Ramayana Activity Book Introduction

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BIUeI uoi] OuruJnlar JoUe e{qpo{y }B o}ll s,eruBg
epuey eJeiln :epuey qrz
urq 6ur;1r1 pue eueneu qllm JeAA s,eueg
epuey eqppn^ rEpuE) ,
eluel o] lelrre pue {eutnof s,eueg
Epuey EJBpuns :epuex u,9
6ur1 [eluoul
eq1 - enu6ns lo 1e1rde3 oLl) 'epurlLlsly ul Aels s,euley
EpuEy Bpullqsry :epuell u,?
BUeAeU ,{q elts }o uor}cnpqe pue s}serol u! o}ll s,euBu
epuey efiue.rey :Epuey e,t
luotur.lsrueq slH pue e{qpo{y u1 egl s,eueu
epuey efqpofiy :epuBy e,z
e1r1 {pee pue qplq s,eueu
epuEy BlBg :Epuey lstr,
:sMoltor se orB
sBpuBy ua^os "r,
'eJpueqceueu pJo'I Io fJols oqt oulqucsop qseo 'sepuer;
Jo suollcos ua^os olu! pop!^lp s! euB^eurBu 'UEue^eueu
-Bquey se un ou{ Iluel u! BUB^eueu paJopuol JoABort^ E osle
sBrn oqrn lequey lood lluBl leor6 v'seueueqlueqcBuEu sB
urnoul Alrelndod tpult ut posodtuoc seg lsBlnl pallec e6es
Jor,{}ouv'lulsuBs u! Eue^Btueu lllrulB^ se urnoul slaldnoc
OOOVZ posodruoc lllrulen e6eg 'l[1;leuos.led 1ea.r6
e Io saullsed pue^lleu;6;.ro
sarnluo^pe oql 6u;q;.lcsop ruoodl I
6uo1 E s! clda uV'El,.llBJBqBqeUU s! euo Joq}o orll 'elpul }l
luolcue ;o scrde lsoleoJ6 o/n1 oql Io ouo s! eue^euer aJ
The important characters in Ramayana
Lord Ramachandra (Lord Rama): The
incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu- He was bom
as the son of King Dasaratha and Queen
Kausalya. His mission was to destroy the
demons and re-establish dharma.

Sita Devi: The incarnation of Sri Mahalakshmi'

She appeared as the daughter of King Janaka
of Mithilapuri. The king found Sita while
ploughing the ground.

Lakshmana: The incarnation of Anantasesha'

He appeared as the son of King Dasaratha and
Queen Sumithra, is the dear brother of Lord
Rama. He accompanied Lord Rama to the forest
€ and was part of all the adventures till Ravana
was killed bY Rama.

Bharatha: The son of King Dasaratha and

Queen Kaikeyi. He ruled the kingdom of
Ayodhya by keeping Lord Rama's sandals
(Pathukas) on the throne for fourteen years'

Shatrugana: The son of Dasaratha and

Queen Sumitra. He is twin brother of Lord
Lakshma na. He is known as stroyer of

S lBI ) erueu Aloq s,eueu
p.ro1 6u r.uotueJ pue OullueL{c s[ennle st
oH 'rolrrues lqOu e ro+ e;dutexe lsoq ol,ll sl oH
'(pog-pul1 ot{l) n{e1 Jo uos el{t :ueunueH
Jenu eLll ssoJc ol euBrutlslel puB ells 'eueg
Ourdleq .ro1 se6ern fiue o)el ol pesnJoJ pue
Br.uBU prol Jo puol4 lnlqllel e se^ oH 'sepBL{!N
;o 6uq oLll pue ueru leoq oL,[ :eqnLlC
'seueleqey\l otll Jo ouo
s! oH 'uosred pecunouoJ B osle pue (punoq i"J
-rtnp) r6o{etu.rey 1ee.r6 e se^ eH 'unde;tq1ly1
1o 6u;1 snoelq6p oqi :BIBuef 6ulY
(uns lo poC oql)
esue^efuns - I4seulp rulelnLls,rtl
lo luopuocsep se^ eH 'BtuBU pJol {;;enedse
'uoJplrr.lc s!t{ o} poL.lce}}B qcnu fuen sel oH
'e{qpo[y1o 6uq olqou oL{I :eqleresEq 6uly
'sesJnc 6ulnl6 pue le6ue slq JoJ
uA oul llo/\A s! aH 'ltlslu-eruqBJ8 B oruecoq oLl
uorlelrpotu pue ocueuod slq lo osnecog 't{U!q
[q (rourertn) efiu]eqsl V:Brt{lltue/nqsln e6eg
contln ueo...
Jatayu: An old pious giant bird. He tried to
prevent Ravana from kidnapping Sita to Lanka
\ He fought his might but could not succeed, he
lost his wings in the fight.

Vibishana: One of brothers of Ravana who
advised him to send back Sita to Lrd Rama.
He is an embodiment of good qualities though
born in a demonic family. He later surrendered
to Lord Rama, which is very well known as
Vi b i sh a n a- S a ra n aag ath i .

Surpanaka: Sister of Ravana, a powerful

raakshasi who got her nose cut by Lakshmana
in the forest. She induced Ravana to kidnap

Maricha: Son of demoness Tatakka. He was

an expert in changing his body and mimicking.
s He changed himself as a golden deer and

enchanted Sita Devi in the forest.
, )) a
a, a
t, *u

Ravana: A great raakshasa king with ten

heads who ruled Lanka. He was one of the
Jaya-Vijaya in his previous life. He was a great
devotee o f L o rd S V a a n d a g re a t o aI and

'lsrl} LUoq]
6u r1s olJ e pereJJo oLls llnJJ eq1 peldocce
Brueu pJol 'uollcoJJe puB o^ol Jo lno 'lsoJoJ
oLll u! eueu pJol looLu ol oLull 6uo1 e Jol
pollen otpv\ ueuon cllecse plo fuen V :Ueqes
'enu6ng spJen o] spoopslLu slq Jo osnecoq (\
oorl eql pulqeq 6ulp!tl ulLl polll) eruBU
prol 'sltl6!J eL,l tuotyv\ qllm lennod
^q otl] Jo luecled
Ayrl 1eO ll!/\A eq leql uooq oLl] peq oll/v\ {eluottt
;n;rennod e sen 'enuOng Jo JoL,lloJE :!len
'ueunue;1 q6nolql ells lno Pull
ol BIUBU pedleq Jolel pue euBU prol lo puelrJ
e osle pue sfeluotu 1o 6u;1 oql :enp6ng
'uorleuoJoc s,e[uBU
dols ol puttu s,t{e1le) ueong peuoslod
eqs e6uonoJ olet of 'Jot{ uo s)ueld pe[e;d
poor.lpllL,lc sltl ut 'BLueU '!^olle) uoong Jo pleu
lueruos B se^ 'uBLuo^ )ceq Llcunq v :eJeluehl
'loeJ snlol s,eueu pJol Jo L{cnol
oql LUJoI ;eul6uo JoL.l poule6el oL,lS 'ouols
ouocoq ol Jaq posJnc pue fisepou leq
pelcedsns erueqlneC pueqsnr.,l JoH 'JoL,l pednp
spoO-ruop Jo 6ut>t eLll 'elpul ecuo 'tL,lsueLley\l
eueqlneC Jo eJ!/v\ lnJq]lel oLlI :e{eqy

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