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Flange Assurance Procedure Latest Version 8feb19

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Change/Amendment History

Description of Amendment Issuance Date Review Date

0 Updating Torque Value Based on DEP 15th July 2013

1 Update to include 30th July 2015
Section 8.0 PTA Requirements
Appendix A: Workflow
Appendix B: Overview of Bolt Size Required for Controlled
Appendix C: Torque Table (for Lubricated and Non
Appendix D: Bolt Tightening Sequence in Clockwise
Appendix J: Gasket Colour Coding
Appendix K: Hydraulic Bolt Torque and Bolt Tensioning
Method Statement.
Appendix L: Flange Assurance – Joint Integrity Flow Chart
for PTA
Appenidix M : Reccomended Flange Assurance Sampling
Appendix N: Detailed Roles and Responsibilities in FA work
Appendix O: Flange Assurance Competency Requirements
2 Alignment with New ME Structure 25th Aug 2017 25th Aug 2020
Updated FA Flow chart
Updated RACI chart
Introduction of Flange Tag and Flange Seal requirement
Torque values for non-metallic flanges pipes
Deviation process for uncontrolled bolting

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Table of Contents

1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

2.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.0 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.0 WORK PROCESS FLOW CHART .................................................................................................................. 5
6.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................... 7
7.0 FLANGE ASSURANCE .................................................................................................................................. 8
8.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................ 18

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The purpose of this procedure is to provide working instructions and guidelines for control of
opening and closing of bolted flanged to prevent any leakage.

This procedure covers the end to end flange assurance process in SMDS for run and maintain
projects and PTA.

This procedure covers the following aspects:

• Roles and Responsibilities for all personnel involved in the FA process

• Workflow of the FA process
• Competency for all personnel involved in the FA process

• Flange Assurance – Shell Bukom
• SHELL DEP Gen. – Shop and Field Fabrication of Piping
• ASME B16.5 – Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
• ASME B16.47 – Large Diameter Steel Flanges
• DEP and SMDS Oxygen System & Handling Procedure Rev G


• PTFE: Teflon
• FA: Flange Assurance
• FLBM: Front Line Barrier Management
• MoC: Management of Change
• PtW: Permit to Work
• JHA: Job Hazard Analysis
• WMS: Work Method Statement
• TA2: Technical Authority level 2

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Area Maintenance Lead

Maintenance Manager
Mech. Supv. (FA Insp.)

Mechanical & Integrity

Maintenance Planner

PEI Engineer (ME23)

Mechanical Trainer
Area Mech. Lead /

Mech. Technician

Manager (ME2)
Contracting &
Task Description




1.0 To identify and compile flanges that are required to be
worked on.
2.0 To specify for joint materials and consumables as per
specification which includes flanges, studs, nuts, gaskets,
washers, direct tension indicators, anti-seize compounds
3.0 To inform area mechanical lead in case there are any
change against the approved material specification
3.1 To compile and raise appropriate MoC for any deviation
from the original flange design for approval
3.2 To ensure that all relevant personnel have received
required training and are certified to perform work related R A
to flange making.
4.0 To source joint materials and consumables as required by
the end user
4.1 To ensure timely delivery of said materials and consumable A/R
4.2 To ensure appropriate and adequate storage for these
4.3 To issue correct materials as required by the end user I A/R
5.0 To ensure the correct materials are available for the A A R C
required flange work according to specification (Unplanned) (Planned)

6.0 To obtain the correct torque values from available in the

FA procedure.
6.1 To calculate and obtain approval for torque values as
required by the end user.
7.0 To prepare documents required for flange work execution
such as PtW, JHA, WMS, Flange Assurance Forms, Flange A I R
Tags, etc.
7.1 To confirm the flange connection to be broken is as
indicated in the approved PtW, LOTO and Spading List.
Positively confirm that the line is depressurized and
drained (with Pressure Gauges, drain/vent points, etc.)
7.2 To ensure enough temporary support is provided to
prevent unintended movement of the pipework and pipe A R C
7.3 To identify any affected spring hanger, expansion bellow
or any engineered piping components and secure them A R C
8.0 To assess and select the appropriate tightening method
based on flange condition and geometry
8.1 To raise deviation to execute uncontrolled tightening (if
9.0 To safely break flanged joints (ensure line of fire is
9.1 To ensure adequate protection to flange surface and
internals in open condition.
9.2 To clean sealing surface, studs and nuts. A R
10.0 To inspect flange, flange sealing surfaces, gaskets, studs
and nuts condition and determine if a repair or A R C
replacement is necessary
11.1 To perform repair on flange and/or to replace flange

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Contracting & Procurement

Area Mech. Lead / Mech.

Area Maintenance Lead

Maintenance Manager

Mechanical & Integrity

Maintenance Planner

PEI Engineer (ME23)

Mechanical Trainer
Mech. Technician

Manager (ME2)
Supv. (FA Insp.)
Task Description



12.0 To perform alignment of flanges prior to assembly, align
and assemble flange with new gasket and studs & nuts A R
hand tightened
12.1 To ensure appropriate lubricating/anti-seize compounds
are applied as specified
12.2 To execute bolted joint tightening according to the
approved tightening method (manual torquing, hydraulic A R
torquing, hydraulic tensioning, etc.)
13.0 To verify the alignment of the flanges prior and after the
flange assembly
13.1 To verify the correct tools and torque/tensioning values
have been used to assemble the flange
13.2 To verify flange tightening tools have valid calibration
13.3 To execute bolt looseness test R A
14.0 To seal the flange once it is verified to comply with flange
assurance requirements
15.0 To perform periodic audits on flange assurance process R R R A R
16.0 To maintain training syllabus for flange assurance in FLBM A R
16.1 To plan and conduct training and assessment for
Mechanical Technicians on Flange Assurance
16.2 To plan and conduct training and assessment for FA
16.3 To maintain a list of qualified Mechanical Technicians,
Contractors and FA Inspectors


7.1 Flange Tightening Method

There are various ways to achieve the required sealing properties for flanges. Below are the ones commonly
deployed in SMDS. A guide for the selection of tightening methods are available

7.1.1 Torquing

Torquing is tightening of bolts by using manual or hydraulic torque wrenches. Nuts are turned
against the flange to a predetermined torque setting which is then converted into axial bolt stretch
by the thread. The resultant bolt tension is very dependent on the type and quality of lubricant
application, surface condition of the nut, thread and flange face.

Torque values for SMDS piping class flanges are given in Appendix 1. Torque sequence for flanges of
various size are given in Appendix 2. Torque values for non ASME B16.5 flanges (e.g. Heat Exchanger
Cover, Equipment body flanges, non-circular flanges, etc.) shall be obtained in consultation with the
Mechanical & PEI Engineer (ME23)

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Shell MDS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Manual Torquing

Manual torquing shall be carried out with calibrated torque wrenches. Calibration of these
torque wrenches shall be done after 2500 times usage or 12 months whichever is earlier. Hydraulic Torquing

Torque values are directly correlated with hydraulic pressure applied. The pressure to
torque conversion is dependent on the model and make of the hydraulic torque wrench.
The appropriate chart as supplied by the manufacturer shall be referred to determine the
correct output torque.

Pressure gauges shall be calibrated every 12 months.

7.1.2 Hydraulic Tensioning

Hydraulic tensioning is a tightening method that applies direct axial force to stretch the
bolts to a predetermined bolt tension value using a hydraulic tensioning tool.

Bolt tensioning values for specific flanges in SMDS are available in Appendix 3 for piping
and Appendix 4 for equipment. Care shall be taken to only use these values with specified
tools according as indicated.

Bolt tension coverage can vary from 100% to 50% and 25%. This is dependent on the
number of bolts on the flange and the number hydraulic tension head available. For tension
values and tool coverage that are not listed in Appendix 3 or Appendix 4, please consult the
Mechanical Engineer for the correct tension values.

Only trained and qualified personnel can perform hydraulic bolt tensioning.

Hydraulic tensioning form can be found in Appendix 11

7.1.3 Uncontrolled Tightening

Uncontrolled tightening is considered a deviation from the flange assurance process. All
uncontrolled bolting shall be justified and a deviation shall be raised for evaluation and
approval by the mechanical static TA2.

7.1.4 Direct Tension Indicators

The use of direct tension indicators can help in situations where controlled bolting cannot
be performed. The deployment of direct tension indicators shall be approved by the
mechanical static TA2.

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7.2 Flange Materials

7.2.1 Gaskets

Always refer to the piping class, material list in isomeric drawing or original equipment vendor
drawing for selection of right gasket.

All gaskets should only be used once and should be replaced if a joint has to be opened and re-

Common gaskets that used in SMDS are:

• Spiral wound gasket with graphite filler

• Spiral wound gasket with PTFE filer
• Solid metal gasket
• Expanded graphite gasket
• Sheet gasket
• Ring type joint
• Kammprofile
• Soft iron / metal jacket gasket.
• Solid metal gasket Gasket Packaging

Gasket shall be packed with a stiff backing board and wrapped with plastic sheet.

Small and same size and rating gaskets can be bundle in a stack and wrapped with plastic sheet.

For standard piping gaskets, with standard size and rating, the size and rating shall be clearly
stamped on the gasket.

For non-standard or special gaskets, the following information shall be labeled with water proof
material on the packing of each individual gasket:

• Equipment tag number

• Type of gasket
• Dimension of gasket
• Order number and person who ordered.

For O2 services gasket:

• Vendor shall be in BAM list

• Oxygen cleaned, packed individually and wrapped with water proof plastic sheet
• Marked “For O2 services ONLY, No Grease or Oil” on packing

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Shell MDS (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Gasket Storage

Gasket shall be stored in a cool and dry location in the warehouse

Gaskets shall be stored either in horizontal on the ground or on the rack.

For O2 services gasket shall be stored separately in air-conditioning room to prevent any

Warehouse personnel shall responsible for proper gasket storage.

7.2.2 Studs and Nuts

Selection of material, size and length bolt and nut is crucial for the service and this information is
available in piping class as identified in the PEFS

Studs and nuts shall be inspected each time for any visual damage or imperfection for nicks, burrs,
chips, corrosion and any deformation.

Damaged studs and nuts shall be replaced and any reused ones shall be cleaned before
reinstallation. Studs shall be long enough to show 2 thread protrusion after final assembly.

7.3 Flange Quality Control and Assurance

7.3.1 Sealing Surface

After removal of old gasket examine the sealing faces for cleanliness, burrs, scratches or corrosion.
Left-over product or gasket parts must be removed as this might affect the sealing quality. Care shall
be taken to ensure that the sealing surface are not damaged.

Damages on sealing surfaces are still acceptable if:

• A scratch, deep enough to be felt by nail (< 0.2mm depth) will cover 1/3 or less of the sealing
faces width.
• If corrosion/pitting has taken place on 20% or less of the sealing face width.

Mechanical technician shall inform the FA-Inspector/Supervisor if the sealing surface is unacceptable.
Rejected flanges shall be repaired or replaced.

Check the roughness of the sealing faces by comparison with a micro-surf test-plate. Surface finishing
shall be according to ASME B16.5 unless otherwise specified.

The flatness of the sealing face should be neither convex or concave and <0.3mm

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Table 1 summarizes the surface roughness requirement based on the type of gasket used.

Gasket Type Surface Roughness (CLA-µm)

Soft cut gasket 125-500 µm
Spiral wound gasket 125-250 µm
Kammprofile gasket 125-250 µm
Soft iron/Metal jacket gasket < 125 µm
Ring joint gasket < 63 µm

Table 1: Surface Roughness Requirement Based on Gasket type

7.3.2 Flange Alignment

Lateral Alignment
Unbolted flanges should be aligned properly, both axially and circumferentially so that bolt
holes can be matched to allow stud bolts to be inserted freely. Lateral alignment can be
checked by using straight edge along the outside diameter of the flange. Measurement
should be taken at 90° apart around the flange circumference.

Nominal Flange Size Max. lateral Misalignment

Flange size ≤ DN 100 2mm
Flange Size >DN 100 3mm

Table 2: Allowable Lateral Misalignment for Flanges based on Flange Size

Parallel Alignment
Parallelism should be measured by checking the distance between the mating faces of the
preassemble joint. The allowable gap is dependent on the size of the flange. The difference
between the measurements should not exceed:

Nominal Flange Size Max. Parallel Misalignment

DN15 ≤ Flange size ≤ DN 600 2.5 mm/m
Flange size > DN 600 1.75 mm/m

Table 3: Allowable Parallel Misalignment for Flanges based on Flange Size

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Rotating Equipment Flanges

For flange connecting to rotating equipment, the flange face alignment check shall be
performed with all bolts insert loosely and the acceptance criteria as given below:

Nominal Flange Size Maximum Parallel Misalignment

Flange Size < DN 300 0.2 mm
DN 300 ≤ Flange Size <DN 600 0.3 mm
Flange Size ≥ DN 600 0.5 mm

Table 4: Allowable Parallel Misalignment for Flanges based on Flange Size

Figure 1: 1. Parallel Misalignment, 2. Lateral Misalignment

Figure 2: 1. Flange Rotation

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7.3.4 Lubrication/Anti-Sieze

Bolt lubrication is essential for providing the low coefficient of friction. This lubricant to be applied
on to the thread and the face of the nut that contact with the flange (bearing face of nut).

The approved lubricant for SMDS is Chesterton 785. Other type of grease is not permitted as this
may affect the flange sealing.

If washers are fitted, only lubricate the nut bearing surface of the washer. Do not lubricate the
underside of the washer or the flange.

Oxygen services are not to be lubricated.

7.3.5 Flange Tagging

Flange tagging is mandatory for all to-be-opened flanges in SMDS. Flange tags shall be applied in
accordance to the SMDS flange tagging standard which can be found in Appendix 6

Flange tagging shall be carried out by the Mechanical Technician prior to the commencement of
work on the flanges. Information in Part I shall be filled up and the tags shall be secured as near as
reasonable practicable to the flange. One tag is required for every flange pair. Any repair or
replacement work shall be noted on the front of the flange tag and the details listed at the back of
the tag.

Upon completion of the flange work, the FA Inspector shall inspect the flange and provide final
acceptance on the flange make-up and any repair or replacement work done.

7.3.6 Flange Seal

Flanges that are accepted by the FA Inspector shall be sealed with metal wire and crimped with the
Mechanical Technician’s seal. The seal wire shall be color coded per Appendix 7

The Mechanical trainer shall keep the list of Mechanical Technicians and their corresponding flange

7.3.7 Flange Tightening Report

All flange tightening work shall be recorded in the flange tightening report as can be found in
Appendix 8

The flange tightening report shall form part of the work pack for handover to operations.

7.4 Special Service Flanges

7.4.1 Oxygen Service Flanges

The special safety precautions prescribed for general maintenance in oxygen service, will be valid for
opening and closing flange connections in O2 services as well. For details see DEP
and SMDS Oxygen System & Handling Procedure.

Anti-seize or lubricants are not allowed to be applied for oxygen and oxygen clean flanges.

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7.4.2 GRE/GRVE and Plasticon

Glass fiber reinforced epicoat (LAKU water, loading lines, and underground firefighting water line)
and glass fiber reinforced vinyl esther piping is constructed in unit 7050.

Plasticon pipes are used for acid lines for the Demin unit and the Waste Water Treatment unit.

Use full-face gaskets of an elastomer suitable for the service pressure, temperature and fluids in the
systems. Gaskets should be 3 mm thick with a shore A durometer hardness between 55 and 65.

Always use plain washers under both nuts and bolt heads to protect the back facing of the fiber glass

Use a torque wrench to tighten the nuts following the sequence and the torque increments and final
bolt torques as per manufacturer recommendation.

Caution: Excess torque can defeat sealing and, if carried high enough, can damage flanges.

Torque values for these flanges are available in Appendix 9 & Appendix 10

7.4.3 Vacuum Systems

Special attention and care need to be taken when handling vacuum fittings in U-5400. Unnecessary
leaks in the vacuum system can be avoided if quality of maintenance work is maintained. Leak rates
more than 10 mbar/sec are not acceptable.

Cleanliness is very important when working on a vacuum system. Sealing surfaces have to be free of
dirt, scratches, contaminant or anything that might create leak paths.

All vacuum O-rings materials used within SMDS must be Viton (FPM) except for the feed line and
distillate line on the WFE which use Kalrez (FFKM) or Chemraz (FFKM). Other than that no other type
of material for flange connections shall be used.

There are two types of trapped O-ring used. One is modified; the tongue on one side is machined.
This trapped O-ring has to be used for the butterfly valves, with its machined face facing the valves.
Another type of O-ring is for ordinary flanges.

When installing the O-ring, be careful not to damage the O-ring (cuts, scratch deformed etc.) and the
O-ring should also be lubricated lightly with silicone vacuum grease.

In the vacuum header special flanges of the ISO type are installed. Two type of sealing method are
here applied.

• ring placed inside a grove of the flange face.

• ring trapped between guide rings.

Check flange stopper ring and ensure it is sitting properly in the groove and all the bolts together
with the lock washers are installed and then hand tightened.

It must be ensured that, when handling these flanges, their sealing faces are not damaged, scratched
etc. and therefore a proper protection is required.

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When doing spading jobs, be sure to use spades with rubber cover on both sides. Prying may damage
the flange faces and therefore should be avoided.

Use the normal flange connection practice for closing the mild vacuum services like feed lines, top
covers, distillate system and concentrate system.

Always do a leak test of 0.5 barg after reinstatement. Check the expansion bellow during pressurizing
to prevent it from over stressing.

Torque values for ISO Flanges with trapped O-Ring can be found in Appendix 5

7.5 Torque Values

7.5.1 Standard Piping Flanges

For piping flanges in accordance to ASME/ANSI, the applicable torque values can be found in
Appendix 1 – Table 2. The torque values listed account for the application of lubricants specifically
Chesterton 785.

7.5.2 Oxygen & Oxygen Clean Service

Fasteners for oxygen and oxygen clean service are not allowed to be lubricated. Torque values for
these flanges are calculated in consideration of the absence of lubrication and are higher than
required for lubricated bolts. Torque values for standard ASME/ANSI flanges without lubrication can
be found in Appendix 1 – Table 1.

Lubrication are also not allowed oxygen & oxygen clean service non-piping flanges.

7.5.3 Shell Gasification Reactors (SGP)

Shell gasification reactors torque values and special requirements for flanged connections are listed
in the SGP Quality Manual.

7.5.4 Other Flanges

Specific flanges with that have pre-determined torque values are listed in Appendix 3 and Appendix

ME/23 shall be consulted for torque values for flanges that are not listed.

7.5 Training and Certification

7.5.1 Competency Requirement and Assessment

Competency requirements for Mechanical Technicians shall be as per the FLBM competency

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7.5.2 Authorization

Certified personnel shall be issue with authorization cards signed by the Mechanical Trainer. The
authorization card shall be kept available always whilst carrying out mechanical work involving flange
assurance. It is the responsibility of the Team Lead/Mechanical Supervisor to ensure that all work
crew carrying out jobs are trained and certified with regards wo flange assurance and are holders of
the authorization card.

7.5.3 Register
The list of certified SMDS Technicians, FA-Inspector and Contractors shall be maintained by the
Mechanical Train

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Appendix 1 – Table 1

Table 1 - Torque Value for Standard ASME B16.5 Flanges (Non-Lubricated)

Flange Size CL150 CL300 CL600 CL900 CL1500

NPS DN Torque (Nm)

1/2" 15 97 97 97 326 326

3/4" 20 97 189 189 326 326
1" 25 97 189 189 517 517
11/2" 40 97 326 326 772 772
2" 50 189 189 189 517 517
3" 80 189 326 326 517 1100
4" 100 189 326 517 1100 1508
6" 150 326 326 772 1100 2007
8" 200 326 517 1100 2007 3314
10" 250 517 772 1508 2007 5090
12" 300 517 1100 1508 2007
14" 350 772 1100 2007 2606
16" 400 772 1508 2606 3314
18" 450 1100 1508 3314 5090
20" 500 1100 1508 3314
24" 600 1508 2606 5090

Manual Torque Wrench (bolt size: <1-1/4")

Hydraulic Torque Wrench (bolt size: 2" > bolt > 1-1/4")
Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning

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Appendix 1 – Table 2

Table 2 - Torque Value for Standard ASME B16.5 Flanges (Lubricated)

Flange Size CL150 CL300 CL600 CL900 CL1500

NPS DN Torque (Nm)

1/2" 15 82 82 82 277 277

3/4" 20 82 160 160 277 277
1" 25 82 160 160 440 440
11/2" 40 82 277 277 656 656
2" 50 160 160 160 440 440
3" 80 160 277 277 440 935
4" 100 160 277 440 935 1282
6" 150 277 277 656 935 1707
8" 200 277 440 935 1707 2817
10" 250 440 656 1282 1707 4327
12" 300 440 935 1282 1707
14" 350 656 935 1707 2216
16" 400 656 1282 2216 2817
18" 450 935 1282 2817 4327
20" 500 935 1282 2817
24" 600 1282 2216 4327

Manual Torque Wrench (bolt size: <1-1/4")

Hydraulic Torque Wrench (bolt size: 2" > bolt > 1-1/4")
Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning

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Appendix 1 – Table 3

ASME/ANSI Flange Size and Rating with the corresponding bolt size

Flange Size in
mm/inches CL150 CL300 CL600 CL900 CL1500

DN15 ½“ ½“ ½“ ½“ ¾“ ¾“

DN20 ¾“ ½“ 5/8“ 5/8“ ¾“ ¾“

DN25 1“ ½“ 5/8“ 5/8“ 7/8“ 7/8“

DN40 11/2“ ½“ ¾“ ¾“ 1“ 1“

DN50 2“ 5/8“ 5/8“ 5/8“ 7/8“ 7/8“

DN80 3“ 5/8“ ¾“ ¾“ 7/8“ 7/8“

DN100 4“ 5/8“ ¾“ 7/8“ 11/8“

DN150 6“ ¾“ ¾“ 1“ 11/8“

DN200 8“ ¾“ 7/8“ 11/8“ 1 3/8“

DN250 10“ 7/8“ 1“ 1 ¼“ 1 3/8“

DN300 12“ 7/8“ 11/8“ 1 ¼“ 1 3/8“

DN350 14“ 1“ 11/8“ 1 3/8“ 1 ½“

DN400 16“ 1“ 1 ¼“ 1 ½“ 1 5/8“

DN450 18“ 11/8“ 1 ¼“ 1 5/8“ 1 7/8“

DN500 20“ 11/8“ 1 ¼“ 1 5/8“ 2“

DN600 24“ 1 ¼“ 1 ½“ 1 7/8“ 2 ½“

DN650 26“ 1 ¼“ 1 5/8“ 1 7/8“

DN700 28“ 1 ¼“ 1 5/8“ 2“

DN750 30“ 1 ¼“ 1 ¾“ 2“

DN850 34“ 1 ½“ 1 7/8“ 2 ¼“

DN900 36“ 1 ½“ 2“ 2 ½“

DN1000 40“ 1 5/8“

DN1050 42“ 1 5/8“

DN1100 48” 1 7/8”

Torquing for ALL; Flogging allowed for water, air and N2 ONLY
Hydraulic Torquing for All
Bolt tensioning for ALL, torquing allowed for water, air, steam and N2 ONLY.

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Appendix 2 – Bolt Tightening Sequence

No. of
Bolts Bolt Tightening Sequence in Clockwise Direction

4 13

5 1 20
9 16

8 17
8 8

9 1
13 9 8 12 16
5 8

12 3 3 3 3 3 Refer to diagram a
4 4 4 4 4

7 7 6 10
15 14 10

16 7
15 10

20 19 2 6


24 1→9→17→5→13→21→3→11→19→7→15→23→2→10→18→6→14→22→4→12→20→8→16→24

28 1→21→12→18→8→28→15→4→24→10→20→6→26→13→2→22→11→17→7→27→14→3→23→9→19→5→25→16

32 13216→24→8→28→12→20→4→30→14→22→6→26→10→18→2→31→15→23→7→27→11→19→3→29→13→21→5→25→9→17

36 1→18→32→11→36→8→27→20→23→4→16→33→10→29→6→25→14→22→2→17→31→12→35→7→28→19→24→3→15→34→9→30→5→26→13→21

40 1→17→33→9→25→5→21→12→28→35→4→20→14→30→37→8→24→39→16→32→2→18→34→10→26→6→22→13→29→36→3→19→11→27→38→7→23→40→15→31

44 1→17→33→9→25→5→21→41→12→28→35→4→20→43→14→30→37→8→24→39→16→32→2→18→34→10→26→42→6→22→13→29→36→3→19→44→11→27→38→7

48 1→32→38→15→45→28→8→42→19→36→12→24→4→30→40→16→48→26→6→44→20→34→10→22→2→31→37→14→46→27→7→43→18→33→11→23→3→29→39→1

52 1→32→38→15→45→28→8→42→19→36→12→51→24→4→30→40→16→48→26→6→44→20→34→10→52→22→2→31→37→14→46→27→7→43→18→33→11→50→23→

56 1→32→38→15→45→28→8→56→42→19→36→12→51→24→4→30→40→16→48→26→6→54→44→20→34→10→52→22→2→31→37→14→46→27→7→55→43→18→33→

60 1→32→38→60→15→45→28→8→56→42→19→36→12→51→24→4→30→40→58→16→48→26→6→54→44→20→34→10→52→22→2→31→37→59→14→46→27→7→55→

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Appendix 3 - Bolt Tensioning Value for Piping Flanges

Tensioning Values for Piping Flanges


Appendix 4 - Bolt Tensioning Value for Equipment Nozzles

Tensioning Values for Equipment Flanges


Appendix 5 – Torque Values for ISO Flanges in Vacuum Systems

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Appendix 6 – FA Tag (Non -Oxygen Service)

Fill in the SAP work order number

Mechanical Technician’s name

Fill in the Flange number as indicated in
the Spadelist and Flange Assurance

Tick the appropriate tightening method

used. Deviation shall be approved by
TA2 for uncontrolled tightening

Mechanical Technician’s name

Indicate the condition of the flange or
any repair or replacement to be

Check these action boxes after the have

been performed
Supervisor’s name

FA-Inspector/Supervisor to check this box

after verification

Mechanical Technician’s name Details of repair work done as indicated on

the front of the Flange Assurance Tag

Check this box after completion of the repair

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Appendix 6 – FA Tag (Oxygen Service)

Oxygen Inspector’s Name

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Appendix 7 – Color Coding for Flange Seal

Flange Seal Color Coding

2017 Yellow

2018 Brown

2019 Purple

2020 Orange

2021 Green

2022 Red

2023 Blue

2024 Yellow

2025 Brown

2026 Purple

2027 Orange

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Appendix 8 – Flange Tightening Report

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Appendix 9 – Torque Values for GRE/GRVE Pipes

Appendix 10 – Torque Values for Plasticon Pipes

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Appendix 11 – Hydraulic Tensioning Form

B.T No :


Reference Worksheet No

Date Tensioning

Check-Report on : Rejected Approved Remarks

Flange Alignment

Flange/Plate Facings Undamaged

New Gasket - Correct type

Tool No. Used

% tensioned

A - Pressure Applied (PSI)

B - Pressure Applied (PSI)

B - Pressure Checked

*If diverted from the standard procedure this should be reported on this protocol.

Authorized Technician/ Contractor :

Name/ signature

FA-Inspector :
Name & Indicator
Signed :…………………………...……………………..

Date : ….…………………………...…………………….

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