Laundry Listening

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1 D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1

1. (A) H" finished th" problem at las!. 9. (A) Descend the stairs and go in the
(8) He hardly worked on the math. second door.
(C) II was hard for him to assign the (B) Step around the building and enter
math. through the first door.
(D) The problem was very difficult. (C) Go through the first door and go
down the steps.
2. (A) He didn't fail hy much. (D) Go down the hall and enter the
(B) H" completely failed the exam. doorway.
(C) He had a really high grade.
(0) His grad" was low hut passing. 10. (A) She can see him very clearly.
(B) He speaks loudly.
3. (A) The laundry is getting done. (C) He's very soft-spoken.
(B) They arc close to the cleaners. (D) She didn't speak to him.
(C) Th" woman should close the machine.
(D) He is watching someone clear the 11. (A) She would like the man to repeat
machine. himself.
(B) The last exam was not very hard.
4. (A) Leaving on Tuesday. (C) She agrees with the man ahout the
(8) CUlling their visit short. exam.
(C) Changing the day of their departure. (D) The man has repeated himself several
(D) Postponing their visit to a later date. times.

5. (A) The landlord has raised the ren!. 12. (A) II has prohably not been arranged.
(B) The landlord has received a letter (B) It is ready for the conference.
with some bad news. (C) II needs a set of chairs.
(C) The landlord will not increase the (D) It needs to be emptied.
(D) The landlord will not rent them an 13. (A) She'll be able to stay up until the last
apartment. moment.
(B) She's been running for some time.
6. (A) He is always underappreciated. (C) She's not sure when the last exam is.
(B) She is thankful for what he did. (D) She's really exhausted.
(C) He has made no apparent effort.
(D) She feds little appreciation for his 14. (A) He fascinated the guests.
efforts. (B) The speaker's ideas intrigued him.
(C) Giving speeches is fascinating.
7. (A) Getting dressed. (D) He was a guest of the speaker.
(B) Making salad.
(C) Shopping for groceries. 15. (A) It is quite humid this week.
(D) Washing clothes. (B) The humidity will last through the
8. (A) She convinced Jack to go. (C) It is drier now.
(B) She will not be able to go to the (D) It was better just last week.
(C) Jack has convinced her to go to a 16. (A) She was extremely understanding.
restaurant. (B) She couldn't understand the
(D) Jack'is not going. explanation.
(C) She did not understand the problem.
(D) She missed class due to illness.

1 o 1 o 1o 1o 1 o 1 o 1o 1
17. (A) She didn't see all of the show. 25. (A) He was not surprised by the change.
(B) The show was unbelievable. (B) He didn't expect the change.
(C) She doesn't believe that the show (C) The rcquirements have not changed.
really happened. (D) He expects to change his major,
(D) The skydivers were pulled off their

;' feet. 26. (A) The bridge is too hard to cross.

(B) They must pay rent for the bridge.
18. (A) They were unable to pay the bill. (C) They must cross a bridge to get to the
(B) The prices were surprisingly low. house.
(C) The restaurant was too expensive for (D) They can decide later.
them to try.
(D) They almost didn't have enough to 27. (A) The trip was less than perfect.
pay for the meal. (B) There was nothing at all wrong with
the trip.
19. (A) He has to take microbiology. (C) There wasn't any way that she could
(B) He wishes he could take microbiology take the trip.
this semester. (D) The trip could have been improved in
(C) He is not enrolling in microbiology a number of ways.
this semester.
(D) He had hoped to take microbiology 28. (A) It received more attention on the
this semester. exam than it did in the lectures.
(B) It was a major part of all of the
20. (A) That she would take the COUl"se. lectures.
(B) That the first lecture would not be (C) It was not on the exam at all.
tomorrow. (D) It received more attention in the
(C) That he would not be in the course. lectures than it had on the exam.
(D) That she would not register.
29. (A) The professor made an early
21. (A) Construction workers. announcement about the exam.
(B) Architects. (B) The professor failed to announce the
(C) Insumnce agents. exam.
(D) Ar-tists. (C) The professor announced the exam
too soon.
22. (A) The runner did not fall. (D) The professor did not give enough
(B) The team won. notice for the exam.
(C) The loss was the runner's fault.
(D) The team won't ever win a game. 30. (A) That he would remember her
23. (A) Starting on their exam preparation. (B) That he would bring her a gift.
(B) Leaving for the exam. (C) That he had forgotten her birthday.
(C) Going home to study. (D) That he would get her something she
(D) Going to her job. didn't like.

24. (A) She's not a very good manager.

(B) He'll bc able to work reasonably well
with her.
(C) He's unhappy that there is a class
(D) Hc's happy that she's not part of the


1D 1 D 1 D 1 D 1 D 1D 1 o 1
Part B

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you
will hear several questions. The conversations and questions will not be repeated.
After you ilear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best
answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

31. (A) To write his paper. 36. (A) One was damaged more severely than
(B) To help him decide on a topic. the others.
(C) To teach him about history. (B) All the apartments were completely
(D) To discuss history with him. destroyed.
(C) There was one thousand dollars of
32. (A) At the beginning of the semester. damage.
(B) Before the start of the semester. (D) All twenty apartments suffered some
(C) Near the end of the semester. damage.
(D) One week after the semester is
finished. 37. (A) They were killed.
(B) They were taken to the hospital.
33. (A) The topic's too general. (C) The damage to the apartments was
(B) He isn't interested in technology. more serious than the harm to the
(C) He doesn't have enough time. residents.
(D) Technology has nothing to do with (D) They weren't frightened.
American history.
38. (A) Call the fire department.
34. (A) A month. (B) Rush to the hospital.
(B) The semester. (C) Listen for a smoke alarm.
(C) Seven days. (D) Have an alarm and extinguisher in
(D) A day or two. good condition.

35. (A) Fire damage to some apartments.

(B) How to prevent fires.
(C) An apartment fire and what one can
learn from it.
(D) An early morning news story.

TOEFL-lest directions and ronnat arr reprint~ by permission

of ETS, Ih~ copyright owner. Howf'Ver. all examples and lesf
466 COMPLETE TEST THREE questiom; are provided by Franan Educ.alion. Inc.
1 D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1
39. (A) A professional dancer. 45. (A) Very spicy.
(B) A student in the dance department. (B) Full of sugar.
(C) The head of the dance department. (C) Salty.
(D) A choreographer. (D) Full of tobacco.

40. (A) Which dance degree to take. 46. (A) An Acadian will give a talk.
(B) Whether or not to major in dance. (8) The bus ride will continue.
(C) Whether to be a professional dancer (C) They will stop in Lafayette.
or choreographer. (D) They will see the exhibition at
(D) Whether to specialize in dance Acadian Village.
therapy U1' dance hblory.
47. (A) The purpose of the FCC.
41. (A) Physical the;'dpy. (8) The relatively rapid development of
(B) Dance history. radio.
(C) Choreog:-B.phv. (C) Interference from competing radio
(D) Dance administration. stations.
(D) The first U.S. radio station.
42. (A) They arc both ir'le::dcd fe.,
professional dancers. 48. (A) Introduction to Engineering.
(B) They involve mostly the same courses. (B) Pupulat' Radio Programs.
(C) They do not need 10 be selecled until (C) Ethics in Journalism.
(D) The History of Communication.
(D) They are bot~ fOClr-yearprograms.
49. (A) The many radio stations were highly
43. (1\) A Cajun
(8) In 1930 there was only one radio
(B) A tourist.
station in the United States.
(C) An Acadian.
(C) The existing radio stations were
(D) A tour guide.
totally uncontrolled.
(D) The FCC was unable to control the
44. (A) They went to Acadia in the eighteenth
radio stations.
(B) They came from France in the
50. (A) First Communications Committee.
eighteenth cer;turv.
(8) First Control Committee.
(C) They maintained characteristics of
(C) Federal Control of Communications.
their old culture.
(D) They assimilated completely into the (D) Federal Communications
new culture.

This Is the end of Section 1.

Stop work on Section 1.

Turn off the recording.

Read the directions for Section 2 and begin work.
Do NOT read or work on any other section
of the test during the next 25 minutes.


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