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Maximum marks : 80
Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ].
Select the correct option for each of the following questions

Question1 (20X1=20)

Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate answer:
Both Robi and Quin wanted to win the affections of Madam Suzanne, who was a
captivating actress. Robi and Quin were comedians with her in the Theatre Supreme.
Professional rivalry apart, the two were good friends. Both were equally popular among
their audience.
One fine day, tired of their constant competition for her, Suzanne laid the condition that she
would marry the one that was the better actor. Robi and Quin concluded that in comedy,
neither of them could prove supremacy, and so the competition should be to play a solemn
The issue became increasingly complicated till one evening a brilliant opportunity came
Robi’s way. Jaques, a public executioner, who had to deliver a lecture on the horrors of his
job, offered Robi to take his place, as he suffered from severe stage fright. Robi jumped at
the offer.
Suzanne and Quin accompanied him to the hall for the lecture. Robi was made up to
resemble Jaques as closely as possible. The opening of the address consisted of imaginary
incidents of his boyhood. Gradually the anecdotes grew gruesome and hideous, based on
the facts Jaques had provided. The hall shivered. There was no applause when he finished;
he bowed and withdrew amid tense silence. After the mesmerizing performance he
received a card from the Marquis requesting him for an interview at his home.
“An invitation from a noble! It is an honour. I shall assuredly go,” exclaimed Robi. He arrived
at the given address at the scheduled time. Marquis, his host, appeared old – so old that he
seemed to be falling to pieces as he tottered forward. He began, “Sir, your lecture was
wonderful, most interesting and instructive.” Robi bowed at his compliments.
As he offered Robi some wine, he asked about a prisoner, Victor, he had mentioned in his
“He was brave. I shall always recall his courage,” declared Robi.
“But you still executed him. He was innocent, my boy, my only son – he died by your hands.
You are his murderer. I hope the wine is to your taste. Do not spare it! It is poisoned,” said
the old man,” In an hour you will be dead and my revenge achieved,” he added.
Robi was paralysed with terror, the host wore the smile of a lunatic. And then the host slowly
removed the make-up and lifted his wig. It was Quin. While Robi had duped his audience, Quin had

duped Robi himself with his performance. Finally, Suzanne married Quin and Robi became the best
man at the wedding.

1. The word captivating in the passage means

(a) Boring (b) beautiful (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none

2. Supremacy in the passage means

(a) Superior to others (b) submission ( c ) subordination (d) powerful

3. Lunatic means
(a) An insane person (b) a mad person (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none

4. The meaning of anecdotes in the passage is

(a) imaginary tales of childhood (b) short accounts of real incidents (c) both (a) and (b)
(d) tales of horror

5. The synonym of duped is

(a) Unveiled (b) divulged (c) deceived (d) revealed

6. Robi and Quin were

(a) Brothers (b) arch enemies (c) professional rivals (d) father and son

7. Robi and Quin worked in Theatre Supreme as

(a) Playwrite (b) Director (c) Opera singers (d) Comedians

8. Both Robi and Quin wanted to

( a) be friends with Madam Suzanne (b ) work in her theatre (c ) marry her
(d) learn acting from her

9. Madam Suzanne decided to accept the offer of the one who was
(a) A better actor (b) a better comedian (c ) a better human being (d ) Both (a ) and ( c)

10. To fulfill Madam Suzanne’s condition, Robi and Quin decided to

(a) change their profession (b) change their genre (c) to play a serious part
(d) Both (b) and(c)

11. A public executioner is the one who

(a) passes judgement on a criminal in the court of law (b) defends a criminal in the court of
Law ( c ) carries out the capital punishment of a criminal (d) prosecutes a criminal in the
court of law

12. Jaques had to deliver a lecture on

(a) the horrors of war (b) the horrors of his job (c) a horror movie (d) none

13. Jaques asked Robi to take his place on the stage because
(a) He suffered from severe stage fright (b) he was very busy (c ) he was going out of station
(d) he was not interested

14. Robi was selected to take Jaques’ place as he was

(a)a friend of Jaques (b) an actor (c) a lookalike of Jaques (d) both (a) and (c)

15. The audience responded with
(a) a big round of applause (b) no applause (c) silence (d) both (b) and ( c)

16. The Marquis was

(a) the employer of Jaques ( b) Quin ( c) Jaques (d) Victor

17. When Robi received the invitation of the Marquis, he was

(a) excited (b) not interested to accept the invitation (c) refused the invitation (d) none

18. Robi arrived at the address given by the Marquis

(a) late (b) on time (c) before time (d) did not go

19. Madam Suzanne married Quin because

(a) he was better looking than Robi (b) he was a better actor than Robi
(c ) he was a friend of Jaques (d) he was the son of a Marquis

20. At the wedding of Quin and Madam Suzanne, Robi was

(a) the best man (b) the better man (c) the most handsome man (d) none

Question 2:
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences : (25X1=25)
21. The children ___________ for the annual function since morning.
(a) is practicing (b) have been practicing (c) practice (d) will practice
22. We __________ to our native village last year.
(a) will go (b) go (c) had gone (d) goes
23. The teacher ________ the whole experiment tomorrow.
(a) explained (b) had explained (c) explains (d) will be explaining
24. I continued _____ the sum till I got the right answer.
( a) to solving (b) for solving (c) solve (d) to solve
25. The students ______ Inter- house basketball match in their school every Friday.
(a) plays (b) play (c) will have played (d) none
26. I ________ my lunch when my friend came to my house.
(a) will have (b) was having (c) am having (d) will be having
27. The little girl ______ hungry since morning.
(a) were (b) was (c) has been (d) both (b) and (c)
28. They ________ the right answer.
(a) didn’t knew (b)hadn’t knew (c) knew (d) both (a) and (c)
29. Maya or her brothers _____ responsible for the accident.
(a) is (b) has (c) are (d) was
30. The Chief guest, with his wife, _____
(a) has left (b) are leaving (c) have left (d) left
31. I _____ for my medical check-up next week.
(a) go (b) will went (c) will be going (d) none
32. They _____ to Delhi tomorrow.
(a) goes (b) had gone (c) went (d) will go
33. He _______ football everyday.
(a) does not play (b) do not play (c) will not play (d) both (a) and (c)
34. ______ they army officers?
(a) is (b) are (c) will (d) none

35. You ______ forget to submit the project, did you?
(a) do not (b) would not (c) are not (d) did not
36. Did the doctor _____ ?
(a) came (b) come (c) will come (d) none
37. I have already _______ my homework.
(a) do (b) did (c) done (d) both (a) and (c)
38. By this time tomorrow, I _______ at my destination.
(a) shall have arrived (b) arrived (c) had arrived (d) both (a) and (c)
39. Is she ______ attend the function next week?
(a) will attend (b) going to (c) attends (d) attended
40. Nikhil _______ be contesting the election this year.
(a) does not (b) did not (c) do not (d) will not
41. She _________ here for 15 years.
(a) have been working (b) will be work (c) has been working (d) none
42. A vegetarian person does not ______ meat.
(a) eats (b) eat (c) ate (d) eaten
43. The partners _______ the profit among themselves.
(a) divided (b) has divided (c) dividing (d) both (a) and (b)
44. We _______ to pay a fine for jumping the Red light on the road.
(a) will (b) had (c) has (d) are
45. The sun ________ a while ago.
(a) rises (b) will rise (c) is rising (d) has risen

Question 3:
Choose the correct Prepositions: (25X1=25)
46. Kritam was a small village with thirty houses __ it.
(a) at (b) in (c) on (d) both (a) and (b)
47. Several houses were damaged _____ the cyclone.
(a) by (b) for (c) with (d) none
48. Follow the instructions carefully ____ completing the task correctly.
(a) to (b) for (c) in (d) by
49. It is dangerous to play ______ fire.
(a) at (b) in (c) on (d) none
50. He was hit _____ a speeding bus and was severely injured.
(a) on (b) by (c) at (d) of
51. Their request was turned _____ .
(a) off (b) around (c) up (d) none
52. She was looking ______ the window when her mother entered the room.
(a) outside (b) at (c) for (d) both (a) and (b)
53. His lack of punctuality will be held _____ him.
(a) with (b) on (c) against (d) for
54. I refrained _____ giving my opinion.
(a) by (b) in (c) for (d) none
55. The labourers were sleeping _____ the shade of a tree.
(a) on (b) in (c) under (d) with

56. He quarrelled with her _______ a trifle.
(a) over (b) at (c) for (d) none
57. She burst _______ tears when she lost the Grand Finale.
(a) off (b) with (c) into (d) by
58. He was fascinated _______ the idea of becoming a fighter pilot.
(a) with (b) to (c) in (d) none
59. Kindly desist _____ spreading rumours about Covid 19 situation in the country.
(a) in (b) from (c) with (d) by
60. The baby sat ________ his parents in the plane.
(a) away (b) under (c) inside (d) between
61. The enemy has encroached _______ our territory.
(a) upon (b) at (c) over (d) none
62. Many factors enter _______ the contract.
(a) of (b) with (c) into (d) at
63. Do not brood ___________ your failure.
(a) with (b) over (c) by (d) both (a) and (c)
64. The family always failed _______ want of help.
(a) with (b) in (c) at (d) for
65. You can obtain the answer _____ following the BODMAS method.
(a) to (b) by (c) on (d) in
66. I felt sad _____ India’s defeat in women’s hockey at the Tokyo Olympics 2020.
(a) for (b) off (c)from (d) none
67. The pond abounds _____ fish.
(a) for (b) in (c) at (d) on
68. Burglars broke ______ the shop at night.
(a) away (b) out (c) off (d) into
69. He is too miserly to part ______ his money.
(a) with (b) up (c) at (d) in
70. We should not deviate _______ our objectives.
(a) at (b) from (c) on (d) by

Question 4:
Choose the correct option to join the following pair of sentences. (5X1=5)
71. Your uncle had given you a camera. Show me that camera.
(a) which (b) because (c) as (d) none

72. Ramesh broke his left arm. He fell down the stairs.
(a) until (b) unless (c) when (d) or

73. He worked hard. He failed.

(a) because (b) therefore (c) since (d) yet

74. I could not go to school. It was raining hard.

(a) Still (b) because (c) unless (d) even though

75. He implemented many schemes for rural development. He was in the Ministry.
(a) until (b) unless (c) while (d) both (a) and (b)

Question 5: (5X1=5)
Choose the correct option for rewriting a sentence according to the given instruction.

76. She is so intelligent that she can write her own book. (use: enough)
(a) She is not so enough intelligent to write her own book.
(b) She is intelligent enough to write her own book.
( c) She is not enough intelligent to write her own book.
(d) None of the above

77. As soon as the bell rang, the children ran out of the classroom. ( Begin: No sooner..)
(a) No sooner the bell rang, the children ran out of the classroom.
(b) No sooner did the bell rang than the children ran out of the classroom.
(c) No sooner had the bell ring than the children ran out of the classroom.
(d) No sooner did the bell ring than the children ran out of the classroom.

78. This is one of the tallest buildings. (use: taller)

(a) This building is taller than most other buildings.
(b) This building is taller than all the buildings.
( c) This building is the taller of all the buildings.
(d) No other building is taller than this one.

79. If he is not operated immediately, the infection will spread further. (use: unless)
(a) Unless he is operated immediately, the infection will spread further.
(b) The infection will spread further unless he is operated immediately.
( c) If he is operated immediately unless the infection will spread further.
(d) Both (a) and (b)

80. Swami requested him to wait there till he returned. (End with: …. till I return.”)
(a) Swami requested him to wait here till I return.”
(b) Swami said to him, “Please wait here till I return.”
(c ) Swami said to him, “Wait here till I return.”
(d) Swami said to him, “You have to wait here till I return.”


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