust fans
ii. Identify multi-occupant spaces that are uvsed regularly and are poorly
ventilated. Air flow shall be controlled to ensure indoor CO2
concentrations be maintained at-or below-1,000 ppm in schools and
800 ppm in offices. Since outdoor CO2 concentration directly impacts
the indoor concentration, itis critical to measure outdoor CO2 levels
when assessing indoor concentrations. Indoor CO2 levels shall not
exceed the outdoor concentration by more than about 600 ppm.
Installation and regular maintenance of exhaust fans and air filtration
devices with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters

Cc. Installation of hand hygiene and sanitation facilities, and provision of

materials such as the following:
i. Adequate and safe water supply
ii. Hand washing station or sink
iii. Soap and water or 70% Isopropyl! (or Ethyl) Alcohol

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Department of Health
iv. Hands-free trash receptacles, soap and towel dispensers, door openers,
and other similar hands-free equipment

d. Separate Entry and Exit points in high traffic areas

i. Use of unidirectional markers
ii. Installation of signages for queuing and unidirectional movement
iii. Sectioning
iv. Queueing
v. Footbaths are not recommended

e. Establishment of a Screening or Triage area at different points-of-entry:

i. Health Declaration or Symptom Assessment
it. Non-contact Temperature Check
iii. Isolation area near points-of-entry for symptomatic individuals

f. The use of foot baths, disinfection tents, misting chambers, or sanitation

booths for preventing and controlling COVID-19 transmission are not
recommended even for individuals in full PPE (e.g. pre-doffing misting) in
accordance with DOH Department Memorandum 2020-0157 Guidelines on
Cleaning Disinfection in Various Settings as an Infection Prevention and
Control Measure Against COVID-19 and its amendment 2020-0157-A.

Use of ionizing filters and UV lamps outside the health facility setting are not
recommended by Philippine COVID-19 Living Recommendations.

g. Installation of visual cues or signages to communicate:

i. Physical distancing of at least one meter distance
ii. Cough and sneeze etiquette
iii. Proper hand hygiene and control
Face, eyes, nose, and mouth shall not be touched
Thorough handwashing with soap and water for 20-30 seconds
ili.c In the absence of soap and water, use alcohol-based hand
sanitizer (60% alcohol) or isopropyl (or ethyl) alcohol. Hand
sanitizer is not a replacement for good hand hygiene.
iv. Proper use and disposal of PPE
v. Other critical reminders in the PDITR+ strategy and BIDA Solusyon

h. Facility for proper storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of used PPE and
other infectious waste
i. Storage
ia Designate an isolated arca for containment/storage of the
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY leak-proof yellow trash bag/container with used PPE
i.b Secure the storage area so it is not frequented by the personnel
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Department of Health
ii. Collection, Treatment, and Disposal
iia Dispose of all used PPE in a separate leak-proof yellow trash
bag/container with a cover properly labeled as “USED PPE”
ii.b Collect the leak-proof yellow trash bag/container regularly or
twice a day (before and after working day) from
designated/specific area to the general collection area for
treatment and disposal
ii. Require the utility staff to wear a medical-grade face mask and
puncture-proof gloves when collecting/handling the leak-proof
yellow trash bag/container
ii.d Treatment through disinfection or spraying of the collected
wastes with a chlorine solution (1:10)in accordance with DOH
Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157
ile Disposal of the disinfected PPE with general waste to the final
disposal facility.

i. The DOH and the national government shall adopt recommendations of the
Philippine COVID-19 Living Recommendations based on the best evidence
available in scientific literature at the time of its formulation (Please refer to As a living guideline, recommendations shall be updated
through a Department Memorandum or Department Circular, as the evidence

2. Administrative controls. All entities and establishments shall install and provide
appropriate administrative controls as appropriate in their setting. Administrative
controls such as governance structures and operational policies shall include but shall
not be limited to the following:

a. Designate COVID-19 Response Teams and Safety and Health Officers

which shall perform the following key functions:
1 Ensure, monitor, and evaluate proper implementation and strict
observance of minimum public health standards within their respective
ii. Effectively orient and constantly provide reminders to occupants
regarding minimum public health standards, in coordination with
management and LGUs for immediate action
iii. Provision of the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to
occupants or employees
Develop policies to sanction non-compliance to use of PPE in the
workplace or institution
Vv. Conduct daily health and exposure screening
Isolate and test identified suspect cases
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY i. Lead the conduct of contact tracing, especially in the workplace or
establishments, and their quarantine and, as needed, testing
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viii. Lead the investigation of the source and underlying cause of
COVID-19 transmission, up to the capacity they can provide in
conducting an investigation
ix. Report detected cases and close contacts to the LGU and DOH based
on Department Memorandum 2020-0227 Intensification of Case
Investigation, Contact Tracing, Reporting and Deployment of
COVID-19 Special Team/s for Urgent Response to Stop COVID-19
Transmission guidelines of the DOH
Conduct regular re-orientation and health education and promotion
activities using the BIDA campaign principles.
Xi, Manage the directory of point persons for BHERTS, LESU, and
RESU, and coordinate for activities like isolation, testing and
management of employees.

b. Conduct internal risk exposure assessment through walk-through inspection

to identify choke points and high-risk areas for mass gatherings, frequently
visited areas, highly touched surfaces, and other high-risk areas such as, but
not limited to:
i. Entrance and exit points
ii. Small and confined spaces
ii. Space with limited ventilation
iv. Restrooms
v. Pantries and dining areas
vi. Hallways
vii. Elevators
viii. Escalators and stairs
ix. Other enclosed areas
X. Shuttle services or Transportation to residence or dormitories
Xi. Dormitories or Accommodation
Xii. Other areas as identified by the agency and/or its management

c. Ensure adequate provision of personal protective equipment to all employees,

regardless of employment status, such as:
i. Cloth or surgical masks, or face shield as necessary
ii. Gloves and other appropriate PPE for all personnel tasked to do regular
cleaning and disinfection of the workplace or institution

d. Reduce physical capacity in entities and business establishments through

the following measures:
1 Maximize remote work arrangements or Work-From-Home scheme as
much as possible, especially for groups at higher risk for severe disease
and death from COVID-19 such as senior citizens or adults with
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY comorbidities.

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of Health
ii. Develop mechanisms for provision of internet and communication
technologies, such as but not limited to, communication and energy
allowances or subsidies, and the like.
iii. For work to be done on-site, develop alternative work arrangements
(AWA) that shall target reduction of onsite-office staff dependent on
the latest guidelines set by the national government (e.g. maximum of
50% capacity during GCQ, and maximum of 30% capacity during
instances of high risk of COVID-19 transmission, unless otherwise
indicated). AWA that limits exposure across other groups of the
workplace or institution such as a team-based approach is preferred.
Armanged transportation for workers such as provision of shuttle
services is recommended.

e. Use of Digital Tools

1. To enable work, the new standard of practice shall use innovative
digital technologies, such as but not limited to, digital platforms for
administration processes, equipment such as personal laptops, access to
web conferencing platforms, and communications allowances.
id. To reach clients and customers through the following innovative
interventions, such as but not limited to, online or mobile platforms to
receive the establishment’s services.

f. Guidelines and Monitoring Mechanism Limiting Unnecessary Gatherings

(e.g. face-to-face meetings, crowding in common areas, group activities,
eating together)
Scheduling or clearance process for use of meeting rooms and other
common areas
il. Limit the entry of visitors or entertain only on scheduled visits
iii. Use of plated meals as standard means of food packaging
iv. Limit use of pantries and dining areas especially in those without
physical barriers or ventilation

g. Availability and adequacy of public and private shuttle services or

transportation modes to and from work
Observe reduced capacity in compliance to the standards set by the
Department of Transportation and other relevant national guidelines
ii. Conduct proper health screening prior to entry to the vehicle
iti. Documentation per passenger per trip to enable contact tracing
iv. Schedule shuttles to designated groups or bubbles to limit the number
of possible contacts, as much as possible
Develop mechanisms for provision of other safe and innovative modes
of transportation, such as but not limited to, gas allowances or
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY subsidies, and the like

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Department of Healt
h. Disinfection shall adhere with the provisions outlined in DOH Department
Memorandum No. 2020-0157, its amendments and Cleaning and disinfection
of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 by the WHO, which
include the following actions at the minimum:
i. Develop a routine schedule for disinfection such as at least twice a day
cleaning and disinfection for high contact surfaces; such as telephones,
printers, biometric machines, copiers, physical barriers, etc.
ii. Disinfect specific operations, facilities, and/or work areas depending
on their use
ili. Use Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - approved disinfectants
such as:
iii.a Sodium hypochlorite recommended ratio of 0.1% (1000 ppm)
for regular disinfection, and recommended ratio of 0.5% (5000
ppm) for body fluids
iii.b Ethanol in all surfaces at a recommended ratio of 70-90%, or
i.e Hydrogen peroxide in all surfaces at a recommended ratio of
iv. Developing lockdown disinfection protocols such as having a 24-hour
lockdown period for disinfection, only after which can it be opened for
use to other personnel or occupants

Employers shall be encouraged to establish flexible policies on the provision

of sick leaves and health benefits.

3. Personal Protective Equipment. All concerned entities shall use the appropriate
personal protective equipment (PPE) in
their setting, and monitor implementation and
compliance following DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0346, otherwise
known as Advice on the Use of Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic. PPE
protocols shall include but shall not be limited to the following:

a. All persons shall wear well-fitted face masks and face shields, if necessary,
especially in public areas and enclosed spaces

. Medical grade masks are recommended for healthcare workers, vulnerable

populations (elderly, with comorbidities, immunocompromised), all persons
with any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (even if mild), and the general
population in high transmission risk settings based on their community risk or
nature of work.

. All persons with any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, even if mild, as

well as vulnerable populations (elderly, with comorbidities,
immunocompromised), shall wear a medical-grade mask. Use of cloth face
asks is not recommended in view of rising cases of COVID-19 in the

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Department of Health
country. However, if a medical grade mask or surgical mask is unavailable,
wearing of two cloth masks could be an alternative.

d. Individuals who are at risk of suffocation (children under the age of two,
persons with breathing problems, persons who are unconscious, incapacitated,
or otherwise unable to remove their mask on their own) are not recommended
to wear masks. As an alternative, they may wear well-fitted face shields
instead. Per CDC recommendation, well- fitted face shields should wrap
around the sides of the face and extend below the chin.

¢. Gloves and other appropriate PPE shall be used in performing activities such
as cleaning and disinfection.

f. Reiteration of the minimum public health standards for COVID-19 shall be

done by the Safety and Health Officers. If there is an increase in
non-compliance to such instructions, shall be determined if a formal training
or convening of the employees is necessary to deliver adequate information to
improve compliance.

B. Detection Strategies Across All Settings

1. Active surveillance

a. Safety and Health Officers shall conduct daily monitoring of temperatures,

symptoms, absences, and positive cases and clusters, which shall be
consolidated by management to track ongoing transmission within the setting

b. Establishments may develop active surveillance mechanisms that include

testing of employees that are at high risk given the nature of their work, such
as workers who cannot dutifully meet minimum public health standards, or in
areas with frequent clusters of symptoms, absences, or positive cases, subject
to established and evidence-based protocols and guidelines on testing.

2. Contact Tracing

a. All agencies and establishments are encouraged to promote the use of the application, or any national and certified contact tracing
application integrated with the same, in the conduct of contract tracing
activities, as per DOLE-DOH-DILG-DOT-DTI Joint Memorandum Circular
No. 21-01.

b. Upon identification of a suspect, probable, or confirmed case, the designated

Safety and Health Offices shall initiate contact tracing within the
office/floor/building to identify 70% of all possible close contacts within 24
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hours and 100% within 48 hours. Contact tracing shall also commence for
contacts of suspect cases upon identification while waiting for specimen
collection for SARS- CoV-2 diagnostic testing or RT-PCR results.
Identification of second and third - generation close contacts is highly

c. The Safety and Health Officer shall notify the contacts of suspect cases and
advise them to self-monitor and adhere to stringent minimum public health
standards. If the suspect case tums out to be probable or confirmed, their
contacts shall be instructed to undergo quarantine or isolation, whichever is

3. Reporting
a. The Safety and Health Officer shall submit the list of all cases and close
contacts to the general manager and their respective LGU and DOH for
reporting, including investigation details on sources of transmission.

b. The Case Investigation Form (CIF) Version 9, or its subsequent versions,

shall be utilized by all laboratories, LGUs, and other disease reporting units
(DRUs) as the standard form for COVID-19 notifiable disease reporting as per
Department Memorandum 2021-0285, also known as the Implementation of
the Use of the COVID-19 Case Investigation Form Version 9. (Please refer to

4. Lockdowns

a, Lockdowns shall be used to facilitate disinfection and immediate contact

tracing to guide isolation and quarantine decisions of personnel involved.

b. Building (or floor) lockdowns shall be implemented by the respective

institutional authorities (i.e. Administrative Services, Executive Board, etc.)
and shall be done to facilitate disinfection of common areas such as stairways
and corridors when clustering is reported in two (2) or more rooms / offices in
that building.

¢. Granular Lockdowns in the community, down to the level of the barangay,

shall be implemented by local government unit authorities consistent with the
latest national or IATF guidelines. “Granular Lockdown” are Micro-level
quarantine, singularly or collectively, in the level of barangay, block, purok,
street, subdivision/ village, residential building, -6rhouse, thatare tagged as
“critical zones (or CrZ)" by the DILG and Regional Inter-Agency Task Force
b CR u
Department of Hoa 11
d. National government, local government, and establishments shall provide
assistance to those affected by lockdowns depending on needs, whether in
cash or in kind.

5. Standardized Testing Protocols

a. Screening and diagnostic testing consistent with national COVID-19

guidelines shall be provided for free to all Filipinos based on Philhealth
Circular No. 2020-0017 entitled Benefit Package for SARS-COV-2 testing
using RT-PCR (Revision 1).

. To maximize the national testing capacity of all public and private testing
laboratories, the DOH Centers for Health Development and the local
government shall consider entering into a Memorandum of Agreement with
private laboratories for the provision of testing services, provided that cost per
test shall be within the range of acceptable price cap. Subsidy can be through
in kind (i.e. supply of reagents, consumables, and etc.) or additional funds.

COVID 19 testing shall be done using different types of testing modalities


with validated sensitivity and specificity for detecting SARS-COV-2 virus.

i. The RT-PCR shall remain as the reference standard confirmatory test,
positioned at the higher hierarchy of diagnostic platforms.
ii. Other technologies and techniques shall also be used such as cartridge
based PCR, pooled testing, saliva-based RT PCR, SARS-COV-2
antigen rapid diagnostic testing (RDT), and etc. Supplemental
guidelines shall be issued regarding current and new testing platforms
and technologies.
iii. The use of the rapid diagnostic test (RDT) as a complementary test to
RT- PCR shall be allowed for screening and diagnostic testing of
suspect, probable, including symptomatic and asymptomatic close
contacts who fit the updated WHO case definitions in hospitals or
community settings when RT-PCR capacity is insufficient or not
immediately available, and in areas with suspected or confirmed
iii.a. In the hospital setting where the turnaround time is critical to
guide patient cohort management, or
iii.b In the community during suspected or confirmed outbreaks for
quicker case finding
iii.c Only antigen RDT with FDA special certification or FDA
registered with a minimum sensitivity of 80% and specificity of
97% in conformity with HTAC specifications shall be used.
iii.d To ensure accuracy and reliability of antigen RDT results, the
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY sensitivity and specificity of antigen RDT shall be validated by
any of the following institutions:
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Depanimant of Health

iid. 1RITM - the list of RITM evaluated antigen RDT kits can
be accessed in this link https://bit ly/ritmkitevalulation
iii.d.2 WHO Emergency Use Listing (EUL) for In Vitro
Diagnostic (IVDs) Detecting SARS-COV-2- the list of
IVDs with WHO EUL can be accessed through this link
iii.d.3 WHO FIND- the list of WHO FIND evaluated antigen
RDT kits can be accessed through this link
https:// .org/sarscov2-eval-antigen/
iii.d.4 Other reputable international laboratories; and local
laboratories authorized by RITM
ili.d.5 Use and interpretation of antigen tests should only be at
the direction of a qualified licensed healthcare
professional and should always be correlated with the
overall clinical and epidemiological context (i.e. history
of exposure). Results must also be reported by the LGUs
and other disease reporting units to the LGU and DOH as
per existing DOH guidelines.
iii.d.6 The use of FDA unregistered antigen RDT kits or
unvalidated by reputable institutions above is not
iv. The use of antibody tests detecting IgM and using lateral flow
immunoassay (LFIA) to determine COVID-19 seroprevalence among
adults is not recommended. In accordance with DOH Department
Circular No. 2020-0160 otherwise known as “Guidance on the Use of
COVID-19 Rapid Antibody-based Test Kits”, all rapid antibody-based
test kits cannot be used as a stand-alone test to definitively diagnose
COVID-19. These can be used as an adjunct tool which can serve as a
basis for clearing patients who are asymptomatic and have completed
their 14-day quarantine after they have been discharged from the
health facility.

d. Specimen Packaging and Transport

i. In order to minimize the risks posed during local transport of
specimens from a specimen collection facility to a COVID 19 testing
facility or to a reference laboratory the following mitigation measure
should be implemented:
i.a. Specimens must be packaged and transported in accordance with
the DOH HFDB Manual on Packaging and Transport of
Laboratory Specimen for Referral (https:/ and the
RITM BRMO Interim Biosafety Guidelines for Laboratories
Handling and Testing SARS-COV-2 (COVID 19) Specimen
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Version 2 March 15, 2020 Jit
Lb. Shipper, carrier, and the receiving laboratories must be properly

SEP 02 2021 trained, to ensure familiarity and compliance with the local and

Departmant of Health

international regulations related to transport of infectious
specimens including that of COVID-19.
i.c. COVID-19 specimens transported locally shall be handled only
by trained laboratory personnel or authorized representatives of
the hospital, clinic, or any licensedCOVID-19 specimen
collection facilities.
i.d. Laboratory personnel or authorized representatives must know
the procedures and have demonstrated ability to execute
response/emergency communication plans and other related
contingency measures in case of a biological spill or
accidents/incidents that could occur during transport.
i.e. An official/dedicated motor vehicle must be used to transport
COVID-19 specimens and other laboratory specimens.
i.f. Improperly packaged samples, transactions carried by
untrained/unauthorized individuals, uncoordinated transactions,
and unidentified packages shall be rejected for testing by any
COVID-19 testing laboratories.
i.g. Any transport related incidents must be reported to the immediate
laboratory supervisor and documented in accordance with
institutional guidelines.

e. Releasing of COVID 19 Laboratory Results

i. All positive PCR laboratory results shall be released by COVID-19
laboratories as "SARS-COV-2 VIRUS DETECTED".
ii. All negative PCR laboratory results shall be released by COVID-19
laboratories as "SARS-COV-2 VIRUS NOT DETECTED".
iii. Interpretation of laboratory results shall be correlated with clinical
manifestations and epidemiological context of tested individuals.
iv, Routine use of CT values to inform clinical decision making using
qualitative RT- PCR or cartridge-based PCR laboratory results shall not
be advised.

f. Right Test at the Right Time Principle

i. For asymptomatic close contacts of probable or confirmed COVID-19

cases, RT-PCR testing shall be done 5 to 7 days from exposure. If

limited test kits are available, the following conditions shall be
ia Ageis>60 years old and/or they have a comorbidity,
There are sufficient RT-PCR testing kits
Enough human resources for additional contact tracing
it. For mild or moderate suspect or probable COVID-19 cases, RT-PCR
test shall be done immediately if RT-PCR test is available in a
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY nationally accredited laboratory. If not and a rapid antigen fest is
available, rapid antigen test shall be performed.
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iil. For severe and critical suspect or probable COVID-19 cases, patients
must first be stabilized prior to testing. Once stable, RT-PCR test shall
be done if RT-PCR test is available in a nationally accredited
laboratory. If not and a rapid antigen test is available, rapid antigen test
shall be performed.

g. Specimen Collection Procedures

If a close contact, suspect, or probable case is symptomatic and
detected while he/she is at work, they shall be immediately isolated
and assisted for testing rather than sent home for scheduling of testing
with laboratories.
For fully vaccinated individuals who are close contacts of probable and
confirmed COVID-19 cases, RT-PCR Test may be done not earlier
than the fifth day after the date of the last exposure. But if they have
been traced beyond the 14th day from last exposure and remained
asymptomatic, no testing and quarantine shall be required. Should the
RT-PCR Test yield a positive result, or he/she becomes symptomatic,
he/she shall follow the prescribed testing and isolation protocols.
iii. Specimen collection shall only be performed by personnel/swabber
trained on SARS-COV-2 virus specimen collection using appropriate
iv. The private workplace areas can be considered as a strategic position
where specimen collection booths can be installed temporarily or
permanently, provided they are registered to the LGU or DOH with
guidance from DC 2020-0325 Interim Guidelines in the Requisition of
COVID-19 Testing Supplies for DOH Licensed COVID-19 Testing
Laboratories and Swabbing Sites, strictly enforcing infection control
procedures, and operating with a trained swabber.
All specimen collection sites shall enforce strict implementation of
infection control procedures to prevent mix infection or spread of
vi. The DOH and LGUs shall ensure appropriate funding for transport of
specimens. Triple packaging systems shall be observed, and
International Air Transport Association (IATA) guidelines must be
followed for air transport.
vil. Selection of samples from Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs) and
local clusters to be sent for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) to the
University of the Philippines-Philippine Genome Center (UP-PGC)
shall follow the sampling methodology as set by the Department of
Health Epidemiology Bureau. All samples shall be transported in an
ice box following the Basic Triple Packaging System. Sample storage,
handling and transport and sample line list submission shall follow
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY existing guidelines of the DOH.

SEP 02 2021


Department of Heal!
viii. Reporting of total specimens/ swab performed and type of specimen
collected to the LGU and DOH shall be done regularly. This shall be
the basis for the provision of specimen collection kit supply to

C. Isolation / Quarantine Strategies Across Various Settings

1. Isolation Room in Establishments. As applicable, an isolation room / area shall be

installed for symptomatic individuals and once identified as a suspect COVID-19 case
shall be reported to the Barangay Health and Emergency Response Team (BHERT)
immediately for proper observance of COVID-19 protocols. DTI-DOLE Joint
Memorandum Circular (JMC) No. 20-04-A, entitled “DTI And DOLE Supplemental
Guidelines On Workplace Prevention And Control Of Covid-19", specifies that large
and medium private establishments (i.e. with total assets of above Ph15M) and
establishments with multiple tenants are mandated to designate an isolation area of
one room for every 200 employees, which shall be other than the company clinic, and
must be situated near the entrance/s or in a nearby facility, for employees needing
further assessment due to any of the following:
a. elevated temperature,
b. presence of flu-like symptoms,
c. any yes/ confirmatory answer to the Health Declaration Form based on the
template as per Annex A-1 of the above mentioned JMC in this section (Please
refer to Annex E); or
d. exposure history to a COVID-19 case or probable case thereof

2. Guidelines for Isolation and Quarantine. The following guidelines for isolation and
quarantine indicated in Department Memorandum No. 2020-0512 are reiterated:

a. Quarantine of Asymptomatic Close Contacts

i. Immediate quarantine of asymptomatic close contacts of the suspect,
probable, or confirmed cases shall be completed in 14 days, regardless
if testing has not been done, or resulted negative
ii. If symptoms develop, they shall be admitted to a TTMF and be tested
using RT-PCR, or if not available, antigen test. If results are
NEGATIVE, they shall be discharged after the completion of 14 days
quarantine. If results are POSITIVE, they shall be isolated, managed
and discharged, as per guidelines.

Isolation of Suspect, Probable, and Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

i. Immediate isolation shall be required for any individual with fever OR
at least two (2) or more symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. cough and cold,
or cold and sore throat).
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY i. All asymptomatic confirmed cases shall be placed in isolation for a
minimum of 10 days from first viral diagnostic test. All symptomatic
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Cars Je29.
of Health
suspect, probable, and confirmed cases shall be placed in isolation for
a minimum of 10 days from onset of the first symptom, without
prejudice to attendance requirements or leaves.

¢. Quarantine and Isolation of Travelers. The following guidelines for

isolation and quarantine for travelers indicated in IATF-EID Resolution No.
128-4 are reiterated:
1. All travelers, particularly inbound international travelers and interzonal
domestic travelers shall be required to undergo clinical and exposure
assessment upon arrival.
ii. All symptomatic travelers identified at points of entry or exit, both sea-
and land-based, shall be admitted to the appropriate facility and tested
using RT-PCR. Should their RT-PCR test results tun out to be positive.
Contact tracing shall also commence for their close contacts.
ii. ALL passengers arriving to the Philippines from an international
origin, regardless of point of entry, are subject to facility-based
quarantine and testing. This includes a ten (10)-day facility-based
quarantine and a four (4)-day home quarantine, including an RT-PCR
test on the seventh (7th) day, with the day of arrival being the first day.
iii.a Only passengers that are qualified for the Green Lanes, may
have a modified quarantine and testing protocol, specifically of
undergoing a seven (7)-day facility-based quarantine and
Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)
testing on the fifth (5th) day.
ilib To be qualified for the Green Lanes, a passenger arriving to the
Philippines from international origin, regardless of point of
entry, must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
iii.b.] Their port of origin is a Green List
country/jurisdiction/territory, based on the latest list
provided by the IATF-EID;
ili.b.2 They stayed exclusively in Green List countries/
Jurisdictions/ territories in the last fourteen (14) days
prior to their arrival in the Philippines.
iii.b.3 They are fully vaccinated, whether in the Philippines or
iii.b.4 Their vaccination status can be independently
verified/confirmed by Philippine authorities as valid
and authentic upon their arrival in the country.
iiic For passengers that are qualified for Green Lanes, the BOQ
shall ensure strict symptom monitoring while in the facility
quarantine for seven (7) days.
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY itic.l If the RT-PCR test yields a negative result, the
individual shall still complete the seven-day
SEP 022021 - facility-based quarantine.


Department of

iii.c.2 If the RT-PCR test yields a positive result, the
individual shall follow the prescribed isolation
iii.c.3 Upon completion of facility-based quarantine, the BOQ
shall issue a Quarantine Certificate indicating the
individual’s vaccination status. The individual is
thereafter enjoined to monitor themselves for the next
seven (7) days for any symptoms.
iii.d The latest guidelines from the IATF may prevail, and
amendments to this section of the Administrative Order, may
be issued out through a Department Circular.

3. Symptom Severity - Based Approach on Isolation in Appropriate Facility.

Suspect, probable and confirmed cases shall be isolated in the proper facility
depending on the severity of their symptoms:

Asymptomatic and mild confirmed cases shall be admitted and isolated in

Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities (TTMFs), community-based
facilities, or in their homes as long as they meet the criteria for home
quarantine or isolation as cited in Department Memorandum No. 2020-0512.

Moderate cases shall be isolated and managed in Level 1 or 2 hospitals or in

their homes as long as they meet the criteria for home quarantine or isolation
as cited in Department Memorandum No. 2020-0512.

Severe and critical cases shall be isolated and managed in Level 2 or 3


For individuals with co-existing medical conditions, they shall be referred to

their attending physician for further assessment and recommendation with
regardsto their admission to the appropriate facility.

4. Home Isolation and Quarantine. Designed for short-term physician-and-caregiver

directed care to help stable COVID-19 patients recover illness through provision of
basic supportive management and psychosocial support, monitoring of warning signs
of COVID-19 progression and prevention of further illness and hospital stay. Home
quarantine shall be allowed for suspect, probable, and confirmed cases of COVID-19
who are either asymptomatic or with mild symptoms only and controlled
co-morbidities, provided that the following requirements are met:
a. Infrastructure
Line of communication for family and health workers

Electricity, portable water, cooking source

Bathroom with toilet and sink, if possible, separate from family (if

SEP 02 2021 none, disinfect bathroom after use)

Depaitraent of Health
X 9
iv. Solid waste and sewage disposal
v. Well- ventilated room
b. Accommodations
i. Separate bedroom - no vulnerable person in the household
ii. Accessible bathroom in the residence
c. Resource for patient care and support
i. Primary caregiver who will remain in the residence (not high risk for
complications and educated on proper precautions)
ii. Medications for pre-existing conditions, as needed
ili. Digital thermometer (disinfected before and after use) and pulse
iv. Meal preparation
v. Masks, tissues, hand hygiene products
vi. Household cleaning products

5. Facility Isolation and Quarantine. All concerned entities shall endeavor to provide
facilitated isolation and quarantine to their personnel and partner with local
governments or their own facilities for triaging to the appropriate level of care and
provision of community isolation and quarantine facilities for those who cannot meet
isolation requirements at home.

Pediatric Facility Isolation and Guardianship. All children in facility isolation

shall be accompanied by a guardian in the quarantine or isolation facility. Parents or
guardians that are not confirmed COVID-19 cases may accompany the COVID-19
confirmed child provided risks and benefits are explained, informed consent is
provided, and the adult has no comorbidity putting them at risk for severe disease and

Benefits and Leaves of Absences. All individuals shall be given support, either in
cash or in kind, during the duration of their isolation and quarantine and shall be
given sick leave benefits equivalent to the days of their isolation or quarantine.

D. Treatment Strategies Across All Settings

1. The Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID)’s

Philippine COVID-19 Living Recommendations and the Unified COVID-19
Algorithms shall guide treatment and patient management decisions.

All entities shall adopt a reporting and coordination mechanism with the Local
oQ Government Unit for referral into health facilities, access to a health care provider

network (HCPN) and telemedicine, and provision of medical and psychosocial

Q fm services.

jo NAL To ensure the adequacy of medical assistance, all concerned entities shall ensure its
™~o .
238 ™~o
Cc Ad0J

employees, whether contractual, temporary, and permanent, are enrolled and
adequately covered with Philhealth benefits.

4, Safety and Health Officers shall regularly monitor the status of employees in the
office who are quarantined in their homes or in the isolation facilities and health

5. For Probable or Confirmed COVID-19 cases that are classified as either Mild or
Moderate, symptomatic treatment may be provided. There is no need for antibiotics
nor prophylaxis.

6. Severe or critical suspect, probable or confirmed COVID-19 cases shall be referred to

a pulmonologist and infectious disease specialist and managed in the appropriate
health facility.

7. As stated in the DOH DM No. 2020-0158, otherwise known as, "Proper Handling of
the Remains of Suspect, Probable and Confirmed COVID-19 Cases", suspect and
probable COVID-19 patients who died with pending test results shall be handled
similar to a confirmed COVID-19 case. Standard safety precautions must be observed
at all times. Burial and cremation of the remains of suspect, probable, and confirmed
COVID-19 cases are safe for as long as strict infection and prevention control
measures are observed.
a. Procedures for burial and cremation shall be done within 12 hours after death.
b. Large gatherings at the crematorium/ burial ground should be avoided.
c. For those that will be buried, remains shall be placed in a durable, airtight and
sealed metal casket. For patients with Islamic faith, remains shall alternatively
be placed in a double sealed cadaver bag.
d. For those that will be cremated, cremains shall be reduced to the size of fine
sand or ashes and packed in a cremains container before they are turned over
to the relatives of the deceased; and be placed in a container made of
polyethylene provided with a liner bag (preformed 5 ml plastic), locking tie
and identification label.

E. Reintegration Strategies Across All Settings

1. Return to work or community policies implemented shall be consistent with national

a. Close contacts: Fourteen (14)-day quarantine has been completed regardless of
negative test result and vaccination status,

Suspect, probable or confirmed cases, whether fully vaccinated, unvaccinated,

y vaccination:
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation have passed from the first
viral diagnostic test and remained asymptomatic throughout their
SEP 02 2021 infection;

Department of Health By
ii. For mild to moderate COVID-19 confirmed cases: Ten (10)-day
isolation have passed from onset of the first symptom, respiratory
symptoms have improved (cough, shortness of breath), AND have
been afebrile for at least 24 hours without use of antipyretic
iii. For severe and critical COVID-19 confirmed cases: Twenty-one
(21)-day isolation has passed from onset of the first symptom,
respiratory symptoms have improved (cough, shortness of breath)
AND have been afebrile for at least 24 hours without the use of
antipyretic medications;
iv. For immunocompromised: Twenty-one (21)-day isolation has passed
from onset of the first symptom, respiratory symptoms have improved
(cough, shortness of breath) AND have been afebrile for at least 24
hours without the use of antipyretic medications. Do repeat RT-PCR
testing. If results turn out positive, refer to an Infectious Disease
Specialist. If results turn out negative, discharge from isolation.

c. To reiterate DOH Department Circular No. 2021-0122 entitled “Reiteration of

Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment, and Reintegration (PDITR)
Strategies for COVID-19 in Light of the Implementation of Enhance
Community Quarantine in NCR Plus Bubble”, repeat testing is not necessary
for the safe return to work of immunocompetent individuals, provided that a
licensed medical doctor certifies or clears the patient.

2. All concerned entities shall endeavor to develop internal mechanisms to provide

psychosocial support to its constituents and coordinate with appropriate offices for the
availability of services as needed for mental health and psychosocial support based on
DOH Department Memorandum No. 2020-0230 “Interim Guidelines on the
Implementation of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response”.

3. Healthy Habits

a. Elimination or reduction of tobacco use and exposure shall be strongly and

proactively encouraged and effectively sustained. The following guidelines of
Department Memorandum No. 2020-0246 also known as “Interim Guidelines
on Tobacco Control in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic” are reiterated:

Cessation of all forms of tobacco and electronic cigarettes

(e-cigarettes) use shall be strongly and proactively encouraged and
effectively sustained through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and
continued provision of tobacco cessation programs.

ii. LGUs and other government agencies shall continue to prohibit the use
of tobacco and vape in public spaces, and ensure that all related
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY policies and local ordinances are properly enforced and monitored by
the respective persons-in-authority and their agents in accordance with
SEP 02 2021


Department of Health
Executive Order No. 26 (s. 2017) entitled ‘Providing for the
Establishment of Smoke-free Environments in Public and Enclosed
Places”, and Executive Order No. 106 (s. 2020) entitled “Prohibiting
the Manufacture, Distribution, Marketing and Sale of Unregistered
and/or Adulterated Electronic Nicotine/Non-nicotine Delivery Systems,
Heated Tobacco Products and other Novel Tobacco Products”,

iii. Information dissemination on the harmful effects of tobacco and vapor

products shall be continued, including the relationship between these
products and COVID-19,

F. Safe Reopening Across All Settings

1. Risk-based approach. In principle, gradual safe reopening may be done in

communities and sectors wherein the risk is low or minimal, or if appropriate
safeguards are met: ’

a. Gradual reopening of the economy shall be based on the risk assessments by

the community and specific sectors as determined by the IATF-EID.

b. Gradual and safe reopening of specific establishments,

activities, or
institutions at the local level as allowed by the IATF-EID shall be based
on the
positive endorsement of the Regional Interagency Task Force and the LGU

2. Components of Safe Reopening of Institutions. Approval of decisions to

sectors and specific institutions shall be based on the following

a. Evidence that COVID-19 transmission is controlled, based

on the incidence
and growth rate of cases, prevalence and transmission rate in the

b. Minimum public health standards and capacities

are in place to prevent,
SLI detect, isolate, treat, and reintegrate cases and close contacts.


Outbreak risks are minimized in high-vulnerability settings,


~~ -G homes for senior citizens, mental health facilities, crowded
particularly in
places, residences,
eal 1038 1202
or based on the nature of work.

dt ZNY¥)H

d. Stakeholders involved are consulted, aware, engaged, and
participating in the
preparation for the gradual reopening transition

3. COVID - 19 Vaccination among Priority Groups

a. Implementation of the National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for

» X)
COVID-19 shall be consistent with Republic Act No. 11525 otherwise known
as “COVID -19 Vaccination Program Act of 2021”, the DOH Department
Memorandum No. 2021-0099 entitled Interim Omnibus Guidelines for the
Implementation of the National Vaccine Deployment Plan for COVID-19, and
other succeeding issuances of the national government.

All institutions across all settings shall master list the eligible priority group of
their employees according to the national prioritization framework, and submit
them to the local government unit based either on the place of permanent or
current residence or workplace. If there are any updates to the current roster of
the employees or workers, regardless of employment status, in their
institution, they shall coordinate these with their local government unit in
order for the unvaccinated population in their institution be scheduled,
pending availability of supplies.

Vaccine administration shall be done in vaccination sites designated by the

Local Vaccine Operations Center (LVOC), including sites identified by private
entities of workplaces, as cited in DOH Department Memorandum No.
2021-0116 entitled “Interim Guidelines on the Identification and Utilization of
COVID-19 Vaccination Sites”.

Institutions shall be encouraged to provide logistics support (including

transport) to facilitate vaccination of their workers and coordinate with LGUs
for the vaccination. Due consideration and care shall be given to vaccine
recipients, especially those who manifest adverse reactions needing more time
to recover before going back to work.

Minimum public health standards, which includes physical distancing, hand

hygiene, cough etiquette, and wearing of masks and face shields among others,
shall be strictly implemented during the vaccination events.
giE 2= Vaccine scheduling and administration shall be done in compliance with the
provisions stipulated in DOH Department Memorandum No. 2021-0259,
80 » a
BENTO otherwise known as, Implementing Guidelines for Priority Groups A4, A5 and

BOS~ 5 —
Further Clarification of the National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for
COVID-19 Vaccines. As provided for in the said issuance, establishments,
ZS 0
DA -
|S mm
agencies and organizations shall conduct vaccination of eligible workers in
coordination with their respective LGUs across all engagements and
partnerships for the COVID-19 vaccine deployment program.

4. All appropriate establishments shall anchor their policies, plans, and guidelines for the
reintroduction of physical activities and sports in the promotion of physical resilience
based on the risk severity grading of their area, as cited in the Philippine Sports
Commission (PSC), Games and Amusements Board (GAB), and DOH Joint

7 xX
Administrative Order No. 2020-0001 also known as Guidelines on the Conduct of
Health-Enhancing Physical Activities and Sports during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The conduct of exercise, active transport, sports, and other forms of regular physical
activity shall be highly encouraged in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
(diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, etc) that predispose individuals to
develop severe and critical COVID-19, ifinfected.


Any order, issuance, rules and regulations inconsistent with or contrary to this
Administrative Order shall be repealed or amended accordingly.


If any clause, sentence, or provision of this Order shall be declared invalid or

unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid and effective.


This Order shall take effect immediately after its publication in the Official Gazette or in
any national newspaper of general circulation with three (3) certified copies to be filed with
the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center.

Secretary of Health


SEP 02 2021


Department of Heatly
Annex A. Definition of Terms

. Alternative Work Arrangements - refer to work arrangements consisting of a

combination of the following enumerated work arrangements or other work arrangements
subject to the prevailing community quarantine in the area where the agency is located
and appropriate/applicable to the agency mandate/functions.
1. Work-from-Home — refers to an output-oriented work arrangement that authorizes
the worker to produce outputs/results and accomplishments outside of the office;
2. Skeleton (Skeletal) Workforce — refers to a work arrangement where a minimum
number of employees is required to man the office to render service when full
is not possible;
3. Four-day (Compressed) Workweek — refers to a work arrangement whereby the
employees’ workweek is compressed to four (4) days each week;
4. Work Shifting/Flexible (Staggered) Working Hours — refers to a work arrangement
applicable to offices/agencies that observe work shifting or flexible working time;

. Administrative Controls - refer to procedural interventions or modifications in policies,

standards, and processes, that are meant to reduce the frequency and severity of exposure
to infectious diseases ¢.g. hygiene and disinfection protocols, work shifting, etc.

. Antigen Test - refers to immunoassays that detect the presence

which implies current viral infection.
a specific viral antigen,
. Close Contact - refers to persons who experienced any one of the following exposures
two (2) days before and fourteen (14) days after the onset of symptoms {during the
14-day prescribed quarantine period) of a suspect, probable, or confirmed case:
1. Face-to-face contact with a probable or confirmed case within one (1) meter and for at
least fifteen
(15) minutes;
2. Direct physical contact with a probable or confirmed case;
3. Direct care for a patient with probable or confirmed COVID-19 disease without using
recommended personal protective equipment OR;
4. Other situations as indicated by local risk assessment.

. Cluster - refers to an unusual aggregation, real or perceived, of health events that are
grouped together as to time and space and that is reported to a public health department.
For the purpose of this document, it is further defined as two or more confirmed cases
from the same area over a period of fourteen (14) days. The following criteria shall be
1. Geographical boundary (purok, barangay, zone)- two (2) confirmed cases from two
(2) different households
2. Residential building- two (2) confirmed cases from two (2) different housing units
w Workplace- two (2) confirmed cases regardless if same or different office space
4. Health care facilities and other closed settings (jails/ prisons, detention centers,
long-term care facility, etc.)- two (2) confirmed cases regardless if from the same
location in said closed setting.
. Confirmed Case - refers to any individual, irrespective of presence or absence of clinical
signs and symptoms, who was laboratory confirmed for COVID-19 in a test conducted at
the national reference laboratory, a subnational reference laboratory, and/or
DOH-licensed COVID-19 testing laboratory; OR

any suspect or probable COVID-19 cases, who tested positive using antigen tests in areas
with outbreaks and/or in remote settings where RT-PCR is not immediately available;
provided that the antigen tests satisfy the recommended minimum regulatory, technical
and operational specifications set by the Health Technology Assessment Council

. Cough and sneeze etiquette - refers to a practice which helps reduce and contain
respiratory secretions from patients with symptoms, through the use of
non-pharmacological barriers such as the arm and sleeve, use of tissue, and or moving
away from the crowd.

. COVID-19 Exposure Risk Assessment - refers to the identification of COVID-19 risk

and subsequent adjustment of control measures based on risk. (Please refer to Annex B)

Engineering Controls - refer to physical interventions or modifications in spaces or

environments, that are meant to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases e.g. use of
physical barriers, exhaust ventilation, etc.

Fully Vaccinated for COVID-19 - refers to an individual who has

1. More than or equal to 2 weeks after having received the second dose in a 2-dose

series, or
2. More than or equal to 2 weeks after having received a single-dose vaccine; and
3. The vaccines administered to the individual are included in any of the following:
a. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) List or Compassionate Special Permit
(CSP) issued by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration; or
b. Emergency Use Listing of the World Health Organization.

. Granular Lockdown - refers to a Micro-level quarantine, singularly or collectively, in

the level of 1) barangay, 2) block, 3) purok, 4) street, 5) subdivision/ village, 6) residential
building, or 7) house, that are tagged as "critical zones (or CrZ)" by the Department of the
Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Regional Inter-Agency Task Force (RIATF).

. Immunocompetent - refers to an individual who is able to develop an immune response

following exposure to an antigen

. Immunocompromised - refers to an individual who has an impaired or weakened

immune system, which may be secondary to illness or therapeutic drugs

. Isolation- refers to the separation of ill or infected persons from others to prevent the
spread of infection or contamination.

. Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS) refer to the guidance provided for the

development of sector-specific and localized guidelines on mitigation measures for its

COVID-19 response across all settings by implementing non-pharmaceutical
interventions (NPIs). This term shall also encompass specific NPIs of community
mitigation strategies or public health measures that do not involve vaccines, medications,
or other pharmaceutical interventions, that individuals and communities can carry out in
order to reduce transmission rates, contact rates, and the duration of infectiousness of
individuals in the population.

Occupancy time - refers to the allowable period of time a person or group of people may
stay in an establishment that is deemed safe

. Outbreak- refers to the occurrence of cases of disease in excess of what would normally
be expected in a defined community, geographical area or season.

. Probable Case - refers to:

1. A patient who meets clinical criteria AND is a contact of a probable or confirmed
case or linked to a COVID-19 cluster; or
2. A suspect case with chest imaging showing findings suggestive of COVID-19
3. A person with recent onset of anosmia (loss of smell) or ageusia (loss of taste) in the
absence of any other identified cause;
4. Death, not otherwise explained, in an adult with respiratory distress preceding death;
AND was
acontact of a probable or confirmed case or linked to a COVID-19 cluster.

Public Places refer to:
1. Indoor (Enclosed) Public Places - refer to enclosed establishment generally open to
the public such as but not limited to Places of Worship, Meetings, Incentives,
Conferencing, and Exhibitions (MICE), Places of Leisure (Museum, Art Galleries,
Amusement Parks, Spa, Cinema, Gym).
2. Outdoor (Open) Public Place - refers to open spaces generally accessible to the
public such as but not limited to outdoor parks, open-air sports facilities and other
physical activities, public squares, playgrounds, swimming pools, zoo, and
amusement parks.

Quarantine- refers to the separation and movement restrictions of people who were
exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

. Safe Reopening of the Economy - refers to a calibrated and targeted approach in

enforcing the minimum public health standards for COVID-19 and resorting to localized
quarantines, while creating jobs for economic growth and pending the establishment of
herd immunity.

Schools -refers to public and private institutions that provide formal and informal basic
(kindergarten to senior high school), technical and higher education.

. Suspect Case - refers to:

1. Suspect Criteria A - refers to a person who meets the clinical AND epidemiological
a. Clinical criteria:
i. Acute onset of fever AND cough; OR
ii. Acute onset of ANY THREE OR MORE of the following signs or
symptoms: fever, cough, general weakness/fatigue, headache, myalgia,
sore throat, coryza, dyspnoea, anorexia/nausea/vomiting, diarrhea,
altered mental status AND
b. Epidemiological Criteria:
i. Residing or working in an area with a high risk of transmission of
virus: closed residential settings, humanitarian settings such as camp
and camp-like settings for displaced persons; anytime within the
fourteen (14) days prior to symptom onset; or
ii. Residing or travel to an area with community transmission anytime
within the fourteen (14) days prior to symptom onset; or
iii. Working in any health care setting, including within health facilities or
within the community; any time within the fourteen (14) days prior to
symptom onset,
2. Suspect Criteria B - refers to a patient with Severe Acute Respiratory fliness (SARI):
acute respiratory infection with history of fever or measured fever of > 38C°; and
cough; with onset within the last ten (10) days; and requires hospitalization). A person
who meets the clinical AND epidemiological criteria:
3. Suspect Criteria C - refers to an asymptomatic person not meeting epidemiologic
criteria with a POSITIVE SARS-CoV-2 Antigen-RDT

X. Transportation Facility — refers to terminals and vehicles that transport people and
goods from one place to another by means of
land, air, or sea

Y. Workplaces - shall mean the office, premises, or worksite where the workers are
habitually employed and shall include the offices or place where workers, who have fixed
or definite work site, regularly report for assignment in the course of their employment.
Annex B. COVID-19 Exposure Risk Assessment Matrix and Control Measures

Exposure Risk Assessment Matrix

Very High Exposure ® Healthcare workers (e.g doctors, nurses, dentists, paramedics, emergency medical technicians) performing acrosol-generating procedures
and exams or invasive specimen collection on
Risk (e.g, intubation, cough induction procedures, bronchoscopies, some dental procedures
suspect, probable, confirmed COVID-19 patients
e Healthcare delivery and support staff (e.g., doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff who must enter patients’ rooms) exposed to suspect,
probable, or confirmed COVID-19 patients. (Note: when such workers perform aerosol-generating procedures, their exposure
risk level
becomes very high.)
e Healthcare or laboratory personnel collecting or handling specimens from suspect, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 patients (c.g.,
manipulating cultures from known or suspected COVID-19 patients)
o Medical transport workers (e.g., ambulance vehicle operators) moving suspect, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 patients in enclosed
the bodies of people who are
e Morgue workers who are performing autopsies, which generally involve acrosol-génerating procedures, on
considered to have suspect, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 at the time of their death.
Mortuary workers involved in preparing (e.g., for burial or cremation) the bodies of people who are
known to have suspect, probable, or
confirmed COVID-19 at the time of their death.
o All other occupations involved in directly handling people or bedily fluids from suspect, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 patients
High Exposure Risk e Frontline Workers that require frequent and/or close contact (i.e less than 1 meter) with people who may be infected with SARS-CoV-2, but
who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients i.e. bank tellers, cashiers, storekeepers, bus/train ticket, food servers, and similar
activities who provide transport services to the
e Transport driver, conductors including taxi and TNVS, tricycle, pedicab drivers and similar
® Workers who have the any of the following:
o 60 years old and above
o with comorbidities (i.e. obesity, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, cancer, etc.)
Medium Exposure e Workers whose place of residence have on-going COVID-19 community transmission
Risk e Workers who are below 60 years old but with comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, cancer,etc.
® Workers that are required to have person-to-person contact with clients/individual
Low Exposure Risk ® Workers whose place of residence have no reported COVID-19 community transmission
e Workers who are below 60 years old and with NO comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, cancer, etc.
e Workers with limited person to person contact in their line of work
Menu of Recommended Control Measures
Risk Category Engineering Control Administrative Control Health Control PPE
Very High Risk Ensure air handling units/systems Strictly restrict workers with the following Establish medical PPE level as
including those at isolation rooms are conditions: surveillance such as required by DOH
installed and maintained and complies 60 and above years olds regular health assessment Infection Control
with the Infection Control Guidelines With health comorbidities such as hypertension, Special Health Exam Guidelines
Ensure that handling of specimens from diabetes, cancer, etc Ensure workers are Ensure PPEs are
Establish infection control protocol such as provided with appropriate fit-tested prior to
known or suspected COVID-19
patients shall comply with Biosafety disinfection, donning and doffing of PPE, immunization and vitamin entry to critical zone
Level decontamination, etc. supplements Ensure PPEs are
Establish job rotation scheme to ensure workers sufficient and
Install barriers such as acrylic clear
plastics between workstations will get sufficient rest/breaks replenished on time
Establish containment or Work from home arrangements for workers 60 Ensure that
decontamination zones and above and those with comorbidities contaminated PPEs
Provide directional and cueing marking Regular Orientation on Health Safety are disposed as
infectious wastes
to ensure unidirectional movement and Requirements
maintain physical distancing Designate safety/surveillance officers to
Regular Conduct of disinfection of the monitor compliance to health and safety
entire work area protocol
Establish system to record and monitor entry as
well as close contacts of worker
Risk Category Engineering Control Administrative Control Health Control PPE
High Risk Increase ventilation rates in the Work from home arrangements for workers 60 Establish medical Provide appropriate
Exposure institution and above and those with co-morbidities or surveillance such as PPE such as
Install barriers such as acrylic clear reassign workers in low risk work assignments regular health assessment facemask and face
plastics between workstations to
Establish job rotation scheme
will get sufficient rest/breaks
ensure workers Ensure workers are
provided with appropriate
Ensure PPEs are
install directional and cueing marking
and signages to ensure unidirectional Designate safety/surveillance officers to immunization and vitamin sufficient and
movement and maintain physical monitor compliance to health and safety supplements replenished on time
distancing particularly in common standards Ensure that
areas such as pantry, lobby, elevators, Regular Orientation on Health Safety contaminated PPEs
waiting area, etc. Requirements are disposed as
Provide disinfection/hand sanitizers in Establish system to record and monitor close infectious wastes
strategic locations contacts of worker
Regular Conduct of disinfection of the
entire work area

Medium Risk Ensure ventilation system allows Consider job rotation scheme to ensure workers Monitor workers for Provide appropriate
Exposure regular supply of fresh air such as will get sufficient rest/breaks COVID-19 symptoms PPE such as
periodic opening of windows to allow Designate safety/surveillance officers to particularly those residing
in areas with known
entry fresh
of air monitor compliance to health and safety Ensure PPEs are
Consider the installation of barriers standards covid-19 cases sufficient and
such as acrylic clear plastics between Regular Orientation on Health Safety Consider providing replenished an time
workstations Requirements workers with supplements Ensure that
Provide disinfection/hand sanitizers in Establish system to record and monitor close and immunization contaminated PPEs
strategic locations contacts of worker are disposed as
Install directional and cueing marking infectious wastes
and signages to ensure unidirectional
movement and maintain physical
distancing particularly in common
areas such as pantry, lobby, elevators,
waiting area, etc.
Regular Conduct
entire work area
of disinfection of the
Risk Category Engineering Control Administrative Control Health Control PPE
Low Risk Ensure ventilation system allows Designate safety/surveillance officers to Monitor workers for Provide appropriate
Exposure regular supply of fresh air such as monitor compliance to health and safety COVID-19 symptoms PPE such as
periodic opening of windows to allow standards particularly those residing facemask
entry fresh
of air Regular Orientation on Health Safety in areas with known Ensure PPEs are
Provide disinfection/hand sanitizers in Requirements covid-19 cases sufficient and
strategic locations Establish system to record and monitor close Consider providing replenished on time
Regular Conduct of disinfection of the contacts of worker workers with supplements
and immunization
Ensure that
entire work area contaminated PPEs
Install directional and cueing marking are disposed as
and signages to ensure unidirectional infectious wastes
movement and maintain physical
distancing particularly in common
areas such as pantry, lobby, elevators,
waiting area, etc.
ANNEX C. PDITR Checklist


(J Develop a COVID-19 Prevention and Control Policy/Plan in the institution

[J Categorize/identify workers according to
risk of exposure to COVID-19
{0 Enumerate proposed control measures to address the risk of employees to exposure to COVID-19


[J Organize a response team on COVID-19 tasked to the following:

w Monitor the health status of workers in terms of COVID-19 prevention and management of all workers
ws Monitor the health status of workers in terms of COVID-19 prevention and management of all workers
m Refer workers with symptoms for COVID-19 to the nearest health facility
= Report to the Local Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (LESU) for workers suspected/probable/confirmed
positive for COVID-19
m Conduct or assist in the contact tracing within the institution in case on COVID-19 infection


[0 Maintain physical distancing or spacing
Ensure adequate air exchange in enclosed (indoor) areas as cited in DOLE D.O. 224-21


[3 Install hand hygiene and sanitation facilities
J Set up of Screening or Triage area at different points-of-entry
(0 Separate Entry and Exit points in high traffic areas. Footbaths are not recommended.
[7] Provide adequate and safe water supply and antibacterial soap or 70% Isopropyl/Ethyl
Alcohol for hand washing

J install visual cues or signages to communicate MPHS

(0 Have a facility for proper storage, collection, treatment, and disposal of used PPE and other infectious waste
[0 Stock up on supplies such as regular medicines, masks and cleaners or disinfectants
{O) Prepare a separate room in case an individual needs to be quarantined or

{J Ensure and monitor proper implementation and strict observance of minimum public health standards
[J Designate COVID-19 Response Teams and Safety Officers
O Conduct internal risk exposure assessment
(J Ensure adequate provision of personal protective equipment to all employees
OJ Reduce physical capacity
OO Use of digital tools

[J Limit unnecessary gatherings

[0 Ensure availability and adequacy of shuttle services or transport
for high contact surfaces)
OJ Develop a routine schedule for disinfection (daily cleaning and disinfection
stay informed — check local advice where you live and work
[0 Promote health and wellness (exercise, balanced diet, drink plenty of water)
(J Have online transactions and cashless payments in place

CO) Wear well-fitted face masks and face shields especially in public areas and enclosed spaces at
all times for individuald
2 years of age or older, especially during the following conditions:
m if when you are around people who do not live in your household
a when caring for someone who is sick with COVID-19 COVID-19
m if you are sick with COVID-19 or think you may have
{J Wear appropriate PPE such as gloves for all personnel tasked to do regular cleaning and disinfection

Active Surveill
(3 Conduct daily monitoring of temperatures, symptoms, absences, and positive case clusters
[OJ Develop active surveillance mechanisms that include testing of employees categorized as high risk given the nature
of their work, such as workers who cannot dutifully meet MPHS
Contact Tracing
[J Initiate contact tracing within the office/floor/ building to identify possible close contacts upon identification of a
suspect, probable, or confirmed case. Contact tracing shall also commence for contacts of suspect cases upon
detection while waiting for specimen collection for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing or RT-PCR results. Identification
of second-and third-generation close contacts is highly encouraged.
{J Notify the contacts of suspect cases and advise them to self-monitor and adhere to stringent MPHS. Should the
instructed to undergo quarantine or isolation,
suspect case turn out to be probable or confirmed, contacts shall be
whichever is appropriate.
J Submit the list of ali close contacts to management and respective LGU for reporting, including investigation details
on sources of transmission
[7] Individuals and establishments are encouraged to patronize the use of the application, or any other
national and certified contact tracing application integrated with StaySafe.PH, in the conduct of contract tracing
Localized lockdown
2 cases per office or as indicated in the

(J implement localized lockdowns in instances of clusters defined as more than
IATE-EID National Action Plan. Lockdowns shall be used to facilitate disinfection and immediate contact tracing.
Building lockdown shall be done to facilitate disinfection of common areas such as stairways and

LGUs down to the barangay level as indicated in latest national and local
Community lockdowns may be done by


[J COVID-19 testing shall be prioritized for the following at-risk groups, consistent with DM No. 2020 - 0439:
a Suspect cases or individuals with relevant history of travel and exposure, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic
a Health care workers with possible exposure, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic RT-PCR testing are identified.
® Subgroups at-risk individuals arranged in order of greatest to lowest need for
OO Facilitation of RT-PCR test and swabbing:
work, they shall be immediately
a If a close contact or suspect case is symptomatic and detected while he/she is atwith laboratories.
isolated and directed for testing rather than sent home for scheduling of testing
and release of results.
m Arrangements for testing with laboratories shall be made to ensure prompt testing


office/floor/building and/or within the

(0 Set-up isolation/quarantine areas for employees requiring testing per
whichever is most feasible.
compound to reduce the risk of exposure to other people,
14 days,
[J Immediate quarantine of asymptomatic close contacts of suspect, probable, or confirmed cases to complete
resulted negative, without prejudice to attendance requirements. If
regardless if testing has not been done, or
symptoms develop, they shall be admitted to a TTMEF and be tested using RT-PCR, or if not available, antigen
14 days quarantine. If results are
test. If
results are NEGATIVE, they shall be discharged after the completion of
POSITIVE, they shall be isolated, managed and discharged.
Immediate isolation is required for any individual with fever OR at least two or more symptoms of
COVID-19 (i.e.
[0 attendance requirements.
cough and cold, or cold and sore throat), without prejudice to

J All COVID-19 positive cases should be isolated strictly for a minimum of 10 days,
requirements or leaves.
without prejudice to attendance

the severity of their

{3 suspect, probable and confirmed cases shall be isolated in the proper facility depending on
in Temporary Treatment and
ms Asymptomatic confirmed and mild cases shall be admitted and isolated at home or
Monitoring Facilities (TTMFs) or community based facilities
@ Moderate cases shall be isolated and managed in Level 1 or 2 hospitals
m Severe and critical cases shall be isolated and managed in Level 2 or 3 hospitals
(0) Provide facilitated isolation and quarantine to their personnel and partner with LGUs or their own facilities for
those who
triaging to the appropriate level of care and provision of community isolation and quarantine facilities for
cannot meet isolation requirements at home.
{3 Provision of sick leaves and health benefits are highly recommended.
[OD Assess all travelers, particularly inbound intemational travelers and interzonal domestic travelers
{0 Identify all symptomatic travelers identified at points of entry or exit and admit to appropriate facility and test using
RT-PCR. Should their RT-PCR test results turn out to be positive, contact tracing shall also commence for their close


{J Adopt a reporting and coordination mechanism with the LGU for appropriate referrals and provision of medical and
psychosocial services
[CJ Ensure employees have adequate medical assistance and are covered with Philhealth benefits
(J Monitor status of employees in the institution who are home quarantined or in the isolation and health facilities.
O Individuals undergoing quarantine or isolation at home, must undergo daily temperature checks and be monitored for
improvement or progression of symptoms.
[OO If an individual presents with emergency warning signs (difficulty of breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the
chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or have pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds),
caretakers must immediately call the nearest hospital or local emergency facility.
[] Provide symptomatic treatment for Probable or Confirmed COVID-19 cases that are classified as either Mild or
Moderate. No need for antibiotics or prophylaxis.
(OO Refer severe suspect, probable or confirmed COVID-18 cases to a pulmonologist and infectious disease specialist
and manage in the appropriate health facility.
[3 Suspect and probable COVID-19 patients who died with pending test results shall be handled similar to a confirmed
COVID-19 case. Standard safety precautions must be observed at all times. Burial and cremation of the remains of
suspect, probable, and confirmed COVID-19 cases are safe for as long as strict infection and prevention
measures are observed.
a The procedures for burial and cremation shall be done within 12 hours after death.
m Large gatherings at the crematorium/ burial ground should be avoided.
ms For those that will be buried, remains shall be placed in a durable, airtight and sealed metal casket. For patients
with Islamic faith, remains shall alternatively be placed in a double sealed cadaver bag.
sand or ashes and packed in a
a For those that will be cremated, cremains shall be reduced to the size of fine
cremains container before they are turned over to the relatives of the deceased; and be placed in a container
of polyethylene provided with a liner bag (preformed 5 ml plastic), locking tie and identification


[J Return to work policies implemented shall be consistent with national guidelines:

® 14-day quarantine for close contacts regardless of negative test result
after resolution of
10-day isolation for asymptomatic, mild, and moderate COVID-19 confirmed cases or days
symptoms, whichever is longer
after resolution of symptoms,
21-day isolation for severe and critical COVID-19 confirmed cases, or days
whichever islonger
[J] Medical certification or repeat testing is not necessary for the safe return to work
coordinate with appropriate
{1 Develop internal mechanisms to provide psychosocial support to its employees and
offices for the availability of services for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) as needed


[J Ensure that smoking and alcoholic drinks are banned in all areas of the institution,
{O Provision of health services such as anti- flu vaccines, vitamins, supplements, etc. 10 employees.

J Encourage workers
and balanced diet.
practice a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, getting enough sleep/rest, nutritious

{J Provide appropriate information on healthy behaviors for the prevention and contro] COVID-19.
{J Provide IEC materials such posters, leaflets to regularly remind workers on the proper use of facemask and PPEs.

The institution establish linkage and network with the following:

[J Barangay Health Emergency Response Team nearest the institution
[J Local/Provincial Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
J[0 Nearest Health Facility
DOH Regional Epidemiology and Provincial Surveillance
[0 DOLE Regional Office


1. Department of Finance and Department of Trade and Industry Joint Memorandum

Circular No. 2020-02, s. 2020, otherwise known as “Guidelines on the Operations
and Incentives of Covered Enterprises Engaged in the Manufacture, Importation, and
Distribution of Certain Products, and for other Purposes, Pursuant to Republic Act
No. 11469, otherwise known as “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act” dated March 28,

+from+other+agencies/0504_JMC _DOFDTL pdf

2. Department of Finance, Social Security System, and Bureau of Internal Revenue Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 001-2020 otherwise known as “Guidelines for the
Availment of the Small Business Wage Subsidy Measure” dated April 28, 2020

3. Department of Finance, Social Security System, and Bureau of Internal Revenue Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 002-2020 otherwise known as “Amendment to the
DOF-BIR-SS Joint Memorandum Circular No. 001-2020 “Guidelines for the
Availment ofthe Small Business Wage Subsidy Measure” dated May 17,2020

4. Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Budget and

Management, Department of Labor and Employment, Department of Social
and Development, Department of Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry, and
Department of Finance Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1,series of 2020, otherwise
known as “Special Guidelines On The Provision Of Social Amelioration Measures By
The Department Of Social Welfare And Development, Department Of Labor And
Emplovment, Department Of Trade And Industry, Department Of Agriculture,
Department Of Finance, Department Of Budget And Management, And Department
Of The Interior And Local Government To The Most Affected Residents Of The Areas
Under Enhanced Community Quarantine” dated March 28, 2020


5. Department of Labor and Employment Department Order No. 209, series of 2020,
otherwise known as “Guidelines on the Adjustment Measures Program for Affected
Workers Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019” dated March 17, 2020

6. Department of Labor and Employment Department Order No. 210, series of 2020,
otherwise known as “Guidelines for the Implementation of the Tulong
Panghanapbuhay Sa Ating Displaced Disadvantaged Workers Program (Tupad)
#BarangayKoBahayKo (Tupad #BKBK) Disinfecting / Sanitation Project” dated
March 18, 2020 10v2. pdf

7. Department of Labor and Employment Labor Advisory No. 12, series of 2020 dated
March 19, 2020

https://www.dole. labor-advisory-no.-12-1.pdf

8. Department of Labor and Employment Labor Advisory No. 12-A, series of 2020,
otherwise known as “Clarificatory Advisory on CAMP Documentary Requirements”
dated April 7, 2020

WV -


9. Department of Social Welfare and Development Memorandum Circular No. 02, s.

20185, otherwise known as “Guidelines on the Implementation of the Modified
Conditional Cash Transfer Program for Families in Need of Special Protection" dated
January 30, 2015

10. Department of Trade and Industry Memorandum Circular No. 20-12, s. 2020,
otherwise known “Guidelines on the Concessions on Residential Rents;
~ dated April 4, 2020
Commercial Rents of MSMEs

nips: dtiwe .83-a theast-1.


11. Republic Act No. 11199 otherwise known as “Social Security Act of 2018”

Vv /Do t?fileName= tof2 f

12. Republic Act No. 11310. otherwise known as “An Act Institutionalizing the Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Progran: (4Ps)”

13. Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise known as “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act”

http://legac ihan-to-Heal-as-One-Act-RA-

14. Republic Act No. 11494. otherwise known as “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” ry nloads/Republic?
11494 bavanihan to
recover _as one_act.pdf
Annex E, Health Declaration Form

db fof

Employee Health Declaration Form

Full Name (Last, Given, Middle): Date of Shift (MM/DD/YY):

Time of Shift:

Please place a check mark under your response. (Lagyan ng isek sa sangkop na sagot).

Yes No

1. Are you experiencing: a. fever (lagnat)

(Nakakaranas ka ba
ng:) b. cough and/or colds (ubo at/o sipon)

c. body pains (pananakit ng katawan)

d sore throat (pananakit ng lalamunan/fmasakit lumunok}

2. Have you had face-to-face contact with a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case within
1 meter and for more than 15 minutes for the past 14 days? (May nakasalamuha ka ba na

probable o kumpirmadong pasyente na may COVID-19 mula sa isang metrong distansya

or mas malapit pa at tumagal ng mahigit 15 minuto sa nakalipas na 14 araw?)
3. Have you provided direct care for apatient with a probable or confirmed COVID-19
case without using proper personal protective equipment for the past 14 days? (Nag-alaga
ka ba ng probable o kumpirmadong pasyente na may COVID-19 ng hindi nakasuot ng
tamang personal protective equipment sa nakalipas na 14 araw?
4. Have you travelled outside the Philippines in the last 14 days? (kaw ba ay nagbyahe sa
labas ng Pilipinas sa nakalipas na 14 araw?

5, Have you travelled outside in the current city/ municipality where you reside? (Tkaw ba
which city/
ay nagbyahe sa labas ng iyong lingsod/ munisipyo?) If yes, specify
municipality you went to (Sabihin kung saan):

, to collect and process the

I hereby authorize (Name of Establishment) data
indicated herein for the purpose of contact tracing affecting the control of COVID-19 transmission. 1 understand
that my personal information is protected by RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and that this form will
be destroyed after 30 days from the date of accomplishment, following the National Archives of the Philippines


. Department of Health Department Circular No. 2020-0160 “Guidance on the Use of

COVID-19 Rapid Antibody-based Test Kits” dated March 31, 2020

. Department of Health Administrative Order No. 2020-0015 “Guidelines on the

Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation” dated April 27, 2020

h/sites/d fil alth-update

. Department of Health Administrative Order No. 2020-0016 (s. 2020) “Minimum

Health System Capacity Standards for COVID-19 Preparedness and Response
Strategies” dated May 4, 2021

known as
. Department of Health Department Circular No. 2020- 0325, otherwise
“Interim Guidelines in the Requisition of COVID-19 Testing Supplies for DOH
Licensed COVID-19 Testing Laboratories and Swabbing Sites” dated September 4,

m : ile?id=6574

otherwise known as
. Department of Health Department Circular No. 2021- 0122,
“Reiteration of Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment, and Reintegration
(PDITR) Strategies for COVID-19 in Light of the Implementation of
Community Quarantine in NCR Plus Bubble” dated April 5, 2021.

otherwise known as,

. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157,
“Guidelines on Cleaning and Disinfection in Various Settings as an Infection
Prevention and Control Measure Against COVID-19" dated April 10, 2020

1¢/fil alth-update/dm2020-

. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157-A also known as

“Amendment to Department Memorandum No. 2020-0157 entitled “Guidelines on
Cleaning and Disinfection in Various Settings as an Infection Prevention and Control
Measure Against COVID-19" dated June 26, 2020

https://dm .
; tFilelid= 2
Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020 - 0158 (5.2020)
Handling of the Remains of Suspect, Probable, and | Confirmed COVID-19 Cases”
dated March 22, 2020
: / Ith-u | f
Department Memorandum 2020-0227 “Intensification of Case Investigation, Contact
Tracing, Reporting and Deployment of COVID-19 Special Team/s for Urgent
Response to Stop COVID-19 Transmission” May 8, 2020,ph/sites/default/files/health-update/dm2020-0227.pdf

10. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020-0230 “Interim Guidelines

on the Implementation of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Response” dated April 23, 2020

https:// v,ph:8083 jle?id=653

also known as
il. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020-0246
“Interim Guidelines on Tobacco Control in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic” dated May
15, 2020

https://www.nnc Ra5-webpub/DOH%201

%20Guidelines? %20Tobacco? %20in? i


ght%200f%20the%20COVID-1 9%20Pandemic.pdf

12. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020-0346, otherwise known as

“ddvice on the Use of Masks During the COVID-19 Pandemic” dated August


https://dm. v,ph:8083/Rs ile?2id=656409

13. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2020-0512, otherwise known as

“Revised Omnibus Interim Guidelines on Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment
and Reintegration Strategies for COVID-19" dated November 26, 2020

https://doh i fault/files/health- 2020-0512.pdf

otherwise known as
14. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2021-0099,
“Interim Omnibus Guidelines of the National Vaccine Deployment Plan for
COVID-19” dated February 23, 2021

bitps:// files/health-update/dm2021-0099.pdf
15. Department of Health Department Memorandum No. 2021-0116 entitled “Interim
Guidelines on the Identification and Utilization of COVID-19 Vaccination Sites”
dated February 16, 2021

al jo! at of

16. Departmentof Health Department Memorandum No. 2021-0259, otherwise known as,
“Implementing Guidelines for Priority Groups A4. AS and Further Clarification of the
* dated May 31,
National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for COVID-19 Vaccines

17. Department of Health Department Memorandum 2021-0285, also known as the

Version 9"
“Implementation of the Use of the COVID-19 Case Investigation Form .

dated May 25, 2021

| YBvnJ ZPLZ0tj/view

18. Department of Labor and Employment Department Order No. 224-21 Guidelines on
Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to Prevent and Control the Spread of
COVID-19 dated March 9, 2021


Series of 2021 “Implementing Guidelines Of The Safety Seal Certification Program”
dated April 23, 2021

20. DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 20-04-A entitled “DTI
Covid-19” dated
Supplemental Guidelines On Workplace Prevention And Control Of
August 15, 2020

21. Executive Order No. 26 (s. 2017) “Providing for the Establishment of Smoke-free
Environments in Public and Enclosed Places dated May 16, 2017

it 1t/fil ealth advisory/mc2017-001

22. Executive Order No. 106 (s. 2020) entitled “Prohibiting the Manufacture,
Distribution, Marketing and Sale of Unregistered and/or Adulterated Electronic
Nicotine/Non-nicotine Delivery Systems, Heated Tobacco Products and other Novel
Tobacco Products” dated February 26, 2020

23. Interagency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) Omnibus
Guidelines on the Implementation of Community Quarantine in the Philippines with
Amendments as of August 6, 2021

24. Interagency Task Force for Emerging and Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID)
No. 128-A (s. 2021) dated July 22, 2021

icialgazette. wnloa 21/07jul/20 - -IATF-12


25. National Task Force Against COVID-19 - National Action Plan Against COVID-19
(NAP-COVID19) dated/ signed December 29 2020

https://iatf id=815

9-Phase-1I1 ph/wp-content/uploads/202 1/02/Signed-NAP-COVIDI1

SARS-COV-2 testing
96. Philhealth Circular No. 2020-0017 entitled “Benefit Package for
using RT-PCR (Revision 1)” dated June 25, 2020

https:// i 1th circula 20/¢circ2020-0017.pdf

27. Philippine COVID-19 Living Recommendations (Updated May 28, 2021)

28. Philippine Sports Commission, Games and Amusements Board, and Department of
Health Joint Administrative Order No. 2020-0001 also known as “Guidelines on the
Conduct of Health-Enhancing Physical Activities and Sports during the COVID-19
Pandemic” dated July 27, 2020
29. Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) - Kit Evaluation

30. Republic Act No. 10173 “Data Privacy Act of 2012"

31. Republic Act No. 11332, “Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health
Events of Public Health Concern Act”

tps: offici zette.go 04/26, ic-act-no-

://lawphil. t acts 1133

32. Republic Act No. 11525 otherwise known as “COVID -19 Vaccination Program Act
of 2021” dated February 26, 2021

https: ialgaze 21/02/ ic-act-no-115

33. World Health Organization (WHO) Cleaning and disinfection of environmental

surfaces in the context of COVID-19 (16 May 2020)

rfaces-in -of-covid-1

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