Fluid Dynamics

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(4)Fluid dynamics

a. What does the fluid dynamics talk about

b. Important theories and formulas
c. Deliver an example which involves fluid statics (simple)

4.(a)Fluid dynamics:

In physics and engineering, fluid dynamics is a subdiscipline of fluid

mechanics that describes the flow of fluids—liquids and gases. It has
several subdisciplines, including aerodynamics (the study of air and other
gases in motion) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion).
Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including
calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow
rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns,
understanding nebulae in interstellar space and modelling fission weapon
Fluid dynamics offers a systematic structure—which underlies
these practical disciplines—that embraces empirical and semi-empirical
laws derived from flow measurement and used to solve practical
problems. The solution to a fluid dynamics problem typically involves the
calculation of various properties of the fluid, such as flow
velocity, pressure, density, and temperature, as functions of space and
Before the twentieth century, hydrodynamics was synonymous with fluid
dynamics. This is still reflected in names of some fluid dynamics topics,
like magnetohydrodynamics and hydrodynamic stability, both of which
can also be applied to gases.[1]

 b) Important theories and formulas :

The foundational axioms of fluid dynamics are the conservationshape,

ypical aerodynamic teardrop laws, assuming
specifically, conservation of mass, conservation of linear
a viscous medium momentum,
passing from left to right, the
diagram shows the pressure distribution as the
and conservation of energy (also known as First Law of
thickness of the black line and shows the
Thermodynamics). These are based on classical
velocity inmechanics and arethe violet
the boundary layer as
modified in quantum mechanics and general relativity.
triangles. They are
The green vortex generators prompt
the transition to turbulent flow and prevent
expressed using the Reynolds transport theorem.
back-flow also called flow separation from the
high-pressure region in the back. The surface in
front is as smooth as possible or even
employs shark-like skin, as any turbulence here
increases the energy of the airflow. The
truncation on the right, known as a Kammback,
also prevents backflow from the high-pressure
region in the back across the spoilers to the
convergent part.
In addition to the above, fluids are assumed to obey the continuum
assumption. Fluids are composed of molecules that collide with one
another and solid objects. However, the continuum assumption assumes
that fluids are continuous, rather than discrete. Consequently, it is
assumed that properties such as density, pressure, temperature, and flow
velocity are well-defined at infinitesimally small points in space and vary
continuously from one point to another. The fact that the fluid is made up
of discrete molecules is ignored.
For fluids that are sufficiently dense to be a continuum, do not contain
ionized species, and have flow velocities small in relation to the speed of
light, the momentum equations for Newtonian fluids are the Navier–
Stokes equations—which is a non-linear set of differential equations that
describes the flow of a fluid whose stress depends linearly on flow
velocity gradients and pressure. The unsimplified equations do not have a
general closed-form solution, so they are primarily of use
in computational fluid dynamics. The equations can be simplified in a
number of ways, all of which make them easier to solve. Some of the
simplifications allow some simple fluid dynamics problems to be solved
in closed form.[citation needed]
In addition to the mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations,
a thermodynamic equation of state that gives the pressure as a function of
other thermodynamic variables is required to completely describe the
problem. An example of this would be the perfect gas equation of state:

where p is pressure, ρ is density, T the absolute temperature, while Ru is

the gas constant and M is molar mass for a particular gas.
Conservation laws
Three conservation laws are used to solve fluid dynamics problems, and
may be written in integral or differential form. The conservation laws
may be applied to a region of the flow called a control volume. A control
volume is a discrete volume in space through which fluid is assumed to
flow. The integral formulations of the conservation laws are used to
describe the change of mass, momentum, or energy within the control
volume. Differential formulations of the conservation laws apply Stokes'
theorem to yield an expression which may be interpreted as the integral
form of the law applied to an infinitesimally small volume (at a point)
within the flow.
 Mass continuity (conservation of mass): The rate of change of fluid
mass inside a control volume must be equal to the net rate of fluid flow
into the volume. Physically, this statement requires that mass is neither
created nor destroyed in the control volume, and can be translated into
the integral form of the continuity equation:


Above,  is the fluid density, u is the flow velocity vector, and t is time.

The left-hand side of the above expression is the rate of increase of
mass within the volume and contains a triple integral over the control
volume, whereas the right-hand side contains an integration over the
surface of the control volume of mass convected into the system. Mass
flow into the system is accounted as positive, and since the normal
vector to the surface is opposite the sense of flow into the system the
term is negated. The differential form of the continuity equation is, by
the divergence theorem:

 Conservation of momentum: Newton's second law of

motion applied to a control volume, is a statement that any change in
momentum of the fluid within that control volume will be due to the
net flow of momentum into the volume and the action of external
forces acting on the fluid within the volume.


In the above integral formulation of this equation, the term on the left is
the net change of momentum within the volume. The first term on the
right is the net rate at which momentum is convected into the volume.
The second term on the right is the force due to pressure on the
volume's surfaces. The first two terms on the right are negated since
momentum entering the system is accounted as positive, and the
normal is opposite the direction of the velocity  and pressure forces.
The third term on the right is the net acceleration of the mass within the
volume due to any body forces (here represented by fbody). Surface
forces, such as viscous forces, are represented by  , the net force due
to shear forces acting on the volume surface. The momentum balance
can also be written for a moving control volume.

The following is the differential form of the momentum conservation

equation. Here, the volume is reduced to an infinitesimally small point,
and both surface and body forces are accounted for in one total
force, F. For example, F may be expanded into an expression for the
frictional and gravitational forces acting at a point in a flow.

In aerodynamics, air is assumed to be a Newtonian fluid, which posits a

linear relationship between the shear stress (due to internal friction
forces) and the rate of strain of the fluid. The equation above is a vector
equation in a three-dimensional flow, but it can be expressed as three
scalar equations in three coordinate directions. The conservation of
momentum equations for the compressible, viscous flow case are called
the Navier–Stokes equations.

 Conservation of energy: Although energy can be converted from

one form to another, the total energy in a closed system remains

Above, h is the specific enthalpy, k is the thermal conductivity of the

fluid, T is temperature, and  is the viscous dissipation function. The
viscous dissipation function governs the rate at which mechanical
energy of the flow is converted to heat. The second law of
thermodynamics requires that the dissipation term is always positive:
viscosity cannot create energy within the control volume.The
expression on the left side is a material derivative.
 Conservation laws:

Three conservation laws are used to solve fluid dynamics problems, and
may be written in integral or differential form. The conservation laws
may be applied to a region of the flow called a control volume. A control
volume is a discrete volume in space through which fluid is assumed to
flow. The integral formulations of the conservation laws are used to
describe the change of mass, momentum, or energy within the control
volume. Differential formulations of the conservation laws apply Stokes'
theorem to yield an expression which may be interpreted as the integral
form of the law applied to an infinitesimally small volume (at a point)
within the flow.
 Mass continuity (conservation of mass): The rate of change of fluid
mass inside a control volume must be equal to the net rate of fluid flow
into the volume. Physically, this statement requires that mass is neither
created nor destroyed in the control volume,and can be translated into
the integral form of the continuity equation:


Above,  is the fluid density, u is the flow velocity vector, and t is time.

The left-hand side of the above expression is the rate of increase of
mass within the volume and contains a triple integral over the control
volume, whereas the right-hand side contains an integration over the
surface of the control volume of mass convected into the system. Mass
flow into the system is accounted as positive, and since the normal
vector to the surface is opposite the sense of flow into the system the
term is negated. The differential form of the continuity equation is, by
the divergence theorem:

 Conservation of momentum: Newton's second law of

motion applied to a control volume, is a statement that any change in
momentum of the fluid within that control volume will be due to the
net flow of momentum into the volume and the action of external
forces acting on the fluid within the volume.


In the above integral formulation of this equation, the term on the left is
the net change of momentum within the volume. The first term on the
right is the net rate at which momentum is convected into the volume.
The second term on the right is the force due to pressure on the
volume's surfaces. The first two terms on the right are negated since
momentum entering the system is accounted as positive, and the
normal is opposite the direction of the velocity  and pressure forces.
The third term on the right is the net acceleration of the mass within the
volume due to any body forces (here represented by fbody). Surface
forces, such as viscous forces, are represented by  , the net force due
to shear forces acting on the volume surface. The momentum balance
can also be written for a moving control volume.

The following is the differential form of the momentum conservation

equation. Here, the volume is reduced to an infinitesimally small point,
and both surface and body forces are accounted for in one total
force, F. For example, F may be expanded into an expression for the
frictional and gravitational forces acting at a point in a flow.

In aerodynamics, air is assumed to be a Newtonian fluid, which posits a

linear relationship between the shear stress (due to internal friction
forces) and the rate of strain of the fluid. The equation above is a vector
equation in a three-dimensional flow, but it can be expressed as three
scalar equations in three coordinate directions. The conservation of
momentum equations for the compressible, viscous flow case are called
the Navier–Stokes equations.

 Conservation of energy: Although energy can be converted from

one form to another, the total energy in a closed system remains
Above, h is the specific enthalpy, k is the thermal conductivity of the
fluid, T is temperature, and  is the viscous dissipation function. The
viscous dissipation function governs the rate at which mechanical
energy of the flow is converted to heat. The second law of
thermodynamics requires that the dissipation term is always positive:
viscosity cannot create energy within the control volume. The
expression on the left side is a material derivative.

 Compressible vs incompressible flow:

All fluids are compressible to an extent; that is, changes in pressure or
temperature cause changes in density. However, in many situations the
changes in pressure and temperature are sufficiently small that the
changes in density are negligible. In this case the flow can be modelled as
an incompressible flow. Otherwise the more general compressible
flow equations must be used.
Mathematically, incompressibility is expressed by saying that the density
ρ of a fluid parcel does not change as it moves in the flow field, i.e.,

where D/Dt is the material derivative, which is the sum

of local and convective derivatives. This additional constraint simplifies
the governing equations, especially in the case when the fluid has a
uniform density.
For flow of gases, to determine whether to use compressible or
incompressible fluid dynamics, the Mach number of the flow is
evaluated. As a rough guide, compressible effects can be ignored at Mach
numbers below approximately 0.3. For liquids, whether the
incompressible assumption is valid depends on the fluid properties
(specifically the critical pressure and temperature of the fluid) and the
flow conditions (how close to the critical pressure the actual flow
pressure becomes). Acoustic problems always require allowing
compressibility, since sound waves are compression waves involving
changes in pressure and density of the medium through which they
 Newtonian vs non-Newtonian fluids:
All fluids are viscous, meaning that they exert some resistance to
deformation: neighbouring parcels of fluid moving at different velocities
exert viscous forces on each other. The velocity gradient is referred to as
a strain rate; it has dimensions  . Isaac Newton showed that for many
familiar fluids such as water and air, the stress due to these viscous forces
is linearly related to the strain rate. Such fluids are called Newtonian
fluids. The coefficient of proportionality is called the fluid's viscosity; for
Newtonian fluids, it is a fluid property that is independent of the strain

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