Bamboo: Class: Class 7 - Section A Subject: Science Chapter: Nutrition in Plants Title

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Class: Class 7 - Section A Subject: Science Chapter: Nutrition in Plants

Photosynthesis Lesson Plan

Start date – End date

Overall Goals
1. Identify the raw materials and end products in the process of photosynthesis.
2. Write the word equation for the process of photosynthesis.
3. Understand the role of chlorophyll and stomata in the process.
4. Identify plants as transducers.

Students are familiar with the term photosynthesis and food cycle.

Teacher shows charts of various food chains and asks students about the common feature seen in all.

Students: Plants are the first organism in every food chain.

Teacher: What might be the possible reasons for this?
Students identify plants as main level in food chain as they prepare their own food by photosynthesis and all other organisms depend
on them directly or indirectly for food. Concept: Plants are autotrophs

Teacher: Which part of the plant maybe involved in the process?

Student: All the Green parts with chlorophyll.
Teacher: Why is chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis?
Teacher conducts a discussion session for getting answer of the above question, wherein students come up with conclusion that
chlorophyll traps sunlight for producing food. It converts solar energy into chemical energy of food.

Teacher then shows Interactive Videos to explain the process of photosynthesis. Students observe the video inquisitively and answer
questions as a group.

Teacher divides the class into four groups and asks students to brainstorm the word equation involved in the photosynthesis process.

Students come up with the following word equation:

Teacher discusses the importance of raw materials like carbon dioxide and water and how they enter the plant body. Teacher shows a
picture of stomata and explains the structure of plant leaf and stomata and explains how their role in photosynthesis.

• Where does the synthesis of food in a plant usually take place? • What is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?
• Why photosynthesis is named so?
• What are stomata?
• Why plants are called autotrophs?
• What is chlorophyll? 

40 mins / 1 period

Content in Bamboo
Photosynthesis Poster Introduction to Photosynthesis Simple Photosynthesis Chart

Photosynthesis - Quiz Photosynthesis Game Photosynthesis Flashcard Set

Greenhouse Assignment

Observation skills, thinking skills, interpretation skills.

• Conduct attached quizzes.
• Attached Assignment: Find information about greenhouse, how they raise plants. Find out how they regulate the light, water
and carbon dioxide. Add diagrams to your report.

Discuss food chain and role of plants in the food chain.

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